1 minute read
liz hodge
Lifstyl Real Estate
After years in the nursing profession, Liz Hodge realized she could help people in a career that would allow her to tap into her expertise in a new way. So, ten years ago, she joined the realty profession and today serves clients as a team leader of Winners Circle Realty Group and Lifstyl Real Estate.
“I realized that both industries were about helping people and I loved that I still used my education and nurturing skills to assist my clients as I did my patients,” Hodge explained. “The best advice I can offer to other business people is to be the expert in your field and always seek to improve. I’m constantly looking for education and professional improvement to keep me at the highest level of my profession.”
And when it comes to her words of wisdom for those seeking realty services, Hodge taps into her natural compassion and advocacy for others, encouraging readers to find a professional who can help them navigate one of the most complicated and expensive transactions of their lives.
“When searching for a realtor to assist you in your real estate search or investments, look for an individual who has a high level of professionalism and extensive experience,” she recommended. “I pride myself on my hustle and grit that I use for my clients to get them the very best outcome!”
114 Pasadena Dr #150 Lexington, KY 40503 859-278-7501 lifstylrealestate.com