EMBRACING SMART HOMES Does New Technology Really Increase Home Value? THE DAILY SCHEDULE of a Successful Real Estate Agent
5 Things You Can Do to ACHIEVE YOUR BIGGEST GOALS 4 Easy Ways to Redecorate Your Office that Will BOOST MORALE & IMPRESS CLIENTS
Lilian Jorgenson’s career in real estate stretches
to celebrate the holiday, enjoy h
Patrick S. Adu always recognized the potential of the faster,” he says. Likewise, Patrick recognizes where back to limitless reconnect 7 whenhisshe first witnessed the15 real estate industry. At age nineteen, he1985, purchased his skills are best utilized.17 Instead of trying toatdothe it end of each year potential of the industry and decided to earn her erties, Lilian holds the number o first property and so began his interest in the busiall alone, he incorporates the talents of professional license.finally Sincedecided then, she’s established a masterful and leaves no detail unaccounte ness. Roughly ten years ago, Patrick photographers, videographers, and designers to create career completing an honest assessmen to put his entrepreneurial spirit to thethat testincludes and earnover 2,100 homes sold, to the compelling marketing collateral. “I’m good at what tune ofout over billion in volume. In other words, erty,clients advising them on the steps n his license. Since then, he’s carved an$1.5 intrepid I do, but I stay in my lane. I deal with when track record for dependable counsel and serviceatthat it comes to communicating, and it’s prepare on the back-end she’s averaged least one sale per week, every a home for market. “ shines in the details. Over the week years, he’s earned years. Beyond the numbers, that I coordinate others on my clients’ behalves.” for also thirty-two truthful aboutInwhat clients hav a variety of accolades and awards addition to open houses, Patrick also makes of Lilian says. In Lilian for has his alsoservice, garnered praise for her professional would be use ideal,” including the Northern Virginia Association of Realsocial media and the leading digital listing platforms aptitude and commitment, regularly recognized as homes take on a refreshed luster tors’ Multi-Million Dollar Club designation, and as a to ensure wide-ranging exposure online. Accordingly, one of the top producing agents of the Northern details that demonstrate a prop five-year recipient of the Multi-Million Dollar ResiPatrick has spearheaded hundreds of transactions over Virginia Association of Realtors and as the top “By now, I know what it takes HELEN-MERJOS PATRICK S. ADU LILIAN JORGENSON dential Top Producer award and the Multi-Million the years and draws upon a deep well of knowledge producing solo agent in her entire company’s she says.“It’s Her Dollar Lifetime Top Producer award. when it comes to buying or listing property. mymethods include priately ready a home for market. Then, a competitive from Virginia Tech, Norm Pullen earned Mid-Atlantic market. raphy and goal to make clients feel at ease in the process, whether theywork are completed by 21or for 23touch market analysis eachheproperty, followed to the real estate industry while running creates 3D floorplans high-end brochures Based in Ashburn, Virginia, Patrick is 18 licensed in both Virginia and is prepared buying selling,” says. “That personal goes a longand way.” byheads professional photography, virtual tours, and floorplans ny. For years, he tracked theMaryland, intricacies Under banner of Long & Foster Real Estate, Lilian primarily ates local buzz by taking out print ads in l serving clients across boththe states. He a tightknit Whitmore got her stays start inand the interactive Michelle Wilson got her flo sta for every listing. customized packages erent to one of life’s biggestteam transitions, Northern Virginia works with thetoRenee area’s Danish Just Listed cards, enjoying premium vi that includes two licensedserves assistants that ensure every and detailoften in Norm’s To give back hismarketing local community, Patrick active among real estate business back in 2002, while immersive estate back in 1999magazine at theim ag transaction is accounted for. community, To date, Patrick has managed to earn histhe congregation and also volunteers through community bible particularly relocating to vast the greater D.C. publications like Washingtonian also takethose into account influence ofarea. social media, e region and its residents. aEventually, she still in college and searching social media, of his business through repeat and referraland clientele, demoneducation efforts. Inwas his remaining free hours beyond the office, teen. Intrigued the industry In considering her professional Lilian cites personal Journal. Broker open houses,by public open h listings enjoyapproach, high visibility across platforms, while nversations with a real estate90% agent who strating his staying power as an agent who keeps his professional most enjoys quality time spentsites, with his wife At andpotential, children. He for herattitude professional foray. the time, wide audience sheis community, walked intowhil he integrity, straightforward and a positive draw interest from the local making acommunication, splash on hethe leading digital listing as m to put his people skills and entreprepromises. For his part, Patrick describes his professional philosophy alsodate. an avid fan, in the process of taking flight lessons, as the leading drivers of her success “I aviation always treatiswhether my listings the global market through her N estate office in Browns Mills, her future mother-in-law some area publicati well. Throughout the to transactional process, buy- toneeded the test. Today, Norm heads his own as one steeped in personal connections, detail work, and exceeding and happens to be a major collector of RC planes and helicopters clients the way ing I would want toNorm’s be treated and position conduct business alongside in Christie’s International. All told and never looked back. “Th summertime herhasreal with prospecti orinselling, default is one of assistance honesty, t includes his wife, Julie Ann, averhisand clients’ expectations. “I take a personal interest my clients models. by the Golden Rule,” Lilian says. “I go above and beyond to make precedes her, andpassion her detail-oriented approar the began,” Michelle acting as dependable and straightforward counsel. “I’m sales closed annually, with aand goalalways of 100 estate practice, and Renee spent those go above and beyond my call of duty and responsibilisure Ieveryone ishonest I havehe aImagining very Likeconsistent results more aIthan three decades “Since then, have been bless toand a hours fault,” says.good “I don’t holdofback and I’m a 18. Over the course of his career, Norm says. “Every Sunday ties,” Patrick sit down for ahappy couple of theattitude.” future his months business, Patrick hopes todaybuild intervening learning thefor Beyond the d wise, Lilian focuses on bringing energy and enthusiasm to one measure.” Nineteen years late RENEE WHITMORE MICHELLE WILSON NORM PULLEN and reach out to previous clients just to talk and check in—not even team of likeminded real estate professionals in the years to come. firm believer in telling my clientsto-day what they need hear, ed a forthright reputation for integrity, ropes of to life