CONTACT IN PERU: Tomas A. Parillo – Mission North Lima Calle V, F2 – 09 6ta. Etapa, Urb. Santo Domingo, Lima 7, PERU e-mail: – phone: (511)543-4865 – mobile: 9952-17123
OUTLINE PRESENTATION ............................................................................................................................ 3 I.
OVERVIEW ABOUT MISSION FIELD IN PERU ............................................................................... 4 A. Peru: Strategic point in the world B. Lima: Strategic point in Peru C. Comas: Strategic point in North Lima
OVERVIEW ABOUT THE RELIGIOUS CONTEXT IN PERU............................................................. 8 A. Religious context in Peru B. Religious context in the city of Lima C. Religious context in Comas (North Lima)
OVERVIEW ABOUT THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN PERU.............................................................. 11 A. Historical context of the church in Peru B. Weaknesses for the growth of the church C. Opportunities for the growth of the church D. Current congregations in the City of Lima
PLAN FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN COMAS (NORTH LIMA) ............................................... 15 A. Our Vision B. Our Mission C. Our Objectives D. Our Strategies E. Our Values
STRATEGIES FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN COMAS (NORTH LIMA) ................................... 18 A. Celebrating (worship) B. Evangelizing (evangelism) C. Maturation (discipleship) D. Ministration (ministry) E. Sending (mission)
LOCATION FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN COMAS (NORTH LIMA) ...................................... 22 A. Location for the Church B. Facilities for Transportation Access
RESOURCES FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN COMAS (NORTH LIMA) .................................... 24 A. Spiritual Resources B. Financial Resources C. Educative Resources
VIII. FINANCIAL INVESTMENT FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN NORTH LIMA ............................... 26 A. Financial Investment of one-time B. Financial Investment of every month
PRESENTATION This project of mission work is based in the need to obey the Great Commission (Matthew 22.37-39), and the Great Commandment (Matthew 28.18-20) given by Christ. The gospel should be preached to everybody (to all the Peruvians), and we have to feel compassion for the souls without Christ as Christ felt it; however, we are very few laborers that are involved in this task. The Church of Christ in Peru from its beginning in the year 1960 until today, its numeric growth is very slow, and does not have impact on the society. A lot of American and Peruvian brothers/missionaries have made an effort to preach the Word of God in Peru, but there were not a plan in the long term, a concrete plan how-to the things. The Protestant Churches have gotten advantages because they have well elaborated projects of evangelization. The Peruvian population is growing and we are coming to the 30 million inhabitants, of the ones that only they exist of more from 3 thousand Christians of the Church of Christ (adding to churches of Christ of different tendencies). However, several preachers somehow are making an effort carrying the gospel to each person. The purpose of this project is inviting the brothers or churches to support the plantation of an evangelistic and missionary church of Christ, which have impact on the community anywhere stood up. To be a church where people that shares the love of God, Gospel. To be a church that helps the community in the moral and social aspect. My family and I have worked at the preaching of the Gospel in Lima, Arequipa, Huamachuco, Puno, Apurimac, and Ayacucho. Also we have been part of the plantation of Church of Christ in El Olivar, San Martin de Porres, which now moved to Carabayllo. The dedicated effort has served to strengthen churches of Christ that do not have trained preachers with seminars, studies and workshops. The effort a lot bigger is the creation of the Inter-American Biblical Institute to train Christian leaders, which needs moral, spiritual and material support; which I served as Academic Dean and now I am working as professor. We have dedicated our talents, our illusions, our time and all our life for the cause of the Lord, and with the blessing from God we received his support for living. We are looking for friends, brothers and/or churches that support financially this project to plant a new church of Christ in Comas (North Lima), because in this area of Lima, there is not a church in front a population of more 500 thousand inhabitants. Our concrete and written plan will be a model or pattern to plant other new churches of North Lima (Independencia, Los Olivos, etc.).
Lic. Tomas A. Parillo LIMA – PERU, 2011
PERU: STRATEGIC POINT IN THE WORLD. A. PERU, A STRATEGIC PLACE. The position of Peru in South America is strategic, because is located in the central part of the continent. 1. It’s the third country in extension of the South American continent, and now is a strategic point of the world. 2. It’s a magical place that possesses one of the richest biodiversity of the Earth and it is number one in species of birds, of orchids and of butterflies. 3. The rain forests with a larger diversity, has 84 of the 103 ecological zones of the world, thanks to its 28 different types of climates with 12 thousands lakes; 262 rivers, and 1679 glaciers.
Republic of Peru
1’285, 215.6 km
Coast (136,233 km , 10.6%). 2 Andean (391,991 km , 30.5%). 2 Jungle (756,991 km , 58.9%).
30+ millions inhabitants (2010* last estimations).
Spanish Quechua Aymara and Others
Nuevos Soles (money exchange S/.2.75 per 1 USDollar)
Catholic 85%, Protestants 12% Others 3%.
