PSM December/January - 2019/2020 Edition

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World AIDS Day Turning the tide on HIV and AIDS



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Contents: December 2019 / January 2020 Regulars






Features Progress in the fight against HIV and AIDS South Africa is home to one of the most comprehensive HIV and AIDS prevention and response programmes in the world


A new pill to strengthen fight against HIV A new anti-retroviral pill is set to help people living with HIV manage the virus better


SA on track to secure R1.2 trillion in investments The second South Africa Investment Conference signalled a strong vote of confidence in the country’s economy



Conversations with leaders Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Blade Nzimande details plans to improve access to higher education Profiles in leadership Advocate Andy Mothibi is leading efforts to fight fraud and corruption Developmental desk Online content to be better regulated International relations BRICS leaders have reconfirmed their shared commitment to a strong multilateral system Women in the public sector Keketso Maema is spearheading efforts to ensure gender equality


Waterberg at the centre of growth, development The launch of the District Development Model in Limpopo will result in a number of infrastructure projects in the province


Opinion BRICS is a well-known coalition of emerging economies that is going from strength to strength


New year, new benefits for GEMS users Government Employees Medical Scheme has reinvested close to R1 billion to enhance its members’ benefits


Provincial focus Gauteng: The heartbeat of South Africa


Local government Ekurhuleni prioritises people-centred service delivery


Focus on women Escaping an abusive relationship with a concrete safety plan


In other news News you need to know when you are on the go


Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary and information


Financial fitness Planning your finances wisely in 2020



Opinion Delving into the challenges faced by women researchers in Africa


Moving closer to quality healthcare for all The NHI Bill is the final solution for addressing the current inequalities in access to healthcare

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

86 Opinion


Tackling patriarchy, misogyny and hyper-masculinity South Africa’s ground-


breaking new e-visa system

The Department of Home Affairs launched a trial of its new e-visa system in November

Lifestyle 78

Health and well-being Preventing HIV with PrEP


Car reviews Toyota Rav 4 maintains the lead


Travel iSimangaliso – a place of miracle and wonder



Emerging technologies and the delivery of public services

Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Head of Editorial and Production

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Grooming and style Here comes the summer sun


Food and wine Light and leisurely


Nice-to-haves Fun in the sun

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Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020


Turning the tide on HIV and AIDS W

orld AIDS Day on 1

us to question our own HIV

risk of contracting the disease,

December, provided

status. Too many people only

you should get yourself tested

an opportunity to

get tested when they think they


unite in the fight against HIV,

are at risk. In reality, being tested

show support for people living

should be part of our annual

contact their internal employee

with HIV and remember those

health check-up, whether we are

health and wellness units or to

who have died from an AIDS-

in a monogamous relationship

contact their nearest public

related illness.

or not. And if you know your be-

health facilities for a free HIV test.

haviour has put you at a greater

It is vital that the public service

It should also have prompted


I thus urge all public servants to

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

lead by example in answering

ted and what it means to live

government’s call to citizens to

with the disease today.

know their status. While many people put the

With around 7.2 million South Africans carrying the virus, the

test off because they fear the

country has made huge strides

outcome, there is power in

in its battle against HIV.

knowledge. Starting treatment

Despite a slow start, today we

before your immune system is

have the largest antiretroviral

too weak will allow you to live a

(ARV) therapy programme in

full, productive life despite being

the world. Over five million South


Africans are on ARVs and of

The life expectancy for people

these, 4.6 million people receive

with HIV has drastically im-

free treatment at public health

proved over the past 20 years

facilities. The number of people

because of new treatments that

receiving treatment has grown

help control the condition. In

rapidly over the years. By com-

fact, if treatment is started early

parison, in December 2013, only

and taken as directed, a person

2.6 million people were receiv-

with HIV who follows a healthy

ing ARVs.

lifestyle will have a similar life ex-

According to the National

pectancy to that of the general

Department of Health’s Annual


Report 2018/19, the risk of early

Fear is not the only thing that

Minister in t he Presidency, Jac kson Mt hembu.

mother-to-child transmission of

of HIV and AIDS on South Africa

discourages people from get-

HIV has also dropped. Prior to

is devastating. The disease or-

ting tested. Despite widespread

2001 it was between 25-30 per-

phans children, places financial

knowledge that HIV and AIDS

cent whereas in 2016, it was an

strain on families, disrupts family

can affect anyone, regardless

estimated 1.4 percent.

life and education and increas-

of sexual orientation, gender

According to results of the

es the country’s health burden. South Africa has set a target

or ethnicity, the disease is still

2017 South African National HIV

marred by stigma.

Prevalence, Incidence, Behav-

of providing HIV-TB screening

iour and Communication Survey

and testing services to 28 million

South Africa’s HIV response and

of the Human Sciences Re-

people and starting an ad-

creates untold misery for people

search Council, the rate of new

ditional two million individuals

living with the disease. We need

HIV infections has also declined

on HIV treatment by December

to help HIV-positive people

slightly, from 1.5 new cases per


reach their full potential by treat-

1 000 (2008-2012 survey) to one

All public servants can help

ing them with compassionate,

new case per 1 000 population

meet this objective by spread-

dignity and respect. In addition,

(2012-2017 survey).

ing awareness, showing support

This does huge damage to

we must help dispel misconceptions about how HIV is transmit-

This trajectory needs to be maintained because the effects

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

and encouraging people to know their status.



Stay safe this festive season


t’s not called the silly season

following distance, buckling

for no reason. When holiday

up, being courteous, taking

fever strikes, people tend to

regular breaks when driving and

let loose and live for the moment.

ensuring that our vehicles are

Caution is often thrown to the


wind and the consequences can be devastating.

Most importantly, join me in saying no to drinking and

It is on the roads that the

driving. Make sure you have a

most danger awaits. Holiday-

designated driver if you have

goers take risks to get to their

been drinking and don’t hesitate

destination sooner, people get

to take the car keys from friends

caught up in a party mood and

or family who are not fit to drive.

get behind the wheel after one

Phumla Williams, GCIS Acting Director-General.

Driving while drunk could cost

drink too many and trailers and

you more than a night behind

festive season, rather than in the

taxis are overloaded with holiday

bars; it could result in your death,

bleak first weeks of January when


or negatively change your life

you could be forced into a credit

forever if your actions result in


According to the Department of Transport, 1 612 people lost their

someone else paying for your

The holiday period is for

lives on South Africa’s roads over

recklessness with their blood.

socialising with family and

the 2018/2019 festive season.

Another pitfall of the festive

friends, but rather than meeting

The department’s festive season

season is careless spending.

at a mall – with its many

report indicated that 58 percent

Avoid the pressure to spend

temptations to spend – go to a

of these deaths involved alcohol.

by drawing up a budget and

park or beach or entertain at

sticking to it. Above all, make sure

home. You’ll make memories that

that your regular expenses are

money cannot buy.

What should have been a time of joy for many ended in tragedy. This year, let us make a concerted effort to paint a less

met before money is spent on

Whatever you do this festive season, do it with a sense of


grim picture by remembering

It is a good idea to purchase

ubuntu and come the new year,

the basic rules of the road, by

your children’s school uniforms

you’ll feel invigorated and ready

slowing down, keeping a safe

and stationery at the start of the

for the challenges of 2020.


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020


Writer: Dale Hes

Progress being made in the fight against HIV and AIDS


very year on 1 December,

journey and contribution to the vi-

that government and the private

World AIDS Day serves as a

sion of zero new infections, zero dis-

sector’s collaborative efforts have

poignant reminder of the

crimination and zero AIDS-related

been key to South Africa’s success.

impact that this disease has on our

deaths, has been long and difficult.

country and its people. It also al-

There was a time when every week

AIDS Council, we have seen the

lows us to recognise the significant

and in every community, the pain

impact our collaborative efforts

progress we have made in com-

of losing someone to AIDS-related

have had in moving the response

batting the disease. In his keynote

illnesses was a common phenom-

forward. The dynamic leadership

address at the World AIDS Day

enon,” he noted.

of all sectors represented on the

commemoration in the North West,

Thanks to billions of rands in

“As the South African National

Council is testament of our com-

Deputy President David Mabuza

investment and a proactive ap-

mitment to place the interest of our

outlined the challenges and suc-

proach to combatting HIV and

communities on centre-stage,” he

cesses we face in our fight against

AIDS, South Africa is today home



to the most comprehensive HIV

South Africa’s government has committed to the United Nation’s call for the world to end the AIDS

Government is the main funder

and AIDS prevention and response

of the country’s comprehensive

programme in the world.

response, contributing close to

“We are today acknowledged by

80 percent of resources needed

epidemic as a public health threat

UNAIDS and others as a global and

to fight HIV and AIDS. The Deputy

by 2030. Deputy President Mabuza

continental leader in HIV response.

President singled out several vital

outlined South Africa’s commit-

This is precisely because we have

interventions which have led to

ment towards ending the epidem-

adopted and implemented the

improvements in key areas. He

ic, which has had a greater impact

right and comprehensive poli-

started by explaining the extent

on us than most other countries.

cies to respond to this epidemic,”

and impact of the anti-retroviral

Deputy President Mabuza said.

treatment programme.

The Deputy President said that since the advent of democracy, the fight against HIV and AIDS has been a challenging and heartbreaking one. “For our part as a country, our

“Today, we count among our

Collaborative efforts lead to major successes The Deputy President highlighted

victories the fact that South Africa has the biggest HIV treatment programme in the world, with more than 4.5 million people on life-


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

saving anti-retrovirals. “Our anti-retroviral treatment programme has resulted in an increase in life expectancy of our people and low levels of motherto-child HIV transmission rates. This means that millions of South Afri-

with diagnosed HIV infection will

tion against women and girls,

cans who previously had no hope

receive sustained anti-retroviral

including denial of right to protec-

of sustained quality of life, now live

therapy, and 90 percent of all peo-

tion, access to treatment and care,

longer and are able to contribute

ple receiving anti-retroviral therapy

as well as the right to reproductive

to building a South Africa of our

will have viral suppression.

health. As government, we will work tirelessly to ensure the speedy


Renewed commitment

implementation of the National

made positive strides in reducing

Drawing from the success story of

Emergency Response Plan to com-

the rate of new infections.

Eshowe and other communities,

bat GBVF.”

He added that South Africa has

“Indeed, we are making positive

government has centred this year’s

He said that government will

progress in reducing the rate of

World Aids Day theme around

continue to step up its efforts to

new infections, from an estimated

“Communities Make a Difference”.

prevent and treat HIV and AIDS.

270 000 in 2016 to 222 000 in 2018.”

“This theme resonates with our

“We must intensify our pro-

The Deputy President also high-

history of struggle. At the height

gramme on prevention by em-

lighted the success story in Eshowe

of apartheid and repression, our

ploying every method possible to

in Kwazulu-Natal. Here, 90 percent

communities mobilised themselves

end this epidemic. We must tackle

of people who are infected with

into various community action

head-on all contributing factors to

HIV are diagnosed, 94 percent are

groups to build solidarity, cohesion

new infections. This includes talking

on anti-retroviral treatment and 95

and unity of purpose,” said the

openly and frankly to our young

percent are virally suppressed.

Deputy President.

people on issues of sexuality and

“This mostly remote and rural

“The call to action on this 2019

resultant risks of unprotected sex to

community of Eshowe was able to

World AIDS Day is about recog-

potential infections and teenage

achieve what no other community

nising the power of community


in South Africa or in the African

action, even in the face of other

continent has achieved so far in

numerous social challenges like

our fight against the epidemic. Es-

unemployment, poverty and in-

howe exceeded the 90-90-90 target

equality,” he added.

He stressed that public servants are at the forefront of this battle. “This fight should be led from the front. Therefore, political leader-

The Deputy President also reiter-

ship and commitment is required

programme for HIV and AIDS,” said

ated government’s desire to stamp

from our premiers and mayors to

Deputy President Mabuza.

out Gender-Based Violence and

ensure that AIDS Councils are fully

Femicide (GBVF) and discrimina-

functional. We will be relying on our


communities to take up the task of

set in 2014 by the United Nations

The 90-90-90 target aims to ensure that by 2020, 90 percent of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status; 90 percent of all people

“We must bring to an end any form of violence and discrimina-

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

holding these structures accountable,” he said.



Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

A new pill to strengthen fight against HIV


new anti-retroviral pill is

ly to suppress the viral load, which

and clinical stage. The pill is small

set to help people living

is the number of HIV particles in

and easy to swallow. Above all,

with HIV manage the virus

a person’s bloodstream, and also

it keeps working even if the virus

has fewer side effects for people



The new medication is a three-inone, fixed-dose combination that

living with HIV.

The fast-acting pill was launched

TLD can be used by anyone

in November by Minister of Health

includes dolutegravir, lamivudine

living with HIV, regardless of their

Zweli Mkhize who said its introduc-

and tenofovir (TLD). It works quick-

age, gender, race, CD4 cell count

tion means fewer people living


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

with the virus would transmit it to

three categories must continue

people living with HIV receive


with their current treatment and


“It is the best medicine that is used anywhere in the world and

not switch to TLD. Minister Mkhize said because the

TLD was made immediately available at the Turton clinic and

we are very pleased to be able to

pill has to be used in conjunction

is being rolled-out to the rest of

provide it to our patients,” he said.

with contraceptives, it will help in

the country in several phases.

curbing unintended pregnancies.

Staff at public health facilities will

“We have too many unwanted

be trained to properly administer

One pill, three drugs The Minister explained that

and unintended pregnancies in

because the pill contains three dif-

our country and too many teen-

ferent drugs, it need only be taken

age pregnancies.

once a day. It has more tolerable

“Let me use some data to show

the medication. The Ugu district has attained the UNAIDS 90-90-90 target, which dictates that 90 percent of

side effects, which are mild and

how large the problem is. In the

people with HIV know their status;

manageable. These are nausea,

period April to September 2019,

90 percent are on treatment and

insomnia or occasional dizziness.

there were 2 015 deliveries by

90 percent of those on treatment

Minister Mkhize said the clinical

mothers aged 10 to 14 and 64

have achieved viral load sup-

trials for the drug were undertaken

965 by those aged 15 to 19. If we


in South Africa by the Wits Repro-

look at KwaZulu-Natal, the figures

ductive Health and HIV Institute.

are 374 and 18 751, respectively.”

He cautioned that TLD is known

In Ugu alone, he said, 29

Minister Mkhize said in the Ugu district, 93 percent (120 721) of people with HIV know their status;

to carry risks for women wanting

children aged between 10 and

90 percent (109 100) are on

to become pregnant or those who

15 years and 1 327 teenagers

treatment and 92 percent (100

are already pregnant.

between the ages of 15 and 19

723) of those on treatment are

gave birth in the same six-month

virally suppressed.

“The new medication is not suitable for anyone who is intend-

period. In 2019, these figures were

ing to get pregnant, those not on

66 and 2 436, respectively.

“This is a huge achievement in a district and province with the

contraceptives and those that

“We need to attend to this ur-

highest rate of HIV in the country,”

are in the first six weeks of their

gently as children should be chil-

he added. He now wants the dis-

pregnancy. This is very important

dren and not parents!” he said.

trict to reach the more ambitious UNAIDS goal of 95-95-95, which

as there is a small chance of problems with the baby if mothers take

Making strides

the global programme wants to

the medication during the first six

Turton Community Health Centre

see achieved internationally by

weeks of pregnancy. While the

in the Ugu district of KwaZulu-


chance of problems is small, we

Natal’s south coast was chosen

don’t want to take any chances,”

for the launch because although

epidemic control and eliminate

said Minister Mkhize.

the region has one of the highest

HIV as a public health threat we

Therefore, he said, HIV-positive

HIV rates in the country, it has

must reach 95-95-95!” said Minister

women who are in any of these

made great strides to ensure


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

“UNAIDS tell us that to reach





2:04 PM


















Writer: More Matshediso

Giving students opportunities to succeed A

support are crucial in

Access to higher education

assisting students to suc-

With regard to the Department of

dequate funding and

ceed in their studies, says Minister

Higher Education and Training’s

Blade Nzimande.

plans to improve inclusivity and

The Minister, who is responsible

accessibility to higher education

for two departments: the Depart-

for young South Africans in 2020,

ment of Higher Education and

the Minister said the department

Training and the Department of

continues to work with the Nation-

Science and Innovation, spoke

al Student Financial Aid Scheme

to PSM about the new integrated

(NSFAS) to provide support to stu-

ministry and his priorities for the

dents who cannot afford to pay

2020 academic year.

for university and college fees.

Minister Nzimande said Presi-

The department introduced the

phased in at universities over five years, with a new first-time cohort

dent Cyril Ramaphosa’s decision

NSFAS bursary scheme in 2018 to

added each year. By 2022, the

to align two key departments

make higher education free for

scheme will cover all cohorts of

under a single ministry was cen-

qualifying first-time entrants into

students across the university

tred on achieving greater policy

public universities and technical

system,” he said.

integration, cohesion and impact.

and vocational education and

“The core reason for the integration was not only to ensure great-

training (TVET) colleges. In 2019, the bursary scheme was

Students currently in the system will not be affected, he said, giving as an example fourth-year

er administrative efficiency or

extended to cover both first-time

students who will remain in the

bureaucratic streamlining, but to

entry students and second-year

old system until it is phased out.

drive the post-school knowledge


and skills development imperative

He said in 2019 alone, the NSFAS

The Minister said in 2020, it will

funded over 550 000 students,

more decisively, more effectively

cover first-time entry students,

both first-time entry and con-

and with greater transformational

second-year students and third-

tinuing students, at TVET colleges

impact in society,” the Minister

year students.

and universities. In 2020, he said



“The bursary scheme is being

the NSFAS will support 45 to 50

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

percent of the undergraduate

of 300 000 beds over 10 years. The

number of learners funded for

student population at public

first seven universities under this

skills development – based on


programme have received fund-

enrolment and continuing learner

ing for the construction of 13 501

enrolments as at 31 March 2019 –

beds,” the Minister said.

was 59 501.

