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ANDIT, COR SIS conseq uisiIdunt lore







Aert Hu kaem Irrodie Care Uva emeru irreemen duka Alexa gume Go to vers


ANDIT, COR SIS conseq uisiIdunt lore











ANDIT, COR SIS conseq uisiIdunt lore







Aert Hu kaem Irrodie Care Uva emeru irreemen duka Alexa gume Go to vers





FOREIGN DESIGN Mundial Rugby 2009. p. 10 // LOS PUmAS PASAN A SEmIfINALES.

20 páginas // Córdoba, Argentina Miércoles 24 de Noviembre de 2009

Fútbol. p. 3







Costa de Marfil

ELIMINATORIAS MUNDIAL 2010 PAGINAS DE 2 A 5 Lionel Messi se roba el festejo del segundo gol argentino ante Costa de Marfil. Clasificación asegurada y desahogo


S&P500 500 S&P S&P 500 1,651.81 1,651.81 1,651.81


+12.77 +12.77 +12.77

NASDAQ NASDAQ NASDAQ 3,482.18 3,482.18 3,482.18


+30.05 +30.05 +30.05

DOW DOW DOW 15,318.23 15,318.23 15,318.23


+138.38 +138.38 +138.38

6-MOT-BILLS T-BILLS 6-MO 6-MO T-BILLS .08% .08% .08%


...... ...

30-YRT-BONDS T-BONDS 30-YR 30-YR T-BONDS 3.34% 3.34% 3.34%



Different population to create jobs PAGE 1D


-.01 -.01 -.01

CRUDEOIL OIL CRUDE CRUDE OIL $98.44 $98.44 $98.44


+.67 +.67 +.67

EURO EURO EURO $1.3405 $1.3405 $1.3405

BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS BRIEFS BRIEFS BRIEFS Natural gas Natural Natural gas gas bills to to rise rise bills bills to rise DENVER — — Xcel Xcel EnEnDENVER


TV show death death TV TV show show death prompts lawsuit lawsuit prompts prompts lawsuit Survivors of of woman Survivors aa woman

Survivors ofthe a woman killed during the produckilled during produckilled theTV production of ofduring reality TV show tion aa reality show tion of a reality TV show pilot in Colorado Springs pilot in Colorado Springs pilot in Colorado Springs have filed filed wrongful have aa wrongful have wrongful deathfiled andanegligence negligence death and death and negligence lawsuit against Discovery lawsuit against Discovery lawsuit against Discovery Communications Inc. and and Communications Inc. Communications Inc. and Anthropic Productions Productions Anthropic Anthropic Productions Corp. Corp. Corp. Terry Flanell’s Flanell’s husband husband Terry Terry Flanell’s husband and daughter filed the lawlawand daughter filed the and daughter filed the lawsuit last week in federal suit last week in federal suit last in federal court inweek Denver. court in Denver. court in were Denver. They were producing producing They They were producing a pilot focusing on the the a pilot focusing on a pilot focusing onDragon the family’s business, Dragon family’s business, family’s business, Dragon Arms Inc. Inc. The suit suit says Arms The says Arms Inc. The suit says the opening opening sequence the sequence the opening sequence was to to have have employees employees was was have employees walkto through cloud of of walk through aa cloud walk through a cloud of smoke, but pyrotechnic pyrotechnic smoke, but smoke, but pyrotechnic devices that that were were used used to to devices devices that weremalfuncused to create the the smoke malfunccreate smoke create the smoke malfunctioned, and one struck tioned, and one struck tioned, and one struck Terry Flanell. Flanell. The lawsuit Terry The lawsuit Terry Flanell. The lawsuit alleges no licensed licensed pyroalleges no pyroalleges no licensed pyrotechnics operator operator was was on technics on technics operator was on scene last year for filming scene last year for filming scene last year for filming of the “Brothers In Arms” of the “Brothers In Arms” of the “Brothers In Arms” pilot. pilot. pilot. A phone phone number number for for A A phone wasn’t number for A Anthropic wasn’t listed. listed. A Anthropic Anthropic wasn’t listed. Discovery spokeswoman Discovery spokeswomanA Discovery spokeswoman did not not return return calls seekseekdid calls did not return calls seeking comment. comment. ing ing comment.