Main cities:
Lima-Callao, Arequipa Trujillo, Cuzco and Iquitos
A Great Country in South America
2 2
The money exchange is changing constantly (in 2011 it is estimated 2.75 to 2.70 per dollar)
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4. PERU, A NEW VISION. In the beginning of the years 1990, Peru was suffering several crisis of its history. 1. In 1990, the new government elected taken out several radical changes in the economic and political reformations to reestablish fiscal and monetary equilibrium to open a pragmatic and social economy. 2. Toward the year 1993, Peru had accelerated and an important step in the restoration of the economic order, inflation was reduced and tax payments were duplicated. 3. The peace process was very important, because the extreme groups (terrorists) were thrashed and their main leaders were captured; with this actions of the government returned the peace and quiet for the population. 4. Today, Peru has found its confidence in the future with new geopolitical and geostrategic vision toward the world, and these confidences in the possibility of Peru are great challenges for the economic and social development signing important commercial trades with the different strong nations of the world, as NORTH AMERICA (U.S.A. – CANADA), EUROPE, ASIA (CHINA, JAPAN), AND NOW CENTRAL AMERICAN AND SOUTH AMERICA.
The world viewed from Peru
II. LIMA: STRATEGIC POINT IN PERU. A. LIMA, STRATEGIC PLACE. The capitol of Peru is the city of Lima; it is located on the pacific coast mid-way between Ecuador and Chile. 1. LIMA, it is one of the main cities of South America and political, cultural and economic center of the country, with 9 million inhabitants that is almost third part of the country’s population. 2. LIMA, it was founded on January 18, 1535; it is larger city and populated, situated in the central coast of Peru, on
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the banks of the Pacific Ocean, where forms a continuous urban area known as “Lima Metropolitan”, which extends on the valleys of the rivers, Chillon in the North, Rimac crossing downtown of the city and Lurin in the South. B. LIMA, A MAGICAL CITY. 1. Lima has a warm and fresh climate, being characterized to have an accented humidity, and absence of rains, during the whole year. 2. It is the main door of the entrance and exit of the country and it is connected with the main cities of the world through its Airport. 3. The domestic service is covered for several airlines, with branches that are connected to the main cities of Peru. 4. The city of Lima is well known like the “city of the kings” for his magnificent, strategic and geographic condition of this valley. 5. Lima offers an immense variety of national and international foods, like fast food, China, Japanese, Italian food, and the exquisite Peruvian food in exclusive and excellent restaurants. Name
9 Million inhabitants
43 Districts (+Callao has 6 districts)
International Airport Jorge Chavez
Spanish, English, Italian, French and others.
Catholic, protestant, Oriental religions and several sects.
Main Districts:
South: San Isidro, Miraflores, San Borja, La Molina.
Capitol of Peru
North: Los Olivos, Comas and Independencia.
III. COMAS: STRATEGIC POINT IN NORTH LIMA. A. NORTH LIMA is composed by popular poor inhabitants, but part of inhabitants is composed by professionals and small business people. 1. North Lima is divided in COMAS, Independencia, Los Olivos, Carabayllo, Puente Piedra, Santa Rosa and Ancon districts.
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2. These last times North Lima is changing and now has a growing economy, important Malls and Shopping Center were established as Mega Plaza, Plaza Norte, and Real Plaza where is included important Fast Foods restaurant as Pizza Hut, Domino’s Pizza, Papa John’s Pizza, McDonalds, Burger King, Bembos, KFC, Chili’s and others. B. COMAS. It is located in the North of the city of Lima, average 15 kilometers from downtown. His altitude varies from the 100 to 300 on the sea level so that it is to bigger altitude than other districts of Metropolitan Lima. 1. Comas is limited to the North with the district of Carabayllo, East with the district of San Juan of Lurigancho, South with the district of Independencia and West with the district of Los Olivos and Puente Piedra district. 2. Eighty percent of the district at present finds itself built-up completely count on paths, clues, light, water, drainage, telephone, and internet. Also, Comas has two hospitals for serving community. 3. Have several restaurants, movie theaters and recreation centers being the main and more known “Sinchi Roca Park”, in addition to the farm Villa and country clubs. Some Shopping centers as are Metro, Plaza Vea, Tienda Max. 4. Also, close to Comas it is border by three main private universities as Universidad Cesar Vallejo (UCV), Universidad Privada del Norte (UPN), and Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH).
Lima Metropolitan
Province of Lima
Total Area:
48,75 km²
500.977 inhabitants
Mayor City:
Nicolas Kusunoki (2011-2014)
Social Level:
Main avenues from Lima: Tupac Amaru Ave. Universitaria Ave. 30 % of middle class, 50 % of poor class and 20 % of poorest classes.
