Structure and Function of the Accelerator LHC at CERN

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Democritus University of Thrace Department of Production Engineering and Management Course: Technology of Materials Editing work: Voyiatzi Chrysostomi AM: 91110

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It is the largest research center in the world dedicated to particle physics experiments. Located northwest and just outside the city of Geneva. The aim of the CERN accelerators is the construction and facilities for experiments The CERN was founded on September 29, 1954 from 12 European countries: Belgium, Denmark, West Germany, France, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia and Greece. Today the countries - members have reached the 201

It is the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world Used by nearly 10,000 physicists from more than 80 countries, search for particles that clarify the sequence of events that shaped the universe. The LHC is housed in a tunnel of 27 km and a width of 3,8 m, approximately 100 m below the ground surface

The LHC will collide two hadrons-either protons or lead nuclei-at speeds near the speed of light. The particles will be created during the collision will be detected and measured The experiment will be repeated up to 600 million times per second for several years. These conflicts will be studied from three of four detectors(ATLAS, CMS, LHCb and ALICE).

Like any other particle accelerator, the LHC consists of three main parts: a) tubes of links b) Acceleration structures c) The magnet system d) four detectors ď ą

The LHC detectors are designed, built and overseen by international collaborations, bringing together scientists from institutions around the world. There are four large (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb and ALICE) and two small (TOTEM, LHCf) experiments at LHC. The design and construction of detectors lasted 20 years The total duration of the experiments is almost equal to the duration of the entire career of a physicist.

Size: 26m long, 16m high, 16m wide Weight: 10,000 tons Location: St Genis-Pouilly, France ALICE, is made with emphasis on the study of heavy ion collisions. Aims to create plasma quark-gluons.

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Dipole Magnet A dipole magnet is an electromagnet used in particle accelerators to create a homogeneous magnetic field. When a particle injected into a dipole magnet will travel in a circular or spiral path. ITS Internal monitoring system Comprises six cylindrical layers of silicon detectors. The ITS will recognize particles containing heavy quark

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TPC The TPC ionizes charged particles passing gases. TRD Distinguish electrons and positrons from other charged particles in the radiation emission transition, X-rays PHOS It is designed to measure the temperature of conflicts by detecting photons that arise from them. Muon Filter The muon spectrometer measures pairs of muons, particularly those coming from the decays J / y and Upsilon particles. Is made from a special synthetic material which is highly rigid but very detailed

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Size: 46 m, 25 m and 25 m wide. The ATLAS detector is the largest volume particle detector ever built. Weight: 7000 tons Location: Meyrin, Switzerland. Has the purpose of observing phenomena could not be observed in the lowest energy accelerators, which can lead to new theories surrounding the basic theory. When particles collide in the center, can create a whole new particles


The parts of the detector

1. tube Package 2. inner detector 3. calorimeter 4. detectors Permanent 5. magnet System

1 . The tube bundle is the tube that runs along the center of the detector in which the protons will be accelerated and collide. a) Each package will have 2808 packages proton, where each packet there are 100 billion protons. b) At each meeting two packages have 23 events in the detector c) The events will occur every 25 seconds.



2. The inner detector starts a few centimeters away from the axis of the proton beam in a radius 1,2 m and a length of 7m. Main function to detect charged particles. The inner detector consists of the following parts:


Pixel Detector


It has three albums and three layers on each cap


It consists of 1744 bits, each 2cm x 6cm


The material is 250 microns thick silicon



Each one of the 1744 pieces of the probe contains 16 chips that give information and some other electronic components The total number of channels which give us information is 80 million (50% of total channels entire detector

 a) b)

Semi-Conductor tracker (SCT)

It is the middle part of the inner detector Is similar in concept and operation to the Pixel Detector with the difference that it consists of strips of silicon pieces instead pixel


It consists of four double layers of silicon strips


The channels, which give information are 2600000


2 m The overall surface is 61


TRT tracker a) b)


Radiation detector is emitted particles

The constituent features many small tubes, which are 351,000 in number, each of which has a diameter of 4mm and a length of 144cm Gives a more extensive analysis of other parts of the detector



