Tom Tom’s Summer Issue explores all things “Do It Yourself” or DIY. Our cover features the Internet’s Syd Tha Kyd who talked to us about homespun production and being an all around indie badass. The Coathanger’s Stephanie Luke explained how to have fun and be taken seriously while making music. Madison McFerrin spoke with us about creativity in the studio and her famous father. We delve into how to launch your own podcast, run your own online merch shop, U.S. DIY venues worth visiting, a “boutique” pedal-maker’s journey, the DJ collective Working Women, and one drummer’s path to finding her singing voice. We highlighted some incredibly exciting new artists like L’Rain, Tikyra Jackson, Mod Con, The Shakes, Sarah The !llstrumentalist, Linda-Philomène Tsoungui, and Melenas. Get into it.