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The National Youth Service Programme
Promoting Nation Building and Job Creation
The National Youth Service Programme (NYSP) is a government initiative aimed at engaging South African youth in community service activities to strengthen service delivery, promote nation-building, foster social cohesion and to assist the youth to acquire occupational skills necessary to access sustainable livelihood opportunities.
The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) provides a secretarial function to the National Youth Service, which is the single largest service programme for young people in the country.
The NYDA was established to address challenges faced by South Africa’s youth and focuses on economic development through youth entrepreneurship, decent employment through jobs programmes, social cohesion and pathways for economic emancipation through the National Youth Service, and the monitoring and evaluation of the integrated youth development strategy.
Addressing Youth Challenges
The NYDA has developed an Integrated Youth Development Strategy that coordinates programmes to alleviate poverty, generate urban and rural development, combat crime and substance abuse, and alleviate anomie among youth. It also lobbies other organs of state to consider national priorities in respect of youth development. The Agency is taking practical steps to increase youth volunteering because of the benefits that come from involving young South Africans in community service programmes - helping youth break the poverty cycle by facilitating access to decent work and help reduce South Africa’s high unemployment rate.
The Young Patriots Programme (TYPP)
The Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) and the National Youth Development Agency signed a cooperation agreement where the commitment to implement the Young Patriots Programme (TYPP) was established. The TYPP is a National Youth Service (NYS) programme of the DAC.
This programme engages 300 young South Africans in activities aimed at popularising national symbols such as the national anthem and the national flag in schools, the audit of human treasures in communities as well as installation of flag poles. These activities are intended to build awareness of South African history and instil a sense of patriotism amongst the recruited patriots.
TYPP is aimed at educating the youth about history and heritage through practical experience. Participants work as community activists, engaging youth at schools and community libraries, to encourage social cohesion, nation-building and youth pride in their nationality. The programme aims to create Youth Leaders who are aware of their country’s past, who are self-confident, fearless and ready to serve their country.
These youth will work towards educating others about their history, heritage and the role played by young people in the struggle for national liberation.
Ultimately, TYPP will create job opportunities for youth in the Arts, Culture and Heritage sector. TYPP is open to candidates between 18 and 35 with a minimum of a Grade 10 qualification. Candidates may live in any South African province, and the programme runs for one year.
International Exchange Programmes
The Agency have several bilateral agreements with other countries which offer international exchange programme opportunities for young people and provide stipends for the entire duration of the programme.
Source: NYDA