MAY 2018
MAY 2018
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Contents: May 2018
Regulars 12
Conversations with leaders Former GCIS leaders reflect on how the department has progressed over the past 20 years
Conversations with leaders GCIS Acting DG Phumla Williams celebrates the department’s contribution to supporting the Constitution
70 52
Profiles in leadership DDGs are working hard to ensure that GCIS is the pulse of government communication
Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary and information
Women in the public sector Dr Ntombifuthi Nala is passionate about the role of research in communicating government’s messages
Management and professional development How to be an effective leader – It’s not about success alone
Financial fitness Get on top of dubious debit orders
In other news News you need to know when you are on the go
Provincial focus GCIS’s Eastern Cape office keeps residents informed and empowered
Vital stats Fast facts at your fingertips
International relations Africa Month provides an opportunity to commemorate the founding of the African Union and reflect on our past, present and future
Features 36
Staff reflect on 20 years at GCIS GCIS employees reminisce about their journey at the department
Communicators hail GCIS work Government communicators share their experiences of working with GCIS
SA calls in big shots to woo investors Government has launched an investment drive to net US$100 billion in investments
SA says YES to youth work experience The Youth Employment Service will prepare young people for employment
National Minimum Wage Bill to be fine-tuned The national minimum wage will improve the lives of millions of low paid workers
Opinion: Winnie Madikizela-Mandela: Community activist and leader
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
“There can be no greater gift than
Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001
that of giving one’s time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return.” Nelson Mandela
Farewell to the mother of the nation SA lays to rest an icon and freedom fighter
Opinion Reflecting on the legacy of human rights fighter Dr Zola Skweyiya
Lifestyle 82
Health and well-being Strong bones may decrease osteoporosis
Grooming and style How to keep warm this winter
Food and wine Less is definitely more
Nice-to-haves The ultimate essentials
Travel Finding calm in the Kgalagadi
Car reviews Lexus makes a statement
Head of Editorial and Production
Des Latham
Managing Editor
Ongezwa Mogotsi
News Editor
Irene Naidoo
Noluthando Motswai More Matshediso Chris Bathembu
GCIS Photographic Unit
Elmond Jiyane Ntswe Mokoena Siyabulela Duda Kopano Tlape Busisiwe Malungwane
Senior Designer
Tendai Gonese
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acting Director-General Phumla Williams Acting Deputy Director-General: Corporate Services
Keitu Semakane
Acting Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination & Stakeholder Management
Michael Currin
Acting Deputy Director-General: Content Processing & Dissemination Tasneem Carrim Acting Chief Financial Officer Hennie Bekker ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Advertising Sales, Distribution and Subscriptions Top Media & Communications (Pty) Ltd Tel: 086 000 9590 CEO Ralf Fletcher Marketing & Sales Director Karla Fletcher National Project Manager Nardine Nelson Tel: +27 082 739 3932 Production Director Van Fletcher
Advertising Tel +27 086 000 9590 Subscriptions and Distribution Ingrid Johnstone © Copyright: GCIS Printed by Colortone Aries
GREENPEACE AFRICA: WHO WE ARE Greenpeace Africa is an independent environmental campaigning organisation with a vision of “an Africa where people live in harmony with nature in a peaceful state of environmental and social justice”. Our mission is to work with others to foster environmental consciousness where Africa’s people can seek social and economic prosperity in ways that protect the environment. In South Africa, we campaign for a transition away from coal and nuclear power, towards renewable energy and energy efficiency. As a civil society organisation, we work towards
can use mind-boggling amounts of water. South Africa’s coal-
the achievement of environmental and social rights, and
based energy sector consumes more water per second than
environmental and energy justice in communities across
the global average.
South Africa. We strive for the realisation of the constitutional environmental right. We believe that climate change is an
Greenpeace believes that the 2002 UNESCO General
existential crisis and that urgent action is required.
Comment that “the human right to water is … a prerequisite for the realisation of other rights” goes to the heart of the
South Africa is the biggest emitter on the continent and one
matter. The Water Research Commission points out that “the
of the biggest emitters in the world. Nonetheless, we are
Constitution of South Africa has placed a legal obligation on
in a position to lead the way to a clean energy future, but
the government to realise people’s right to sufficient water”. If
only if the government acts swiftly to remove the barriers to
water is fundamental to human life, then the injustice in how
renewable energy. With new leadership in place, South Africa
water is distributed in the country becomes clear.
has the opportunity to become a credible climate leader by creating a powerful combination of strong leadership,
The truth is that although we have recognised water as a
progressive thinking and forward-looking policies.
human right, 14% of South Africans do not have access at all. Millions of South Africans live with Day Zero every day. And
while there has been an almost unending list of government
South Africa is a dangerously water-scarce country, currently
plans and strategies around water, there has been a complete
facing a mega water crisis over three provinces that has been
failure to put water at the centre of decision-making.
declared a national disaster. South Africa’s mean annual precipitation is 50% lower than the global average, and water
To avoid Day Zero becoming the new normal in South
scarcity is an ongoing significant challenge that climate change
Africa, every decision to spend money by every government
is likely to worsen. This is not a problem that is going away.
department needs to account for water and to prioritise the realisation of water as a fundamental human right.
