Expelled High School Duck
Hunter Reinstated the ClennCountyBoardof Education I n California, has overturned the decisionto expelCary Tudesko I from Willows High School.The 17-year-oldTudesko I I arrivedat the publichigh schoolfollowinga morningduck hunt with friends.Theyoung hunterwas runninglatefor schooland wasn'tableto returnhistwo shotgunsand ammunitionto his home beforeschool began.ln observationof the school'sno weaponspolicy, Tudeskoparkedin a publicareaoutsideof the school groundsbut wasexpelled. Accordingto DavidBegnaudof CW 31 News in WestSacramento, Matt Darlington,the attorneyfor the ClennCountySchoolBoard,arguedthat Tudeskohad repeatedlyviolatedthe studentcode of conductwhile Tudesko's NRA-appointed attorneymaintainedthat the vehiclewas off schoolpropertyand that Tudeskodid not possess firearmswhileon schoolgroundsor in class.
Chukur purtridge,like this one spotte(l ut the High LortesotrteRanc'lt, ure widelt' cortsicleretl to be the mountuirt gout.\ oJ birds. ( P hoto : Nurtt't' Ani sheld )
There are8,600species of birds intheworld todag ... ... and when we look dor,vna shotgunrib at a gamebird in flight,we can tell that someare largerthanothers.On closerexamination.the rveightdiff'erences are staggering. There is a reason,too. rvhy r,vervrestler,viththe thoughtof what makesfor a good numberof birds in an outing,and that hasto do with egg production.A 20-flushday on ruffed grouseis the benchmarkconsideredepic.while we may see that samenumberin one flush r,vhena covey of bobrvhite quail takesflight.Checkout the diffbrencesin average weightsand egg productionin thesecommonuplandgame bird species: Species
Ptarmigan Sagegrouse Pheasant Blue grouse grouse Sharp-tailed Ruffed grouse Chukarpartridge Hungarianpartridge Bobwhitequail Americanwoodcock
4-5 pounds 4-5 pounds 3ll2-4 l/2 pounds 2-2 | 12pounds | 314-2l/2 pounds | -l I 1 2p o u n d s I -l I 1 2p o u n d s I 2 ounces 8 ounces 4-7 ounces
Eggs per Year 5 -l 5
6 -r 0 55-60
1 -10 7- 1 2 7-t2 l0-20 40-50 150-210 4
The chukar ytarvtdgeis one interestingbird indeed. In its homeland,Pakistan,the chukaris consideredthe nattonalbvd, andmanyfamilies keep one asa pet.This transytlantlivesin the ruggedbackcountriesfrom tndia to southernEurope.The chukarhas founda sinrilarhome, parttcularlyin the American West. It ruasintroducedto the United Statesrnr.893. Betrueen r93:-and7g7o,79j,ooochukarsluerereleased throughout+1,Americanstates.Theseelusivebirdsare challengingto hunt, not only becauseof the toughcountry they inhabit but alsobecausethey flush high and then sail dortrnhill. The ke1,to finding chukarpartridgein the vastand ruggedterrain is locatingits food source.Chukarsfeedon a variety of grasses, frorn pinyon pine to tndian ricegrass. Their favorite is dorunybrome,and like man\/)/oung birds,chicksfeed on insectsto increasetheir protein levefs. Durirrgahot huntingseason,),ou'llfind chukars nearwater. Hear1,strolusruill force the birds into loruer elevations.Chukarspreferj unipers,sagebrush and rock1, pr omontoriesfor cover. The technicalnamefor the chuckar'smaskis a "gorget." THE UPLAND ALMANAC
Reproof GORE-TEX'.'? When rvatersoaksthroughboots.jacketsand chaps.bird huntersknor.vit's time to reprooftheir gear.And rvhenyour hi-eh-tech GORE-TEX" and breathable -qearact like sponges. you'll needto reproofthem.too. But horv'l Liquid and po'uvder detergents can clo-9a _qarment's high-techfibersthat keepheatfrom dissipating. To keep high-perfbrmance gear rvaterproofand breathable,try Nikrvax.Nikrvaxis a rvaterproofing productthat is part of a 'r cleaningand restoringsystem.Using it is a lot sirnplerthan waterproofing a pair of boots.Here'shorv: First.rvashyour GORE-TEX" in NikrvaxTechWash. PourNikr,vaxTechWashinto the rvashingmachine's dispenser and choosethe "normal" rvashcycle.The TechWash is a substitutefor detergent. UseTX. Directto add 'waterrepellencyto the clean garment.Therearetwo ways to applyTX. Direct.One option is to spraythe clean,wet garmentrvithTX. Direct SprayOn and allorvto dry. The secondoption is to useTX. Direct Wash-ln.Rewashthe garmentrvith a fer,vcapfulsof the TX. DirectWash-lnand eitherhangdry or machinedry. Nick Brown launchedhis companyin 1911in a North Londonflat. He's expandedit to includea lvide varietyof products,all designedto restoreyour _9ear. For more infb: rvrvrv.n
HuntingLicense 1ales ontheKise
2OOg sawdeclineein most every?afr of Americanlife.Hunting licensesalesbroket hat t rendby increasingby 3,5 ?ercentina selecl numberof st at es that the Nat ional 1hooting1port s Foundationpollet o det ermineits HuntingLicenseSales lndex. T h e i n d e x i su s e da s a b a r o m e t e r for a nationaltrendanalyeieand consistsof licensesalesfrom 12 statee acroesfourregione. Northeasternstates are NewYork and NewJ ereey; sout heastern states are Florida,North Carolina, Louisiana and Tennessee; midwestern states are Minnesola,lndianaand Texas;andwesternstateg are Oregonand Utah. Thenewsinepireeoptimlem:A 3.5 percentnationallicense sale increasecouldrevereea ZO-year salesdecline.
Get the Smell Out
Sometimein yourhuntingcareer,Fidowillgo on pointbut noton a bird.Whatwillbe underhis noseis Mephitis meph,lrb or the stripedskunk.Theoddsof yourpoochgettingsprayedareprettydarngoodil you hunta lot,sincethe skunkhasa rangethatextendsfromCanadato Mexico,fromtheAtlanticto the Pacificoceans,andfromsealevelto 13,000feet.And sharinga ridewith a sprayedhoundisn'tfun. BobSt. Pierre,the Directorof Marketingand PublicRelationsfor PheasantsForever, ranintothat problem.His favoriteconcoctionis an elixiris mixedwith ingredients easily foundin just aboutany kindof store.St. Pierre'srecipewill get you back in the fieldwithout a clothespinattachedto your nose.
Gaptain Billy Hildebrand's Dog De.Skunking Kit 1 quarthydrogenperoxide 1/4cup bakingsoda Sponge 1 teaspoonof dishwashingsoap Rubbergloves withgreasecutteradditive Smallbucket Directions: Puton rubbergloves.Mix ingredientstogetherin bucket.Wet dog with water.Work the solutionintothe dog's hair.Let stand for 3-4 minutes.Rinseand repeatif necessary.