The Minister said the department’s cohort studies have shown that NSFAS students, on average,

This was made possible through

Up until the end of the second

perform better than students in

a partnership between the de-

quarter of the 2019/20 financial

the overall population.

partment and the Infrastructure

year, the NSF funded education

This bursary scheme is meant to

Investment Programme for South

and training interventions for

cover full tuition costs, books and

Africa, the Development Bank

40 755 learners. It also provided

learner support materials, and to

of South Africa and National

funding to 2 515 small, micro and

provide subsidies to assist with


medium enterprises and cooper-

accommodation, living expenses

Minister Nzimande said all these

and transport costs, where ap-

efforts support the national aim


of increasing higher education

He said through NSFAS, the de-

enrolments in public and private

partment also provides funding

institutions to 1.62 million by 2030.

for students from deserving and

This includes increasing youth

atives as at the end of September 2019.

Increasing the number of academics Minister Nzimande said the De-

working-class backgrounds at

and adult participation opportu-

partment of Science and Innova-

TVET colleges.

nities in the Community Educa-

tion has in the 2019/20 financial

tion and Training (CET) college

year invested R1.498 billion in

poor and working-class students

system to one million students by

support for students, researchers

over the 2019 Medium Term


and interns, with a projected total

“The substantial investment in

Expenditure Framework (MTEF)

“To achieve these goals, we aim

investment of R4.6 billion over the MTEF period.

amounts to R82 billion for univer-

to increase online education, in-

sity students and R20.4 billion for

cluding offerings of university and

TVET college students,” the Minis-

college courses through after-

8 279 pipeline honours and mas-

ter explained.

hour programmes,” the Minister

ter’s students, 2 538 PhD students,


4 500 researchers and 690 interns.

He said these funds will support

Student housing, more funding

vision that beyond 2030, South

a number of initiatives that are

The Minister said the depart-

Africa will have no tuition fees for

expected to contribute to the im-

ment’s infrastructure priority for

deserving students in all CET col-

provement of our country’s trade

the sixth administration includes

leges in each of the 52 identified

balance and thereby improve the

the development of decent,


prospects of increasing econom-

“The department is funding

He said it is the department’s

affordable student housing for

“It means education in these in-

universities and TVET colleges.

stitutions will be free for the poor,”

demand side of our economy,”

he said.

he said.

“The Student Housing Infrastructure Programme has been devel-

He added that through the

oped to accelerate the provision

National Skills Fund (NSF), the

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

ic growth through stimulating the

Among the leading projects are: •

The launch of the Mandela



Mining Precinct established

and curriculum.


to facilitate the coordination

The UCDP represents an invest-

of mining research, develop-

ment of approximately R1 billion

Thuma Mina campaign, the

ment and innovation activities


department aims to ensure that

and collaboration amongst stakeholders. • The Grassroots Innovation Programme aimed at generating

The Minister said in the next five

In support of the President’s

every district municipality will

years, the Ministry will roll out a

have access to a post-school

five-year research programme on

training institution within the next

labour market intelligence.

10 years.

the required learnings on how best to design and deliver support to grassroots innovators. • Funding to build South African’s titanium industry, the fluorochemicals expansion initiative and the hydrogen fuel cell research development and innovation initiative. • Support to a range of large and small firms through the Technology Localisation Programme which aims to increase the turnover of small and medium enterprises, enabling them to secure better contracts with large private

“The department’s cohort studies have shown that NSFAS students, on average, perform better than students in the overall population.”

sector companies.

Addressing GBV in tertiary institutions To address Gender-Based Violence (GBV) within tertiary institutions, the department is finalising the policy framework on GBV in the Post-School Education and Training System, which will be published by the end of March 2020. In 2019, a ministerial task team was established to advise the Minister on matters of sexual harassment and GBV in the public university sector. The Minister said the task team will advise him on the implementation of the policy framework, focusing on institution-

The Minister said the Depart-

al policy alignment and initiatives

ment of Higher Education and

“This programme is comprised

Training implemented the Uni-

several research projects related

versity Capacity Development

to the identification of current

is working closely with Universities

Programme (UCDP) at the begin-

and future skills needs and

South Africa, which is a member-

ning of 2018, which is aimed

shortages, the identification of

ship organisation representing

at transforming universities to

interventions required to ad-

the country's universities, to ad-

improve student success, en-

dress them and the exploration

dress urgent safety and security

able equitable and quality staff

of ideological, philosophical

concerns on university campuses

development opportunities and

and empirical approaches to

to ensure that students and staff

implement initiatives to reform

understanding the relationships

are safe from all forms of vio-

and strengthen programmes

between education and the



to address GBV in universities. He added that the department

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020


Channel Africa is South Africa’s international public broadcast radio station whose primary audience is the entire African continent. Our secondary audience is the rest of the world, where we harvest our news and information. As an International Public Broadcaster, our core values subscribe to the highest journalistic ethics which find expression in fairness, accuracy, and impartiality. Channel Africa is a platform through which Africa is engaged in debate with itself, and recognises South Africa as a role player in continental and international affairs.

Vision: “The African Perspective” Mission: “to promote the regeneration, revival, and rejuvenation of Africa, through the production and broadcast of dynamic, stimulating, and interesting programmes”. Contact Information: Tel: 011 714 2997 Fax: 011 714 2072 Email: Web: Twitter: channelafrica1 Instagram: channelafricaradio DSTV:802

Writers: More Matshediso and Allison Cooper


SIU keeps watchful eye on state assets


dvocate Andy Mothibi’s role as the head of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is a pivotal

one in the fight against fraud, corruption and the maladministration of state institutions, assets and public money. Established in 1996, the SIU also enforces anti-corruption legislation and encourages good governance practices within state institutions. Mothibi was appointed head of the SIU in May 2016. As head of the SIU, one of the key law–enforcement agencies under the Department of Justice and Correctional Services, he is responsible for determining the procedure to be followed in conducting an investigation; and charging and recovering fees and expenses from a state institution for anything done in contravention of the SIU Act of 1996, as amended. Mothibi also provides strategic leadership in the methodology of investigations and ensures the implementation of the SIU-approved structure and the allocation of resources to implement its strategy. Following his successful career, Mothibi is more than up for the task. He served as a public prosecutor and magistrate before joining the then Department of Finance. He has also held top positions at the South African Revenue Service (SARS), South African Airways, Nedbank, Standard Bank, Medscheme Holdings and the AfroCentric Group.


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Role of the SIU

falls within our processes we will

sion, non-compliance with medi-

The role of the SIU is to investigate

apply for a Presidential proclama-

cal waste disposal and procure-

allegations and collect evidence

tion. If granted, we will ensure that

ment irregularities.

regarding acts of fraud, corruption

people face the consequences of

and maladministration or omis-

their actions,” he explained.

sions related to investigations to

“The common root cause in all of the key vulnerabilities is collusion amongst stakeholders, hence

recovery of losses suffered by the

Anti-corruption Task Team


The SIU is part of the multi-agency

collaboration – the Health Sector

approach that includes the Hawks,

Anti-corruption Forum (HSACF),

National Prosecuting Authority,

which comprises health sector

SARS and other corruption fighting

regulators, law–enforcement agen-

established a SIU Special Tribunal

agencies. This is called the Anti-

cies, civil society and the public

in February 2019, to fast-track the

corruption Task Team (ACTT).

and private sectors,” said Mothibi.

institute civil proceedings for the

It also plays a critical role in the prevention of future losses. President Cyril Ramaphosa

recovery of funds lost to the state

The task team’s primary mandate

the key mitigation plan identified through the CRA is a multi-sector

“The main objective of the HSACF

from corruption or irregular spend-

is to successfully detect, inves-

is to collaborate with various stake-

ing. In these matters the SIU would

tigate and prosecute cases of

holders in the fight against fraud

ordinarily have gone the civil

alleged corruption.

and corruption, and identify areas

litigation route to have govern-

As part of its efforts in the ACTT,

of cooperation to enhance the

ment contracts declared invalid or

the SIU embarked on an intensive

prevention, detection and pros-

set aside.

exercise to conduct a Corruption

ecution of fraud and corruption in

Risk Assessment (CRA), focussing

the health system,” he added.

In November, the SIU’s Special Tribunal received its first batch

on high-risk sectors that are vulner-

of cases to commence with civil

able to fraud and corruption.

proceedings against government

“The health sector was identified

Mothibi explained that vulnerable sectors are those that have high vulnerability to the manifesta-

departments and state organs to

as one of the vulnerable sectors

tion of corrupt activities that could

recover billions looted from the

that requires immediate attention,”

open up the development of the

state. The value of cases ready for

said Mothibi.

country or functioning of govern-

adjudication and recovery stands at R14.7 billion.

The CRA process revealed key vulnerabilities in the health system,

ment to potential exploitation. “The SIU has also identified other

Mothibi said the SIU’s govern-

including doctor registration ir-

sectors that are vulnerable to

ance committee is also keeping

regularities, medical aid fraud,

corruption, including armaments,

a close eye on the Commission

fictitious claims related to doctors’

mining, border management,

of Inquiry into Allgeations of State

negligence in public hospitals,

SMMEs, information communica-

Capture, and is analysing testi-

regulatory weaknesses in health

tion technology, education, water,

mony to determine if anything falls

sector compliance enforcement,

sports and recreation, financial,

within its processes. “If anything

pharmaceutical companies collu-

tobacco and liquor, transport,

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



energy, real estate, local govern-

9 December, in recognition of

integrity and lead by example;

ment, construction and state-

the United Nations Convention

educate themselves and others

owned enterprises,” he added.

against Corruption which was

about the dangers of corruption;

signed in Mexico in 2003.

and become anti-corruption

The SIU’s investigations are determined by the President, through

“South Africa was one of over

advocates, by forming groups in

the signing of a proclamation as

120 countries that met in Mexico

their organisations and commu-

stated in the SIU Act 74 of 1996.

to witness the signing ceremony,”


Any member of the public can

said Mothibi.

also contact the SIU to report fraud and corruption. “Upon receiving complaints or

Mothibi stressed that corruption

The day provides an opportu-

in the private sector also falls un-

nity for political leaders, govern-

der the watchful eye of the SIU.

ments, legal bodies and lobby

“We channel the same process

allegations, the SIU conducts an

groups to join forces against

of recovery in the private sector

assessment of the allegation to

corruption. “The SIU is striving

as we do the public sector,” he

establish whether it falls within

to build public trust and con-


the ambit of the SIU Act and, if

fidence in the anti-corruption

so, whether sufficient information

fight. We pledge to do our part in

crucial role. Good behaviour in

exists to justify the issuing of a

bringing down corruption walls,”

good business. Business groups

proclamation by the President,

said Mothibi.

can convert anti-

mandating the SIU to conduct

He added that the public

“The private sector also has a

corruption action into firm

an investigation,” Mothibi ex-

service must uphold the highest

support for sustainable devel-


standards of integrity and ensure

opment. I call on everyone to

that appointments are driven

help end corruption and come

by merit. “Public servants and

together for global fairness and

elected officials must be guided

equity. We can no longer afford

International Anti-corruption

by ethics, transparency and


Day takes place annually on

accountability. They must have

tolerate corruption,” he added.

International Anticorruption Day


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



If an active member dies in service,

If the deceased member was on

to note that only the spouse and the

a death benefit is payable to the

medical aid for an unbroken period

dependents who were beneficiaries

beneficiaries of the deceased or if

of twelve months, had more than

of the deceased principal member at

there are no beneficiaries, to the estate

fifteen years of service and the

the time of his/her death will continue

of the deceased. The beneficiaries

surviving spouse was a dependent

to qualify for a medical subsidy.

may be the nominated beneficiaries

on the medical aid at time of death,

and/or the dependents of the

the surviving spouse will qualify for a

In cases where the deceased member

deceased. If a member dies with more

medical subsidy when they become

has less than 15 years’ service at time

than ten years of service, the lawful

a principal member of a medical aid,

of death, the surviving spouse, if they

surviving spouse of the deceased may

for the rest of their lives. This is on the

were dependent on the deceased’s

also qualify for a spouse’s pension for

provision that the surviving spouse

medical aid at time of death, will

the rest of their life.

remaining a principal member of a

qualify for a once off or gratuity

medical aid.

payment. This amount is taxable and

In the event that a member dies with

will be paid into the surviving spouse’s

less than ten years of service, the Fund

However, if the deceased member

bank account.

will pay a gratuity, which is a once-off

was younger than 50 years and had

It is important for the member to fill in

lump sum to the beneficiaries, and

more than fifteen years in government

a Nomination Form while still working

the surviving spouse will not qualify for

service, the remaining spouse who opt

or alive. This will assist the GEPF to pay

a spouse’s pension. If the deceased

to continue as a principal member

the nominated beneficiaries timeously.

member was not married or do not

of the medical aid will qualify for a

Members may contact their Human

have a life partner, such spouse

monthly medical subsidy. This will only

Resources units for more information

pension cannot be paid/ transferred

happen from the month following the

on the nomination process.

as this is an added benefit which

date that the deceased would have

members do not contribute towards.

turned 50 years. It is also important


Allison Cooper and More Matshediso

SA on track to secure

R1.2 trillion in investments


he second South Africa In-

took place at the Sandton Con-

reduce unemployment. Local and

vestment Conference (SAIC)

vention Centre in Johannesburg

international investors heeded the

signalled a strong vote of

from 5 to 7 November.

call, with just under R300 billion

confidence in the South African economy.

The President first announced the investment conference initia-

in investment announcements secured.

The commitments made at the

tive in his 2018 State of the Nation

first and second SAIC have placed

Address and the first conference

er R363 billion in investment com-

South Africa firmly on the path to

was held shortly thereafter.

mitments made to South Africa.

achieving its ambitious target of

At the opening of the first confer-

The 2019 conference saw anoth-

“We also received indications of a

securing R1.2 trillion in investments

ence in October 2018, President

further R8 billion in planned invest-

over five years.

Ramaphosa announced govern-

ments that are subject to regula-

ment’s objective to raise R1.2

tory or company board approvals.

confirmed this during his closing

trillion in new investments, to ad-

This commitment of investments

remarks at the second SAIC, which

dress low economic growth and

of R371 billion is 17 percent higher

President Cyril Ramaphosa


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

than the commitments made last

ment reached out to our social

January 2021. “This will entail an

year,” said the President.

partners to forge a new compact

investment of R3.6 billion and

for growth and development. And

the creation of 6 700 direct jobs,

ments will lead to the creation of

it was through this collaboration

consolidating South Africa’s posi-

412 000 direct jobs over the next

that we identified several major

tion as the auto-hub of the African

five years. This does not include

issues we must address to achieve

continent,” the President said.

the hundreds of thousands of

the economic recovery that we all

He added that the progress

indirect jobs that will be created

seek,” he added.

“It is estimated that these invest-

made since the 2018 conference

The President said progress has

owes much to the hard work of

been made in implementing poli-

the four Presidential Investment

cy reforms that he spoke about at

Envoys he appointed to spear-

in 2018, eight have been com-

the 2018 conference, which has

head government’s efforts – Jacko

pleted and 17 are in the construc-

created policy certainty, consisten-

Maree, Phumzile Langeni, Trevor

tion or implementation stages.

cy and predictability for investors

Manuel and Mcebisi Jonas.

This represents R238 billion of the

and citizens. “Central to our efforts

To strengthen this work, the

investments that were announced

to ignite growth and create jobs is

President has appointed addi-

in 2018. “It is gratifying to see the

an ambitious, execution-oriented

tional special envoys to focus on

commitments made at this confer-

industrial strategy, founded on

specific investment areas, namely

ence last year materialising in the

partnerships between govern-

Jeff Radebe, who will focus on oil

form of new factories, production

ment, labour and industry,” the

and gas, and Derek Hanekom and

lines, products, services and jobs,”

President explained.

Elizabeth Thabethe, who will focus

through allied linkages to these investments,” he added. Of the 31 projects announced

said President Ramaphosa.

The industrial strategy prioritises

on tourism.

growth in important sectors and

Reigniting growth

masterplans for each of these sec-

The SAIC brings leaders from busi-

tors will ensure that infrastructure,

Investments pledged in 2019

ness, government and the invest-

skills, incentives and other resourc-

Various companies, across numer-

ment community together to forge

es are directed towards where

ous industry sectors, pledged

relationships and explore ways to

they have the greatest impact.

their investments at the 2019

reignite growth in South Africa.

