Secrets to an abundant life

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As A Man Thinketh Man first envisions his success or his failures. Prosperity, poverty, joy,sorrow, sickness, and superior health have all been created twice. Once in your mind, and then in your physical reality. Ephesians 4:23 reminds us that instead let the spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. It is imperative to renew your mind daily. It is every man’s birthright to live in abundance and to have more. Having more than enough of your heart’s desire can only be brought into physical manifestation through speaking your desires,writing it down, making it plain and having faith even if it is as small as a mustard seed. You must also be very careful of speaking idly. If you’re not careful you can talk yourself into situations you don’t want in your life. The bible clearly states In Proverbs 18:21 death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will bear its fruits. Fortunately, this works both ways. Marisa lived in poverty her whole life. Going down to the social service agency had become the norm for her. Marisa started changing the way she thought and what she spoke. Over time going down to the social service agency every 6 months had become undesirable to her. Marisa’s mind began to stay on prosperity. She even became uncomfortable living in the projects, disgusted at the standard checkered federal government floors. She was even more disgusted that every project looked the exact same. Marisa was only allotted a certain amount of money each month to feed her family. This truly was not the life she desired, again her mind continued to stay on prosperity and what it would be like to drive a brand new foreign car, What it would be like to shop at the mall for once and never have to check the price for anything. She imagined her children in the perfect school, She imagined them happy. She imagined what it would be like to have a strong support system, she imagined what it would be like to achieve her highest goal, happiness. Within three years, unexpectedly her mother died leaving her an inheritance of 250,000. Instead of Marisa going crazy with the money and spending it frivolously she decided to invest 2

her money into her very own business. She continued to invest the money she inherited so that she would never thirst again, never be broke another day in her life. Today Marisa lives in a 5800 sq ft home, and drives a brand new foreign car and recently married the love of her life. Marisa’s business is doing so well that she’s opening another location. Marisa lives in abundance and prosperity because she first envisioned it, she envisioned herself as having more than enough and then it finally came into physical manifestation. Marisa thought herself into her current physical reality. So you see it’s not just enough to ask the universe for what you want you have to put action behind your faith. Prepare for what you are asking for.


The Law Of Preparation Tracy and her husband Darrell have been married for 6 years, and have actively been trying to conceive. With each failed attempt and every regretful doctor’s visit the couple had grown frustrated with the situation and with each other, but Tracy held steady the vision of becoming a mother. Tracy was so passionate about motherhood she began attracting “mothers’’ into her earthly experience. Everywhere tracy went she either saw a mother with children or a woman who was pregnant. The craziest thing happened to her while at the local neighborhood park. Walking her dog she encountered eight pregnant women on this particular day. It was so unreal to her she started to count the pregnant women whom she came in contact with. The law of attraction had begin to physically manifest in her life. About a month after her experience at the park tracy decided to go the unconventional route to becoming a mother- adoption. The process of adoption was a long tedious process, however, but the goal at the end of the day was to become a mother, to be able to love and hold a newborn baby, to be able to snuggle up with her own baby and be able to smell the milk all over the baby’s breath. Aside from her husband she wanted reciprocal unconditional love. While the adoption process was taking place Tracy and Darrell started picking out names for the baby. If they adopted a baby boy he would naturally take Darrells name and become a Junior, and if it was a girl they decided to give her an islamic name, their muslim faith permitted such a name for the baby. The extra bedroom was now being decorated using neutral gender colors for the baby. The couple even went as far as to take parenting classes. With all the stress of the adoption process Tracy just didn’t feel like herself. Her abdomen began to feel achy, she was always tired and hungry. By this time the couple had given up hope of conceiving the natural way, but this nagging feeling kept telling her to take a pregnancy test. Tracy took the test and to her surprise she was in fact pregnant. Today Darrell jr is 9 months old, 4

because Tracy envisioned herself as a mother she attracted the situation because she prepared for it. When you prepare yourself for any situation you attract it even more. Tracy had unknowingly put two laws into action, the law of attraction and the law of preparation. If you want success, but prepare for failure you will essentially fail every time because you prepared yourself for failure, but if you prepare for success, success is what will show up in your life. It is always darkest before dawn. Let’s take another look at Tracy and Darrell’s story. The couple had been trying to conceive for the last 4 years. The more they failed to conceive the more discouraged they became, so much so their marriage was in jeopardy. After all the failed attempts thinking they would finally become pregnant hoping the doctor would give them the news they so desperately wanted to hear, each doctor visit the pair became more discouraged. Tracy and Darrell finally gave in and planned the alternate route of adoption. During the long rigorous process the couple started physically preparing for the baby by choosing names and decorating the baby’s room. Even though all of this had been going on divorce definitely was in the near future if this adoption fell through. Everything was just going horribly wrong for the both of them. Besides hopelessness, a gloomy cloud of depression lingered over their home. Eventually Tracy became pregnant through natural efforts, but not before all the failed attempts, frustration, sadness and occasional jealousy. You see before every big achievement, before every success comes failure and discouragement, but late in the midnight hour he will turn it around. All the upsets come to get you off course, off focus, but you have to push through. Keep your energy focused on what you want and you will get it every time. Matthew: 18:20 (KJV) states that If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by my father in heaven. Remember to get in the thought and feeling of what it is that you are asking the universe for because feelings always proceed manifestation. Now let’s take a look at Tonya’s story. Tonya desired a porsche, she didn’t have the financial means to buy the porsche, she just knew she wanted a porsche. Tonya drove a beat up honda accord that was 5

approximately 15 years old. Tonya hadn’t washed her car in months. The tires on the car were balding and an oil change had become non-existant. The inside of the car ...I don’t even want to go into detail about that, but lets just say it resembled a trash can. Again, your life is only a reflection of you. Tonya vibrated at such a low level it was nearly impossible for her to receive the many blessings of the universe including the porsche. The feeling of wealth and opulence must precede its manifestation. The way Tonya cared for her car screamed ungrateful and lazy. In order ( because order is a process) to receive what it is that you desire You must have the “feeling” and “action” Tonya must act as if the Porsche is already hers. That beat up 15 yr old honda must represent opulence. She must clean the car. Wash and wax the exterior, get new tires, clean the inside of the car, throwing out all the trash. When Tonya is in the car driving she must have the feeling of opulence. While driving she must make believe she is driving her brand new dream car to bring the actual experience into physical manifestation. Once you become aware of the power that lives inside of you, the more you become conscious and grow spiritually, the more you are responsible for all that happens in your life, whether good or bad. The fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom. Minding The Business That Pays You It’s a terrible thing to tend to other people’s business and not your own. Throughout life I’ve noticed that people who tend to other people’s business but not their own usually don’t have any real business of their own. They don’t have any money either. One thing I do know is that a diligent hand always leads to success. So how can someone who is not minding their own business truly be wealthy when much of his time and energy is spent in the affairs of others. My belief is also that these types of people are also responsible for causing problems in other people’s lives. Scripture reminds us in (Thessaloanians 4:11) To aspire to live quietly, and mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we 6

instructed you. Remember, while you are minding someone else’s business you are wasting precious time that you can’t get back to work on your own affairs, to build yourself up. When you often focus your time and energy on things that will not help put you in a better situation or increase your finances you often become stagnant, while the person who has all your attention continues to move forward, toward their goals. While you continue to move further away from yours. Have you ever heard of the saying losers focus on winners, while winners focus on winning? Mind your own business.

