Camden Transport Challenge

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ENVS3036 Transport Policy and Planning


ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8

CONTENT 1. Introduction 2. Survey and Analysis 3. Link and Place Analysis 4. Challenges and Opportunities 5. Proposals 6. Evaluationof Proposal 7. Conclusion and Discussion


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ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8



As being commissioned by the London Borough of Camden, our group undertook an exploratory study of Camden street network. Camden High Street serves as the main retail street and as an important link in the strategic Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) that comprises the A400(Camden Town Place Plan, 2013), therefore the street experiences heavy pedestrian and vehicle movement throughout the day. The complex one-way gyratory system has been posing threats to local people and visitors that results to high rate of road accidents; noise and air pollution emitted from vehicles is deteriorating the the place quality of Camden High Street. Hence, the aim of this report is to assist the Camden Council to develop and consider various options for reorganising and redesigning the street system of Camden Town, and to select a proposal that can best achieve the objectives below:

In order to identify the function of the gyratory and its surrounding street system, several site surveys have been conducted as follows: people movement; traffic flow; speed and concentration; turning movement.

2.1 PeoPle MoveMent - Highest pedestrian movement (73.3% ) and 3rd highest bus people movement (33.10%) on Camden High Street (P1, P2) - Highest bus people movement (30%) and 2nd highest car people movement (37%) on Camden Road (P3). - Highest car people movement contrast, (65.20%), lowest bus people movement (0%) on Camden Street (P4). - Proportion of bicycle people movement is relatively low in the study area, varying from 0.6% (P1) to 3% (P3&P4).

This report concerns with (i) discussion of the existing road network in Camden with key findings arise from the conducted surveys; (ii) interpretation of the area’s link-place status followed by identifying the issues and challenges; (iii) considerations of alternative options with its limitations and the details of selected proposal; (iv) discussion of proposal.

Figure 1. People Movement


ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8

2.2 traffiC flow - Study area is dominated by vehicle flows. - Goods vehicle flow formed an average of approximately 30% within the area. - Highest motor and bike flow (11.3%) on Hampstead Road (F4). - Lowest motor and bike flow (4.90%) on middle Camden High Street (F1). - No bus has been observed during the 5mins survey time on Camden Street (F3).

2.3 SPeend & ConCentration

2.4 turning MoveMent

Relatively high concentration and lower average flow speed on lower Camden High Street compared with the other three points. This is mainly due to the significant volume of traffic and on-street parking. Traffic signals for pedestrian pelican crossings also limited the average flow speed. However, the instantaneous speed observed on lower Camden High Street can reach 30.30km/h as vehicles attempt to quickly pass through during the green signal.

Figure 4 is produced through calculation and data of turning movement survey. It shows complexity of several junctions such as A, I and G. Junction A has 6 forks and is a complex traffic signal system, but also the most popular destination for pedestrians.

Relatively higher average flow speed and lower concentration on Camden Street. The instantaneous speed remains the highest, at 33.90-45.23km/h. High instantaneous speed on both streets threatens pedestrians’ safety, given the speed limitation of 20mile/h (32km/h) is spotted on site.

Figure 4. Turning Movement .

Figure 2. Traffic Flow

Figure 3. Concentration and speed 4

ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8



Link and Place Classification

Challenges: Link and Place function conflicts on Camden High Street

Link / Place Matrix is a system that identifies and classifies the importance of both Link and Place of an urban street network. The Link and Place Matrix in this report has been categorised into a 4 x 4 status level: City, District, Neighbourhood and Local, in which they make various extent of contribution to the character and context of the study area.

1. An attractive place with high level of pedestrian activities and, at the same time, a key city-level link that is designated for vehicles. 2. Place quality undermined by narrow footways, large volume of vehicles (air quality and noise), and complicated junctions. 3. Pedestrian activities restricted by traffic flows and pedestrian safety has been threatened by the high speed of traffic flow.

PLACE STATUS CITY Widely known, important and valued place that significantly contribute to the city

4. The high street has limited capacity to serve the traffic flow. The designated pelican crossing has resulted in long queues along Camden High Street and low average flow speed of traffic, which undermine its link function.

Camden Market is the place with City status. The market has a significant place character that well known and famous to tourist. Active pedestrian activities have also been spotted in this place.


5. High proportion of parking and loading spaces occupying both side of the streets have decreased the road capacity for traffic flows.

