Prioritize Business Applications with Application Visibility and Controls Life was much simpler in the days when there was limited number of applications going through the business network. Application visibility and application control were not relevant in these times as these applications followed the port-protocol combination – all HTTP applications followed port 80 while all SSL applications followed port 443. But that’s the story of the past. Applications rose exponentially in number and variety since then. There were business-critical applications like VoIP, SAP and Salesforce; socio-business applications like Facebook and Gmail; noncritical applications like YouTube and iTunes; and finally the undesirable applications like BitTorrent, gaming applications and more, fighting for bandwidth in business networks. The already-scarce bandwidth was consumed by a small group of applications, notwithstanding their little use to the business. Business-critical applications like VoIP suffered, in other words, business suffered! The need for application visibility and application control became urgent and foremost!
Cyberoam’s Application Visibility & Control feature enables organizations to prioritize applications in their networks with visibility and controls over the Application Layer 7 and the Human Layer 8. It offers following features to organizations: Application Security User and time-based controls for application access Bandwidth control for applications Layer 8 Identity and bandwidth-based application control
The Application Visibility & Control feature offers complete visibility on which applications are being accessed within the organization and by which user, irrespective of their ports and protocols. application-layer threats can be easily identified and firewall rules can be set to block them right at the network perimeter, ensuring Application security. Cyberoam allows application-based Bandwidth Management in organizations to accelerate businesscritical applications, stagger non-critical applications, selectively accelerate socio-business applications and block undesirable or malware-infected applications. Business-critical applications can be given maximum bandwidth. In the same way, undesirable applications can be assigned zero bandwidth, blocking their entry into the organization. For applications that are bandwidth-critical but not time-critical, limiting their access to certain times of the day eliminates the strain on bandwidth. Cyberoam thus helps organizations to ensure application QoS by helping them manage the complex matrix of applications, users and time and eliminate bandwidth shortage in business networks!