The Law Of Self Control Did you know that you can control any situation if you first learn to control yourself, Including your life’s affairs. When you think about this statement you usually think of one being able to control his or her own emotions, or his temper, but it’s more than just that. Self control paired with self discipline is a major key to pass every test in life. For example, Eric had a bad gambling problem. His problem with gambling had become so bad his home was in the foreclosure process. He knew his gambling addiction had gotten out of control, and at this point Eric just didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know who or what to turn to. Instead of stressing heavily about his problem and talking to folks who didn’t care about his problem and couldn’t help him get out of his problem, he knew he had to come up with a solution and come up with one fast. Eric made up his mind to go full cold turkey on gambling. Eric erased every gambling app on his phone, He unfollowed all the gambling and lottery sites, He even started taking a different route to work everyday. His new route ensured that he wouldn’t pass the local casino or any fish bowls. Anything that slightly reminded him of gambling he avoided it at all cost. One day while Eric was on his lunch break he decided to calculate all his expenses including how 7

much he spent on gambling. After calculating his income to debt ratio he found he spent 5x more on gambling than anything else. What upset him the most was knowing his home should have never gone into foreclosure, all the money he spent gambling could’ve paid his mortgage for the next 6 months. At that very moment he vowed to change his spending habits through self control and discipline. Self control and discipline can be controlled through your thoughts. The Law Of Karma And Forgiveness I knew of a woman who was soul sleep or spiritually ignorant for the majority of her life, she repeatedly experienced the same negative experiences over and over and couldn’t figure out why, but once she became attuned with her higher self she soon realized her way of thinking kept her in bondage. When she changed her way of thinking her life began to change as well. You see people rarely become conscious without first experiencing some sort of loss, sadness or sorrow. If you come into consciousness without some sort of tragedy you are blessed. When you become conscious of your karma, whether good or bad comes back to you faster than someone who is still soul sleep. The reasoning behind this is because you are conscious of what returns back to you. This is the boomerang effect called karma. Now let’s take a look at Tanisha’s story. Tanisha was the oldest of three girls. Her mother gave birth to Tanisha at just 14 years old. Tanisha had been the product of incestuous rape. Tanishas mother never breathed a word of the incestuous rape she endured at the hands of her uncle, she birthed Tanisha and the whole family thought and still to this day that Tanisha was conceived by a boy in the neighborhood. Tanisha’s mother vowed to take to her grave the true identity of who Tanisha’s father was. Just when you thought that this was as messy as the situation could get Tanisha’s uncle knew that she was his daughter, but he loved Tanisha very much. He never touched her 8

inappropriately, but he showed her genuine fatherly love. The family never thought this to be odd, but hatred, pure hatred was brewing in the heart of Tanisha’s mother. Tanisha’s mother absolutely hated her, she hated her because she was the product of rape. Tanisha was what you would consider to be the black sheep of the family. Abuse both verbal and physical were all to prevalent in her home. When Tanisha’s mother was upset she would take all of her frustrations out on Tanisha. As the years went on Tanisha grew more and more resentful of her mother. She grew tired of the insults her mother spewed upon her. The abuse was so bad Tanisha was subjected to do every last single chore in the house simply because her mother was resentful of her for being a rape baby. Tanisha always wondered how could a mother who carried a child for 9 months in her womb grow resentful of the very child who was a part of her, whose own blood ran through her veins. Tanisha would never find out because most lonely nights she cried herself to sleep. She vowed to never be like her mother. She vowed to never ever resent any child that came from her. Tanisha remembered a passage from the Bible that said “vengeance is mine, I will repay” and so you have it several years later Tanisha’s mother was in a very bad car accident that paralysed her from the neck down, she became a quadriplegic instantly. By this time Tanisha’s other sisters had moved out of the house and lived their lives in other neighboring towns and refused to come help care for their mother because they were too busy, and their own lives were more important. Despite everything this woman put Tanisha through she decided to be the bigger better person because no matter what this was still her mother, this was the woman who gave her life. Tanisha could have easily taken advantage of her mother’s vulnerable state, and made her suffer just as she had made Tanisha suffer, but no, again the scripture she meditated on daily came to her. Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the lord, The lord is the law, the law of karma. Tanisha’s mother was getting her karma that she put out in the world. The car accident leaving her totally incapacitated was her karma. The same woman who she literally hated would now be her caretaker for the rest of her natural life. Tanisha didn’t have it in her heart to do her mother the way her mother did her, instead she felt compassion. 9

The compassion she felt came from a place of empathy. Tanisha tried as best she could to understand why her mother treated her the way she did, and through her daily spiritual work it was revealed to her that her mother never received much love in her life. Like Tanisha, her mother was also subjected to abuse. It was hard for Tanisha’s mother to give her children something she never had and that was love. Through this revelation Tanisha cried tears of joy. She now came to a place of understanding and most importantly forgiveness. The forgiveness in any situation is always for you, so that you can move on and create more meaningful harmonious relationships with others. It’s not always easy to forgive others I know, but give it time. Time heals all wounds. If you are not deliberate in healing past and present wounds those emotional scars will surely overflow like toxic waste in every area of your life. You may want to become a wife or a husband, you may even look the part, but you will never marry if you’re constantly reliving your negative past. Sometimes you might not even know why you’re mad, but it’s deeper issues that need to be addressed before you can move forward and accept any good that the universe wants to give you. Your toxic behaviors that stem from unforgiveness can even pour over into every area of your life. Reliving The Past Taliyah was the owner of a hair care company that was doing well, but not as well as she liked, she wanted her products to be sold in every major retailer in the country. Soon enough Taliyah would get her wish. At a charity event she met some major executives from some of the biggest retailers known to date. Taliyah thought this was the perfect time to establish a connection with some of these people. A hello with a bright smile, shaking hands and making eye contact, behaving as professional as possible, not making to much noise but just enough to get the attention of just one, and she did just that. She explained to Ronald that she was the owner of a hair 10

care company that was doing very well and to her surprise Ronald was very fond of the company because he brought the whole hair care line for his daughter who was away at college. This was a plus for Taliyah. Ronald and Taliyah exchanged emails back and forth in the upcoming weeks. Taliyah was scheduled to fly out to Oklahoma to the headquarters of this major retailer to meet everyone who held her future in their hands, and then it happened. On that very day Taliyah woke up in a nasty mood (She was reliving her past and thinking about all the people who had done her wrong). She took her morning shower, dressed, groomed herself, drank her coffee and drove off in her rental car. As she pulled up to the corporate office she cut off a gentleman who was getting ready to park in the same parking spot. It didn’t stop there, when he lightly tapped his horn this sent Taliyah through the roof, she rolled her window down and stuck her middle finger up and called him every derogatory name in the book. After calming herself down she grabbed her over the shoulder black leather bag, and suitcase that contained samples of each product for the executives to sample. After just 20 minutes of waiting around she was called into a large room that sat 6 other people who would ultimately decide her future. When Taliyah walked in the room there sat at the head of the table the gentlemen she had cut off, cussed out and stuck her middle finger up just 30 minutes ago. During the meeting Taliyah became sweaty, confused and unable to concentrate on her display of products to show to the other corporate executives. Needless to say after the meeting the lead corporate executive sent an email out of what transpired that day between him and Taliyah and all her hard work to get her product into stores went down the drain. Her product would never ever make it to see any major retailer ever. Reliving your past only keeps you in bondage, and stops you from moving forward in every area of your life. Each morning is a day of renewal. The day should be started with speaking the right words. Your words should come through with such a vibrating force, and once these words are spoken daily you will start to see an energetic shift in how your day begins. Your life past,present, and future is only a direct reflection of your dominant vibratory energy,and what circumstances you attract to you faster, from money to love to the 11

type of people you attract in your life. So you see how reliving your past and holding on to unforgiveness can even affect many areas of your life, including your finances. Laziness Laziness is such a terrible habit to form. I believe procrastination is the cousin of laziness. In my journey throughout life ( I’ve been some places) One thing is for certain that I have always noticed Wherever you see laziness you almost always see poverty. They go hand in hand. (Proverbs 13:4) The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing, but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.) A lazy person will spend the majority of their lives daydreaming about what he wishes to receive, but yet reality will always prove to him he has nothing and will continue to have nothing. He will wander aimlessly through life looking for others to do for him what he should be doing for himself. Bitterness, and entitlement will start to set in the heart of the lazy man because he will watch others achieve their goals while his life is a glaring reality that he still remains stuck and stagnant, and so he becomes bitter of everyone around him, and the sense of entitlement also overtakes him because he begins to feel that everyone owes him a hand up and when he is told no he has a self-entitled tantrum. It is so important to always get up and stay busy. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Newton’s first law of motion states that a body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force acts on it, and a body in motion at constant velocity will remain in motion, in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force. Laziness can often be found in clusters of people who literally sit around when the sun comes up, until the sunsets with no projected goal in mind. (Proverbs 19:5) (ESV) (slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger.) I once knew of a woman who came to me for life coaching. (Her problem was simple, she needed to learn how to say no) She explained to me in one of our sessions that she had a cousin who spent the majority, if not all of his adulthood in poverty stricken conditions. So I asked 12

