Harbor Hopping by Tom Keer originaly printed in Cape Cod Life

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colrrts,a volleyball court, and a ball field where pick-r-rpbaseballheats up off Bell

Clcar water, virtually frcc of sediment, Tower Lane. Also here, is a big play-

The strong clrrrentscan reach 6 knots, and

grolrnd. There is no shortage of rcstar:rants on \Water Street. Phusion Crille,

thc S-shapedapproach to the Hole is rid-

Leeside Bar and Grill, and the Captain

dled with rocks, shoals, ledges, and

Kidd Tavern specialize in local seafood.

islands.Boatersbeware,you might want to

Arriving in the morning or after dinner,

enter and cxit at slack tide.

check out Pie in the Sky Dessert Caf6 t

cranks past thc harbor at Woods Hole.

Voods Hole came by its name honestly

Bakery for coffee and a muffin. The

the water passage, or "hole," Fishmonger's Caf6 on Vater Street is a

between PenzancePoint and Nonamesset longtime local favorite-new

owners have

Island gave the town its name. Voods

added several unique offerings to the

Hole is Science Mecca USA, with five

menu of natural foods and homemade

marine researchand cducational institu- goods. For laundry serwices,hardware or tions nearby. Tor-rrguides offer eco-tours general shopping, grab a cab or take the around Eel Pond inJuly and August.Ifyou prefer a little activity, there are tennis BOATINC




trolley into Falmor-rth.

There are a variety of shops and gal-


leries are within walking distance to the harbor. Voods Hole Handworks on \Water Street features paintings, pottery, stained glass,ceramics,and other handmade works by local artisans.You can find groceries, organic food, and prepared meals at Voods

Hole Market-or


their delivery serviceto have a meal delivered to your boat.

f {\'1\h-h-lL; i l,\lut()it, ll,,\ltNS'1 ,'\lil.f1 After sailing Vineyard Sound's open ocean, Hyannis Harbor is a welcome sight.Just beyond the half-mile long rock jetty, you'll find Hyannis Harbor to your west, and Lewis Bay and Point Cammon Light to your east. A weary sailor friend once aptly described the jetry and Point Cammon as "two giant arms welcoming

Bay in 1602.\i/hile Hyannis is considered

Arts seriesat BismoreParkis a row of sea

you home." The bustling inner harbor is

"Kennedytown," former presidents Crant

shantiesthat form an outdoor galleryof

due north, and all kinds of boats trade in

and Cleveland also summered here.

all kinds of fine arts, from pottery to

For such a busy port, the downtown

If you watercolorsto oils and sculptures.

and harbor area is pedestrian-friendly and

go in mid-June,check out the Hyannis

Known as "the home port of Cape

conducive to a jaunt along the harbor and

Harbor Festival and Blessing of the Fleet.

and out, from daysailersand luxury motor yachts, to draggersand ferries.

Cod," Hyannis got its name from the

to the shops and boutiques of Main

Algonquin Indian sachem, Iyannos, who

Street. Hyannis recently completed a

From the harbor,follow the Valkway

helped the Pilgrims survive their early

multi-million dollar Valkway to the Sea,

right to Main Street, brimming with

years. Hyannis has attracted its share of

where the Michael K. Aselton Memorial

shops,galleries,and eateries.Plana late-



Park is a picturesque spot for picnicking

afternoon arrival in port to hit Artscape

Bartholomew Cosnold landed in Lewis

or taking a stroll. The fun Harbor Your

Thursdays, where the galleriesremain



2 O O 7B O A T I N C e C A P E C O D L I F E P U B L I C A T I O N S 1 5

open until 8,00 p.m. Also on Thursday es, bogs, and dunesand offersmealson a n d 1 1 , a n d e i g h t b e l l sa t 4 , 8 , a n d 1 2 . evenings, roamingmusicians serenade din- board, including an elegant five-course For a quick meal, try Mac's Seafood ers,lovebirds,and pedestrians during the dinner tour. TD BanknorthMusic Stroll along Main

Crill or the waterfront Bookstore t Restaurant,just minutesfrom the dock.

\trELLFLEET HARBOR If you're looking to stretch your legs, you'll Creen, find Tiresdaynights' Movies There is a long, winding channelthat four public tennis courts and a basketStreet.Outdoors on Main Street'sVllage

on the Green, free Vednesday-evening leads to Vellfleet. First you'll pass ball court are sandwichedin between concertswith the BarnstableTown Band, Billingsgate,now a shoal, but at one the two restaurants.A round of golf at and the popularannualBoston Pops-by- time a thriving small town. The sea the Chequessett Yacht and Country the-Seain August. reclaimedit all-the lighthouse,several Club, which is open to the public, can The Hyannis Area Tiolley, or HAII buildings,homes,and a school. Creat be mixed with a theatricalperformance transportsfolks aroundtown. \il/ith a vari- Island is to your port side, where the at the Vellfleet Harbor Actors Theater ety of wateringholesto choosefrom, area famouspirateCap'nSamBellamyis said Harbor Stage,overlookingthe harbor. favoritesare Ti'ader Ed's, Spanky'sClam to have spentmany a night drinking at Vellfleet is a gallery town, and Shack and Saloon, Tirgboats (all over- the long-gone Higgins' Thvern in the CommercialStreetand Main Streetare looking the harbor), Alberto's Ristorante early 1700s. Pass the oyster grants, where you can find more than 20 estab(ltalian),the Naked Oyster Bistro and round the breakwall,and head for your lished galleries. Saturday is Gallery Raw Bar (upscale bistro), and the moonng. Roadhouse Caf6 (American), which is known for its greatlive music.

