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Order EMERGENCY INVESTOR ALERT An URGENT warning from Dr. Martin D. Weiss — the investor advocate who forecast this great debt crisis two years in advance, leading thousands to safety and profits even while stocks plunged:
Five shameless Washington Lies and five heartless Wall Street Cover-Ups are now priming YOU for financial disaster in …
The very same scoundrels who lied about the time bombs hidden inside Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac … Who promised you "the real estate bubble could never burst" … Who insisted that "the subprime crisis couldn’t trigger a recession or crash the stock market" … And who swore on a stack of bibles that General Motors was "too big too fail" … Are now trying to pull the wool over your eyes AGAIN — with FIVE dangerous, new lies that threaten your home, investments and your financial future more than ever before!
Here’s the truth Washington and Wall Street do NOT want you to know now … What you must do IMMEDIATELY to protect your home, investments and retirement … And how you can USE the next phase of this great crisis
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to go for life-changing profits as long as the crisis lasts … and beyond: Dear investor, In 2005, both Washington and Wall Street told you that there was no such thing as a housing bubble in America … One year later, the bubble began to burst and, by 2009 had erased $12 trillion in household wealth In 2007, they swore the real estate crash and mortgage meltdown would be strictly limited to subprime borrowers only … Now we know that the crisis was already beginning to spread throughout the entire real estate market! In July of 2008, they promised us all — even in testimony before Congress — that our nation’s largest mortgage lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, were "in no danger of failing" … Two months later, all that investors had left in these two giant companies was a heap of rubble! Last fall, they assured us the exploding real estate and banking crisis would NOT drive the economy into a recession … Turns out we had ALREADY BEEN in a recession for more than a YEAR! Last winter, they vowed that $700 billion of our tax dollars would be MORE than enough to save Wall Street … Within just a few months, they’d committed to spending or guaranteeing another $13 TRILLION of your money, and had more than QUADRUPLED Washington’s deficits. Now — despite every promise they’ve made you — unemployment is skyrocketing … home foreclosures are spreading faster than the swine flu … credit card defaults are still slamming banks for massive losses … and General Motors is in bankruptcy. Worst of all, thanks to record shattering U.S. treasury borrowing to pay for all this, interest rates are surging — raising the risk that the next wave of defaults, corporate failures and stock market losses will make the bloodletting we’ve seen so far pale by comparison. It’s enough to make any investor stand up and shout …
Enough with the lies! No more B.S.! Stop insulting our intelligence and …
JUST TELL US THE *@#$! TRUTH! To paraphrase an old adage, "If you lie to me once, shame on you! If you lie to me over and over again for months on end … and I still believe you … SHAME ON ME!". Did you know every single time this financial storm was about to grow more intense …
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Each time you were about to suffer another devastating blow to your income, your assets, your investments, your retirement and your cost of living … Washington and Wall Street sugarcoated the truth, covered it up, feigned ignorance or simply lied through their teeth. Each time, they stuck to the party line that "the crisis is contained," "the worst is over" and "it’s time for you to risk your hard-earned savings again." And at every step of the way, YOU have been handed the bill for their incompetence, ignorance, blunders and lies — with … The most devastating plunge in your home equity ever … The most severe stock market losses of your investing lifetime … The most egregious annihilation of your retirement funds since the Great Depression … The most terrifying threats to your paycheck and income in your lifetime, and … The specter of being crushed by soaring taxes and interest rates for the rest of your natural life.
