Coldwell Banker Tomlinson Recruiting Booklet

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NO RT H Nothing beats an iconic brand.



T H E S TA R T H AT G U I D E S T H E W AY For thousands of years, the North Star has been a beacon of light, helping millions find their way. It has been a symbol of hope, and a pathway home. At Coldwell Banker Tomlinson, we are your North Star. Your friend, helping show you the way. Guiding you home.

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Your partner in navigating the journey.

OUR Coldwell Banker Tomlinson mission

To serve our community with the highest degree of excellence. We believe that a brand is more than a recognizable logo. A company’s brand represents its truth, its credibility, and that which its associates and customers come to expect from doing business there.


To enrich the lives of all the people we touch.


Integrity, Professionalism, Service, Leadership, Compassion

It is an acknowledgment of what’s important, a collective identity that naturally attracts others to do business together.




It’s the most important thing in our lives. It’s the place we long for at the end of the day, and the place that holds all we love and everything we cherish. And it’s our agents’ mission to bring the joy of home to every one of our clients with unrivaled expertise, passion and energy.


This is the spirit in every Coldwell Banker agent and office. It’s fun, it’s happy, it’s energetic and full of life. It’s optimistic and always sees opportunity ahead. It’s Gen Blue ©, the Homes for Dogs Project, and a worldwide network of affiliated agents joining forces to share insight and knowledge, so we can all succeed together.



We believe that if you’re going to do something, you should be the best at it. Never settle for average. Always be exceptional. Whether it’s a listing presentation for a potential client, a home staging for an open house, or running an entire office—go beyond what’s merely expected and deliver something amazing.

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From our national and local beginnings, we saw things differently. We found new ways to help our clients, and pioneered many industry firsts. From the first real estate code of ethics to the first real estate mobile app, we’ve always been happiest when we’re leading the way to where the industry is going.





O U R With a foundation that includes over 114 years of Coldwell Banker history and over 80 years of Tomlinson tradition, we are the brokerage of today – and tomorrow. We are fueled by fresh ideas and a burning desire to achieve. Through the terrific markets and the turbulent ones, the Tomlinson brand has endured and grown because we are passionate about what we do, ever seeking better ways to serve our clients. Everyone associated with us, from our agents to our managers and staff, strive daily to “up our game.” This commitment to a higher standard is

S T O R Y But who are we? Quite simply, we are your neighbors. And your friends. We’re the team that rallies our community to help keep our local children warm in the winter, setting records with more donations raised every year for Coats 4 Kids. We are proud to serve lunch to those less fortunate at the Union Gospel Mission. We deliver Meals on Wheels, and serenade our beloved senior communities with holiday carols from the Voices Of Tomlinson.

a defining part of our collective personality, and

We are full-time professionals who choose

we are tireless in our efforts.

the Tomlinson brand because training and

Our agents embrace our values and demonstrate a willingness to go above and beyond, whether they are listing and selling real estate, or coming together to help a someone in need. With the support of our entire company, our agents represent the best of

We’re REALTORS ® and support staff dedicated to assisting our clients with their real estate goals and making our communities better in the process. We are proud of our heritage and secure in our future. Come join us!

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what this industry has to offer.

education matter, and nobody does it better.

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AW E SOME NESS B Y T H E N U M B E R S Coldwell banker Tomlinson is committed to serving the Real Estate needs locally and of an expanding geographical territory.


offices in Washington & Idaho

1.89 BILLION i n

r e s i d e n t i a l

s a l e s

v o l u m e

i n

2 0 1 9




transaction sides

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Because we believe the relationship our agents have with their clients is the highest priority, we take care of the details so our agents can focus their attention where it needs to be.





Weekly Sales Meetings

Designated Broker

CBx Seller Leads

Discount for PreLicensing Education with Rockwell Institute

Weekly Roundtable Meetings with Manager

Full-time Sales & Listing Coordinators

Relocation Department

Weekly Property Tours

Notary At All Offices

Agent Website with Online Lead Capture

Company Sponsored Lunch & Learns

Company Trust Account


Optional Transaction Coordinator

Errors & Omissions $3,000,000 Coverage, $2,500 Deductible

Step-By-Step New Agent Onboarding

SmartHome Course

Business Planning Guidance & Templates

Company Sponsored On-Site Credit Classes Ninja Installations & Webinars

Weekly Ninja Meeting Mentorship Program

CBU Online Education Dedicated Director of Training


4 Offices each with Work Spaces, Conference Rooms and Admin Support Team Non-Competing Branch Managers

Marketing Department IT Support Department

LEADS Company-Provided Internet Leads On-Call Office Shifts Social Ad Engine Facebook Advertising

Company-Retained Real Estate Attorney Cyber Insurance Optional SPARK Health Insurance L&I Coverage (Company & Associate)

Strategically-located offices Talented, full-time support staff and managers Coaching and mentoring National branding Leading edge tools Innovative technology


