86 minute read
Premiere Issue!


Physical Health

Healthy Eating
The Rishi and Arrisa Ian Prattis T here was once a Rishi who lived in a remote part of northern India. Many people from the surrounding villages were drawn to this kind and compassionate holy man. They listened to the clarity and love in his talks, which were drawn from the universal wisdom tradition of the Vedas. His teachings and guidance honoured the earth and sacred traditions he had immersed himself in since childhood. His spacious hermitage was set apart from the villages. It was like the central hub of a great wheel, the congregating point for the surrounding communities.
One morning a group of elders from the villages slowly approached, looking very grim and angry. They were accompanied by a young woman who was visibly pregnant. Arrisa was her name. With downcast eyes and hesitant speech, Arrisa stated publicly, in front of the elders, that the Rishi was the father of her unborn child.
The Rishi paused in what he was doing and looked at Arrisa with deep compassion and love in his eyes. He was silent for a while, then simply said “Very well.” The elders left, feeling deeply betrayed in the trust they had placed in the Rishi, and they and their villagers did not return. Arrisa stayed at the hermitage in a separate room, and not once did the Rishi rebuke her for her falsehood. She took upon herself household and JDUGHQUHVSRQVLELOLWLHV$WWKHWLPHRIKHUFRQÀQHPHQW several women from her village came to assist with the birth. They saw the separate living arrangements, but EURXJKWQHLWKHURͿHULQJVQRUUHVSHFWWRWKH5LVKL7RDOO this the Rishi simply said “Very well.”
A healthy son was born to Arrisa, yet she was torn and tormented by what she had done. She took wonderful care of the hermitage, the farm animals and the garden, JURZLQJ WKH PRVW EHDXWLIXO ÁRZHUV HYHU VHHQ LQ WKDW region. She saw how the Rishi continued with his daily prayers and meditations. He diligently and joyfully conducted the seasonal ceremonies just as before. No one was present except for Arrisa and her son, or so she thought. Then she noticed how the farm animals would come closer to the hermitage, and sit nearby when the Rishi gave his teachings. He spoke to everything, to the birds gathered in the trees, the insects rustling in the grass, the whisper of wind and to the animals gathered close to him. His heart was full, just as before, and he was happy to be with whatever was there. One morning Arrisa told the Rishi that she was taking her son to meet the village elders, and tell them that the father of the child was a young man in a neighbouring village. He had left the region to join the army and be posted to a far away location. The Rishi looked at her with the same compassionate eyes and simply said “Very well.”
Afterwards the elders and villagers began to return to the hermitage, full of apologies for abandoning the teachings, saying how much they had missed his guidance and kindness. To all this the Rishi merely smiled and simply said “Very well.” The father of her child returned to the region and married her. He asked the Rishi if he could stay at the hermitage with his new wife and child, and serve the Rishi as his attendant for the rest of his life. The Rishi looked at the young man with the same loving and compassionate eyes that he had presented to Arrisa. And we all know that he smiled and simply said “Very well!” His equanimity had revealed the truth of everything.
Equanimity is the fourth aspect of True Love in the Buddha’s teachings. The other components are Loving Kindness. Compassion and Joy and they all grow from the ground provided by Equanimity.
Ian has given talks and retreats all over the world. He now stays local to help turn the tide just a little bit in his home city so that good things happen naturally. His books can be found at www.ianprattis.com directing to Amazon, Indigo and Author.
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Contact … E-mail: timothy@tonecanada.ca Phone: (613) 513-7574 (call or text) www.facebook.com/tonecanadamag www.twitter.com/ToneCanadamag www.instagram.com/tonecanadamag www.issuu.com/tonecanada

The Deadline …
The deadline for submissions is about the middle of month prior to the next issue.
Tone Canada will be continuing the tradition of Tone Magazine. We will be announcing our new board members in the coming weeks. GREAT NEWS! We are fortunate to have the original “myth” himself Michael “Lemmy” Monner to help us for 2020 thus ensuring we maintain high standards and the quality he has set forth for so many years. THANK YOU!
s t r e s s w e l l n e s s s m o k i n g f r u i t i o n a n x i e t y s e l f - e s t e e m w e i g h t COUNSELLING, COACHING & HYPNOTHERAPY CENTRE Richard M. Haney Ph.D.(Counselling), Hypnotherapist (613) 234-5678 Bank St. (in Centretown) (613) 726-3636 Pinecrest Rd. www.ottawahypnosis.com www.ottawacounselling.com For many years I have come across this wonderful piece of wisdom over and over again from this great indigenous leader, Oriah Mountain Dreamer. It is so inspiring that I herein broadcast it out to all receptive Souls. May it empower you to a more fruitful life................ The Invitation I t doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive. It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further pain! I want to know if you can sit with the pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it RUIDGHLWRUÀ[LW I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with wildness and let the ecstasy ÀOO\RXWRWKHWLSVRI\RXUÀQJHUVDQGWRHVZLWKRXWFDXtioning us to be careful, be realistic or to remember the limitations of being human. It doesn’t interest me if the story you’re telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul. I want to know if you can be faithful and therefore be trustworthy. I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty every day, and if you can source your life from God’s presence. I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!” It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children. It doesn’t interest me who you are, how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the cenWHURIWKHÀUHZLWKPHDQGQRWVKULQN back. It doesn’t interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments. By Oriah Mountain Dreamer (A Native American Elder) Richard M. Haney, M.Ed., Ph.D. (Counselling and Mediation). Richard has been practising Wholistic Counselling, Coaching, Hypnotherapy and Mediation for the past 25 years in Ottawa. Richard by phone: (613) 234-5678. By e-mail: richard@ ottawacounselling.com
Edgar Cayce (Ottawa) Search for God groups Success for the soul Meditation, study and application in a small group format (613) 731-4901

Kaivalya Centre ® t siaçnarf ne setreffo issua tnos snoisses seL HYPNOSIS
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Can You Accept a Compliment? by Lynne Cardinal
“I don’t take compliments so well. I always hang my head DQGVKXHDQGNLQGRIWU\WRLPPHGLDWHO\IRUJHWµ Laurie Anderson – American artist, composer, musician DQGÀOPGLUHFWRU I recently realized that when a friend and colleague complimented me, I automatically deferred/switched to a subdued response and continued the conversation, exploring other “more important” subjects. However, I felt that my friend wanted to tell me more, and despite me feeling it, I navigated the conversation away from it, perhaps experiencing an unadmitted shyness.
I noticed it and thought about it afterwards. Can I really receive/accept a compliment? There began a rather profound exploration of what does it take to really allow a compliment to land within? This tendency to not fully receive a compliment is actually common, perhaps more then we know. In my meditations I remembered the compliments given by my colleague and friend and allowed the compliments to sink in deeper. I could see that it was a gift of beauty and love, and that it was wonderful to welcome their full expression. Of course, this isn’t about arrogance, nor superiority. It is about love, light, truth and awareness. Recognizing our goodness or gifts, opening to them, would lead us to greater possibilities, to allow our gifts to manifest even more concretely. It would lead to greater compassion, freedom and love. To understand that we all have gifts, and a beautiful heart, if we allow their expressions, freely, and generously and with that, to continue on our journey of learning.
3HUKDSVLWLVLQWKHFROOHFWLYHÀHOGWKDWLQRXUVRFLHW\ we may, generally speaking, automatically try to be humble and avoid arrogance at all cost. However, I believe that this belief is not perfect, and that it is limiting. That it ends up preventing our gifts to manifest. When we insist on being smaller, perhaps even afraid of our greatness, we dim our expression, our light, and that is by all means not useful. It is not good for us, nor for anyone else.
Lynne Cardinal sees clients individually in Hull and Stittsville. Join us for our MONTHLY MINI-RETREATS – meditation and group sharing, a 2:30 hour gathering starting on January 18 th , 2020. For details : www.kaivalya.ca/en/services/ meditation6KHDOVRRͿHUVJURXS FODVVHVDQGZRUNVKRSV6KHRͿHUV6WUHVV0DQDJHPHQW Resilience and Burnout Prevention workshops in the government and private sectors, and has done so for over 30 years. She is a Consulting Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, holding additional FHUWLÀFDWLRQV LQ +\SQRVLV ,QQRYDWLYH 7HFKQLTXHV DQG :HLJKW /RVV 6KHLV FHUWLÀHG E\'U:HLVVLQ 3DVW/LIH Regression and she has a PhD (alternative) in Eastern Philosophy from India. She has studied extensively with Thomas Hübl on Transparent Communication and Principles of Transformation and Healing, as well as Trauma work. She also studied with Diane Hamilton in &RQÁLFW5HVROXWLRQDQGZLWK0\UQD0DUWLQRQKHDOLQJ early childhood traumas. Lynne is also trained in EFT. Insurance receipt provided under naturotherapy.

For more information: 613.836.2355 or www.kaivalya.ca info@kaivalya.ca
Kaivalya Centre ® Awakening Your Potential
What is the Future of Energy Medicine? You are invited to our 6th Open Mind Workshop, May 30,2020 at The City View United Church. The Topic of this Workshop : The Future of Energy Medicine
Dr. John Ryan will be talking about the Future of Energy Medicine and Working with the Unseen!
,Q WKLV SUHVHQWDWLRQ ZH ZLOO ÀUVW UHYLHZ VRPH basic concepts in Energy, Consciousness and Energy Medicine - to better understand the emerging world of Quantum Healing. We explore the concept of your Quantum DNA and why there is an untapped power of healing and transformation that lay hidden within it and how to use new tools of healing such as Unity Field Healing as humanity evolves through the process of Ascension. This is a technique founded by Dr. Ryan to promote your healing, personal transformation and overall wellbeing. Dr. Ryan will also introduce the Sirian Blue White Collection - a group of light beings that are “behind” this magical work - and do an Ascension Transmission meditation to catalyze your journey into the Energy of these new times. Do not miss this incredible opportunity to experience the knowledge and magic of the New Energy of these times!! Bio:
'U 5\DQ LV D %RDUG &HUWLÀHG 6SHFLDOLVW $VVRFLDWH Professor of Medicine and long time student and practitioner of Energy & Consciousness based Medicine. He is the author of Unity Field Healing Vol 1 – Foundations of Energy Medicine and Quantum Healing.
This book is a holistic primer designed to bring to the reader a panoramic understanding of the awakening power of spiritual, consciousness and energy based healing – and serve as a practical & personal tool to deeply integrate this new human potential.
In recent years, his work has led him to the mystical threshold of the quantum nature of DNA and its integral connection to the human spirit. His passion is to apply the potential of this awakening knowledge to support the human in healing. This has culminated in his role as founder ofUnity Field Healing(UFH). UFH is a new “quantum” healing process based on FRQVFLRXV DFWLYDWLRQ RI WKH '1$ TXDQWXP ÀHOG WR support healing and personal evolution. Dr. Ryan loves to bring this esoteric information down to earth, so DQ\RQH DQGHYHU\RQH FDQ DFFHVV DQG EHQHÀW IURP WKH knowledge and experience available in this awakening time.
Website: drjohnryan.org Sifu James Foo will be talking about Emptiness and The One.
(PSWLQHVVLVDVWDWHRIEHLQJTXLHWDQGSHDFHIXOÀOOHG with unconditional love. There is no reactivity, and no emotions and duality doesn’t exist. In Emptiness, you DUHQRWDͿHFWHGE\ZKDW·VJRLQJRQDURXQG\RX
After reaching the state of Emptiness , one can easily connect to The One where you are part of The one and it is the sum of all of its part ie the universal energy. In this VWDWHRQHFDQEHQHÀWIURPWKHZLVGRPRIWKHXQLYHUVH <RXFDQÀQGRXW\RXUPLVVLRQKHUHDQGJHWJXLGDQFH« In this workshop Sifu James will guide us through a meditation process so you can be in Emptiness and then connect to The One. Do take the advantage of this opportunity to go beyond and experience what is possible now! Bio
Sifu James Foo is a trained scientist who was born with an ability to see energy. He established The QiMatic Research Centre .He is committed to discovering new ways in healing and teaching them in workshops. He has created an Energy Paper , DNA Energizer Medallion and an Unconditional Love Coaster. The latest discoveries were accomplished by tapping into the GLͿHUHQWGLPHQVLRQDOHQHUJLHVWRFUHDWH 7KH(PSWLQHVV and The One where one can access the intelligence and power of the universe.He loves to share his knowledge and for the student to experience what was created. Website: www.jamesfoo.ca Space is limited. Register early to secure your spot! To register: email Angela at afung46@hotmail.com or 613 762 8893. Payment Method: E transfer to afung46@hotmail.com Send cheque to Angela Fung at 49 Rita Ave. Ottawa K2G 2G7 Cash in person. Cost: $60 before May 15, 2020. $75 after May 15 or at the door. Location: City View United Church , 6 Epworth Ave. Ottawa (access from Merivale Road and Withrow Ave.) Time: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Angela Fung. Ottawa coordinator of Qi-Matic Research Centre B.A. Psychology, Retired RN. Qigong Practitioner Bowen Therapy Practitioner

Topic The Future of Energy Medicine

Sifu James
Date Saturday, May 30, 2020 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Dr. John Ryan
How To Stop The Voices I f you›re not one of my clients and you›re reading this article, you›re gonna about to learn something really, really awesome on how to end self-criticism inside your head, how to shut down that voice that rags on and gives you a hard time inside your head where that stops you from asking for a raise, stops you from sleeping at night, stops you from talking to somebody that you›re attracted to, because you have that voice chattering, chattering, chattering inside your head. Okay.
It’s a really simple one. But, please don’t be lost or mistaken how powerful this technique is when you use it - all these techniques are only as good as your ability to use them. It’s like in a beautiful, very rich tool FDVH ZLWK DOO WKH WRROV \RX FRXOG SRVVLEO\ QHHG WR À[ everything. And if you don’t use them, they just gather dust and it’s completely worthless. So, your ability to use these techniques regularly is to help build new neural pathways in your brain, shut down those old neural pathways, and have more freedom and control in your life.
This is something you use in the moment. We’re going WRSRWHQWLDOO\GRLWDOLWWOHDUWLÀFLDOO\QRZXQOHVV\RXDUH having an issue in the moment, then this is the best time to use it. I don’t know about you, but if you’ve got a voice that just won’t shut up inside your head saying, “I can’t do this, I can’t do that, you’ll never sleep, you’ll never be good enough or I can’t be hypnotized, this isn’t working,” whatever that voice is saying inside your head, you know what voice I mean. Try and get in touch with that voice! Understand? Good.
What I want you to do now is simply relax your jaw. Relax it. And when you’ve relaxed it as much as you can, go ahead and relax it a bit more. I want you to relax it as much as you can. Imagine relaxing it a bit more. When you do that, then at the same time, keeping your jaw relaxed, I need to un-relax my jaw now to talk. You’re going to get your tongue, and push it to your

