Is Big Brother Coming? Advances in privacy-invading technology are rapidly paving the way for the fulfillment of prophecy.
By Rod McNair
ore than 70 years ago, in his novel 1984, George Orwell wrote of a nation controlled by a totalitarian dictatorship. By using cameras, spies, intimidation, and psychological manipulation, the government—personified by “Big Brother”—sought to exert near-total control over people’s movements, behaviors, and even thoughts. The phrase “Big Brother is watching you” described this oppressive level of government surveillance. George Orwell was an insightful observer of the world, and he recognized the possibility of a government becoming more and more oppressive and invasive in the lives of every person under its sway. Could Orwell’s predictions come to pass? Consider some of the prophecies of the Bible. Writing about the future, the Apostle John recorded in Revelation that he saw, in vision, two ferocious beasts. One beast rose up from the sea and the other arose from the earth. Students of the Bible understand these beasts to be human leaders wielding power over the nations. Their power will reach its climax at the end of this age, when this unholy alliance will take unusual and far-reaching
control over people’s lives. They will even force people to accept a mysterious mark, without which they will essentially be cut off from society. Could we lose or give up control of our will and our lives? Will a “Big Brother” system really arise on the earth? If so, how can we prepare? Beasts from the Sea and the Land The book of Revelation introduces these two beasts. This is what John wrote of the first beast: “Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name” (Revelation 13:1). When we compare this passage with Daniel 7 in the Old Testament, it is evident that this beast from the sea is a combination of four world-ruling powers culminating in the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire collapsed in 476 AD—this is the mortal wound described in Revelation 13:3. Also in verse 3, the beast’s deadly wound is healed, referring to the restoration of the empire under Justinian in 554 AD, aided by the pope in Rome. This resurrected Roman Empire would have successive revivals, and is to make its final appearance at the time of the end.
September-October 2020 | Tomorrow’s World 5