Speech Day Awards - End of Year - Merit Awards for Years 7 to 11 will be based on all assessment completed up until the awards cut-off date. Year 7/8 (Core subjects)
Year 9/10 (8 Subjects)
Dux & Proxime Accessit Maxima Cum Laude With highest praise
8 As
7 As + B-
Year 12 (6 subjects)
End of Unit 2 Results used.
End of Year Exit Results used (see comment below)
NA 6 General Subjects – Average of 80% across all subjects (including external exams for Year 12).
Merit Prize * Boys need to average a minimum cumulative B+ standard or better across all subjects for two semesters.
Year 11 (6 subjects)
B+ average in core subjects
B+ average in 8 subjects
Mix of Applied and General Subjects – 80% average across General Subjects and A- average for all Applied subjects. 6 Applied Subjects (or equivalent) – A- average across all subjects.
Note: Speech Day Merit Prize calculations for Years 7 to 11 are based on a year-to-date grade in all year-long subjects. In Years 7 and 8, the single-semester subjects (History, Geography, Japanese and French) will contribute one semester each towards the calculation of Merit Prizes at Speech Day. A second award calculation is performed at the end of the academic year, based on full-year results, to ensure that eligible students are recognised with the appropriate academic award.
The following boys may record Academic Awards on their blazers:
School Colours
Year 10 - Maxima Cum Laude (awarded at Speech Day)
Years 11 & 12 - Proxime Accessit and Dux.
Colours are awarded in recognition of achievement or meritorious participation in GPS Sport, Music, Drama, Arts, Debating and Cadets.
Academic Awards consist of gold lettering with the exact wording from the certificate placed under the School crest on the top pocket of the blazer.
- The Dux of Year 12 receives the LG Hopkins medal on the Year 12 Scholars’ Assembly.
GPS Sports: Colours will only be awarded, subject to the necessary criteria being met, for the following official GPS Sports: Cricket, Swimming, Tennis, Rugby, Football, Track & Field, Cross Country, Basketball, Volleyball and Chess.
- Each Year 12 boy who has achieved a Merit Prize, Proxime Accessit or Dux award in each of his six years at the School receives the JK Winn Medal for Academic Excellence.
Music, Debating, Drama, Arts and Cadets: Colours will be awarded in recognition of achievement, effort, contribution and excellence in the respective programs.
There shall be three levels of Colours Awards: - Honour Colours
Dux and Proxime Accessit if results are tied – Year 11
- Full Colours
In the first instance, results from Semester 2 will be used to separate candidates.
- Half Colours
If still a tie, then the greatest number of A+ results from both semesters will be used to separate candidates.
If still a tie, then the greatest number of A results from both semesters will be used to separate candidates and so on.
Senior School Handbook
Page 36