Resort cleared Resort Resort cleared cleared in skier’s death death in in skier’s skier’s death

A federal federal agency’s agency’s invesinvesA A federal investigation intoagency’s the death death of tigation into the of tigation into the death of longtime Snowmass Snowmass ski ski aa longtime a longtime Snowmass ski patroller in in December December has has patroller patroller in Aspen December has cleared the the Aspen Skiing Skiing cleared cleared thewrongdoing. Aspen Skiing Co. of of any any wrongdoing. Co. Co. of any wrongdoing. Patsy Hileman, 26-year Patsy Hileman, aa 26-year Patsy Hileman, a 26-year veteran of the the Snowmass Snowmass veteran of veteran of the Snowmass Ski Patrol, was killed Dec. Ski Patrol, was killed Dec. Ski Patrol, killed Dec. 30, when when aawas small avalanche 30, small avalanche 30, when smallaaavalanche swept heraover over cliff. swept her cliff. swept over a cliff.Safety Theher Occupational Safety The Occupational The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Health Administration and Health Administration says Hileman was skiing says Hileman was skiing says Hileman wasclosed skiing in aa permanently permanently closed in in a permanently closed section called Ship’s Ship’s Prow section called Prow section called Ship’s Prow Glades. Glades. Glades.



+.0065 +.0065 +.0065

GOLD GOLD GOLD $1,366.60 $1,366.60 $1,366.60


-16.20 -16.20 -16.20


Show of support support


DENVER — Xcel Energy says natural natural gas and ergy says gas and ergy says natural gas and electricity bills are are beginelectricity bills beginelectricity bills are beginning to to creep creep higher as ning higher as ning to creep highergas as the price price of natural natural gas the of the price of gas rebounds innatural Colorado. rebounds in Colorado. rebounds in Colorado. The average average natural natural gas gas The The gas bill foraverage the 2013 2013natural summer bill for the summer bill for the 2013 summer quarter is projected to rise quarter is projected to rise quarter is projected 17 percent percent (about $3) $3)toto torise $22 17 (about $22 17 percent (about $3) to month compared compared with with$22 aa month a month compared with year earlier, earlier, the the utility utility aa year asaid. year earlier, the utility said. said. The average average electricelectricThe The electricity billaverage for the the summer summer ity bill for ity bill for the summer quarter is projected projected to rise rise quarter is to quarter is projected to arise about 6 percent to $76 $76 a about 6 percent to about percent to $76 a month6when when compared month compared month when compared with the the summer of 2012. 2012. with summer of with the summer of 2012. The spot price of of natural natural The spot price The spot price of natural gas on the New York Mergas on the New York Mergas on the New York cantile Exchange hasMerrisen cantile Exchange has risen cantile Exchange has risen more than than 47 percent percent from more 47 from more than 47 percent from its low low to to $3.90 $3.90 for for aa milmilits its low to $3.90 for a million British Thermal Units. lion British Thermal Units. lion British Thermal Units.