Lima -Norte
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT IN PERU The Peru is a religious country. Raul Porras Barrenechea, a historian, said than the Peruvian it was probably the most religious man of the world. A. CATHOLICISM. The Catholicism arrived in Peru together with Spain conquers in 1500 A.C. With this religious group came different practices and combined with traditions of the non-Christian religious groups born in Peru. 1. The Catholicism is the traditional religion of Peru and they celebrate numerous festivities that many times have syncretic character with the native religions. 2. The Peruvian constitution gives recognition to the contribution that had the Catholic religion to the formation of the Peruvian nation. The Catholicism is diverse, the socalled popular religion grows from the religious syncretism of the Catholic religion and the pre-Hispanic practices. 3. However, the Catholicism in the Peru corresponds to the Catholic faith's general lines, this is, the love to the fellow being and the social commitment, reflected in the numerous works of charity, and help to the population more needed, particularly in campaigns organized by parish churches and enclosure some particular high schools of religious cut. 4. The Spanish colonists that got to the Peru stuck at their Catholic Spanish practices, between them giving doctrine whom the courteous or named pagans. The clergy destroyed the greater part of the Inca cultural heritage, the Andean religiousness, by means of their stocks named for themselves as of extirpation of idolatry. 5. Today, the Catholic Church is 85% of the population. The main religious activities are “procession” of images as “Virgen de la Candelaria” (February), “Santa Rosa de Lima” (August), “Señor de los Milagros” (October), “San Martin de Porres”(November) and many others. B. PROTESTANTISM. The Protestant Churches and Evangelicals got to the Peru with the European immigrants and North Americans compromised in the diffusion of the Bible. 1. Diego Thomson, Scottish citizen who arrived to the Callao's port in Peru on June 28, 1822 invited for the liberator of Peru Don Jose de San Martin. 2. San Martin's project was that Thomson organized in the Peru the system of formation of the schoolteachers, in order to popularize education, reserved even before the independence to the creole and wealthy colonial.
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3. Later Francisco Penzotti, an Italian missionary put on the front in the diffusion of the Evangelical faith in Peru (July, 1888). The effort of diffusion of The Holy Scriptures was impulsed by Penzotti enabled after the foundation of The Methodist Church, first Protestant congregation in the Peru. 4. The historic Protestant Churches like Anglicanism, Presbyterianism, Lutheranism or Methodism also based in the Evangelical faith, have a limited presence and they stand out for their social and political contribution, when recognize the importance of love to the fellow being and the solidarity next to faith. This follows on from his presence with educational centers, medical centers, soup kitchens, etc. 5. Churches as the Assemblies of God and the Missionary and Christian Alliance are born and grow, spreading out for all of the Peruvian territory, in an intense missionary and apostolic work. 6. In the decades of 70 and 80 churches are born new evangelical, and they constitute in important contributions the society. Agua Viva, Camino de Vida, Iglesia Biblica Emmanuel, Movimiento Misionero Mundial, Movimiento Evangelistico Misionero, they are the names of some of the a lot of churches that every day are born, basing in the preaching and discipleship of new believers with emphasis in small groups. 7. The members of the Protestant/Evangelical Churches take care of themselves in around 4 million people. Most of that population concentrates on the evangelical independent churches. It is important to point out that the most accelerated rhythm in the growth of the evangelical population in the Peru has taken place from the decade of 70. Of a 1 % then, it has gotten to surpass the 12 % in the year 2006. 8. There are three associations that consolidate some churches and to pastors of the Peru. National Evangelical Council of the Peru (CONEP), National Union of Christian Churches of the Peru (UNICEP) and International Christian Brotherhood of Pastors (FIPAC). C. OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS. During migrations other religious practices came to Peru. In the first half of the XIXth century came Chinese, the Jews, the Arab and Turkish communities, each social group brought his own religion, so Hindustan; in addition, came the Buddhist religion, the Islam and others itself. The first forms architectonics of a mosque in the Peru it has been constructed in Tacna, south of the Peru.
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT IN THE CITY OF LIMA. A. CATHOLICISM. 1. Catholic Church is close 80% of the population in Lima. 2. The main religious activities are “procession” of images as “Santa Rosa de Lima” (August), “Señor de los Milagros” (October), “San Martin de Porres” (November). 3. The celebrations to meet many catholic people to concentrate in the streets of the city.
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B. PROTESTANTISM. The Protestants have grown in the last ten or fifteen years, being calculated over the 15 percent according to conservative numbers and 25 percent for the more optimists of Christian religion not Catholic. 1. The increment of Evangelicals from 19th century is due to the growth of groups of cut Pentecostal and charismatic that now they are the most numerous churches of the country. 2. There are temples that celebrate to seven Sunday cults with a total audience of 5.000 members like Iglesia Alianza Cristiana y Misionera (Lince y Pueblo Libre), Iglesia Biblica Emanuel (San Isidro), Movimiento Misionero Mundial (La Victoria), Iglesia Pentecostal (Comas), Iglesia Biblica Bautista (Rímac), and Iglesia Agua Viva (Lince). 3. In the last times born other groups so-called religious sects like “Pare de Sufrir” (Stop of Suffer) and Iglesia Pentecostal “Dios es Amor”. Also expanding other sects as Adventist Church 7th Day, Mormons, and Jehovah's Witnesses. 4. The Peruvian president (Alan Garcia) the last July 30, 2010 attended second time around in a meeting of THANKSGIVING DAY for motive of the National Holidays organized by the Evangelicals, and after it was decreed like “national holiday” to please the Protestants. C. CHURCH OF CHRIST. The churches of Christ in front of the Catholic Church and the evangelical churches are a minority. 1. The percentage of Christians is very low in this country, to sorrow that the Church of Christ began parallel in Peru in the 60s with the Baptist Churches and Christian Alliance Church. 2. However, the Churches have not grown, next follow the question, why? What has been missing? The average quantity of Christians of the Church of Christ belongs to 3000 in the whole Peru in front 30 million people.
