THE FOCUS June 2014
Jun 19, 1865 and
Jun 19, 2008 What do these two days have in common The official magazine of Focused Radio
Focus Points Father’s of the Times page 4 2 Days, 143 Years Apart (cover story) page 6 Beauty and Beast page 9 Taking It Back page 13 Choose Life page 15
Editor in Chief: TommyP Story Editor: Miyon Baskin Administration: Shamon Gilbert Photo Credits: Cover Photo Mammuth G. Warner Photography Facebook NuFocus Media
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The Focus Jun 2014
Greetings All, June is the time when we all start to relax a little bit. By June just about all schools have closed for summer break and you can actually start taking vacation on your jobs. June is when all the May flowers have truly come into bloom and the BBQ grills are being used to fill the atmosphere with summertime. This month we challenge our readers to be aware of two dates some may
have never known had so much relativity. We discuss June 19th spread out over 143 years. This gives a chance to remember two very significant days for world history. We thank you for your continued support and as always thank you for Staying Focused My Friends!
Father’s of the Times by Dan’iele Smith
Rarely do we inquire about the origination of the gadgets that make our lives so convenient. Many of these devices are vital to day to day operations. Some of us cannot function without them! These technologies were developed by men who gave life to the technology we know today and that many of us take for granted. In honor of Father’s Day we decided to pay homage to some of technology’s biggest inventors and innovators. Douglas Engelbart – is known for his contribution to the invention of the mouse. Even though most of our devices are touch screen, many people still prefer to use the mouse instead. The mouse is still the most preferred peripheral because sometimes your fingers get tired of all the swiping that goes with the use of touch screens and you just need a different range of motion. His words of wisdom are, “I made a decision to maximize my contribution to mankind. But what would I do. There were so many complicated problems in the world. Things were changing at such a large scale. I came to realize that we needed new levels of group understanding and abilities to work collectively to solve complex problems” Norman Abramson – is known as the “Wireless Hero” for creating the wireless LAN in Hawaii. Indeed he is a hero. We all know how vital this innovation is today and many corporations and businesses operate with ease daily because of this man. At a time when networks were in their infancy, Abramson had a vision of where technology was and what was needed to propel it further. As I utilize the wireless LAN, the rest is history. Today, Mr. Abramson is retired and spends his time writing and speaks about the history of his invention. His words of wisdom are, “It was becoming apparent that the existing telephone network architecture was not well suited to the rapidly emerging data networking needs of the 1970s. Indeed, it would have been surprising had such a network architecture, shaped by the requirements of voice communications at the end of the 19th century, been compatible with the emerging requirements of data communication networks at the end of the 20th century.” Gerald A. Lawson – An African American known as the “Gaming Champion” not for playing games per se but for the technology behind them. Remember the old school gaming systems (I had an Atari 2600) with all those cartridges we changed because you were playing Pac-Man and someone else wanted to play Galaxy? The cartridge was his contribution to the video game industry. He created the first cartridge-based video game system call the Fairchild Channel F (Ribeiro,2012).This invention helped pave the way to modern gaming systems of today. His words of wisdom,“The way we measure intelligence today is, if I have a hundred pounds of intelligence and I get from you 99 pounds,you’re considered bright,right? My feeling is what‘bright’is or what‘genius’is–if I give you a hundred pounds of intelligence, you give me back 120. That means you take what you’ve taken and gone beyond that. You’ve learned other things, correlated the pieces and put it together and added something to it. That’s genius.” Henry Edward Roberts - Father of the PC Willard Boyle – Father of the Digital Camera Martin Cooper – Father of the Mobile Phone Ralph H. Baer – Father of Video Games (Gaming Consoles) Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn - Fathers of the Internet Bill Moggridge and Adam Osborne - Fathers of the Laptop Steve Jobs – Father of the tablet.
Although many of this men will never realize how their inventions and innovations have in fact changed life as they knew it. The men that have lived to see the fruit of their labor can truly exhale and say it was worth every sleepless night and every failed attempt. We thank you for never giving up and never losing your focus. From the music industry to the medical industry, these devices are paramount in our way of life. Happy Father’s Day!
