How to Make Money Blogging If you are like a number of people today, you are interested in how to create more income and the internet has become the go to place for such endeavors. In the early days on online income, you had to purchase a domain, build a website and then seek out web hosting before you could ever begin making money. Today, however the process has been simplified a great deal on how to make money blogging. Would you be surprised to find out that there are blogs on the internet today making millions of dollars every year?
What is a Blog? Before we get into making money blogging, it is a good idea for you to understand exactly what a blog is. Original Weblogs, or blogs for short, were created for people to keep an online journal or diary and most were personal creations filled with vacation photographs, personal stories and the like. Blogging platforms are the easiest way to create a message and share it with the rest of the world. You do not need any experience with HTML or programming to start a blog today. Cost One of the most exciting aspects of using blogging to make money is the fact that you can get started for free. There are several places online where all you need to do is sign up, make a few design choices and begin producing blog posts. A couple clicks of your mouse and your posts are live for the world to see. Once you get a good feel for the process you will want to move up to paid hosting, which can be obtained for a few dollars per month.
Top 3 Ways to Make Money Blogging The first thing you should know is that not everyone who starts a blog will effectively generate income from the pursuit. In all honesty, about 90% will start and finish without generating any significant income from their blog. This is not a popular concept but it is true nonetheless. Sometimes this happens because there is an internal conflict over the idea of monetizing the blog in the first place and other times it will be a matter of losing interest. For the 10% who will continue on the journey here are the top three answers to the question of how to make money blogging. AdSense Google is a name instantly recognizable, even if you have never been on the internet you have heard of Google. They have come up with an advertising plan that works well on blogs and websites alike. When you sign up for the program you agree to let Google place targeted advertisements on your site. You choose the size, color, text or image and placement and Google chooses the content of the ad based on the content on your site. Each time a person clicks one of these ads you can make money, a small percentage of the ad revenue. Make sure you read the terms of service and adhere to their policies carefully or you could lose your account and forfeit any earnings.
Affiliate Programs There are tons of affiliate programs on the internet today, these are basically advertisers looking for someone willing to place banners and other ads on their sites and blogs in exchange for a percentage of every sale generated from the specific link. These generally will pay better than AdSense on a per action basis, but that is because the visitor must actually make a purchase. You can find affiliate programs that will pay you a flat fee per lead, which means visitors, must fill out contact information or download something. Amazon, Ebay and several other big name internet enterprises have affiliate programs. Sales Of course, there is always the option of selling your own products on your blog. Making money blogging can be achieved in many different ways and if you are a crafter or have a line on wholesale products, you could make a decent income selling these products on your blog. This is a little more labor intensive as you will actually have to hold inventory, ship and handle customer service, but again the rewards are bigger. Conclusion As the internet evolves and advertising changes there will be more and more opportunities on how to make money blogging. Some recent additions include direct selling advertising once you have established your blog with decent page rank and Google search results. Making money blogging means constantly learning about new techniques and tactics, which is why many people will abandon the task long before they see results. Stick with it and you could easily be making several hundred dollars per month or more.