I’m madder than hell and I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to let them lie, cheat and steal from you any more! My name is Martin D. Weiss, and my number one mission right now is to worry about the dangers I see on the horizon so you don’t have to. More than that: My #1 obsession is to not only protect you from those dangers but also to help you profit from them — all with simple investments that are as familiar, as comfortable and as easy to buy and sell as a share in Google or as everyday mutual funds. I’ve devoted a lifetime to debunking Washington and Wall Street spin, hype and hot air … exposing the shameless myths and outright lies they tell to gain power and wealth, and … telling you the oft-shocking truth that Washington and Wall Street insiders only whisper to each other behind closed doors. This is why the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that my firm, Weiss Research, beat its closest competitor by a factor of 3 to 1 in forecasting future financial failures … The New York Times said Weiss was "the first to see the dangers and say so unambiguously … " Fortune wrote that Weiss Research is "The most comprehensive source" of information… Forbes named me "Mr. Independence." I didn’t lose a cent … The Wall Street Journal called me "feisty" and reported that the performance of our "buy," "sell" and "hold" "Your firms warnings caused me to ratings beat those by ALL the Wall Street firms and independent research they covered, including move from stocks JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Standard & Poor’s, Morgan Stanleyto anda17 others. ’stable value’ fund. I And Bill O’Reilly summed it all up by saying he did extensive research on thelose Weissawarnings andpenny "did not didn’t single find anyone as specific as we were." last fall: THANK YOU" - Jim C., Townsend, DE If you had received my warnings and acted on them, you probably wouldn’t have lost one red cent since this
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crisis began. Plus, you could have USED my warnings to turn lemon into lemonade — to go for substantial profits with investments that are designed, from the ground up, to surge in times like these. But what’s past is past. No sense crying over spilt milk. This is a new day with new, even greater dangers and opportunities. This time, you CAN use my warnings to protect yourself and use them to grow your wealth … provided you do ACT on them. In the next few minutes I’m going to reveal five dangerous, NEW half-truths, cover-ups and lies Washington and Wall Street are desperately hoping you’ll swallow … I’m going to show you how you can protect your money from the devastating financial losses they could unleash on almost every asset you own … I’m going to give you the chance to get 60-days of access to my popular Safe Money investment service — and five emergency investor guides — FREE (You can click here to get them right now!) … AND — most importantly — I’m going to reveal how you can turn this great crisis into an equally great fortune-building opportunity.
Lie #1 — it’s so dangerous it can utterly wipe out your savings … The U.S. government recently set out to put the public’s mind at ease by "stress testing" the nation’s 19 largest bank holding companies. My savings and IRA: SAFE "Your recommendation saved my savings and my IRA at a time when others were losing money." - Margaret S., Central Point, OR
But in effect, the tests were far too easy, the banks were allowed to take them home with cheat sheets, and if they still didn’t like their final grade, they appealed for a higher one. To say these tests we’re "rigged" would be the understatement of a lifetime. In reality, Washington pulled off a financial con game that would make former Enron executives turn green with envy. Consider the facts:
A few years ago, when Congress mandated a stress test for government-sponsored enterprises, it assumed a 10-year recession — equivalent to the Great Depression. Similarly, when established rating agencies stress-test insurance companies, they also assume a depression-level crisis. But when the government recently stress-tested banks, they created a false "more adverse" scenario which was actually LESS adverse than what we were already experiencing! For unemployment, their more adverse scenario assumed 8.9 percent for 2009. But unemployment is ALREADY at 9.4 percent and rising rapidly. And a true worst-case scenario would have to assume the 25 percent level reached during the Great Depression. For GDP, they assumed a decline of 3.3 percent in 2009. But the economy was already sinking at an annual pace of 6 percent! And the only valid test would have to consider the
How Citigroup Cooked its Books ("Legally")! Accounting Trick #1: Toxic Asset Cover-Up. By inflating the value of its bad assets, it was able to goose up its after-tax profits by $413 million — all with full approval of banking regulators. Accounting Trick #2: Inflate Reserves Estimates. By shoving most of its losses into last year’s fourth quarter and understating its expected first quarter loss — a perfectly legal way to disguise
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true worst-case scenario — the GDP declines of 8.6 percent, 6.4 percent, and 13 percent of the 1930-1932 period.
painful losses as major improvements.
In other words, they based all their tests on the nonsensical assumption that the economy would not get as bad as it already was!
Accounting Trick #3: Whitewash Debt. By marking down its loans to current market value rather than what they paid for them, Citigroup created an additional $2.7 billion in purely bogus profits. Again, 100% legal and 100% misleading.
The Federal Reserve then put the finishing touch on this sham by declaring that "nearly all major U.S. banks are adequately capitalized."