You Can Lose Weight Without Painful Surgery Are you having trouble Losing Weight, Keeping it off & Killing Evil Cravings? Then Dr. Luke Michael Howard can help you even when nothing else has worked. With he's specialist brand of Gastric Band Weight Loss Hypnosis all the way from the UK. Dr. Luke, owner of the LUKEnosis, is a Hypnosis Weight Loss Specialist, has a Masters degree in Hypnotherapy as well as a Doctorate in Psychology. Dr. Luke has been studying Hypnosis for over 17 years now and has trained all over the world. After over a decade, Dr. Luke is still the youngest person certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy. Dr. Luke has been featured in all forms of media such as Tone Magazine, CTV Morning Live, and CBC Radio. He has developed an advanced hypnotherapy technique that turns weak willed over eaters into empowered, slim & in control people in just 5 sessions. He says “This technique is so powerful we are achieving a 80% success rate. This is incredible when you think that Weight Watchers are only about 30% successful at best. This Powerful Non-surgical procedure has been well documented or FOX,CBS & ABC News as well as the Dr Oz Show. Dr. Luke explains, “This powerful breakthrough technique combines the latest discoveries in hypnosis and the new science of personal achievement known as Neuro Linguistic Programming. This takes the power of hypnosis to a new level in helping people take back control of their lives.” Many local doctors are so impressed by the power of hypnosis that they are now referring many of their patients to Dr. Luke for his Accelerated Change Hypnoband Programme. Dr. Luke says, “I am currently building a Doctors Referral Network to keep local GP’s informed of my developments and to keep them informed of their patients’ progress.” Many celebrities, professional business people, nurses and housewives have benefited from Lapband hypnosis, SO CAN YOU! The good news is that this incredible method of Losing Weight is available locally. The bad news there usually is a three to four week waiting list for an appointment but even the medical profession believes it’s worth waiting for 613-878-5874 www.lukenosis.com “I walked out 25lbs Lighter!” Kate had been over weight for the majority of her life- nearly 27 YEARS! She had tried every type of Weight Loss Gimmick, Diets, Supplements, Gym Memberships even Personal Trainers but nothing worked, until she met Dr. Luke. She recently sent him this follow up email: “I promised I would do a testimonial for you. Here it is: The hypnosis TOTALLY worked...not only have I lost 25lbs I have not eaten at timmies...I have had NO DESIRE TOO!!! It really has changed my life!” Check out more testimonials at: www.lukenosis.com you can contact Dr. Luke at 613-878-5874 to arrange an appointment.

upper bridge of your mouth. Remember when you were a baby with your thumb in your mouth, your tongue would still be in your mouth, wouldn’t it?
Push your tongue all the way to the bridge of your mouth, relaxing your jaw. And when you have relaxed it, relax it a little bit more, and imagine relaxing it a bit more. Repeat this. Keep doing that. Relaxed jaw, tongue to the bridge of your mouth. Notice what happens to that voice. It either redials all the way down until you FDQEDUHO\KHDULWRULWMXVWVKXWVRͿFRPSOHWHO\,W·VDQ awesome way of dealing with that self-critical head, right?
If that worked perfectly as it does for most of my clients, fantastic. If there’s anything left of that voice, now all you need to do is just pretend that that voice ZDVDIDFH,WFRXOGEHDQ\IDFHWKHÀUVWRQHWKDWFRPHV into your head, just thinking. Now, just imagine getting some duct tape and wrapping it repeatedly around that voice. Once you’ve done that, make sure you’ve done it, imagine doing it, pretend that you’re doing it. Imagine getting that face with the duct tape. If you need to use more duct tape, you’ve got as much as you want. It’s all in your imagination. Get that voice, get that head, with the duct tape and push it all the way behind you, behind the wall, further and further behind. Leave it there.
That’s an extra technique that can help you for a YRLFH WKDW·V UHDOO\ SHUVLVWHQW%XW WKH ÀUVW SDUW RI WKLV WHFKQLTXHLVPRUH WKDQ VXFLHQW IRUPRVW SHRSOH 6R WKDW·V KRZ WR VKXW RͿ WKDW FULWLFDO YRLFH LQVLGH \RXU head that may get in your way of having the kind of freedom and success that you want. Always Believe, Luke Michael Howard Cht Clinical Hypnotist www.lukenosis.com
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Five Star Book Review Ian Prattis Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers’ Favourite S hattered Earth: Approaching Extinction by Ian Prattis is a compelling prophecy for humanity. In this book, the author gives a strong warning against the threat to which human greed and abuse of the environment have subjected the earth. It is painful to read, EXWWKLVLVQRWÀFWLRQ7KHERRN unveils startling and disturbing facts to illustrate how much damage we have already caused the environment, from the throes of climate change to the evil of militarization, from excessive human greed to acts of violence and war. The author cites concrete examples of how the world is dying by using the experience of Australia with sand storms, volcanic eruptions, and coastal tsunamis, the widespread inundations in Bangladesh, the Netherlands and worldwide coastal regions, rising sea levels and many others. Shattered Earth is a book with a message that should rouse every human being and make them ask serious questions about what they are doing to save the earth. While the planet is dying and many people are experiencing diseases and starvation, there is noticeable mindlessness that isn›t just shocking but evil. In prose that is beautiful and in a voice that is compelling, Ian Prattis invites readers to think about the fate of the planet and shares stories that are moving and revealing of the actions that are destroying our world. Shattered Earth: Approaching Extinction is a timely book and one that addresses environmental issues with much clarity. This is a book that should be promoted and now is the time to save the earth. http://ianprattis.com/ ShatteredEarth.html Ian has given talks and retreats all over the world. He now stays local to help turn the tide just a little bit in his home city so that good things happen naturally. His books can be found at www.ianprattis.com directing to Amazon, Indigo and Author.

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On the Subject of Love… I bear witness to those of us who have been grossly abused In our childhood by those who were supposed to love and protect us. L-o-v-e became a 4-letter word that was meaningless, and to be avoided at all cost. We were told it was done in the name of love and we deserved the abuse and asked for it. How can an infant/child ask to be abused? It’s a travesty. It’s an imposed shame WKDW KDV OLIHORQJ UDPLÀFDWLRQV 3RVW traumatic stress shapes your world and you don’t know it. You have no where to turn and no where to go when someone is involved in actively destroying you, on purpose. If the abuser is confronted, you are depicted as a liar and a problem child. Eventually, you believe their lie. And then, in private, all hell breaks loose. How dare you speak of these family secrets to anyone. How dare you have needs and wants. How dare you have a life! $QG WKH WRUWXUH LV LQWHQVLÀHG ² QRW RQO\ SK\VLFDOO\ mentally and emotionally but also psychically. When I was 7, I had a conversation with God. I told God that this was not a life and that I did not want to repeat it. Could God help me? I remember the exact VSRWZKHUH,PDGHWKDWGHVSHUDWHFDOO,ÀJXUHGQRRQH would adopt me. I was stuck where I was. How was my Soul going to survive? A couple of days later, still desperate for an answer, a Sacred Voice, full of compassion and care coming from my Heart, answered “do the opposite of what they do, and believe the opposite of what they believe.” That VRXQGHGHDV\HQRXJK7HOOV\RXKRZEDGLWZDV«EXW, said to God, that’s a big subject – where do I start? What I never received, and craved the most, was respect. I decided I would start there - that from this day forward I would earn others’ respect. What they had to say mattered to me.
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And that was the beginning of my journey of being trained and healed by Great Spirit. I was shown about the duality of a Human-Being. The human part is full of non-sense, the Being part is full of that four-letter word, LOVE, the frequency of your Soul. I am a wounded healer – I had to deal with my psychology during this arduous training on the psyche/soul. I am not a psychologist, I am a Medicine Woman who can help you learn about the sacred side of the psyche/soul and how to manage duality through my shamanic practice. I come from a point of energetic knowing. Bad things happen and there is a way RXWLI\RXDUHGHVSHUDWHHQRXJKWRÀQGDQ answer, and ask for Divine intervention. You too could receive divine direction for the survival of your Soul.

Diane Oliver Energy Medicine - an eclectic approach to reconnecting to the frequency of your Soul. Dignity101.com 613-261-1602
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Introduction to Unity: Principle #5
This is the last of ÀYH DUWLFOHV RQ WKH principles that shape our beliefs at Unity Spiritual Centre Ottawa. The SULQFLSOHV UHÁHFW WKH ODZV of the universe and apply to everyone, all the time. If you share our beliefs in these universal principles, please come join us. All are welcome.
Unity Principle #1 states that “God, or Spirit, the Universe, the Divine, is Absolute Good, everywhere present.” The second Principle takes this idea further, stating that we are the expression of the Divine in human form. Principle #3 says that human beings create their experiences by the activity of their thinking; everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought. Principle #4 GHDOVZLWKFRPPXQLRQZLWK*RGVSHFLÀFDOO\ with prayer and meditation viewed through WKHFRQWH[WRI WKHÀUVW WKUHHSULQFLSOHV7KHVH ÀUVW IRXU SULQFLSOHV VHW XS D FKDQJH LQ RXU FRQVFLRXVQHVV ² WKH ÀOWHU WKURXJK ZKLFK ZH view the world – to prepare for Principle #5: changing our behaviour.

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How do we change our behaviour? According to Ellen Debenport, author of The Five Principles, we do so by living the Truth: living consciously and taking action as guided by our inner being. “Truth” is spiritual law. Living the Truth determines how we show up in life. When we are living the truth, any actions we take will be from a consciousness of Spirit and oneness, with ego in service to the soul. Life is consciousness ÀUVW WKHQ WDNLQJ DFWLRQ DV ZH DUH LQVSLUHG Spiritual action, Debenport says is “integrating our divine essence into ordinary, annoying, daily living with its drudgery, confusion and GLFXOWSHRSOHµ
To choose appropriate action, opt for what feels good and right such as being of service or whatever keeps you in positive vibration. Being in positive consciousness will naturally attract positive things to us. We simply withdraw our energy from something we don’t like and it will disappear. Unity co-founder, Charles Fillmore elaborates, “Pronounce every experience of good and of God,” he says, “and by that mental attitude you will only bring forth the good. What seemed error will disappear and only the good will remain.” For more information please see www.unityottawa.org

&KRZ4LJRQJ2WWDZD/HYHO 'D\,QWHQVLYH7UDLQLQJ3URJUDP Have you ever had a Reiki or acupuncture session, and felt much better afterwards? Have you ever felt really good, or else very repelled, when someone else was physically very close to you? Have you ever noticed how your heart lifts when a friend or loved one gives you a big warm smile? You have been feeling Qi or energy; connecting with a universal human ability to relate with energy! I n this modern world, many people become caught up in their heads and their thoughts. Our conceptual minds can be very useful tools, when they are in balance with our feelings and emotions, and with awareness of the energy of life. But without understanding energy our thoughts may become our masters, which can lead WRVXͿHULQJDQGHYHQWXDOO\LOOQHVV
Qigong is the cultivation of our Qi, or life force energy, and the cultivation of the ability to sense Qi. Learning to relate with our Qi, to feel it, control it, and increase it, leads to better health and vitality. A more balanced Qi leads to better health and a better life!
*UDQG 0DVWHU 'U (H &KRZ ZLOO EH FRPLQJ WR Ottawa to lead a one-week training for those interested in qigong. Chow Integrated Healing System/Chow Medical Qigong is particularly powerful for healing, both for oneself and others. If you have an illness yourself, or if you would like to learn how to heal others, this training might be for you. Many medical conditions can be helped by Chow Qigong, including neurological problems, musculoskeletal problems, cardiovascular problems, and even emotional problems. Please join us March 14-20, 2020 for Dr Chow’s visit to Ottawa, to participate in her Level 1 training. You will learn Chow Qigong exercises, the principles of yin DQG\DQJWKHÀYHHOHPHQWVDQGRWKHUEDVLFDVSHFWVRI traditional Chinese medicine. You will be introduced to traditional Chinese massage, and the use of certain acupressure points. You will learn how to control, augment, and share your Qi for healing. This program will change your life! March 14-20, 2020 Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Ottawa East, Orleans www.facebook.com/events/832825433843314/ www.Eastwestqi.com For more information contact: Nicole Beaulac – nicbeaulac@gmail.com Thomas Minde – tminde2@gmail.com

Soundara Rajan Daughter of Professor Krishnamurthy Practicing and Teaching Stellar and Vedic Astrology
Guiding people since 1959 in Finances, Career, Investment, Relationship and Family. Teaching meditation