At the 2019 conference, master-

SAIC, including the Agricultural

plans were signed for the poultry,

Developmental Agency (R12.9

economy has barely grown, invest-

clothing, textile and footwear

billion), Toyota (R2.43 billion), VM

ment has dwindled and the rate

industries. “This will lead to the

Automobile (R426 million), New

of unemployment has increased.

giant retailers in our economy

Development Bank (R23 billion),

We are still feeling the effects of

increasing local procurement,

Transnet (R22 billion), Renergen

several years of state capture

investment and job creation,” said

(R700 million), Sappi (R14 billion),

and corruption, the erosion of

the President.

Exxaro Resources Limited (R20

“Over the past decade, our

important public institutions and

As a major boost to manufactur-

the resultant policy malaise,” said

ing, localisation and job creation,

President Ramaphosa.

nine companies confirmed their

“It is for this reason that govern-

intention to set up factories by

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

billion) and Aspen Pharmacare (R3.4 billion). Sappi will invest R14 billion in its various plants across the


country. This investment is higher

manufacturing hub for anaes-

than its R7.7 billion investment

thetics,” he added.

in Umkomaas, in KwaZulu-Natal,

Nicolaou said advanced manu-

The investment will be executed over three years, which includes validation production. Commer-

announced at the inaugural

facturing and strong export orien-

cial production is aimed for early


tation are key pillars of our govern-

2022. Exxaro Resources Limited

“We have made great progress - about 40 percent - and expect to complete around September next year. This year, we want to make a commitment that, over the next five years, Sappi will commit a further R14 billion in our four plants across South Africa,” said Chief Executive Officer Steve Binnie. Aspen Pharmacare committed R3.4 billion to establish a global steriles platform for the company, with significant export potential. “Steriles are highly automated and this investment will generate hard currency-based exports for our country and will assist in narrowing the significant and deteriorating trade deficit that characterises the South African pharmaceutical market. Moreover, these types of investments provide for backward and forward economic linkages,” said Aspen Group Senior Executive, Strategic Trade Stavros Nicolaou.

“We also received indications of a further R8 billion in planned investments that are subject to regulatory or company board approvals. This commitment of investments of R371 billion is 17 percent higher than the commitments made last year.”

pledged R20 billion. According to the company’s Executive Head of Stakeholder Accountability Mzila Mthenjane, the investment will assist to expand production at Exxaro’s existing mines in Limpopo and Mpumalanga and build a new mine. He added that the end goal of the investment is to increase production, meet clients’ demands and attract more clients to grow the business. “We also want to sustain our employees’ jobs, create new ones and grow the economy.” The projects in Limpopo and Mpumalanga created close to 20 000 temporary and permanent jobs, mostly during the building phase. “The SAIC is a bold and ambitious initiative that will assist to address the unemployment challenges facing the country. When government and the private sector pull resources together, we

“Above all, not only is it a vote of confidence in our economy - be-

ment's re-industrialisation strategy.

are able to work towards a greater

ing the largest ever pharmaceuti-

“Amongst the more important

goal,” Mthenjane said.

cal investment in our country

steriles to be manufactured at this

- but it establishes a national

facility are general and local an-

nantly produces coal and is the

manufacturing asset for South

aesthetics - niche products requir-

biggest supplier of coal to Eskom,

Africa, positioning Aspen’s Port

ing complex, difficult-to-replicate

supplying it with 36 million tons of

Elizabeth-based site as a global

steriles capability,” he said.

coal per year.


The mining company predomi-

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



g e n e ra te d by d eve l o p i n g a n d

m a r ket; h oweve r, i t s o f fe r i n g

su p p o r t i n g e nt re p re n e u r s, t h e

i s a s d i ve r s e a s t h e b i g b a n ks

c o m p a ny i s p a y i n g i t fo r wa rd

su p p o r t i n g n ew p u rc h a s e h o m e

by p rov i d i n g m u c h n e e d e d

l o a n s, sw i tc h h o m e l o a n s a n d

b u s i n e s s su p p o r t a n d f i n a n c e to

a f fo rd a b l e h o u s i n g. U n l i ke i t s

e nt re p re n e u r s t h ro u g h i t s S e ke l a

c o m p et i to r s, SA H o m e Lo a n s c a n

P ro g ra m m e t h a t h a s b e n e f i t te d 8 0

c re a te ta i l o r- m a d e n i c h e p ro d u ct

e nt re p re n e u r s s i n c e i t s fo r m a t i o n

o f fe r i n g s to su i t t h e n e e d s o f

i n 2 016.

p e n s i o n f u n d s a n d e m p l oye r s w h o s e e k to e m p owe r t h e i r e m p l oye e s

A s p a r t o f i t s t ra n s fo r m a t i o n d r i ve

to b e c o m e h o m e ow n e r s. T h e

a n d b e i n g a g o o d c o r p o ra te

p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h t h e g ove r n m e nt

c i t i ze n, SA H o m e Lo a n s h a s a l so

e m p l oye e s h o u s i n g sc h e m e i s a

i nve s te d h e a v i l y i n c o m m u n i t y

g re a t exa m p l e o f t h i s o f fe r i n g.

d eve l o p m e nt i n i t i a t i ve s m a i n l y i n

Driven by its purpose to empower

t h e a re a s o f e a r l y c h i l d h o o d

more South Africans to become

At i t s l a u n c h, SA H o m e Lo a n s

a n d yo u t h d eve l o p m e nt. I n t h i s

homeowners, the company is focused

n ot o n l y i nt ro d u c e d m u c h

re g a rd, t h e c o m p a ny h a s nu r t u re d

solely on home finance and related

n e e d e d c o m p et i t i o n i n t h e h o m e

t h e d eve l o p m e nt o f t h e n a t i o n’s

products that cover the full spectrum

l o a n s p a c e, i t a l so p i o n e e re d

yo u t h by b u i l d i n g o r i m p rov i n g

of home financing, from home loan

s e c u r i t i s a t i o n a s a m et h o d o f

sc h o o l i nf ra s t r u ct u re t h a t h a ve

products to insurance protection

financing home loans in South

b e n e f i t te d m o re t h a n 3 5 0 0

products and bridging finance. SA

Af r i c a. SA H o m e Lo a n s h a s s i n c e

c h i l d re n. T h e c o m p a ny a l so i nve s t s

Home Loans has dif ferentiated itself

g row n to b e o n e o f t h e b i g g e s t

i n s k i l l s d eve l o p m e nt i n i t i a t i ve s

by of fering its personalised ser vice

a n d m o s t re p u ta b l e i s su e r s o f

t h a t a s s i s t u n e m p l oye d yo u t h to

which helps homebuyers to easily

securitisation paper in the South

b e c o m e e m p l oya b l e.

navigate the complex process of

Af r i c a n m a r ket, h a v i n g c re a te d 15

financing a home. Its best- in - class

s e c u r i t i s a t i o n ve h i c l e s t h a t h a ve

SA H o m e Lo a n s l o o ks fo r wa rd to

ser vice in the home loan space has

ra i s e d R42- b i l l i o n.

c h a n g i n g eve n m o re l i ve s i n t h e

seen SA Home Loans regularly voted

n ex t 2 0 ye a r s to c o m e.

best in home loans by consumers in

A s a p ro u d l y S o u t h Af r i c a n

the sector.

c o m p a ny, SA H o m e Lo a n s ta ke s


p r i d e i n i t s t ra n s fo r m a t i o n

t: +27 (31) 560 5300

Fo u n d e d i n D u r b a n a n d l a u n c h e d

a c h i eve m e nt s fo l l ow i n g m a ny

f: +27 (31) 562 0362

to S o u t h Af r i c a n h o m e ow n e r s i n

ye a r s o f fo c u s o n t ra n s fo r m a t i o n.

a: 2 Milkwood Crescent, Milkwood

F e b r u a r y 19 9 9, SA H o m e Lo a n s i s

T h e d i ve r s i t y o f i t s m a n a g e m e nt

Park (off Douglas Saunders Dr.),

to d a y a p rove n e nt re p re n e u r i a l

a n d s ta f f h a s p o s i t i o n e d i t we l l to

su c c e s s s to r y a n d re c e nt l y

La Lucia Ridge, 4051, South Africa

s e r ve t h e i r c u s to m e r b a s e, w h o s e

c e l e b ra te d 2 0 ye a r s o f ex i s te n c e

d e m o g ra p h i c s h a ve c h a n g e d

h a v i n g f i n a n c e d m o re t h a n

d ra m a t i c a l l y i n re c e nt ye a r s.

26 0 0 0 0 h o m e ow n e r s a n d c re a t i n g m o re t h a n 10 0 0 0 d i re ct a n d

T h e p o s i t i ve e c o n o m i c i m p a ct

i n d i re ct jo b s. B e i n g a n o n - b a n k

g e n e ra te d by SA H o m e Lo a n s i s

p rov i d e s SA H o m e Lo a n s w i t h a

p ro o f o f t h e va l u e t h a t c a n b e

0 00


1 9 TH E D I T I O N


Writer: Allison Cooper

Online content to be better regulated T

he Films and Publications

With the advent of social media

Amendment Act 11 of

and the internet, the number

2019, once promulged, will

of platforms available to sexual

give South Africans recourse to

predators and distributors of

legal action if they become the

explicit sexual and violent con-

victims of revenge pornography.

tent has also increased. In addi-

It will also ensure that the Films and Publication Board (FPB) will be better able to regulate the

tion, the online space changes rapidly. The Amendment Act thus seeks

distribution of online content

to address shortcomings identi-

and further protect South Africa’s

fied in the Films and Publications

children from exposure to content

Act of 1996, relating to online

that could harm their psychologi-

content regulation, and provide

cal and mental development.

a framework from which all future


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

digital platforms can be regulated by the FPB. The Amendment Act tightens

person in the image. The Amendment Act, once promulged, will give South

online regulation, especially with

Africans recourse to legal ac-

regard to explicit sexual and

tion if they become the victims

violent content; enables adults to

of revenge pornography. It also

make informed viewing, reading

outlaws child pornography and

and gaming choices for them-

forces internet service provid-

selves and children in their care;

ers to block it and increases the

protects children from exposure

penalties for possession of child

to illegal content distributed on-

pornography from five to 10 years

line; and demands that internet

in jail.

service providers block all web-

The Amendment Act will also

"The Amendment Act tightens online regulation, especially with regard to explicit sexual and violent content..."

sites that host outlawed content,

enable the removal of explicit

including child abuse and child

and offensive content on so-

sexual abuse material, materials

cial media; help to ensure films,

containing excessive violence

games and publications are

or sexual violence and materials

properly classified and prevent

that advocate the committing of

them from being distributed if

terrorist acts.

the content is illegal, explicit,

raphy and hate speech bears

A clear framework for the clas-

promotes hate speech or advo-

witness to what can occur when

sification and labelling of digital

cates violence. Appropriate age

these rights are out of balance.

content and online media and

restrictions will also be placed on

The Amendment Act seeks to

the distribution of online content

online content.

reaffirm this balance.

This will make it easier to identify

Media freedom

freedom of speech or media

distributors of prohibited content

South Africa’s Constitution, one of

freedom, both of which are es-

and for law–enforcement agen-

the most progressive in the world,

sential to South Africa’s democ-

cies to prosecute effectively.

is premised on the attribution of

racy, and strikes a fine balance

basic human rights. In practice,

between the rights to freedom

Legal recourse

this is a delicate balancing act

of speech and ensuring that this

Revenge pornography refers to

as no right can be absolute if it

right is executed in a manner

the online sharing of an image of

infringes on another right. The

that does not harm or infringe on

a sexual nature with a third party,

increase in social ills, such as

the rights of others, particularly

without the permission of the

cyber bullying, revenge pornog-


It does not curtail the right to

is outlined in the Amendment Act.

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



Source: SAnews


at the centre of growth, development P

resident Cyril Ramaphosa has announced R25 billion for infrastructure projects in

the Waterberg District Municipality. The projects are expected to, among other things, address issues of severe water shortages in the district which is made up of the Bela-Bela, Lephalale, Modimolle-Mookgophong, Mogalakwena and Thabazimbi local municipalities. The announcement was made during the launch of the District Development Model - a new integrated, district-based, service delivery approach aimed at fast-tracking service delivery - in Lephalale, in Limpopo. Addressing residents at the Shongoane Sports Ground in Lephalale recently, the President said government will, over the next five years, complete the Moloko Water Resource Project. During the period, government

“We know that the people of this district are confronted with

access to land,� he said. The President added that gov-

will also pursue the Waterberg

severe unemployment and pov-

ernment is also aware of the poor

rail-line and build several much-

erty. We know about the prob-

telecommunications network that

needed schools in various com-

lems of water, electricity, sanita-

frustrates economic development

munities in the district.

tion and roads. We know about

in the area.


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

“We need to attract investment

This was among some of the

in the area,” he said. “We recently

issues the District Development

held the second SA Investment

Model seeks to address. It is to

Conference and we raised R363

make sure that there is one plan,

and businesses in the area over

billion from private investment.”

for one district, with a set budget.

the past two days, the President

National government will know

said, made it apparent that the

how much is needed, for example,

water shortages required the

“Government will invest R25

in Waterberg,” said the President.

most urgent attention.

billion over the next five years,

With the model already being

The stakeholders also said they

and that’s a lot of money. Some

piloted in the OR Tambo District,

wanted a clinic, a university and

companies will in this period

eThekwini Metro and now the

to see services and development

implement 74 projects worth R580

Waterberg District, government

brought closer to them.

billion in infrastructure and enter-

will in time assess the programme

prise development projects,” said

before rolling it out to the rest of

work together as business,

the President.

the country.

government [and] traditional

Supporting small businesses

Focus on local government

The investment should be able

The District Development Model

to help government intensify its

has been approved by govern-

“Waterberg is one of the most

mission to assist small businesses,

ment structures, including Cabi-

scenic areas in the country and

especially those headed by the

net, to integrate service delivery

we want to take advantage of

youth and women.

that will be more practical, achiev-


A portion of that money was to be invested in the mining district.

sectors of society, including traditional and business leaders. Meeting with traditional leaders

“This can only be done if we

leaders. Waterberg has great po-

“We have to work together as

able, implementable, measurable

tential. We can focus on mining, yes, but we must also focus on agriculture and tourism,” he said.

He added: “Every project will

the community, business and vari-

and clearly aligned with the key

be known by the people so that

ous organisations. We are commit-

priorities of the government.

we can all be held accountable.

ted to creating jobs. We want to

The model seeks to change the

There will be monitoring... those

build schools and TVET colleges to

face of rural and urban land-

who do not perform, those who

address the issue of education,”

scapes by ensuring complemen-

want to steal, will be shown the

said President Ramaphosa.

tarity between urban and rural

door. We must implement. It’s a

development, with a deliberate

model that says: ‘we must work’.”

He decried the heightened levels of poverty and unemployment

emphasis on local economic

in Waterberg.

development. It is about putting

that this approach will lead to

local government at the centre

a reduction in service delivery

A lot of people in this district are

of the country’s growth and


poor and rely on social grants. If


“A lot of people here don’t work.

it were not for social grants, a lot

President Ramaphosa said it

The President was hopeful

“They won’t happen if people know government’s plans so

of people would be hungry. That’s

was encouraging that the model

there won’t be a need to vandal-

the profile we saw,” he said.

has received support from all

ise infrastructure,” he said.

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



Part 2 of CDWs programme includes project planning, funding resource and building partnership. CDW`s were encouraged to use exis�ng resources to capacitate and build their communi�es. There was a site visit as well to the Ncera Macadamia Farming Project. The tes�monies by the community members within the project bared direct link to ac�vi�es discussed in the four days.

The program is aimed at training and capacita�ng the CDWs with a par�cular focus on the community engagement. The NSG is developing an Educa�on Training and Development (ETD) model that encourages par�cipatory empowerment and development encouraging involvement of the government, community members and private sector. Through storytelling and par�cipatory methods, the CDWs were encouraged to tell stories of their respec�ve communi�es, this including challenges and successes.

The CDWs embraced the program and they thanked the NSG for the interven�on which was presented in their own language. The face of the NSG in Dr Sal, has brought hope to the CDWs and their communi�es. The interven�on equipped them with relevant skills. Their tes�monies tell a story of hope and triumph over the torment of poverty they face with daily.

nity Development Workers workshop from the 2 to 6 December 2019 at the Steve Biko Founda�on Centre in Ginsberg; Eastern Cape. The workshop was a�ended by Community Development Workers (CDWs) in the Eastern Cape, Coopera�ve Governance and Tradi�onal Affairs (COGTA) officials.

The Na�onal School of Government

The Na�onal School of Government has to play a significant role in

overseeing the professional common purpose in addressing the systemic challenges of Public Service delivery, through the learning and development of public officials. In doing so, the NSG has to integrate lessons and experiences from the past to develop and improve on current skills and empower the current genera�on of public servants; and determining a conduit for producing future public servants with a vastness of compe��ve opportuni�es and abili�es to innovate. The Na�onal Development Plan confirms that the uneven performance at na�onal, provincial and local government results from interplay between a complex set of factors including tensions in the poli�cal-administra�ve instability of the administra�ve leadership, skills deficits, the erosion of accountability and authority, poor organisa�onal design, inappropriate staffing and low staff morale. Therefore, the NSG is a call to build a capable and developmental state that will assist in correc�ng some of the inefficiencies in the public service. What Training Coursed does the National School of Government Offer? Leadership Training Stream Leadership courses develops public servants into leaders who care, serve and deliver, building leadership capacity across all in the Public Service. Induction Training Stream Induction courses give effect to the induction and orientation of all public servants in line with public service determinations, directives and regulations, Constitutional requirement, the principles of Batho Pele, and the values and ethos of the public service. Administration Training Stream Courses offered under the Administration stream provide training that improves the administrative capacity of the state, for which there has been repeated calls for improvement. Management Training Stream Management courses focus on technical skills for generic management competencies: these cover financial management; human resource management; project management; supply chain management; monitoring and evaluation; planning; and organisation design.