The new new director director of of the the The The new director of the Better Business Bureau of Better Business Bureau of Better Business Bureau of on Southern Colorado called on Southern Colorado called Southern Colorado called on the region’s business support the region’s business support the region’s business support groups to expand expand their outgroups to their outgroups to expand their reach, starting starting with theoutBBB. reach, with the BBB. reach, starting with the Saying that that Colorado ColoradoBBB. CHIEFTAINPHOTOS/FILE PHOTOS/FILE Saying CHIEFTAIN Saying that Colorado CHIEFTAIN PHOTOS/FILE Springs-based agencies such as as Springs-based agencies such Anarea areanear nearWetmore Wetmoreshows showsthe thedamage damagefrom froman anOctober October2012 2012forest forestfire. fire. An Springs-based agencies suchthe as the BBB BBB too too often often overlook the the overlook An area near Wetmore shows the damage from an October 2012 forest fire. the too oftenColorado, overlook“My the restBBB of Southern Southern Colorado, “My rest of INSURANCE RATES RATES rest “My INSURANCE vowof toSouthern you is is I’m I’mColorado, going to to sigsigvow to you going INSURANCE RATES vow to you is I’m going to significantly invest invest in in the the Pueblo Pueblo nificantly nificantly invest inBarrett the Pueblo community,” Matt Barrett said. community,” Matt said. community,” Matt Barrett said. Barrett was was among several Barrett among several Barrett was among several guests to to address address the the Small Small guests guests to Week address the Small Business Week luncheon luncheon hostBusiness hostBusiness Week luncheon hosted by the Southern Colorado ed by the Southern Colorado ed by the Southern Colorado Small Business Development Small Business Development Small Development CenterBusiness on Tuesday Tuesday at Pueblo Pueblo Center on at Center on Tuesday atAbout Pueblo50 Community College. About 50 Community College. Community College. About 50 attended. attended. attended. The SBDC announced its The SBDC announced its The SBDC its annual Smallannounced Business Award Award annual Small Business annual Small Business Award BYDENNIS DENNISDARROW DARROW their risk risk as as much much as as possible possible BY recipients. They are: Western Western their recipients. They are: BY DENNIS DARROW their risk as much as possible recipients. They are: Western THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN (by clearing clearing trees trees and and removremovTHE PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN Power Group Group of of Walsenburg, Walsenburg, (by Power THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN (by clearing trees and removPower ofand Walsenburg, ing dead dead shrubs shrubs and needles) ownedGroup by Janet Janet and John Fink, Fink, ing and needles) owned by John ing dead shrubs and needles) owned by Janet and Fink, Home insurance insurance rates rates are are or face face cancellation of covcovsmall business of theJohn year; Home or aa cancellation of small business of the year; Home rates are or faceshe a cancellation of covsmall business of theof year; rising ininsurance Southern Colorado Colorado erage, she said. Robert Leverington of Leverrising in Southern erage, said. Robert Leverington Leverrising inrest Southern erage, she said. Robert Leverington and the the rest of the theColorado state but but Along the Front Range Range of of and of state ington & & Associates Associatesof inLeverPueblo, Along the Front ington in Pueblo, and the rest the stateof but Along the Front Range ington & Associates in Pueblo, not solely solely asof the result of Colorado, hail damage re-of not as the result Colorado, hail damage resmall business business champion of small champion of not solelyan as insurance the result indusof Colorado, hail damage resmall business champion of wildfires, an insurance indus- mains mains aa big big driver of property property wildfires, driver of the year; year; and and Pueblo Pueblo attorney attorney the wildfires, insurance indusmains a bigcosts, driver ofsaid. property try expert expertan says. Hail remains remains the year; and Pueblo attorney insurance costs, she said. Last try says. Hail insurance she Last Douglas Gradisar, small busiDouglas Gradisar, small busitry expert says.driver Hail remains insurance said. Last an even even bigger driver in summer, aacosts, majorshe hailstorm Douglas Gradisar, busian bigger in summer, major hailstorm ness consultant consultant ofsmall the year. year. ness of the an even bigger driver in summer, a major hailstorm payouts. that hit hit many many areas of the the ness consultant of the year. payouts. that areas of Barrett, who became became director Barrett, who director payouts. that hit many areas of the “The way way insurance insurance comcomFront Range led to more than Barrett, who became director “The Front Range led to more than of the the 22-county 22-county BBB BBB of of SouthSouthof “Theset waytheir insurance com-is Front Range in led to more than panies set their premiums is $320 million million in auto auto and home home of the 