Top 100 Extended Essay Topics!
An extended essay involves dedication, experimentation, critical thinking and research. It is essential to think of existing theory and to prove data. Here are some lists of extended essay topics that you can check out and choose from.!
List of Extended Essay Ideas! Extended Essay Biology Topics! 1. Process of the photosynthesis without the sunlight! 2. Can plants act differently with others having same habitat! 3. Cow milk storage safety standards! 4. Change of habitat: The Effect of Changes! 5. Difference between land and aquatic plants! 6. Pollination: occur in Remote Area?! 7. Potential Drugs and Pain Killer Harming Human Brain! 8. How Plants act Like a Healer! 9. How Flowers Being Produced! Check more biology extended essay topics >>>! Chemistry Extended Essay Topics! 10.Reproduction of Plants: Effect of the Weather Changes to Plants! 11.Fault in Stars: John Green! 12.Just Listen: Sarah Dessen! 13.Devel in Winter: Lisa Keypas!
14.Significance and Role of the Dance in the Jane Austen’s Emma! 15.History and Myth: Derekn Walcott’s Poem Epic “Omeros”! 16.Similarities Between Monster from the Frankenstein and Gregor Samsa of Metamorphosis! 17.Study in Nobility of the Man: Portrayed by the Characters from 3 Novels! 18.Religious Imagery: Wuthering Heights! 19.Racial Conflict Problems in 20th Century! 20.Racial Conflict Problems: Shown in the Works of James Baldwin! Find more Chemistry extended essay topics >>>! English Extended Essay Topics! 21.Jane’s Austen Exploration! 22.Why and how Sylvia Path in Bell Jar use inanimate objects as motifs! 23.Human Spirituality Attitudes! 24.Ethnicity and Sexuality in Fifties and Sixties! 25.Examination of British Darwinism Influence on Cecil Rhodes! 26.Literary Function! 27.Style and themes of Rosencrantz related to Waiting for Good! 28.British Media Picturing: Consequences of the Image! 29.Empowerment of Feminine in Lord of the Rings! 30.Effect of Learning English Literature! Read more English extended essay topics >>>!
Economics Extended Essay Topics 31.Policies on Trade Around the World! 32.What are the Industrial Policy when it Comes to Economy! 33.How Financial Policy Affects Economy! 34.What is Expansionary Fiscal Policy: The Goal of it! 35.What are Tools Use in Separating 2 Sides of When it Comes to Taxes and Spending! 36.Government Purchases: Expenditures of the Government Sector! 37.Personal Income Taxes Being Levied by Federal Government! 38.Transfer Payments: How it is Being Done! 39.Business Cycle Instability: Give Rise to Problem of the Unemployment! 40.What is Recessionary Gap: How it is Being Done! Get more economics extended essay ideas >>>! Psychology Extended Essay Topics 41.Child Obesity: Reason Behind Parental Negligence! 42.Fast Food: Understand how Americans Obsess to it! 43.Influence of Narcissist Mother on the Wellbeing of Child! 44.Association Between Television and Obesity! 45.Stress and Preterm Delivery! 46.Understanding Situations Leading to the Suicidal Behaviors! 47.Adverse Effects of the Abortion to the Mental Health! 48.Abuse and Dating Violence Among Teenagers!
49.Understanding Schizophrenia in Women and Men! 50.Depression: What are its Psychological Reasons! Read more psychology EE topic ideas >>>! World Studies Extended Essay Topics 51.What are the Effects of Global Food Crisis to People! 52.Issues About Global Significance: Global Understanding! 53.Local Experience and Phenomena as Development of Expressions! 54.Humanity: Capable of Making Positive Contribution Around the World! 55.How Does Climate Change Affects Countries and Humans! 56.Terrorism: Consequences of it! 57.Energy Security: What are its Helps! 58.Global Health: The Help to International Travelers! 59.Cultural Exchange: Deep More Understanding About it! 60.Migration: What it is! Physics Extended Essay Topics 61.Language of Physics and Measurement! 62.Motion and Forces: Dynamics! 63.Energy Conservation! 64.Temperature and Heat! 65.Electrical Energy and Electricity! 66.Magnetic Force and Magnetism! 67.Standard Model and Interactions and Particles!
68.Behavior of the Light and Nature! 69.Standard Assessments and Best Practices in Physics! 70.Philosophy of Physics and its History! Check a full list of physics extended essay ideas >>>! Math Extended Essay Ideas 71.Spirograph: Interesting Curves! 72.Distinguishing Knots Through Their Color Polynomials! 73.Judging Fairness of Constitution: Use of Voting Polynomials! 74.Statistical Methods: Calculating the Volumes! 75.Why Planets Move backwards in Night Sky! 76.Egyptian Forces: Doing Arithmetic! 77.Plane Tesselations and Symmetries of it! 78.Theory of the Cosmology: General Relativity! 79.Egyptian Fractions: Some Arithmetic! 80.The Theory of Partitions: General Functions! Find more math extended essay topics >>>! History Extended Essay Topics 81.Reasons for Soviet Union Collapse! 82.Opinions or the interpretations of Salem witch trials! 83.Consequences of Teary of Versailles! 84.Explanations evolved after Cuban Missile Crisis! 85.Consequences of Pact between Stalin and Hitler!
86.How Pearl Harbor Changes World War II! 87.Growing Opium over the Years! 88.Essential of Politics in William Shakespeare Plays! 89.Atomic Bombs in Japan World War II: Justifications! 90.Roman Invasion on island nation of Britain! Check a full list of history extended essay ideas >>>! Geography Extended Essay Topics 91.Continents: Label of the map! 92.Location of industries: Geography! 93.Relationship Between Economy and Environment! 94.Culture Environment Interaction! 95.Gendered Economies: What it is All About! 96.Interrelationships Between People, Territory and State! 97.Study of State at Center! 98.Preservation of Quality of Waters: Oceanography! 99.Study of the Terrestrial Crust! 100.Exploration of Seafloor! There you have the EE topics you can deal with. It is about different topics in biology, geography, mathematics, economics and others. ! Start choosing from these extended essay topics today!