her to give me more details. She explained to me that her relative literally never attained anything in life, not even his high school diploma. She would quite often try to help her cousin which consisted of literally giving or handing him the tools he needed to help himself, but her cousin would always have an excuse as to why he couldn’t do it. Basically her cousin wanted things handed to him, but with little effort of his own in doing anything. He spent most of his time entertaining television, social media and dating sites. As the years went on both cousins grew older and older the woman who came to me for clarity on this situation stayed busy, continued progressing in life, while the lazy cousin wallowed in self-pity on why he couldn’t get ahead in life. His theory on why he couldn’t get ahead in life was because he was cursed with bad luck, but in reality it was because he was bound by ignorance. He was lazy and he didn’t want to acknowledge this fact. He didn’t want to do the necessary work to truly get the success and independence that he wanted in life. So you see, what you get out of life is truly what you put into it. The universe has an inexhaustible supply of money, good health, love, wealth, etc. It’s your own fault if you don’t get up and get what it is that you want. After a certain age in life, it’s your own fault if you remain in poverty stricken conditions year after year. Stop the blame game. It’s not your parents fault, a failed marriage, the lack of money, etc. It’s simply your own fault for not doing the necessary work that needs to be done. Be honest with yourself. The root of most of your problems may be because of laziness. The Law Of Faith Earlier in the book I mentioned how everything seems to go wrong before things start to go right. I call this the testing before the blessing. You must have faith and I’m not talking about the faith where you speak a thing to come to pass, but deep down in your core you don’t have an ounce of faith. I’m talking about the faith of 13

someone who has lived in the shadows for the better part of their life, but they have always kept the faith alive that their season was coming, their time to shine was on its way. So you see faith must always proceed manifestation. Luke 17:6 The lord answered if you have faith even as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mulberry tree “May you be uprooted and be planted in the sea” and it will obey you. Let’s take a look at Jeffrey’s story. Two years earlier Jeffrey was in a very bad accident at work. The accident left him totally blind in one eye. The doctor’s report did not look favorable for his left eye in fact, the prognosis was he would never be able to see again. Jeffrey made up his mind at that very moment that he wouldn’t accept that prognosis. Jeffrey prayed daily to be able to see again, he spoke to his condition. By divine law the universe must comply with what you speak. Deep in his soul he just knew that he would be able to see again. So to prepare himself for total sight restoration he would cover the eye that wasn’t blind just to try to see if he could see out of the eye that was blind. He practiced walking around his home everyday with only the blind eye exposed. One evening after waking from his nap Jeffrey opened his eyes to sit up in bed, and then it happened, Jeffrey gradually started to gain back his eyesight. Jeffrey became scared, nervous and excited all at the same time. To date Jeffrey is steadily making progress with his eyesight. So you see faith will always proceed manifestation. The Law Of Fear How many people can agree that fear can keep you bound to your circumstance. Most unsuccessful people in life are unsuccessful because they are held in fear which is a form of bondage. For example, we all know of someone who always talks about starting a new endeavor, they may even have the funds to start their new endeavor, but they never actually do. Why might this be? I say the root cause for this is fear, fear of the unknown, fear of failure. You see fear is inverted faith, opposite of faith. Most things we fear 14

never actually happen because out of fear actions are never taken to confirm or deny your fears. You will never know if the fear was solidified. However, if you fear what you don’t want and focus on your fears intensely you draw it into your experience even more, because now your focus becomes the thing you fear the most. It becomes magnified. If you can walk right up to the thing you fear the most it will dissipate, and no longer be fearful to you, but if you remain fearful the thing you fear the most will overtake you. For example, Tina worked at a corporate 9-5 she worked for her employer for a mere 2yrs, and these two years were the most miserable 2 years of her life. She was constantly being bullied and harassed but she tried her best to stay on her job because of the pay and the health benefits. Tina bargained with herself that because of these benefits she would just tolerate the hostility that came with it. Tina’s fear of her co-workers grew everyday. The co-workers targeted her because of her meekness, but not only because of her meekness, they could tell just by the way she carried herself that she was different and destined for greatness. The objective of this group of co-workers was to have her fired. There was a promotion with Tina’s name written all over it, and the group of coworkers couldn’t stand it, after all most of them were at the job a lot longer than her, yet none of them moved up in their positions, in fact quiet as it’s kept, unbeknownst to everyone Tina made more than her co-workers, but more so often than not Tina became increasingly fearful of losing her job. She knew her co-workers were a dangerous malicious group of people with a common goal in mind, to have her fired. Tina’s fear grew until she self isolated at work and was afraid to say the slightest thing to anyone. Afraid her words would be used against her. Complete fear began to overtake her until her fears became a reality. Called into her supervisors office one day and given a considerable severance package she lost her job due to unsubstantiated claims from her co-workers. They plotted against her and it worked. You see because Tina let the fear of losing her job consume her it became her reality. Through her energetic invitation she invited these circumstances into her life. Whatever you are afraid of must be replaced with faith whether you visualize your victory over your adversaries or walk right up to whatever it 15

is that you fear and command it to be moved. Whatever you are afraid of must be moved by your unwavering faith. Confront the bull head on and watch how life gets better because the obstacle of fear has dissipated. If you don’t have the courage to stare whatever you are afraid of in the face you will forever live in fear, and fear of the unknown or what’s to come. The most high has given man dominion over all living things, he has given you the power to rebuke the winds and waves to control conditions. Will you have the courage to move past the obstacle of fear today? The Counterfeit I knew of a man who had been a widower for over 10 years, but recently he met a much younger woman whom he fell in love. Prior to meeting this woman, the gentleman never had any romantic interest whatsoever. The younger woman was a damsel in distress who needed help all over the place. He drove her back and forth from their job(they worked at the same place) . The younger woman was in no way interested in this much older man. Just a couple of weeks later the gentleman met another woman who was more age appropriate for him. He also began to drive her back and forth to work. During this time the younger woman met another guy and they began dating so she no longer needed the services of the older gentleman. The older gentleman and the older woman started getting closer, and their conversations started getting longer, before long they began dating, and now they are engaged. So you see before you hit the jackpot you will always have clues and signs that it’s almost time. The gentleman’s sign that his new lover was on her way, it came in the form of the younger woman he drove back and forth to work, but the person who is still soul sleep would have mistaken his perfect lover for the younger woman. Knowing because of their 20 year age difference they could never be. If he had jumped in with this much younger woman he would have missed his true blessing, his true life partner. The older woman whom he also started driving to work. Have patience in everything you do. Look for signs that what you have been praying for is on the way, but don’t jump in to soon and mistake the first signs of your 16

blessing as the actual blessing. Most times you’re given a counterfeit before the real thing. The Law Of Love Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice, but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7. The highest universal frequency is love everybody wants love even the meanest person you can imagine wants love. The lowest universal frequency opposite of love is hate which includes jealousy. You see where love dwells hate cannot, and where hate dwells love cannot. I knew of a man who was jealous of every other man his woman encountered. She was enamored by him being jealous, but again this is not love, love is not self serving, love is how can I serve the other person, how can I add to their happiness. Our mortal or carnal mind is the opposite of love, we see jealousy, bitterness, meanness, hatefulness, vengefulness and every negative frequency not congruent with love that’s why it is so important to guard your heart. Love it never fails…..Shameerah birthed a beautiful baby boy, but within hours of his birth he was kidnapped from the hospital. Shameerah searched high and low far and wide. Years went by and she birthed three more children with her husband. Having her very first child snatched from her in that manner did something to her emotionally. She became stronger than she could ever imagine. 26 years later with the help of social media she was able to reunite with the baby that was stolen from her. Even though the child didn’t love Shameerah, Shameerah loved her baby boy. She dreamt of this day, and never gave up searching, she never gave up hope. Her love for her child never failed, and because her love never failed and she kept the faith the day came where she was able to reunite with the 17

child who was snatched from her all those years ago. Jealousy Never Lives Far Nadine was a 42 year old woman who had a friend named Patricia. They had been best friends since the 3rd grade, However Nadine excelled at almost everything she put her mind to, everything she touched turned to gold. Nadine was a happily married woman which in this day in age was a rarity. Nadine and her husband owned a comfortable home, and they also shared a son who was close with both his parents. Everyone loved Nadine. It was easy for her to make friends and she had lots of them. She was well liked, well respected and a prominent business women in her community. What Nadine was unaware of was that Patricia was extremely jealous of her. The past couple of years things had not been going as Nadine had planned. Nadine was okay, but she wasn’t performing up to her own standards, she just couldn’t put a finger on the source of her misfortune. Aside from that she started becoming leery of Patricia, she didn’t know why, but I like to call it intuition that we all have. She started getting signs that something just wasn’t right with Patricia. Nadine was an extremely loyal friend so she dismissed her feelings about Patricia because they were friends for more than 30 years, until one evening Nadine invited Patricia over to her home to help her get ready for an honorary event where Nadine would be giving an acceptance speech for her outstanding service to the community. Patricia alongside Nadine’s husband would accompany Nadine to the event. Both Nadine and Patricia were in Nadine’s bathroom. Patricia sat behind Nadine on a small chaise listening to how excited Nadine was about her big achievement and all the exposure her businesses would have. After receiving her honorary award. Nadine had a hand held mirror in one hand and mascara in the other hand applying the mascara to her eyes, as she held the mirror she caught a glimpse of the disgusted look on Patricia’s face. Patricia hadn’t realized that 18