as an agent. During summate go-g of life’s most challenging milestones. Clients remember her has forthem To give back, partners few organ isLilian inlicense command of a aflourishing real estate necessarily. Oftentimes, we become friends, and Considering his business nearly doubled year-over-year, he with not what they want toRenee hear. It’s about giving true, ice, and a commitment to about his clients’ her senior year, was encouraged to pursue her housing own driven by the work ethic, personable nature, and ability to deliver hard results. providing to vulnerable communitie friends keep in touch. That’s the way you grow and thrive in this hopes to pass along his ethos to future colleagues, citing an eye has earned a host of accolades honest informationand so that the results can show at the end of the day.” gain an early foothold in the industry. Fourteen years later, for myself,” sh She’sand also amassed a great deal of diverse work over Jewel House and YouthPresident’s for Tomorrow, whic business: become a lifelong friend a trusted advisor.” for detail andexperience a way, personal touch asCentury the keys to his outstanding including 21’s coveted Producer has built aa principled career Patrick and reputation, basedwhat onexperiencing the Renee also va success thus of far.transactional Finally, S. Adu considers appeals the decades and lendsRenee her expertise to variety dren and teenagers homelessne four years she has established a principled Within their Roanoke Norm and when Julie aretorunning. activeand in Today, apersonal Roanoke Valley, specificallyWhen the Roanoke Salem it comes toand listing properties, Patrick isassemblage, thorough andcommunity, begins to him itAnn comes world of real estate. “Beyond tenets of communication, professionalism, connectown thatfollo upl types—land zoning for most builders, subdividing, new the years, Lilian has also helpedand in proven relocation re for insightful service, personal connection, variety of local organizations, including the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts rns roughly 80% of his business through repeat and a home by making his way through with a prospective buyer’s real estate, only two I love more: minister, tion. “I’ve never looked back,” she remembers. localDenmark. Harrison construction and more. “What I love most aboutthere this are industry are things moving to the I’m areaafrom her native ofchallenges America. stayDoing involved inand their and To keep clients coming back, Normon cites solidforwork mindset: the hunt reasons to make theThey purchase. so that my church service to God is participate number hours one;inthen comes family,” thenot and opportunities come your way toalso do big outside themy office, Liliancurrently most enjoys thequ serving the greater helps Patrick discern the steps necessary to properly ready aashome he says. “BeyondPrimarily that, I really, really love what IFredericksburg do and I get a region, Michel charitable events, such a local golf fundraiser supporting a scholarty as two of the foremost drivers of his success to things,” Lilian says. “I’ve been able to do all types of transactions her husband, traveling back to Denmark, and Today, primarily the Harrisonburg and D business togreater theachieve level and formed the Michelle Wilsonof Re for market. “By becoming most audience, I’m ableRenee to and total fromserves helping others the American Dream of the Board shipcritical at the nearby high an high upcoming sponsorship ofnext a fun a strong support group in our clients,” Norm says.theduring my career, andRockingham I loveschool, the excitement of being part of those and grandson in California. County regions under the banner of Old Dominion and fundraises help prepare listings in even the smallest ways. As a result, they sell homeownership.” in 2018. Over the course of her lengthy career, she’s also m : it’s not enough to have happy clients; it about hav- Color Run at the local elementary. In his free hours, Norm most enjoys
4) EMBRACING SMART 19) 4 EASY WAYS TO HOMES DOES new NEW REDECORATE YOURofOFFICE developments.” Realty. In addition having earned the designations Graduate establish 95% of her business through repeatfree andhours, referralshc with his wife andtotwo children. about going above and beyond. When you commit spending quality time Looking ahead, Lilian Jorgenson has no p TECHNOLOGY REALLY THAT WILL BOOST MORALE of the Realtor Institute, Broker, and Accredited Buyer’s Represenfrom spending glowing testament to her track record of success as an agent ts go above and beyond for you. We live in a small, To keep in touch with her wide network of past clients, Lilian hosts anytime soon. For now, she’ll continue build ering her professional approach, Michelle credits tative, Renee has also managed to cultivate 80% of her business growth in theths Considering what’s next, has plans to continue growing his legacy busi- she’s so diligently carved outquality unity and we’re very involved. I always have my cli- a yearly Christmas party in Norm the tradition her Danish ancestry. over INCREASE HOME VALUE? &of IMPRESS CLIENTS relationships as some offeat the that hallmarks of her workin through repeat and referral lasting clientele—an unequivocal
all the while maintaining theguests superlative service his years in the business. s in mind.” What’s more, Norm and Julie Ann work Forness the mindfully, last forty years, she’s hosted 300 to 400 annually ty-three phy. “Quality at the forefront I do, the lasting impression upon isclients. What’s of everything Looking ahead ely-tuned operation that take to heart their clients’ clients have comedemonstrates to rely upon. Additionally, Norm hopesmade to Service further “We’ve also developed lasting relationships and see more, approach decidedly customized forgoes the and always reaching the Renee’s aim of bringing on is likeminded agents as his and e accordingly. “We’re diligent, do good work, and grow his team, with I’vebuilding had licensed assistant workinghometown, alongside me one-size-fits-all inthrough. favor things of a more tailored shs flourish. “One ofapproach the most important weacan ciplines in place—the rest follows. If you only focus venture continues to and together we have a seamless system in place to take as agents is“It’s to provide solidconnection,” and sound informaaspect of this business, you can only go so far. It’s do for the community relationship. all about Renee says. “I work sellers in herac from contract to close. Along the way, we address any issu tion for their investments,” heto says. about writing a contract, eople.” really hard find“It’s thatnot common denominator between me and my steadily while face and pave the way for clients to have exceptional experi it’s about having the knowledge, and to drive to guide cli- their needs are, clients. I listencommitment, and do my best figure out what she has built h more about Patrick S. Adu ents learn through what is the best investment for them.” with their ever-expanding network of past clientele, To what they love to do, and what sortit of places they’ll love to live sh When comes to keeping in touch with hersiders wide what network is team’s approach this way: “Good manners, social visit, email, as a result. I connect