The Judde Society Legacy

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THE JUDDE SOCIETY Your legacy, their future.


The Headmaster’s Message It is clear from speaking to many people from Tonbridge’s extended community of boys, OTs, parents and staff, that the school generates strong affection and that the experience of being here plays a significant part in people’s lives. Tonbridge is a deeply caring community with a profound sense of family. Whilst academic success remains essential, the key to long term fulfilment is in recognising each boy as an individual and providing the environment and opportunities for them to develop as creative, curious, confident young men with a lifelong love of learning.

Tonbridge would not be what it is today without a long line of generous benefactors who help to ensure that the vision of our founder, Sir Andrew Judde, will continue to be fulfilled in the future. As someone who benefitted from an assisted place, I feel passionately about the importance of widening access by making it possible for bright and talented boys from all backgrounds to have access to a Tonbridge education. I offer my sincere thanks to all those who have made it possible for us to offer transformative opportunities through our Foundation Award programme. We believe that we can go even further.

Many OTs say it is the values that they have learnt at Tonbridge which have stayed with them through their life, and the extraordinary diversity of achievements of Old Tonbridgians in all walks of life is a testament to this.

Your valuable support will help us to sustain our respect for tradition and openness to new ambitions. Such generosity as may be possible will be enormously appreciated.

A legacy with a lasting impact Your legacy to Tonbridge will help us continue to offer the very best in learning and teaching. Your pledge will cost you nothing today, but will leave a lasting impact on generations of Tonbridgians to come.

Top results, first-class facilities

Championing kindness and a social conscience

Tonbridge has a long-standing tradition of inspired, innovative teaching and academic excellence. The subject expertise available at the school, coupled with our outstanding examination results, helps ensure that each year boys from Tonbridge gain places at leading universities in the UK and internationally.

The school places great emphasis on making boys aware of their responsibilities in the wider world. Throughout the year, Tonbridge boys spend around 20,000 hours supporting local causes, working with organisations that make a difference in the UK and overseas.

Respecting the past, embracing the future

Celebrating diversity and a global outlook

We have a long and proud history, but today Tonbridge is a school which fully embraces the 21st century. Our beautiful, historic campus houses world-class facilities and our curriculum reflects a world that is changing at a rapid pace, preparing boys for life beyond Tonbridge and for the jobs of tomorrow.

Tonbridge values its inclusive, supportive and diverse culture. Around 12% of the boys live overseas, and many world faiths are represented in the school’s populace. Chapel services remain an important part of school life, and boys and staff are invited to think positively about their place in the world.

A well-rounded education A vibrant and balanced programme of co-curricular breadth and depth is fundamental to our core values. From writers such as EM Forster or Vikram Seth, to musicians Keane, or actors Dan Stevens and Ben Whitrow and international sportsmen such as Colin Cowdrey or Ed Smith, Tonbridge has inspired and nurtured talented boys for generations.

A commitment to the community The school’s outstanding facilities are offered at a free or concessionary basis to 90+ organisations a year, and are regularly shared with local primary and secondary schools, charities and sports clubs. Almost 100 cultural events are held at the school annually, all of which are open to the public and are often free.

Your legacy to Tonbridge Since its foundation in 1553, legacies have played a pivotal role in securing a future for Tonbridge School. The school’s founder, Sir Andrew Judde is also its first legator. He left property in London as an endowment for the school, helping ensure its financial viability beyond his death in 1558. Legacies are one of the most effective ways to make an enduring contribution to Tonbridge School and are also a simple and straightforward way of giving, without affecting the immediate financial needs of yourself and your family. All gifts left to charities in a Will are also exempt from tax and could reduce your inheritance tax rate by around 10 per cent. Today, the school is supported by around 100 OTs and friends through its legacy programme. These gifts have

been put to immediate use to support and help shape the future of our great school and the boys therein. In 2028, Tonbridge School will celebrate its 475th anniversary. As we approach this milestone, it is our hope that Old Tonbridgians and friends will consider including the school in their Wills and help us realise our aim of 475 legacies by 2028. We hope you will consider becoming part of this wonderful and vital tradition. Making a Will is an important step and it is recommended that you seek professional legal advice. When making a bequest in your Will, please note that the beneficiary should be the Tonbridge School Foundation, Registered Charity no 1099162.