RELIGIOUS CONTEXT IN COMAS (NORTH-LIMA). A. CATHOLIC CHURCH. The most of the catholic churches in Lima are working with social project to support poorest people like breakfast and lunch for the children and older people. B. PROTESTANT CHURCHES. In Comas, the main evangelical churches that are growing are Pentecostal churches characterized by their charismatic worship and with different names, and also the Alliance and Missionary Church (ACyM). 1. The biggest Church in Comas is ACyM that counts with close to 2000 members, with several meetings every Sunday and has a Christian High School, and they are working with several subsidiaries church and with a permanent growth. 2. One of the arguments of the accelerated growth of the Alliance Church in Lima (ACyM) it is that each church has a High School. Through these high schools they invite the families to gather them in a “School of Parents” with the aim of inculcating Christian morals worth with the Word of God in them.
HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF THE CHURCH IN PERU. A. THE FIRST YEARS OF THE CHURCH. The Churches of Christ in Peru began in 1958 when Evert Pickartz distributed tracts from Lima to Tacna. While Pickartz was serving as a missionary in Santiago, Chile, he decided travel to Lima to establish a church of Christ on June 9, 1961. Two North American Christians was working in the South of Peru (Tacna) aided financially in this work. 1. In March 19, 1963 arrived Glenn and Janice Kramar became the first full-time American missionaries to live in Peru, and be united three Peruvians youths. The Kramar’s remain in Peru in two periods among the years 1963 at 1971 and 1980 at 1985. In the first 4 years some 200 people were baptized and 4 congregations were established. 2. In 1968 they were later joined by the Bert Perry, Carroll Robertson, and Hans Dederschecks (He was converted in Peru). Bert Perry arrived 1968 arrived and they worked for 10 years. Hans worked as missionary in Peru in 1965 at 1980 and after left to Viena, Austria. A team of several families went to Peru in 1981 for a brief stay. 3. In the years 1980 a mission team arrived with the purpose of planting a strong church in Lima that would be good as example for the churches, but not improved this project. They went to direct a leadership-training program. Joe and Jane Lee, veteran missionary to Guatemala, served in Peru for six months during 1987. 4. When American Missionaries left to US, new native preachers assumed the leadership of the churches. B. THE CHURCH IN THESE LAST TIMES. In these times the church experiencing the arriving of new native Christian Leaders to contribute in the growth of the churches in Peru. 1. In 1997 arrived Peruvians preachers graduated from Baxter Institute in Honduras, the first teams were Rodolfo Casas (preacher in Carabayllo, Lima and IBI’s professor) y Tomas Parillo (Preacher and IBI’s professor too). 2. 2002 ahead have arrived Florencio Nunez (preacher in Miraflores, Lima). Raul Chumbile (co-worker in Miraflores, Lima) Ahitofel Saccaco (preacher in Uripa, Apurimac), Hermenegildo Mediano (preacher in Trujillo, La Libertad), Pedro Flores
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(preacher in Trujillo, La Libertad), and Fernando Latorre (preacher in San Judas, Cuzco). 3. Also, we have a new generation of preachers from 2004 to 2010, who have prepared according Peruvian social-cultural reality and they are enthusiast young people graduate at Inter-American Biblical Institute ( a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)
Pablo Rivera (preacher in Sarin, La Libertad). Jorge Tapia (preacher in Pacasmayo, Lambayeque) Juan Chumbe (preacher in Los Pinos, Lima). Santos Rios (work in Los Pinos, Lima). Efrain Cuellar (plan to preach in Andahuaylas, Apurimac). Percy Honores (preacher Buena Vista, La Libertad). Omar Latorre (preaches in San Judas, Cuzco). Juvenal Serrano (plan to preach in Apurimac). Jackson Chuquimago (plan to preach in Abancay, Apurimac). Others new preachers/teachers are coming soon…
II. WEAKNESSES FOR THE GROWTH OF THE CHURCH. A. WEAKNESSES OF THE CHURCH. The following critical and observations are some reasons why the churches have not grown.
1. The mission work of the church is weak for lack of a clear vision to plant and to develop dynamic and strong churches. 2. The leadership of the churches is weak for lack of a formal workout in Bible and ministry to work on the context of the Peruvian reality helping to solve the human problems. 3. The evangelism of the churches is not having impact for lack of a vision, strategy and jealous to spread the Gospel in cities and towns of Peru. 4. The discipleship of the churches is deficient because there is not a plan of Christian education defined for the spiritual growth of the Christians. 5. The worship of the churches is weak for lack of hymns and spiritual songs that are happy, healthy and biblical according to our culture, since the songs that is sing are generally very monotonous. B. WEAKNESSES OF THE LEADERSHIP. These observations are subjective and hypothetic; however, they are reasonable observations to evaluate leadership in churches of Christ. 1. Indifference to the Great commission given by Christ and lack of passion to preach the gospel to all social classes. 2. Conformism of the some preachers on the idea of, “many are the calls, but few the chosen ones” or “we are the faithful remainder.”