with them on their own level. It’s really all the real estate takes a about systematic approach that speaks to her diligence reflects upon what he enjoys most his chot of everything,” he says. From holiday cards and Finally, Norm Pullen about relationship building and that’s why come Always back. Toemphasizing are so many th Phone 888-461-3930 | Fax 310-751-7068 nizational skillsclients ashere. an agent. the imp call (571) 340 – 9003, or visit his Facebook page serves. like “It’sfriends a great or thrill to be able to run into to social media check-ins and running into familiar sen field: the people me,hethey’re family.” people and so follow-through, Michelle is sure to touch base with client To learn about Lilian Jorgenson see them happy,” he says.more “It’s so rewarding to help n—Norm and Julie Ann stay top-of-mind by forging our past clients Top Agent Magazine locations,” she | and ular basis toCopyright keep connections strong for the long haul. As through one of the biggest financial investments of their lifet connections with those they serve. When it comes people visit, orgorgeous callfrom (703) When email it, to listing property, Renee’s approach is multifacland properties, Michelle’s process is Agent comprehensive star No portion of this issuebelieve may be anythem manner consent of the publisher. Top times, andinhelp havewhatsoever fun doing it.without There’sprior nothing more gratifying y, Norm leaves no stone unturned. “I don’t inreproduced She tailors her marketing andaccount presentationsides strategy base eted. “Curb appeal begins online,” Renee explains. To and som pproach,” he explains. Listingsisbegin with an than having GA, true Inc. fansAlthough in your corner who areare thankful forensure how you’ve Magazine published by honest Feature Publications precautions taken to the accuracy of published home’s unique features standing, while this, walkthroughs of each home and priormarket to marderful to each have Copyright Top been lend afor hand. Toshe me,conducts there’s nothing better.” clients to set expectations andTop discuss to appro-cannot materials, Agenttips Magazine beable heldtoresponsible for opinions expressed or facts supplied by high its authors. showcased alongside quality professional photography ket to spot opportunities for refreshing or decluttering. Then, handiwork. I l To subscribe or change address, send inquiry to active 3D Matterport technology to make an alluring first i once a home is show-ready, she enlists professional photography, our communit Published in the U.S. Then, she takes to social media with targeted spot marketi
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Embracing Smart Homes:
Does New Technology Really Increase Home Value? Technology and innovation move at a lightning-fast clip, so it can be hard to keep up with all the smart-home trends sweeping the market at a given time. From smart thermostats to security systems accessed through an app on your phone—there are endless options to customize and update your home for the modern era. But which, if any, of these smart home products add 4
value to property in a significant, worthwhile capacity? Especially with new generations of the same products released in quick succession, it can be hard to determine whether it’s worth it to take the plunge. With that in mind, we’ve conducted a deep-dive into the smart home options out there that make the most sense for your bottom line and real estate investments.
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Smart home amenities range in price and return. There are certain smart home products that won’t break the bank while still adding lovely touches and time-saving features to your space. For instance, a smart thermostat may not run more than a few hundred dollars, but it can take so much of the guesswork and analog nuisance out of programming your home’s internal environment. That said, buyers selling properties with mid-range amenities like this can’t expect a windfall in return. While smart home features can certainly lure buyers and give the sense that a home is attractively modern (and thus move-in ready), it doesn’t mean that you’ll be reaping a sizable monetary reward for your foresight. Conversely, this reality doesn’t mean those smart options
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are without value entirely; it just means that the value of smart home options may be apparent in a different capacity, like luring a particular buyer or creating a desirable, sleek image for a property headed to market. On the other hand, larger scale smart home amenities that are being left behind for the buyer—like a smart refrigerator or wired sound throughout the property—may be able to lure particular buyers who value high-end details. While it can be difficult to state definitively the value of smart home options, the rule tends to be that the more you put in, the higher the likelihood you’ll reap the investment you sow. Focus your smart home options on home appliances first, then work your way toward security, thermostat, and entertainment options.
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Smart home amenities capture the attention of buyers
Agents must know how to pitch the value of smart home options
Even if you have mostly opted for small or mid-range smart home options, you can still benefit from their presence in a property—even if they don’t inflate your bottom line as a result. Smart home amenities have the power to focus the attention of buyers, sending a clear signal that the previous owners were tech-forward and made an effort to upgrade the property for the contemporary era. Millennial or Gen Z buyers especially value these up-to-date modifications, and the presence of these desirable gadgets can create added interest and drive up value naturally. Likewise, featuring these options in listing photography can also drive interest from younger or high-end buyers looking for move-in ready spaces.
Remember that smart home features are relatively fresh to the market. While some new construction properties are equipped with these smart amenities, just as many homes on the market don’t offer these upgrades and modern flairs. This means that many buyers, of all ages even, aren’t familiar with the benefits and perks of these options, let alone how they’re operated. Before you can derive value from a smart home or smart home features, you’ll need to understand a product’s proper usage, cost, and benefits. Do your homework regarding what smart home features can offer in terms time or cost savings, and be able to show prospective buyers how easy these objects are to use, as well. Do both, and you’ll be in proper command of what smart home features can offer buyers and pitch them accordingly.
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Helen Merjos For Helen Merjos, real estate is a platform to serve her clients, community, and world at large. “Every transaction has some sort of purpose, each one unfolding like a story.” This Virginia Beach top producer has a gift for reaching people, whether helping first time buyers find the right house or using real estate to fund churches worldwide.
other departments, and led her sales team to the top in domestic and international sales.
