Brandinista brand guide

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In almost every situation we should say Intralinks VIA as this is what we hold a trademark for. However, we also hold a mark for the use of VIA when represented as it is here VI 速. Use it with the V

速 in the first instance in copy and then alone thereafter. VI

Name only

In text


Logo lockup

Intralinks VIA速


Used sparingly, color can be very powerful. We have seven for you to play with but use them wisely to make things pop. RGB: 0 118 129 Hex: #007681 PMS: 7474

RGB: 186 188 22 Hex: #BABC16 PMS: 7744

RGB: 255 199 44 Hex: #FFC72C PMS: 123

RGB: 255 121 0 Hex: #FF7900 PMS: 151

RGB: 183 18 52 Hex: #B71234 PMS: 200

RGB: 142 58 128 Hex: #8E3A80 PMS: 7656

RGB: 46 0 139 Hex: #2EE008B PMS: 2735

We have three greys too. Black is ONLY to be used for our logo. RGB: 182 184 175 Hex: #B6ADA5 PMS: Warm Grey 4

RGB: 140 130 121 Hex: #8C8279 PMS: Warm Grey 8

RGB: 110 98 89 Hex: #6E6259 PMS: Warm Grey 11

Black is reserved for our logo only. Everywhere else use one of our greys or a palette color. Even type in text, use charcoal, NOT black. This means our most valued asset, our brand identity, always shines out clearly.



Our primary house font is Planer. It is available in a variety of weights from ‘extra-light’ to ‘extra-bold’. We don’t use the italic variant of this font. Our secondary font is Arial, a system font, so you can be sure everyone will have it.

PowerPoint (we only use Arial here)

16:9 is the format for PowerPoint presenta On a PC go to ‘Design’ in the top navigation then ‘Page set up’. Mac users it’s ‘File’ then ‘Page set up’.

A more modern layout, more space for eng

Use fewer words: It’s about talking and lis The ‘notes’ section is for words Let pictures enhance your story

gaging visuals

stening, not reading




Speak plainly and simply - people will love you for it. No one likes to be talked down to or be pandered,. Straight talking wins every time. The shorter the better, forget trying to be clever and don’t use buzz words or acronyms as they may not be understood.


Please try to avoid the obvious and tired business clichÊs. To stand out we need to show we’re different, more considered. Use This might be for sharing beyond traditional boundaries

intelligence and wit in your imagery. Remember, our identity is based on art and creativity. Our images should surprise and delight.

event venues

Your place or mine? When you’re thinking about an event venue try to find somewhere you can ‘own’. We need to be the star not the venue. A neutral space can be filled with things that will surprise and delight our guests and have them remember us.

what’s in a name?

Names are important. If we don’t deliver our product names with consistency we’re as good as invisible to the outside world. Our naming convention is simple: two concatenated words with one initial cap. eg: Dealspace Dealnexus Dealmanager


Elegance, confidence, and a sense of educated precision are all delivered by the use of space. Don’t feel compelled to fill it. Make it work for you. Simplicity is the hardest thing to achieve, and space helps.

When in doubt, shout. email: text or call: +1 (646) 477-3581 Any time.

the art of work

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