So here’s Citigroup’s true math for Q1 2009:
"Adequately capitalized"? Those two words alone should send a shiver down your spine. They’re precisely the SAME words government regulators used — in testimony before congress — to describe Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac just before they went bankrupt and required a $200 billion government bailout.
So-called “profit” minus Trick #1 minus Trick #2 minus Trick #3
$1.6 billion $0.4 billion $1.0 billion $2.7 billion
Actual result:
$2.5 billion LOSS!
Now, they’re feeding us the same, blatant B.S. AGAIN! What they DIDN’T tell you is that … Citigroup, Wells Fargo and Bank of America have used every gimmick in the book to legally cover up their huge losses and goose up their earnings. Citi alone cooked its books to transform a $2.5 billion loss into a $1.6 billion profit. By gambling on risky derivative investments, America’s five largest banks have exposed themselves to a breathtaking amount of risk — up to TEN TIMES more than the capital they have to cover it. Only THREE of the nation’s 13 largest banks — Bank of New York Mellon, Capital One and State Street — have the wherewithal to withstand even the mild scenario the government tested for. Put simply, Washington has become so terrified by the true condition of America’s banks, they have resorted to RIGGING THEIR TESTS and allowing banks to COOK THEIR BOOKS ("legally"). They think these phony stress tests will restore your confidence. But ultimately, the true consequence of their actions will be to shatter trust … and in the meantime, promote the fleecing of millions of savers and investors who allow themselves to be seduced by this shameless scam. MY goal is to make sure YOU won’t end up being one of them!
You saved my nest egg THREE times! "I preserved my nest egg 3 times by exiting the market on your recommendation… 2000, 2005, and 2008." - Matt K., Liberty, MO
I not only have practical help for you to protect yourself — which I’ll share with you in just a moment … I’m also going to give you 60-days of access to Safe Money and FIVE emergency investor guides for FREE! To get your free 60-day trial membership and all five free guides, click here now.
Lie #2: "Your insurance policies are safe — TRUST us!"
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The near collapse of AIG, America’s largest insurance company, was — or should have been — a huge wake-up call for millions of Americans. Policyholders across the nation began to ask, "Will my life insurance company die before I do? Is my health insurer on its deathbed? Will they put my annuity company out to pasture before I retire?" In their public response, the insurance industry’s answers were immediate: "Don’t worry" … "your insurance is safe" … and "even if your insurance company does fail, your state’s guaranty fund will back it up." In private, however, their response was precisely the opposite! A secret memo written by AIG executives (and subsequently leaked to the public) spelled out a hair-raising disaster scenario that could turn countless insurance policies to toast. In this memo, AIG wrote: AIG isn’t the only one in trouble: This crisis "afflicts all life insurance and investment firms around the world. What happens to AIG has the potential to trigger a cascading set of further failures which cannot be stopped except by extraordinary means." A run on the bank: "A significant rise in surrender rates could be disastrous. Because of widespread loss of liquidity, the industry would struggle to raise adequate cash to meet surrender requests. A ‘run on the bank’ in the life and retirement business would have sweeping impacts across the economy." A Insurance guaranty funds would be wiped out: "If AIG were to fail … it is likely to have a cascading impact on a number of U.S. life insurers already weakened by credit losses. State insurance guarantee funds would be quickly dissipated, leading to even greater runs on the insurance industry." Which brings me to the really frightening part of this bald-faced cover-up: 49 of the 50 state associations are "guarantee funds" in name only. They have virtually no cash on hand. And they only raise the money AFTER an insurer fails, which is often too late. Consider the failures of First Capital Life, Executive Life and Pacific Life: Policy holders had to wait up to ELEVEN years to receive the money owed to them. And to add insult to injury, many were required to continue paying policy premiums while waiting to receive the interest they were already owed! To put it bluntly, the money you’ve worked so hard for — to ensure your family will have a safety net to fall back on in time of personal crisis — may not be there when it’s needed. This threat is so worrisome, I’ve devoted an entire emergency investor guide to finding safe insurance! To get your free 60-day trial membership and all five free emergency investor guides, click here now.