22-countyMay, BBBpreviof Southpanies premiums $320 and ern Coloradoin May, previern Coloradoin panies set their premiums is $320 million auto and home really based based on patterns patterns and and payouts, shein said. ern Coloradoin May, previreally on payouts, she said. ously served as director of the the ously served as director of really on patterns andof payouts, she said. trendsbased over longer longer periods of In contrast, contrast, the 500 500 homes homes ously served as director trends over periods In the Colorado Springs SBDC.of the Colorado Springs SBDC. trends over longer periods of In contrast, the 500 homes time, really years,” said Carole destroyed in the Black ForColorado Springs SBDC. time, really years,” said Carole destroyed in the Black ForThe relations relations between between The time, really years,” said Carole est destroyed in result the Black ForWalker of the the Rocky Mounest Fire Fire may may result in much much The relations between Walker of Rocky Mounin nearby cities of of differing differing size size nearby cities Walker of the Rocky Mounest Fire total may in much tain Insurance Insurance Information smaller totalresult payouts, she nearby cities of differing size tain Information smaller payouts, she often are frosty, he said, said, saying saying often are frosty, he tain Insurance Information smaller total payouts, of she Association. “One wildfire eterans of the 1944 Normandy said. in respectful silence said.began The destruction of muchearly Thursday often are frosty, he said, saying Association. “One wildfire The destruction much Colorado Springs distrusts Colorado Springs distrusts Association. “One wildfire said. The destruction of much doesn’t have direct affect on on of the the Royal Gorge Bridge & landings gathered Thursday at theof morning, with the stars-and-stripes raised inas aSprings doesn’t have aa direct affect Colorado distrusts Royal Gorge Bridge & Denver as much as as Pueblo disdisDenver much Pueblo doesn’t have pay apay direct affect on Park theis Gorge Bridge & what people in insurance, insurance, Park isRoyal expected toat result in what people in expected to result in Denver as muchSprings. as Pueblo dissite of history’s largest amphibiousof quiet ceremony the cemetery. trusts Colorado Colorado Springs. trusts what people pay in insurance, Park is expected to result in particularly theyof don’t live millionsTourists, of dollars dollars of insured insured particularly ififathey don’t live millions of of trusts Colorado Springs. invasion for day ceremonies many from the U.S. and Britain, In the the case case of of Colorado Colorado In particularly they don’t live millions in aa wildfire wildfireifarea.” area.” losses. of dollars of insured in losses. In witness the and case of Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Pueblo, he puts puts D-Day’s 69th anniversary. gathered under a brilliant to Springs he inmarking a wildfire area.” losses. Individual insurance comA preliminary preliminary total dam- spring sky Individual insurance comA total damSprings and Pueblo, he puts the blame on the bigger city: Around two dozen US vets, the flag-raising amid the neat rows of thousands of the blame on the bigger city: Individual insurance comA estimate preliminary total panies use their their own formulas formulas age estimate from from thedamBlack panies use own age the Black the blame thethat bigger city: “We’re theon ones that perpetu“We’re the ones perpetupanies use their own formulas age estimate from the Black some in their old pinned with medals, Forest white marble crosses and stars of David marking foruniforms pricing each homeowner’s Forest wildfire remains to for pricing each homeowner’s wildfire remains to “We’re the ones that perpetuate that that reputation,” he said. said. ate reputation,” he for pricing homeowner’s Forest remains to stood and saluted during aeach wreath-laying thewildfire graves she of U.S. servicemen and women fallen in policy, Walker said. The facfacbe calculated, calculated, she said. Her policy, Walker said. The be said. Her ateThe that reputation,” said. The BBB itself has hashe paid little BBB itself paid little policy, Walker said.include TheOmaha facbe calculated, shewith said.of Her tors they consider include agency will work work with insurceremony at the memorial overlooking the will Allied invasion Normandy. attention tors they consider aa agency insurThe BBB itself has paid little to Pueblo and virtualto Pueblo and virtualtors they consider include a agency will with insurvalue and geographianceOn companies over the value and geographiance companies over the Beach, where home’s ahome’s U.S. cemetery holds the remains of Junework 6, 1944, Allied forces led byattention General driverin inPueblo Pueblonavigates navigates attention to Pueblo andsmaller virtualAAdriver ly none to the region’s smaller ly none to the region’s home’s value and geographiance companies over the cal location location (local, region and coming weeks to prepare prepare an an Athrough driver in Pueblo navigates cal region weeks to June 2009 ly none of tohe the region’s smaller