Each tube is filled with gas just passed a charged particle ionizes. This creates a stream of ions moving to the high-voltage cable in the center of the tube and through the combination of bodies created, specify the path of the particle Particles that action, the lighter the higher speed are (hence the electrons, the lightest charged can be identified here as particles with the strongest signal


3. The calorimeter are placed after the solenoid magnet is round the inner detector. They count the amount of energy each particle absorbing. The calorimeter consists of two parts:




Tile Calorimeter Its purpose is to absorb the energy of particles that interact electromagnetically, are electrons and protons. The material absorbs the energy is lead (1.5mm thick) and there caused rain particles and hardware that detects the signal is liquid silver

c) Essential is the presence of the cryostat round electromagnetic calorimeter for holding the temperature of the low. d) It has great accuracy and the amount of energy that detects, but also at the point where this energy was deposited

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(Liquid Argon Calorimeter) Collider is strongly interacting particles that are made of two types of quark: baryons (3 quark) and mesons (pair quark-antiquark). It's a metal table with plates-scintillators transforming the actions of a crowd Collider low energy particle The light generated in the scintillators transported via optical fibers to photomultipliers which are positioned outside the calorimeter

4. The spectrometer for permanently situated immediately after the calorimeter system and reaches the edge of the detector. Muons are the only ones that reach this part of the detector, where he identifies the drives and loads with great accuracy.


5. The magnet system consists of three subsystems superconducting magnets: the tubular magnet ,8 magnets positioned circle round the center of the detector and the two end caps of the detector. Creates a stable and predictable magnetic field and the curvature of the wheel of charged particles helps to identify them. Two of the main magnets are:




8 levels superconductive coils, each 5m and 25m length width, arranged in a spiral shape (8 coils held in place by brackets 16 cyclically) The total weight of the coils is 830 tons, the current operation and 20,500 A maximum magnetic field of 4T The two flaps of the magnet providing a magnetic field in a radial opening of 1,5 m to 5m.




Designed to provide 2 Tesla magnetic field in the central part of the detector. It superconducting magnet with the smallest possible radial thickness and cooling system that is in contact with him and share it with liquid argon calorimeter. The stored energy is 39MJ, the operating current of 7600 A, weight 56 tons, radius 1.229m, thickness 45mm and 48K operation temperature

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Size: 21 m long, 15 m wide and 15 m high. Weight: 12,500 tons Location: Cessy, France. The CMS is the second largest general usage particle detector. The main purpose is to prove the existence of the Higgs Higgs, which explains the existence of mass in elementary particles. We from the results to draw conclusions about theories beyond the Standard Model, such as supersymmetry and extra dimensions.



Superconducting magnet Approximately 80000 crystals of lead-tungsten (PbWO4) are used to accurately measure the energy of electrons and photons. Hadronic calorimeter (HCAL) Layers of dense material (brass or steel), alternating with plastic scintillators or crystalline fibers, enabling determination of the energy of hadrons, ie, particles such as protons, neutrons, pions and kaons.



ΑDetector Tracker Finely divided silicon sensors (in the form of stripes or pixels) enable detection of the track and the measurement of the momentum of charged particles. Muon Chambers Permanently : Elementary particles belonging leptons kaitechoun same load with electrons , with the difference that the mass is 207 times greater than that of permanently. ; For identification of muons ( which are essentially heavy electrons ) and the measurement of their momentum , the CMS uses three types of detectors : tubular chambers slip strips and cathode chambers chambers conductive surfaces.

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Size: 21m length Weight: 5600 tons Location: Ferney-Voltaire, France. The LHCb is the LHC detector that can measure the parameters of violation of CP symmetry in the reactions between Collider b (heavy particles containing a bottom quark). The name refers to the homonymous beauty below quarks. The aim of LHCb is to find out what happened after the Big Bang, which allowed the material does not react with antimatter, resulting in the creation of the universe

The discovery will help to better understand the creation of the universe by solving issues in the theory of the big bang, immediately after the first split second of the birth of the universe. The Higgs takes its name from the British physics professor Peter Higgs (Peter Higgs), who proposed its existence. The discovery of the Higgs particle is an important step in the initiation of theoretical and experimental investigation of the theory of supersymmetry

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