Part 1 Architecture Portfolio

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tom gibbons part 1 portfolio

Tom gibbons

part 1 portfolio

a place for contemplation

Undergraduate 1st year

howard street registry office

Undergraduate 2nd 2nd year year Undergraduate

latent dynamo Undergraduate 3RD year Undergraduate 3RD year

dp architects


curriculum vitae

BRIEF To create a ‘place for contemplation’ in an urban environment. Without an specific site intially, the main design aims were to understand what features would be appropriate for a contemplative program and how they could become a physical structure. Once a design had been specified, an urban site was introduced. This required a significant amount of adaptation, while maintaining as much of the original design intent as possible.





FORM The form evolved from a series of sketch models, each introducing new concepts appropriate to the theme of contemplation. A secure place from which to observe the world, yet be able to seperate from it was the outcome. To enhance this, a continous water wall surrounds the lower level of the structure, creating the effect that the upper level is floating. The sound of rushing water also dampens the urban sound track

view corridor Despite being in a tight urban environment, the site has an unobstructed view corridor to the hills surronding the CIty. This was incorporated into the design to provide a visual relief from the immediate surroundings.

BRIEF To design a new registry office in the city of Sheffield. The previous registry office, nicknamed by the local community as ‘The Wedding Cake’ was demolished in 2003 and has been temporarily rehoused in Sheffield City Hall. The Wedding Cake was an iconic building in the City, not only for its brutalist style and unconventional form, but the memories that it held for many of Sheffield’s citizens. The new design will need to continue the legacy of the old, whilst creating an identity of it’s own.

FORM A registry office is a place that records the key moments in life: birth, marriage and death. It has a strong foothold in the lives of those who come into contact with it. To reflect this visually, the building’s form references local icons within Sheffield that are held in high regard by the local community.

LOCATION The site for the new registry office sits adjacent to the ‘Golden Route,’ which leads from the train station to the heart of Sheffield. As such, this area is the first impression many newcomers are afforded of the city . It is a well maintained thoroughfare with high standards of design that reflect the city’s wider characteristics, such as expanses of green space and a link to Sheffield’s heritage. To ensure this design would fit within the locality, these elements were at the forefront of the design concept.





LIGHT The proposed site is relatively small in comparison to the required program, meaning that some of the internal spaces are tight. In order to alleviate this and create a spacious atmosphere the design uses light in a creative way, mimicking more religious typologies often associated with marriage.

howard street registry office

garden terrace

public archive

wedding dome


night Boasting two Universities, Sheffield is a city with a vibrant night life and the local architecture reflects this. The Golden Route area in particular uses public lighting displays and techniques after dark to maintain the visual quality apparent during the day. The proposed design has its own integrated lighting that works within the wider city plan. The steel and copper panels that make up the facade both reflect the city’s industrial heritage and create a unique visual effect.

BRIEF To design a building that reinvigorates the industrial heritage of New Mills and makes use of the local resources. New Mills is a small town in Derbyshire, England. It was once a thriving hub of industry, consisting of half a dozen cotton mills spread along the river to harness its energy potential. Today it is primarily a commuter town as well as being a destination for walkers, making the most of its natural beauty. In 2007 the community banded together to invest in an Archimedes Screw System, converting the natural power of the river into electricity. It currently runs the local cooperative store, with any excess being sold back to the grid and the profits slipt amongst the locals. This design will attempt to incorporate all of these aspects, combining the towns historical significance with its community spirit and local resources.

site analysis The town of New Mills is split into two parts by the River Goyt and River Sett. The gorge carved out by the river is known by the locals as ‘the town below’. Previously the site of numerous cotton mills, the area is a picturesque destination for hikers, with many walks passing through or starting in the town. It is also the location of the recent‘Torrs Hydro’ system implemented by the town The proposed location for this project is at a point of convergance of all of these factors. Set beside the bridge that connects the two halves of the town, the site overlooks the coming together of the Rivers Sett and Goyt, the Torrs Hydro and a crossroads of all of the walking routes that pass through the gorge. These aspects are all important to the design proposal, particularly the strong connection with the river and the journeys to and from the area.