Nadine was staring right at her. After that night their friendship was altered forever so much so that after 30+ years of friendship Nadine made the toughest decision to end the friendship for good, permanently closing the door on their friendship for life. It was the look of disgust that ended the friendship, it was the nail in the coffin. Nadine played the rest of that night cool, but after that night she began to think about all the hints that Patricia wasn’t her friend, in fact she figured Patricia was jealous, but hid the hate for her so well. It seemed to Nadine that everytime she was in Patricia’s presence bad things would happen, and when she told Patricia of the good things happening in her life that’s when things seemed to go wrong. It was the negative energy that started to seep over into Nadine’s life. Her life was becoming a mess because of her association with Patricia. Nadine however wouldn’t have been affected by Patricia’s thoughts if she were vibrating at a higher level. That’s why it is so important to gravitate to people whom you admire. Gravitate toward happy upbeat people. As stated in the book The 48 laws of power, avoid the unhappy and the unlucky, and be wary of friends for they will betray you more easily, for they are easily aroused to envy. You may have a friend who knows the desires of your heart. They see clearly your love, abundance, health, success. They see it clear because they are not as close to the situation as you are. They are not as close to the thoughts that you think. Whatever thoughts your associate thinks toward you more than not never waver because they are not as close to the situation as you are. When you begin to meditate on the perfect love, abundance, health, success you tend to waver in your thoughts from time to time and this usually happens because you are close to our own thoughts, typically you project what your future will be like because of what your current circumstances are or what you are use to seeing in your material world. Most people look back at their past and that’s where the wavering starts. Be careful of who you share your most inner desires with. Jealousy amongst friends often takes root because again their thoughts toward you never waver. Thou Shall Not Judge ...Or Should You


I knew of a woman named Paula who loved getting on all the latest social media sites just to judge other people she barely knew. She particularly Judged a woman whom she followed who had 5 children by 4 different men. In fact this woman recently had another baby , but the child’s father also wasn’t in that child’s life. It became an obsession to judge the women who had multiple children with multiple men. Well what do you know in just a few short years paula found herself in the exact same situation she continuously judged the woman on social media for. Paula gave birth to two children who had different fathers as well. Paula never married neither of her children’s fathers. Both children’s fathers left her to raise her children on her own and she wasn’t even remotely in a serious relationship. So you see Paula became just like the woman she judged. Matthew 7: 1-5(NIV) Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the same measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, “let me take the speck out of your eye’’ When all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Just as Paula judged she was now being judged by people who didn’t know her or cared to even know her, but they judged her based on the fact that she was an unwed mother of two children by two different men. Jamar was very arrogant, deep down he didn’t want to be arrogant, but at the core of him that’s just who he was. He was this way his entire life. Not only was Jamar arrogant he was critical of other people. Well in short, even though he put his best face forward, smiled and was pleasant to others most people did not like him, In fact they could see right through him just looking at him people knew that he was arrogant and critical. (For women who are arrogant and critical one might mistake the reasoning for others not liking her as jealousy, but most times that’s not the case) It’s 20

a vibe that can be interpreted as I’am more and you are less, and when people get this vibe they steer clear. Vibes don’t lie. Who wants to be in the company of someone who makes you feel inferior. It was an indescribable vibe he gave off to others. Jamar judged others so much that he was also being judged, and people stayed away from him because they didn’t like the way he made them feel after leaving his presence. Vance also had similar experiences. Vance was often told he looked mean, he would laugh it off and say he wasn’t, but yes, he was indeed very mean. He was so mean and carried so much hate and bitterness bottled up inside he eventually started to look like what was inside of him. The yelling and screaming and every negative emotion you could think of left him physically looking how he often felt. So you see often people say you can’t judge a book by its cover, and most times this is often true, but there is an exception to this rule, yes judge a book by its cover because most times it never lies. The person who is internally harmonious and keeps a good cheer radiates and glows naturally on the outside and people naturally gravitate toward these kinds of people. They leave others feeling good, but the people who are mean, critical and judgmental often look like it as well, and this also radiates through them, again people naturally keep their distance from these types of people. Life is truly a mirror and you find yourself in your associates and what you associate with. Your work is always within yourself. What you see in another is more of a reflection of you than them. You see, we recognize in others what is in ourselves. Judge a cover because you will know them by their fruit. Matthew 7: 16-17 Never Waver Good Thoughts Most people live in limitation, but they only live in limitation because they have unintentionally programmed their thoughts to only see limitation because of what they see around them. Quinton 21

was hoping and praying to buy a home, but the more he thought about the home he started to doubt he could ever buy it because of his current financial state. The more he wavered in his thoughts and told himself why it couldn’t be done the more the universe started to give him what he spoke. Instead of abundant energy flowing toward him the universe started flowing energy toward him of limitation. When Quinton finally got up the nerve to sit down with a realtor to discuss how much home he could afford he was told that because of his income and credit and other factors he would only be approved for Just under 100,000 dollars, because of the limitations that he put on himself he received just what he talked himself into or out of. (Depends on how you look at the story). Quinton brought a one bedroom condo. Now you might think that he still came out decent because he’s a single man, but the fact of the matter is he didn’t come out fine. Quinton wanted a wife and children. The desire of his heart was to marry and set his future wife up in a home that he had already picked out. It’s still possible for Quinton to bring about this physical manifestation but only if he changes the way he thinks and he never waves in his thoughts. Without the knowledge of how the unseen world works in his physical life Quinton was limiting his blessings because of his ignorance of spiritual law. If you desire to be a multimillionaire you can be just that. Open your mouth and speak to what you want. By divine law the universe must comply with what you say Romans 4:17 As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were. Imagine this, you have a poverty stricken person sitting in front of you and you also have a very wealthy person sitting in front of you. Now ask both of them what has their contribution been to society? The person who is poor most of the time has contributed nothing to society, and when you say nothing more times than not their contribution most times includes watching television or social media excessively. These types of people rarely have goals. Gossip, physical altercations, gluttony, jealousy, resentful, laziness, self serving and vengefulness are all characteristics of lazy unsuccessful 22

people. They feel as if everyone owes them something, and most importantly they buy things that don’t attain value, they are what I consider walking liabilities. Now don’t get me wrong Not all people who are poor fit this category. Everyone in their life has fallen on hard times, and you’re blessed if you haven’t. Iam strictly talking to the people who have been poor and stuck in a rut for the majority of their lives. It’s not your fault if you are born poor, but it is absolutely your fault if you die poor. Now lets ask the wealthy person what his contribution to society is. The wealthy or financially fortunate contributions may be researching a particular product he wishes to learn more about to turn into a business, Investments in stocks and bonds, attending or speaking at motivational speaking engagements, owning profitable businesses, discussing new ideas, aiding others toward success etc. You see the wealthy will in fact leave an inheritance for his children’s children. He sets himself up today to leave a legacy tomorrow. The poor however are most times unaware of how to begin to leave an inheritance which undoubtedly leaves his future heirs at a disadvantage. They may even inherit the curse of generational poverty because of their forefathers’ ignorance of spiritual and physical laws. The Law Of Giving And Receiving Money Just like giving and receiving should be kept in constant circulation. The giver is always supposed to give 10 percent or 1 tenth of their earnings to a religious sector. Believe it or not this is a custom that was founded by the jewish that proves that this law of giving does in fact work, It works because the law of giving makes room for you to receive more so that you can give more. You see how money and goods must be kept in constant circulation in order to receive more. Malachi 3:10 (KJV) Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me here now with, saith the lord of hosts. If I will not open 23

you the windows of heaven and poor you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Be a cheerful giver as well as a cheerful receiver. I find that most people are bad receivers. I find that most people are bad receivers because they can’t put their pride aside. So learn to be a cheerful receiver and expect to receive as much as you give. The Power Of Intuition I want to touch on listening to your intuition, and paying very careful attention to your dreams. Abraham Lincoln had a dream one week before he died about his own demise. He dreamt of being shot and killed, subsequently his dream came to pass. The next three short stories are true stories, However the names and circumstances surrounding these individuals are changed for the purpose of this book. I knew of an 8 year old boy named Roderick, Roderick was scheduled to have a small outpatient surgery at the local hospital. A few days before his surgery he had a dream, In his dream he dreamt that he went to have the surgery, but he never woke up from that surgery. Feeling alarmed, Roderick went and told his mother about the dream he had. His mother brushed his dream off as him having anxiety about the surgery. The day of the surgery a peaceful calm filled the atmosphere of Rodericks home. His mother kissed him, read him a book that morning and reassured him that everything was going to be fine. Surgery came and went. Lil Roderick underwent anesthesia, but no one suspected that he had an allergy to the anesthesia that was given to him. He went into anaphylactic shock. Things were so bad that he had to be placed into an induced coma. The surgeon who oversaw the surgery advised lil Rodericks mother that there was a good chance He would never wake up from that comatose state. When the doctor told Rodericks mother this she became overwhelmed with emotion, not because of what the doctor said to her, but because he confirmed what her son told her, A warning‌. Three years later Roderick continued to lay in that comatose state, eventually within 24