She left Corporate America to spend time with her family and raise her children, Peter now 22, and Elena, 17, which are her greatest blessings. After fourteen years of marriage, and a new season in her life, she launched a career in commercial sales. “I had a real heart for real estate and loved Helen is grateful for her Greek every aspect,” she shares. heritage father and mother for teaching her a strong work ethic. After a few years, she expanded into Her father was an entrepreneurial the residential market, multi-family business real estate investor, which and luxury sales. When the economy is where her love of real estate began. was in a downturn, she decided to She spent her summers working join Benham Real Estate Group, a in the family theme park business. faith-based brokerage, also sharing Following college, she worked for her core values, of being faithful in Omni Hotels in Virginia Beach, as the little things and bringing value to Sales Manager to Director of Sales, all you do. She expanded to REOs always willing to lend a hand to and foreclosures, which added to 8 Copyright Top Agent Magazine
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I started in real estate as a single mom in a job that was 100% commission, which took total faith, hard work and perseverance. This business is not for the faint at heart, and all about helping others turn their dreams into a reality.� Top Agent Magazine
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her portfolio of diversity, that has included everything from vacant land, multifamily, relocation and military buyers to high end waterfront properties. She also enjoys her investor clients that work on rehabs, to beautify neighborhoods, and give first time buyers a chance to own beautiful refurbished homes. Helen’s mission is to be where Integrity Meets Service and has assembled a professional team to best serve her clients. That team includes everyone from photographer, various inspectors, to a great mortgage and 10 Copyright Top Agent Magazine
title company all working together. “Everyone chips in to help. It is like a well-oiled machine with communication and attention to detail being the key in every transaction� she says. Outside of real estate, Helen is active in Wave Church and her passion for serving others extends from her local community to globally. Along with dear friends, Peggy and Toby, they flip homes with 100% of proceeds going to build churches. They were able to fund churches in India and Tanzania in tandem with ICM, that have Top Agent Magazine
creative ways of building thousands leave a legacy for my children and of churches around the world. generations. “I wanted my children to learn the value of doing something Last year, Helen was honored to of purpose in this life, to give back help A21, that is helping abolish to their community and be world human trafficking. With other changers. members of her church, Helen went to Thessaloniki Greece on a Faith and glorifying God is important mission trip to gather knowledge to Helen. “I started in real estate as a and walk the path of those who single mom in a job that was 100% had been smuggled in from other commission, which took total faith, countries. She along with others hard work and perseverance. This contribute funds to help A21 raise business is not for the faint at heart, awareness, rescue victims, educate and all about helping others turn airport officials, and bring justice their dreams into a reality. Whatever to the traffickers. “I wanted to you sow, you’ll reap.” Top Agent Magazine
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“At the end of the day, we need to have a heart of a servant. This takes humility, honor, and above all else, unconditional love. You’ve got to love people to be in this industry and
see things from their perspective and vision. Real estate is my passion and purpose to reach people and make a difference.”
For more information on Helen Merjos | (757) 715-2775 12 Copyright Top Agent Magazine
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The Daily Schedule
of a Successful Real Estate Agent Everything you do should be intentional. A busy schedule isn’t the same thing as a productive schedule. Sometimes people write things like “find clients” on their to-do list, but finding clients isn’t actually a task. It’s a goal. Your daily schedule should be created with your goal in mind if you want to be a successful real estate agent, but a goal is too broad to add to your calendar. Instead, you can break your goal down into projects, break those projects down into tasks, and schedule time in your calendar to complete each task. You’ll find that some of these projects will have an immediate impact on your business, and that those are the tasks that should be completed first. Top Agent Magazine
The fact is that as a real estate agent you can set your own schedule—if you’re not productive until 10am, then you don’t have to start your day until then. But having a daily schedule means that every day you have a running start on all those other agents who just “wing it.” You don’t want to feel burned out and busy but like you’re simultaneously not getting a whole lot done. You can only keep up 70+ hour weeks for so long before your body breaks down and both your performance and income drop as a result. Since every real estate agent’s operating hours look different, the following daily schedule is broken up by the suggested amount of hours you
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should spend on each task rather than specific times of day. However, certain tasks, like prospecting, appointments, and listing presentations should be performed at times when it’s most convenient for clients. If you’re an agent who likes to end their workday at 5 o’clock, remember that this is also the same time your clients are likely ending their day, meaning you might be unavailable for showings during the only time their schedule allows.
3.5 hours – This is that time of day that you should schedule all your appointments and listing presentations. If you are a newer agent, you might use this time instead to do more prospecting and appointment setting.
1 hour – Spend this time waking up, exercising either at home or at the gym, and eating breakfast.
2 hours – Now it’s time to unwind. Use this time to have dinner and spend time with you family. If you have children, this is usually the time of day when they are wrapping up homework assignments and getting ready for bed. It’s important that you make time for these moments the same way you make time for your work.
2 hours – Use this time before you head to the office to develop a morning routine, if you haven’t already. You can meditate, journal, practice affirmations, or read personal development books to prepare for the day ahead. 1 hour – Once you’re at the office, spend this time to review the day’s schedule, catch up with your assistant or other colleagues, and check the latest industry news. This is also the time of day that you can role play to prepare for appointments. 1.5 hours – Spend this time prospecting and appointment setting. 1 hour – Now it’s time for a lunch break. If you’re a multitasker, you can also use this time to prepare for the afternoon and any meetings you have scheduled or connect with followers on social media.
.5 hours – Look over the day’s schedule again and ensure you’ve checked every task off your to-do list. While you’re at it, be sure to review tomorrow’s schedule and goals too.
2 hours – Spend these last couple hours before you fall asleep to have quality time with your spouse or perform your self-care routines. 8 hours – Now it’s time for sleep—getting a full night’s rest is crucial if you want every day to be productive. As you can tell, there’s still some wiggle room left in this schedule, but the important thing is to block out time every day so you can achieve your goals and help your clients.
