451 Process

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PROCESS Design 451 • Fall 2011

Self Portrait Explore something about yourself through 2 different self portraits.

I chose to take a look at two different aspects of myself that are completely different. My first portrait focuses on the part of me that is happy with who I am, where I've come from, and what I have chosen to be. My family has very deep roots in this region. My great-great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee. I don't know anything about her identity besides this. The first portrait is my attempt at putting together my own identity. What I do shapes who I am, but my background is still there. It is a part of me even though I don't know much about it. Where I've come from has definitely shaped who I am as much as the choices that I have made about my life. The other aspect that I explored was the part of me that has anxiety about explaining my thoughts, my work, and my feelings to other people and how I deal with it. I can be very insecure sometimes. I have learned that the best way for me to work through any sort of problem is through the method of writing everything down. In this way, I come to better understand the problem as well as develop my thoughts into great ideas. I also have trouble choosing a path to take in different aspects of my life. I feel anxiety about making the "wrong" choice. When I journal I often have the goal of figuring out if I have made the right choices along the way.

self-titled Design a couple spreads for a journal about identity and culture.

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by Tommi Sharp

Sometimes my mind is a huge jumble of emotions and ideas. It can be pretty overwhelming. Since I’ve been in college, I’ve learned to write things down. If I am upset, I write to myself about it. When I have an assignment and have tons of ideas in my head, I explain them to myself on paper. When I began this practice it was mostly to talk myself through something I was upset about. As time has passed, I’ve realized that this method is how I best communicate and work through different problems. So now I try to write about everything that I need to figure out.


Usually when I write, it’s an informal scrawled series of sentences written in a stream of consciousness way. Sometimes there is a lot of structure, but other times I am trying to get it out before I forget or move on to something else in my mind. When I can see it all laid on paper, it makes more sense to me. I’ve tamed the chaos and can then look at the big picture. I can then ask questions of myself. What is the best idea? Is something wrong with this frame of mind? After I can make these assessments, I have a direction and can then restructure it into something that will still make sense to me later. I can use this to explain it to other people, as well. When I try to explain an idea or emotion to someone else, I find that I usually cannot explain it fully when I’ve not gone through this process. There is a disconnect between the words that come out of my mouth and the thing that I am

14 // self titled


say what you mean

“Language as a means of communication is somewhat flawed.” trying to communicate. I can’t get it all out in a way that someone else can understand exactly what I mean to say. That is another reason I try to always write down my thoughts. When I have it all laid out so I can see what I am trying to say, I can then see the best way to explain it to others. Language as a means of communication is somewhat flawed. Even now as you read this, there is a disconnect between what I am writing and how you are interpreting it. Probably not a drastic one, but it is there. I believe this is true about everything a person reads or hears. The words and phrases that make up a language should be universal to those who speak it. But they aren’t. A phrase that means something to me means something completely different to someone else. We all have unique experiences with words which shape how we understand language and the world. //

say what you mean //

self titled // 15

Manifesto Write a personal manifesto. Make a typographic representation of said manifesto.

Deep breath. Everything happens as it should. Keep your head up Your mind sharp Your eyes open Be patient Be present Trust yourself Trust tomorrow

Deep breath.

Everything happens as it should. your head up Be PATIENT Keep Your mind sharp Be PRESENT Your eyes open


yourself tomorrow

Deep breath.

Everything happens as it should. Be PATIENT Be PRESENT


Keep your head up Your mind sharp Your eyes open

yourself tomorrow

Deep breath.

Everything happens as it should. Be PATIENT Be PRESENT

Keep your head up Your mind sharp Your eyes open


yourself tomorrow

“...that kinda looks like a ticket.”

“Oh. Would ya look at that.”

Deep breath.

Everything happens as it should. Be PATIENT Be PRESENT


yourself tomorrow

Keep your head up Your mind sharp Your eyes open

For this idea, I was thinking about time, patience, happiness, persistence and drawing shapes that made me think of cycles and hourglasses. My purpose was to find an icon that could embody my manifesto.

“Hey, that hourglass shape looks like a duck!”

“A happy little duck”


in their

natural environment



A classic brand that is reflected in the lettering as well as the the framing. The company stands for tradition, integrity, nutrition and wellness.

Warner Music Group’s logo is and abstracted “W” that also reflects the name. Three words, three diagaonal marks. It also seems to resemble an abstract sound wave.

Wasa is a bakery company founded in 1919 in Sweden. Their mark includes a crown and the color gold, which seems to say that the company makes a high quality product.

Chaco’s logo is simple, clean, open and green reflecting nature. Their products are generally outdoor products, so this is appropriate for their brand.

Iron key is a security software company. Their logo has very strong letterforms and is a literal interpretation of the key.