that time he was laid in his final resting place. Now let’s take a look at the next story. Daphne was a typical 20 year old woman who had big dreams, she had her whole life ahead of her and she naturally was excited about what the most high had in store for her. After a long night out partying with friends Daphne came home, took a nice long hot shower and fell fast asleep. Lately Daphne was having some of the craziest dreams, dreams that were obviously unimaginable in the real world, but this night she fell into a deep sleep and she began to dream. She dreamt that she was dressed in an all white gown. Sitting at a table in a pitch black room all by herself. She dreamt that the spotlight was on her. Even though there was darkness all around her, light was shining down on her. As she sat down at the table she began to drink red sauce from a bowl, and as she began to drink the red sauce it spilled all over her and completely ruined her white gown. Daphne got up from the table and began to walk through puddles of mud with the red sauce still running down her gown. Daphne woke up the next morning unphased by the dream but kept that dream in the back of her mind, One warm fall morning several weeks later on her way to work Daphne got a flat tire and pulled to the side of the road. A cop pulled up right behind her, jumped out of his patrol car and began to rush Daphne for what seemed like no apparent reason, and with no explanation. After a short struggle he pulled out his gun and discharged 3 shots into Daphne stomach and chest killing her instantly. Again, Daphne also was given divine intuition through her dreams, but she failed to heed to the warnings leading to her demise. During the investigation of Daphnes murder it was revealed that the officers reasoning for killing her was mistaken identity. Moments before a distressed 911 call came in about a stolen car, which just so happened to be the same make, model and color as Daphne’s car. The officer mistook Daphne for the person who had just stolen a car. Our last story is about a woman named Sharon. Sharon was a single mother of 3 children whom she loved dearly. For the last couple of years motherhood started to get the best of her. Sharon’s joy of motherhood started depleting further and further. Everything in her and her children’s lives were all her 25

responsibility, everything was on her shoulders. With no help from her children’s father and with no immediate family support, not even a friend Sharon began to grow more frustrated and angry with her situation, she began to dream. One afternoon she laid on the couch with her youngest child on her chest, and they both fell asleep. Sharon began to dream that she was driving over a bridge when all of a sudden out of nowhere a tornado began to entrap her and her children in the car. Unable to escape the raft of the tornado and the darker and darker it got the more fearful sharon and her children became. Sharon became so afraid she had no other choice but to wake up. When she woke up she held her child and began to cry. She cried because the dream felt so real. The emotion of the dream spilled into her physical world. The dream had Sharon so shook up she wrote about the dream on social media, With finally asking, I wonder if that was a warning? Nearly a year had passed since that prophetic dream, but things were drastically different now. Sharon was in one of the darkest chapters of her life. She was so depressed and didn’t see any reason to live anymore, not even for her children. One dreary sunday morning everything came to a head. All three children begin to fight amongst each other like children do, but the screaming and hollering was way too much for Sharon to bear on this particular day. She killed all three of the children and ultimately ended up killing herself after a brief standoff with the police. The tornado in her dream represented the thick cloud of depression that would become a stronghold over her mind and eventually overtaking her. When you take inventory of each story you will realize they each had intuitive guides that showed them through their dreams upcoming events, but since none of these individuals were conscious or spiritually awakened they ignored the warning that was given to them through their prophetic dreams. They failed to heed the warning they each ultimately met their demise. In the New King James version of the bible it states in Job 33:14-16(14) For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.(15) In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, in slumberings upon the bed; (16) Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction. 26

Instruction from the most high isn’t exclusive to just the believer, but instruction is given to everyone, all of mankind. In life you will have subtle clues on events that are about to occur. It’s your responsibility to look to the subtle clues as a message from the universe as upcoming events in your life. These intuitive clues don’t always have to come in the form of a dream, and not all the time are these signs of a bad event about to take place. Intuition can also be put to good use for example, Jacobe was a successful businessman, but he stumbled on how to effectively market his latest business endeavor. It finally occurred to him to strategically place 25 bulletin boards up around the country in the 25 most populated cities. After this revelation he casually strolled his social media page and two other successful business men that he followed recently posted pictures of bulletin boards they recently rented advertising their services. This was the confirmation he needed to go forward in renting 25 bulletins around the country to promote his business. Let’s take a look at another individual who used their intuition for the good. Markel contemplated whether he should buy a rental property to make passive income, he struggled with this decision only because he was really unsure if he should take a leap of faith and go through with it. Markel was the type that would have conversations with himself ( the good thing is he never answered himself) In his latest conversation he wished to buy a property that was less than 100,000 but more than 50,000 he was very specific about the type of investment property he wanted. Markel wanted a simple 3 bedroom 2 bath brick home in an older established neighborhood. He also made it known to the universe that the house he wanted would be from someone who just couldn’t manage the property anymore and someone who saw their property as a burden and was willing to let the property go for dirt cheap simply because they had grown tired of the property. Markel asked the universe to give him definite signs if this was the right way to go. Days later Markel was at a doctor’s appointment, while in the waiting room for what seemed like hours an older man sparked a conversation with him. The conversation included real estate. The man explained he had a property that he was sick and tired of and 27

was meeting with a realtor later on in the week to put the property on the market. After further conversation the property was exactly what Markel was looking for and in his price range. He knew through intuition that this was the house he should buy. He made his request to the universe and the universe delivered. Markel closed on the home paying only 60,000 dollars for the home, which became his very first investment property. Not only did Markel use his intuitive guides he was also very careful to entertain angels unaware. Earlier in the book I shared the story of the gentleman who drove two women back and forth. He would have mistaken the first woman he encountered as the woman for him. She was just the sign that the right woman for him was on her way. This is also the way intuition and intuitive guides work. Subtle clues will appear to let you know whatever it is that you are asking for is on its way. It also comes to give warning as well. Getting a spiritual reading to clarify dreams or future events to come is good to an extent. I find it could be beneficial to consult a spiritual advisor to forewarn you of future events so you can proceed with caution, but not always is it good to consult a spiritual advisor and here’s why. Spiritual advisors better known as psychics only receive information about you from your own energy, from your carnal mind. As I explained earlier in the book the carnal mind sees life as it appears to be from the physical realm, the earthly realm. The carnal mind sees lack, disease, disaster and limitation of every kind. The psychic is essentially foretelling of events dealing with you from the physical or earthly realm. However, God is saying I will give you life and give it to you more abundantly,The perfect love, Children, prosperity,health, happiness. Scripture reminds us in Joshua 1:8 (KJV) This book of the law shall not depart from my mouth. So if you do the daily spiritual work and focus intensely on what you want in due time it will manifest itself. If you seek an earthly spiritual advisor such as a psychic if an evil prophecy is foretold you will expect it, keeping you in the carnal mind cycle of limitation and lack of every kind. An evil prophecy can only be overturned if you have a strong mind. If you meditate on what you want day and night that evil prophecy can be nullified through persistent 28

meditation on what you want. Complaining Is The thief Of Joy If you constantly complain about everything that’s going wrong you are essentially telling the universe that you are ungrateful for what you already have. Complaining puts you at a disadvantage for new experiences. Complaining closes the door for you to have an abundant life. It takes you out of the will and purpose the most high has for your life. Earlier in the book I briefly talked about the dangers of speaking idly. When you idly complain, this could be talking with a coworker about how bad the job is. When in fact you know that deep down you need the job because you have bills to pay, but you continuously complain about the job. Within a few months you find yourself without a job, and now you have attracted more things into your life to complain about, Such as not being able to pay rent, buy groceries, clothes etc because of the job loss. Complaining should never be a source of entertainment, and remember what you are ungrateful for what you continuously complain about you will eventually lose. The Pit You Dig For Others You Will Fall Into When you intentionally try to destroy someone most times you end up only destroying yourself. Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against me shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the lord. Proverbs 26:27 whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them. Therefore, you must check your heart and watch your back at the same time. Let’s take a look at the next story. Katrina was going through a nasty custody battle 29

