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Reaching out on love’s golden wings

In Arcadiana, the rare Golden Auric’s elusive feathers are more sought after than anything else. Their magic capabilities are used by the Birdsingers to accomplish astonishing feats of healing, discovery, and wisdom, but also to intensify human bonds and achieve balance in the world. Meanwhile, you must be loving all the connections you end up making here, but not so much loving the fact that not all of your loved ones are able to join in the fun this weekend. So, if you could use the feather’s powers to convey Arcadiana’s energy to anyone in the world – who would you reach out to?

Tanya reaches out to Kristina in Croatia
“Kristina is our friend, and she is exactly the kind of person who loves events like this.” But Tanya and her friends couldn’t get Kristina a ticket… So Tanya sends her love instead!

David reaches out to Carson in New Zealand
Unfortunately, Q (as David and his friends call Carson) couldn’t make it due to business-related reasons. David sends his love to the other side of the world for Q!
Carmen reaches out to Georg in Austria
Carmen’s husband Georg is in Vienna, Austria with his best man, having a weekend together. Too bad for them! Regardless, Carmen sends her love from Tomorrowland.

Paul and Maggy reach out to Carlos in Switzerland
Carlos is Paul and Maggy’s friend who is in Switzerland, and sadly couldn’t make it due to lack of funds. Fortunately, he’ll have this message as a keepsake!
Kristina reaches out to Jaroslav in Slovakia
Kristina misses her brother Jaroslav and his girlfriend, who are left in Slovakia while Kristina is at Tomorrowland. What a lovely thought!
reaches out to Nathan in Australia
George’s friend Nathan is currently in Adelaide, Australia for work. George seems to be having a good time and enjoying himself still. But Nathan, you are missed!
Alejandra reaches out to Daniel in Colombia
The lovely Alejandra is sending a letter to her brother Daniel in Colombia, as he was not able to join their friend group to Tomorrowland. ¡Hasta pronto Daniel!

Luis reaches out to José in Spain
José lives in Spain, and he is not here today because he couldn’t get a ticket. The Swiss Luis misses him dearly and sends him all his love from Arcadiana!