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3. Individualism, that is to say the work clerical or individual, little desire of working in team. 4. Fatalism, in the belief that people are not interested in the gospel, and therefore “I don’t need to go, but rather they come to the church.”
III. OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE CHURCH GROWTH A. THE WORK OF INTER-AMERICAN BIBLICAL INSTITUTE. Since the year 2003, IBI is training young preachers to help churches of Christ in Peru to strengthen its leadership, to help in the work of evangelism and mission works. 1. IBI is dedicated to form integrally men and women of God, with spiritual quality of life and knowledge advanced in Bible, Theology, Ministry, and Culture in order they are able to analyze the big human problems and to solve the present-day ecclesiastical and social challenges, and assuming the Christian leadership (evangelists, elders and teachers) with responsibility. 2. IBI is offering a practical training in the churches, because the students during the weekend are working in evangelism, edification and restoration unfaithful members. 3. IBI is offering a bi-occupational education. A biblical-theological education and a technical education in a technological institute. The graduates of this way will be in a position to support themselves financially when they finish their education.
B. THE MISSION WORK OF GRADUATE PREACHERS. 1. The young graduates from IBI are working on different places of Peru according to their possibilities, because neither graduate has a financial support to work fulltime. 2. However, they are doing a dedicated effort to support the churches in evangelism and education of an efficacious way and according to their workout that they have received in IBI.
IV. CURRENT CONGREGATIONS IN THE CITY OF LIMA This list of congregations are those that are communion and take part in some combined activities that organize the churches in Lima as seminaries, campsites, confraternities and other ones. A. Miraflores Church has 50 members, a full-time preacher. B. Collique Church has 15 members, a part-time preacher.
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C. Lucyana Church has 40 members a part-time preacher. D. Los Pinos Church has 50 members, a full-time preacher. E. Panamericana Norte Church has 30 members, a full-time preacher. F. El Cuadro Church has 10 members, a part-time preacher. G. Santo Domingo Church has 30 members, a full-time preacher. H. Puente Piedra Church has 40 members, a full-time preacher. I. Montecarlo Church has 40 members, a full-time preacher. J. Brisas Church, 40 members, a full-time preacher.
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OUR VISION: To be a dynamic, growing and challenging church that loves God and looks for the true communion through a genuine change. A church where the life of the people that attend be transformed by love and mighty God. A church where the meetings are important for the communion and discipleship. A church where the leadership is active, enthusiast and committed with God.
II. OUR MISSION: To share (to preach) the Gospel that save and transform lives through the Holy Spirit leading needy people to Christ's feet by means of love, friendship and service. Our mission is based in two strong principles: The Great Commandment (Matthew 22.37-38). The Great Commission (Matthew 28.18-20).
III. OUR OBJECTIVES: The objectives for the Church of Christ in Comas (North Lima) are: To spread Christ's gospel for the redemption of the man, in the area of Comas (North Lima) by means of friendly evangelism, small groups and adequate literature. To promote the distribution of the whole Christian literature and study of the Bible, in order that the Lima North knows the message of the good news. To establish a biblical, organized, and evangelistic church of Christ with self-supporting resources and administration. To get a land and to construct a temple, the preacher's house and educational classrooms dedicated exclusively to the cult and education of the Church of Christ.
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To start leadership training to prepare Christian leaders in order that they become preachers, teachers, elders and deacons for the specific work of the local Church. To promote health, culture, education and sound recreation of specific groups like the children, young people and seniors for the integral development of the people for a better quality of life.
IV. OUR STRATEGIES: We are going to work on the Bible foundation based in Acts 2.42-47; having a true communion by means of different groups to achieve the Christian's spiritual and social growth, developing authentic relationship between the members and non-members of the church (Matthew 22.39-40). The following are five strategic steps:
CELEBRATING (WORSHIP): Celebrating a genuine worship service with dynamic way and happy and spiritual songs (Matthew 22.37-38, John 4.23-24 ) EVANGELIZING (EVANGELISM): Presenting God's plan of an individual and collective way so that people obey Christ in baptism and are integrated to the great God's family (Matthew 22.39-40; 28.19; Mark 5.19). MATURATING (DISCIPLESHIP): Helping the new disciples to grow in Christ for living a transformed life by means of a continuous follow-up and a sound and dynamic Bible studies until they attain the complete maturity and they assume the leadership in the discipleship and ministry (Matthew 22,39-40; 28.20; Acts 2.42). MINISTERING (MINISTRY): Integrating leaders to serve God with their spiritual gifts in specific ministries of the Church by means of a leadership program. In this level the leader's task is maturing and to capacitate him to hold your leadership and to assume bigger responsibilities inside and out of the Church (Matthew 22.39-40; Ephesians 4.1112). SENDING (MISSION): Sending committed and trained Christian leaders to the new mission field to explore, plant, develop and expand the new churches in other areas where the people open their heart to accept the Word of God (Mark 16.15; Acts 1.8).