with her ex-husband, she confided in her friend Alexis about every aspect of the case. One day after a court hearing for the custody case Katrina and Alexis decided to take Alexis’ car for drinks and dinner. They never made it to dinner because they were involved in a car accident. Katrina ended up falling asleep in the car because it took the police over an hour to get to the scene of the accident. When Katrina woke up she saw Alexis coming back to the car and the police were driving away. Unbeknownst to Katrina when she fell asleep that’s when the police pulled up, but Alexis never acknowledged that Katrina was in the car. After that incident Katrina immediately grew suspicious of Alexis and had to reevaluate their friendship. In doing so she felt in her heart it was in her best interest to steer clear of Alexis. Katrina never spoke to Alexis again. This is only the beginning of the story. Nearly two years went by and Katrina completely forgot about Alexis, but Alexis stalked Katrina’s social media every chance she got. Katrina on the other hand was still going through a nasty divorce and custody battle. Even though Katrina was going through this nasty court battle she was flourishing. Her businesses were doing well. She met the man of her dreams, she brought a new home and was living her best life. All of this was playing out on social media and Alexis watched daily and began to grow very very jealous of Katrina. She was jealous before but this new level of jealousy sent her over the edge because Katrina was doing something everyone thought she would never do. In Just a short period of time Katrina became very successful, so successful she dominated her city with influence and power. She had proved everyone wrong who put limitations on her. Katrina was getting double for her trouble, and the devil was mad. Alexis quietly reached out to Katrina’s ex-husband. The two of them joined forces with a common goal, to destroy Katrina. They both tried their best to destroy Katrina from vandalizing her property to hacking her cell phone. The sad part about all of this is that it was all unprovoked. Alexis tried her best to destroy Katrina, but it backfired. Alexis was arrested and found guilty of stalking and vandalism, She loss her job and her home. Alexis and Katrina’s ex husband no longer speak due to the fact that when it was time for Alexis to be sentenced he never showed up to 30

support her. Scripture reminds us In Deuteronomy 28:7 (NKJ) The Lord will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. So you see the pit she dug for Katrina, she ended up falling into it herself. Till this very day Alexis still struggles because of her criminal record. She can’t keep a job because everytime a background check is performed, and her employer sees her criminal charges they immediately release her from her job. So you see weapons formed to destroy Katrina, but they never prospered. The courts were able to see the plots of her ex-husband. Instead of making Katrina look bad he ended up making himself look bad. Katrina won full custody of their children while he was only awarded weekend visits. The most high will surely take care of your enemies. Ask Believe And Receive A man once asked me why he was always losing his house keys. My response was he was always losing his house keys because he didn’t like the neighborhood he lived in. Everyday he subconsciously told himself he didn’t like his home or the neighborhood he lived in so the universe continually tried forcing him to move by the constant loss of his keys. His mind wasn’t trained to focus solely on what he wanted, and this is why he was unhappy with the home and neighborhood he lived in. If he made it clear what type of neighborhood he wanted to live in and never wavered, the universe would have started sending him flashes of inspiration of the beautiful neighborhood he should live in. Never ever compromise what you want. Ask, believe and receive. Once you ask the universe for what you want, let go of the thing you are believing for. Again, never limit your imagination in the things you want and never put a longer time limit on the things you wish to receive now. Visualization is also a powerful tool in manifesting what you want. Where there is no vision the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) If you cannot see yourself Having everything 31

you desire, you will never have it. You will waste away never truly fulfilling your god given birthright. Simply put visualization is simply using your imagination to receive the desires of your heart. Most people who have a goal for something write down what they wish to receive in the next 3 to 5 years. That’s too long, ask the universe to receive what you are hoping for now! Ask the universe to enjoy the fruits of your labor now while it’s still ripe. You are the total sum of your thoughts and you will only receive what you believe to see yourself receiving. Most people live in lack and limitation because they look at their physical reality which corresponds with what they think spiritually. They were never taught how to rebuke the winds and waves in life to control life’s whirlwind of conditions. The man who sees himself to have plenty is cognizant of the fact that his current physical reality is temporary if he is lacking, and can at any time change for the good so he makes preparations through his faith and his actions( which must go hand in hand)to obtain a desired result. He doesn’t stay stuck in a rut. His daily actions are productive and goal driven. What he produces will lead him to his goal. Your Health Is Your Wealth By now you should know that your health is truly your wealth be it good or bad. For every disease the root cause comes from a mind not at ease. I knew of a woman who stressed over every little thing. She was a worry wart. Everytime she worried or felt herself getting upset she would start to get migraines. Her migraines would last sometimes for a week. The root of her migraines stemmed from her thoughts, from her mind. Her worry, her stress came from her mind which caused her migraines. This was also similar for the man who had a hardened heart. Harden hearts don’t just happen overnight, a series of events over years gradually build up a wall or harden heart. In my opinion the root of a hardened heart is bitterness, bitterness of every kind, and its continual bitterness. The more your heart is hardened spiritually it starts to physically become hardened, and this is where heart disease or hardening of 32

the arteries of your heart are formed. Proverbs 14:30 from the New Living Translation bible reminds us that a peaceful heart leads to a healthy body, jealousy is like cancer to the bones. I will go as far as to make another comparison of a hoarder who lives in a feces infested, cat infested cluttered home. Imagine the dirtiest filthiest home, now imagine just by how the home looks, what the owner of the home looks like? Imagine their health. Most times when someone lives in this type of condition they have a host of physical and mental ailments. Their health has declined, the basis of those problems come from their thoughts, which are all littered with negativity. The bible says cleanliness is next to godliness. Can you imagine what filthiness is next to. Let’s take a look at someone’s home who is kept tidy and clean. Their home is a normal clean home, you can conclude that almost all the time that person is in good health, and they are energetically harmonious with everything around them.. I knew of a woman who held bitterness in her heart for years, she was inharmonious with everyone, and mad at the world. Lets just say I wasn’t shocked when she called me to let me know that she was diagnosed with cancer. One might justify health ailments stemming from the foods we eat and other environmental factors, that might be true, but I stand by the root cause for every disease is a mind not at ease. The Law of Attraction Take inventory of the things you think about daily. Think about what you are thinking about. I believe you will always attract to you faster who you are at your core. If you are positive in your core you will attract to you positive circumstances and situations quicker than negative things, but if you are negative at your core you will attract negative circumstances and situations quicker than positive ones, this is why like attracts like. We are all magnets essentially attracting back to us who we are. 33

The First Shall Be Last & The Last Shall Be First Sadie, Yalaina, and Estacia were 3 cousins who lived in close proximity to each other. Sadie was the favorite of all the cousins, as the three cousins grew older Sadie grew to become arrogant in all her ways, belittling Yalaina and Estacia every chance she got. To Sadie, Yalaina was promiscuous, couldn’t keep a man and she was only good in the bedroom. Sadie being as judgemental as she was also judged Yalaina because at 25 she still lived at home with her parents, she considered Yalaina to also be an unmotivated bum, basically Yalaina was everything but a child of god. Sadie also criticized and judged estacia whenever she could, particularly because she struggled financially. Sadie felt that Estacia was a person who only attracted poverty because of her current circumstance. Estacia was the butt of all of Sadies jokes. Making fun of estacia for also not having a man, stating to her “Men flock to me”, but they never flock to you. In Sadie’s narcissistic grandiose mind she was better than everyone she knew. When in fact she was no better than the people she judged. How the tables turn 12 years later Yalaina and Estacia, both became happily married successful women. They both tend to their families and life finally seemed to be coming together for the both of them, but a combination of misery, bitterness and jealousy was brewing in the heart of Sadie. You see, Sadie judged her cousins by their current position in life ( as most people do) she didn’t know that God had bigger plans for the black sheep of the family. Sadie was particularly very jealous of Estacia because Estacia was doing everything Sadie wished she could do. Sadie began following in the footsteps of Estacia particularly in business, copying everything she did. She felt like she should be where Estacia was in life. Sadie can’t keep a man because they all grow tired of her manipulative sociopathic ways and end of cheating on her. Sadie was close to marriage, but right before her marriage her fiance cheated on her, leaving her to go back to square one and start love over again and again. Sadie 34