An Ethical and Capable Public Sector in Service of the People.


To Empower Public Servants to be Responsive to Ci�zen Needs and Government Priori�es, through Educa�on, Training and Development interven�ons. Contact Details Postal Address: X759 Private Bag, Pretoria, 0001 Switchboard: +27 12 441 6000 Contact Centre: +27 86 100 8326 E-mail Address: Website: @thensgZA The National School of Gove

school of government Department: National School of Government REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA


Reaping the

benefits of BRICS B

RICS (Brazil, Russia,

with BRICS’ stated intent to

tion, 23 percent of global GDP,

India China and South

promote trade among mem-

30 percent of the planet’s terri-

Africa) leaders recon-

ber states and play a key role

tory and 18 percent of global

firmed their shared commit-

in the growth of the world


ment to a strong multilateral

economy, was a notable posi-

system that is properly gov-

tive outcome of the summit.

benefits arising from BRICS

BRICS is an association of

membership were evident

erned at the 11th BRICS Summit in Brazil. President Cyril Ramaphosa said this commitment, along


President Ramaphosa said

five major emerging countries

across all partner countries,

which together represent 42

with South Africa playing host

percent of the global popula-

to Brazilian bus manufacturers,

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Leaders of BRICS countries - President of Russia Vladimir Putin, President of China Xi Jinping, President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, President of Sout h Africa Cyril Ramaphosa and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.

Russian train manufacturers,

council has already identi-

hosted by the Federative Re-

Indian automotive compa-

fied a number of projects in

public of Brazil, led by President

nies and Chinese machinery

infrastructure development,

Jair Messias Bolsonaro as the


agriculture, renewable energy,

2019 BRICS Chair. The summit

“Each of the BRICS countries

agro processing, mining and a

took place under the theme

has South African fruit and

range of other projects that will

“BRICS: Economic Growth for

vegetables on their tables,

positively influence the econo-

an Innovative Future”.

buildings constructed from

mies of BRICS countries.

Brazil’s priorities for its 2019

South African metals and fac-

He said that the council will

tories fitted with South African

ensure the New Development

novation, fighting transnational

machinery and electronics,” he

Bank (NDB) or other financial

crime, health and promoting


institutions financed these

trade and investment, with a


focus on infrastructure devel-

The President attributed these benefits to the BRICS strategy

The President tabled the for-

BRICS chairship include in-

opment and possible public-

for economic partnership and

mation of the NDB as another

the work of the BRICS Business

notable positive outcome of


the BRICS association, as dem-

by the BRICS Business Forum,

onstrated by the bank’s strong

where President Ramaphosa

economic growth, especially

capital base and projects

and other BRICS leaders inter-

through intra-BRICS trade, and

already underway in all mem-

acted with the BRICS Business

is able to identify nodes of

ber states, with South Africa

Council to strengthen and

economic growth.

allocated US$2. 5 billion.

promote economic, trade, busi-

He said the council promoted

The President added that the

The 11th BRICS Summit was

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

private partnerships. The summit was preceded

ness and investment ties.



*Writer: Sifiso Moshoetsi

A giant is born I

African National Congress (ANC) from 1928 to 1930, Josiah Gumede, attested to this when, after his visit to the Soviet Union in 1928, he came back to South Africa and

n 2006, a structure that was

They are deeply anti-colonial and

declared: “I have seen the new

to change the international

staunchly anti-imperialist. They are


balance of forces took shape.

pro-poor and represent the major-

After that, the Communist Party

Today, BRICS is a well-known coali-

ity of the working class in their

of the Soviet Union played a criti-

tion of emerging economies that is


cal role in the development of the

going from strength to strength.

leadership of African commu-

United by their pasts

nists through its Lenin School in

countries of Brazil, Russia, India,

Russia was the first country in the

Moscow. Long-time South African

China and South Africa together?

history of the world to successfully

Communist Party Secretary-Gen-

They are united by the bonds of

lead a workers revolution that, in

eral Moses Kotane spent time at

struggle and solidarity. Across

1917, put the power squarely in the

the Lenin School and went on to

the Indian and Atlantic oceans,

hands of the workers.

become one of the finest revolu-

What is it that binds the BRICS

coming from four different conti-

This revolution inspired many

nents, these countries all have a

struggles and revolutions across

common thread that unites them.

the globe. The President of the


tionaries to emerge from the South African struggle. The Soviet Union was amongst

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

the leading countries that helped

many critical lessons from the

the people of South Africa fight

Chinese experience.

apartheid. It played an instru-

South Africa shares a common

mental role in training our free-

history of colonisation by the Brit-

dom fighters and extended both

ish with India and remains home

human and capital resources to

to the largest number of people

the liberation movements, without

of Indian descent outside of India.

expecting material rewards.

Another anti-apartheid supporter,

Brazil has the largest popula-

India took up the cause of South

tion of people of African descent

Africa’s oppressed with the United

outside of Africa and strong bonds

Nations (UN) and was an ad-

of brotherhood exist between the

vocate of sanctions against the

people of the two countries.

apartheid government.

The rise of President Lula da Silva from the ranks of the working class

These are the bonds that bind the BRICS countries.

to lead the Workers’ Party in Brazil resonated with the struggles of

A new global force

the workers across the Third World.

It has been just 13 years since the

The achievements of the Brazilian

birth of BRICS. During that time, it

government under his leadership

has changed the face of interna-

provided valuable lessons for left-

tional relations and added another

leaning parties globally.

dynamic, by giving a voice to the

In the case of China, the bonds

poor, championing the issues of de-

of history are also solid. When the

veloping countries and collectively

Chinese Communist Party led its

speaking out on critical matters

1949 Chinese Revolution under

affecting the globe.

the leadership of Mao Tse-Tung,

It has put the Third World at the

many oppressed people across

forefront in international forums

the globe felt renewed hope,

and become an alternative force

including in South Africa.

in providing fair trade for poor

The story of China and how it liberated over 300 000 million

countries. Dominated by the Western gov-

people from poverty and became

ernments, the World Bank and the

a global economic and politi-

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

cal superpower remains a great

are now being challenged as a


result of the BRICS Bank, which

An anti-apartheid ally, China

provides more favourable lending

continues to work closely with the

terms to its member countries.

ANC and South Africa can learn

As President Vladimir Putin

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

“Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are coordinating their policies on key international issues ever more closely, and are playing an active part in shaping a multipolar world order and developing modern models for the world’s financial and trading systems.”



of the Russian Federation put it:

and the Group of 77. They are

produced an agreement on the

“The BRICS group is still young as

also members of various regional

New Development Bank and the

an organisation but has already

associations, which adds value

Treaty for the Establishment of

proven its effectiveness. Brazil, Rus-

and opens up their spheres of

a BRICS Contingent Reserve Ar-

sia, India, China and South Africa


rangement. These institutions will

are coordinating their policies on

Relations between BRICS part-

key international issues ever more

ners are built on the UN Charter,

At the latest BRICS meeting in

closely, and are playing an active

generally recognised principles

Japan, it was noted that global

part in shaping a multipolar world

and norms of international law

imbalances remain large and

order and developing modern

and the following principles, which

persistent and require thorough

models for the world’s financial

were agreed upon by member

monitoring and timely policy

and trading systems.”

countries at their 2011 Summit:

responses. However, it was also

openness, pragmatism, solidarity,

acknowledged that the BRICS

non-bloc nature and neutrality

countries were the main drivers

with regard to third parties.

of global growth over the past

Influencing the international scene The growing economic might of

Between 2009 and 2018, BRICS

possess a total of $200 billion.

decade. Projections indicate

BRICS countries, their significance

countries took a common stance

that BRICS will continue to

as driving forces of global econom-

on a number of regional issues,

account for more than half of

ic development, their substantial

including the Libyan, Syrian and

global economic growth until

population and abundant natural

Venezuela conflicts and the Ira-


resources form the foundation of

nian nuclear programme.

their influence on the international scene. For instance, the population of BRICS countries is 2.88 billion (42 percent of the global population)

They also reached common

alism. It has the power to shape

economic issues, including World

global governance in the 21st

Bank and IMF reforms.

century by consolidating the

BRICS is successfully expanding its external relations, building on

percent of the planet’s land.

groundwork laid at the Durban meeting between the five BRICS

members of leading international

leaders, the leaders of the African

organisations and agencies,

Union and the leaders of eight top

including the UN, the Group of

African integration associations.

20, the Non-Aligned Movement

The 6th BRICS Summit in 2014


and brings about real multilater-

agreement on financial and

and the five countries cover 26 BRICS countries are influential

BRICS makes our world fairer

might of emerging nations.

*Sifiso Moshoetsi is Chief Director: Social Protection, Community and Human Development; Governance, State Capacity and Institutional Development Clusters at Government Communication and Information System.

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020


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Writer: Jauhara Khan

The fight for gender equality K

eketso Maema has played an important role in some of South Africa’s landmark

(LGBTIQA+) communities. “The most exciting thing about working in this environment is

human rights cases that have dra-

that we dealt with landmark

matically changed the face of the

cases that changed the

legislative and social landscape in

policy landscape. I dealt

the country.

with cases in the Consti-

As the Chief Executive Officer

tutional Court related to

(CEO) of the Commission for Gen-

the adoption of children

der Equality (CGE), she has made

by lesbian couples. We were

the fight for all South Africans to be

able to win that case and it

treated fairly and equally one of

changed the policy landscape to

her most important goals.

allow same-sex couples to adopt,”

Maema is a qualified lawyer, with

she said.

a Degree in Sociology and Devel-

But the most crucial case

opment Studies from the University

Maema has been involved in

of Lesotho, and postgraduate LLB

was one that helped

and LLM degrees from Wits Univer-

same-sex couples


around the

After university, she joined


Nicholls, Cambanis and Associ-


ates in 2002 to serve her articles. It


marked the beginning of Maema’s


journey into human rights law,


where she worked on cases

– the

specifically affecting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning and asexual


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

case of Marie Fourie and Cecelia

as its CEO. She sees herself as part

in KwaZulu-Natal where bursaries

Bonthuys versus Minister of Home

of a team that is working hard to

were awarded to women who

Affairs and Director-General of

achieve transformation in gender

could prove their virginity.

Home Affairs in 2005.

equality in the country.

“We were part of this process,

“The CGE had to step in and ask, what does being a virgin have

working alongside the Gender

The role of the CGE

to do with studying? How do you

Equality Project, the Women

Established in terms of Section 187

tell if a man is a virgin or not, and

Empowerment Forum and other

of the Constitution of the Republic

why do they get bursaries and not

LGBTIQA+ organisations around

of South Africa of 1996, the CGE

women? This criteria must apply to

the country to mobilise for gay

must promote respect for gender

all sexes.

marriages,” Maema said.

equality, and protect, develop and

This case led to a groundbreaking decision by the Constitutional

attain gender equality. The CGE ensures the rights of all

“We gave recommendations to the municipality on withdrawing such discriminatory policies, and

Court which ruled that same-sex

by undertaking research, public

ran gender mainstreaming work-

couples had the constitutional

education programmes, policy

shops for councillors to ensure that

right to marry. In 2006, Parliament

development, legislative initiatives,

there is equal treatment of both

passed the Civil Union Act, which

effective monitoring and litigation.

women and men.”

made South Africa one of few

“Our work is about changing

The CGE also works with politi-

countries in the world to recognise

mindsets. It is a challenge, but we

cal parties and private entities to

same-sex marriages.

are optimistic about tackling these

ensure that women are represent-

challenges,” said Maema.

ed equally in their organisations,

“When you’re working on such cases you don’t realise the impact

She reflected on some of the

and offers assistance in achiev-

you have on people. It's only af-

more prolific cases involving vulner-

ing gender equality and dealing

terward you realise how much we

able women that the CGE had

with gender-based issues in the

were able to help people through

been able to assist over the years.


developing legislature that puts

“We have worked on cases that

people’s human rights at the cen-

have changed people’s lives. One

Fighting GBV

tre of it.”

such case took place in KwaZulu-

Among its many programmes,

Natal, where a young woman in

the CGE runs outreach and legal

Joining the CGE

uMlazi was banished by her comm-

clinics to support the public and

Maema started her career at the

munity for wearing pants. The men

educate communities about their

CGE as a Deputy Director, con-

in the community beat her up and

rights. During these outreach

ducting legal research into litiga-

burned her home down. The com-

programmes, the CGE is able to

tion and policy changes. She then

mission was able to ensure that

follow up on urgent gender-based

served as the Acting Head of Legal

the men ended up behind bars

matters facing the community to

and assisted the woman,” Maema

ensure that they receive justice



Services until 2009, when she was offered the position of acting CEO for the commission. In August 2010, she was formally appointed

In another case, the commission conducted gender mainstreaming

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

It also works with the Department of Social Development to help



shelter victims of GBV. “The CGE has been able to moni-

The CGE also monitors all parties

as patriarchy so we can see and

working at service delivery points

respect each other as equals. If we

tor cases in court and resolve them

that assist the vulnerable, and

all ensure we do what needs to be

faster through our presence. In one

hold them accountable to their

done according to our mandates,

case, a woman had been abused


we can end the scourge.”

by her husband and left for dead.

Maema said the CGE also en-

The case went on for seven years

gages with young men to address

gender equality in government,

before we were approached to

issues around GBV and masculin-

with more women being repre-

mediate in court. Within a year, the

ity. The CGE also has designated

sented in Parliament, and one day

husband was behind bars.

commissioners who are able to as-

seeing a woman as President of

sist men and address GBV through

South Africa.

“In other communities in the country, we are dealing with the issue of child brides. We offer

educational programmes. “To end GBV we must all speak

Maema hopes to also see more

The CGE encourages anyone who has been affected by gender

comprehensive sexual education

out. At the same time, the princi-

discrimination to visit any of its

to these communities, and monitor

ples of human dignity must be

offices, which are located in all

these communities to ensure this

adhered to. We don’t need to deal

provinces, or call the commission’s

does not happen to our girls,” she

with differences through violence.

toll-free number at 0800 007 709 for


We must do away with issues such



Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

ATTENTION ALL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS At any given time the Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women cares for 120 women and children. Since opening our doors we have assisted 160 000 survivors of Gender Based Violence. To this end the Centre is looking for long term partnerships and sponsorships.



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• Advocacy and Lobbying

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• Outreach Programme

women and children.

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Writer: Dale Hes


The heartbeat of South Africa


espite being South Africa’s

Today, well over 500 000 job op-

smallest province, with a

portunities have been created for

land area of just

the youth.

18 178km Gauteng’s impact on 2

the country is immense.

job seekers. Premier Makhura said a number of other programmes will create

“To us, nothing is as urgent as

at least another 500 000 opportu-

giving hope to our young people,

nities. These include placing 250

many of whom bear the brunt

000 young people in long-term

nomic heartbeat of South Africa,

of poverty and unemployment.

public works programmes and

contributing 35 percent to overall

Tackling youth unemployment

empowering 100 000 unemployed

gross domestic product. It is Sub-

and promoting youth entrepre-

women with the skills they need to

Saharan Africa’s leading region

neurship is a key priority of our

become employed.

for finance, manufacturing and


In fact, Gauteng is the eco-

business. Led by Premier David

“Going forward, we need to do

“We will strengthen the Tshepo

more to help a larger number of

Makhura, Gauteng continues to

1 Million programme and take it

young people to access long-term

be a thriving centre of innovation

closer to young people in com-

jobs or to establish sustainable

and growth.

munities and link it to the revitali-

businesses,” he said.

sation of the township economy,

Leading the way in youth employment Back in 2014, the provincial

Premier Makhura in his 2019 State

Boosting investment and the township economy

government launched an initia-

of the Province Address.

Premier Makhura highlighted that

tive called Tshepo 500 000, which

as well as sector-based initiatives in development corridors,” said

The programme is being car-

since 2014, the Gauteng economy

aimed to create half a million jobs

ried out in partnership with

has attracted around R199 billion

for the youth. In just three years,

other organisations, including the

in foreign direct investment, creat-

the project had already created

Harambee Youth Employment Ac-

ing 469 000 new jobs. Notable

300 000 jobs. Following this suc-

celerator, which works with over

investments were in the automo-

cess, the project was restructured

430 companies to give employ-

tive, manufacturing and agro-

and rebranded to Tshepo 1 Million.

ment opportunities to first-time

processing sectors.


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

A flagship project is the Gibela

access markets and prosper. This

ley that will drive the development

Consortium’s Dunnottar train man-

will include rejuvenating township

of our digital economy. Our dream

ufacturing plant, which produces

industrial parks, agri-hubs and lo-

is that Gauteng should be a hub

rolling stock for the Passenger Rail

cal produce markets. We will also

of Fourth Industrial Revolution skills

Agency of South Africa.

set up a joint township economy

and a centre of excellence for dig-

innovation fund with the private

ital economy breakthroughs such


as artificial intelligence, crypto

“A total of R1.58 billion has been invested in the plant so far, creating 1 500 jobs. It is projected that

currency and big data.”

billion and create 15 000 new jobs

A technology-driven province

nology incorporated into every

over the next decade.”