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OUR VALUES: To develop the following values in every disciple of Christ, this will permit a strong and faithful church. To love God and to honor him with obedience. To make faithful disciples to be able of making disciples. To development authentic relationship. To have strong families. To love and to serve neighbors.
VI. OUR CALENDAR: PLAN FOR EXPLORING PROSPECTS (2011). The first stage is to reach people for sharing the Word of God knocking down different barriers (beliefs) with humility and love. We are going to use advertising pamphlets, Bible tracts, and Bible courses; preaching by radio programs, house by house, markets and parks. PLAN FOR PLANTING THE CHURCH (2012). The second stage is to plan the church in strategic location where there is more acceptation of the word of God. We are going to get a building to start the church and will work with a group of IBI’ students. PLAN FOR CONSOLIDATING THE CHURCH (2013 – 2017). The third stage is to developing the church with the five strategic steps of natural development. PLAN FOR EXPANDING THE CHURCH (2018 – 2020). The fourth stage is to expanding church planting new congregations in other area of Comas, Independencia and Los Olivos districts, and mission trips to other regions.
STRATEGIES OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN COMAS (NORTH LIMA) We will work on basis of five strategic processes for helping the growth of the Church of Christ in Comas (North Lima). We will follow the following strategic five steps: Celebrating, evangelizing, maturating ministering and sending. These five strategic steps will be circles of growth and development of the church.
CELEBRATING (WORSHIP): The celebration is the first step to achieve a sound and natural development of the Church. The worship is the first Great Commandment of God. The worship to God should be natural and joyful; a healthy expression of a heart that loves God. In order to achieve this we will make the following things in accordance with God's will. A. We will train all the brothers to sing to God of a happy and dynamic way. We have known hymns and new songs as much happy and solemn, which will teach each Christian. 1. We will have classes of songs once a week. 2. We will distribute copies of hymns/songs and CD with recorded songs. B. We will train some brothers to form group of chorus in order that they can sing in presentations or special meetings that the Church organizes. C. We will prepare a group of males to lead worship, to direct songs, to serve the Lord's Supper and to collect up the Sunday offering of an organized and decent way.
EVANGELIZING (EVANGELISM) The evangelization is the second step to achieve a sound and natural development of the Church. The evangelization is the first Great Commission of Christ. The evangelism should be natural, permanent and dynamic; a healthy expression of obedience to Christ. In order to achieve this we will make the following things in accordance with God's will. A. FRIENDSHIP EVANGELISM (Mark 5.19). We will prepare every Christian to share Christ with their relatives and friends by means of specific evangelistic resources. We will provide the following resources to follow up.
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1. Bible Courses. We have evangelistic bible courses to offer for the people according needs. 2. Bible Videos. We will use special movies about the families and others for edification. 3. Bible Power Point presentations. 4. Evangelistic Tracts. B. SMALL GROUPS (Acts 5.42; 10.24-25). We will lead small groups in different homes to reach families and neighbors around Christian family to share the word of God. The Bible will be focused to the needs of the people, with emphasis in family and church living; therefore will be treated doctrine themes. To lead small groups to reach people for Christ, sharing the word of God and growing in Christ, making the following: 1. Singing dynamic Christian songs. 2. Lessons for individual and group studies. 3. Discussion about different themes of the Bible. C. SPECIAL RESOURCES. We will lead temporal/annual programs to share about Jesus and his word of dynamic and impacting way. We are looking for the following programs are: 1. Let’s Start Talking. The church will offer for the English language students a special annual program with American Guests (Let’s Start Talking project). 2. Vacation Bible School. Every year in summer we will have special Vacation Bible School for children with special events, Bible classes and special classes for parents. 3. Project of School Support. To encourage and create a project with university student for helping school students with their homework, and to offer classes of Math, sciences and others. This project will be foundational for the creation of High Schools of Churches of Christ in Peru. 4. Project of Older Adult. To encourage and create a special project for the Older Adult people to support with recreation and a healthy life with special equipment to massage and other treatment. 5. Project of Solidary Support. To promote in the church a heart to help poorest people and in the church will be joined foods and clothes for donation in cases of emergency and disasters; also, medical and health campaign for the community. 6. Christian High School. To promote and create a High School with the Christian professional teachers with the purpose of perpetuation of the Christian faith and to impact to the society. SURVEY EVANGELISM RESOURCES Let’s Start Talking LST Let’s Start Talking (only in English) Vacation Bible School EBDV Escuela Biblica De Vacaciones Project of School Support PAE Programa de Apoyo Escolar Project of Older Adult PAM Programa de Adulto Mayor Project of Solidary Support PAS Programa de Apoyo Social Christian High School CHS Colegio Thomas Jackson (?)