over 9,000 Americans who (local, died during theand viciouscoming Dwight D. Eisenhower stormed the beaches through aaJune 2009 counties, he said. cal location (local, region and counties, said. coming weeks to prepare an state), the surrounding surrounding terrain initial assessment, assessment, she said. said. through a June 2009 the terrain she hailstorm. Later that summer, counties, said. hailstorm. Later that summer, battle to stormstate), the claims French beach under witheringinitial Normandy, France, on “D-Day,” beginning thehecalls His plan plan calls for more more state), the surrounding terrain initial assessment, she said. His for and history, she said. hailstorm. Later that summer, “We are seeing homeownPueblowas washit hitby byaabigger bigger and claims history, she said. “We are seeing homeownPueblo HisEurope planimmediately, calls for more outreach immediately, he said. said. Nazi fire. liberation ofpremiums German-occupied Western and claims history, she said. “We are seeing homeownoutreach he Pueblo wasThe hit July by a29, bigger Homeowners in wildfirewildfireer’s insurance rise hailstorm. The July 29, Homeowners in er’s insurance premiums rise hailstorm. outreach immediately, heover said. “I’m very confident that over Homeowners in wildfireCommemorations of the June, 6, 1944, battle during World War II. er’s insurance premiums rise “I’m very confident that hailstorm. The July 29, prone areas areas already already pay pay throughout Colorado because 2009,pounding pounding caused prone throughout Colorado because 2009, caused very confident thatyou over a short short amount of time time you prone already payAlso, throughout Colorado because 2009, pounding caused a“I’m amount higherareas prices, she said. said. Also, anestimated estimated $233 million we’ve been been in in this this cycle cycle of SEE MONEY higher prices, she an $233 million we’ve of MATTERS, 2Aseeof awill short amount time you begin to traction with higher prices, she said.now Also, an estimated $233 million we’ve been inyear this cycle of will begin to seeoftraction with indamage damage tocars carsand and many insurance insurance firms now catastrophes, year after year year in to many firms catastrophes, after will begin to see traction those efforts,” efforts,” he he said. said. with in damage to cars and many insurance firms now catastrophes, yearand after year those buildings. mandate homeowners in such such of of damaging damaging hail hail and this patbuildings. mandate homeowners in this patthose efforts,” he said. buildings. The luncheon also drew mandate homeowners in such tern of damaging hail Walker and thissaid. patThe luncheon also drew aa areas take take steps to to mitigate mitigate tern of wildfire,” wildfire,” Walker said. areas steps of The luncheon also drewthe a visit from Kelly Manning, Manning, the areas take steps to mitigate tern of wildfire,” Walker said. visit from Kelly visit from Manning,SBDC the director ofKelly the statewide statewide SBDC director of the WILDFIRE CLAIMS CLAIMS PILE PILE UP UP director of the statewide SBDC WILDFIRE Network. She She discussed discussed the the Network. WILDFIRE CLAIMS PILE UP Network. She discussed agency’s ongoing ongoing effortsthe to agency’s efforts to InColorado ColoradoSprings, Springs,insurinsur“We’vebeen beenanswering answering said. In “We’ve said. agency’s ongoing efforts to expand its free services across In Colorado insur“We’ve been answeringhave expand its free services across ance companySprings, claimreprereprequestions ourcustomers customers have said. Thosewho whohave haveclaims claims ance company claim questions our Those expand its free services across the state to aid small busiance company claim reprequestions our customers have Those who have claims the state to aid small busisentativesbegan beganarriving arriving abouttheir theircoverage, coverage,filing filing resultingfrom fromthe theBlack BlackForForsentatives about resulting the state small businesses. sentatives began arriving about their coverage, filing resulting frombenefit the Black ForBy DONNA CASSATA and MATT APUZZO nesses. newspaper in Britain, wastoa aid three-month renewal rightafter afterthe thestart start ofthe the claims, walking our customers estFire Firewon’t won’t benefit from right of claims, walking our customers est from nesses. AssociAted Press “We are are working working very very hard hard right the start ofAs the claims, our customers provisions est Fire won’t benefit from “We Blackafter Forest wildfire. As of provisions ofhomeowners homeowners throughwalking theclaims claims process, of an ongoing practice. Black Forest wildfire. of of through the process, “We are working very hard Black Forest wildfire. As of provisions of homeowners through the claims process, to have have multiple resources in thispast pastweekend, weekend,three threeof of insurancereform reformlegislation legislation“I think people issuingadvances advancesanywhere anywhere to resources in this issuing wantmultiple the homeland kept safe WASHINGTON — The insurance government is secretly to have multiple resources in this past