HOLE WIZARD SOLIDWORKS FEATURE TUTORIAL Step By Step Tutorial For Learning Hole Wizard Feature Tutorial
WHAT IS HOLE WIZARD SOLIDWORKS FEATURE? The Hole Wizard is solidworks feature which helps to create holes in part or assembly file without drawing an additional sketch. There are different types of hole can be created by using Hole Wizard SolidWorks feature. In this presentation, you will get know hole wizard property manager and how to create hole in 3D model.
STEP-1 There is 3D cylinder model shown in the figure. Here, you are going to create holes on it using Hole Wizard SolidWorks feature.
STEP-2 Make sure, you are “Exit from The Sketch”. Go to Features Command Manager, Select “Hole Wizard”. Or you can go to Insert menu -> Features -> Hole Wizard
STEP-3 Here you can see Hole Wizard property manager. There are two tabs, you can see in it. 1. Type 2. Positions. • Type:Type means, “Hole Type”. There are lot of Hole type is available in the property manager. They are, Counter bore, counter sink, hole, straight tap, tapered tap, legacy hole, counter sink slot, counter bore slot and slot. Here , you have to select any one of the hole type as you need to create on model. For example, selecting “Counterbore” hole.
STEP-4 Once you selected Hole type, You have to set: 1. Standard :- Any dimensional standard like DIN, ANSI, ISO etc 2. Type of Hole as per bolt types.
3. Hole Specifications:- Hole size, type of fit etc. 4. End Condition:- Here you have to decide how much depth as you needed this hole on your 3D model. Here, Blind, Through all, Up to Next, Up to Vertex etc options are available. You have to select above said things as per your hole requirements.
STEP-5 You have to select face where you want to create hole or slot in the 3D model. If you want to make holes on multiple faces, click on “3D Sketch�.
STEP-6 Here, selecting the top face and hole preview can be seen as yellow color. You have move your mouse pointer to select positions of holes.
STEP-7 Click on “ok� or green tick button. This is final hole image.
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