Individual service as well as follow-up queries
1 Woodthrush Green, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0A9 737-5206 " Fax: 739-2973
14 Jan/Feb 2020 ToneCanada.ca DIRECTORY t(SPVQT PATHWORK® Practical spiritual wisdom that lays out a step-by-step journey into personal transformation and wholeness. A challenging yet compassionate voyage of discovery to the Real Self through the layers of our defenses, denial and fear, guided by our own inner authority. Follow us on Facebook or contact jeanmillar21@gmail.com OTTAWA GURDJIEFF STUDY GROUP www.gurdjieffottawa.ca is a Foundation connected group. We invite you to join us as we study and work practically with the system of G.I. Gurdjieff, in exchanges, inner work, Movements/Music, and creative activities. Call us for more information at 613-746-6547 or e-mail contact@gurdjieffottawa.org IS IMPROVED COMMUNICATION SKILLS YOUR RESOLVE FOR 2019?We are here to mentor and celebrate your progress. Percolators Toastmasters Breakfast Club meeting every second and fourth Friday morning 9:15-11:30 at The Best Western 1274 Carling Ave. Restaurant. Contact Muriel (819) 827-1274 or (613) 298-3557 t1FPQMF NADINE LA BELLE, M.A. Body, mind, spirit Integrative Healing®. 613-258-7492. TRACY MONTGOMERY is a somatic sexuality educator who offers erotic learning to those who want to expand their capacity for pleasure, love and joy, heal the wounds of sexual abuse and explore the intersection of sex and spirit. www.tracymontgomery.ca | 613-413-1216 t4DIPPMT
THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF NATUROTHERAPIES and Spiritual Development is all online! Become a Registered Integrative Naturotherapist or Animal Reiki Practitioner/Trainer. www.canadiannaturotherapies.com t"$PVSTFJO.JSBDMFT COURSE OASIS. Courses, support and study groups, spiritual gatherings, books. Mary Anne Buchowski and James Gregory, 613-726-0195. Email: courseoasis@primus.ca Website: http://www.courseoasis.org t"DDPVOUJOH IF YOU HATE NUMBERS … You’ll love Captain Number Cruncher. Providing solutions in accounting, taxation, and services. www.numetrica.city 613 266-7013. 2435 Holly Lane, Ottawa, K1S 7P2 t"DVQVODUVSF CHINESE TRADITIONAL ACUPUNCTURE & NATURAL MEDICINE CENTRE. TCM. DAC. Jia Jun Huang & Annie Huang. Graduate of Shanghai Medical University (1960). Over 45 years experience. Member of Chinese Acupuncture Association of China & Canada. Acute & chronic pain, Accident. Sports injuries, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Depression, Insomnia, Stop smoking, Menopause, etc. Disposable needles are used. Insurance coverage. Free parking. One of the largest herb stores in Otawa. 613-235-5504. 867 Somerset St. W. Ottawa. t"LBTIJD3FDPSET PATRICIA V. LACROIX, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR. Akashic Records & Destiny Card Readings. Reiki Master & Teacher. 12 Strand DNA Activation. Voted one of A-Channel Viewer’s Choice for Ottawa’s Best Psychic. 613-591-6901 patriciavlacroix@sympatico.ca facebook.com/patriciavlacroix CHRISTOPHER BARHAM, &HUWL¿HG$NDVKLF&RQVXOWDQWZZZFU\VWDOhearthealing.org. 819-708-5876, baifeilong888@gmail.com
t"MFYBOEFS5FDIOJRVF THE OTTAWA-HULL SCHOOL FOR THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE, Richard Albert, Director. Health insurance covered. I now ofIHU$OH[DQGHUOHVVRQVLQP\RI¿FHRUDW\RXU home 819-456-3484 alextech@magma.ca; or visit www.alexalbert.ca t"OJNBM$PNNVOJDBUJPO -8/,(2/,9(,5$FHUWL¿HG$&,GHQWLI\ emotional and behavioural issues, and messages. Visit: www.petstereo.com Email: petstereo@gmail.com t"SPNBUIFSBQZ 3/$1(7%27$1,;¿OOVDOO\RXUSXUHHVVHQWLDO oil needs! We carry over 100 oils and other supplies. Purchase products from our line of all natural bodycare. 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444, www.planetbotanix.com t"TDFOTJPO)FBMJOH NEWLY-ACCESSIBLE LIVING TECHNOLOGY INTELLIGENCE for clearing stubborn, limiting energies from your 12-D Divine blueprint. www.MelindaUrban.com t"TUSPMPHZ JUDY JIBB, Astrology Ottawa, MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (2016), Cert.F. Astol.S (1986), www.judyjibb.ca, judyjibb@gmail.com 613 304 4255 CAROL KERWIN, Astrologer providing Natal Chart Readings. Understand the cycles of your life so you can work consciously with them. 613-220-3314, email carol_kerwin@rogers.com t"VSB)FBMJOH RELEASING PAIN AT THE SOURCE. Home visit. Beau, 613-422-5606 t"ZVSWFEB
SV AYURVEDA. Support for gut and digestive recovery. Consultations, therapeutic cooking classes, SVA Vibrational Therapy sessions. www.vibrationofbalance. weebly.com. Marie Amram 613-415-1139 t#04 /$85,()5$6(5FHUWL¿HG%26SUDFWLWLRQHU Excellent results: emotional issues (depression, anxiety, grief), pain, disease, allergies, cancer, infection, insomnia, etc. Past lives, chakra work. 613 822-8587 www.lauriefraser.com/energy t#FBVUZBOE)FBMUI 1$785$/%2'<&$5(E\DFHUWL¿HGDURPDtherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444 t#JSUI%PVMB BIRTH DOULA offering 3 educational prenatal sessions, continuous birth support & 1 postnatal home-visit. Offering a wide range of holistic resources, including Hypnotherapy, Massage & Aromatherapy for pregnancy, birth & beyond. Visit: www.empowerbirth.ca 613.282.6001 empowerbirth@gmail.com t#PEZ5BML KRISTIN PETERSON: Registered Massage 7KHUDSLVW&HUWL¿HG%RG\7DON3UDFWLWLRQHU &HUWL¿HG$FXSXQFWXULVWNULVWLQBSHWHUVRQ#KRWmail.com or http://kristinpeterson.weebly.com JAYA HOLLOHAN MA, Advanced BodyTalk 3UDFWLWLRQHU&HUWL¿HG&RDFK<RJD7HDFKHU & Author. Contact: (613) 866-7091; jaya@ energythrive.com and www.energythrive.com t#PEZ8PSL BODYWORK FOR WOMEN, Pain esp. from Surgery-cosmetic, Mastectomy, Scars, Swelling, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciatis, Neck Problems, Back Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Issues, Limited Mobility, Incontinence, Injuries, Breast Health, www. monikatinneberg.ca, 613-857-7031 PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES
IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH - The Grail Message, by Abd-ru-shin, is a three-volume spiritual work that teaches us about the cosmic laws that not only govern nature but all of Creation. It also gives clear explanations about our place and responsibility as we journey through life. This work addresses the individual human being regardless of race, creed or nationality; it reveals the true meaning of life and opens the door to true happiness and lasting inner peace. Orders : 1-877-762- 3077- books@grail.ca- grail-message.com t#PXFO5IFSBQZ BOWEN THERAPY OTTAWA, Westboro. &HUWL¿HG$GYDQFHGSUDFWLWLRQHU3DLQUHOLHI and more. Gentle touch powerful healing, Lyn@BowentherapyOttawa.ca www.Bowentherapyottawa.ca 613-762-4979. Insurance receipts available. THE BOWEN APPROACH - Gently restoring your health. PAIN, digestive & respiratory issues and PRUH&HUWL¿HG%RZHQ3UDFWLWLRQHU$GYDQFHG 613-799-3315. www.TheBowenApproach.ca BOWEN TRAINING ACADEMY, Janet Riley, RN, Licensed Bowenwork® Instructor. www.bowentrainingacademy.com. Courses in Ottawa and across Canada. 613 848-2083 janet@bowentrainingacademy.com CARLING & WOODROFFE Specializing in concussion, neck pain & restoring alignment after falls and accidents. Advanced procedures for fertility & bedwetting. Appointments Thursday - Sunday. Madeline 0F%ULGH&HUWL¿HG%RZHQZRUN3UDFWLWLRQHU & Neuromuscular Therapist. 613.809.7283 www.McBridePainClinic.com
t#VEEIJTN INTRODUCTION TO AUTHENTIC ZEN TRAINING through instruction in zazen (sitting Zen) and kinhin (walking Zen). First Saturday of each month, 2-4 PM. Pre-registration required: info@wwzc.org or 613-562-1568. Zen Centre of Ottawa www.wwzc.org
t$IBLSB"VSB#BMBODJOH THE BOUTIQUE offers a 30 minute Chakra/ $XUD$VVHVVPHQWDQGPRGL¿FDWLRQVHVVLRQ Also the Boutique offers many more services, please refer to www.arc-ange-ciel.com or call the Boutique at 613 424 9094.
successful | Crystal Medicine Centre | 613-435-8678 | 1572 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON |info@crystalmedicine.ca common pitfalls that can keep you stuck. Learn new tools with Reconnect-from-Grief.com
t$MJOJDT KILLENS REID PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC now offering TCM with acupuncture practitioner. Other services, Osteopathy, Vodder Lymphatic Drainage, Vestibular Rehab, Urinary Incontinence Rehab, Massage Therapy, Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy. www.killensreid.com (613) 594-8512.
t$MVCT GOLDEN GIRLS CLUB (Ottawa). Building a community friendship network for ladies in their 50’s & 60’s on their own, without family in town. Various activities multiple times a month. www.meetup.com/Golden-Girls-Club/ t$PBDIJOH LAW OF ATTRACTION COACHING with $LOHHQ0F.HQQD&HUWL¿HG/R$&RDFKZZZ aileensoasis.com creates the space where clients become personally empowered. I coach people who feel stuck in their lives, in general, or particularly in their careers, relationships, home and home life. This may EHDERXWROGLVVXHVGHDOLQJZLWKGLI¿FXOW decisions, and/or about changing habits that seem to create dissatisfaction. Call for more information and/or for an appointment. Clients express their satisfaction with the work, and their greater comfort and success in their relationships, their careers, and homes. Call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, or 613- 795-3751, check in at www.aileensoasis.com or at aileen@aileensoasis.com .
NOT ACHIEVING WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE? Moira concentrates on awakening your true potential, inviting and supporting the changes for YOUR highest good. Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 www.WellnessWithMoira.com
LIFE SKILL WORKSHOPS INCLUDESAnger, Communication, Denial, Roles, ACOA, Co-dependency, Relationships and Spirituality. Every second Saturday at The House of Hope and Healing. www.lifelinesofrecovery.ca Lynda @ 613-858-7181
CANADAS-COACH.COM Marguerite Tennier, M.A., Fearless Living and wellness coach, Specializes working with over 40 prof. Women Who want to have more energy, live deeper and Transform their life. 613-744-1538
ARE YOU A MIDLIFE WOMAN STRUGGLING WITH GRIEF? Let Anne DeButte, Author & Grief Coach guide you on your journey. Avoid
WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED. Whether you are looking for career guidance, self-improvement, or self-empowerment, we have someone to help. Call today and see how we can help you. Mention this ad for your 1/2 hour free consult. 613-859-5389 www.ceconsultingcanada.com
CREATIVE COACHING SERVICES, Vanessa Coplan B.A., OCADA, M.A. www.vcoplan.ca, ness@vcoplan.ca. Living Your Art, Creating Your Life; Helping You Connect The Dots. 45 minute individual sessions. $65 ea. 3 sessions for $150
HOLISTIC HEALTH & Wellness and Holistic Weight Loss Coaching. Do you, or someone you know, need support and guidance to return to wellness? Soul In Fusion helps people return to a balanced natural state, and empowers them to consciously create wellness in lives. www.soulinfusion.ca / info@soulinfusion.ca. 5330 Canotek Road, Ottawa. Call or text 613-408-4826
CERTIFIED COLD LASER THERAPIST offering mobile services. $30.00 for 45 min session. Effective and safe for pain relief. treatment. www.ottawacoldlasertherapy.ca
t$PVOTFMMJOH CAROLINE ELSON a Wholistic Lifestyle Counsellor. B.Sc M.Ed,CCC 613 282 7905, caroline.elson@gmail.com Starting where you are, moving to create the life you want. Explore the physical, mental and emotional through traditional and alternative forms of counselling. Individual and Couple.
ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Registered psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst. Individual therapy to address your unique concerns. rmurray5555@gmail.com
ACADEMY OF COUNSELLING. Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D. (Counselling Therapy) Specializing in individual and couple counselling and in comprehensive family mediation. Also specializing in bereavement, career and stress counselling. Richard is an empowerPHQWFRXQVHOORUZKRLVKHDYLO\LQÀXHQFHGE\ Roberto Assagioli (Psychosythesis), C.G. Jung, Fritz Perls (Gestalt Therapy), Alfred Adler, Milton Erickson, Ken Wilber and Stanislov Grof (Holotropic Breathwork). 234-5678 or 726-3636. Web: www.ottawacounselling.com
REV. SHERRY HARRIS, MSW, RSW is a KHDUWIRFXVHGSV\FKRWKHUDSLVWFHUWL¿HGVSLULWual coach, counsellor, teacher, minister and energy therapist. She works 7 days a week and offers receipts reimbursable by most insurance providers. She may reached by phone at 613- 236-8852 or by email at 2belight1@gmail.com. Her website is www.sherryharriscounselling. com. If you cannot come to her, appointments may be done by phone or Sykpe or in your home (travel costs added to the session fee) Hourly fee: $140.
ANNA GREEN COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY MA CCC, RP) Holistically integrated psychotherapy for individuals and couples by a registered psychotherapist – clinically supervised, receipts available. Downtown. Insurance/sliding scale. 613-295- 9987 www.annagreen.ca
GET RESULTS @ www.SpiritualCounselling.ca
FREE COUNSELLING AVAILABLE for people dealing with death and dying. Also, guidance to achieve your goals in life. 613-828-2836
HEAL, CHANGE, GROW with a supportive lisWHQHU6DIHDQGFRQ¿GHQWLDOWDONWKHUDS\FRPbined with amethyst crystal BioMat, hands-on healing, and crystal singing bowl toning. For women, female youth,and children only. www. healCgrow.comCindy@healCgrow.com
SIGNY FRIDRIKSSON COUNSELLING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY M.A. (Counselling and Spirituality). Feeling stuck? Improve relationships,clarify goals, manage stress, and increase well-being. I offer calm & nonjudgmental listening, empathy and respect in a safe, supportive environment. Couples, families and individuals. signyfridrikssoncounselling.ca 613-864-5222 signy@rogers.com
FEEL LIGHTER! Intuitively & compassionately clarifying & clearing the root cause of your concerns. Specializing in stubborn patterns. Energy psychotherapy, ascension education & 12-dimensional clearing. Individuals, couples, children. In person/ by phone.www.MelindaUrban.com
COPING WITH A CANCER DIAGNOSIS? Explore your experience in a safe, open, nonjudgmental space. Develop stress management strategies and effective methods for coping with fear, worry, uncertainty and the upheaval of living with a major illness. Erin Wright, M.A., Registered Psychotherapist (Q) 613-519-8411 contact@erinwright.ca www.erinwright.ca
JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for selfhealing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011. Facebook: VieYoga and Crystal Shamanic Healing, 613-852-4963.
t$SZTUBMT CRYSTAL MEDICINE CENTRE – Crystal Store, Workshops, Training, Healing Sessions | 1572 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON | 613-435-8678 | www.crystalmedicine.ca| info@crystalmedicne.ca
WELLNESS WITH MOIRA: CranioSacral and SomatoEmotional Release Sessions. Specializing in self empowerment for healing and health. Insurance Receipts. www.WellnessWithMoira.com 613.432.1239
'(1,6(*$8/,1$GYDQFH/HYHO&HUWL¿HG Craniosacral therapist offers CST and VM sessions, also has a specialization in SHGLDWULF&67DQG90$VDFHUWL¿HGWHDFKing assistant and study group leader offers monthly gatherings for students of CST and SER. By appt.: 613-738-9080
BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location )UHH3DUNLQJ*LIW&HUWL¿FDWHV.HQW6W (At Arlington) Visit www.bodypoets.com or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY, Energy Healing, Intuitive Readings. Michelle Perkovic CST. 613-806-1166
GET TO THE ROOT OF DEPRESSION, anxiety, pain. Process trauma, stored emotions & stress. Affordable rates. osianawellness. com
t$SZTUBM)FBMJOH LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Beautiful handpicked crystals & jewellery. Workshops. Home parties. Crystal Healing sessions. 613-868-8468. www.lindaenergyhealer.com. Join my mailing list, send an email to: lsteele1122@rogers.com
CRYSTAL MODALITIES for relaxation, energy clearing and balance. CCH, CRM Crystalspiritowl@gmail.com 613-355-1832
t$SZTUBM4IBNBOJTN CRYSTAL SHAMANIC PRACTITIONER, Crystal Healer, Psychic Intuitive, IET master LQVWUXFWRUFHUWL¿HG<RJD7HDFKHU,QWXLWLYH psychic guidance given during Shamanic Healing sessions to better help you along your journey. Crystal layouts, chakra clearings, journeying and more. Sessions for children, teens, adults and animals. I also offer Crystal workshops, home crystal jewellery parties, psychic circles, meditation sessions, retreats. Contact: Sylvie_Reardon@hotmail.com,
t%FOUBM)ZHJFOF PROFESSIONAL TEETH CLEANING - Holistic Hygiene Dental Services - Vanessa Gomez RDH, Downtown Ottawa 613-851-3486
t%FOUJTU DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa
OTTAWA WELLNESS & DETOX CLINIC. www.ottawawellness.com 613.256.4886
ION CLEANSE FOOT BATH - Removes accumulated toxins from your body through the pores in your feet. Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613) 272-2739
t%PXTJOH OTTAWA DOWSERS, 2nd Wednesday of the Month Routhier Community Centre 172 Guiges St.(Cumberland/St. Patrick) 7-9:30pm. Pendulum, L-rod, Y-rod, bobbers and more. www.ottawadowsers.org 613-596-0260
t%SFBNT ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Registered psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst. Therapy practised with sensitivity to material from the unconscious such as dreams. rmurray5555@gmail.com
t&DP'SJFOEMZ ADORIT BOUTIQUE. Fair Trade Eco-fabric Boutique. Tarot Readings every Saturday 12:00 - 6:00pm. 153 York St. Ottawa. (613) 241-8354 t&'5&OFSHZ.FEJDJOF COMBINING THE POWER OF DONNA EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE, ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY, EFT and PSYCHOTHERAPY to release blocks and empower you to Live your Best Life. Individual and couple sessions. Catherine McLenaghan, Registered Psychotherapist. www.energywellspring.com. Anxiety, depression trauma, life transitions etc. Insurance receipts. Call 613-730-0411