Gauteng is a hub of technological

sector of the public service, in

development, particularly in sup-

order to improve the quality and

government is particularly excited

port of greater goals such as job

efficiency of service delivery.

about the ground-breaking work

creation and improved access to

that is being done to boost the


this investment will increase to R50

Premier Makhura said that

township economy, in response

“Over several decades, we

The Premier wants to see tech-

“I want to see more progress in smart and efficient digital public services in areas such as revenue

to the call from President Cyril

have been building a smart and

collection, payment of service

Ramaphosa. The Gauteng govern-

techno-savvy Gauteng City Re-

providers within 15 and 30 days,

ment is focusing on procuring

gion with an innovative ecosystem

delivery of education and health,

billions of rands worth of services

that includes the Gauteng Innova-

library services, policing and moni-

and products from township busi-

tion Hub, public universities and

toring of infrastructure projects,” he


research institutes, private sector


“We believe more jobs can be created by small and mediumsized businesses if they get ap-

centres of innovation and recently, eKasi Labs,” said the Premier. The Gauteng Innovation Hub,

propriate support from the whole

as well as the eKasi Labs – which

of government. We have learnt

support the development of digi-

important lessons from support-

tal skills and entrepreneurship in

ing township business through

townships – support thousands of

infrastructure development and

aspiring entrepreneurs and unem-

access to markets through govern-

ployed people every year.

ment procurement worth,” said the Premier. He explained that the provincial government is creating strong platforms for township economies to thrive. “We are continuing to invest in in-

Premier Makhura said the dream is to grow Gauteng into Africa’s hub for the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “In the coming years, we will expand the infrastructure and the offerings of the Gauteng Innova-

frastructure that supports clusters

tion Hub to revive the dream of

of township businesses to expand,

growing it into Africa’s Silicon Val-

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Gauteng fast facts • Gauteng is South Africa’s most populated province, with an estimated 14.7 million people. • Gauteng’s name derives from the Sesotho word for “gold”. • The province has three district municipalities, three metropolitan municipalities and six local municipalities. • Gauteng is home to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the largest stock exchange in Africa.



Writer: Dale Hes

Ekurhuleni prioritises

people-centred service delivery


few years ago, the City

based on citizens’ views of service

of Ekurhuleni adopted

delivery, the city was found to be

“Having assessed the state of

a unique approach to

outperforming the other Gauteng

our finances, the Auditor-Gener-


al’s judgment is that the city’s fi-

its service delivery philosophy. It

reclaim a clean audit.

created two hypothetical citizens,

“Overall, we are doing better

nancial statements are fairly and

living in one of the municipality’s

than almost all municipalities in

appropriately presented, without

informal settlements and expect-

Gauteng. More instructive is the

any exceptions, and in compli-

ing their first child.

fact that we are a leader of our

ance with accounting standards.

“We proposed a scenario in

peer group of metros. We have

This provides a good basis upon

which Nthabeleng and Themba

performed better than all the

which we will continue striving for

were two hypothetical citizens of

other metros in terms of the level

clean audit outcomes.”

Ekurhuleni residing in one of the

of citizen satisfaction,” said the

119 informal settlements... Central

Executive Mayor.

to this hypothetical scenario

Some of the successes of the

Delivering quality healthcare

was our determination to plan

past two years include the electri-

All 93 clinics within the city have

our policies and service delivery

fication of over 15 000 houses, 11

achieved Ideal Clinic Status in

choices in a manner that max-

300 new water and sewage con-

terms of the National Core Stand-

imises impact on the lives of the

nections and the construction of


poorest citizens and communities

24 000 low-cost houses.

residents have access to quality

of our city,” explained Executive Mayor Mzwandile Masina in his State of the City Address.

The city wants to ensure that all

Excellence in financial management

healthcare. “We want people from impov-

The city has received two un-

erished households to enjoy the

two-and-a-half years working very

qualified audit outcomes over

certainty and comfort of quality

hard to ensure that we improve

the past two years, with zero un-

treatment for any ailments and

the living conditions of Ntha-

authorised, irregular and fruitless

the required prenatal and post-

beleng and family.”


natal support, he said. “It is in this

“We therefore spent the past

Masina said that these have

pursuit of equitable healthcare

resulted in some highly-impressive

come about through interven-

that we currently have nine clin-

outcomes. In the Gauteng City-

tions such as a Capex War Room

ics that render 24-hour services

Region Observatory Quality of Life

to assess capital expenditure

within the City of Ekurhuleni,” said

Survey released in October 2018,

and establishing other systems to

the Executive Mayor.

This guiding philosophy has


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020


Escape with a concrete plan L

eaving an abusive relation-

you get medical help and

new residential address, or

ship is no easy task and it

ask your doctor to record your

to allow the abuser to enter

is important to ensure your

injuries or take photos of your

your shared residence or part


thereof, for example, the main

If you have been sexually


safety when you decide to do so. It is therefore vital to have a

concrete safety plan. The Depart-

abused, ensure that you do not

ment of Justice and Constitutional

bath or dispose of any clothing

tion order, quickly report such

Development has shared a few tips

items until all evidence is taken

violation to the nearest police

on how to prepare your escape

for DNA purposes.

station. Go to the police with

from an abusive relationship.

Develop an escape plan

Upon violation of the protec-

a copy of the order and the

Safety at your home

suspended warrant of arrest.

If you are not living with the abuser, change door locks if the abuser

Emergency items

Get an escape bag, pack all

has access to your house keys.

Make sure that all your important

emergency items and store the

Install or improve the security

documents are with you when

system in your house.

you are planning your escape.

Ask people you trust to call you

These items include:

a place to escape to, that is un-

or the police if they see the

known to the abuser. Choose two

abuser entering your premises.

bag safely or keep it with a trusted person. Make sure that you secure

rescue persons to alert whenever

the abuse occurs.

Teach your children and any

away from places like the kitchen

Avoid being alone with the abuser

where knives and other dangerous

and teach your children or people

items are usually kept.

who live with you how to get help


Quickly grab your escape bag

when a violent attack occurs.

and escape, only when it is safe

Apply for a protection order.

to do so.

If necessary, ask the mag-

If you are injured, ensure that

Certified copy of protection order/maintenance number.

Medical aid, hospital/ clinic card.

or towards an escape route. Stay


When you live with the abuser

Quickly move to a low-risk area


one who lives with you what to do if the abuser enters your

Safety during a violent attack

ID book, driver’s licence/

Duplicate keys.

Cash or bank cards.

If your require assistance, contact the national GBV Command Centre by calling 0800 428 428, sending a ‘please call me’ to *120*7867# or sending an SMS, with the word ‘Help’, to 31531.

istrate not to disclose your

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020






Job application requirements eased

Source: SAnews

and Administration (DPSA) has

uments that are up to six months

since issued a circular – Human

old, it added.

All government departments have

Resource Planning and Employ-

been directed to stop the practice

ment Practices: Circular No 35 of

the personnel suitability checks

of requiring certified copies of

2019 – which makes it clear that

set out in the Public Service Regu-

documents, not older than three

the prescribed application for

lations of 2016.

months, with applications for

employment form (Z83) and the


Public Service Regulations do not

This change does not replace

plaints raised with President Cyril

frame for certification of docu-

Improving access to reproductive health services

Ramaphosa on social media and

ments that accompany applica-

Minister in The Presidency Jackson

through other channels about


Mthembu says South Africa will

This decision follows com-

the onerous requirements for

prescribe a three-month time-

“Government has recognised

compliance with public sector job

that the practice impacts nega-


tively on job seekers in the current

continue working to improve access to reproductive services. The Minister said the newly

economic climate in South Africa,

completed five-year plan for the

the President and the Minister of

and that there is a need to reduce

country’s sixth democratic admin-

Public Service and Administration

the burden on job seekers to

istration affirmed that South Africa

that departments have adopted

submit - with each separate job

will improve access to reproduc-

a practice of requiring certified

application - certified copies of

tive health services in the next

copies of documents not older

supporting documents which are

five years, including targeting

than three months to accompany

not older than three months,” said

adolescent sexual and reproduc-

applications for employment,” The

The Presidency.

tive health and rights, to address

“It has come to the attention of

Presidency said. The Department of Public Service

Departments have been advised to accept certified copies of doc-

pregnancies and risky behaviour. The plan also includes upscaling existing campaigns and programmes on new HIV infections among youth, women and persons with disabilities, and developing targeted programmes on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender mainstreaming, youth and disability issues in programmes and addressing teenage pregnancies. Minister Mthembu said South Africa would strive to further reduce child and maternal mortality and improve access to reproductive


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

able to support the communications and digital transformation strategy of the AU. The streaming service is not one isolated service, but a segment of the AU communication strategy,” said Communications and Digital Technologies Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams. This initiative is one of the outcomes arising from landmark agreements adopted in the 2019 Sharm El Sheikh Declaration in Egypt. health services and antiretroviral treatment.

SA helping digitise AU historic material

between African ministers

The declaration, reached

South Africa has also extended

As South Africa prepares to take

responsible for communica-

free dignity packs to women and

over the rotational chairmanship

tion, information and commu-

girls to improve women’s repro-

of the African Union (AU) in Febru-

nication technologies in their

ductive health and help girls stay

ary 2020, the Department of Com-

respective countries, calls for

in school during their cyle.

munications and Digital Technolo-

a special focus on the African

gies is hard at work ensuring that

Digital Transformation Strategy,

ed reproductive healthcare

the AU’s old archival material

the AU Communication and

through various programmes

becomes digitally accessible.

Advocacy Strategy as well as

Presently, this rich heritage

the AU’s Brand and Communi-

South Africa has also expand-

and policies. These include the Integrated School Health Pro-

content – dating back to the

cation Style Guideline, which

gramme, B-Wise and She Con-

AU’s formation in 1963 – is stored

are meant to advance the AU’s

quers Campaign.

in archaic analogue tapes,

Agenda 2063 goals of acceler-

The Choice on Termination of

placing it out of reach for many

ating innovation and technol-

Pregnancy Act passed in 1996

scholars, researchers, historians,


has ensured death from un-

policy makers and ordinary

safe abortion has declined by


more than 90 percent. Access

The department is working

“The project is a strategic partnership with the AU and the African community. It is also

to primary healthcare services

closely with ZA Central Registry,

an opportunity to demonstrate

increased from 67 million in 1998

a South African-based compa-

that our vision as a country is

to over 128 million in March 2018.

ny, to create an online streaming

to champion unity and social

Furthermore, the total number of

platform to be known as AUTV.

cohesion, not just in South Africa,

new HIV infections declined from


but also in the continent,” said

270 000 in 2016 to 231 000 in 2018.

“It gives us great pride to be

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Minister Ndabeni-Abrahams.



Compiled by: Jauhara Khan

Africa Energy Indaba

3-4 March 2020

The 12th Africa Energy Indaba Conference will discuss, debate and seek solutions to enable adequate energy generation across the continent. A diverse group of high-profile speakers will share their real-world insights about the changing energy landscape in Africa. The conference will explore what is needed to meet the rapidlygrowing need for energy access in Africa. The African market and prospective business opportunities in the energy space; regional integration; and the importance of African Power Pools will also be discussed. Delegates will also have the opportunity to learn about disruptive business models, the need for innovative financing solutions and the impact of Industry 4.0 in the energy sector. The Africa Energy Indaba is the World Energy Council regional event for Africa. The conference will take place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 3 – 4 March 2020.

Skills Development Summit

4 March 2020

The Skills Development Summit 2020 will discuss the state of our rapidly changing world and taking advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) to find opportunities for skills development. Skills development should focus on new industries and advanced technological skills that will, advance South Africa's global economy competitiveness. The summit will present a vision of how skills development and jobs can be retained in this shifting world, especially in the

For more information, visit

context of rural and urban development. The summit will focus on agri-

The Water Show Africa 2020

culture and manufacturing, and

31 March 2020 – 1 April 2020

The Water Show Africa is Africa’s leading conference and exhibition for water professionals and large end users. The conference brings together innovative minds that are shaping the way we improve the delivery of water infrastructure and meet growing demand across Africa. The event features a number of influential speakers including leading disruptors, innovators, water utilities, water boards and financiers from across the entire water space, who are changing the way we deliver water to the world. The agenda combines over 20 African countries speaking and taking part, inspirational keynotes from across the globe, pioneers who are already changing to investible and sustainable methods as well as technology leaders from the world’s most innovative companies. The Water Show Africa takes place at the Sandton Convention Centre from 31 March 2020 – 1 April 2020. For more information, go to


how to put forth a framework to address job losses through skills development. It will highlight the need to empower women, especially in sectors such as science, technology and tourism, and encourage women entrepreneurs. The summit will also focus on providing skills development for people with disabilities, to increase workplace equity. The summit will take place at the CSIR International Convention Centre in Pretoria on 4 March 2020. For more information, go to http://www.

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020





Standard Bank Top Women



TopcomediaT V



Writer: More Matshediso

New year, new benefits P

ublic service employees and

lenges facing the country, such

all GEMS benefit options, which

their families can look for-

as unemployment, inequality, fuel

are Sapphire, Beryl, Ruby, Emerald

ward to receiving enhanced

price increases and rising electric-

Value, Emerald and Onyx.

healthcare coverage in 2020 as the

ity tariffs, among other things.

Affordable rates

Government Employees Medical

“All of these things are putting

Scheme (GEMS) has reinvested

pressure on family budgets. Youth

GEMS was registered in 2005

close to R1 billion to enhance

unemployment is also a challenge

specifically to meet the healthcare


in the country and that means

needs of government employees.

many young people are covered

Its goal is to help public service

Chief Operations Officer Dr Stan

under their parents’ medical aid

employees and their families to get


schemes,” he said.

the best possible healthcare at the

This was announced by GEMS

most affordable rate.

He said the reinvestment will be

Simplifying the R1 billion rein-

of great help to many public serv-

vestment, Moloabi announced a

ants who are negatively affected

weighted average contribution

ence between GEMS’s average

by the current economic chal-

increase of 7.69 percent across

family contribution and the aver-


According to Moloabi, the differ-

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

age contribution of competing

we are already seeing the results

“The enhanced benefits on Tan-

schemes before subsidy ranges

because only 3.5 percent of our

zanite One symbolise an evolution

between nine percent and 36

members deplete benefits in any

towards the Basic Benefit Package

percent on five of its healthcare

given month,” said Moloabi.

and transformation which forms

benefit options. “The scheme endeavors to keep

He said the other issue that

part of our business strategy that

GEMS members complain about

seeks to ensure more value for our

annual increases to a minimum

is co-payments when they consult


without compromising members’

healthcare providers. Moloabi said

access to quality healthcare,” said

this problem is being addressed

bers on the Emerald Value Option


and explained there has been a

(EVO) will also experience the low-

gradual decrease over the past

est monthly contribution increase

healthcare needs of over 720 000

three years in the number of mem-

of all the options.

principal members and over 1.8

bers who pay co-payments.

“We continue to prioritise the

million beneficiaries entrusted to us,” he added.

“In 2017, there was a decline

In addition, Moloabi said mem-

“Both the EVO and Emerald benefit options offer the same

of 6.1 percent of members who

level of healthcare cover; however,

have to pay co-payments, and

EVO is more affordable because

Improved benefits

that number went down in 2018

members make use of a network

Moloabi said GEMS has the lowest

to 5.9 percent, and further down

of healthcare providers, after hav-

non-healthcare expenditure, and

this year to 5.3 percent. This is the

ing nominated a general practi-

that translates to more benefits for

issue that we are constantly trying

tioner of their choice to coordinate

members and their beneficiaries.

to address.”

their healthcare needs,” Moloabi

For instance, he said members


of the scheme used to complain

Enhanced benefits

about running out of funds/ben-

As part of the enhanced benefits,

who switch to EVO can expect to

efits in the middle of the year, but

Moloabi also announced that the

pay around R600 less each month,

this is no longer the case for most

Sapphire option will be called Tan-

which would amount to a R7 200


zanite One as of January 2020.

saving per annum.

“In 2019, we introduced the extender benefit, which is otherwise

“It comes with bigger, better and richer benefits,” he said.

He said members on Emerald

Moloabi encouraged public service employees on employment

known as the day-to-day benefits,

Members who opt for Tanzanite

levels one to five to take advan-

and because of this, less than 50

One will have access to a network

tage of the enhanced Tanzanite

percent of our members deplete

of healthcare providers by nomi-

One benefit option as they may

their benefits,” he said.

nating a general practitioner of

qualify for 100% subsidy which

their choice to coordinate their

would cover their contributions.

The extender benefit refers to outof-hospital care that happens on a more frequent basis. It includes

healthcare needs. “From 2020, members on the

dentistry, optometry, general practi-

Tanzanite One option will have ac-

tioner visits and medication.

cess to private hospitals, subject to

“From 2020, we are going to enhance the extender benefit;

utilising the GEMS private hospital network,” explained Moloabi.

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Members can contact GEMS at 0860 00 4367 or send an email to



*Writers: Siphokazi Ngcuthushe-Dyosini and Sibongile Nkwana

Challenges faced by

women researchers in Africa


omen researchers have

research crucial to society’s future

Promoting gender equality and

a critical role to play in

well-being, it is essential to ensure

the empowerment of women ben-

Africa’s development,

that people are not deterred from

efits any economy and society. Yet

following a career in this field.

in Africa, women researchers face

including pushing the envelope on gender equality.

