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Age-defining Principles of Smile Design

Dr. Dhruvi Sanghvi

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This article highlights the Principles of Smile Design that govern the age of a person. We, as esthetic dentists, can incorporate these principles and create a youthful and ageless smile for our patients irrespective of their age. A case report has been presented to show how these principles influenced the outcome for a senior patient & boosted her self-confidence.


In aged patients, as the enamel becomes thinner, the hue of the dentine becomes more distinct, and the value decreases (1). In order to give a youthful appearance, we must select brighter hues that will increase


Age-related changes of the dentition are the main challenge of Modern Dentistry which is faced with a population that is getting older and keeping more of its natural teeth. Be it a Diastema Closure or a Full Mouth Rehabilitation, we can give our senior patients a youthful smile by incorporating certain specific Principles of Smile Design in our treatment.

Let us see these principles in detail one by one.

the value of the Indirect or Direct Restoration. In addition to this Inoffice & home whitening procedures can be used to brighten natural teeth & give a youthful appearance.

2. SURFACE TEXTURE & THICKNESS OR FULLNESS Aged teeth have a smooth texture owing to the erosion of the enamel over a period of time that give them a dull & dark appearance. Excessive wear of the incisal area contributes to loss of anterior guidance & thinning of the enamel. Young teeth are characterised by full thickness of the facial enamel that contribute to their esthetic & biomechanical endeavour.

The marked surface topography on the facial surface of young teeth gives it a bright, life-like appearance due to more reflection of light. (1)

3. INCISAL EDGE POSITION Aged dentitions present flat worn down incisal edges often showing an inverted curve smile. The position of the incisal edge is an important determinant to restore a youthful appearance in patients.

- In a young dentition the Incisors display gull shaped outline. The incisal edges of the lateral incisors lie 0.5 to 1.5 mm above the straight line joining the most incisal point on the central incisors & canines.(1)

- When increasing the length of the incisors, principles of phonetics must be followed with M, E, F, V, S sounds to determine the exact position of the incisal edge. The incisal edges must lie on the wet dry line on the vermillion of the lower lip during F & V sounds.

- The incisal edge outline should follow the curvature of the lower lip

4. INCISAL TRANSLUCENCY Translucency is the appearance between complete opacity like ivory to complete transparency like glass. In aged adults, incisal edges get worn down due to daily functions like brushing, eating etc. Thus, the inner opaque & highly chromatic dentin becomes visible. Teeth of young adults show incisal edges having well-defined characteristics due to translucency and transparency. This is also called the Incisal halo effect.

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