t&.'#BMBODJOH P.W. EMF BALANCERS, Home, Work, Auto. Steve Priebe (613) 842-4758, spriebe@sympatico.ca, www.emffreezone.ca
17 Jan/Feb 2020 ToneCanada.ca t&NPUJPOBM'SFFEPN5FDIOJRVF VIOLETTA BOROWSKI, BEd, CHt, EFT Cert-1, SPHE-RE Through this gentle tapping technique, release emotional, mental, spiritual blockages and imbalances on all levels that were preventing you from experiencing peace, happiness and success in your life. A healthy emotional state, will immediately activate physical healing and well being. 613-808-4822 www.SacredPeaceHealing.com t&OFSHZ)FBMJOH LAURIE FRASER, clairvoyant energy worker/ healer. I communicate with your energy and make the changes it requests to improve health and effectiveness. I report messages from your own heart, loved ones who have crossed and your ascendant master. I smudge homes, cut ties, heal the child self and past lives. I remove the energy that the tumour or depression or foreign energy is living on, etc. 613-822-8587 usually $90, in person or long distance, approx. 1 hr. www.lauriefraser.com LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective energy medicine. Stress, childhood issues, depression, pain, grief. In person or distance, people & pets lsteele1122@rogers.com 613-868-8468 www.lindaenergyhealer.com VIOLETTA 613-808-4822 www.EFTottawa.ca The goal is for you to reduce or eliminate your pain rapidly & effectively. Let’s work on you using EFT along with other tools for your mental, HPRWLRQDODQGSK\VLFDOZHOOEHLQJ()7&HUWL¿HG ANNA GREEN, MA CCC, RP — SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS Reiki, Cranial Sacral, Emotional Freedom Technique, SET, Bach Remedies, Meridians/Qigong. Assisting your MRXUQH\WRZDUGDQHQHUJ\¿OOHGOLIH'D\WLPH± Downtown. www.spiritwell.ca – 613-295-9987 ENERGY HEALING, CranioSacral Therapy, Intuitive Readings. Michelle Perkovic CST. 613-806-1166 SOUL IN FUSION. Let Soul help guide your life. Now open in Ottawa’s east end, just off the 417 at highway #174. Reiki, Chakra Colour Energy, Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching, Holistic Weight Loss Coaching, Shamanic Journeying. www.soulinfusion.ca / info@soulinfusion.ca. 5330 Canotek Road, Ottawa. Call or text 613-408-4826 t'BDF.BTTBHF FACE MASSAGE (REJUVENATING) The Canadian Centre of Indian Head Massage. 7ZRGD\&HUWL¿FDWLRQFRXUVHZLWK'HEELH Boehlen. 905.714.0298. www.indianheadmassagecanada.com t'MPXFS&TTFODFT FLOWER ESSENCES can offer support in every area of life. Gentle release of persistent patterns, blocks & trauma, assistance in acute or chronic issues, physical or HPRWLRQDO&DOLIRUQLDQ3DFL¿FDQG%DFK Essences. Will work with animals. Barbara 6FKXVWHU)(6FHUWL¿HGSUDFWLWLRQHU ZZZWKHÀRZHUVRIDHNVXODSFRP t'PPU$BSF NURSING FOOT CARE - IN HOME OR IN CLINIC. Sterilized individually packaged tools, best practices in clinical assessment, infection control, privacy and technologies. Pampered Mani/Pedi, advanced & diabetic Most insurance up to 80% & Veterans 100% SoftSoles.ca 613-621-0012 footcare@softsoles.ca t(BSEFOJOH-BOETDBQJOH SPARKY TRINE SHAMANIC SUPPORT: Planning, planting, problem-solving, messages and negotiations. https://sparkytrine.wixsite.com/adventures sparkytrine@gmail.com t(JGUT PLANET BOTANIX, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444: eco friendly, recycled, unique and inspirational ideas! t(VN%JTFBTF DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa t)BJS"OBMZTJT HAIR ANALYSIS AND NUTRITIONAL BALANCING. Boost the potential of your mind, body and spiritual development through Hair Analysis and Nutritional Balancing. A total healing system that is a formula for anyone who is looking for improved health and wellness. email: boostpotential@yahoo.com t)FBE/FDL1BJO DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa t)FBMFS INTUITIVE HEALING SPECIALIST NOW IN OTTAWA Physical, Mental, Psychological, Emotional, Past lives, Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul cleanse, Fears, Pain management. junebgraham@hotmail.com 613 821 4809 t)FBMUIZ#SB HEALTHY BRA - Orthopaedic and Post-Surgical Bra (Medical Device License). No wires. No HODVWLF&XVWRP¿W:KHUHKHDOWKFRPIRUWDQG shape matter most – Sizes 28A to 44KK. Comfy Posture Solutions 613-521-9100 t)FSCBMJTN THE BEST OF NATURE’S CERTIFIED HERBALIST, Miranda V Martel. Herbal Services: Herbal Spa treatments, Consultations for Balancing Health, Workshops, Walks and Remedies www. thebestofnature.ca Call: 705-561-5365 E-mail: m_victoria_m@hotmail.ca t)PMJTUJD%FOUJTU DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa t)PNFPQBUIZ J.B. HOMEOPATHIC DISPENSARY. Jo-Anne Bazinet, homeopath. Member of S.P.H.Q., C.S.H., H.M.C.C. 2062 St. Joseph Blvd., Orleans, ON, K1C 1E6. (613) 830-0487. Consultations & products available. OTTAWA GATINEAU HOMEOPATHY CLINIC Naturopathy and Holistic Health OGhomeopathy.com | 819-744-1104 t)PUTUPOF)FBMJOH BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location )UHH3DUNLQJ*LIW&HUWL¿FDWHV.HQW6W (At Arlington) Visit www.bodypoets.com or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care! t)ZQOPTJT HYPNOSIS. Vivienne Filiatreault B.A. ( +'(G3V\FKFRXQVHOOLQJ&HUWL¿HG Consulting Hypnotist with N.G.H. and other International Boards. Over 33 years of experience in counselling. Try something different. For a free consult, call or text (613)301 – 1971 or contact vividrem11@gmail.com 0$5,(77(LVDFHUWL¿HGFOLQLFDOPDVWHU hypnotist with NGH trained by Sheila Granger. www.yourinnerself.ca t)ZQOPUIFSBQZ WENDY ARMSTRONG, CHt, MHt, Master Consulting Hypnotist, CCIr. You can create the life you desire NOW! 613-823-3316 wendy@ wellness-centre.com www.wellness-centre.com JAIME PALLEN CERTIFIED Hypnotist N.G.H member. Past lives interfering with your present explore how and what you can do to change it. Make an appointment @613-454-1429) or www.hypnosis-in-ottawa.com BAD HABITS HOLDING YOU BACK? Hypnosis allows the focus to be placed upon what YOU WANT. Together we make the changes happen in the right way for YOU! Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 www.WellnessWithMoira.com DIRECTORY PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES PURPLE PAGES
ACADEMY OF HYPNOTHERAPYwww.ottawahypnosis.com When talking therapy is just not enough to dissolve old emotional blocks... Create new pathways by trusting and following fresh images, empowering suggestions and inspiring visions. Become whole again by re-membering and re-connecting forgotten parts of yourself. What inside! What outside! Consider the Whole... Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D.(Counselling Therapy) Hypnotherapist, 234-5678 or 726-3636.
HYPNOSIS WORKS! Reach your objectLYHVZLWK/\QQH&DUGLQDODIXOO\&HUWL¿HG Hypnotist with the National Guild of +\SQRWLVWVKROGLQJDGGLWLRQDOFHUWL¿FDWLRQVLQ Hypnosis Innovative Techniques and Weight Loss. She has a PhD in Eastern Philosophy from India. Lynne has been offering Stress Management, Burnout Prevention and Meditation workshops at the government and private sector for over 30 years. Insurance receipts. 613.836.2355 - info@kaivalya.ca - www.kaivalya.ca
t*OEJBO)FBE.BTTBHF THE CANADIAN CENTRE OF INDIAN +($'0$66$*(7ZRGD\&HUWL¿FDWLRQ course with Debbie Boehlen. 905.714.0298. www.indianheadmassagecanada.com
$<859(',&+($'0$66$*(FHUWL¿FDWLRQZLWK Jackie Cave, Fusion School of Natural Health. 613-389-4344 or info@FusionNaturalHealth.com KYMBERLI KER, IHM Practitioner, Relaxing 7UHDWPHQWVZZZ2WWDZD5HÀH[RORJLVWFRP
t*OGSBSFE4BVOB SAGE WELLNESS 340 Gladstone www.sagewellness.ca. Book online or call 613-235-7243, Detoxify, Treat injuries, Pain relief, Weight loss, Reduce Stress, Improve Skin
t*OUVJUJWF/VNFSPMPHZ A NEW SCHOOL OF THOUGHT. Psychic Consultation. Laura Young 725-7232 lbaird@istar.ca
t*OUVJUJWF3FBEJOHT INTUITIVE CHANNELER/MEDIUM ~ TRACY ROY channels her Spirit Guide, Whitehawk for psychic readings. www.intuitivetracyroy.com Visit her YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/troy1367
CONNECT WITH YOUR HIGHER SELF & INNER WISDOM: For insight, guidance, validation, inspiration and support. Readings on-line, by phone
and in person. Moira Hutchison 613.432.1239 www.WellnessWithMoira.com
MICHELLE VEZEAU spiritual guidance to your life’s questions – insightful, profound clarity. michelle@sourcescall.com (819) 827-2579 www.sourcescall.com
LINDA MEDIUM, Palm reader: for appt: Tele: 613-816-1808
INTUITIVE TAROT, angel oracle, fairy tarot and fairy oracle readings by email. Visit www.tarotpugs.com or www.etsy.com/shop/ tarotpugs for available reading offers. Email: tarotpugs@rogers.com
CHERYL JIALA DRISKELL is happy WRKHOS\RX¿QG+HDOWK+DSSLQHVVDQG Spiritual Awakening. Over 30 years of training DQGDXWKRURIERRNV:DNH¿HOG2WWDZDDQG Skype sessions available. www.intuitivelight. com 819-328-9128 WAKEFIELD Retreats too!
BOOK an INTUITIVE or TAROT READING with Rachel in Ottawa, via Skype or by phone at www.divineguidancetarot.com or (613)700- 9528. Workshop and group events available too.
t+PVSOFZ -($1&$//$:$<2WWDZD¶V¿UVW$FFUHGLWHG Journey Practitioner. Give yourself the gift of freedom, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reclaim the truth of who you are. Works with children, teens and adults. Energy Medicine (Reiki Master, Shamanism, Universalis) NLP, WEL-Systems TM Institute Master Facilitator. jeancallaway@bell.net Phone: 613-295-2756.
t+VOHJBO"OBMZTJT ROSEMARY MURRAY-LACHAPELLE, M.L.S., M.A., Dipl. Analyt. Psych. Registered psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst. Depth psychology to address your unique concerns. rmurray5555@gmail.com
t-JGF#FUXFFO-JWFT THIS IS THE SPACE between your current life and the one before. The times between death and re-entering the womb for another life. But what goes on in that time-space? What happens to the soul? This is journey to the other side to better understand the reason for which we came on earth. The process is profound, the session itself last up to three hours. Martine Brisson, hypnosis and alternative therapies Gatineau, 819-205-6670 www.martinebrisson.com
t-JHIU#PEZ"DDFMFSBUJPO LIPHE DESIGN.COM. pH Nutritional Microscopy. Donna Porteous 613 253 7467
t-PX*NQBDU:PHB LOW IMPACT HATHA YOGA www.zenforyou. ca The Zen for You Hatha Yoga classes are easy to do for people who have never tried yoga EHIRUH0DQDOL+DULGDV&HUWL¿HG<RJDLQVWUXFWRU progressively teaches the yoga postures and different relaxation breathing techniques in a period of 10 weeks.
t-ZNQIBUJD NATURAL HEALTH THERAPEUTIC CENTRE. /\PSK'UDLQDJH0DVVDJH6KLDWVX5HÀH[RORJ\ Receipts. By appointment. 613—798-8385. Free parking. www.naturaltherapeutic.ca t.BTTBHF5IFSBQZ BODY POETS MASSAGE THERAPY - Skilled RMTs - Many Modalities - Convenient Hours - Online Booking - Downtown Location )UHH3DUNLQJ*LIW&HUWL¿FDWHV.HQW6W (At Arlington) Visit www.bodypoets.com or call 613-222-0465. Step into the Circle of Care!
KAREN MUNRO-CAPLE, RMT. Providing Healing, Relief, Joy! 1105-85 Albert St. between Elgin & Metcalfe. (613) 230-3527. www.kmc-rmt.com
RACHELLE BEHRENS RMT now accepting new patients at cozy home based clinic in Kanata. www.behrensrmt.com
DIANA M SHELDRICK, Registered Massage Therapist since 2005. Also available, Maya Abdominal Therapy treatments. Please contact Diana at 613 265 7681 or www.arvigotherapy.com
FILOSOFI LASER AND MASSAGE CLINIC. Offering Low Intensity Laser Therapy, Massage, Phsyio, Reiki, BodyTalk, ArmaTouch, Cupping and Orthotics. Let us get you back to doing what you love to do! ZZZ¿ORVR¿FD
MAGI MASSAGE 530 Kirkwood Ave. welcomes you to my warm home clinic. Call Dora (613) 298-3557
t.FEJDBM*OUVJUJWF $1*(/$.(+/(5&HUWL¿HG0HGLFDO,QWXLWLYH www.soulbirdconsulting.com
t.FEJUBUJPO CHRISTIAN MEDITATION COMMUNITY –There are about 40 groups in the Ottawa area that meet weekly to practice a way of silent, contemplative prayer using a prayer word or mantra, as taught by the late Benedictine Fr. John Main. For more information contact the Ottawa Area Coordinator at 613-233-6047 or ottawachristianmeditation@gmail.com or consult www.wccm-canada.ca
COSMIC MINDFULNESS, Meditation in the Yogic Tradition. Ongoing classes and guided meditations, Tues eve and Wed noon given by Chris Simmonds, including chakra awareness, Pratyahara and Yogic Meditation
techniques. Attend an ongoing class or practice group. Advanced personal instruction is also available. Call Chris at 613-298-2447 or email ottawameditation@gmail.com. Visit www.ottawameditation.ca for more info.
SPARK OF LIGHT MEDITATION. Learn the life-changing practices of mantra meditation and mindfulness for peace of mind, wellbeing and spiritual awakening. Private and group introductory and advanced classes. Call Jennifer Bernius at 613-721-3787; jenbernius@ JPDLOFRPVSDUNRÀLJKWPHGLWDWLRQFRP
MEDITATION ON TWIN HEARTS. A beautiful healing technique for illumination that works on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (emotional heart) and the crown chakra (spiritual heart), making us a channel of divine energies, which we use to bless the earth & every being. Lotus Born Wellness Centre: 1226A Wellington W. WEDNESDAYS, 7pm. Cost: on donation. RSVP: faye@pranichealingontario.ca
MEDITATION AND PRAYER Thursday evenings 5-7pm. 3015 Richmond Rd. 613-828-2836.
SRI CHINMOY HOUR We invite you to join us every Monday for an evening of meditation and spiritual inspiration based on the teachings of Sri Chinmoy. Evening will include group meditation, singing and videos of Sri Chinmoy. Free of charge. Children welcome. Mondays: 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m., The Garden of Light, 1099 Bank Street, Call: 613-680-5727 or 613-413- 3743, www.srichinmoy.org
t.JHSBJOFT DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa
t.VTJD)FBMJOH FOR 29 YEARS I have helped clients 2-82yr. with health concerns including ADHD, dyslexia, depression, cancer etc. Hands on approach using musical instruments. Call Shirley Schober @ 613-729-7758
t.ZPGBTDJBM3FMFBTF5IFSBQZ BODYWORK FOR WOMEN, Pain esp. from Surgery-cosmetic, Mastectomy, Scars, Swelling, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciatis, Neck Problems, Back Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Issues, Limited Mobility, Incontinence, Injuries, Breast Health, www.monikatinneberg.ca, 613-857-7031
t/BUVSPQBUIJD.FEJDJOF DR. KANDIS LOCK, ND. Licensed Naturopathic Doctor. Digestive Disorders, Allergies, Headaches, Womens Health, Chronic Disease, Cancer. Come in for free 15 minute consult to ¿QGRXWKRZQDWXURSDWKLFPHGLFLQHFDQEHQH¿W you (no treatment provided). 210-190 Somerset St. 613-656-9629, kandislocknd@gmail.com DIRECTORY
DR. KATHERINE WILLOW ND, fourth-generation naturopathic doctor, has been practicing for 35 years and specializes in German New Medicine (GNM). Call to book an appointment 613-839-1198 or visit ecowellness.com for more info.
t/VUSJUJPO LANARK HIGHLANDS GRASS FED beef, organic chicken, garden, 613-268-2772
t0SBM)FBMUI DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa
t0SUIPEPOUJDT DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa
t0TUFPQBUIZ JOAH BATES, D.O.(UK) Biodynamic Osteopathy. Creating a space for self-healing through structural balance. Over 25 years experience. 613-742-0011.
AYLMER OSTÉO ND. Osteopathy and naturopathy for back pain, sports injuries, and well-being. 32 rue Principale, Aylmer. 819-800-1962. www.AylmerOsteoND.com distant-healing sessions. She has successfully treated clients all over Ontario and Quebec, and as far as Saudi Arabia, Paris, Thailand, Japan, England, and Morocco & more. Whether in-person or remotely, Faye treats clients for a broad range of physical, emotional, and psychological ailments, which may include anything from broken bones to PTSD, multiple sclerosis to Pranic facelifts and weight-loss programs, and helping people enrich their homes or businesses through Pranic Feng Shui. ,QVSLUHGE\WKHEHQH¿WVRI3UDQLF+HDOLQJLQKHU life and the lives of others, Faye teaches Pranic Healing and Superbrain Yoga courses in Ontario and Quebec, and holds a weekly Twin Hearts Meditation Wednesdays at 7pm. (www.pranichealingontario.ca,faye@pranichealingontario. ca,Facebook.com/ECPranic, 613-282-0801) t1TZDIJD.FEJVN PATRICIA V. LACROIX, PSYCHIC MEDIUM & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR. Akashic Records & Destiny Card Readings. Reiki Master & Teacher. 12 Strand DNA Activation. Voted one of A-Channel Viewer’s Choice for Ottawa’s Best Psychic. 613-591-6901 patriciavlacroix@sympatico.ca facebook.com/patriciavlacroix
KRISTA DUNLOP, Psychic Medium/Akashic Records. (613) 612-5028
t2JHPOH CHOW QIGONG. Classes held at McNabb Recreation Centre. Tuesdays, 10:00 - 11:30am. Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30pm. Complementary 1st class. Info:www.OttawaChowQigong.com
QI-MATIC RESEARCH CENTRE; Workshops by Sifu James: Information Healing. Contact Angela at afung46@hotmail.com or 613 762 8893
t1BJO BODYWORK FOR WOMEN, Pain esp. from Surgery-cosmetic, Mastectomy, Scars, Swelling, Carpal Tunnel, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fasciatis, Neck Problems, Back Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Issues, Limited Mobility, Incontinence, Injuries, Breast Health, www. monikatinneberg.ca, 613-857-7031 t1BTU-JGF3FHSFTTJPO WHAT WE BRING INTO AWARENESS, we bring into healing. To book a session, contact Cheryl Clark at 613-890-2178 or Aromacher67@gmail.com
t1SBOJD)FBMJOH FAYE HEALEY IS A FULL-TIME ADVANCED PRANIC HEALING INSTRUCTOR & PRACTITIONER offering in-person and YOUR VOICE IS MORE UNIQUE THAN YOUR DNA. Quantum Sound Therapy, will create YOUR unique set of Frequencies designed to remove negative emotions: fear, anxiety, anger, PTS, sadness that sabotage you. By SIMPLY LISTENING, you can let go of subconscious blockages, harmonize your being, SCIENTIFICALLY TRACK YOUR PROGRESS & Realize YOUR Potential. Contact: Lise Desjardins lise.desjardins11@sympatico.ca 613-795-1469 Pesi Shroff 1pesishroff@gmail.com Golden Light Therapies:http://zgoldenlight.com/