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MATURATING (DISCIPLESHIP): The maturation is the fourth step to achieve a sound and natural development of the Church. The education/edification is part of the first Great Commission of Christ to develop a good and strong growth. The edification should be inspiring, permanent and natural; an expression healthy of love and obedience to God. In order to achieve this we will make the following things in accordance with God's will. A. SUNDAY BIBLE SCHOOL (Matthew 19.14). We will lead an inspiring Sunday school with trained and dynamic teachers to teach and train all children in histories and portraits of the Bible, essential doctrines of the Bible, and the purpose of the church. To educate children helping to discover the plan of God for their lives making the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Bible teachings for pre-scholars Bible teachings for scholars Bible teachings for teenagers Bible teachings for young people
(01 – 05 years of age). (06 – 11 years of age). (12 – 17 years of age). (18 – 25 years of age)
B. CHRISTIAN BIBLE ACADEMY (Acts 2.42). We will lead a strong discipleship program with trained and dynamic teachers. Every disciple will receive a manual of studies every trimester to study in home and to discuss in the classroom every Sunday and mid-week Bible studies. Every disciple will learn how to guide other disciple helping to grow in Christ and find their spiritual gifts to minister in the church: 1. Basic Bible Studies: (a) Christian living. (b) Christian doctrine. (c) Christian home. 2. Advanced Bible Studies: (a) Textual Bible Studies. (b) Doctrine Bible Studies. C. LEADERSHIP TRAINING (2 Timothy 2.2, 15). We will have a strong leadership program designed exclusively to train qualified and committed Christian for ministering the local church; they will be prepared for the vision, mission and goals of the church in Comas. To prepare committed Christian leaders in Bible, doctrine and ministry to become preachers, teachers, elders and/or deacons. Areas of studies/training: 1. Courses of Biblical Studies. 2. Courses of Doctrinal Studies. 3. Courses of Ministerial Studies. The church will organize annual workshop, seminars or conferences for the leadership (preachers, teachers, elders) with invited preachers and professors. Spiritual and smart students will be sent to Inter-American Biblical Institute for advanced and specialized studies at full-time.
IV. MINISTERING (MINISTRY): The ministration is the fifth step to achieve a sound and natural development of the Church. The ministration is part of the first Great Commission of Christ to serve to God of a good and strong way. The ministration should be inspiring, permanent and natural; an expression
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healthy of love and obedience to God. In order to achieve this we will make the following things in accordance with God's will. A. WORSHIP MINISTRY. Every disciple will be a Minister (a worshiper) to adore to God as well a leader or worshiper in the cult of the church. The ministers can participate in prayers, leading songs, serving the Lord’s Supper, Preaching the word of God, directing the worship service and collecting of offerings. B. EVANGELIZATION MINISTRY. Every disciple will be a Minister (an evangelizer), and will be committed with Christ to share Gospel of individual and collective way. Evangelizing house by house, small groups, gospel meetings, Bible conference, and others using different methods and resources. C. EDUCATION MINISTRY. Every disciple will be a Minister (a maker of disciples) teaching of an individual way and also Bible classes in groups. Teaching in Sunday school, adult Bible classes, youth Bible classes, Children Bible classes, ladies Bible studies, etc. D. FAMILY MINISTRY. The people will be met in the local of the church to preach evangelistic topics as “The great challenge of the family”. The program “Families in Victory” to help people how to strong families, to nurture children and to help restore marriage in conflict. Ministering marriage, couple for marriage, and counseling. E. YOUTH MINISTRY. Every young people will be involved in the juvenile group of the church. The youth group will be a strong team for different project as evangelization, fraternization, education, and adoration. F. CHILDREN MINISTRY. The children ministry will be leading by young people, who will help to all children with special programs, Bible classes, visitations, children campaign and similar programs. G. LADIES MINISTRY. The ladies ministry will be leading by trained ladies in Bible, they are going to meet in the building of the church, in homes, visitations, special meetings, conferences and similar programs.
SENDING (MISSION): A. Local Mission Work. We are going to approach all opportunity to start a church new area of North Lima (Los Olivos, Independencia, Puente Piedra, Carabayllo, Santa Rosa and Ancon). Every Christian will learn the first three ways of involving into the mission work. 1. Praying for the mission work (missionaries and new works in different areas). 2. Supporting the mission work (rise funds to support mission trips with young or adult people). 3. Involving in the mission work (mission trip, medical brigades, planting churches or as missionaries in other cities). B. Outreach Mission Work. We are going to encourage to committee on the mission work in different areas of Peru. We have several opportunity to visit churches and contacts in Junin, Huanuco, Ayacucho, Iquitos, Apurimac and others provinces.
LOCATION FOR THE CHURCH. The church will be located in accessible area to facilitate the attendance of the people for the meetings. The new church will be started in or close to Av. Universitaria, which is located in the District of Comas bordered of District of Los Olivos. Both districts are located in Lima-North which surrounding with Independencia to the South, Los Olivos to the West, Carabayllo to the North. Av. Universitaria is a main Avenue with 22 miles of distance (star in Magdalena end in Carabayllo).
The church will have a confortable building to permit the growth of the church. An adequate building permits a missionary vision for the growth of the church. In the Lima City is very important a comfortable church building, due to that people put a lot of importance to the building. Also it must have an auditorium for worship services, administration office, classrooms.