475 life-changing actions With your support, we hope to reach 475 legacies by the school’s 475th anniversary, in 2028. Help us celebrate this milestone in Tonbridge’s history by transforming a life. Pictured: Tonbridge School pupils run the Cras in 1890

My legacy to tomorrow’s Tonbridgians David Kemp PS 42-47 Housemaster 1969-84 Second Master 1971-89 Acting Headmaster 1989-1990

The more I see of our old school, the more impressed I am. Tonbridge has always produced rounded and thoughtful men; it is certainly doing this now. I believe that one of the most natural reasons for Old Tonbridgians to support the school is through their sense of loyalty; loyalty to their House whilst they are at Tonbridge and loyalty to the school once they have left. It’s also about values. There is a long tradition of giving in Tonbridge’s history and in many ways the quality of Tonbridge is down to this tradition, which of course

started with our founder, Sir Andrew Judde. For those of us who still value the education we received here, but may have other financial commitments at present, the promise of a legacy is the ideal way to support The Foundation and the future of Tonbridgians for generations to come. Tonbridge School has been a huge part of my life, both man and boy, and seeing the school now evolving and growing, I am still struck how it remains unchanged in its ethos. Through my legacy, I hope to support future Tonbridgians who will uphold the ethos of our school.

The gift of opportunity Ivan Bilicki Sc 01-03

My parents left Serbia in the 90s due to the wars and economic hardship. Unable to return to Serbia and with an uncertain future, I was fortunate enough to be accepted at Tonbridge under a full scholarship. My experience at Tonbridge was wonderful and I received a world-class education. The teachers were very passionate, knowledgeable and pedagogical. I think that until this day, my time at Tonbridge has been my most positively formative moment in academia. I was challenged like never before.

Tonbridge has been my most positively formative moment in academia. I was challenged like never before.

Then there were the extracurricular activities: Combined Cadet Forces, the Climbing Club and the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. I am thankful for all these memorable and formative experiences: overnight expeditions, climbing walls, shooting guns, swimming, even going to Chapel! I also made friends from all over the world. After getting good grades during my A-levels, I applied to many universities for Electrical Engineering and eventually settled on McGill University in Toronto,

Canada, where I did my Bachelor’s and Master’s under a full scholarship. I am sure that if it wasn’t for Tonbridge, it wouldn’t have been as easy to get noticed. After university, I started working for IBM Canada as a Compiler Software Developer, where I am until this day. I will be forever grateful for the generosity from Tonbridge School between September 2001 and June 2003. I have grown in the best possible way while being there, and this paved my way for a successful further education and adult life.

Types of Gift There are several different types of bequest which can be made when writing or amending a Will: A residuary legacy is the gift of the remainder of your estate (or a percentage) after all other gifts to family and friends have been distributed and all outgoings have been settled. A residuary legacy is generally of the greatest benefit to The Tonbridge School Foundation as this is the safest way to ensure your legacy retains its value. A pecuniary legacy allows you to leave a specific sum of money. Over time the value of this bequest may decrease with inflation, but it is possible to index link the sum to preserve its current value.

A reversionary legacy involves leaving your assets to trustees so that family members or other beneficiaries can enjoy the income during their lifetimes, with all or a portion of the capital going to The Tonbridge School Foundation after their deaths. A conditional legacy provides for the eventuality that if none of your named dependants survives you, your estate will be left to other named beneficiaries and charities, such as The Tonbridge School Foundation. A specific or non-money legacy allows you to make a bequest in the form of shares, property, valuables and works of art, which may be either kept or sold by The Tonbridge School Foundation.