t2VBOUVN5PVDI5IFSBQZ THE POWER TO HEAL Aileen M. McKenna, &HUWL¿HG4XDQWXP7RXFK,QVWUXFWRU Practitioner since 2004. First instructor in Canada, improve physical strength, release
physical and emotional stress, improve sleep, increase creativity, remove pain. Information on personal appointments, distant healing sessions, as well as Quantum-Touch 7KHUDS\&HUWL¿FDWLRQWUDLQLQJ&DOO$LOHHQ¶V Oasis 613-228-2272, 613-795-3751 or by e-mail at aileen@aileensoasis.com, or aileen. mckenna66@gmail.com, or check out www. aileensoasis.com or www.wellnessunlimited.ca .. If you are interested in taking the QuantumTouch Level I class, you are in the right place
t2VBOUVN4VDDFTT$PBDIJOH"DBEFNZ CERTIFIED LAW OF ATTRACTION COACH trained by Christy Whitman in the most amazing, successful and powerful coaching model. My ideal client is between 25 and 65, and dealing with issues creating feelings of stuckness. interfering with the emotional and lifestyle satisfaction they desire. We work our way through the processes, teaching clients strategies to become personally empowered thus releasing those blockages that have been standing in their way. Clients begin to ¿QGLQFUHDVHGSK\VLFDODQGHPRWLRQDOHQHUJ\ buried creativity, demonstrated personal strength physically and emotionally as well as increased feelings of abundance on all levels. Please check out www.aileensoasis.com, www.wellnessunlimited.ca .. or send me an email at aileen@aileensoasis.com , or at aileen. mckenna66@gmail.com .. by giving me a call at 613-795-3751, or at 613-228-2272 for more information, or to make an appointment
t3FDPOOFDUJWF)FBMJOH ALEXIS NICOL – Reconnective Healing® Practioner and the Reconnection since 2005. ZZZ¿UVWOLJKWKHDOLQJFRP
t3FéFYPMPHZ %$/$1&(5(/$;$7,217+(5$3<5HÀH[RORJ\ Ayurvedic Yoga & YOGA MASSAGE FOR BETTER HEALTH. Lori Chamberland, 613-255- 7934 balancerelaxationtherapy.com
$/(;,61,&2/5&57)RRWUHÀH[RORJ\ receipts provided 613-263-7925. ZZZ¿UVWOLJKWKHDOLQJFRP
.<0%(5/,.(55&57)RRW5HÀH[RORJ\ Receipts provided, 613.897.9642 ZZZ2WWDZD5HÀH[RORJLVWFRP
REFLEXOLOGY BY RISHMA is a home based practice in Westboro. Sessions offered for 1 hour or 45 minutes. Receipts provided. By appointment only. House calls available. ZZZUHÀH[RORJ\E\ULVKPD com
JUST BE REFLEXOLOGY. De-stress and detox the whole body gently with Foot 5HÀH[RORJ\DW*UHHQ6SLULWLQ0DQRWLFNRU Home Studio in Riverside South. Caroline Chapman 613 915 6778 nowjustbe.com
&$52/($5/(:(//1(66)DFLDO5HÀH[RORJ\ for Trauma-Bipolar-Stress- Dementia-Alzheimer & Japanese Face Lifting Therapy. www.carolearle.ca - At Manotick Wellness Hub.
t3FJLJ WENDY ARMSTRONG, CRA-RT, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master. Sessions & training for all levels. 613-823-3316 wendy@wellness-centre. com www.wellness-centre.com
CATHERINE BASTEDO, MA, RT-CRA, ICRT, USUI-HOLOGRAPHIC & HOLY FIRE II KARUNA REIKI® MASTER, JIKIDEN Practitioner. Bilingual. Personalized classes; Reiki Master/Teacher Program; individual sessions; online Healing Your Chakras classes; Muskoka retreats. www.visionreiki.com. 819-918-3436. cbastedo@visionreiki.com
HEALING CONNECTION: Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, Lightarian Reiki, QuantumTouch, ,QWHUJUDWLYH(QHUJ\7KHUDS\()7DQG0DJQL¿HG Healing. These holistic therapies will help you to relax, relieve stress and heal on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Roger, 613 322 7585, email; rlrivera1111@yahoo.ca
ALEXIS NICOL – RMTT, Reiki Master Teacher Trainer. Private sessions and training, receipts SURYLGHGZZZ¿UVWOLJKWKHDOLQJFRP
REIKI IN THE WEST END Stressed out? Aches and pains? Reiki can help you relax and feel better. Flexible sessions from 10 to 60 minutes. Contact Barb at 613-228-9176 or barbmartin2010@gmail.com
DEBRA DESJARDINS at Angel Wing Reiki. Kanata; Morgan’s Grant. Reiki sessions for all ages. Reiki for animals. Classes for levels 1 and 2 and children. www.angelwingreiki.com 613-435-2100 FINDING YOUR SELF - Reiki is a gentle technique for restoring and balancing your body’s natural energy to encourage better health. Reiki treatments are available on the Amethyst Bio-Mat. A true mind, body and spirit experience. Reiki Master, Linda O’Connor 4406 Old Kingston Rd. Lombardy. (613) 272-2739
HEAL. GROW. THRIVE. I am an IET and Usui/ Karuna Reiki Master teacher offering healing sessions, Reiki and IET classes. Frederic Papillon 613 805-3733 www.crystalheartlotus.com
ANNA EARLE GREEN, MA CCC, RP, SPIRIT WELL HOLISTICS – Body-centered process work: Reiki & Classes, Craniosacral, SET, EFT, and more. Assisting your journey toward DQHQHUJ\¿OOHGOLIH'D\WLPH'RZQWRZQ area. www.spiritwell.ca 613-295-9987
JARDIN REIKI GARDEN. A universal energy of compassion. Jacinthe Potvin, Usui Master/ Teacher. For Reiki treatments given with all the love my heart contains please call: 819 319-1216 or jardinreikigarden@gmail.com
DONNA DILLMAN, Usui Master - Circa 1894 Day Spa, Lanark. Use of tubs/saunas included. 613-259-9988; circa1894.ca
DARLENE PLOUFFE, Reiki & Numerology. 613-769-7313 www.timeforBeing.webs.com
HOLY FIRE REIKI treatments and courses with Martha St. Pierre. 613-422-7286; ladymjs50@ KRWPDLOFRPKRO\¿UHUHLNLRWWDZDFD
REIKI IS LIFE FORCE OF ENERGY. It helps for relaxation and stress. The best way to experience is having a full treatment. Call Laura at 613-608-9750.
GERMAINE DE PERALTA (CRA, ICRT). USUI HOLY FIRE II REIKI MASTER/ TEACHER and HOLY FIRE II KARUNA 0$67(57($&+(55HLNL&HUWL¿FDWLRQ&ODVVHV in all levels of Usui Holy Fire II Reiki (Level 1, DQG$570DVWHUDQG&HUWL¿FDWLRQ&ODVVHV in Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Practitioner/Master/ Teacher. Mentoring Program. Scheduled classes or by request. Crystal Healing workshops. Healing sessions (Reiki with Crystals). Specialize in relationship stress and mental/emotional/spiritual issues. Contact: Reiki Wanderlust at the RW Healing Centre, Westboro, Ottawa, K1Z 1E7. Tel: 613-697-3105 or email: germaine_de_peralta@yahoo.com
by old injuries, surgeries, emotional trauma and stress. COLIN LIGGETT RMT. Westboro. 613 867 9299. ottawaSMR.ca
DIANE GODIN reikispiritualawakening.com 819-665-3187 (Ottawa-based). Reiki is a spiritual therapy that provides healing energy to recharge and re-balance the KXPDQHQHUJ\¿HOGZRUNLQJZLWKSK\VLFDO mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Reiki works well with stress, anxiety, chronic SDLQDQGPXFKPRUH,DPD&HUWL¿HG5HLNL Master Practitioner (Energy Healer), Psychic Medium, Empath, and Witch. I also provide Card Readings.
SHARON ALVES SOBERS, Usui Reiki Master Teacher & Theta Healing® Practitioner. Barrhaven 613-914-6685 or sharonshaezen@gmail.com
t3FMBUJPOTIJQ3FBEJOHT Ask how to Host a Relationship Readings Party with crystal_spirit_21@yahoo.ca t3FUSFBUT CHARMING RURAL RETREAT COTTAGE NEAR WAKEFIELD. Couples/individuals. Clean, equipped. Year round. Minimum one month. For details text 819-328-3705.
SURROUNDED BY 190 acres of forest, connect with nature in a guided or self-guided retreat. We offer healing retreats throughout the year or you can create your own. Call for more info 613-839-1198 or visit ecowellness.com
INTIMATE RETREAT/WORKSHOP Space in Orleans; wellness, holistic B&B. Hosts 25, sleeps 7. Text 613-405-6395
t3PMèOH ®
t3PPNGPS3FOU Workshop space and therapy rooms available at Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444
ROOMS FOR RENT. Shared bathroom. Utilities included. 3015 Richmond Rd., 613-828-2836
OFFICE FOR RENT by the hour ($25), half day ($55) or full day ($95) in Gatineau (Hull sector, Quebec) for March. Perfect for health professionals. Massage bed on site.
ToneCanada.ca t4FOTPSJ.PUPS3FQBɆFSOJOH SENSORIMOTOR REPATTERNING (SMR): Resolve chronic pain by correcting faulty movement patterns that have been generated
t4IBNBOJTN HEALING SESSIONS+2-Yr CrystalShamanic Program - evolved training in the ancient Arts | Crystal Medicine Centre | 613-435-8678 | 1572 Stittsville Main Street, Stittsville, ON | www.crystalmedicine.ca| info@crystalmedicine.ca
LINDA ENERGY HEALER - Highly effective Shamanic sessions for anxiety, childhood issues, depression, abuse, pain, grief. In person or distance, clients worldwide. People & pets. 613-868-8468 lsteele1122@rogers.com https://lindaenergyhealer.vistaprintdigital.com/
TRADITIONAL CEREMONIES for physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Chakra Balancing, Cord Cutting, Past Life Journeys, Animal Totem Journeys, and many more. Please contact SatDaya Williams www.HolisticOttawa.com 613-761-5982
SELF-RENEWAL & SOUL-CARE through belief-triage subtle energy healing system by Diane Oliver, Urban-Elder 613- 261-1602 diane.energy.medicine@gmail. com. www.Dignity101.com SPARKY TRINE SHAMANIC SUPPORT: questions, soul retrievals, power animals, extractions, project support, ceremony. https://sparkytrine.wixsite.com/adventures sparkytrine@gmail.com APPRENTICESHIP, classes, ceremonies, and healing services in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross-Cultural Shamanism. yola@yoladunne.com - www.yoladunne.com/apprenticeship CATHERINE HUGHES, Shamanic Practitioner, Guest Faculty the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. Healing sessions focused on the soul aspects of well-being; power, soul loss, spiritual interference, ancestral healing, and conducting of souls. I work compassionDWHO\ZLWK\RX,Q2WWDZD:D\¿QGLQJVSLULW FRPLQIR#ZD\¿QGLQJVSLULWFRP t4IJBUTV TONYA GARTSHORE, Dipl.S.T., RMT. Registered massage therapy, shiatsu, reÀH[RORJ\DFXSUHVVXUHIDFLDO7KDLPDVVDJH cupping & dry needling/acupuncture (coming 2020). (Hunt Club & Greenbank) Book online: www.tonyagartshorermt.com ANCIENT JAPANESE HEALING ARTS increase vitality, unblock energy, reduce stress, relieve muscle pain, heal injuries. Sho Takeda, RMT.www.ShoHealing.com
t4LJO$BSF 1$785$/%2'<&$5(E\DFHUWL¿HGDURPDtherapist. Natural makeup, cleaning products: Planet Botanix, 301 Bank (Somerset) 567-4444
SOMATIC SEXUALITY EDUCATION offers a new way of understanding our bodies, inviting integration of body and spirit, expanding consciousness and allowing access to our most powerful source of creativity, healing and joy. www.tracymontgomery.ca 613-413-1216
t4PVOE)FBMJOH COMBINING CRYSTAL BOWLS, tuning forks, chimes and other sound healing instruments to create a relaxing experience. Individual sessions and group meditations. Julie 613-254-8469.
INTEGRAL SOMATICPSYCHO-SPIRITUAL PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Unresolved embodied trauma underlies many common psychological issues such as anxiety and depression. Therefore, I employ a variety of somatic methods such as EMDR, IBP & a somatic mediation, which activate the body to reveal where trauma is stored, the imagination to remember it, & the heart to express and release it. Clients are in awe of the experience activated by these methods, & grateful for the transformative results. I am covered by health insurance plans under psychological services. Contact information: Carol Dignam, 613-422- 9396; caroldignam3@gmail.com
t5BSPU JUDY JIBB, Tarot and Astrology Ottawa, MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology (2016), Cert.F. Astol.S (1986), www.judyjibb.ca, judyjibb@gmail.com 613 304 4255
LEARN TAROT: Level I and II Classes start September 21, 2019. Discover the original symbolic meanings of the cards and much more. Awaken your latent psychic or intuitive talents with a professional Taroist with over 30 years experience. For more information go to: www.readingsrose.ca or email readingsrose@yahoo.com
t5BQQJOH.PEBMJUJFT LISA KOPIL, Meridian Tapping, Stress Management, Life Coach. Tap into your Life by changing your mind. Private sessions, workshops, drop in sessions.Tapforlife.com (613) 899-4994
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t5IFSBQFVUJD5PVDI THERAPEUTIC TOUCHª - profound relaxation & pain relief; supports healing all levels. Can be applied in acute, chronic or emotional conditions. House calls, hospital visits available. Will work with animals. Barbara Schuster, TTNO-Recognized Practitioner. 613-820-4303, ZZZWKHÀRZHUVRIDHVNXODSFRP
I‘LL DEVELOP YOUR OWN PERSONALIZED YOGA PROGRAM that includes poses, breathing exercises, meditations and healthy lifestyle tips to help you cope with anxiety, depression, weight loss, sleep problems, etc. Contact Linda for your free consultation at mountainsoulyoga@gmail. com or 613-862-4614.
t5IFUB)FBMJOH SHIFT LIMITING, core beliefs to healthy ones. Affordable rates. osianawellness.com
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REV. PATRICIA ROSE. Call/Text: 613-297- 8960. Or visit: www.allseasonsweddings.com
t8IPMJTUJD%FOUJTU DR. PAUL GREENACRE. tel: (613) 234-5758; info@dolphindentistry.com; 100-152 Gloucester Street, Ottawa
t8PSLTIPQT GROUNDING AND THE ART OF CREATING SACRED SPACE Levels I, II, and III is a workshop taking place over 3 days, all about creating boundaries, clearing the aura, learning how to clear a space, how to be present DQGVHFXUHLQ\RXURZQHQHUJ\¿HOG,GHDO workshop for energy workers, massage therapists, lawyers, social workers and anyone anywhere who works with or lives closely with others. For information and registration call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, or by sending an e-mail to aileen@aileensoasis.com.
QUANTUM-TOUCH: The Power to Heal &HUWL¿FDWHZRUNVKRSLQ4XDQWXP7RXFK therapy, a powerfully simple modality that will transform your ideas about your health and your life. This wonderful modality can be used with other modalities and is very helpful for self-healing, distance healing, working with clients, friends, family, pets, water and gardens. For information, call Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, aileen@aileensoasis.com and at www.aileensoasis.com.
VISIONBOARD WORKSHOP: Would you like to know how to attract and create the life you love? Would you like to participate with others in using some amazing tools to help you to discover what you really want in your future life, and how you can create that future and feel as if you are already in the future life. Using imagination, fun and play, you will learn about how to create the job you want, the lifestyle, and the level of wellness you want WRDFKLHYH¿WQHVVDQGUHODWLRQVKLSV,WLVDOO about being able to imagine what you want, and to take the actions needed to bring it into reality. For more information, or registration, please all Aileen’s Oasis at 613-228-2272, aileen@aileensoasis.com and at www.aileensoasis.com
t:PHB KANATA CLASSES are held in a yoga studio that soothes and allows you to unwind. A variety of yoga styles are integrated into each class. You leave feeling that you have touched that place of calm within. www.sattvayoga.ca PATHWAY YOGA. A beautiful, welcoming studio in the heart of Westboro. Learn how Iyengar yoga can lead body and breath, heart and mind along a brighter, healthier pathway. www.pathwayyoga.ca 613 806- 5LFKPRQG5RDGQGÀRRU
THE PRACTICE OF ZEN offers something simple, direct and accessible to anyone seeking stillness and peace of mind in this busy, frantic world. Contact the Flowing Bridge Zen Sangha of Sanbo-Zen for more information at OttawaZendo@gmail.com
SEEKING ACCOMODATION SENIOR SEEKING SHARED ACCOMMODATION FOR FALL 2019. Spiritually-minded, peace-loving senior woman looking to share a house or apartment with a compatible woman (not necessarily senior) starting this fall or early 2020. I’m quiet, healthy and health-conscious, and would love to live with another who is, too. Must live close to transit. Please email jenbernius@gmail.com
FOR SALE SWISS BIONICS iMRS 2000 Professional set for sale. PEMF mat, cushion, probe, colour therapy goggles & binaural beats earphones. Health-Canada approved for insomnia, arthritic pain relief, depression, back pain, and more. Gently used, 1-year warranty left. $5k ($8k new). Cbabyn@gmail.com
NORWALK JUICER MODEL 270 $2200.00 Green Star Juicer $400.00 Ion Cleanse Aqua-Chi Prof. Series 11 $800.00 Contact: 1-613-923-5156
Break Through Your Barriers by Amâeil, Energy Psychotherapy and Ascension Healing W KHQ ZH ÀQG RXUVHOYHV JUDSSOLQJ ZLWK LQWHQVH LQQHU FRQÁLFWV ZH ZRXOG VRPHWLPHV SUHIHU WR hide under the covers. We can try to deny that there’s an issue waiting to be addressed, or pray to be rescued, but deep down we know that we’ll have to choose. We can soften the strain by remembering that our power to choose is a gift, and we can be grateful.
7KHVHGLFXOWMXQFWXUHVDUHQ·WDOZD\VDSSDUHQWLQRXU awakening journey. There can be a great deal of shifting, rumbling and even thrashing in the subconscious mind while we carry on with our living. But the pressure can build until we have to admit that something needs to change because its purpose is expended. The more we acknowledge this, the easier it becomes.
2020 may be this kind of year for many of us: a time of profound choice points to birth a lighter life. It would be unwise to let our thoughtlessness leave our limitations unexplored. Instead, we can be willing to honestly see our fears and self-deceptions so the truth can be revealed. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of slowing down to recognize what’s happening, without fooling ourselves into thinking that it’s something else. 2IWHQ RXU PRVW GLFXOW FKRLFH LV DQ LQYLWDWLRQ WR the greatest version of ourselves. And we can choose to accept. It just might be the last step before we break through a consciousness suppression that’s been keeping us down for as long as we can recall.
Breaking barriers isn’t necessarily welcomed by all. Some will fear our growth. Especially those in service to self will energetically target those who stand united in service to others. Our journey’s a courageous dance of diligence and resolve with many choice points. Let’s stay elevated in the Light, and honour our power to make the choices for our Highest Expression. Those made with love liberate everyone.