The Focus Jun 2014 4
The Focus Jun 2014
Tribute to a Prynce a Huge Success for the Cause
Tee Barlow, Del Sam Rasoul, and Melanie Mitchell (VBS) above
Saturday May 31,2014, Focused Radio, Faith 4 A Cure, and Virginia Blood Services (VBS) took back “The Yard” with A Tribute to a Prynce. A blood drive in the Northwest Roanoke community, aimed at identifying more “rare donor” candidates for Sickle Cell patients. The drive was in memory of JonAnthony “Prynce Charming” Page. JonA passed away due to complications from Sickle Cell Anemia in 2010. Many were in attendance on this day. Including Delegate Sam Rasoul, Melanie Mitchell (regional coordinator VBS), vendors and performers including Page’s brother “Star-Citi” who also lives with the disease.
2 Days, 143 years Apart
June 19th means a lot to persons of African descent on two very different occasions by TommyP
It is hard to believe that we could still be misinformed at this stage of technology. With Google, Bing, and Wikipedia, and even The Focus Magazine, you can’t blame anybody for not finding the information on your own. However during slavery times, these information outlets were unavailable and therefore the people suffered a great deal. On the second weekend of June all over the country, there were celebrations for “Juneteenth,” but does anyone have any idea what that means? Sure for Roanokers, it meant free hot dogs and hamburgers for the urban community, but do the people receiving this celebration even know why we celebrate? For the slaves of Galveston, Texas, they found out something they should have found out two years prior. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves all over the country. That’s a great thing right? Well it wasn’t until June 19, 1865 the word got to the slaves of Texas. What, you mean that it took 30 months to get that message halfway across the country? Can you see how important it is to make sure we are current with the technology. If not we run the chance to miss out on very valuable information such as this again. Information like, did you know 1 in every 500 persons of African descent are born with the disease Sickle-Cell Anemia? With that it should be obvious that World SickleCell Day should get just as much attention as the hamburgers and hot dogs served for
The Focus Jun 2014
Juneteenth celebrations. Instead, there were less than 100 persons in attendance at the World Sickle Cell Day program at Howard University June 19, 2014. Even though the event was full of researchers, doctors, and celebrities showing the progression that has been made, it really didn’t reach the ones who probably need the information the most. Because I have such a strong tie to this disease, I speak about it a lot . As I look at how I was a grown man before I truly knew what Juneteenth was about, I feel charged to do what I can to ensure we make adjustments to the fastest growing disease in the world. You can’t really compare being in slavery for another two years after it was mandated that you would now be considered a free citizen to our lack of knowledge about sickle cell anemia or maybe you can Who knows how many people died from living under the slave rules, that were no longer applicable. Imagine the hope that was drained out of those who thought that since the fighting
was over, that change should have taken place. I can see some strong similarities in how people living with sickle cell might feel. By now more should have been done and a lot of good information is already out the will allow better quality of life for those living with Sickle Cell Anemia. Anyone that knows me, understands that I relate everything to everything. Blame me doing well on analogies on my SRA tests when I was younger. Sickle Cell has been around a long time. Technology should allow for more of us to get involved in finding a cure. It starts by doing proper treatment. Dr. Wally Smith from the Sickle Cell center at VCU has stated the benefits of Hydroxy urea as a preventative measure. Taking this drug, which is normally prescribed to persons living with sickle cell, daily can show long term effects that will decrease the frequency of sickle cell crises. Secondly, if more people of African descent start donating blood, this will allow for blood that is normally more compatible with those suffering from Sickle Cell available on the shelves when the sickle cell patient needs a transfusion. Lastly, get the word out about this disease. For the longest time, sickle cell anemia has be considered the “silent killer.” It tears the body down from the inside so you really can’t see the effects initially. It is also a silent killer, due to the fact the word hasn’t been put out. Just as everyone should have been privy to the information of the Emancipation Proclamation freeing the slaves, it is imperative that we make sure that next year, World Sickle Cell day gets is just coverage.