* Correct at time of printing. More information is available from the HMRC website

Tax efficient giving The Tonbridge School Foundation is a registered charity (charity number 1099162) and accordingly all legacies made to the Foundation are exempt from UK Inheritance and Capital Gains Taxes. Under current rules, if you leave 10% or more of your chargeable net estate to charity, the Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate on the whole of your taxable estate is reduced from 40% to 36%. By way of example, if a UK testator has an estate of £500,000, a donation of £17,500 diminishes the remaining estate by only £4,200.*

Without charitable bequest

With 10% charitable bequest

Gross Estate



Less Nil Rate Band









Net Estate Charitable Donation Taxable Estate Inheritance tax

Available for distribution Net reduction after charitable donation






£425,800 £4,200

My legacy to tomorrow’s Tonbridgians Charles Burt MH 67-70 My experience as a boarder at Tonbridge had a very real impact to shape me as a young man, to learn independence and trust in others and myself. Academic education was of course a top priority, but the school’s moral structure went far beyond its academic teachings. Sports, theatre, music and clubs embraced the same inspiration to excel both as an individual and as a team player. I learned to win and lose with dignity, to learn the value of team spirit and the importance of friends. I grew up at Tonbridge. Whilst I don’t believe the school directly influenced my career, its impact was immediately felt when I was accepted to a US university just shy of my seventeenth birthday. This was solely due to the quality of my Tonbridge education which would manifest itself over and over, particularly my love of Latin which shaped my law career. Not taught as much in America, I had fun using the language in briefs and annoying my adversaries.

Tonbridge is of course a different school now with programmes and opportunities beyond imagination. I now sense a warmer, more personal connection between staff and students. Having spoken to a few boys during my recent visits, there is a spirit not felt when I attended. However, the soul and rich history of this wonderful institution is still there within its walls, if only they could speak. It’s important for me to leave a legacy to Tonbridge to give back what I owe this blessed place. I want to support the school’s vision to stay ahead and benefit the future boys who will pass through. Very importantly, it’s a way of saying thank you to my parents who worked relentlessly to give me the best education. I thanked them many times but my legacy is ultimately from us all. God bless them and Tonbridge School.

The gift of opportunity Luke Wallace MH 04-09

From my first visit to the school in early 2004, it was clear that being given the ability to attend Tonbridge with the assistance of a Foundation Award was an unparalleled opportunity; one that I was certain to make the most of. The benefits in terms of standard of education and facilities are clear to see. However, in my opinion it was the range of opportunities and the time available to pursue them that really set the school apart. I can’t think of many places that would have allowed me to successfully chase a career in professional sport at the same time as achieving top A-levels, whilst still contributing to so many other aspects of school life.

It’s the range of opportunities and the time available to pursue them that really set the school apart.

I have many great memories from my years at Tonbridge. Topping the list are sports tours to Australia, South Africa, Gibraltar and Malta. Back at school I remember great friendships with a wide array of boys from sports teams, the boarding house, and lessons. Boarding especially introduced me to people who I would normally never have had the chance to spend time with and has resulted in lifelong friendships. A school is of course nothing without its teachers and I count myself lucky to have had some great ones. My 1st XV coach had a massive impact on me, continuously challenging me both on and off the pitch, and we still remain close. Similarly, my biology teacher was

responsible for keeping me on the straight and narrow with my academic studies, and I’m sure it still disappoints him that I turned my back on applying to study medicine in order to chase a ball around a pitch. They instilled in me a work ethic and desire to succeed that has served me well since leaving Tonbridge, and for that I have to be grateful. I cannot overstate the impact my five years at Tonbridge had on me and I hope that growing its Foundation Award programme gives more pupils similar opportunities to succeed.

The School Hymn (1) For him who dreamed of founding A school where English youth, In knowledge more abounding, Might learn the love of truth: For him whose dreams were granted The grace of coming true, And where in faith he planted, Great harvests yet accrue: Thanks be to God, inspiring The height of man’s desiring. (2) For those, to whom confided The fortunes of the School Through centuries were guided But just and kindly rule: For all whose glad oblations Of bounty well bestowed Empowered the old foundations To bear time’s heavier load: Thank we our God, confessing The source of every blessing.

(3) For leaders who engendered New life in old routine, And humble parts well rendered Upon the common scene: For those who unrecorded To better Tonbridge strove And felt themselves rewarded So long as Tonbridge throve: Thanks be to God, that beauty Springs from the soil of duty. (4) For all who here first heeded The message from above: For all whose hearts were speeded From lethargy to love: Who, to the School repaying The sacred debt they owed, Served God and man, displaying The flame that in them glowed: Raise we to God our voices, Who in his sons rejoices.

Tonbridge School High Street Tonbridge Kent TN9 1JP +44 (0) 1732 304253 The Tonbridge School Foundation is a registered charity No. 1099162

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