Break barriers, clear targeting & return to sacred, inner balance: www. AwakeningtheTruthWithin.com 20 yrs. intuitive counselling, energy education & multi-dimensional healing. Individuals, couples, children & animals. In person or phone/skype 613- 253-2888.

2020 www.MelindaUrban.com
1230 Wellington, Ottawa, ON 613-729-5973 VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT

Exploring the Akashic Records How the Akashic Records are organized for spiritual healing to occur… T he holiday season is a stressful time for many of us and for various individual reasons. Therefore, let us focus on embracing our courage to heal the spiritual wounds for the upcoming New Year through the Akashic Records and with the help from the Light Beings - Servers of the Akasha. During my Akashic Records Consultations, I begin by entering my clients Akashic Records through the Pathway Prayer, along with incorporating the client’s soul vibrational imprint, which is their commonly used full legal name. This Pathway Prayer Process puts us in a position to meet the intermediaries of the light, who are servers of the Akasha. They are the unseen entities HQWUXVWHG ZLWK WKH ÁRZ RI SURFHVVHV DQGLQIRUPDWLRQ within the Records, between the Records and between myself and what I then share with my clients during their Akashic Records Consultation. The language of the spirit world is shared with me through symbols, imagery, colours, numbers, etc., which I receive through my psychic mediumship gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentience and claircognizance. During an Akashic Records Consultation, it is then my job, along with my client’s assistance, to decipher this channeled information.
There are four areas of the Records, which are managed by four groups of Light Being Servers, (The Lords of the Akashic Records; The Masters; The 7HDFKHUV7KH/RYHG2QHVLGHQWLÀHGE\WKHLULQGLYLGXDO responsibilities and characteristics. Separate from the realm of spirit guides, angels, this dimension is home to unseen assistants, recognizable by their service rather than personal identity.
The two primary duties of the Light Being Servers, DUHPDLQWDLQLQJWKHVDQFWLW\RIWKH5HFRUGVDQGWKHÁRZ of Akashic force between the records and my clients. Each managing group stays within its own area and all ZRUN LV V\QFKURQL]HG WR PDLQWDLQ WKH ÁRZ RI HQHUJ\ and information from the Records to my clients. One gathering of Light Being Servers focuses on the integrity of the Akashic Records, while the other three organize WKHLU HͿRUWV DURXQG WKH VXFFHVVIXO WUDQVPLVVLRQ RI compassion, wisdom and power to seeking individuals who have the courage and commitment to their own individual spiritual healing. The Lords of the Akashic Records: The Lords of the Akashic Records are not embodied, nor have they ever been. However, they do take personal interest in us, as they are awakeners of our consciousness prompted while in the Records. They facilitate our connection with the Records and reach out to us through soul level impressions. These are the Servers, who determine who gains access to the Akasha and when that will occur. The Lords of the Records do interact with the Masters (one of the subgroups of the %HLQJV RI/LJKW DQG WKHÀUVWLQ WKHJURXS RI WKH WKUHH whose attention is on us and our spiritual growth), transferring the treasures of the Records: compassion, wisdom, and energy to the Masters for upliftment, encouragement, healing and spiritual advancement as they work with all of us.
Everyone has a group of master’s whom they have an eternal relationship, beginning with the soul’s inception to our universe and continuing throughout all past lives.

