How to Create a Space-Themed Bedroom for Boys on a Budget Send your little boy off to dreamland by surrounding him with the moon and stars. Themed bedrooms make bedtime and playtime exciting and imaginative. Decorate a boy's bedroom without breaking your budget, and make his room a place for grand, outer-space adventures. You can easily create an interplanetary theme with paint and space-inspired accessories. Incorporate the room's windows into the theme and take advantage of a real view of space, if possible. Make any size or shape room seem like it's located in a galaxy far, far away by using creative ideas and colorful, inexpensive features Instructions 1, Choose one wall to be your focal point; pick a wall that has windows if possible. Put up a wallpaper mural of a space view or paint the wall dark blue. Position glow-in-the-dark stars on the wall at various heights. Using a windowed wall makes nighttime viewing more enjoyable for your little one. 2, Hang twinkling holiday lights from the ceiling. Use lights that have white wires, not green, to make them blend in better with a white ceiling. Twinkling lights resemble the stars and make a good night-light, too.
3, Cover the bed with a dark blue comforter and pillowcases. Hang sheer blue or white curtains in the windows. Surround the window opening with wall decals of planets and spaceships. 4, Use dark blue cubicles to store toys. Stack the cubicles on top of one another, then place space-themed stickers on the tops and sides. Choose a modular-looking set of cubicles if possible. If you can't find dark blue storage containers, you can always spray-paint plain white ones. 5, Ask your child to draw pictures of the planets and stars. Cut out each picture and laminate it. Poke a hole at the top of each planet or star and string fishing line through them. Place the pictures on a hanger to create a imaginative, interesting decoration for a light fixture or ceiling fan. Tips & Warnings Place comfortable seating and a telescope near the window. You may be able to find a secondhand telescope at a flea market or yard sale. Use cardboard boxes to make spaceships for a play area; this can be a fun project to do with your child. Get more stickers from boys wall stickers Australia