Night, with wine and cheese"meet the you're You know in Vellfleet Harbor artist"receptionsand late eveninghours.

by the chime of the bell on top of the There are several great restaurantsin

Music loverscan also catch a meal at First CongregationalChurch, the only town, namely, Vinslow's Tavern, The the Paddockand take in a show next door clock in the United States that still Vicked Oyster, and The Lighthouse. at the Cape Cod Melody Tent. The 55 chimes on ship'stime. Telling time is You can swing your partner at year-oldwest side landmarkis famousfor confusing to visitors, but to "'Fleetians" Vednesday nights' outdoor Square its shows. The Cape Cod Central it'ssimple:two bellsat 1, 5, and 9; four Dancing at the east end of the harbor Railroad,featuresdaily tours of the marsh- bells at 2, 6, and 10, three bellsat 3, 7, parkinglot. 1 6 2 O O 7B O A T I N G â‚Ź C A P E C O D L I F E P U B L I C A T I O N S

MostCape & lslands harbors have marinas thatoffertransient moorings Hereisa listo{somelocalmarinas several andservices. thatoffer a variety o{serviees to boaters. $ome aliowforadvanced reservations. WOODS HOLE Company Name: Woods HoleMarrne Monitors Channel: 9;Phone: 508-540-2402 Number Berths/Mornings. ofTransient 28137 DepthApproach/Dockside at MeanLowWater:7128teet Hookuos: Fresh Water/Wireless/Cable TV 0n-call mechanic Launch Yes Services:

WELLFLEET Company Name:Town ofWellfleet Marina Monitors Channels: 16/9 Phone: 508-349-0320 Number Befths/Mornings: 12l15 ofTransient Depth Approach/Dockside 4/2feet(TidalHarbor) at MeanLowWater: Hookuos: Fresh Water/Phone Launch Services: Yes

HYANNIS Company Name: Hyannis Marina Monitors Channels: 9/72 Phone: 508-790-4000 Accommodates vessels upto200feet DepthApproach/Dockside at MeanLowWater:13 feet+ Hookups: Fresh WaterAffireless/Cable W parts Pool, Couftesy Cars, Full-service dept. Launch Services: No

NANTUCKET Company Name: Nantucket BoatBasin Monitors Channels: 9/11 Phone: 508-325-1 350 Number Transient Befihs/Mornings: 240 of Depth Approach/Dockside atMean LowWater:13/14 feet; Hookups: Fresh Water/Cable TV Launch Yes Services:

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Roston Yacht Salcs Waltcr lirlcon, Ilrokcr Ncwport. Ill (401) 3q7 5565

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C A P E ( - O I ) I - I I . EP U B L I ( - A T I O N S 1 7



deringplant for refiningwhaleoil. If you

The passage,with strong currentscan be don't get enough history there, try the eventful,but the entranceto the island is Nantucket Historical Society-get too not. You'd be hard-pressedto find a har- rowdy, and you may wind up in one of the bor more perfect than Nantucket. The

two woodencellsof the 1700sOld Caol.

long jetty on the west side breaksup the For nature-lovers,the Maria Mitchell currents,and naturalCoatuePoint sweeps ScienceCenter featuresislandplants,ani-

|ltscovmrrc Nn

down from the east. Once you passthe mals,andan aquarium.Eco-walksareconclassiclighthouse at Brant Point, you've ducted throughout the summer.

Arunns Wmrnmfimn arrived.

The islandhasshoppingto suitevery-

Nantucket, the Crey Lady, gets her one's fancy, from souvenirsto a pair of

nickname from her dense fog and the famous Nantucket Reds from Murray's weatheredshinglesof her houses.\X/hile Togg.ry. Catch dinner on Straight\ifharf the islandhas changeddramaticallysince at Cap'n Tobey's Chowder House.

TRy n oltAT AsTont Bnotll, oRtltstT

the Vampanoags hunted whales from Afterward, take a stroll and indulge your

vrww. ArunnsW arrcnfi unn a

dugout canoes, there are timeless sweet tooth with a box of Aunt Leah's


reminders of Nantucket's whaling ship Fudge in the nearby Courtyard. Other heyday-widow's walks atop ship cap- favoritelocal dining spotsincludethe histains' homes; cobblestone streetsi toric Jared Coffin House on BroadStreet wrought-iron boot scrapes;and pineap- and the

Brotherhood of Thieves, an

ples, the symbol of hospitaliry adorning I 84Os-style whalingbar. iron archways.A stroll through town is enough,but there is more in store.

This summer, make it a point to bounce from harbor to harbor.And when

Rent a bike from either Cook's or you arrive, be sureto whoop it up like a Holiday Cycle and explorethe l5-mile sailoron shoreleave.t long island. The Vhaling Museum on writerwbolioesin Welfleet. BroadStreetis in an old "trvworks," a ren- TomKeerisaJreelance 1 8 2 O O 7B O A T I N G I


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