Relocation Materials

Marketing Department with Graphic Designer

Exclusive Global Luxury Marketing Program

Customizable, Printed, & Hard-Bound Listing Presentations

Letterhead, Notecards, Doorhangers, & Stationery

For Sale, Sold, Open House, and Directional Listing Signage

@Home Newsletter with Curated Content Developed In-House

Open House Newspaper Advertising & Supporting Materials

Quarterly Postcard Campaigns

Monthly Spokane Market Reports Just Listed Postcards & E-mail Blasts to the MLS Membership

Television, Billboard, & Digital Advertising From Your Friends Postcards Company-Sponsored Social Media Posts

TourFactory Account with Unlimited Virtual Tours & Flyer Templates

Personal Blog with Company-Provided Content

Professional Photography Debited at Closing

CBExchange Digital Database for Tools

Company Apparel & Supply Store Dedicated Director of Marketing

TOOLS & COMMUNICATION Fully-Customizable Personal Website with Fully-Integrated CRM E-mail Marketing with Drip Campaigns

Coldwell Banker Gen Blue Facebook Group Closed CBT Agent Facebook Group CBx Technology Suite including Seller Leads, Buyer Locator, Listing Experience Cloud CMA SkySlope Transaction Management Software








Coldwell Banker is a big

I’ve heard that Coldwell Banker

Once I get my license, can’t I

company. Won’t I just get lost in

is “corporate” and not locally-

just go out and get started?

the crowd?

owned? Is this true?

While we are one of the largest

Coldwell Banker Tomlinson

classes is enough to get you

real estate companies in

has been a locally-owned

licensed in order to conduct real

Spokane, you’ll never feel that

business since being founded

estate activities, but we believe

way at Coldwell Banker Tomlinson

by C. Verne Tomlinson in 1938.

there’s much more to running a

because of our close network of

Tomlinson family ownership

successful real estate business.

staff and agents. We offer the

and management spans several

Our structured training program

feel of a much smaller “boutique”

generations, continuing today

picks up where your pre-licensing

company with all of the support

with Bob Tomlinson and his

classes leave off and gives you

and legendary brand identity of

daughter, Shelley Johnson leading

“real-world” experience in real

an international powerhouse.

the company.


What you’ve learned in real estate






In addition, we have an accountability program unique to our company in which you’ll work with your managing broker on a weekly basis toward getting your business productive and profitable. By the way, we don’t believe that you should starve for your first 6-12 months. Our goal is to get you listings and sales in your first 90 days with us. Some companies tell me that the brand of the brokerage company doesn’t matter, and that it’s all about the individual agent’s brand. Is this true?






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While it’s true that your “personal

However, fundamentally we

support, coach and mentor you

brand” matters greatly and is the

believe that the best and longest-

in your business & success. We

fundamental reason that a client

lasting real estate practices

also provide leads, tools, and

will do business with you, only a

are built on relationships, not

technology for which other full-

company whose brand has little

transactions. With that in mind,

service firms charge extra.

to no value would tell you that the

our training and our marketing is

brokerage’s brand name doesn’t

heavily focused on helping you

matter. A strong company identity

leverage your existing personal

brings you more opportunities

and business relationships,

to win business and allows you

ultimately allowing you to realize

to build trust and rapport more

the freedom and satisfaction of a

quickly with prospects and

referral-based business.

referrals—giving you more income with less effort. What about leads? Am I on my own to generate business or do you have any business opportunities available?

Alternative brokerage models include a discount or flat-fee structure. These firms, known as “self-service” brokerages provide limited service, support, tools, and technology in exchange for lower costs. Many of these discount

I hear Coldwell Banker Tomlinson

brokerages lack mentorship, and

is a full-service brokerage. What

some have managers who are

does that mean?

more focused on selling their own

A full-service brokerage handles every technical aspect of a transaction for an agent, from

listings or growing their agent roster in order to grow the size of their pie.

We have multiple business

uploading and marketing listings

We prefer to invest in you and the

opportunities available to you

to coordinating closings. Our

success of your business. We

from our national brand as well as

philosophy takes full-service

think of you as a partner - when

our local company. We offer lead

to the next level, supporting

you win, we win. We support and

generation, floor time, call-capture

you with “white glove” service

empower you to develop and grow

systems, a relocation department,

whatever your needs may be. Our

your business, while we take care

and a variety of other sources of

admin team and non-competing

of the details so you can focus on


managers are fully present to

doing what you do best.





“I CHOSE to work with a company that continues to develop new and innovative ways to build BUSINESS.”