reached a level of success but not the way Yalaina and Estacia did. Her greatest desire was marriage, she desired marriage to a man that would remain faithful, but that would never come into fruition for her. Again, she was stuck going from man to man every other year while the cousins that she mocked for not having a man managed to have successful long lasting relationships with their husbands. Let’s take a look at the classic story of the ugly duckling. The ugly duckling is truly the definition of the first shall be last and the last shall be first. In short, the story was based on an ugly duckling who was often mocked and criticized. She was always made to feel less than. The ugly duckling was a duck that was looked over and undervalued, but something miraculous happened as all of the ducklings grew. The ugly duckling also grew but this duckling’s growth was different, more distinct. She was growing so beautifully so much the ugly duckling turned into the most beautiful swan you would ever want to see. Her grace and beauty was impeccable and unmatched. The other ducks grew to be just that ducks! Plain ducks! They grew to hate the swan because of her poise, grace and especially her beauty. The new translation of the bible says Zechariah 4:10- DO NOT DESPISE THESE SMALL BEGINNINGS, FOR THE LORD REJOICES TO SEE THE WORK BEGIN, TO SEE THE PLUMB LINE IN ZERUBBABEL’S HAND. Here you see a demonstration of the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Taking A Quantum Leap According to The definition of a quantum leap is An abrupt change, sudden increase or dramatic advance. A quantum leap never happens in complacency. For example, Nivea like most people grew tired of living in a rut, she grew tired of her daily routine and doing the same thing over and over again. Her life was predictable and repetitive. One day while at work, Just out of the blue Nivea decided to create an online ad advertising a moving away yard sale stating everything must go! Abruptly she decided to 35

just up and move. Nivea decided she was going to move to the Dominican Republic. Why out of all the places in the world would she move to the DR. Nivea always loved the diversity of the hispanic culture, she knew spanish, but she wasn’t as fluent in spanish as she would like to be. Nivea wanted to be immersed in the culture, this was the only way she saw fit to become fluent in spanish. This was her dream. Five days after Nivea posted the online ad she had the moving away yard sale, completely selling everything she owned except for the things that mattered to her. After the yard sale she did some online research and found a cute little bungalow near the beach, paid up her rent there for the next year using some of her savings and the money from the yard sale. Nivea made her flight reservations and within two weeks of deciding out of the blue to move to the Dominican Republic she was living there. Within two years Nivea was officially fluent in spanish and she even became an ESL teacher, Teaching English to children in a nearby elementary school. Nivea finally felt complete. She felt like she was finally accomplished. She took a quantum leap and it worked. She became a success in her own right. Sometimes you have to be like Nike and just do it. Literally stop what you’re doing and take a quantum leap into success. It sounds scary,but sometimes it has to be done. Most people never take that leap because they give the excuse that the time just isn’t right,or I need to get myself together here first and then I’ll do it. If you don’t you will find yourself where you have always been. Take a quantum leap. Setting Standards For Yourself Danielle was a single middle-aged woman. The older she became the more she desired a husband, and not just any husband. She wanted Rebecca’s husband. They were a part of the same inner social circle so it wasnt odd that they would all get together frequently to hang out. The more Danielle studied Rebecca’s husband Curtis the more she desired him. She desired him because 36

of how she watched him treat Rebecca. Birthdays and holidays he would outdo everyone giving Rebecca all the finest things in life from expensive designer bags to the finest first class luxury trips overseas. Rebecca never wanted for anything, meanwhile Danielle had to do everything on her own. She didn’t envy Rebecca, she Just wanted her husband, she wanted curtis. Just one year after Rebecca’s lavish birthday party Rebecca and Curtis were divorced it was unexpectant to everyone who knew them. Soon after the divorce Danielle was shopping at her local grocery store when she ran into Curtis, they began to chat and stayed in the same aisle and talked for what seemed like hours until Curtis mentioned he had to go. To Danielle’s surprise and what seemed like only in her dreams, Curtis asked for her number so they could finish their conversation. With googly eyes Danielle obliged. That night Curtis called Danielle and they talked until the wee hours of the morning. After their conversation over the phone things quickly began to escalate and Curtis invited Danielle to one of the most exclusive restaurants in the city. Upon her arrival she was greeted with a single white rose. Danielle questioned herself over and over “Is this real” “what am I doing here?” After that romantic evening the two begin to secretly date. It had to be kept a secret because who each of them was connected to. As things continued to progress in Danielle’s relationship with Curtis, Curtis begin drinking excessively. Curtis and Danielle had decided to go away for the weekend to the mountains. During this trip curtis was practically drunk the whole trip, causing a scene by becoming publicly intoxicated. When Danielle tried to redirect curtis to their suite curtis slapped her so hard in front of everyone. Security was called and they threatened to call the police if they both didn’t leave immediately. Danielle couldn’t believe the way Curtis acted. As she was packing up all their belongings (Curtis was drunk and passed out on the bed) she went into the bathroom to freshen up. When she passed the mirror to her surprise she had a swollen eye that was starting to turn black. Curtis had given her a black eye. She was disgusted, and embarrassed. Danielle had to quickly put her feelings aside and finish getting herself together. She 37

also had to wait until Curtis sobered up to call for an uber. Once Curtis came to and he saw Danielle’s eye and the disgusted look on her face he apologized over and over again. Curtis was still slightly intoxicated but the way he looked at her while empathically apologizing made Danielle forgive him. They ubered back into the city. Along the way Danielle started to question what had she really gotten herself into. Things seemed to fall back into place for the happy couple, but Danielle started to notice that Curtis seemed to become distant, he would cancel their dates unexpectedly and when they were together he always had to go outside of the room to answer phone calls. Danielle started to grow suspicious of Curtis and when she questioned him he beat her up so badly to the point he gave her another black eye, busted lip and even fractured her ribs. She spent a week in the hospital (Of course Curtis was cheating on Danielle. He was a serial cheater he cheated on Rebecca the whole time he was with her) Curtis was so sympathetic for what he did to Danielle that his apology required him to bring Danielle roses, and a designer bag to the hospital. At this point Curtis was so ruthless his “other women”unknowingly sat in the parking lot of the hospital while he quickly dropped off gifts to Danielle. After Danielle was released from the hospital the abuse continued, in fact it started to intensify more than what Curtis did to her to put her in the hospital the first time. Every time Curtis would beat Danielle up he would give her expensive gifts as his way of saying sorry. Soon enough Danielle started to put together the pieces of curtis and Rebecca’s marriage. It started to make sense why she was always taking trips and given lavish gifts. Rebecca was being abused and to cover it all up she would pretend for her friends and family having them believe that Curtis was a wonderful man that loved to spoil her. That was the reason sometimes Rebecca would show up to gatherings with her very dark sunglasses on, show herself and then quickly leave, this was why Rebecca always wore thick makeup to cover up her bruises. What about that time she supposedly got into that really bad car accident. Danielle started to suspect Curtis beat her so badly she had no other choice but to blame her injuries on a car accident. 38

It was all starting to make sense now. At that moment Danielle wished that she never wished to have Rebecca’s husband. He was nothing more than cancer to Danielle. Curtis was cancer that needed to be cut away. He was so toxic to Danielle her health started to decline and the correlation was made because everytime Curtis was in Danielle’s presence she would start to become physically ill. Her mood would quickly shift and she was always nauseous. This would happen as soon as she was around him, the cancer. Danielle regretted ever meeting Curtis, but of course she had to take responsibility for the part she played in this whole situation. Curtis was never supposed to be with her in the first place. I guess that’s what happens when you start looking at the greener grass on the other side of the fence, turns out the grass on the other side of the fence is fake. It never does you any good to want what another person has. You don’t know what they had to do to get to where they are in life. People rarely show the world what goes on behind closed doors, they rarely show you their flaws and in Rebecca’s case she never let anyone know she was the victim of domestic violence. Everyone saw the residual effects of the abuse. They saw the expensive clothes, purses and shoes, they saw the lavish trips but they didn’t see the black eye and busted lips they didn’t see the infidelity, they only saw the fake green grass. It’s okay to want what someone has, but not to the extent that you want exactly what they have. Never let what someone else has become a standard of your own happiness or success, because of Danielles ignorance of spiritual law she asked the universe specifically for Rebecca’s husband and so the universe set things in motion to give her exactly what she wanted even though she was in violation of this law. Instead of asking for Rebecca’s husband she should have asked the universe for the equivalent of Curtis.( The equivalent of what he appeared to be.) A man who catered to his wife’s needs, A man that spoils his wife with expensive gifts, a man that was sweet and gentle, a man who could make her laugh. A man who could make the sun shine even through the rain. Danielle should have been specific but keeping in mind to ask for the equivalent of Curtis. Be careful what you wish for because you just might receive. 39