However, many young women

Finding answers to pressing problems like water and energy security and sustainable living lies in

counterparts. This is mainly be-

aware of persisting gender in-

cause of cultural practices, gender

equality, which often severely limits

inequality and gender discrimina-

their success. Research is often


the innovations

seen as a man’s job and, in a pa-

In 2019, Elsevier – a global

that come

triarchal society, it can be socially

information analytics business

difficult for a woman to declare

specialising in science and health

herself a researcher.

– interviewed three top African

from basic research. The University of

According to Gender in the

female scientists to unearth the


Global Research Landscape report

challenges faced by women in


of 2018, women researchers are

Africa. It was discovered that there

ing Science

under-represented in science,

are still journals where gender de-

website sums

technology, engineering and

termines whether work submitted is

mathematics (STEM) fields globally,

published or not. Chauvinistic so-

ly: The process

but the situation is worse in Africa.

cieties offer no encouragement for

of science is a way

This is a serious issue and a cause

the female researcher and funding

for concern.

is limited, which often forces them

it up succinct-

of building knowledge about the universe – constructing new ideas that illuminate the world

It highlights that gender dis-

to move to European countries for

parities need to be addressed,

better academic growth opportu-

especially in Africa. Although


around us. Scientific

some progress has been made in

According to Professor Tawana

knowledge allows us to

uplifting women in Africa, a lot still

Kupe, the Vice-Chancellor of the

develop new tech-

needs to be done to overcome the

University of Pretoria, South African

nologies, solve practical

cultural, economic and health bur-

universities are actively pursuing

problems and make

dens borne by both the young and

gender equality and academic

informed decisions.

elderly, especially women research-

advancement opportunities to


increase the number of women

With science and


more challenges than their male

pursuing careers in research are

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

professors and leading researchers.

ment institutions, while their male

friends and among colleagues

The higher you go in academia

counterparts are engaged more

who make comments like: “This is

in Africa, whether in business or

in the private sector, where they

not a job for women.” “She won’t be

government, the more men you

enjoy better pay and opportunities.

able to hold up in difficult fieldwork

will find, while women are glaringly

Further to this, women researchers

conditions.” “How will she maintain

under-represented. Women in STEM

are often concentrated in the lower

a household while doing this sort

fields face various challenges such

echelons of responsibility and

of work?”

as education constraints, cultural

decision-making within leadership

and gender prejudices as well as


stereotyping, which influence their opportunities and choices.

In many African countries, men

While the male researcher is seen as a facilitator and as someone who can open any door, at any

occupy important leadership

level, a woman doing research is

Women researchers should be

positions and often lead university

often considered too fragile and in

highly visible in solving complex

departments and research institu-

need of a third party’s buttressing

issues in our society, including all

tions. There is also a lack of gender-

and support.

forms of inequality and discrimi-

friendly policy frameworks, such as

nation, unemployment, climate

the provision of childcare facilities

emphasises that one of the most

change, health problems and

at the workplace or career re-entry

important steps countries can take

food security. This will be a great

programmes to encourage women

to drive progress is to ensure and

move towards creating the society

researchers to recommence their

improve the political, economic

envisaged in the Constitution, the

careers after taking a break to start

and social rights and opportuni-

National Development Plan, the

a family.

ties of women. It accentuates that

African Union’s Agenda 2063 and

The UN Development Programme

Organisations and institutions in

while Africa has achieved notable

the Sustainable Development

Africa need to urgently introduce

economic growth over the years, if

Goals of the United Nations (UN).

and implement gender-sensitive

it is to be sustainable, future growth

policies to ensure that women can

must be inclusive and translate into

advance in their research careers.

concrete improvements in the lives

Recent data from UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) indicates that only

Closing the gender gap could

of women researchers.

28 percent of researchers em-

help reduce hunger and improve

ployed in research and develop-

livelihoods for Africa’s growing

role in research across all fields

ment globally are women. This level

population, which is expected to

and sectors, not only to fight social

varies across regions. Major gender

quadruple within the next 90 years,

injustice, but also because women

disparities between women and

according to the World Bank.

hold specific skills that can solve

men research scientists are also ev-

Despite this, there is a trend in our

ident in places of work and in their

respective circles to undermine

level of responsibility. UNESCO’s In-

women researchers with argu-

stitute for Statistics revealed in 2015

ments rooted in chauvinism. This

that women researchers primarily

happens above all among our

work in academic and govern-

loved ones, at the family level, with

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Women should have a larger

world challenges.

*Siphokazi Ngcuthushe-Dyosini is a Senior Research Specialist and Sibongile Nkwana a Researcher at the Government Pensions Administration Agency.



GREAT NEWS FOR GEMS MEMBERS Public service employees and their families can look forward to receiving enhanced healthcare coverage in 2020 as the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS) has reinvested close to R1-billion towards benefits enhancement. For the second year in a row, GEMS has kept its contribution increase down to one of the lowest in the industry. South Africa’s largest restricted medical scheme has announced a weighted average contribution increase of 7.69% across all its benefit options. The scheme also announced a change in name of the Sapphire option which will now be called Tanzanite One with bigger, better and richer benefits. “The scheme endeavours to keep annual increases to a minimum without compromising members’ access to quality healthcare as we continue to prioritise the healthcare needs of over 720 000 principal members and 1.8 million beneficiaries entrusted to us,” said Dr Stan Moloabi, GEMS Chief Operations Officer. GEMS continues to make a significant contribution in providing access to quality healthcare to South Africans. As South Africa’s largest restricted scheme, GEMS has the lowest healthcare expenditure which means more benefits for members and their beneficiaries. “The enhanced benefits on Tanzanite One symbolise an evolution towards the Basic Benefit Package and transformation which forms part of our business strategy that seeks to ensure more value for our members,” says Dr Moloabi.

in 2019!

ral – what’s new in 2019! MS

- and EMS

With GEMS, your health is taken care of – so that you have time to focus on what is important to you and your family. This year is no different! SUMMARY OF KEY BENEFIT ENHANCEMENTS

rs can look forward to several ON SPECIFIC BENEFIT OPTIONS FOR 2020 d improved benefits Accessible:



With the goal of universal health coverage inEach year medical scheme members are mind, our 2019 benefit enhancements place encouraged to review their healthcare needs has been renamed Tanzanite One with improved greater focus on vulnerable groups – children,and make the decision of whether they wish to a for our who will now have access With GEMS, your remain healthonistheir taken care of –option so that you cover – an increasebenefits of 5.4% formembers all in- and current benefit or choose women and the elderly to a network of healthcare providers by nominating a have time to focustoon what important toGEMS you invites and your f-hospital benefit limits across all GEMS move to ais different option. GEMS provides greater access to quality d generallpractitioner of their choice to coordinate their family. This year is different! fit options. all no members of the scheme and prospective through a wide array of networks healthcare healthcare needs. From 2020, members on the Tanzanite members of the public service who qualify to l Because One option will have access to wide privatebeneficiary hospitals, subject of our definition, you Accessible:join GEMS to consider their family’s healthcare ded benefits on Emerald and EVOprivate – to utilising the GEMS hospital network. can care for more of your family members needs for the year ahead and choose the tra l With the goal of universal health coverage in ditional R500 per beneficiary per year for: al they are likely to need. More importantly, EMERALD AND EMERALD VALUE OPTIONS mind, ourcover 2019 benefit enhancements place etwork GP consultations; Affordable: we would like to encourage public service Members on the Emerald Value Option (EVO) will greater focus on vulnerable groups – children, cute prescribed medicine obtained at a employees on employment levels one to five l Our experience the lowest monthly contributions increase, security for growing reserve ratio provides women and the elderly twork pharmacy; and to take advantage of the enhanced Tanzanite which then you makes sense for members and your family on EVO to will l GEMS provides greater access toforquality athology tests performed at athis preferred One option as they may qualify a 100% remain lon option.contribution Both EVO and increases Emerald offer Lowest keep us ditional healthcare through a wide array networks thology laboratory. the same level of healthcare cover, however EVO is subsidy which could cover theirofcontributions. affordable. At 4.3%, EVO has experienced the more affordable because members make use of a l Because of our wide beneficiary definition, you For more information on the benefit lowest contribution increase for 2019. can careenhancement for more offoryour family members value for membersnetwork on Ruby – an extra of healthcare providers having nominated a 2020, contact GEMS using l Members moving from the Emerald option to eryl practitioner of their choice to coordinate their per year to extend general your Out-of-hospital EVO will experience a discount of over 16% one of the followings communication channels: ear for healthcare needs. Members on Emerald who switch to Affordable: Benefit. on contributions before er event. EVO can experience around R600 worth subsidy of savings onl Our growing reserve ratio provides security for their monthly contribution which would equate to R7200 you and your family hire gets richer – Sapphire members will benefits: money Richer back in their pockets per annum. ptive l Lowest contribution increases keep us access to private hospital care for additional l GEMS has invested over three quarters of a vailable affordable. At 4.3%, EVO has experienced the dures and treatments. billion rands in benefit enhancements for our lowest contribution increase for 2019. members l Members moving from the Emerald option to for your medicines – CONTACT Sapphire DETAILS: and Beryl l GEMS has better and richer benefits – our lowoptions EVO will experience a discount of over 16% bers have R250 per beneficiary per year for cost option, Sapphire is richer in benefits than ices on contributions before subsidy he-counter medicine, limited to R90 per event. other similar-priced products in the market Physical address:

r for:


GEMS is excited to announce that the Sapphire option

of Amarand Avenue & Mercy Avenue, y planning gets easierCorner – a contraceptive Waterkloof Glen Ext 2, Pretoria, 0181 fit of R2 822 per family per year now available Postal address: pphire and Beryl. GEMS Private Bag X1, Hatfield, 0028

snded available on GEMS in0862019, Telephone: 111 4367 screening services – all benefit options ble communication channels. Fax: 012 362 6413 ceive out-of-hospital screening services

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Writer: Dale Hes

Moving closer to quality healthcare for all In August, the much-publicised National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill was tabled in Parliament, bringing this landmark piece of legislation one step closer to becoming a reality. The Bill has been at the centre of much debate in South Africa, but is essential for transforming our healthcare landscape to one where all citizens have access to quality health services.

T 62

the NHI Bill is the final solution for addressing the current inequalities in access to healthcare. While a few privileged in the country can afford expensive medical aid schemes, millions of ordinary South Africans have to struggle with inadequate services as the effects of apartheid segregation and inequality continue to linger. Over the past few years, the pros and cons of the NHI Bill have been fiercely debated amongst politicians, academics, the pharmaceutical industry, civil society associations and healthcare professionals. This constructive process of debate is not yet over, as the public now has the opportunity to make submissions

he NHI, that provides qual-

within government’s sight for the

on the Bill and how it will impact

ity healthcare cover to all

past decade. After years of careful

their lives. Public hearings across

South Africans, has been

consultation with all stakeholders,

the country will give a clear idea

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

the R256 billion required in the

the implementation of the NHI

2025/26 financial year. The coun-

will result in a drop in the over-

the affordability of the NHI, and

try has enough money in the

all quality of healthcare and

whether it may result in job losses,

system to start implementing NHI,

possibly cause a collapse of

and some believe that the NHI

which will require some reprioritis-

the national healthcare system.

will harm private sector health-

ing. Clearly, we cannot say that

Dr Shisana said that there are

care, resulting in a negative

the NHI is unaffordable.”

several reasons why this will not

of what South Africa wants. There are arguments about

impact on the economy.

She said that the costs do not yet take into account the efficien-

Arguments over costs are based on incorrect assumptions

be the case. “First, only health facilities that

cy gains that will result from the

are certified to be fit for purpose

new system.

and those that meet the quality

“These include the introduc-

standards can receive funding

Dr Olive Shisana is a decorated

tion of new initiatives such as

from the NHI. This ‘active purchas-

public health specialist and

telemedicine (allowing doctors to

ing’ is an excellent motivator to

social scientist who has become

diagnose patients over distance,

strengthen clinics, hospitals and

a leading expert after 30 years in

using technology), coupled with

doctors’ offices, since they must

the field.

home-based care, which will de-

comply in order to be paid for

congest the health system.”

their services.”

Dr Shisana said that many of

Dr Shisana added that with

the negative comments on the NHI, particularly about the costs

Quality of healthcare

more money made available to

of implementing the system, are

Some parties have argued that

employ additional staff waiting

based on false information. “Most of the comments on the cost of NHI are based on incorrect assumptions or inadequate knowledge of healthcare expenditure patterns in the country,” she pointed out. Government has estimated that R256 billion will be needed to implement the NHI. Dr Shisana explained that this money will not appear out of thin air, but rather fall within the existing patterns of healthcare expenditure. “The myth being propagated is that the R256 billion required for the NHI will all be new money. This is not the case. South Africa already has R231.7 billion towards

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



ing majority of South Africans would prefer this system to the current model. Other studies have similarly found that the majority of South Africans support efforts to establish the NHI, and that the current system does not fulfil the human right to access to healthcare.

Preparation for implementation Government has started to prepare for the implementation of times and overcrowding will be reduced. “Additionally, the Presiden-

ization and the United Nations. Extensive research has gone

the NHI by developing detailed strategic and operational plans.

into the NHI, particularly from

Work includes designing a

tial Health Compact requires

Ministerial Working Groups and

structure and operational budg-

that the Department of Health

the Health Sciences Research

et of the NHI Fund. This structure

build and maintain health

Council (HSRC), which have

includes the staffing, equipment

infrastructure. The result will

investigated best practices and

and offices that will be required

lead to patient satisfaction. The

models, implications for the

to manage all the functions of

department has compiled an

economy and legal factors.

the NHI Fund.

inventory of all public health

“Researchers have used

“Once the Bill is passed into

infrastructure. Centralising the

domestic and international re-

law, the NHI will be incremental-

procurement and pricing of

search conducted in countries

ly implemented at those facili-

health products, medicines and

that have successfully imple-

ties that meet the certification

equipment, the result will be a

mented similar programmes. The

and accreditation requirements

reduction of price and shortag-

White Paper on NHI cites abun-

articulated in the NHI Bill. Facili-

es; this will improve the quality

dant research that informed the

ties that do not qualify will be

of services provided.”

design of the NHI. Furthermore,

improved until they are ready to

several studies conducted in

provide quality services.

Research supporting implementation of the NHI The achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) has

South Africa point to the desir-

“They will receive the normal

ability of the NHI, provided that

budget for service provision. The

the quality of healthcare can

NHI will adopt a phased process

be improved,” said Dr Shisana.

of implementation, as provided

The HSRC's research has

for in the Bill, which will ensure

been identified as a pressing

concluded that there is broad

that clinics and hospitals provide

need by global organisations

public acceptance of the NHI,

good quality services,” explained

such as the World Health Organ-

indicating that an overwhelm-

Dr Shisana.


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020


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*Writer: Oupa Makhalemele

Tackling patriarchy,

misogyny and hyper-masculinity


s South Africa joins the rest

were 41 583 reported rape cases

national mortuary-based study to

of the world in the 16 Days

and 7 437 cases of sexual assault

identify all adult female homicides

of Activism for No Violence

in the same period.

(18 years and older) and child

against Women and Children

Many of these murders have

Campaign, it is important to reflect

been linked to sexual crimes.

on the following grim details.

A 2017 research article by the

homicides (boys and girls less than 18 years) in 2009. Data collected included victim,

The latest crime statistics from

Medical Research Council found

perpetrator and crime details –

the South African Police Service

that one in five of the 2 670 adult

examining data from the mortuary

(SAPS) recorded 2 771 murders of

women killed in 2009 were identi-

register and the autopsy report

women and 1 014 child murders

fied as sexual homicides. These

from police. The identification of

in the 2018/19 financail year. There

findings came from a retrospective

sexual homicides were validated


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

This highlights the disproportionate levels of vulnerability of girls,

behaviour will continue. A close cousin of misogyny is

especially to sexual predation by

perhaps hyper-masculinity. We


need to challenge the notion that to be a man one must demon-

Confluence of patriarchy, misogyny and hyper-masculinity

cal strength, violence, dominance or sexual prowess and the sup-

Gender Justice has pointed out

pression of nurturing and sensitive

that what is required to tackle this

traits in exaggerated forms propel

scourge is the adoption of an

behaviours that militate against

“ecological model”. This approach

sound and healthy relations be-

takes into cognisance the environ-

tween South Africans of different

ment that gives rise to this crisis.

genders. Also, the media’s exhibition of

parity, the issue of the system of

this trope of manhood should

patriarchy must be confronted

be tempered with reality and a


healthy dose of positive masculin-

Without government interven-


associated with manliness. Physi-

Gender advocacy group Sonke

When dealing with gender-

across the data collection pro-

strate, in exaggerated ways, traits

ity, which emphasises traits such

tion, social patterns and practices

as sensitivity and empathy. Hiding

that fuel patriarchy will continue.

behind the mantra that media

Recently, the Justice and Cor-

only reflects society to itself will no

rectional Services Ministry an-

longer cut it.

nounced that of the 207 mag-

The media should be introspec-

istrates appointed, 105 will be

tive about how it is adding fuel to

women, effective from January

a problem, or being complicit in it.