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PATRICK S. ADU Patrick S. Adu always recognized the potential of the real estate industry. At age nineteen, he purchased his first property and so began his interest in the business. Roughly ten years ago, Patrick finally decided to put his entrepreneurial spirit to the test and earn his license. Since then, he’s carved out an intrepid track record for dependable counsel and service that shines in the details. Over the years, he’s also earned a variety of accolades and awards for his service, including the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors’ Multi-Million Dollar Club designation, and as a five-year recipient of the Multi-Million Dollar Residential Top Producer award and the Multi-Million Dollar Lifetime Top Producer award. Based in Ashburn, Virginia, Patrick is licensed in both Virginia and Maryland, serving clients across both states. He heads a tightknit team that includes two licensed assistants that ensure every detail in a transaction is accounted for. To date, Patrick has managed to earn 90% of his business through repeat and referral clientele, demonstrating his staying power as an agent who keeps his professional promises. For his part, Patrick describes his professional philosophy as one steeped in personal connections, detail work, and exceeding his clients’ expectations. “I take a personal interest in my clients and always go above and beyond my call of duty and responsibilities,” Patrick says. “Every Sunday I sit down for a couple of hours and reach out to previous clients just to talk and check in—not even about real estate necessarily. Oftentimes, we become friends, and friends keep in touch. That’s the way you grow and thrive in this business: become a lifelong friend and a trusted advisor.” When it comes to listing properties, Patrick is thorough and begins by making his way through a home with a prospective buyer’s mindset: on the hunt for reasons not to make the purchase. Doing so helps Patrick discern the steps necessary to properly ready a home for market. “By becoming the most critical audience, I’m able to help prepare listings in even the smallest ways. As a result, they sell
faster,” he says. Likewise, Patrick recognizes where his skills are best utilized. Instead of trying to do it all alone, he incorporates the talents of professional photographers, videographers, and designers to create compelling marketing collateral. “I’m good at what I do, but I stay in my lane. I deal with clients when it comes to communicating, and it’s on the back-end that I coordinate others on my clients’ behalves.” In addition to open houses, Patrick also makes use of social media and the leading digital listing platforms to ensure wide-ranging exposure online. Accordingly, Patrick has spearheaded hundreds of transactions over the years and draws upon a deep well of knowledge when it comes to buying or listing property. “It’s my goal to make clients feel at ease in the process, whether they are buying or selling,” he says. “That personal touch goes a long way.” To give back to his local community, Patrick stays active among his congregation and also volunteers through community bible education efforts. In his remaining free hours beyond the office, he most enjoys quality time spent with his wife and children. He is also an avid aviation fan, is in the process of taking flight lessons, and happens to be a major collector of RC planes and helicopters models. Imagining the future of his business, Patrick hopes to build a team of likeminded real estate professionals in the years to come. Considering his business has nearly doubled year-over-year, he hopes to pass along his ethos to future colleagues, citing an eye for detail and a personal touch as the keys to his outstanding success thus far. Finally, Patrick S. Adu considers what appeals most to him when it comes to the world of real estate. “Beyond real estate, there are only two things I love more: I’m a minister, and my service to God is number one; then comes my family,” he says. “Beyond that, I really, really love what I do and I get a total high from helping others achieve the American Dream of homeownership.”
To learn more about Patrick S. Adu visit, email, call (571) 340 – 9003, or visit his Facebook page here. www.
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LILIAN JORGENSON Lilian Jorgenson’s career in real estate stretches back to 1985, when she first witnessed the limitless potential of the industry and decided to earn her license. Since then, she’s established a masterful career that includes over 2,100 homes sold, to the tune of over $1.5 billion in volume. In other words, she’s averaged at least one sale per week, every week for thirty-two years. Beyond the numbers, Lilian has also garnered praise for her professional aptitude and commitment, regularly recognized as one of the top producing agents of the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors and as the top producing solo agent in her entire company’s Mid-Atlantic market. Under the banner of Long & Foster Real Estate, Lilian primarily serves Northern Virginia and often works with the area’s Danish community, particularly those relocating to the greater D.C. area. In considering her professional approach, Lilian cites personal integrity, straightforward communication, and a positive attitude as the leading drivers of her success to date. “I always treat my clients the way I would want to be treated and conduct business by the Golden Rule,” Lilian says. “I go above and beyond to make sure everyone is happy and I have a very good attitude.” Likewise, Lilian focuses on bringing energy and enthusiasm to one of life’s most challenging milestones. Clients remember her for work ethic, personable nature, and ability to deliver hard results. She’s also amassed a great deal of diverse work experience over the decades and lends her expertise to a variety of transactional types—land assemblage, zoning for builders, subdividing, new construction and more. “What I love most about this industry are the challenges and opportunities that come your way to do big things,” Lilian says. “I’ve been able to do all types of transactions during my career, and I love the excitement of being part of those new developments.” To keep in touch with her wide network of past clients, Lilian hosts a yearly Christmas party in the tradition of her Danish ancestry. For the last forty years, she’s hosted 300 to 400 guests annually
to celebrate the holiday, enjoy homemade treats, and reconnect at the end of each year. As for listing properties, Lilian holds the number one spot in her agency and leaves no detail unaccounted for. She begins by completing an honest assessment of a client’s property, advising them on the steps necessary to properly prepare a home for market. “It’s important to be truthful about what clients have to do versus what would be ideal,” Lilian says. In that vein, she helps homes take on a refreshed luster, highlighting all the details that demonstrate a property’s optimal value. “By now, I know what it takes to get a house sold,” she says. Her methods include professional photography and work completed by a graphic artist who creates 3D floorplans and high-end brochures. Then, Lilian generates local buzz by taking out print ads in local papers, mailing Just Listed cards, and enjoying premium visibility in prominent publications like Washingtonian magazine and The Wall Street Journal. Broker open houses, public open houses, and fliers also draw interest from the local community, while Lilian also exposes listings to the global market through her company’s leverage alongside Christie’s International. All told, Lilian’s reputation precedes her, and her detail-oriented approach has been yielding consistent results for more than three decades. To give back, Lilian partners with a few organizations that focus on providing housing to vulnerable communities in need, including Jewel House and Youth for Tomorrow, which both support children and teenagers experiencing homelessness. For the last thirty years, Lilian has also helped in relocation rental efforts for those moving to the area from her native Denmark. In her remaining free hours outside the office, Lilian most enjoys quality time spent with her husband, traveling back to Denmark, and visiting her daughter and grandson in California. Looking ahead, Lilian Jorgenson has no plans to slow down anytime soon. For now, she’ll continue building upon the strident legacy she’s so diligently carved out over the course of her thirty-three years in the business.