The Power Of Silence Knowing when to speak and when to be silent should become a mastery skill in your life especially when dealing with personal goals, dreams and aspirations. I find in life some people have wonderful ideas that never come into fruition because they let everyone know what they were doing. The evil eye is just as powerful as witchcraft. I know of a woman who desired to become married, she dated often, but she could never figure out why she could never get past the first or second date with a man. So I asked her who are you talking to about your affairs? She replied I have a best friend named Regina. I trust her, I confide in her about everything, my response was and that’s your problem. You tell her about every man you date. Every minute detail. This is why you are still single. When you talk greatly about your affairs most people secretly wish the thing you are hoping for does not manifest or they are doubting that it will happen because every time you have spoken of a thing it always seems to fall through for you. Proverbs 13:3 states that he that keepeth his mouth keeps his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction. The saying is true when dealing with enemies known and unknown, when you build in silence they don’t know what to attack. Silence doesn’t just stop with a closed mouth. Silence is especially true With material wealth, being flashy and constantly bragging. These things invite the spirit of jealousy to infiltrate your life. The saying goes, If you aint got no haters you ain’t poppin, but let’s analyze this statement. Song of Solomon 8:6 set me a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: The coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Let’s analyze the part in this scripture where it says “Jealousy is cruel as the grave” Do you really want someone so jealous of you that they will kill you. They would rather see you in a grave because of their disdain for you. Some people are so sick and psychotic they will go to any length to try to destroy who you are and what you stand for. Be very careful of what you speak. The law of the 40

spoken word can’t take a joke so therefore, If you are proud to have haters and you speak these words boldly with conviction, don’t be surprised if you truly encounter a hater who would rather see you dead. When you are proud and boastful, loud and bragging in the face of one who doesn’t have much or they feel inferior to you, be very careful. Men’s hearts become spoiled with jealousy and envy, they may even plot against you! I know you may get excited about an achievement you have accomplished or a fancy car you just brought, but be very careful with whom you share your successes with. Not everyone wants to see you win. Be quiet in all your affairs, and never ever let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. The Power Of The Spoken Word Earlier in the book I gave you a few examples of the power of your thoughts, but now I want to explore the power of the spoken word. I knew of a man who was always going around saying that he was broke. When he would say that he was broke it usually meant that he didn’t have enough money. Sooner rather than later his words of being broke manifested in his life. He was always lacking money. Most of the relationships he had with others such as his wife, children and co-workers were broken. He was emotionally broken inside, Everything he would touch would literally break. So you see when you speak a word into the universe not directed, everything in your life becomes just what you speak, without direction. Matthew 12:37 states “ For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned”. So you see This man’s words condemned him. Lauren dreamed of employing 100 people. She didn’t know exactly how she would employ this many people, she just knew she wanted to own a large company, give back to her community. This was her heart’s desire. She would always say one day I will employ 100 people. When she told others they would become silent and look at her like she was crazy. This was simply because her vision was not their vision. They couldn’t see this vision manifesting in their own lives so what made Lauren 41

think differently, what made her think it would happen for her. Eventually the day came where Lauren opened a restaurant, then one restaurant became two, and then two became three and then three became four and then four became over 10 restaurants employing well over 100 people. Lauren was justified in her words. To date she is a successful business woman. Genesis 13:15 For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever. Minding The Business That Pays You It’s a terrible thing to tend to other people’s business and not your own. Throughout life I’ve noticed that people who tend to other people’s business but not their own usually don’t have any business or money. My belief is that these types of people are also responsible for causing confusion in other people’s affairs. Scripture reminds us in Thessalonians 4:11 to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you. Remember, while you are minding someone else’s business you are wasting precious time that could be used to work on your own affairs, to build yourself up. When you often focus your time and energy on things that will not help put you in a better situation or increase your finances you often become stagnant while the person who has all your attention continues to move forward toward their goals while you continue to move further away from yours. Have you heard of the saying losers focus on winners while winners focus on winning. The Law Of Demonstration According to oxford demonstration means the action or process of showing the existence or truth of something by giving proof of existence, and now I bring you into the law of demonstration. Lashea was at the height of her career, at the top of her game when 42

suddenly her life as she knew it came crashing down all around her, she literally lost it all her career, her marriage, she lost her home due to foreclosure. Her beloved cars to repossession, and she was forced to move back in with her parents. Hopelessness clouded her mind. Not only was she a failure but she felt like it. How could she at thirty five start all over again. Life just seemed to pass her by while everyone was vacationing, building careers, getting married and having children. She was stuck in her childhood bedroom lost in misery trying to rebuild her life. She quite literally became the talk of the small town she lived in. The laughing stalk of her community, what an embarrassment! As Lashea sat in her room day after day month after month she began studying to rebuild her life. Just like the ant in Proverbs 6:8 she secretly labored all summer, gathering food for the winter. In three years her life did a dramatic shift and the people couldn’t believe their eyes. Her bank account began to increase so much that she began to make more money than she had ever seen in her life. She became a millionaire almost overnight. Homes, cars, land, happiness and peace became her portion. Lashea was the demonstration of failure transmuted into great success, she amassed much of her fortune and success in such a short time everyone wanted to know her secrets, what was her secret to success. You see no one is ever interested in your failure. It is evident, it repels any and all good from you. Success has the opposite effect. Lashea was a living embodiment of what to be and what not to be. She was the demonstration of failure turned into success. The proof of evidence was the failures when she lost everything and was forced back home with her parents, and proof of success was the fortune she amassed in such a short time after her apparent failure. The Law Of Balance Universal law states there has to be a balance with everything in life. There should be a time for sadness then a time for joy, a time for pain, then a time for healing, a time for poverty, then a time for 43

riches, a time for chaos, then a time for peace. Life just works that way. Our highs and our lows and what we experience in life our polarities come to bring a balance to our energetic forces. Everyone wants success and riches in life, but few will actually acquire it. If everyone is a success who will take out the trash? The law of balance, balances the matrix system. Few are destined for true success, most are destined to live in mediocrity, while some are naturally destined to fail. The failures are here to strictly to fill up space in the matrix system and nothing more. The sametime a baby is born, many are saying their final goodbyes to loved ones. Joy and sorrow occupy the energies of the earth. How do you demonstrate the law of balance in your own life? With balance comes order and alignment. For example, you might associate yourself with people who you know are not moving in the direction you are in life. The more you look at them you know they are not on your level intellectually or spiritually, in fact you may even become drained just being around them. This could be family members, friends and even your spouse. Once you obtain balance, order and alignment in your life these types of people should naturally fall away from your experience. They will fall away from your experience because they add no value or purpose to your life anymore. They have already served their purpose. With order and alignment you will understand the seasons of your life and you will begin to season people correctly. Most people are only in your life for a season, but few will be there for life. Let me repeat that many are here for a season but only a few will be in your life for a lifetime. In the game of life you are only responsible for yourself, and no one else. You can’t save everybody, but always take care of and save yourself. People and experiences which don’t serve you anymore will disagree with you energetically. You will no longer be bound in the same thought life which caused the people or experiences in the first place. While they remain playing checkers you have graduated to chess. With balance, order and alignment everything that’s meant for your highest good will start to come into your experience and stay. All the good that you are supposed to have whether it be new friends, lover,career etc will 44

start to attract to your life for the betterment of your life journey. What is your by divine right you will not lose. This is when you will start to experience cognitive mastery when you see that all the odds were against you yet you prevailed. One Last Word The power is within you to change everything you don’t like about yourself, and your current lifestyle. Get rid of the excuses. Each day you spend doing the same thing that you did the day before will guarantee you the same results and the same lifestyle you had the year before and five years prior to that. You must be willing to step outside of your comfort zone, become uncomfortable. Forget who’s watching you. Do the spiritual work each day, even if it’s 30 minutes a day meditating on what you want, the desires of your heart meditate on it so that you will have great success. You can read all the motivational self help books you want, but if you’re not willing to take the necessary steps because of fear or you want to wait until you have everything in order you will always be where you are in life. Stuck looking at someone else’s life and wishing you were them. Once you fully start to come into consciousness and obey the universal laws what you want will be granted unto you. Deuteronomy 28:3-14 (NIV) You will be blessed in the city and in the country. The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock- the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks. Your basket and kneading through will be blessed. You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out. The lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. The lord will send a blessing to your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The lord your god will bless you in the hand he is giving you. The lord will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you in oath, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in obedience to him. Then all the people on earth will see 45

that you are called by the name of the Lord,and they will fear you. The lord will grant you abundant prosperity- in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crop of your ground- in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you. The lord will open heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, sent to rain on your land in the season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. The lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the


The key principles to living an abundant life that are introduced in this book are derived from L. Mundavy’s own philosophies, as well as biblical principles that support the law of attraction. After reading this book you will ascend to another level of consciousness, you will become more cognizant of the negative thought patterns that keep you in a never ending cycle of negativity, hopelessness, bondage and despair. With the power of thought being the narrative of the book, this book will also help you open your mouth and take authority over everything in your life that is not congruent with the word of god. L. Mundavy will help you unleash your inner power to give you the momentum to achieve Just about anything you want out of life. Get ready to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

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