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document 19.05.14 - 23.05.14

SHARING ROOTS is a European Comenius project between Friedrich Albert Lange Schule, MCAST and Leeds City College that brings together students from Germany, Malta and Britain to explore the ideas and passion of an indigenous artist from each country and transpose these into a different art form. ARTS IN MOTION is the final project, and focuses on the work of the worldfamous, and highly innovative choreographer, Pina Bausch who was born in Solingen itself. In addition to working together in the fields of dance, art and media to create the presentation that you are now watching, students have had the unique experience of meeting and working with Nayoung Kim, Rainer Behr and Eddie from the Pina Bausch Foundation. During their stay in Solingen, the students have visited the Sculpture Park in Wuppertal (where they developed their respective creative ideas), explored the city of Dusseldorf and went to see a stimulating performance of Viktor, by Pina Bausch at the Opera House in Wuppertal. DOCUMENT is a visual documentary, without words, that tells the story behind the project and the ideas that have grown throughout the week to result in this final exposition.


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