To learn more about Lilian Jorgenson visit, email, or call (703) 407 - 0766 www.
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NORM PULLEN After graduating from Virginia Tech, Norm Pullen earned his first exposure to the real estate industry while running a moving company. For years, he tracked the intricacies and emotions inherent to one of life’s biggest transitions, while learning the region and its residents. Eventually, he engaged in conversations with a real estate agent who encouraged Norm to put his people skills and entrepreneurial spirit to the test. Today, Norm heads his own tightknit team that includes his wife, Julie Ann, and averages roughly 75+ sales closed annually, with a goal of 100 sales closed in 2018. Over the course of his career, Norm has also established a forthright reputation for integrity, personalized service, and a commitment to his clients’ lasting successes.
priately ready a home for market. Then, a competitive market analysis is prepared for each property, followed by professional photography, virtual tours, and floorplans for every listing. Norm’s customized marketing packages also take into account the vast influence of social media, and listings enjoy high visibility across platforms, while making a splash on the leading digital listing sites, as well. Throughout the transactional process, whether buying or selling, Norm’s default position is one of honesty, acting as dependable and straightforward counsel. “I’m honest to a fault,” he says. “I don’t hold back and I’m a firm believer in telling my clients what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. It’s about giving them true, honest information so that the results can show at the end of the day.”
Primarily serving Roanoke Valley, specifically the Roanoke and Salem regions, Norm earns roughly 80% of his business through repeat and referral clientele. To keep clients coming back, Norm cites solid work habits and honesty as two of the foremost drivers of his success to date. “We have a strong support group in our clients,” Norm says. “I’ve always said: it’s not enough to have happy clients; it about having true fans, it’s about going above and beyond. When you commit to that, then clients go above and beyond for you. We live in a small, close-knit community and we’re very involved. I always have my clients’ best interests in mind.” What’s more, Norm and Julie Ann work together as a finely-tuned operation that take to heart their clients’ goals and execute accordingly. “We’re diligent, do good work, and have strategic disciplines in place—the rest follows. If you only focus on the monetary aspect of this business, you can only go so far. It’s really about the people.”
Within their Roanoke community, Norm and Julie Ann are active in a variety of local organizations, including the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America. They stay involved in their church and also participate in charitable events, such as a local golf fundraiser supporting a scholarship at the nearby high school, and an upcoming sponsorship of a fun Color Run at the local elementary. In his free hours, Norm most enjoys spending quality time with his wife and two children.
To keep in touch with their ever-expanding network of past clientele, Norm describes his team’s approach this way: “Good manners, social media, a little bit of everything,” he says. From holiday cards and monthly mailers to social media check-ins and running into familiar faces around town—Norm and Julie Ann stay top-of-mind by forging natural, consistent connections with those they serve. When it comes to listing property, Norm leaves no stone unturned. “I don’t believe in a cookie-cutter approach,” he explains. Listings begin with an honest conversation with clients to set expectations and discuss tips to appro-
Considering what’s next, Norm has plans to continue growing his business mindfully, all the while maintaining the superlative service his clients have come to rely upon. Additionally, Norm hopes to further grow his team, with the aim of bringing on likeminded agents as his venture continues to flourish. “One of the most important things we can do for the community as agents is to provide solid and sound information for their investments,” he says. “It’s not about writing a contract, it’s about having the knowledge, commitment, and drive to guide clients through what is the best investment for them.” Finally, Norm Pullen reflects upon what he enjoys most about his chosen field: the people he serves. “It’s a great thrill to be able to run into our past clients and see them happy,” he says. “It’s so rewarding to help people through one of the biggest financial investments of their lifetimes, and help them have fun doing it. There’s nothing more gratifying than having true fans in your corner who are thankful for how you’ve been able to lend a hand. To me, there’s nothing better.”
To learn more about Norm Pullen call (540) 330 – 6906, email, visit, or visit his Facebook at www.
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4 Easy Ways to Redecorate Your Office that Will Boost Morale & Impress Clients Your office is a battle-station of sorts. It’s where you field business, launch your communications, and make the magic of your enterprise happen on a daily basis. While you’ll certainly need to have all the functional elements of an office in order to get your work done—desk, chair, internet—have you really considered the physical environment you’ve cultivated in the process? Think of it this way: working all day in a windowless, poorly lit room Top Agent Magazine
wouldn’t exactly inspire productivity or morale, would it? The fact is humans take all sorts of social, behavioral, and emotional cues from our environments. And as a real estate professional, you likely already understand the power of the visual and the benefits of making a good impression. With all that in mind, how can you redecorate or retool your
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office space in a way that will boost your mood, productivity, and client relationships? For inspiration, here are a few tips to keep in mind as you consider the ambiance and environment in which you conduct business.