journey One of the walks that passes through the New Mills gorge is the Sett Valley Trail, starting at the Kinder Reservoir approximately 5 miles away and following the River Sett downhill all the way to the site. As part of this scheme, a pipeline will be brought from the reservior along the path connecting the two visually. A series of gyros installed within the pipe will create electricity to power the building, with any excess diverted to the town or sold back to the grid. The pipe will have transparent sections and information boards along the route to give the users a more intergrated experience.

5 miles

10 miles

program To make further use of the water brought to the site, the proposed design is for a distillery. As all of the ingredients can be sourced within a 50 mile radius, which will make it a uniquely local product and process, working within the strong community spirit already apparent in the area. Once the ingredients have reached the site, they too go on a journey of their own through the process of distilling. This is a central theme within the design, as every stage of the procedure will be visible to visitors. The system is an almost entirely closed loop with any waste materials able to be recycled or reused, including being able to power an anaerobic digester to supplement the electrcicty supplied by the pipeline.

50 miles

design evolution The design was developed using a series of physical models exploring first the form as a whole and then the planes and elements individually. The existing typology of the old factory buildings and town houses is integrated with more modern elements.

mass and void

circulation route

vertical suspension

internal and external

Represents the immediate topography of the gorge and cliff sides.

Represents the different routes to the sites and follows the ‘journey’ of the distilling process from start to finish

Represents the connection between the town above and the gorge below. Provides access to the distillery from both areas.

External space creates a closer connection to the gorge creating a more integrated user experience with the environment

public lift


still viewing gallery testing and innovation lab (public)

3rd floor public lift

suspended stairs

distillers office (private)



meeting room (private)

2nd floor

public lift


still viewing gallery

Lower ground floor

bottling room (public)

1st floor

public lift

suspended stairs

mill and barley storage (private)

glazed roof

6th Floor public lift

atrium exhibition space (public)

still viewing gallery media room (public)

5th floor

public lift

suspended stairs dry store (private)


cold store (private) still

storage (private)

4th floor

Lower ground floor

section a-a

section b-b


a section c-c

b a


LIGHT and materials The use of reclaimed and local materials, alongside some more modern items, reduces the inherent carbon footprint of the design. Casting the light in different ways onto these juxtaposing textures and colours creates dynamic internal spaces.

new mills distillery

atrium and still

exhibition space

cafe/shop and viewing platform

photograph by dp architects

DP Architects is a large firm consisiting of over 800 employees in the Singapore office and approximately 400 more in other offices around the world. The company specialises in large scale retail and residential developments, with projects such as The Dubai Mall and Singapore’s Orchard Road in their portfolio. The company was founded in 1967, 2 years after Singapore gained its independence. They have evolved in tandem alongside the country in the last 5 decades, being heavily involved in the local infrastructure. Their reputation quickly grew, seeing them expand into the Middle East, Eastern Europe and the rest of Asia.

photograph by dp architects

BPTP Gurgaon

residential development Gurgaon, India PROJECT OVERVIEW: Forming part of the urban plan for Gurgaon, a district approximately 30 km to the south of Delhi, the proposed development is located within the integrated Town-ship of Amstoria. Strategically located on the proposed 150 mile Northern Periphery Road (NPR) or Dwarka Expressway, it is connected to the expressway which runs from the development to the Airport and to New Delhi. 4 & 5 bedroom units are stacked towards the Amstoria development as it provides for the best views and these are the higher end units. 3 bedroom units have views to the outside of Amstoria. A skybridge has been provided at the 14th level, which houses the Clubhouse & Amenities. The Skybridge integrates all three towers as it forms a secondary connection and shares facilities between all the residential units. MY KEY TASKS:

- Put together a schematic drawing package as part of a team in a very short amount of time. - Quickly analysed and understood the design intent to allow me to correctly draw internal sections, elevations and plans according to another team’s design.

rendering by sixtrees

drawings by me

seef lusail

waterfront masterplan lusail city, qatar Project Overview: Forming a critical part of of Qatar’s national vision 2030, Lusail City is located 12 km north of central Doha. It spans 38 sq km and contains 19 districts. Planned for a population of 200,000 residents, it is currently being developed by the Qatari Diar Real Estate Development Company in the role of the master developer. Seef Lusail is a high profile district of the Lusail Master plan; spread over 60 hectares with entitlements to develop up to 690,010 square meters of commercial, retail, office, entertainment, hospitality and residential property. MY KEY TASKS: - Researched local architecture and culture to create a modern interpretation of Qatari architecture for the residential zone. - Undertook a study of the urban spaces to ascertain where public shading was required -Worked with an environmental consultant to integrate shading systems into the design. - Proposed a number of options for a shopping mall layout for the retail and entertainment zone - Coordinated with Foster and Partners to develop a bridge-link system between the retail zone and the central plaza.

rendering by vyonx

drawings and design by me

emaar square retail development istanbul, turkey PROJECT OVERVIEW: DPA was comissioned to design the Boulevardi retail mall zone which compliments the super block ecosystem of apartments, Hotel & Office, designed by Foster and Partners Located on the Asian Side of Turkey, the site is strategically accessible from Major highways. The geographical quality of the area provides panoramic views from the high level units. The retail zone consists of a lower and upper plaza level, containing mainly high end stores, food and beverage outlets and an entertainment complex; two basement levels consisting of mid to high level fashion and technology outlets and a futher basement for home and family neccesities. MY KEY TASKS: - I was involved in putting together a Design Development package for the facade design of the Plaza level structures and retail layout of the Mall. - Designed and drew a package of specific construction details. - Put together a report providing the client with design options for exhaust and smoke ventilation, which required seeking advice from mechanical and structural consultants. - Redesigned the internal pavilions according to the clients new requirements follwing on from the DD stage.

rendering by vyonx

drawings and design by mee

project ‘o’

competition masterplan europe PROJECT OVERVIEW: ‘Project O’ is an Urban Design masterplan, covering 120 hectares. The site is currently mostly slum and squatter housing and the local government is looking to redevelop the area. The current housing will be replaced with approximately 2 million square meters of residential construction, with approximately three quarters of this being given back to the existing residents. As well as the housing development, a new boulevard of mixed use buildings is being created. The design will aim to rival many of the best known boulevards in Europe, such as the Champs Elysees, La Ramblas and Istiklal Caddesi. The 1.2km Boulevard connects a new Iconic building on top of the ridge that forms the site and an oval shaped plaza that opens out onto a park with views of coast MY KEY TASKS: -Refined the massing for the Eastern residential zone. - Designed the architectural style and atmosphere of the boulevard and created a 3D model, following studies of other succesful boulevards in Europe. - Designed the ‘Oculus’ for the central Iconic towers, as well as creating the architecture for the towers themselves. This was also modelled in 3D -Worked with external renderers to create a series of perspectives for the competition entry.

rendering by audax

design by me

design by me

rendering by vyonx

rendering by audax

design by me

rendering by audax

about me


I am a Part 1 Graduate, having completed my BArch at the University of Sheffield in 2012. I have spent the last 12 months working for DP Architects, a large Singaporean firm that specialises in large scale developments and master planning, with projects throughout Asia, the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

university University of Sheffield

To further my architectural education I would like to work on smaller scale projects in the near future, to enable me to see a project in its entirety, as well as understand how the process differs and what the similarities are. My experience and education to date has given me a strong understanding of the importance of place and context within a project. It has also given me an interest in the social side of architectural design. I am always looking for ways to improve the user experience, whether that is through traditional architectural methods or by expanding the role of the architect into other fields

skills (2008-2012)

- Working on projects in a wide range of social and climatic contexts at DPA has enabled me to become adept at evaluating and understanding the key requirements of each location. - Confident researching concepts to discern an appropriate schematic theme.