weekend, three of insurance reform legislation issuing advances anywhere a single location,” said Manenactedearlier earlierthis thisyear yearas as thelargest largestinsurance insurancecarries carries from$5,000 $5,000to to$10,000 $10,000and and a can,” singleFeinstein location,” said the enacted from to the extent we said at aManCapitol collecting the telephone records of millions of year aning, single location,” said Manthe largest insurance carries enacted earlier this as from $5,000 to $10,000 and who spoke a day after the a result of last year’s Waldo had reported receiving about setting up our customers in ning, who spoke a day after the a result of last year’s Waldo had reported receiving about setting up our customers in Hill news conference. “Wespoke want to protect these ning, who a day after the U.S. customers of Verizon under a top-secret a result of last year’ssaid. Waldo had reported receiving about setting up our customers in Pueblo-based Southern ColoCanyon Fire, Walker said. 1,100 claimsoverall. overall. temporary housing.” Pueblo-based Southern ColoCanyon Fire, Walker 1,100 claims temporary housing.” Pueblo-based Southern ColoCanyon Fire, Walker said. 1,100 claims overall. temporary housing.” privacy rights. That’s why this is carefully done court order, according to theNearly chairwoman of provisions rado SBDC SBDC hosted hosted aa ribbon ribbon Nearly allof ofthe the provisions “Claimsrepresentatives representatives Mosthomeowner homeowner insurrado all “Claims Most insurrado hosted a ribbon all thedon’t provisions “Claims Most homeowner insurin federal courtcutting withSBDC federal judges who sit 2 4/7 ofNearly HouseThe Billof 1225 don’t take have beenrepresentatives helpingour ourcuscusance policies include cover- Committee. cutting of its its new larger larger offices the Senate Intelligence Obama of House Bill 1225 take have been helping ance policies include coverof new offices of House Bill 1225 don’t take have been helping ourwhen cusance policies include covercutting of its new larger offices effect until Jan. 1, she said. tomers from thetime time when agefor for living expenses for at 131 S. Main St. who review these requests.” effect until Jan. 1, she said. tomers from the age living expenses for administration is defending the National Security at 131 S. Main St. effect until Jan. 1, she said. tomers the timewere when age for living for atIn 131 S. Main St. the Thebill billrequires requiresinsurers insurersto toThe disclosure thefirst firstfrom evacuations were evacuees andexpenses peoplewhose whose In Canon City, the SBDC The the evacuations evacuees and people raised a number of SBDC questions: Canon City, Agency’s needwhose to collect such records, but critics The bill requires insurers to the firstlocated evacuations were evacuees and people Inassigned Canon City, theconsulting SBDC offer homeowners coverage called, located inmultiple multiple homeshave have been damaged has assigned extra offer homeowners coverage called, in homes been damaged has extra What is the government looking for?consulting Are other are calling it aBut huge over-reach. offer homeowners coverage called, located in multiple homes have been damaged has assigned extra consulting for up to two years of living locations, even meeting with or destroyed by fire. the for up to two years of living locations, even meeting with resourcesunder to assist assist businesses or destroyed by fire. But the resources to businesses similar orders to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., told reporters for up to two years of living locations, meeting with or destroyed by fire.is But the expenses their home isbig telephone companies resources assist businesses customerseven attheir their hotels,” coverage generally is subject expenses ififtheir home is customers at hotels,” coverage generally subject harmed by bytofire fire or by by loss of of harmed or aa loss turn over information? How is the information expenses ifortheir home is customers their hotels,”Ancoverage generally is subject Thursday that the court order for telephone damaged destroyed, among StateFarm Farmat spokeswoman Antodeductibles, deductibles, and typically harmed by fire or by a loss of of damaged or destroyed, among State spokeswoman to and itittypically tourism due to the closure of tourism due to thekept? closure damaged or destroyed, among State Farm spokeswoman Anto deductibles, and it typically used and how long are the records many other requirements. gela Thorpe told The Gazette puts a limit on spending, inrecords, first disclosed Guardian tourism due to the closure of many other requirements. gela Thorpe told The Gazette puts a limit on spending, in- by The the fire-ravaged fire-ravaged Royal Gorge the Royal Gorge many other requirements. gela Thorpe told The Gazette puts a limit on spending, in—McClatchy-Tribune McClatchy-Tribune newspaper. surance expert CaroleWalker Walker the fire-ravaged Royal Gorge — newspaper. surance expert Carole Bridge & Park, Park, she she said. Bridge & said. — McClatchy-Tribune newspaper. surance expert Carole Walker Bridge & Park, she said.