It is encouraging in this context to

Such stances are laudable and

see that some production houses

Children were not spared the

should be encouraged. While we

now think through issues such as

horror of homicide, as the study

celebrate these trends, however,

sexual harassment on set and the

found that of the 1 277 child homi-

we should not lose sight of the

portrayal of women in highly-sexu-

cides in South Africa, 104 were

pernicious nature of patriarchy.

alised ways, for example. More of

sexual homicides, accounting for

Until such time that we all play

8.7 percent of these murders. Only

our role in remonstrating those

one percent of boys' deaths were

among us, whenever they act in

identified as sexual homicide,

ways that glorify a deep-seated

compared to 92 percent girls.

hatred of women, this cowardly

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

this is required.

*Oupa Makhalemele is the Acting Research Manager at the Film and Publication Board.



Writer: Dale Hes

South Africa’s

ground-breaking new e-visa system G

overnment has its sight

ing the red tape that travellers

interact with immigration person-

firmly set on boosting

face when they want to travel to


international tourism

South Africa and, at full imple-

numbers to the country as the

mentation, the system is expected

innovative new electronic visa (e-

to significantly boost economic

The need for an e-visa system

visa) system is introduced.


Tourism continues to be a signifi-

After months of development,

Thanks to the new system,

cant contributor to our economy.

the Department of Home Affairs

authorisations for trusted travel-

However, as international tourist

launched a trial of its new e-visa

lers and returning South African

numbers have not been growing

system in November. The initiative

nationals will be processed elec-

at the desired rates, President Cyril

is an exciting step towards reduc-

tronically, eliminating the need to

Ramaphosa prompted govern-


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

ment departments to introduce

bassy or consulate to complete

phase, with e-visa applications

new initiatives to boost tourism.

the application process.

open to Kenyan residents at

In his State of the Nation Address

All information can be submitted

present, explained Qoza. “The pilot

in June, President Ramaphosa

online, including names, address-

will be conducted with Kenya first,

said that through these interven-

es, dates of birth and passport

at the OR Tambo and Lanseria

tions, government will seek to

details. Applicants are required to

Airports. We will then evaluate the

double international annual tourist

have a valid passport, an email

project and look at which other

arrivals to 21 million by 2030.

address and a debit or credit

countries to expand the e-visa

card. Once a traveller’s applica-

system to,” he said.

“This will be achieved through the renewal of the country’s brand,

tion has been approved, it will

introducing a world-class visa regime, and a significant focus on Chinese and Indian markets and air arrivals from the rest of our continent,” he said. The e-visa system will make the entire process of applying for a visa and managing visa applications far more efficient for tourists and the Department of Home Affairs, as everything is managed online. “Countries that benefit the most

This phase of the project will enable the department to identify

“The pilot will be conducted with Kenya first, at the OR Tambo and Lanseria Airports.”

from increased visitor flows and

any issues with the system and find solutions. After the trial period, the department will consider rolling it out to countries from which a high number of visa applications are received, such as India, China, United Kingdom, Unites States, Canada and Nigeria. Tourism associations have lauded the move. David Frost, the CEO of the Southern Africa Tourism Services Association, said the e-visa system will remove a major

revenue are those that have lib-

be sent to the email address the

obstacle to tourism. “As an indus-

eral visa regimes that nevertheless

applicant provided.

try, we need to eliminate as many

ensure that they are not exposed

Department of Home Affairs

barriers to inbound tourism as

to undue risk. We want to be such

spokesperson Siya Qoza said the

we can to grow tourism to South

a country,” President Ramaphosa

entire application process should

Africa,” he said.

said at the launch of the e-visa

take only 20 minutes, provided the

system in October.

applicant has all of the necessary supporting documents ready for

Other visa changes to boost tourism

submission. “Should one of the

The department has made addi-

required documents be missing,

tional changes to the visa system,

applicants can resume the pro-

to further boost tourism to the

The e-visa system saves travellers

cess exactly where they left off, at


significant time and money, as

a later date,” he said.

How is the e-visa process being implemented?

there is no need to go to an em-

The e-visa system is in its pilot

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

In November, Home Affairs Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi



signed a waiver which allows foreign children to enter South Africa

and investment,” Minis-

its operations to ensure that we

ter Motsoaledi said.

relax entry requirements, without

He also highlighted successes in

compromising our responsibility

without carrying additional sup-

lowering turnaround times for visa

towards the safety and security of

porting documents, such as birth

applications, saying that turna-

our citizens.”

certificates and consent letters.

round times for critical work skills

“This improvement in our admis-

visas are now issued within four

sions policy builds on the work

weeks, for 88.5 percent of appli-

Airport e-gates on the horizon

the department has been doing


The Department of Home Affairs

to contribute to economic growth

Government has also recently waived visas for travellers from

is working alongside the Airports

Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emir-

Company South Africa to pilot e-

ates, Qatar, New Zealand, Cuba,

gates at South Africa’s airports.

Ghana, Sao Tome and Principe, while talks are underway with a number of countries to allow visafree access for South African citizens. Minister Motsoal-

The e-gates will allow South African passport holders, who are travelling internationally, to access self-service immigration clearance, including biometric verification, passport authenticity and checking against the Biomet-

edi has made

ric Movement Control System risk

it clear that all

engine – a system which tracks

changes to visa

travellers with criminal records or a

regulations are

history of overstaying visas.

being carried out with sufficient regard to the safety and security

“The broad objective of the project is the facilitation of low-risk travellers, through a self-service solution, hence freeing capacity

of South Africa. “The

for the assessment of high-risk cat-

Department of Home Af-

egories by an immigration officer,”

fairs is constantly reviewing


also confirmed that government

said the department.

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

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*Writer: Advocate Rory Voller

Emerging technologies and the delivery of public services


he buzz these days is centred

ture and industrial manufacturing

Affairs’ services, business regula-

around the Fourth Industrial

processes. Even more futuristic are

tory services, education or utilities

Revolution – or 4IR as it is col-

robots and robotics capable of

seem to get longer with the pas-

loquially referred to in the commer-

not only humanlike movement but

sage of time.

cial, technology, automation and

increased intellectual capacity. turned heads with its ability to

Restructuring service delivery

robotics, big data, drones, 3D print-

diagnose complex medical condi-

Lessening the unproductive hours

ing and self-driving cars, among

tions and bring technology to the

spent waiting for services that

others, and the endless possibili-

forefront of healthcare and the

depend on archaic methods of

ties and solutions these bring, are

provision of medical advice.

delivery requires a new of purpose

digitised space. The use of artificial intelligence,

IBM’s Watson Computer has

But what do these advances

and vision. Ultimately, we need to

workshop and in many newspaper

mean for governments and the

restructure the delivery of services


provision of public services to large

by the various departments and

masses of the population in an


mentioned at every conference,

Exciting happenings abound, from Tesla – formed by technopre-

effective, efficient and qualitative

neur Elon Musk – venturing into


cars that not only drive themselves

The endless possibilities presented by 4IR beg us to question

These considerations are particu-

how we can deliver services to our

but have capabilities beyond

larly relevant in South Africa where

people more effectively to ensure

mere transportation; to 3D printers

the queues of citizens lining up to

we serve the populace in a con-

designing revolutionary architec-

access public healthcare, Home

structive and dutiful manner, thus


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

promoting ubuntu and creating

as a verification tool to produce

store large amounts of citizenry

a responsive, caring and socially

necessary and required citizen


acceptable public service.

documents, from the comfort of

How do we shorten queues, provide quality services, elimi-

one’s home or office.

This can be accessed when the need arises, for example when

There are numerous trusted and

applying for documents through

nate duplications in application

verifiable data sources that can be

Home Affairs; when verifying the

information, reduce red tape and

modelled and cross referenced to

holder of copyrighted work; when

bureaucracy, reduce costs and,

develop efficient data streams.

searching through company,

most importantly, speed up muchneeded delivery? How do we ensure this transfor-

The data sources are endless,

trademark or patent data; and

from Home Affairs’ National Iden-

when applying for municipal

tification System database and


mation impacts all departments,

biometrics, to the Companies and

It could be used to make an ap-

public entities, municipalities,

Intellectual Property Commission’s

pointment at a public healthcare

state-owned entities, regulatory

data on businesses, municipal

facility and to ensure that your

and judicial services and, indeed,

electricity and utilities data, Deeds

medical details are on hand. This

government as a whole?

Office data, Master of the High

will prevent people – especially

How do we enlist the knowledge

Court data, cellphone/RICA data

senior citizens – from having to

embedded in the private sector

on addresses and identity verifi-

queue from the early morning

to form collaborative partnerships

cation, KYC data and certain tax

hours to be seen by a doctor or at

with the public sector in a holistic,

registration and compliance data.

a clinic.

civic approach that ensures communities benefit from government’s New Dawn and Khawuleza urgent implementation strategies?

This is where new technologies play their part. Artificial intelligence, blockchain

In today’s connected world, it should be easy to access all government services. Indeed, this

and big data technologies can be

must be the vision of an integrated

used to verify, mine, analyse and

government service.

Electronification of services Technology is a key that can unlock multiple public services using the latest emerging automation and digitisation infrastructure capability, as well as big data portals. As government, we must strive for the electronification of services through E-government strategies and initiatives. We must seek to triangulate departmental and public entity data, which is currently contained in multiple databases,

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



activated services are delivered

and leadership will, coupled with

a verifiable, trustworthy and single

E-government must strive to have

through digital means. Doctors in

bold advancements and deci-

view of each citizen, enabling the

Estonia can access their patient’s


auditable provision of multiple

electronic medical records via

layers of government services at

blockchain technology. Having

rises to meet the challenge of

the click of a button. This could,

easier access to a patient’s medi-

providing sustainable, progressive,

for instance, be done using a

cal history reduces the diagnostic

infrastructurally sound, socially

cellphone/mobile application

time and allows for more informed

cohesive and advanced human

coupled with fingerprint or eye-

decisions to be made.

capital capability to achieve a

scanning software.

It would ensure that South Africa

totally overhauled, economically

Why should a citizen queue to

viable country.

certificate for a child or to renew a

Cloud-based computing

dated approach is needed, with

driver’s licence when the neces-

The South African Government,

pillars of implementation being

sary data can already be found in

with its limited and stretched

driven by bold leadership and with

existing data sources? If additional

resources, should urgently plan to

citizen advancement at the heart

data is needed, why can it not

use cloud-based computing to

of all decisions and plans.

be supplied from one’s home or

offer more flexibility, which would


deliver enhanced database and

service delivery protests, rising

storage capacity, coupled with big

inequality and an economy on

should store data from multiple

data analytics. This would alleviate

the backfoot, we do not have the

sources to be accessed or amend-

the challenges of upgrading tradi-

luxury of time. Our citizens de-

ed when required or upon ap-

tional IT infrastructure that is facing

mand action… NOW!

plication and documents should

public entities.

apply for, pay for or access a birth

Blockchain registries of citizens

be delivered to citizens’ doorsteps

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s vi-

through private services such as

sion of Smart City technology will

Takealot or Amazon.

take visionary purpose, strategic

Doctors in outlying or rural areas

public-private sector alignment

To make this happen, a consoli-

As a country, with increasing

*Advocate Rory Voller is a Commissioner with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission.

requiring blood services should be able to use their cellphones, coupled with GPS capability, to call on drones, dispatched by the South African National Blood Service, to deliver much-needed blood. Estonia is leading the way through its E-Estonia technology, which has transformed public services. Citizens can vote online and 99 percent of all government-


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

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CRAIG TERBLANCHE Chief Transformartion Advisor ExoSystems

PHATHISWA MALINGA Chief Solutions Officer SqwidNet


KOBUS LOUW Founder Digemy

VUYOLWETHU DUBESE Associate Impact Amplifier & Chair of GirlHype

RORY MOORE Lead for Africa and Asia Pacific of 10 Liquid Studios Accenture

LANCE FANAROFF Founder & CEO Integr8

DR JACQUES LUDIK smart technology entrepreneur, AI expert, investor and founder of Machine Intelligence Institute of Africa (MIIA, President)

WILL GREEN Founder & CEO Co.Lab

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Writer: Dale Hes


Preventing HIV with PrEP S

outh Africans’ chances of contracting HIV have been drastically reduced, thanks

to the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) programme currently being rolled out by the Department of Health (DOH). South Africa became the first

HIV-negative people from high-

country in Sub-Saharan Africa to

risk groups can use PrEP to avoid

prevention method to the other

approve the use of PrEP.

being infected with HIV.

extensive programmes in place to

PrEP is a combination of two HIV

value of adding this proven

combat the disease.

taken daily to prevent HIV infec-

Why was PrEP introduced?

est HIV and AIDS burdens in the


The World Health Organization


medications, which should be

(WHO) first approved the treat-

South Africa has one of the high-

The DOH first rolled out PrEP to

What is PrEP?

ment in 2015. The WHO recom-

11 clinics in five provinces in 2016.

PrEP can be explained a little bet-

mended that people with a

The rollout has been progressing

ter by breaking down each word

substantial risk of HIV infection

steadily, with about 36 000 people

of the name:

should use PrEP daily as part of a

now receiving PrEP treatment.

• Pre = before

combined HIV prevention strat-

• Exposure = coming into contact

egy. When taken correctly, the

Who should take PrEP?

treatment has been 99 percent

PrEP treatment is an option avail-

successful in reducing the risk of

able for people who find them-

getting HIV.

selves at risk of possibly contract-

with HIV • Prophylaxis = treatment to prevent an infection from happening.


Government recognised the

ing HIV. The DOH has identified

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Writer: More Matshediso

several groups of people who are

the infected partner can

The most common side effects

most vulnerable:

reduce the risk of transmis-


Girls and young women.

sion by 96 percent, while

• Nausea

Girls and women between

PrEP for the uninfected part-

• Headache

the ages of 15 and 24 are

ner can reduce their risk by

• Tiredness

at risk of contracting HIV.

75 percent.

• Diarrhoea

Sex workers. The depart-

• Depression

sons including having sex

ment has estimated that

• Abnormal dreams

with older infected men,

20 percent of the approxi-

• Vomiting

low condom use, limited

mately 350 000 people who

• Rash

power in controlling safe

are infected with HIV every

• Problems sleeping

sex practice, and sexual

year are connected with

• Changes in appetite.

and Gender-Based Vio-

sex work. Female sex work-

lence (GBV).

ers are especially at risk,

Men who have sex with

with 33 percent of them

men. The department notes

being infected with HIV

that men who have sex

by the age of 24, while as

Where can you get PrEP?

with men are especially

many as 80 percent are

Free PrEP is currently available at

at risk because they may

infected after the age of 25.

108 sites around the country.

also be involved in other

The department said that

risky behaviours, such as

these high rates confirm

injecting drugs and selling

the urgency of using PrEP

sex. In trials, it has already

amongst members of

been proven that offering

this group, especially

PrEP to these groups has

because of issues such

shown the largest impact in

as high rates of GBV,

preventing HIV infection.

rape and a lack of legal

Sexual partners of HIV-

protection. Several PrEP

positive people. Some

rollouts have been com-

couples find themselves

pleted or are underway in

in a situation where one

areas where sex workers

partner is HIV-positive and


This is due to several rea-

In most people, these side effects go away after a few weeks.

*This information was supplied by the National Department of Health.

the other is negative. In cur without either partner

Does PrEP have side effects?

knowing that one of them

Some people may

is HIV-positive. Providing

experience side ef-

antiretroviral treatment to

fects when they start PrEP.

many cases, this can oc-

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



*Writer: Dr Rufaro Mucheka

Planning your finances wisely in 2020 T

he new year is an opportunity

SMART goals for a financially

eliminating debt, as paying off

for a fresh start, to set mean-

secure future. This means setting

debt quicker could save you a

ingful goals, create new hab-

goals that are:

significant amount of interest.

its and adjust your past financial


spending habits to ensure a more


- As you track your spending

sustainable future.

Adjust your budget as needed


habits, make necessary adjust-

The economic conditions of 2020


ments to your budget, increase

look likely to be even tougher than


your savings and decrease

in 2019, so it is imperative that you

In addition, it is important that

your spending. If you receive a

take a hard and objective look at

you plan you finances carefully.

salary increase, allocate some

your personal finances.

Here are some tips to help you

to your savings rather than


increasing your lifestyle spend-


Achieving financial independence is an admirable goal, but

Set your financial goals - Re-

very few people know where to

flect on your financial discipline

start. Having a few good financial

in 2019 and set new goals for

cies – Evaluate your life, health,

habits in place will help you set


disability and short-term

Settle your debts - Put any

insurance to ensure that the

spare funds or bonuses and

amounts match your needs

salary increases towards

and intent. For example, if your

your new year up for success. To ensure that you achieve your financial goals, you can adopt

Review your insurance poli-

car is insured for R200 000 and it is now worth R150 000, insurance will only pay out the R150 000, meaning that you will lose out on the extra R50 000 you are paying in higher premiums. •

Optimise your taxes – Understand the impact of taxes on your finances. For example, you get tax rebates when you invest in retirement annuities, which


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

increases your disposable

such as parks, libraries and

financial plan once a year. The


things to do in your neighbour-

ideal situation is that your plan

Timing when purchasing as-

hood. There are plenty of ways

keeps up with you as your needs

sets - Buy property when your

to have fun without spending

and circumstances change.

finances are stable so that you


When a significant life event oc-

can easily pay the bond pre-

Tips to help you stick to the

curs such as having a child, get-

miums, which entails a commit-


ting married or changing jobs,

ment of up to 30 years. On the

Sticking to your financial plan

you should review your financial

other hand, renting provides

is not always easy, but aim to:


flexibility if you need to down-

Live beneath your means.

grade to cheaper accommo-

Create a spreadsheet

sion your financial future – start

dation. Buy a new car early in

to monitor your monthly

planning today to take control

the year; if you buy in Novem-


of your finances. A financial plan

Regularly check your

helps you get out of debt, so

ately loses a year’s value on 1

bank accounts – evaluate

be willing to have a “no com-

January as it will be considered

your spending.

promise” mentality and you will

ber or December, it immedi-

Remember to take time to envi-

a 2019 model.