Lie #3: "Real estate has finally hit bottom" With the impact of the subprime mortgage disaster now largely behind us, many realtors, brokers, and bureaucrats have begun putting out the word that "now, finally, the worst of the housing crisis is over" … and that "the value of your home has already fallen so far, it couldn’t possibly go any lower."
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I also own a home. So I wish that were true. But it isn’t … The period of ultra-low teaser payments offered on millions of adjustable-rate mortgages is about to expire — sending monthly payments through the roof. And for the average borrower, that means a sudden jump from $1,672 to $2,725 almost overnight! That sudden, extra $1,053 monthly expense is MORE than enough to push millions of cash-strapped families over the brink into default — and ultimately, into bankruptcy! Care to guess when the fuse on the vast bulk of these mortgages — called Option ARMs — is set to go off? The answer: Right now, with $29 billion worth in 2009 — and another $67 billion in 2010. Result: Mortgage delinquencies are expected to more than DOUBLE! So I ask you: How can ANYBODY honestly believe the worst of the real estate crisis and massive bank losses are behind us when delinquencies and mortgage defaults are about to skyrocket? Certainly nobody who knows the facts could possibly say such a thing with a straight face: Surging foreclosures, millions of homes being dumped on the market and far deeper price declines mean much more than just plunging home values and equity for all of us. These events also means more banks and lenders will almost surely be pushed into failure! But have the mortgage companies who created the toxic assets … the Wall Street bankers who invested your money in them … or anyone in Washington given you fair warning of what’s to come or how to prepare for it? Absolutely NOT! Instead, they’re doing their best to cover up the truth and lure homebuyers into the market AT THE WORST POSSIBLE TIME with happy talk of "a housing market bottom" and "signs" of a recovery. Just one more reason to make sure your home, income, investments and retirement are safe before it’s too late — which is I want to rush you 60-days of free access to Safe Money and all five emergency investor guides right away! To get your free 60-day trial membership and all five free emergency investor guides, click here now.
Lie #4: "The unemployment rate is still under 10 percent." Job losses have been running higher than 600,000 for months on end … General Motors and other icons of American big business have been falling like dominoes … and small businesses, our country’s largest employment sector, are dishing out pink slips like confetti at a New Year’s parade … Nevertheless, the government and the news media continue to hype every slight fluctuation in the weekly jobs claims figures as if they were celebrating The Second Coming. They even go so far as to crow that the unemployment rate is "only" 9.4 percent, well within the range of unemployment for an average "garden
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variety" recession. But here again, Washington is covering up the facts. The Bureau of Labor Statistics headlines its narrowest, most jury-rigged measure of unemployment. Then, it downplays or hides the true measures of unemployment. As a result, the number you see in the newspapers or on the evening news does not count discouraged workers who have given up looking for jobs. And it doesn’t count workers who want and need full-time jobs but can only find low-paying, part-time work. Use the broadest measure of unemployment … and measure unemployment the way Washington USED to — before they began fudging the numbers — and the true jobless rate in America is closer to 19 percent. That’s nearly DOUBLE the 9.4 percent number now being headlined by the government. And never forget: Consumer spending makes up a whopping 70% of all economic activity. With nearly one in five wage-earners now unemployed … and with the rest, terrified of losing their jobs, anyone counting on consumers to spend us out of this crisis needs to have his head examined. Yet that’s exactly what economists are telling you will happen. High unemployment means consumers will CUT spending. It means corporate profits will plunge and be replaced by losses. And it means stocks must fall in tandem.
Income while my husband is out of work … "The inverse ETFs that you have recommended have been a big help to us. I have been able to supplement our income on a regular basis during the time my husband has been out of work by selling in small increments." - Elaine W., Mobile, AL
Meanwhile, though, Washington and Wall Street’s great unemployment lie is seducing millions into believing that the worst is over and that it’s time to buy stocks again. DO NOT BE FOOLED: The truth is that the true unemployment is ALREADY approaching depression-era levels and still soaring — and that every one of those lost paychecks virtually guarantees falling stock prices in the months ahead. Let me help you to keep your income stays safe and flowing … To get your free 60-day trial membership and all five free emergency investor guides, click here now.