- Structural Engineering with Architecture - Architecture (BArch 2.1)

High School (2000-2007) Thomas Mills High School, Framlingham - A Level - Maths (B) Physics (B), Design Technology (A) - AS Level - English Literature (B)

experience dp architects pte ltd - Singapore

Architectural Assistant


Assistant Engineering Designer


I completed a three month internship at Mott Macdonald in between high school and university. This was my first opportunity outside of education to develop my design capabilites and learn to utilise CAD software properly. Despite eventually changing profession, I gained a useful insight into the engineering design process and spent some valuable time at constuction sites.


architectural visualisation

- Participated in a series of photoshop and rendering workshops while working at DPA, allowing me to accurately convey architectural and spatial concepts to clients - Effective at developing and communicating designs using 3D physical models, created with a variety of scales and materials.

team work

For my Part 1 placement, I spent a year working for DP Architects in Singapore. I was mainly involved in large scale projects including a detailed masterplan in Qatar, a retail development in Istanbul and a residential scheme in India. Working on projects in a variety of countries challenged me to apply the design skills I had developed at university in completely new circumstances. The range of projects also gave me opportunities to work at both macro and micro scales, undertaking tasks ranging from urban planning and road layouts to duct placement and facade detailing.


brief analysis & concept development

Work Experience


As part of my education I undertook a two week placement with a graphic design company to gain some experience of how a concept is taken forward to realisation in the workplace. Taking part in a number of design exercises and attending both internal and external meetings improved my comprehension of the process.

DONALD INSALL ASSOCIATES - Cambridge Work Experience 2006 I spent a week with an architecture firm to understand how the profession works on a daily basis. I attended a number

of client meetings and shadowed one of the architects. My first exposure to architecture as a career choice helped me choose a path for the future.

- I have been involved in team sports from a young age such as rugby, hockey and American football. I enjoy working within a group towards a shared goal. - Worked within a multi-disciplinary team at DPA consisting of architects and urban planners. - Coordinated with external sub-contractors and consultants to develop and refine large scale projects.


- Tutored a group of first year students at the World Architecture Festival design charette. - Captained and organised an intra mural hockey team during my first year at university and won the tournament trophy

Time Management

- Combined a dual Engineering and Architecture course for the first two years of my degree. The conflicts in schedules and deadlines required me to organise my time proficiently. - At DPA, I was regularly involved in multiple ongoing projects, which developed my skills in multi-tasking.


software proficiency


- Tutored a group of first year students from the University of Sheffield at the 2012 World Architecture Festival design charette. By guiding others I was able to see how I could improve my own work. - Raised ÂŁ100 for Dig Deep by doing a charity bungee jump in 2012. - Organised a 4 week trip around India in 2009, speaking basic Hindi to organise travel and accommodation. This was the first time I had spent a long period living within a very different culture, which caused me to reflect on my views on life. - Funded and organised a 6 month trip to Australia and New Zealand in 2008. I learnt a number of life skills such as budgeting, forward planning and self dependence. - Played for my high school 1st XV and club 2nd XV rugby teams. I was awarded my full colours in my final year. - Represented my athletics club at under 17 level in discus, javelin and shotput, achieving a silver medal in each. - Raised ÂŁ400 for the charity R.N.L.I. by partaking in a 10,000ft tandem skydive in August 2007. As well as raising money for a worthwhile cause, this helped me overcome my fear of heights.


Chan Hui Min - Associate Director, DP Architects +65 6338 3988

Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Sketchup Rhino

TONY BROOMHEAD - Final Year Tutor, University of Sheffield +44 (0)114 222 0399

contact information



+44 (0)7554 426 442



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