Be prepared for setbacks.

quickly pay it off. Once you have

Freely talk with your spouse

Stay clear of unplanned

a game plan, stick to it relentless-


ly. There is power in planning, so

Make smart purchases.

get ready and have a financial

financial issues from each

Ask yourself: Do I really

plan set up for 2020. Your finan-

other. Have monthly meetings

need this? Is this part of

cial planner can help you devise

my financial plan?

a financial plan in line with your

Meet with a financial ad-

overall life goals and objectives.

about money - There is a tendency for spouses to hide

to discuss budgets, your financial goals and what you both

want for the future. Take time to

visor if you have no idea

build a shared vision of what

where to start.

you want your future together to look like. • Reduce your entertainment budget - Find free activities,

Review your plans at the end of each year Generally, you should review your

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Dr Rufaro Mucheka (PhD) is a Certified Financial Planner and the Head of Strategy & Rest of Africa at Nedbank Financial Planning.











Writer: Ashref Ismail

Toyota Rav 4 maintains the lead M

eet South Africa’s top selling soft-roader – the Toyota Rav 4. Officially,

not only did Toyota’s Rav 4 start the soft-roader trend, more than two decades ago, but it has also sustained year-on-year sales to be the market leader in a segment that is highly competitive. The first Rav 4 came out in

three body styles – a fivedoor, three-door and a threedoor cabriolet that showed the funky side of Toyota, featuring stylish designs in a compact body. The go-anywhere vehicle

The motoring world is in love

The last three variants of the Rav

captured the imagination of es-

with them and why not? They

4 were typical Toyota – vanilla-

pecially female drivers and soon

represent all things to all people,

flavoured boring looks with un-

went on to become a bestseller.

offering high riding position and

beatable reliability and durability.

loads of space to cart kids to

Competitors like Hyundai’s Tucson,

manufacturers to latch on to the

school during the week and a

Kia’s Sportage, Ford’s Kuga, VW’s

undeniable fact that Toyota was

rugged persona with freedom to

Tiguan, Renault’s Keleos, Chevo-

on to something big. Today the

explore off the beaten track over

let’s Captiva, Nissan’s Qashqai

mini Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV)


and Mazda’s CX-5, amongst

It didn’t take long for rival

segment, also known as the

The SUV/soft roader segment

others, began making serious in-

soft-roader, is the fastest-growing

has all but killed the sedan and

segment around the world. Every

estate segments as it offers practi-

manufacturer, from entry level to

cality and versatility in an attrac-

tough but slow lesson that being

premium brands, have one.

tive package.

durable and reliable were not


roads into its territory. In the process, Toyota learnt a

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

enough. It had to design cars

and comfortable. Toyota still does

that also looked good against

not offer you sunroof, folding mir-

rather than class-leading and

some very attractive competi-

rors or SATNAV as standard.

with a three-person load and

tors. The latest Rav 4 is proof of

Fuel consumption is adequate

All wheel drive ensures that

their luggage travelling at legal

this new bold design philosophy

road-holding remains safe and

speed limits, the Rav 4 returned

adopted by the global motor-

surefooted, especially in the wet

average figures of 10kms per litre.

ing giant. Sharp, angular, bold,

and over gravel surfaces. During

What really stood out for me

dynamic and muscular are words

the 75km trip from Barberton to

on this trip were the characteris-

that come to mind when describ-

Watervalboven, along the route

tics that constantly reinforce the

ing the exterior.

voted one of the most scenic

Toyota brand – quality assurance,

gravel roads in the country, the

ease of use and trouble-free mo-

on an epic, four-day road trip to

Rav 4 covered the distances

toring, all of which translate into

some of the places of interest in

effortlessly and comfortably al-

good resale values. And now with

Mpumalanga, the flagship 2.5 li-

lowing occupants to enjoy the

striking good looks, it is not sur-

tre Rav 4 AWD more than covered

spectacular panoramic views in

prising that the Rav 4 is a global

itself in glory over both tarred and

total awe.

best seller.

Having taken the flagship Rav 4

gravel surfaces. The interior remains classy and stylish with quality materials and excellent build quality. Driving on corrugated surfaces at a steady speed revealed no rattles, creaks or groans from anywhere which attest to the “build-it-right-firsttime” Toyota way of doing things that has made it a reputable brand around the world. The 2.5 litre petrol engine powerplant with eight-speed gearbox provides adequate, but not spectacular, power. Somehow, one gets the feeling that if there was a


turbo-diesel version, things could


Toyota Rav 4, 2.5 AWD VX

have been a bit more sprightly.


R586 500


2.5 litre, 4 cylinder

variants – an entry-level 2.0 litre



and the top-of-the-range 2.5 litre,


152 kW/6600

which comes in VX guise, costing



just a little under R600 000. For

Service Plan

6 services or 100 000 kms

the price you get all the bells and

Roadside Assistance


As it is, there are only two engine

whistles that make travelling safe

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



Writer: Sam Bradley

iSimangaliso –

a place of miracle and wonder


Simangaliso means “miracle

ing 13 000 square kilometres and

and wonder” in isiZulu and it’s a

is one of the largest protected

is a self-drive game drive through

very good name for this unspoilt

One of the top attractions here

areas in South Africa (second

the Cape Vidal nature reserve.

piece of paradise. iSimangaliso

only to the Kruger National Park).

There are six looping road routes

Wetland Park covers 220km of

To celebrate this achievement,

to explore in this region, and visi-

coastline, stretching from Map-

we take a look at some of the un-

tors can see buffalo, buck, hippo,

helane in the south to Kosi Bay

missable attractions in the area,

rhino and leopard, among others.

in the north on the Mozambique

and reasons to make sure it’s top

border. It incorporates a staggering

of your holiday wish list for 2020.

array of habitats such as moun-

Former President Nelson Man-

Another must-see attraction is the turtle nesting, which takes place between November and

tains, grasslands, forests, wetlands,

dela was clearly a fan of the

March. Both loggerhead and

mangroves, dunes, coral reefs and

area, saying “iSimangaliso must

leatherback turtles nest on these


be the only place on the globe

shores, and visitors in Novem-

iSimangaliso is a UNESCO

where the oldest land mammal

ber or December may see the

World Heritage Site, meaning

(the rhinoceros) and the world’s

females laying eggs, while visitors

it is deemed to be an area of

biggest terrestrial mammal (the

in the new year may see eggs

outstanding importance to the

elephant) share an ecosystem

hatching and youngsters making

common heritage of humankind,

with the world’s oldest fish (the

their first perilous voyage to the

which is quite a claim to fame. It

coelacanth) and the world’s

water. The tours are done at night

became South Africa's first World

biggest marine mammal (the

and on a 4X4 which drives along

Heritage Site in 1999. In 2019,


the beach searching for turtles,

20 new marine protected areas

The area is all about the wildlife.

starting at St Lucia and finishing

(MPAs) were announced in the

The majority of visitors make their

country and the largest increase

way to the southern part of the

was to iSimangaliso. The iSiman-

iSimangaliso MPA, which includes

slothful form of relaxation, there

galiso MPA now covers a stagger-

St Lucia and Cape Vidal.

are many appealing options.


28km away at Leven Point. For those looking for a more

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

The estuary tours in St Lucia are highly recommended. Guests are almost guaranteed to see hippos and crocodiles, and the birdlife along the estuary, including pelicans and fish eagles, can be breathtaking. The mangrove

array of turtles, rays and even

swamps are stunningly beautiful,

whale sharks. For those preferring

and even more so if you are lucky

to stay on top of the water, the

enough to time your trip with a

whale watching boat tours offer a

good sunset over the water.

great chance to see humpback

Another option is to walk along

whales up close. These giants of

the estuary boardwalk, which

the deep come to the South Afri-

runs from Sugar Loaf Road in St

can coastline between May and

Lucia all the way to the beach

December to breed, and as they

mouth. Walkers pass plentiful

are naturally inquisitive animals

mangrove swamps and reed

there is always a chance they will

beds, and have a good chance

approach the boat to say hello.

of spotting hippos (be careful

Horseback riding is not only

chance for the brave to speed

not to walk this route at night,

a lot of fun, but a good way to

up to a canter or a gallop, with

when they could be crossing the

see non-dangerous wildlife from

nothing but sand and sea provid-


a completely new angle. Horse

ing the perfect backdrop to this

rides are available along the

adrenaline rush.

The more adventurous guests will also find plenty to do. Sod-

eastern shore of Cape Vidal.

wana Bay is one of the top sites in

Riders are perceived as less of a

roam plentiful and free. We are

the world for scuba diving, boast-

threat by the game, so will often

simply guests in their kingdom, so

ing close to 100 types of coral

continue peacefully grazing as

perhaps the best activity we can

reefs which are home to over 1

you ride serenely by. The ride

recommend is to sit back, relax

200 species of fish as well as an

finishes along the beach with the

and admire the unspoilt beauty.

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

At iSimangaliso the wildlife




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Writer: Gilda Narsimdas

Here comes the summer sun T

he warmer weather calls for lighter clothing , cooler colours and fun accessories. We’ve rounded up some classic items for your summer wardrobe. Happy holidays!




Pair this blush pink pleated skirt from Legit with a simple white t-shirt, R199.


This Polo dress is a classic golfer style and can be worn for a smart occasion with a pair of heels or dressed down with sneakers, R899.



This tropical print Michelle Ludek jumpsuit is perfect for any occasion,, R1 499.


Keep the sun at bay with this straw hat with spotted scarf trim, Queenspark, R199.



These silver slides are perfect for a smart casual look. Get them from Call it Spring, R499.


Whether you’re at the beach or spending a day shopping up a storm, opt for these comfy Adidas performance, Adilette, R399.

6 5


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



A cap is a great accessory for any outfit. Go for this blue poorboy cap from Klevas,, R129.


Keep it casual with these stylish Polo slides, R999.


The Reebok Club C ATI 3.0 sneakers have a comfy sole and trendy design, Reebok, R1 299.

10. Need a new pair of sunnies? Look no further than these new Oakley frames from the TwoFace Camo Collection, R2 189. 11. Keep it simple in a white tee. Try this one from Nike, R299. 12. Keep cool in these shorts from Reebok, R499.






Prices valid at the time of print. Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020


Gilda Narsimdas Images: Anita Reed &


Light and

leisurely T

his festive season keep your entertaining light and fresh with seasonal ingredients

and delicious easy to serve dishes. Try these delicious recipes courtesy of cookbook author and food consultant Christine Capendale.

Biltong and avocado tacos with chunky salsa (Serves

• 200ml thinly sliced red and

mix well. Keep aside. In another small bowl, combine all the salsa

green cabbage • 100g sliced biltong

ingredients and mix well.

• 1 avocado, peeled, seeded and

Heat a griddle pan on medium heat until hot. Grill the tortillas

cut into cubes

in the griddle pan until lightly


charred and hot.

• 30ml chopped spring onion • 80g small tomatoes, quartered

Assemble the tacos by dividing

• 80g corn kernels

the cabbage evenly among the

• 30ml chopped red pepper

grilled tortillas, top with the biltong


• Salt and black pepper

slices and the avocado. Fold the


• 30ml picked coriander leaves

tortillas in half and serve immedi-

• 2 wheat flour tortillas

• 10ml red wine vinegar

ately with the chunky salsa

• 15ml olive oil

• 5ml olive oil

Mix together the 15ml olive oil, yo-

Melon, smoked chicken and pasta jars (Serves 2)

• 10ml lime juice

ghurt, mayonnaise, lime juice and


• Zest of ½ small lime

zest. Add this to the cabbage and

• 80g fusilli pasta, raw weight

• 60ml low fat yoghurt • 30ml low fat/organic mayonnaise



Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

• 5ml olive oil

• 15ml chopped mint

Combine all the ingredients for

• 80g asparagus spears

• Salt and pepper for seasoning

the dressing in a small jug and

• 200g smoked chicken fillets, cut into thin slices • 100g peeled, seeded sweet melon, cubed • 100g peeled, seeded green melon, cubed • 60g baby cucumber, thinly sliced

blend with a stick blender until Method:

very smooth and well combined.

Bring 500ml of water to the boil

Divide most of the dressing be-

on high heat, add the pasta

tween two large consol/mason

and cook for about five minutes


until cooked. Drain the pasta, stir through the olive oil and set aside

Layer with the ingredients – start-

to cool.

ing with asparagus spears in the length, then the pasta followed

• 1 cooked corn on the cob • 60g red pepper, cut into thin strips • Mixed micro herbs (for garnish)

Lime yoghurt dressing

Boil water in a kettle and pour

by the chicken and the remain-

some boiling water over the

ing ingredients. Finish with the

asparagus. Leave for two minutes

rest of the dressing and some

and drain. Rinse the asparagus

micro herbs. Seal with the lids

with cold water, drain and keep

until ready to serve.

aside to cool.

• 80ml sour cream

Mix together the sweet melon,

• 1 garlic clove, crushed

green melon and the baby cu-

• 20ml olive oil

cumber slices. Use a sharp knife

French toast and banana breakfast skewers with whipped yoghurt

• 10ml lime juice

and cut the corn kernels off the

(Serves 2)

• Zest of ½ lime



• 80m low fat yoghurt

• 80g mascarpone cheese • 100g low fat yoghurt • 25ml honey • Pinch of ground cinnamon • 2 large eggs • Small pinch of salt • 50ml low fat milk • 2.5ml vanilla essence • 4 slices brown bread, crusts removed • 10ml olive oil • 2 bananas • Berries in season (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries) • 4 bamboo skewers

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020



• 20ml of rose syrup (make at home with rose water and simple syrup or buy locally) • 8ml of fresh lemon juice • 20ml of fresh grapefruit juice (ruby red preferably) • 2 dashes of Campari bitters • 1 cardamom pod Method: Lightly muddle one cardamom pod at the bottom of the shaker (not too much muddling or it will overpower the drink). Add the rest of the ingredients and then add ice. Shake for 20 seconds and Method:

rest of the olive oil. Cut each slice

strain over fresh ice to remove the

Place the mascarpone cheese,

of French toast in four and thread

cardamom pod.

yoghurt, 20ml of the honey and a

them onto the skewers, alternating

pinch of cinnamon in a small bowl

with slices of banana, blueberries

Add a splash of tonic water and

and beat with an electric beater

and/or raspberries. You can make

garnish with rose petals or a fresh

until whipped and thick. Spoon

up your own combinations.

lemon wedge.

into a small bowl and place in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

To serve, place four skewers on

Whisk the eggs, pinch of salt, milk

a plate (grouped as pairs) and

and the vanilla essence together

drizzle with the rest of the honey.

in a small bowl. Heat half of the

Serve with the whipped yoghurt

olive oil in a non-stick saucepan

on the side. Garnish with more

on medium heat.

fresh berries.

cooked and browned on both

Cardamom rose cocktail (Recipe courtesy of designsponge. com)

sides. Place on paper towel to


drain any excess oil.

• 45ml of Musgrave pink gin (Af-

Dip two slices of bread in the egg mixture, remove and place in the hot pan. Turn occasionally with a spatula (or use two forks). Fry until

rican ginger, grains of paradise Cook the remaining bread in the


and cardamom infused)

Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Africology_Design_Women_Awards_Standerd_Bank.pdf Africology_Design_Women_Awards_Standerd_Bank.pdf 1 2019/07/25 08:49




Africology_Design_Women_Awards_Standerd_Bank.pdf Africology_Design_Women_Awards_Standerd_Bank.pdf 1 2019/07/25 08:49




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Writer: Nicholas Francis

Fun in the sun



f you’re gearing up for some outdoor fun this festive season we’ve got you covered. These items are a must for a picnic at the pool, park or beach. Once you have them packed, it’s time to choose the perfect spot to set up.




7 5



Mr Price Home coastal stripe beach


mat, R89.99.

Nivea Sun SPF50+ moisturising spray, 200ml, R125.99.


Sixth Floor cooler bag, 20l, R199.


Woolworths cups, R69.95.


Leisure Quip nontoxic flat easy pack


Sixth Floor side plates, set of six,

ice brick, 200ml, R13. 4.


Peaceful Sleep insect repellent,


Eco wine and bottle opener, R52.

100ml, R54.99.


Clicks wet wipes, R30.99.


Prices valid at the time of print.

1 9


Public Sector Manager • December 2019 / January 2020

Travelling Abroad? Book with Woodford Car Hire and Pick-Up in London.



Book with Pick-Up in over 1000 Destinations Worldwide.

South Africa’s largest independent car hire company.

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