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gabe prewitt
Red Mile Gaming & Racing
For more than 20 years, Gabe Prewitt has been drawn to The Red Mile, the centuries-old horse racing track that serves as one of the most historic institutions in Lexington offering over 900 Gaming Terminals and Simulcasting.
“I moved across from The Red Mile when I came to the University of Kentucky in the fall of 2001 and my first college job was as a mutuel teller there,” Prewitt recalled. “I graduated in 2005 with a business management degree from UK and continued to have a relationship with The Red Mile as the track announcer as my career took me all over the country.”
After rising to become the Director of Racing for Caesars Entertainment, Prewitt returned to The Red Mile as its Vice President of Racing and Sports Wagering Operations following the approval of sports wagering in Kentucky. As a native of Central Kentucky and with so much personal history working with the historic racetrack, it’s clear that this homecoming is bringing him right back to where he’s meant to be.
“Having lived in many different areas, it gave me a much clearer appreciation for Central Kentucky and Lexington in general,” Prewitt said. “I think the amount of opportunity in the Central Kentucky area is growing exponentially and I see it as the perfect place to reside.”
1200 Red Mile Rd
Lexington, KY 40504
859-255-0752 redmileky.com