Looking Firefor andnEW ice Wildfire costs trail hail



ECB cuts eurozone outlook as rate held at 0.5 pct

Stocks slip in midday trading on Wall Chrysler OKs Jeep on recall Street ggh hjahs jsa stock trading AUTO INDUSTRY INDUSTRY AUTO AUTO INDUSTRY



Carmaker reverses course on tanks The Guardian newspaper in Britain, course was information usedtanks and how long are the Carmaker reverses on aren’t from from Chrysler. a three-month renewal of an ongoing records kept? aren’t Chrysler. BYTOM TOMKRISHER KRISHERAND ANDDEE-ANN DEE-ANNDURBIN DURBIN BY

BY KRISHER AND DEE-ANN DURBIN aren’t from Chrysler. THETOM ASSOCIATED PRESS Indeciding deciding onthe therecall, recall, Chrysler THE In Chrysler practice.PRESS The on sweeping roundup of U.S. WASHINGTON — The government is ASSOCIATED THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In deciding on the recall, Chrysler avoided showdown with governavoided aa showdown with govern“I think people want the homeland phone records has been going on secretly collecting the telephone records DETROIT — Chrysler abruptly DETROIT — Chrysler abruptly avoided a showdown with government safety regulators that could ment safety regulators could DETROIT —toChrysler abruptly The number number ofcustomers consecu-of Verizon agreed to recall recall 2.7 million older kept safe themillion extent we can,” Feinstein for years and wasthat a key part of the of millions of U.S.of The consecuagreed to 2.7 older ment safety regulators that could have led led to public public hearings with The number consecuagreed to recall 2.7 million older have to hearings with tive quarters ofof declining modelsaid Jeeps Tuesday, reversing tive quarters of declining at aTuesday, Capitol Hill news conference. administration’s warrantless model Jeeps reversing aa under a top-secret court order, according have ledBush togiving public hearings with witnesses giving details of deadly tive quarters of declining model Jeeps Tuesday, reversing a witnesses details of deadly interest rates on a 30-year defiant posture and avoiding pos- witnesses interest rates on aof30-year defiant posture avoiding pos“We want and to protect theseaaprivacy program, according to a to the chairwoman the Senate giving details of deadly crashessurveillance involving the Jeeps. interest rates on a 30-year defiant posture and avoiding a poscrashes involving the Jeeps. mortgage in Colorado Colorado sible public public relations headache over done mortgage in sible headache over U.S. official. rights.relations That’s why this is carefully crashes involving the Jeeps. Intelligence Committee. The National National Highway Traffic mortgage Colorado sible public relations headache The Highway Traffic from early earlyin 2011 to late lateThe 2012,Obama fuel fuel tanks tanks that can catch catch fire in in aover a from 2011 to 2012, that can fire The National Highway Traffic in federal court withfire federal who The White House had no immediate administration is to defending the National from early a2011 late 2012, Safety Administration, the agency fuel tanks that can catch in ajudges Safety Administration, the agency triggering a wave wave of refirefirear-end collision. triggering of rear-end collision. Safety Administration, the agency sit 2collision. 4/7 who review these requests.” on-the-record Attorney triggering aaccording waveneed of refirear-end that monitors monitors vehiclecomment. safety, conSecurity Agency’s tothe collect such nancings, to the vehicle safety, conChrysler said that dealers will in- that nancings, according to Chrysler said that dealers will inthat monitors safety, connancings, to the it a huge Chrysler said that dealers will in- of tends that thevehicle Jeep’s gas tank can disclosure raised atrailer number General Eric Holder sidestepped records, butaccording critics are calling state Division Division of