1 minute read


Lucy from New Zealand and Lachie from Australia are having a sporty little moment at their camping spot this morning. In between beers, they’ve whipped out a rope for a little exercise to start the day. The two met through Lachie’s sister, who travels often. Lachie is even more enthusiastic about it than Lucy. “I have to do this to make up for the beers. See that guy?” he says, pointing at a Hercules-like man walking by. “I’m trying to be like him.” Well, you seem to be on your way, Lachie!


Ed from Australia

“You don’t wake up in DreamVille every day, so I have to get as much out of it as possible. I have so much energy, I need to put it to good use and play some volleyball,” says Ed from Australia. So if you see Ed, challenge him to a game. Loser buys the first round…

Molly & Christa from Ohio, United States

“We had some strong drinks last night, so we need that hair of the dog. That’s what we call the morning-after drink in the US,” Molly tells us. Christa adds: “Our memories are a bit fuzzy – good thing we have Tomorrowland Today to freshen them up again.”

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