Stay Informed
Troy Michel
The Focus Jun 2014
This Valley works and virginia cares
We truly appreciate
Beauty Tee Barlow
The Focus Jun 2014
the ones making it happen
Martin Jeffrey Activist, Life Coach Choose Life, GM NuFocus Group
Dress Like you Want to Make Money Don’t miss your opportunities to shine by Money Mon Our daily lives are filled with opportunities. You may be presented with an opportunity to be promoted at your place of employment, you may be asked to speak in front of thousands of people, or you may be asked to entertain a group of colleagues. In each case it has to be a reason why you were picked out of several other people to get the job done. Realistically, you must ask yourself why did they pick me, they just met me two weeks ago, or I just got hired yesterday, or I was just walking down the hallway minding my business going to my workstation. Why me? I can tell you something that is pure fact, your first impression is everything and your appearance is a huge part of what can determine your success. This goes hand in hand with how much money you make. So ladies and gentleman envision this scenario; say you have an interview with a multimillion dollar company for an executive position or you are just getting dressed to go for a walk downtown. Always keep in mind you never know who you may meet and where. So always look your best. Here are some helpful hints on how to dress like you want to make the money, in other words dress for success. So for you woman and men out there pull out your best attire from your closet. Consider wearing a skirt or pants suit, preferably a skirt, with a nice blouse, stockings, and a nice heel, not too high ladies, three inches will be plenty to make the statement needed. If you do not have a suit, try a one piece dress, Note: Dresses or skirts should not be too short, to measure hold your hands next to your thighs and if the skirt or dress is above your hands and finger tips then you may want to reconsider your ensemble. A nice blouse and trousers, or a sheik flowing top with slacks is always a great choice. Make sure you do not
The Focus Jun 2014
overdo it on accessories and makeup. Your face should look as natural as possible with a light layer of foundation, eye-makeup, cheek color, and lipstick or a sheer gloss. Accessories should not overpower your outfit and you only need one or two or three pieces to accent your attire. Always if you are married wear your wedding ring and try earrings and a necklace to match, or earrings and a bracelet. Stay away from too many bright colors. You don’t want to seem corky or out of order. Hairstyles should be nicely groomed with a conservative style, try a straight look or natural curl and make sure it is uniformed, meaning no spikes, different color hair, or more than one style incorporated on your head. This could make your appearance quite overwhelming and it could take any business professional and/ or interviewers’ attention off of you and your true qualities Men are simple if you would like to dress in a double breasted suit with a tie this is the ultimate way to look like you want to make money or you already have a plan. You can also wear a nice polo with a collar without a tie, with slacks or khakis, but no jeans. Shoes should always set off the outfit, a casual low cut dress shoe or boot will be a great accent. Jewelry for men should not be extensive, of course if you are married wear your wedding ring, avoid earrings, and necklaces that may look gaudy. Hair should be neatly groomed and cut into a uniformed style if you have braids or dreads make sure they are fresh and you have an edge up, this includes facial hair guys. Remember your appearance may be your only chance to win and your first impression is the last impression. So get up every day with money on your mind. Remember time is money and you have to take time to dress like you want to make money!
