TIBOR Spey Reel As Speyandswitchrodsgainmomentum amongfly-fishers, we'll needto addreels for two-handed casting. Tibor designed hasanswered the call,with the Speyreel, for heavier whichisweightedand balanced linesand rodsusedin thisclassic-yet-newto-someform of fishing.A deeperspool provides extracapacity and itsQuickChange "Witspoolchanges. designallowspainless nessmarks"on the frameletyou keeptrack Thereelisalso of favoreddragsettings. with Celticdesigns exceedingly handsome, givinga nodto the Britishlsletraditions of Speycasting;$860for the TiborSpeyReel, $430for an extraSpeyspool,$49.95for the TiborSpeedHandle.www.tiborreel.com
WINSTON Boron Rods ORVIS Pack & Travel Sonic Seam Waders to breathable Orvisbringsa new construction technology Thelightwadersin the Pack& Travel SonicSeamWaders. entirelywith a weight,3-layernylonfabricis assemb8led sonicweldingtechnique that doesawaywith sewnseams andstitchholesthat produce that add bulkandstiffness potential suspenders that leakpoints.Add minimalist detachfor waist-high useand3mm bootieswith integral gravelguards, andyou havea waderthat comesin at 1 pound11 ouncesand packsinto itsown compression sack bundle.Lowin bulk to form a tidy 11-by-6-by-4.5-inch the needsof the travelandweight,thesewadersaddress inganglerwheneveryounceandsquareinchcounts-in raftsand hike-infishing.Availairlineluggage, floatplanes, ablein 12 sizes,$229.www.orvis.com-Ted leeson
TheR.L.WinstonCompanyhasnewmodels in the Boronll-MXand Boronllx rodseries, rods;Boron including several two-handed provides ll technology a combination of acpowerand lightweight.All of the curacy, Boronll-MXand Boronllx rodswerecreated with the assistance of advisors suchasFR&R EditorJoanWulffandAndre Contributing in oneof the leadingSpeycasters Scholz, the world. I testedthe 9Tz-foot,5-weight Boronll-MXboth in freshandsaltwater;the rodhasa fightingbuttandaluminum reel stick.Evenat a seat,so it'sa goodcrossover 5-weight,it hadenoughoomphto handle striped-bass streamers in saltand big bugs on a trout pond,yetstayedlightin the hand www.winstonthroughall-daycasting. rods.com-/oe Healy
GigBob Pontoon Boat Thisis the first truly practicalframelesspontoon boat l've seen.A drop-stitch constructionon the inflatable8-foot tubesand the overlaiddeck allow for over6 poundsof air pressure, which in turn givesremarkable rigidityto this boat.The reardeck provides15 squarefeet of storageareaand is so firm that you can standon it. The pontoonsare wide and flat for a big, stablefootprint on aluminumplatesfor a non-flexingrowingplatform.The whole boat feels
SIfuIMS Streamtread Wading Soles
as stiff and solidas a framed pontoon boat, but weighs20 to 25 percentless. The boat, oars,seatwith storagepocket,two side-mountedtacklebagsand
Simmshasa pileof new productsfor 2009, but one truly leadsthe way. Simmsand Vibramhavedevelopeda new,
strippingapronpackdown into a carrybag (included)thatmeasures only
sticky-rubber solecompoundthat offerssuperiortractionano toughnesson wet rocks,gooey grassand slickstreambanks. ChrisFavreau-vicepresidentof technicaldeveloomentfor
that draws lesswater than conventionalround tubes.Oar locksare mounted
25-by-21-by10 inches.Thewhole showweighs48 poundsand runs$1,595. An anchorsystemand other optionsare alsoavailable.www.nrs.com -2.
SALMO SAXATILIS Rods Thereis no shortageof good fly-fishinggearon the market,but the signature productis the rod. Many modernmanufacturers coverthe off-the-rack
the QuabaugCorporation, the NorthAmericanmanufacturers of Vibram-says, "The new Vibramldrogripcompoundsticks to wet, algae-covered rocksto keepyour feet gluedto every rock they touch." Moreoveqthe self-cleaning solehas less
bases,so why do we needanotherrod manufacturer? Becausespecialty rodsare best handledby specialists. R&Dcombinedwith salesreporting
stitchingand fewer pocketsor ridgeswhere aquaticnuisance
and profit-and-loss statementstypicallydeterminewhich rodshit the mar-
hide.Traditionalfelt boots are on the way out. Feltis a major carrierof didymo,so-called"rock snot," and whirlingdisease,
ket. So when Ken Abrames,artistand author of StriperMoon, A perfect Frshand stripermoon.com choseto enterthe rod market,he must basehis approachon form followingfunction.Hisnew salmo saxatilisseriesare 10-foot,6-inchsaltwaterisalmonand steelheadrods.Abramesoffersthree models:the #1, which castsbetween200 to 400 grain lines;the #2, which castsfrom 180 to 360 grain lines;and the #3, which castsbetween160 to 320 grainlines.All threeare designedwith their own uniquetraditional tapersand lM6X carbon-fibergraphite.Blanksare a rich Cherrychestnut color.Thereare four oversized strippingguidesand #6 and #5 snakeguides. The tip top, too, is oversized for easeof casting.The Floragradecork hasa heavy-duty customdesignedreelseatand-getthis-a screw-ininterchangeable butt for switch or Speycasting.The heavy-fabric covered,clear creek rod tubeshavedividersand paddingto keepthe rodssafewhile traveling. $350, www.stripermoon.co m-Tom Keer
species, suchas New Zealandmud snails,and diseases can
a microscopic parasitethat multipliesin the headand spine juvenile of trout and salmon.Whirlingdiseasenow existsin 22 statesand severalcountries.The developmentof a clinging, cleansoleis a boon to cleanwater.For2009,Simms,as part of their "Cleanstream technology,"will offersixboot models,a wadingsandaland a wadingshoefeaturingVibram Streamtread ldrogripsoles.The Simmsand Vibramteam claim that this "ultra-grippy,super-sticky"rubbersoleworks as well as felt in all wet conditions. TroutUnlimitedhasaskedah wading-bootmanufacturers to phaseout felt by 2011. New Zealandhasa 2008 ban on felt boots,and severalstateshere are discussing sucha ban. Simmswill be felt-freeby 2010. www.simmsf ishin g.co m-Da rrel Martin