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Strategic focus 2020-2021
Our strategic focus is designed to deliver best practice and cost-effective accreditation and complementary services that best serve our members, stakeholders and the national interest.
Improved business processes
Support government priorities SOCIAL LICENSE OBLIGATION
$Invest to benet members
Liaise with key stakeholders
Technology to drive e ciency
Support our volunteer Technical Assessors Grow accreditations and identify new opportunities
ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION We will continue to be nimble, agile and member focused so we can meet changing technological and competitive challenges as well as market demand.
1. NATA AS A LEARNING ORGANISATION: • Leverage and share our collective skill and knowledge to improve how we operate by attending technical meetings, forums and industry-related events • Partner with the Australian Graduate School of Management,
University of New South Wales to develop targeted capability in leadership and management.
2. HEIGHTEN AWARENESS AND BUILD PROFILE: Improve communication with members and stakeholder through enhancements to our website, better use of social media and a targeted marketing strategy to build our profile and reputation as a leading accreditation provider.
ORGANISATION: Transform interactions with members through the implementation of our Accreditation Information
Management System and on-line portal.
Focus on building capability, leveraging and using knowledge to better engage with members to understand their needs and values.
SOCIAL LICENSE OBLIGATION We will continue to meet the expectations and requirements of our stakeholders. This often involves effort that is not highly visible but yields strong results. This includes:
1. INVEST TO BENEFIT MEMBERS: Engage in activities and programs that benefit stakeholders and members but may not return a profit.
2. LIAISE WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS: Actively participate in and lead national and international committees.
3. SUPPORT GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES: Support the objectives and priorities of the Australian, state and territory governments.
NATA is widely considered a key influencer and has earned a sound reputation with industry, government and our international partners as being collaborative, collegiate and a leader in accreditation services.
GROWTH & SUSTAINABILITY We will continue to develop new capabilities and increased capacity to match the needs of our members and stakeholders. This has become more evident and relevant in a changing marketplace.
1. TECHNOLOGY: Use technology to better serve our members, streamline business processes and increase efficiency.
2. TECHNICAL ASSESSORS: Improve strategies and processes for the recruitment, development, retention and recognition of our volunteer expert Technical Assessors.
3. GROWING ACCREDITATIONS: Identify new opportunities for accreditation and develop strategies to enhance the value of NATA accreditation to our members, their clients and the Australian community.
Genuine growth builds sustainability and enables NATA to add real value and increase our contribution to our members and the community.