Taking it Back
“Juneteenth” Black America’s Independence Day
by Miyohn Baskin
he Emancipation Proclamation was signed by Abraham Lincoln January 1, 1863. The document declared freedom for slaves from areas in rebellion against The United States of America. Although the American Civil War had ended April 9, 1865, there were still thousands of men, women, and children who remained in slavery. They didn’t learn of their freedom until June 19, 1865. Hence, June 19th is recognized across the country as Juneteenth; a celebration of freedom. Seven years ago, Roanoke Community Leader and Activist Jeff Artis organized the first local Juneteenth Celebration. Artis in collaboration with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference have continued to hold the event annually right here in the Historic Gainsboro District at The Washington Park. This years event was held on Saturday, June 14. Twenty employees from WalMart were able to assist in hosting the estimated 5,000 attendees while they enjoyed free hot dogs, hamburgers and fried chicken with all of the fixings and live entertainment. Local artists, gospel bands and NuFocus Groups very own, Thomas “Star Citi” Page accompanied by his band Bass’d were among the many performances for the day. Our Community Organization Faith 4 A Cure was also on hand to partner with the Virginia Blood Service’s Mobile Unit to collect donations of blood and to spread aware-
ness of Sickle Cell Anemia. Our team also had the opportunity to introduce to the community, 989 On Demand, a vitamin enhanced beverage formulated for hydration. There were a number of other vendors and sponsors set up at the event to share information with the community about their products and services. In addition to the great show of support from the community, a number of other familiar faces were spotted throughout the day. Sam Rasoul, recently elected Delegate to The House of Representatives, and his three young children as well as Bill Bestpitch, newly re-elected Roanoke City Council Member and his wife were among them. Juneteenth 2014 was a great day of fun and fellowship for all ages and proved to be a perfect way to commemorate such a significant piece of our history.
Blackened Fish Tacos Blackening Seasoning 2 tablespoons garlic powder 2 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 tablespoon dried oregano 1 tablespoon dried thyme 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 1 tablespoon pepper 2-1/2 teaspoons paprika 1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon cumin 1 tablespoon olive oil juice of 1 lime 4 Halibut fillets (or any preferred whitefish) 1/2 head napa cabbage shredded 1 carrot shredded 2 tablespoons rice vinegar pinch salt (8) 6� flour tortillas - Mix first nine ingredients and reserve for seasoning the fish. - Combine napa cabbage and shredded carrot in a bowl with rice vinegar and salt - Rub olive oil and squeeze fresh lime juice over the fish. - Liberally sprinkle halibut with blackening seasoning - Saute or grill halibut for 2-3 minutes per side until done - Warm tortillas either on the grill or
The Focus Jun 2014
lightly heating in a dry fry pan on both sides - Assemble tacos by placing blackened halibut in tortillas, top with napa mixture and garnish with spicy lime, cilantro
aioli. Serve with roasted corn salad! Spicy Cilantro-Lime sour cream - 1 cup sour cream - juice of 1 fresh lime - 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro - 1/2 tsp cracked black pepper - 1 tablespoon sriracha hot sauce Thoroughly mix ingredients and set aside until ready to assemble tacos.
The Focus Jun 2014
Choose Life SIGNIFICANCE, ACCEPTANCE & SECURITY Last month we talked about the role of perception in determining our actions. How we see a situation, a friend or even an enemy plays a vital role in how we respond to and interact with others. As human beings we have a natural basic need for a sense of significance—we all want to matter—to be valued. In addition to being valued we want to be accepted, even with our negatives which we spend a fair amount of time energy and resources trying to hide or get rid of altogether. Feeling significant and being accepted are two things we stake our life reputation and future on in many ways. There is however one other thing we need and desire more that both of those things and that is security. The need for security goes to the heart of a basic human instinct that is survival. In fact, in the absence of security, significance and acceptance become relatively meaningless. Security is everything. Whether or not you are talking about physical, emotional, financial or spiritual security, it is the foundation of life. As a Life Coach I am committed to doing all
that I can to help my clients understand one irrefutable FACT! And that fact is that REAL SIGNIFICANCE; ACCEPTANCE AND SECURITY can only come from God. Much of the difficulty and drama in our lives come from our efforts to secure our significance, acceptance and security from others who themselves are in need of and in a struggle to find it. You see, others can be the conduit through which God can facilitate our security, for example. It is critical, however that we focus our desire for these foundation blocks of healthy living on God himself. My ability to be used by God to foster REAL significance in my clients is solely based on my willingness to SURRENDER to His desire to LOVE and secure them. My words at their best and most effective are His Words to them, for them and about them. In short, REAL SIGNIFICANCE, ACCEPTANCE and SECURITY can only come from God. Be an oracle, not an obstacle for God in someone’s life. Choose Life
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