1. A little goes a long way Redecorating your office space doesn’t have to break the bank. Style and décor are often about tiny details adding up to make an overall impression. For instance, paint color, plant life, and lighting are all straightforward ways to rejuvenate a room without spending a fortune. Have dark, drab walls? Consider springing for a lighter, fresher color that will breathe new life into your space. Have bare window sills or empty corners? Buying and potting a few low-maintenance plants like ferns or succulents can add freshness and pops of color to a sparse room. Rely on fluorescent lighting? Consider sprucing up your space with a few well-chosen floor and table lamps that add accents of taste while warming up the tone in your office. A few intuitively placed items can inspire renewed energy.
2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle One way to make a big change in your office environment without spending a penny is to declutter and reorder. Let’s say you have rows upon rows of crowded, bulky filing cabinets. Try digitizing your records and cut the clutter, opening up square footage in the process. Maybe your desk has faced the same wall for years. Have you considered rearranging your existing furniture and décor? Just by reorganizing the flow of your workspace, you can give your office the cheapest face-lift possible. You can also make work areas flow more intuitively, based on the processes and collaboration you’ve adapted to over time. 20
3. Think like a client Imagine you’re walking into the office for the first time. As a client, what details would stick out? What red flags would come to mind? While you’re used to working in the same space every day, clients are coming into your office with no set expectations. With that in mind, complete a walkthrough of your office area to address eye sores, clutter, and whatever feels unprofessional or amateur. Half the battle of redecorating your space is finding opportunities and seeing things anew, instead of being content with the status quo.
4. Build out your brand Redecorating your space is about aesthetics, but it’s also about creating a unifying setting for your professional brand. If you’re catering to luxury clientele, it makes sense that your office space should appear elegant, high-end, and sophisticated. If you’re selling second homes out in the country, perhaps a more rugged but well-curated ambiance would set the right tone for your services. Maybe you’re courting the Millennial market or touting your tech-forward approach to real estate. In that case, a modern, sleek, progressive layout would speak to your company’s values and culture. Whatever the case may be, think of your office environment as an extension of your brand that communicates with clients, motivates your team, and sets the tone for your day-to-day operations. Even if decorating isn’t exactly in your wheelhouse, there are plenty of simple and philosophical shifts you can make to your space that will maximize your presence and productivity. What’s more, real estate is a business built on relationships—so it doesn’t hurt to create an office where clients are comfortable and confident in the environment you’ve built.
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RENEE WHITMORE Renee Whitmore got her start in the real estate business back in 2002, while she was still in college and searching for her professional foray. At the time, her future mother-in-law needed some summertime assistance in her real estate practice, and Renee spent those intervening months learning the dayto-day ropes of life as an agent. During her senior year, Renee was encouraged to pursue her own license and gain an early foothold in the industry. Fourteen years later, Renee has built a principled career and reputation, based on the tenets of communication, professionalism, and personal connection. “I’ve never looked back,” she remembers. Today, Renee primarily serves the greater Harrisonburg and Rockingham County regions under the banner of Old Dominion Realty. In addition to having earned the designations of Graduate of the Realtor Institute, Broker, and Accredited Buyer’s Representative, Renee has also managed to cultivate 80% of her business through repeat and referral clientele—an unequivocal feat that demonstrates the lasting impression made upon clients. What’s more, Renee’s approach is decidedly customized and forgoes the one-size-fits-all approach in favor of building a more tailored relationship. “It’s all about connection,” Renee says. “I work really hard to find that common denominator between me and my clients. I listen and do my best to figure out what their needs are, what they love to do, and what sort of places they’ll love to live as a result. I connect with them on their own level. It’s really all about relationship building and that’s why clients come back. To me, they’re like friends or family.” When it comes to listing property, Renee’s approach is multifaceted. “Curb appeal begins online,” Renee explains. To account for this, she conducts walkthroughs of each home prior to market to spot opportunities for refreshing or decluttering. Then, once a home is show-ready, she enlists professional photography,
interactive floorplans, and sneak-peek video tours to make an immersive impression online. From there, she takes to the MLS, social media, and the leading online listing platforms to reach a wide audience. She also stirs up local buzz through advertising in area publications and creating high-end brochures that go home with prospective buyers. Beyond the day-to-day facets of her work, Renee is also a consummate go-getter and problem-solver, a professional who is driven by the prospect of a challenge. “I like to set lofty goals for myself,” she admits. Beyond her strong entrepreneurial streak, Renee also values her community and plays several roles around town that uplift the area at large. She’s long been active in the local Harrisonburg-Rockingham Association of Realtors and is currently the organization’s President Elect. She also serves on the Board of Directors for Valley Fellowship of Christian Athletes and fundraises for the Harrisonburg Free Clinic. In her remaining free hours, she most enjoys family life and the great outdoors— from spending time with her son to kayaking and exploring new growth in the area. Looking ahead, Renee has plans to continue growing her business and reaching new heights, year over year. As a champion of her hometown, she’s proud to lend her efforts to aspiring buyers and sellers in her community. In the future, she has ambitions to grow steadily while maintaining the customized, boutique-level service she has built her reputation upon. Finally, Renee Whitmore considers what she cherishes most about her fourteen-year tenure in the real estate business, from the technical to the personal. “There are so many things that I love about this job—from meeting new people and solving problems, to exploring beautiful homes and locations,” she reflects. “Here in the Shenandoah Valley, we have gorgeous landscapes everywhere you look, with mountains on all sides and some of the most beautiful communities. It’s really wonderful to have a career when you can step back and witness God’s handiwork. I love sharing with others all the things I love about our community.”
To learn more about Renee Whitmore email, visit call (540) 271 – 2518, or visit her Facebook page here. www.