Lie #5: The economy is beginning to show "green shoots" of recovery
They’re not green shoots. They’re weeds. And they’re about to choke out what little life is left in our economy. The government says the economy is "starting to recover." But the International Monetary Fund (IMF), not driven by domestic politics, says it expects global economic growth to plunge to its slowest pace in four decades. The U.S. Treasury says the credit crisis is "easing." The IMF says it’s spreading … it is "likely to be deep and
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long lasting" … and "may ultimately lead to a pronounced contraction of credit in the United States and Europe before the recovery begins." Make no mistake: This great economic crisis is still in its early stages! In the Great Depression of the 1930s, there were no fewer than NINE sucker rallies before the market finally shook out all of the economic landmines and a REAL recovery began. So far, we’ve only had three. The lesson is clear: Investors who allow themselves to be seduced by Washington and Wall Street hype could be licking their wounds for many years to come … And those who see beyond the cover-ups, hype, and lies can discover the wealth-building opportunity of a lifetime! You can even start to profit right now — TODAY! To get your free 60-day trial membership and all five free emergency investor guides, click here now.
3 steps that turned $500 into $100,000 as stocks dove … And delivered gains of 3,745%, 6,048%, up to 10,675% when the REAL recovery finally arrived … Let’s face it: It’s no secret that the financial media, brokers and politicians all have A MASSIVE CONFLICT OF INTEREST when it comes to telling you the truth about the economy. That’s why Washington has downplayed this crisis every step of the way — ever since the first cracks began appearing in the subprime mortgage market in 2007. And it’s also why so many Wall Street analysts have officially declared "the end of the bear market" each time stocks have temporarily rallied. But the sad truth is, investors who chose to ignore the economic realities — who based their investment decisions on Washington and Wall Street hype instead — have suffered massive, painful losses at every turn. The great news is, you do NOT have to be one of them. To the contrary: Once you’re armed with the true facts, you can use this great crisis to earn greater profits in less time than you may now believe possible. Look at any of history’s legendary investors — Benjamin Graham, Bernard Baruch, Warren Buffett, Sir John Templeton, George Soros — and you’ll see that they made their great fortunes because of economic catastrophes, not in spite of them. Or consider my father, J. Irving Weiss for example: He used the Great Depression to make not just one but TWO fortunes. Fortune #1. During the Crash of 1929, he used investments that RISE when stocks FALL to turn $500 into more than $100,000 — the equivalent of $1.2
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MILLION in today’s money! Naturally, to achieve those great results he also had to take great risks, which I do NOT recommend for the average investor. But fortunately, there are far more moderate — and less risky — ways of profiting from a market decline today, which I’ll tell you more about in a moment. Fortune #2. Just a few years later, he spotted the bottom and loaded up on great stocks like GE, GM and Sears for pennies on the dollar — stocks that soared in the years that followed and went on to rise 3,745% … 6,048% … and even 10,675%! Unfortunately, Dad didn’t have the foresight to hold on long enough to achieve ALL those gains. Fortunately, the profits were great even without that foresight. Like all great investors, Dad realized that unprecedented crisis means unparalleled opportunity and used crisis to make not-so-small fortunes. If you want to get through this crisis intact and come out on top when it’s over, you must follow a similar path. Here’s how: FIRST: Have the faith and courage to see beyond Washington’s lies and take bold, prudent action to get your money to safety. Use any temporary recovery in stocks or real estate to sell ALL vulnerable assets that you can live without: Second homes and other investment properties, stocks, corporate and municipal bonds, long-term Treasury bonds — everything you don’t need or can’t hedge against.