Housing. Housing. spect theThe vehicles and install trailer tends that the Jeep’s gas tank can state of spect the vehicles and install tends that the Jeep’s gas tank can state Division of Housing. spect the and install trailer rupture rupture hit from from the rear, caushitches tovehicles protect theis gas tanks. questions: What thetanks. government questions about the issue during ifif hit the rear, causover-reach. hitches to protect the gas APPHOTO/FILE PHOTO/FILE rupture if hit from the rear, causAP hitches to protect the gas tanks. ing aa fire. fire. NHTSA said three-year The company company said vehicles without Business Briefs arecomcomsaid aa three-year looking for? Are other big telephoneing anNHTSA appearance before a Senate said vehicles without Business Briefs are Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., toldThe AP PHOTO/FILE ing a fire. NHTSA said a three-year The company said vehicles without Business Briefs are comcrashinvolving involvingaaJeep JeepGrand GrandCherokee Cherokeein inMarch Marchin in investigation showed that 51 people hitches will get get them them as will those those piledfrom from staffreports reports and AAcrash showed offering that 51 people hitches will will piled staff and companies underas similar orders to investigation subcommittee, instead to reporters Thursday that the court order ABainbridge, crash involving a Jeep Grand Cherokee in March inboy. investigation showed that 51 people Bainbridge, hitches will get themor ashitches will those piled fromwire staffservices. reports and Ga.,led led toaafire firethat that killedaa4-year-old 4-year-old boy. with broken hitches or hitches that Ga., to killed had died died in in fiery fiery Jeep crashes. Chieftain wire services. hitches Jeep crashes. Chieftain it at a classified turn over information? Howthat is the had for telephone records, first disclosed with by broken Bainbridge, Ga., led to a fire that killed a 4-year-old boy. with broken hitches or hitches that had dieddiscuss in fiery Jeep crashes.session that Chieftain wire services.

SV OCT/NOV.09 features +



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h E A LT h & s C I E N C E

Lounge The EastAfrican


www.theeastafrican.co.ke January 30 - February 6, 2008



Tutu prays for the region’s political instabilities

the plan Contract Commando examines the civil war and tumultuous political situation of war-torn Uganda through the experiences of a soldier, Owota Geoffrey, in its military service. political situation of war-torn Uganda through the experiences of a soldier, Owota Geoffrey, in its military servicepolitical situation of war-torn

North Korean martial arts specialists, which ended when President Milton Obote was overthrown by rebel vitae, seetus ntum vel, BY sARAh BAkATA The EastAfrican


wota Olweny Geoffrey, in its military service. Owota Geoffrey relates anecdotes of his training under North korean martial arts specialists, which ended when President Milton Obote was overthrown by rebel units of

his own government army. After Yoweri Museveni grabbed power from Gen. Tito Okello, who deposed Obote, Geoffrey left the army and eventually the country of Uganda for sudan, but the horrendous atrocities and abuse Museveni’s new regime perpetrated convinced him to return to his homeland and fight for such ideals as democracy, freedom and national unity. Marketing Copy for Contract Commando

by Owota Geoffrey and Obonyo Olweny Contract Commando examines the civil war and tumultuous political situation of war-torn Uganda through the experiences of a soldier, Owota Geoffrey, in its military service. Owota relates anecdotes of his training under North korean martial arts specialists, which ended when President Milton Obote was overthrown by rebel units of his own government army. After


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