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Learning Leadership

All of the greatest minds in leadership agree: leadership is not an innate gift, but rather a skill that is consciously learned and developed. Experience may be the best teacher, but you can always learn from those you have blazed the trails before you. These books, podcasts and other resources can help you cultivate, expand and develop your unique leadership style.


Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High

Joseph Genny, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler

One area that can be a stumbling block for even the most successful leaders? Having tough conversations. This book gives you practical advice for moving from a place of anger or fear to one of meaningful dialogue.

Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win

Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Few books on leadership offer an absolutely gripping narrative, but this one certainly does. Read how the authors’ SEAL task unit faced an impossible situation, and learn how the lessons they learned could apply to your own workplace, family or life.

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t

Simon Sinek

Connection and trust are absolutely essential in building a functioning, successful team. This book offers practical tips for showing your team members that they are valued, and that you are all in this together.

The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever

Michael Bungay Stanier

If you’ve ever wondered how best to unlock your team’s potential, this author puts forth a simple suggestion: ask questions. Based on conversations with thousands of managers from around the world, this book will show you how asking the right questions can change everything.

Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.

Brené Brown

The queen of authenticity uses this book to encourage you to lead with openness and connection. Be sure to grab the free Dare to Lead Read-Along Workbook from her site to help you get the most from her advice.

Expect to Win: 10 Proven Strategies for Thriving in the Workplace

Carla A. Harris

Climbing the corporate ladder, Harris vowed that she would one day share her experience and advice with others. “Carla’s pearls” have become unmissable wisdom for those looking to further their careers and become better leaders – and coworkers.

How to Make Time for Learning

For many leaders, the issue of wanting to further their knowledge isn’t the issue; it’s time. When you’re already busy running your business or leading a team, working one more item into your schedule can feel impossible, especially if you already struggle with your work-life balance. However, professional development is an important contribution to your team. Furthering your own skills as a leader means you’re improving the efficiency and communication in your workplace. It also means that your staff will ultimately feel more valued and find more meaning in their work. That’s worth investing in!

Identify a Need

If you identify a specific area that needs improvement, you will feel more compelled to work to find a solution. Defining a target means setting goalposts and markers for success, propelling your learning project forward.

Time Block

Set aside a specific chunk of time on your calendar and devote it entirely to leadership learning. Whether it’s two hours to read books or 30 minutes a day to listen to a leadership podcast, ensure you allow yourself the time and space to learn.

Remember that the time needn’t be sequential. If you only have 10-minute breaks available, utilize those to listen to podcast snippets while you stretch or take a short walk.

Go Online

In the 21st century, the digital tools available to you are virtually (pardon the pun) limitless. Embrace digital media. Podcasts, videos, ebooks, blogs, Zoom seminars, social media posts and more mean you can access the best advice from some of the greatest leaders to have ever lived in mere seconds. Harness that magic!

Don’t forget that digital experiences can lead to in-person networking. Connect with other leaders and meet up for coffee “dates.” Find local professional development and networking opportunities and get out there.


People Managing People

Hosted by David Rice, this podcast is designed for people in roles of management and leadership, including HR. It offers tips and tricks for avoiding or correcting employee burnout, turnover, disengagement and more.

Maxwell Leadership Podcast

John C. Maxwell is a leadership learning institution in his own right. The episodes build on his concepts and principles of leadership, illustrating how to incorporate them in today’s business world.

WorkLife with Adam Grant

Organizational psychologist Adam Grant talks with some of the world’s most unusual professionals to unlock more joy, collaboration and meaning in your own work. This TEDcast is truly engaging.

The Radical Candor Podcast

Based on the book of the same name, Radical Candor encourages you to lead with humanity, empathy and trust. It isn’t always easy, but the guests on the podcast illustrate just how rewarding it can be.

The Digital Project Manager

While this podcast is focused on a particular niche, there are many skills that traditional managers could learn for today’s increasingly digital world. Plus, many tips shared are entirely universal!

Squiggly Careers

There is no single “correct” path to career development. The podcast hosts (and authors of a book by the same name) suggest that stepping off the proverbial ladder is what’s best for everyone. Learn more about blazing your own path!


Cornell University’s Keynotes ecornell.cornell.edu/keynotes

Register for free events, or watch past programs on this online hub. You can also enroll in online programs for professional development.

Impact Theory impacttheory.com

This brand collaborates with leaders from a variety of backgrounds. Through their stories, you will learn more about achieving success.

Full Focus fullfocus.co/blog

With the tagline “Win at Work and Succeed at Life,” this blog offers tools and tips to help you do more in all areas of your life.

Harvard Business Review hbr.org

Widely considered to be the ultimate resource for leaders, this online journal offers a wealth of timely information and insights. The HBR is always on the pulse of the business world, and it’s worth a read.

Korn Ferry Insights kornferry.com/insights

This leadership development program offers a free blog with topical discussions relevant to today’s world. From AI to relatable tips, this is certainly worth checking out.

Oxford Home Study oxfordhomestudy.com

OHS offers free online management and leadership courses with certificates for those looking to add to their résumés. These are especially great for people just starting – or restarting – their careers.

Nonprofit Ready nonprofitready.org/free-leadership-training

Interested in the nonprofit sector? Nonprofit Ready offers an Emerging Leaders Pathway courses for free to help you lead your organization most effectively. Explore their site to learn more about how they can help your nonprofit!

TED ted.com

Almost everyone has seen a viral TED Talk by this point, but many forget that TED offers far more than just inspiring, informative speeches. Connect to podcasts, newsletters, conferences, courses, blogs and more. •

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