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5 Things You Can Do To Achieve Your Biggest Goals If there’s one thing successful people can agree on, it’s that setting goals has been key to their success. Whether you’re creating a five year plan or just settling on what you want to achieve by the end of the day, setting goals gives you the focus and direction you need to complete even the biggest tasks. But there is a method to setting them. It’s a process that takes careful thought and consideration up front, which is then combined with the hard work necessary to implement your plan. Luckily there are proven methods to goal setting that you can start using immediately. 1. MAKE YOUR GOALS SPECIFIC Yes, it’s fun to think in grand terms of where you want to end up in life and in your career, but it’s better to have a specific goal like “Increase my sales by 25%”, than “Get rich.” When a goal is clear and specific, it allows you to figure out the exact steps you need to take to accomplish it. The more general it is, the more paralyzed you might be when it comes to figuring out what to do since, the choices may be overwhelming. 2. MAKE IT ATTAINABLE Making attainable goals might seem boring, I mean afterall, you want to dream big! But you don’t want to suffer through the disappointment of not reaching your goal, something that may not even be possible at this stage in your life to begin with. One solution to that is creating goal levels. You can have the dream goal, but underneath that you have the realistic goals that are setting up a foundation for achieving the big one. Things that are attainable still take work and effort to achieve. Those small victories will keep you motivated and encouraged to go for the bigger dreams. And don’t forget, those 22
little goals may have been things you wouldn’t have gotten done if you didn’t set out to achieve them, so be proud! 3. PUT A PLAN OF ACTION IN WRITING Your plan of action should include daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. There is something about seeing things in writing and crossing them off the list that is oddly satisfying.The daily goals are especially important in regards to building up those good habits. The first few weeks of your plan of action are critical when it comes to your long term success. Reaching a goal is something you are doing every day, all throughout the day, in numerous ways. Achieving goals is all about creating good new habits. 4. MAKE IT MEASURABLE This is key, since you definitely want to reward yourself for a job well done, and having a goal that is measurable in some way is a sure way to know. Maybe it’s to increase your lead generation or to cut expenses, whatever the case, have a measurable test you need to meet, as well as a time frame. Then calculate what you have to do to reach that goal. Not only should your goal be specific, but the plan and the measure of success should also be set in stone. 5. ADJUST AS YOU GO You can have all the best laid plans, and you still might quickly realize that what you thought would help you reach your goal, might not be cutting it. Commitment to reaching your goals is good, but commitment to a plan you know isn’t going to work is not only a waste of time, but will be a devastating blow to your motivation. Sticking to a plan everyday means adjusting it accordingly.
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MICHELLE WILSON Michelle Wilson got her start in real estate back in 1999 at the age of nineteen. Intrigued by the industry’s limitless potential, she walked into her first real estate office in Browns Mills, New Jersey and has never looked back. “That’s where the passion began,” Michelle remembers. “Since then, I have been blessed beyond measure.” Nineteen years later, Michelle is in command of a flourishing career and has earned a host of accolades along the way, including Century 21’s coveted President’s Producer Award for four years running. Today, she has established a principled reputation for insightful service, personal connection, and proven follow-through. Primarily serving the greater Fredericksburg region, Michelle took her business to the next level and formed the Michelle Wilson Realty Group in 2018. Over the course of her lengthy career, she’s also managed to establish 95% of her business through repeat and referral clientele—a glowing testament to her track record of success as an agent. In considering her professional approach, Michelle credits quality service and lasting relationships as some of the hallmarks of her working philosophy. “Quality Service is at the forefront of everything I do,” she says. “We’ve also developed lasting relationships and always see our clients through. I’ve had a licensed assistant working alongside me since 2005, and together we have a seamless system in place to take a transaction from contract to close. Along the way, we address any issues that surface and pave the way for clients to have exceptional experiences.” When it comes to keeping in touch with her wide network, Michelle takes a systematic approach that speaks to her diligence and organizational skills as an agent. Always emphasizing the importance of follow-through, Michelle is sure to touch base with clients on a regular basis to keep connections strong for the long haul. As for listing properties, Michelle’s process is comprehensive from start to finish. She tailors her marketing and presentation strategy based on each home’s unique features and market standing, while each property is showcased alongside high quality professional photography and interactive 3D Matterport technology to make an alluring first impression. Then, she takes to social media with targeted spot marketing promo-
tions to ensure listings enjoy high visibility. Every property headed to market is equipped with a personalized property site, listing video, high-quality brochure, email postcard campaign, Just Listed postcards, and exposure across the leading online listing platforms. All told, Michelle leaves no stone unturned when it comes to capturing the attention of home buyers on the hunt. To give back to her community, Michelle is involved in a variety of civic and charitable organizations close to her heart. For the past eleven years, she’s taken a hands-on role overseeing one of Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity’s largest fundraisers, called Ride Virginia. In 2005, Michelle launched the program Christmas for Adults at the local Thurman Brisben Center, in support of those experiencing homelessness in the community. She also contributes her talents to organize and assist in a variety of collections for the area’s food bank and homeless shelter. “I have volunteered at the local shelter and food bank since I was sixteen years old. I have a passion for anyone in need,” she explains, and her passions have also been recognized by those in the community. Michelle is the recipient of the 2013 FAAR Good Neighbor Award and the 2014 Century 21 New Millennium Community Spirit Award. Looking toward the future, Michelle plans to stay ahead of the industry curve as her business continues to grow. “I am always looking for new and innovative ways to set myself apart to continue to attract clients and sell homes,” Michelle says. “This is one of the many reasons I choose to be affiliated with one of the largest companies in the nation, as Century 21 New Millennium is truly second to none.” Finally, after nearly two decades of experience and service to her community, Michelle reflects upon what she enjoys most about her career. “I love that I meet and interact with new people all the time,” she says. “It’s gratifying when you assist someone in fulfilling a dream. From a personal perspective, I love that what you put in, you get out. The flexibility has afforded me the ability to do all the things I love, and my passions have shifted over the years. In my early years, I loved to break away to do charity work, travel, or run for miles. I still love those things, but I’ve added a love for the freedom to work my schedule around my daughter and creating lasting memories with her.” Now, with a thriving practice in place and steady eye on the road ahead, the future is bound to be bright for Michelle Wilson.
To learn more about Michelle Wilson, visit, email, or call (540) 538 – 5510. www.
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