IZZE’s juice brand is looks fresh, delicioius, fun and bright. The packaging is as well. The brand was designed in 2002. IZZE is described as a perfect blend of pure, simple, and good.

Ocean Spray’s logo stands for taste, health and heritage. The blue oval is a calming bright blue with a cresting wave. It is playful and fresh.

Anthropologie describes shopping with them as an experience that makes women feel beautiful, hopeful and connected. Their logo reflects the handmade quality and playfulness of their products.

Vinturi’s logo is a clever use of the letterforms to reference their product. The letterforms are modern and clean to give the feeling of the cutting edge.

Walkman’s logo is fluid and reflects technology and the modular connected nature of music. It was created in the 90’s and is part of the larger brand Sony.

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Alfred Schindler designed the first logo in collaboration with a young employee from western Switzerland, Maxime Chatelain: A circle symbolizing a perfect whole with a compass representing precision and the art of engineering.

green erally for their

“The five stripes in our logo symbolize the five major areas of our operation and the policies to which Alpine, as a dedicated in-car equipment manufacturer, is committed.” The logo has a lot of horizontal movement as well as shapes that could also symbolize sound waves.

us, fun brand was perfect

ConAgra foods say “We make food that gives people less to worry about, and more to look forward to.” Their mark has a symbol that is both a bowl with a spoon and a person’s happy face.

Ben and Jerry’s logo is playful. The letterforms are strong feeling, the ampersand is fat and playful. Their packaging has a lot of playful imagery as well.

This logo has a very simple but clever idea. The arrow moves from A to Z to show that amazon has everything you want. Also the way the arrow is treated, it looks like a smile of their customer.

The Arm & Hammer logo dates back to the 1860s. James A. Church ran a spice business known as Vulcan Spice Mills. According to the company, the Arm and Hammer logo represents Vulcan, the Roman god of fire and metalworking.

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This logo makes use of the relationship between the “O” and their product. It is outlined in yellow, kind of giving the logo a warm glow. It is appropriate for this brand because it is about comfort and also food.

The famous Blue Oval finally came around in 1928. It set the basic shape and color of future Ford logos.

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General Mills is a very large brand. founded in 1856. This mark is found on all of their products. The choice of a monogram allows it to not distract from their other brands.

This brand’s logo includes an abstracted berry that also looks like the negative space of “BB” It also has rounded edges making the technology company more p

BRanding project Come up with a concept company to brand. Create a logo, stationary, and two other applications for your brand.

Checkpoints Who are you? Where do you have the most experience and credibility? We are a counseling service that provides support to women going through breakups. What do you do? We provide group therapy, a personal therapist, and a Breakup Guidebook. We strive to show women that they can in fact get through this, and grow from this experience. What is your vision? That every woman handles their breakup with the grace and dignity they are capable of and are able to use this to make them stronger and more confident than ever before. What wave are you riding? Self help, humor, self improvement. Self confidence is always in style. Who shares the brand scape? Who else competes in your category? Self help books like "He's Just Not That Into You" "It's called a Breakup Cause It's Broken" and "Deal Breakers," ibreakup.net, idump4u.com, The Death Bear service, AA, psychology and counseling services. What makes you the "only"? We are the only counseling service that coaches clients through the postbreakup process on a one-on-one level as well as providing a network of support. What is your name? BREAKOVER

Mood Boards

Creative Breif Heartbroken? Time for a Breakover. We are a counseling service that provides support to women going through breakups. We provide a post-breakup mentor to guide the brokenhearted through the healing process and connect them with others who are going through similar experiences. Our purpose is to empower women and show them how strong they really are. We strive to help our clients handle their breakup with the grace and dignity they are capable of, and show them that they can use this as a tool to help them become more confident than ever before. We promise to always be there for our client like a true friend. Our primary audience is college-aged women. We are the only counseling service that coaches clients through the post-breakup process on a one-on-one level as well as providing a network of support. The services we provide include: one-on-one counseling at any time of the day, group counseling sessions, a Breakup Guide that is for personal use and reflection. 3 applications: Breakup Guidebook, business cards and stationary, and an animated intro video.

safe, warm, positive, enlightening empowering, self-reflective, communal, light hearted, witty





Logo design

Breakover Breakup Breakover Breakover Breakup Breakup Breakup Breakover up Breakover

Break Over Break Over



Break Over BREAK


BreakOver Break ver Breakover

Break Over


BREAK Break Over VER Break Over

Break over Break over Break over Breakover

Break over Breakover Break


Break Break Break Break

over over over over

Break OVER Break OVER Break OVER




239 Nest Road Knoxville, TN 37916 | www.breakover.com | 423.494.0526



Your relationship is over. Not your life.


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