Place that serve a role in district level Camden High Street retail frontage is the place that features District status, serving as a major retail centre in the area.

NEIGHBOURHOOD Place that act as a destination to local users / residents Streets with local grocery shops and restaurants, such as Pratt Street and Plender Street.



Place with no interest from general users other than local residents Streets with only residential frontages, such as Bayham Street and Camden Street.


3. Low concentration street could adjust the traffic system according to turning movement (i.e. Bayham Street and Camden Street).


4. Some parking and loading spaces could be removed and time limit could be imposed upon remaining spaces to increase the capacity of street.


DISTRICT Link with District status provide major connection between different districts within the city Parkway (A4201) and Delancy Road provide east-west connection across the site.


Link with City status form major route within the city Camden High Street (A503) provides a major connection from central London to other northern destinations in London, whereas Camden Street (A400) provides a southbound connection.

2. Footways along the high street could be widened to improve the walking experience. LOCAL

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1. Improve bus routes and cycle lanes for visitors and users.

5. Loading Bay could be improved to cooperate better with the existing traffic.


Link with Neighbourhood status distribute vehicular movement from District to Local streets Bayham Street and Crowndale Street link to local streets.

Figure 5. Link and Place analysis

LOCAL Link with Local status are primarily for access Majority of local street in Camden are only to serve the residential area.


ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8

5. PROPOSALS 5.1 ProPoSed oPtionS The proposed options are based on identifying and analysing streets that have the potential in tackling the issues and challenges identified from the surveys. In addition, a lot of weight is given in maintaining the traffic movement from south to north vice versa and west to east, and great amount of considerations are given to different types of road users.

ProPoSal a Traffic is split according to destination: General traffic heading towards Camden Road will take the Bayham Street route. General traffic heading towards Chalk Farm will take the Camden High Street route. Limitation The proportion of general traffic heading towards Camden Road via Bayham Street is not high enough to offset traffic congestion on Camden High street (40 out of 73 towards Chalk farm; 18 out of 73 towards Camden Road)

ProPoSal C

ProPoSal B Traffic is split according to type: Divert northbound private vehicle and goods vehicle traffic onto Bayham Street Camden High Street will accommodate bus traffic. General traffic travel via via Britannia Junction and Kentish Town Road to get to Kentish Town and Chalk Farm Limitation Britannia Junction might experience increased queue length and turning movement might be too complicated.


Traffic is split according to link-place function: Camden High Street will accommodate bus traffic. Divert northbound private vehicle and goods vehicle traffic onto Bayham Street Private vehicles and good vehicles traffic travel via Camden Road and Camden Street to get to Kentish Town and Chalk Farm to avoid complication at Britannia Junction. Limitation Private vehicles and goods vehicle traffic coming from the Eversholt Street and Hampstead Road will need to take a detour get to Kentish Town and Chalk Farm.

ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8

5.2 detailS of ProPoSal

Bus Routes

Proposal C was chosen as the most suitable option as it is considered having the highest potential in tack-

CHALLENGES: There is currently an imbalance number of bus stops within the study area, with 5, 4 and 2 bus stops on Bayham Street, Camden High Street and Camden Street respectively. Given that Camden Street is primarily a residential area, there is a need to increase number of bus stops for the convenience and connectivity of local residents.

General Traffic And Junction Movement CHALLENGES: surveys show that Camden High Street is overcrowded with active pedestrian movements and extensive queue length. On the other hand, Bayham Street and Camden Street is currently accommodating southbound general traffic, with a relatively lower number of vehicles (75 and 56 per 5 minutes) and lower level of pedestrian movement (31.8%) created road speed issues. In order to tackle these challenges, Camden High Street will provide a two-way system that will only accommodate buses and bicycles in order to ease traffic congestions. Taxi and time-limited goods van are also allowed on Camden High Street to maintain local services. Bayham Street will be changed into a northbound route that will be accommodating other general traffic coming from the south.

Therefore, three additional bus stops will be added on Camden Street in exchange of removing all bus stops and bus routes on Bayham Street. Meanwhile, there will be an additional bus stop each on lower Camden High Street, Camden Road and Pratt Street to maintain the movement of buses and better serve local residents.