My biggest profits in 25 years "I played some of your recent ETFs and made my biggest profits ever while investing for 25 years. Thanks!" - Palmer L., Shreveport, LA
No, don’t sell when the market is in a panicky crash. That’s the worst time to sell. But also don’t fall for Washington lies and Wall Street hype just because the market is enjoying a temporary bounce. Instead, use any governmentinspired rallies as great SELLING opportunities. SECOND: Use flexible, limited-risk investments designed to GROW your money as the turmoil deepens. For example, inverse ETFs are excellent tools for making money in a falling market. With just a small investment, you can help protect yourself from losses in other investments you may still own. Or better yet, use them to pocket double- and even triple-digit gains as stocks drop. THIRD: Patiently wait and prepare for the TRUE bottom — then reinvest in America with diligence and passion to unlock profits that could improve your life for many years to come. These three steps are absolutely crucial for surviving the economic meltdown and coming out of it better off than you started. And to give you FAR more detailed guidance on how you can quickly and easily achieve each one, I’ve released five free guides I’d like to send to you with extreme urgency. To get your free 60-day trial membership and all five free emergency investor guides, click here now.
Five Emergency Guides to help you protect yourself and profit — a $395 value, FREE!
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The free guides I want to rush to you are specifically designed to protect your savings … preserve your retirement … safeguard the value of your home … show you the safest places for your money right now … and help you reclaim your future by actually USING this crisis to make more money TODAY — and for years to come. You get: Our comprehensive list of the nation’s Weakest And Strongest Banks and Thrifts — a $79 value, yours free: The FDIC does not reveal the names of the institutions on its list of “problem banks.” But I reveal the names of ALL the banks on my list: over 1,300 rock solid enough to get through the crisis intact … 1,800 teetering on the brink of disaster … six simple steps for finding out how safe YOUR bank is if it’s not on our list … plus much more! Better Than Money In the Bank — valued at $79, yours FREE: This ultra-secure safe haven has no account limits … delivers you interest that’s exempt from state and local taxes … and ensures every last penny is 100% government guaranteed without limit — no matter how much cash is in your account. You’ll discover what this ultimate safe haven for savings is — and the easiest way to take advantage of it — all inside this second free guide. How to Buy Safe Insurance — valued at $79, yours FREE: This is your guide to the weakest and strongest life, health, and home insurers nationwide. Whole life or term insurance — which one is right for you and why. Five keys to avoiding annuity rip-offs. All of this and more in your third free guide. How to Sell, Keep and Buy a Property in a Very Weak Market— a $79 value, yours FREE: Money saving secrets including how to legally chop your property taxes … simple investment hedges that offset home price declines … the best place to find help if you fall behind on mortgage payments … seven ways to save on your homeowner’s insurance … 12 steps for selling property in a sinking market … 5 secrets to buying real estate at fire sale prices … and much more! Plus, Bear Market Profits and Bull Market Fortunes — a $79 value, yours FREE: Inside your fifth free guide you’ll find the 11 Laws of Bear Market Success … the best investments for making money while the market sinks … how to unlock the two biggest profit opportunities of our lifetime when the real recovery begins … and much, much more!
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Everything You Need to Protect Yourself and Prosper As This Financial Famine Unfolds I truly wish I could send all five of these money-saving, money-making volumes to every investor in across America. The are crucial to protecting your wealth as unemployment surges … interest and investment income dry up … real estate teeters on the verge of further collapse … and stocks get pounded. Plus, they’re also vital for ensuring you’re positioned for maximum, life-changing profits — both now, and ALSO when a real recovery begins. The good news is I CAN rush all five volumes to you —absolutely FREE —with your risk-free trial membership to my SAFE MONEY online service! SAFE MONEY is unlike any investment service you’ve ever seen … FIRST, you get 12 monthly issues of SAFE MONEY each year via e-mail: SAFE MONEY is: Your complete self-defense system — designed to help you protect every dollar you’ve scrimped to save and risked to grow … Your income compass — pointing you towards the investments with the potential to double or even triple your yields reliably, year after year. Your own, personal B.S. detector — fearlessly exposing the wealth-destroying lies Washington and Wall Street love to tell you, while delivering the unvarnished truth nobody else will. Your financial weather vane — constantly scanning the markets to identify which investments you should still avoid, which ones have finally hit bottom, and which ones are most likely to grow your nest egg by leaps and bounds. Each and every issue of SAFE MONEY is packed with nitty-gritty, practical, ACTIONABLE “Buy-ThisSell-That” recommendations designed to protect your wealth … grow your nest egg … and increase your income so you can live well no matter how ugly things might get. SECOND, you get guidance on not just one, but TWO nest-eggs to protect and build your wealth. Your first nest egg virtually guarantees a minimum income to cover your necessities. Your second nest egg, although not guaranteed, is designed to take advantage