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FACILITIES FOR TRANSPORTATION ACCESS. Through Av. Universitaria pass different urban buses for transporting people from the North, Comas, Carabayllo and Puente Piedra districts; East, Independencia, Rimac and Lima (Cercado) districts; South, Pueblo Libre, Magdalena and San Miguel districts; and West, Callao, 30 minutes from International Airport “Jorge Chavez”. The location has facilities for access to people and is located 10 or 15 minutes for different Malls like Metro, Plaza Vea, Mega Plaza, Plaza Norte; also for the fast foods like McDonald’s, Burger King, Bembo’s and Domino’s Pizza. It is located by three main private universities as Universidad Cesar Vallejo (UCV), Universidad Privada del Norte (UPN), and Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH).
SPIRITUAL RESOURCES. The new church of Christ in Comas (North-Lima) will learn and follow the following spiritual resources to get the goals for the glory of God. A. THE PRAYER (Matthew 7.7-8; Acts 6.4). Every day we will pray in home and a one time in the local church. B. THE FAITH (2 Corinthians 5.7; Hebrews 11.1, 6). Every day we will depend in God and his support. C. THE DISCIPLINE (Romans 12.1, 2). We will be disciplined into our mind, heart, life and work for the church. D. THE WORK (John 6.27; 1 Corinthians 15.58). We will work every day and all time to share the Gospel with the people.
FINANCIAL RESOURCES. A. To start church in Comas (North-Lima) we need to raise financial funds for investing in evangelism and a building for the church. The following are our needed. 1. Budget to rent for a building or to purchase a land/building for the church and other services. 2. Budget for biblical evangelistic materials as tracts, flyers, cards and posters prepared by mission team in Peru. 3. Budget for the biblical educative materials as books, manuals of studies, and classroom utilities. 4. Budget for the furniture and fixture expenses as chairs, tables, pulpit, Lord’s dinner utilities cabinets and bookstands. B. To teach and encourage Christians to give their money according prosperity for the evangelistic activities every Sunday for the glory of God. C. To plan annually the church budget for the local work and outside mission work. To focus the financial resources for evangelistic and educational work.
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III. EDUCATIVE RESOURCES A. WORLD BIBLE SCHOOL ( Austin, Texas, USA. These recourses will be used for the evangelism. B. SPANISH LITERATURE MINISTRY ( Wichita Falls, Texas, USA. These recourses will be used for the evangelism. C. BIBLE COURSES FOR WORKERS ( Farmerville, Louisiana, USA. These recourses will be used for the leadership training. D. WORLD SCHOOL FOR MISSIONS ( Searcy, Arkansas, USA. These resources will be used for evangelistic work and leadership training. E. LA VOZ ETERNA MAGAZINES ( Houston, Texas, USA. These magazines will be used in the evangelization for the specific people like to read themes of the Bible.. F. INTER-AMERICAN BIBLICAL INSTITUTE ( Lima, PERU. We will use the summer program (CAMI in Spanish) to prepare leaders and after we will select candidates for the regular program for advanced training. G. CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS Y RECURSOS ESPIRITUALES ( Bayam贸n, Puerto Rico. These resources in Spanish will be used for teaching of the church and training leaders. H. ALABANZAS A CAPELLA ( These resources will be used for learning Christian songs in the church. I. NORTH LIMA CHURCH MISSION TEAM: Lima, PERU. The mission team will prepare courses of Bible Academy to teach all members of the church.
FINANCIAL INVESTMENT FOR THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN COMAS (NORTH LIMA) The financial costs for the mission work are not expenses, but investments to short and long term period. On basis of this basic principle of investment to expand God's kingdom, we wish to estimate costs to start, to plant, to consolidate and to expanding the Church of Christ in North Lima. I.
FINANCIAL INVESTMENT OF ONE-TIME. Furniture for the building church) A. Chairs for Adults (50) ........................................................................................... 1250.00 B. Chairs for Children classes (50) .............................................................................. 450.00 C. Table for Children class (5)..................................................................................... 190.00 D. Table for Lord’s Supper .......................................................................................... 100.00 E. Set of Lord’s Supper ............................................................................................... 500.00 F. Sound Equipment .................................................................................................... 500.00 G. Classroom utilities................................................................................................... 300.00 H. Stands for Bible materials ....................................................................................... 400.00 I. Cleaning Implements .............................................................................................. 100.00 J. Paint the building .................................................................................................... 100.00 K. Illumination of Building.......................................................................................... 150.00 L. Decoration of Building............................................................................................ 100.00 TOTAL ................................................................................................................. 4140.00 In dollars (money exchange is 2.75 per dollar): .................................. US$1505.50
FINANCIAL INVESTMENT OF EVERY MONTH. A. Rent of building ...................................................................................................... 700.00 B. Evangelistic materials ............................................................................................. 150.00 C. Educational materials .............................................................................................. 100.00 TOTAL ................................................................................................................... 950.00 In dollars ........................................................................... US$345.50