In addition, general traffic travelling from north to south can only take the Camden Street route in order to introduce more vehicles into the street as means of controlling road speed. Furthermore, upper Camden Street, Castlehaven Road and Hawley Road will become a two-way system to facilitate northern general traffic to get to Kentish Town and Chalk Farm vice versa.

In addition, lower Camden High Street will only be accommodating a two-way bus as means of reducing road competition between different users and pollution levels. On upper Camden High Street just after the gyratory, the street will only be accommodating a one-way bus and two-way bicycle traffic from lower Camden High Street due to the gradual narrowing of road and footways.

Lane Proposed Bus Lane Parking On-Street Parking Figure 7. Proposed bus traffic Figure 6. Proposal detail 7

ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8

Cycling CHALLENGES: Surveys show that Camden High Street is currently experiencing the lowest bicycle flow ranging from 0.6%-1%, reason being perhaps the street is currently accommodating all types of users and the lack of separate cycle lanes.

Therefore discouraging cyclist to take this route due to safety concerns. The proposal suggests providing a separate two-way cycle paths on Camden High Street extending to Camden Road to improve the safety of cyclists and to complement the existing cycle docks.

Figure 10. Photo for on-footway loading. (DailyPost, 2017)

Cross section of road

Figure 8. Proposed cycle routes

Pedestrian routes and safety Overall, the proposal suggests Camden High Street to accommodate two main types of road users (bus and bicycles), therefore, more space will be available for the widening of footways. Pelican crossings on the high street will be replaced by zebra crossings, giving priorities to pedestrians as safety measurements. This is also echoing with Camden Core Strategy of enhancing Camden Market and area of specialist shopping, by improve the pedestrian accessibility (Camden Core Strategy, 2009). Figure 11. Sections showing changes on Camden High Street, Camden Street & Bayham Street

Before & After

Parking and Loading CHALLENGES: Collected observation data suggests that one of the contributing factors to traffic congestions in Camden High Street and other streets is due to excessive parking and loading spaces. Some parking and loading spaces will be removed on Camden High Street, Bayham Street and Camden Street; and time restrictions will be impose upon the remaining spaces in order to increase road capacity during peak hours.

Figure 9. Illustration of on-footway loading. Source: TFL (2009)., p37.


ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8

6. EVALUATION OF PROPOSAL ProPoSed verSuS exiSting againSt oBjeCtiveS



Strength of achievement: ✓✓✓ Strong ✓✓ Medium ✓ Weak









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Figure 12. Change in pedestrian movement

ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8





ENVS3029 Transport Policy and Planning | Group 8


7. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION In conclusion, proposal C demonstrates the highest potential in achieving the objectives. Objective 1 is achieved by proposing Camden High Street to only accommodate bus, bicycles and taxis that would reduce traffic congestion and pollution levels. Objective 2 is achieved by increasing number bus stops in key areas and introducing two-way system on lower Camden High Street to ease movement. Objective 3 is achieved by introducing separate two-way cycle lanes on Camden High Street. Objective 4 is achieved by widening the footways of Camden High Street to accommodate the expected rising pedestrian flow. Objective 5, 6 and 7 are achieved as proposal C carefully considers the maintenance of traffic flow between exits H-F and D-C; impose reasonable time limit on on-footway loading and parking space; and balance traffic flows on selected streets. Apart from transport-related users, urban-related users such as residents and visitors have been taken into account by providing additional bus stops in Camden Street and the widening of footways on Camden High Street. However, there are winner and losers among users. WINNER The biggest winners would be the users of Camden High Street as pedestrians and cyclists would feel safer, along with easy access to northbound and southbound bus routes. In addition, general traffic in the north will benefit from the shorter route to Kentish Town and Chalk Farm vice versa via Camden Street, Castlehaven Road and Hawley Road. LOSER On the other hand, despite residents in Camden Street benefit from closer proximity bus stops, they are also the losers as certain parking spaces are removed and they are required to find alternative parking space during the set time limit. Furthermore, private vehicles and goods vans traffic coming from Eversholt Street and Hampstead Road would need to take a detour to get to Kentish Town and Chalk Farm. RECOMMENDATION A recommendation in taking the proposal forward would be to adjust traffic signals waiting time according to the street’s traffic movement to avoid the potential building up of long length queue within a short period of time. Also, banning right turns can be considered to simplify the junction (D&E) turning movements.

Figure 13. Proposed turning movement as reference to the 3 traffic flow (excluding taxi and goods van on Camden High Street)


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