The Teachers:
Teachers may, or may not have lived on the earth plane, but they do not live on the earth plane presently as “Teachers”. During my Akashic Records Consultations, these teachers may be from the angelic realm, spirit DQLPDOV HWF 7KHLU UROH LV OHVVRQ VSHFLÀF « QRW VRXO VSHFLÀF$VZHDOONQRZZKLOHOLYLQJRQWKHHDUWKSODQH we are all given various lessons within one’s lifetime to master and we also have more than one Teacher DW D WLPH« to assist us on our spiritual journey … if we personally choose to.
Jan/Feb 2020 ToneCanada.ca H
The Loved Ones: While we can ask for their wisdom in certain matters, they are not the source of wisdom for our Records work. However, they will promote and encourage our development simply through their presence. Their intention is simply to support us as we connect with the compassion, wisdom and energy of the Records and use it to become individuals expressing our souls’ purpose and intentions on Earth. ,LQYLWH\RX WRMRLQPH DWP\QHZ RFH VSDFHZKHUH I practice my ´6SLULWXDO (QHUJ\ 0HGLFLQH +HDOLQJµ surrounded in the beauty of the Misiwe Ni Relations Healing Lodge in Manotick www.misiweinrelations.ca and afterwards, UHÁHFWRQWKHWHDFKLQJVZKLFKKDYHEHHQVKDUHGZLWK\RXE\ WKHZDUPWKRIWKHÀUHSODFHDQG0RWKHU(DUWKKHUVHOI3OHDVH feel free to visit my web site at www.lighttouchtherapy.ca, or call me at (613) 612-5028 to schedule your appointment. Namaste! Krista Dunlop Akashic Records Consultant Reiki Master/Teacher

THE FOUNDATION FOR SHAMANIC STUDIES a non-profit public charitable and educational organization

Is offering Michael Harner's The Way of the Shaman ® Shamanic Journeying, Power & Healing The Basic Workshop in Core Shamanism
February 22-23, 2020 Ottawa
Led by Glenn Campbell Faculty Member, Foundation for Shamanic Studies During this experiential workshop, participants are introduced to Core Shamanism, the basic methods used by shamans to enter non-ordinary reality for problem solving and healing. Particular emphasis is on the classic shamanic journey, as well as on shamanic divination and healing. A practical, enjoyable workshop, even for beginners!
For more information or to register, contact Glenn at glenn@shamanspiritpath.com 905 655-6756 www.shamanspiritpath.com

25 Jan/Feb 2020 ToneCanada.ca 198 Main Street, Ottawa .thegreendoor.ca
Planet Botanix Wellness Clinic Welcome to our healing space. Our holistic practitioners are ready to assist your journey to wellness.
Heather Garrod
2ZQHU RI 3ODQHW %RWDQL[ DQG D &HUWLÀHG Aromatherapist, Heather has a passion for all things natural. The store is anchored by her own line of natural body care, and boasts over 100 varieties of therapeutic grade essential oils. Heather gives monthly aromatherapy workshops.
Helene Arts
Helene Arts has been a practitioner of the occult for over 30 years. She has worked as an Astrologer since 1995 and is experienced in numerous types of divination such as Tarot, Runes, Pendulum, etc. She has authored several ERRNVDQGLVFXUUHQWO\SXUVXLQJD3K'+HOHQHRͿHUV readings, as well as coaching, workshops and retreats in various aspects of Magick, Witchcraft and the Occult for the purpose of increasing understanding, building skills, and healing. For more information please visit her website at www.witchhollow.ca

Julie Larochelle Usui Reiki Master and Tarot card reader (bilingual)
-XOLHLVDFHUWLÀHG5HLNL0DVWHUDQG7DURWFDUGUHDGHU that has been practicing out of Planet Botanix for many years. She provides 1 hour and or/ 30 minute sessions and she will be more than happy to provide you with surprise information of a presence that surrounds you. She is available every Friday evening between 6 and 9. Julie can be reached at jureiki@hotmail.com for appointment and through the store at Planet Botanix, walk-in are welcome as well.
2NVDQD 6WUHOELWVN\ ² &HUWLÀHG ()7 7DSSLQJ practitioner and a graduate of 8 th Fire School of Shamanism
Unprocessed traumas from your past negatively LQÁXHQFH \RXU SUHVHQW 2NVDQD IDFLOLWDWHV SURFHVVLQJ the traumas by working with your unconscious mind through tapping, shamanic journeys and other modalities. Working with your unconscious mind is a YHU\HͿHFWLYHZD\WRFKDQJHXQKHOSIXOSDWWHUQVLQ\RXU life.
Oksana holds monthly tapping circles, visit www. breatheout.ca for more information.
Mark Joly - The Blind Psychic Sees Through Your Eyes 8VLQJ RQO\ KLV ÀQJHUV KH VHHV ERWK WKH SDVW DQG the future. When he touches your hands Mark sees vivid images of the events and milestones that have GHÀQHG\RXUOLIHDQGLQÁXHQFH\RXUIXWXUH%RRN\RXU appointment today, only at Planet Botanix. Marc can be reached at 613-600-8071

Tuning In To Your Sixth Sense

by Suzanne Duc, RP, MACP, TIRT, LSRT
March 31st
Learn How Intuition Is Being Used To Bring About Improved Clinical Outcomes In Mental Health And Other Career Settings!
About this Event Participants will learn how to enhance the innate gift of intuition. The presenter, Rosalind Forster, MSW, RSW, will provide compelling evidence about how intuition can be used in the world of business, policing, sports, chess, armed forces and mental health settings. For the mental health practitioner, coaching individuals to develop a more conscious relationship with their intuition can result in enhanced perspective and insight leading to improved clinical outcomes. The presenter will provide a variety of thought-provoking material, some based on her personal experience, which will allow participants to tap into the wisdom of their own intuition. Participation in this workshop allows Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals (OAMHP) members to apply 2 hours (CECs) towards their required continuing education hours. OAMHP does not endorse this training or the training provider.