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of turbulent markets and throw off extra chunks of cash to let you live life with more ease and comfort. That’s why each issue gives you specific “Buy,” “Sell” and “Hold” recommendations for every investment in not one, but TWO now-legendary portfolios: My safety-obsessed “Mr. Conservative” portfolio for your first nest egg, and my “Mr. Speculator” portfolio for your second nest egg. THIRD, you get FREE Flash Alerts by e-mail to make sure you ALWAYS know what to do next: Whenever major developments in the economy or financial markets make it crucial that I get urgent advice to you FAST, I’ll rush you a FLASH ALERT. Our lightning-fast response to the constantly changing investment environment gives you the edge you need to keep your money safer AND to maximize your profits and income. FOURTH, you get FREE 24-hour access to the world-class investment tools on my SAFE MONEY WEBSITE: Keep up with the latest economic and investment news — INCLUDING news on the stocks you own … Review SAFE MONEY’s hot-off-the-press market forecasts for your stocks, bonds, mutual funds and more … Use our powerful investing tools to get the latest stock quotes … maintain your portfolio online … get valuable, unbiased research on your investments … And much, MUCH MORE! FIFTH, you get FREE 24/7 access to the SAFE MONEY Online Video Library: This electronic vault houses our ENTIRE collection of informative and instructional videos designed to give you: A straightforward, street-level look at today’s hottest events so you’ll have a crystal-clear understanding of what’s happening now, what’s likely to happen next, and what you should do about it … A first-hand analysis of which investment vehicles fit these challenging times hand-in-glove and why — and which ones you should avoid like the plague … Unique strategies specifically designed to maximize your profits while cutting your risk in today’s volatile market environment … And much, MUCH MORE!
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Test drive SAFE MONEY membership for 60 days — FREE, on me!
Indispensable Help in These Treacherous Times In the time we’ve shared today, I’ve given you practical help to both insulate your wealth and profit as this great financial famine sweeps the nation:
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You’ve seen how Washington and Wall Street are using five dangerous lies in an attempt to seduce you into believing there’s no more danger on the horizon … You’ve seen how similar lies and cover-ups in the past have done little more than to shatter trust … promote longer, deeper crises … and destroy millions of worth of average Americans’ savings and investments … You’ve seen how knowing the truth can help you in two ways — not only to insulate your wealth but also to seize huge profit opportunities that, in the past, have made other smart investors rich … You’ve been introduced to three crucial ways you can begin safeguarding your wealth today, right now — even while others could lose everything … You’ve been offered the opportunity to claim FIVE essential FREE guides to help you protect your wealth … grow TWO nest eggs … and increase your income throughout the financial famine of 2009-2010 … You’ve been offered the opportunity to lock-in savings of more than HALF off the regular rate for the life of your membership … And I’ve given you the chance to try SAFE MONEY membership for sixty days free — on me. You’ve seen the evidence. You know what’s coming. You are now one of a small handful of investors who understands both the challenges and opportunities ahead. With this awareness, it would be a pity for you to let inaction turn you into one of the victims. Ask yourself … How would it feel — with the new information you have now — to watch helplessly as your wealth is decimated … knowing that if you had done just a few things differently, you could be sitting on sound, life-changing profits instead? I want you to once again have the financial confidence and peace of mind and that we all enjoyed before this nightmare erupted … … Before Washington denied the existence of housing bubble. Before bankers lied about the risk of mortgagebacked securities. Before the Fed lied about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And before the Treasury Secretary lied about the unimaginable cost of the bailouts. That’s why I sent you this bulletin today. It’s why I’ve offered to send you my five time-sensitive financial guides: Weakest and Strongest Banks and Thrifts Better Than —Money in the Bank How to Buy Safe Insurance How to Hold On To, Sell, or Buy a Home in a Struggling Market Bear Market Profits and Bull Market Fortunes — absolutely FREE.
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8/6/2009 12:12 AM