I chose to work with the most influential real estate company in America. The oldest, most respected company in the nation. A company that continues to develop new and innovative ways to build business. A company that leads the pack with cutting edge technology and a comprehensive educational system that can go as deep as you are willing to pursue to make you as successful as you want to be. And I really enjoy the people.

jonathan bich realtor ®

C ol dwel l Banker tom l i ns o n Real Trends America’s Best Top 1% of Agents Nationwide Coldwell Banker International President’s Elite Coldwell Banker Tomlinson Chairman’s Elite

I love that Coldwell Banker Tomlinson is locally owned, nationally branded and globally respected! We strive to give back to the community that gives so much to us.

MOLLIE SWEAT realtor ®

C ol dw el l Bank e r tom linson

Real Trends America’s Best Top 1% of Agents Nationwide Coldwell Banker International President’s Premier Coldwell Banker Tomlinson Chairman’s Elite

“Whether today or 20 years from now, come say ‘hi,’ I’ll be here.” There is camaraderie here, a feeling of teamwork and helpfulness. It’s a pleasure to come into the office every day. Whether today or 20 years from now, come say ‘hi,’ I’ll be here.

steve ranniger realtor ®

C ol dwel l Banker tomli n s o n Coldwell Banker International Sterling Society Coldwell Banker Tomlinson Chairman’s Elite

JEFF JORDAN The key to a successful career in real estate is to establish a high level of trust and experience in the local market. The Coldwell Banker Tomlinson brand is just that, a local brand that has a long history of success by investing in and supporting the local real estate community. When I was invited to join the CB Tomlinson family, I knew the values and trust of this local firm would provide the necessary foundation to launch my own career in real estate!


I wholeheartedly believe that the true power of Coldwell Banker Tomlinson is a strong, driven team of professionals that are focused on achieving team goals and

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dedication to not only careers, but family and friends as well.

SHELLEY CHAMPAGNE I chose Coldwell Banker Tomlinson because of their long established reputation of professionalism, integrity, and strong community involvement. I stay with CBT not only because of the initial qualities I was attracted to, but also because of the offering of second-to-none professional development, and because it is “home.”


At Coldwell Banker Tomlinson, I serve with the most exemplary “family” of real estate professionals! While everyone capitalizes on the consistent training on legal forms, ethics, research, marketing and technology to benefit our clients, what really sets us apart is our collaborative, compassionate commitment to excellence. When we seek to benefit the lives of others, we find personal reward as a result. I get to love what I do every day, because of the culture of our work family!










It’s not all about the tools and

To us, full service means a broad, truly

technology anymore; any proper real

caring leadership roster available to help

estate brokerage should provide those

you negotiate and keep deals together,

for their agents.

brainstorm business-building ideas,

It’s about service. Your brokerage should support you, fully. Our philosophy of full service support is providing what you need when you

and form strong relationships. It’s our dedicated admin support team with the can-do spirit, the “yes, we have that,” or the “I can help you put that together.”

need it - whether that’s tech solutions,

It’s the ability to share an idea about

professional advice & mentorship, non-

what you need or believe would be a

competing managers, or taking care of

great tool and then participate in seeing

the mundane details for you. Our goal

it come to fruition – and knowing that

is to provide white-glove service so that

others are doing the same, all in the

you can do what really matters - list and

name of making each other better.

sell real estate.

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Full service the Tomlinson way also

As the owner of your own business, your

means a complete suite of tools and

time is your most valuable commodity.

related services. We believe education,

Would you rather chase paperwork and

marketing, legal, and technical

input listings, or spend time with clients

support are critical elements of your

and grow your business?

business and should be provided as an investment in your success.





Our goal is to provide knowledge and tools to better serve our clients and promote the highest level of professionalism. It’s all about knowing you are supported, cheered on, and cared about on all levels, not just business. Full service means a holistic approach to success, because we know that different tools are needed on different days, that some of those days are easier than others, and that, sometimes, a caring ear is just as important as help with a listing presentation. We are your guide, empowering excellence so that you can leave your mark.

We handle the details, so that you can focus on taking care of your clients and growing your business.





ciates P R O J E C T E D


education and licensing requirements Pre-License Course (Fundamental & Practices) 90 hours


Real Estate Licensing Examination


License Fee




Purchase and Sale Agreement Class 7.5 Hrs

No Charge

Ethics Class 7.5 Hrs

No Charge

(Valid for 2 birthdays from date of exam) (30-hour course for 1st license renewal)

TOTAL $832.50

REALTOR ® ASSOCIATION AND MLS APPLICATION FEES Local/State/National Realtors® Dues Association Application Fee


MLS Application Fee


Supra Display Key (activation charge)


TOTAL $839.40

($50 refundable upon completion of SAR/MLS Orientation Class)

**Annual Fee (pro-rated based on start month)


monthly charges from mls Supra Display Key Charge (Basic E-key) (billed quarterly $60.00 X 4 = $240.00 / year)



$44.00 TOTAL $64.00

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(billed quarterly $132.00 X 4 = $528.00 / year)



YOUR MARK C B S P O KA N E. C O M ©2020 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker® and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each office is independently owned and operated.

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