Presenter Profile: Rosalind Forster, Msw, Rsw Originally from Tynemouth, England, Rosalind holds both a Bachelor and Master of Social Work degree from McGill University as well as a Bachelor of Arts from Concordia University. She has also completed an Advanced Certificate in Alternate Dispute Resolution (Mediation). Rosalind has worked in the Canadian health care field for over 30 years in a variety of settings. These have included work in oncology and palliative care at the Kingston General Hospital, community psychiatry, child, adolescent and adult mental health, aboriginal communities (addictions and counselling) and most recently, as the lead Social Worker for Hospice Cornwall. Rosalind has been contracted by Queens University to work on patient safety and interprofessional collaboration, and has also been featured as a sessional lecturer for St. Lawrence College in Ontario. Currently, Rosalind works in private practice in Cornwall, Ontario and regularly delivers workshop on interesting health care topics such as compassion fatigue, self-care for clinicians, intuition, dream interpretation and grief dreams.
Blissful By Nature: Ayurvedic Principles for Blissed Out Living Unending joy, wisdom and balance all come from within you O ne of the things we all have in common is that we want to be happy: to experience pleasure, joy, good KHDOWKIXOÀOOPHQWDQGDVHQVHRISXUSRVH
The ultimate state of happiness is known as “bliss”, an all-pervading sense of love, peace and well-being with what you are and all that exists. Bliss is the feeling of heaven on Earth, a perfect state of contentment, balance and peace which is undisturbed by any external circumstance.
Bliss: the ultimate state of happiness, peace, unconditional love, marvel, inner knowing, and emptiness coming from a sense of being one with all that exists.
If you’re fortunate, you may have had one or even a few experiences of bliss throughout your life. Most FRPPRQO\\RXUÀUVWH[SHULHQFHRIEOLVVPD\KDYHFRPH from an external experience such as the birth of a child, a sexual experience, or a sense of awe before nature. Bliss can also be self-generated, meaning that it can be generated by your choices, actions and level of awareness (rather than an external experience).
Furthermore, yogic philosophy teaches us that ‘bliss’ or ‘bliss consciousness’ can also become your permanent state of being, associated with unity consciousness and self-realization.
What Does Ayurveda Teach Us About Bliss? Ayurveda 1 , the sister science of yoga teaches that your emotional well-being -- how happy you feel - is closely tied to the relationship between your body, mind and WKHZRUOGDURXQG\RX,WRͿHUVDYDULHW\RIVLPSOHQDWural principles to make blissful, conscious living your daily reality.
Here are a few 9 basics principles, as taught by ayurveda, to cultivate and enhance blissful living:
1. Recognize Bliss As Your Natural State.
Ayurveda teaches that bliss is not something outside that you need to achieve, but your natural state of being when you relax as you are.
This may seem hard to believe at times, in an age where stress and anxiety run rampant.
However, you will notice that when you take time to relax -- for example, by taking a long walk in the forest or by looking up at the night sky -- your worries and mental conversations subside. A sense of peace, harmony and wonder with life naturally emerges. Ayurveda is 5,000 year-old mind-body science for natural healing. It uses a combination of principles for diet, self-care and herbalism to prevent disease and to support strong immunity, longevity and vibrant health.
2. Bliss Comes Through Daily Discipline
Real pleasure is rooted in self-discipline. This may seem counterintuitive if we want to believe that bliss is an irresponsible, laissez-faire kind of happiness, but part of us knows that this is not really true or sustainable!
5HDO EOLVV FRPHV IURP \RXU GDLO\ VHOIHͿRUWV WR FXOtivate your highest attributes and values (sattva guna). This includes eating well, exercising, cleanliness, proper rest, moderate work habits, thinking well of others and kindness in speech.
Daily spiritual practice (or sadhana) including a combination of meditation, breathwork and yoga, is one of the best tools for the activation of your highest attributes and to induce self-generating bliss.
3. Bliss Comes From Your Belly.
Ayurveda teaches us that good digestion is the foundation for a naturally happy mood.
Once we recognize the importance to good digestion in our overall health, we are more likely to start taking better care of it.
,I \RX VXͿHU IURP GLJHVWLYH LVVXHV GR QRW GHVSDLU Ayurveda provides a variety of helpful tips to improve digestion and to help your body heal from food allergies, acne, anxiety, gas, constipation, ulcers, slow metabolism, and to promote a pleasant relationship with your next meal. Keep reading...
4. Bliss Comes From The Balance of the Doshas
Ayurveda teaches us that there are 3 mind-body types (or doshas) : vata, pitta and kapha. Each of the doshas KDVDGLͿHUHQWZD\RIFRPPXQLFDWLQJLWVQHHGVWRXV For example: Ш Vata (air and wind elements) may communicate as fear, anxiety, restlessness and ungrounded thinking; Ш PittaÀUHDQGZDWHUHOHPHQWVPD\FRPPXQLcate as anger, control, aggression, impatience and intensity; Ш Kapha (earth and water elements) may communicate as laziness, apathy, depression, greed and a resistance to change.
Caring for the doshas may include a combination of diet, exercise, herbs, natural therapies and self-care. The more balanced your doshas are, the easier it is to reside in your natural state of peace, happiness and equanimity.
5. Bliss Comes from Ojas (Glow or Vitality). Ayurveda also recognizes that bliss comes from a subtle substance called ojas, commonly recognizable as the healthy glow of someone who is truly happy. Ojas is the subtle essence of kapha dosha, the by-product of healthy digestion and living a life that you love.
Ojas grant strong immunity, resilience to stress and natural fertility. Some of the best ways to cultivate ojas is through daily spiritual practice (sadhana), good digesWLYHKDELWVDQGVHDVRQDOGHWR[LÀFDWLRQpanchakarma). 6. Bliss Comes From An Alignment With What You Love.
One of the fastest ways to experience bliss is to follow your inner inspiration and explore the things that you feel most passionate or curious about. This may include arts, yoga, spirituality, travel, politics, writing, inspirational reading, a special project or hobby.
Most of the time, aligning with what you love doesn’t mean that you need to quit your day job, but that you just take a small step toward what you know is right. The path of the heart may feel uncomfortable at times, and may not always make sense to the logical part of you, but following its call is one of the fastest and most sincere ways to connect to inner wisdom and joy. 7. Bliss Comes When You Don’t Need to Be Happy All the Time.
The blissful state actually comes most easily when you don’t try to be happy all the time, or to avoid any painful life lesson or experiences. Often, it is through our friction and challenges that we learn our greatest lessons, including patience, compassion, integrity and surrender.
It’s also helpful to understand that bliss does not actually come from your emotions, but from a deeper recognition of what you are and what you’re connected to. 8. Bliss Comes From Good Company.
Your mind naturally copies the mental and emotional patterns of those you surround yourself with, emulatLQJ\RXULQÁXHQFHRIKLJKHVWIUHTXHQF\
Try to surround yourself with those interested in cultivating wisdom, compassion and higher values. Here, satsang (or the company of the wise or a realized teacher) is one of the greatest blessings and most purifying LQÁXHQFHV
Time spent alone, in silence or in nature can also help to clear the mind of unnecessary thought patterns and connect you to spirit. As much as possible, try to avoid conversations based in gossip, fear and negativity. 9. Bliss Comes By Doing Nothing.
Ayurveda and yoga provide countless tips for mindbody balance and natural joy. However, you actually don’t need to do anything to realize your natural state. You don’t need 20 years of spiritual practice and you don’t need to be a taller, shorter, healthier, happier, more accomplished or more loveable version of yourself.
Your mind will give you all kinds of reasons why you can’t be in bliss, but the truth is that it can come at any time, at any age, in the midst of any experience or your worst mistake.
Bliss comes from the simple recognition of your everpresent goodness and the goodness of life as revealed through your smile, your courage, your kindness, and \RXU VLQFHUHGDLO\HͿRUWV WRZDUG WUXWKORYH DQG IUHHdom. About the Author
Briya Freeman regularly teaches courses in meditation, Ayurveda and modern spirituality in downtown Ottawa, as well as online. Her primary inspiration draws from a long-term mentorship under the guidance of Berdhanya Swami Tierra, a female mystic and shaman of South American origin, and from the science of Ayurveda, a system of holistic medicine and self-care. For more information, visit briyafreeman.com or email briyafreeman@gmail.com THE TEMPLE OF GRACE Exploring Grace, Gifts and Inner Guidance Wednesdays
AYURVEDA FOR VIBRANT LIVING A Practical Exploration into the Science of Self-Healing COMMUNITY PRACTICE EVENINGS For Graduates of Practical Awakening
COACHING SESSIONS WITH BRIYA Available in Ottawa or via Skype

PATHWORK: How and Why We Continue to Attract the Same Life Problems, and What to do about it. By Jill Chitra I n the course of our life’s journey, it often happens that we experience frustration with similar, unwanted situations arising again and again.Have you ever faced IHHOLQJVRIEHWUD\DORUDODFNRIUHFRJQLWLRQRUÀQDQFLDO success, and hoped that things will get better by focusing on the future?Paradoxically, the key to a better future lies, to a great extent, in the past. 7KHLQVXFLHQWO\ IXOÀOOHG QHHGVZH H[SHULHQFHG DV children can be at the root of what we now face as adults. Until we examine and deal with these past experiences, we will continue to attract them throughout our lives.To quote Pathwork Lecture 192, “To the degree you have not experienced fully your past as a child, you must attract similar experiences, at least in essence, later.” But what was a legitimate need as a child is imposVLEOH WR IXOÀOOLQ WKHFKLOGKRRGZD\ IRUDQDGXOWHYHQ though we keep trying, at least in some areas of our lives.It is our attempts to meet these needs in the wrong way that perpetuate the unwanted situations in our adult lives.Not recognizing and dealing with the feelLQJV DULVLQJ IURPXQIXOÀOOHG UHDOFKLOGKRRGQHHGVFDQ cause us to continue to project those needs onto others. For example, if our feelings weren’t allowed or validated as children, we may continually look for reassurance IURPRWKHUVODWHULQOLIHWKHUHE\DGYHUVHO\DͿHFWLQJRXU relationships and re-creating childhood trauma in our adult lives. Recognizing old or false needs is not easy, since they are subtle and generally unconscious. To uncover these needs, we have to learn and practice objective selfobservation. The ultimate reward is the possibility of IXOÀOOPHQW RI RXU UHDO QHHGV DV DGXOWV $V 3DWKZRUN /HFWXUHVWDWHVWKHVHDUH´«VHOIH[SUHVVLRQJURZWK development; reaching his/her spiritual potentials and everything else that accrues from that: pleasure, love, IXOÀOOPHQWJRRGUHODWLRQVKLSVDQGPDNLQJDPHDQLQJful contribution to the scheme of things.” At the next Open Lecture on February 19, we will exSORUHKRZUHDOFKLOGKRRGQHHGVWKDWZHUHLQVXFLHQWO\ met can be transformed to allow us to live a more fulÀOOHGOLIH 7KLV H[SORUDWLRQZLOOLQFOXGH VWUDWHJLHV DQG an exercise to begin to uncover these hidden needs that are still problematic in our lives today. Location: Saint Paul University, 223 Main Street Date & Time: Wednesday, February 19, 2020; 7 to 9 pm Suggested Donation: $15 for non-members; $5 for members For information about Pathwork and for free download of lectures: www.pathwork.org For information about Pathwork Ottawa: www.pathworkottawa.ca PATHWORK
Winter 2020 Open Lecture Discussions Saint Paul University 233 Main St, follow signs to room
February 19 and April 22, 2020 7:00 to 9:00 pm Suggested donation, $15 ~ $5 for members Contact Jean: jeanmillar21@gmail.com ALL WELCOME Lectures are available for free download at www.pathwork.org Learn more about Pathwork at www.pathwork.org For details and location, go to www.pathworkottawa.ca
Pathwork Meditations: Sunday afternoons, 4:30 to 6:00 pm March 1, 2020 at Metta Movement and Meditation Studio, 5 Hamilton Avenue, Ottawa
Growing with the Flow Written by Rev. Alexis Nicol W HDOOJRWKURXJKHEEDQGÁRZSHULRGVLQRXUOLIH Many of us feel uncomfortable when in an ebb. It can be seemingly like we aren’t part of what’s going on around us. We feel unable to contribute, lost even. Oddly enough by embracing the ebb we are growing ZLWKWKHÁRZ:KHQZHÀJKWWKHHEEZHDUHEORFNLQJ WKH ÁRZ RI DORYLQJ FUHDWLYH HQHUJ\ 7KLV WLPH FRXOG EHXVHG IRUUHÁHFWLQJUHVWLQJJDLQLQJJUHDWLQVLJKWRU preparing us for receiving something meaningful to come.
By taking the ebb as a positive time in our life and using it to relax, release anxiety and blockages, the Universe is more able to reward us with Miracles from a Loving origin.
Sometimes when I’m bored, I tend to busy myself with PLQGQXPELQJDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDV791HWÁL[)DFHERRN etcetera. This usually brings a feeling of guilt, which in turn makes me angry with myself for not contributing something more meaningful in my life. This is not only XQKHDOWK\ LW DOVR EORFNV WKH QDWXUDO ÁRZLQJ RI LGHDV creativity, love and so much more. I am also missing the potential growth I could be receiving at these times. I have learned that it is best to embrace the stillness, knowing that it is a wonderful time of opportunity WKDWZLOODOORZXVWRJURZZLWKWKHÁRZ:KHQTXLHW Universal wisdom, creativity and spiritual awareness ZLOOÁRZHͿRUWOHVVO\WRXV,DPJUDWHIXOIRUWKHVHHEEV They are a perfect time to acknowledge and embrace the gifts we receive and for those to come.
Recently coming out of such an ebb, I was gifted with the realization that I am to let a few things go in order WRÁRZLQWRDQHZFUHDWLYHWLPHLQP\OLIH,WLVIRUWKLV reason; I am choosing to limit my business, including a hiatus from Tone. Over many years, you and this magazine have been an inspiring part of my life for which I am forever grateful.
May 2020 bring you many blessings. Alexis believes in a Wholistic Metaphysical approach to healing mind, body and soul. She combines natural healing modalities in her practice. ZZZÀUVWOLJKWKHDOLQJFRP 613-263-7925

This tropical retreat offers you the opportunity to fall in love with yourself and live from a place of true alignment. Join me for a truly transformational experience in Ojochal de Osa, Costa Rica this winter. You will discover your amazing brilliance and work with tangible ways to tune in to your inner guidance in the day-to-day. Your light is waiting to burst forth and show you, the most important one, how truly LQFUHGLEOH\RXDUH:KDWFRXOGWUXO\EHPRUHLPSRUWDQWWKDQ¿QGLQJWKDWORYLQJFRQQHFWLRQWR\RXUself? It is what your entire life is created from. 'LVFRYHU<RXU0DJQLÀFHQFHa0DUFK


A Diamond Approach Seminar Open to the Public and Existing Students

The Diamond Approach is a teaching of wisdom through direct experience. It recognizes the uniqueness of each individual and adapts itself to each person’s needs at the time. It does not require that people adapt to some ideal, but welcomes people as they are and helps them to take the natural next step for their unique development.
In this 2-day retreat we will explore the inner flame. We will look at how it guides our heart on its inner journey. What dampens this inner fire and what can unleash our passion for truth? We will explore how working with self-inquiry and the practice of presence can open our heart and fuel our flame. The retreat will include evocative teachings, meditation, experiential & bodybased practices and self-inquiry. The teaching is presented in English, the experiential explorations may be done in French with other French speaking attendees.
Friday, April 10 th 10:00am to 5:30pm (sign-in begins at 9am) Saturday, April 11 th 10:00am to 5:30pm
LOCATION: Centre St-Pierre 1212, rue Panet ~ Room 200 Montréal, Québec H2L 2Y7
Lisa Barrett For registration and information, please contact Lisa Barrett at 2simplybeing@gmail.com
ADDITIONAL DATES 2020: Ottawa, April 16, 17, 18, 19 Ottawa, June 25, 26, 27, 28 Ottawa, Oct. 29, 30, 31, Nov. 1
UPCOMING DIAMOND APPROACH OT TAWA RETREAT TH E JOY O F DISCOVERY April 16, 17, 18, 19th ~ Saint Paul University, Room L-120 ~ Information/Registration contact Lisa Barrett
Jan/Feb 2020 ToneCanada.ca Please visit www.diamondapproach.orgto learn more about the Diamond Approach. A path that engages and leads to the discovery, development & preservation of the Human Essence. DIAMOND APPROACH, RIDHWAN DIAMOND APPROACH and RIDHWAN are registered trademarks of the Ridhwan Foundation. The Ridhwan “HU” symbol is a trademark of the Ridhwan Foundation.