1 minute read
“We prefer to eat light in the morning, so we’d rather eat our noodles than some BBQ right now,” Cheng explains when prompted why he’s brought his own stove and pan. “We’ve been exploring some of the food at the DreamVille Marketplace, but we brought our own as well.” Cheng and Zhu, both Chinese, are set to explore the festival grounds after a thorough check of the weather forecasts. They’re keeping an eye on their weather apps to wait for the perfect moment to make a move. What a well-organised pair!
“We cooked some eggs at our tents, but in my opinion every breakfast needs a dessert as well. So I went out for this smoothie!” After this, Dion tells us he’ll be dancing like there’s no tomorrow today. Good thing he charged up with some fresh vitamins…
Shaloom has her friend Alice helping her with her last-minute visual preparations. “We didn’t sleep well, but I still feel blessed. I didn’t know if I’d be allowed to fly here, because I lost my ID. It worked out though. Every day feels like a gift now!”