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Basic System/ 3.1 Primary Color Palette
F Riends
Standard colors are important to communicate our brand look and feel. They underpin the identity and help distinguish the brand.
Solid colour
Gradient colour
Basic System/ 3.2 Secondary Color Palette
Standard colors are important to communicate our brand look and feel. They underpin the identity and help distinguish the brand.
Basic System/ 3.3 Logo ApplicationGrayscale Background
We should ensure there is sufficient clarity of our logo based on the degree of background contrast. Please refer to the chart below to apply the correct logo color scheme. As much as possible, we should always try to choose a colored option for the top icon element.
Light Background
Dark Background
Texture Background
Basic System/ 3.4 Color guide
The standard color is often matched with other colors in practical applications, and the effect of matching the standard color and the color of each color can be referenced from the table below.
Basic System/ 3.5 Color Application And Balance
The standard color is often matched with other colors in practical applications, and the effect of matching the standard color and the color of each color can be referenced from the table below.
Basic System/ 4.1 Secondary Graphic Element-Monogram
Supporting graphic elements are the extension of the brand. They are complementary to logos, standard fonts and colors. They are designed to meet the needs of various promotional media, and can vary with the size of the media, or the size of the layout.
Basic System/ 4.2 Secondary Graphic ElementMonogram(White)
Supporting graphic elements are the extension of the brand. They are complementary to logos, standard fonts and colors. They are designed to meet the needs of various promotional media, and can vary with the size of the media, or the size of the layout.
Ztudio Friends
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*()_+
Ztudio Light Ztudio Regular Ztudio Bold
Ztudio Friends
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!@#$%^&*()_+
Work Sans Thin Ztudio Medium Ztudio Bold
Basic System/ 5.1 Typography
Typographic style adds a distinctive element to our brand. Based on both aesthetic and technical considerations, we have identified Comfortaa for use in our applications.
Comfortaa is the primary typeface used for headlines and subheading, as well as bodycopy, caption and other small text.
Noto Sans CJK TC is an alternative webfont for online platforms.