Climate change is a threat multiplier because it makes
Government departments must take decisions that enhance
existing vulnerabilities worse. Scientists have predicted that
basic human rights, particularly access to water by ordinary
Africa is likely to experience significantly higher temperatures,
South Africans.
rising sea levels, changing rainfall patterns and extreme weather, which is likely to impact on food security and drive
The bottom line is that water is life. We cannot live without it
diseases, while displacing millions of people.
and we must make sure that people’s right to water is put first and protected.
SOCIAL JUSTICE MEANS PUTTING PEOPLE’S RIGHT TO WATER FIRST The water crisis has exposed a layer of stark inequality in South Africa: the unequal access to water of mega water users in comparison to people. While South Africans struggle with complex water access
issues, mega water guzzlers have undisputed access to high-
Address: 293 Kent Avenue, Randburg, Johannesburg
quality water. An estimated two-thirds of South Africa’s water
Telephone: +27 11 482 4696
goes towards irrigation for agriculture. Mega water users
Building an informed citizenry
his month we celebrate 20
such as the Promotion of Access to
years of the existence of
Information Act, which was passed
Government Communica-
into law in 2000.The Act aims to ac-
tion Information Service (GCIS).
tively promote a society in which
This organisation has played an
the people of South Africa have ef-
important role in our democracy as
fective access to information, which
it is integral to transparency, com-
allows them to fully exercise and
municating the actions of govern-
protect all of their rights.
ment with our citizens, the media, business and civil society.
Background of GCIS In 1995, Thabo Mbeki (then Depu-
Right to information
ty President) established the Task
Freedom of expression, as well as
Group on Government Commu-
the public’s right to information,
nications (Comtask), which was
form the backbone of any true
tasked with making recommenda-
democracy. The citizens of South
tions to transform government com-
Africa have the right to be informed
munications in line with democratic
public about government policies,
about what their government is do-
ideals. In 1996, the Comtask team’s
plans, programmes and achieve-
ing, as many of these actions have
final report included no less than 83
a direct impact on their lives. They
recommendations dealing with the
Dr Essop Pahad’s description of
also have the right to be heard; to
structure of government communi-
GCIS’s role, as stated in May 1998,
freely express their views on govern-
cation, media diversity and access
still rings true today: “It is to see to it
ment decisions which may affect
to information.
that all South Africans receive com-
them, and to have their concerns
Communications Minister Nomvula Mokonyane.
GCIS was officially launched on
ment and information that enable
18 May 1998, as the government
them to make rational choices
After the first democratic elections
organisation responsible for imple-
about their lives. It is to see to it that
in 1994, one of the new ANC gov-
menting and upholding the recom-
they themselves can pass on infor-
ernment’s priorities was to put these
mendations made by Comtask.
mation and views about their ac-
taken into consideration.
ideals into action. The principles of
Over the past 20 years, GCIS has
tivities as they change their lives for
freedom of expression, access to
coordinated, guided and advised
the better. They have got the right
information, press freedom and ar-
on government communication in-
to know, and to be heard,” he said
tistic freedom are all enshrined in
cluding media liaison, development
at the time.
the Bill of Rights of our Constitution.
communication and marketing. Its
For 20 years GCIS has played a
One of the primary reasons for form-
stated mission is to deliver effective
key role in keeping South Africans
ing GCIS was to ensure that these
strategic government communica-
informed about government's
important rights are promoted and
tion; set and influence adherence
work. We applaud the department
to standards and coherence of
for the sterling work it has done with
The right of access to information
message and – most importantly –
the limited resources at its disposal.
is further supported by legislation
proactively communicate with the
Long may it continue.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
From the editor’s desk is a disregard for consequences. It is also an impulse, a licentiousness, recklessness, unrestraint and wantonness. Look at freedom of speech. It is not a free-for-all, or a right to say whatever you want to and to
freedom of scientific research. 2. The right in subsection (1) does not extend to: a. propaganda for war; b. incitement of imminent violence; or c. advocacy of hatred that is
whomever. Vicki Momberg found
based on race, ethnicity, gender
that out to her detriment when she
or religion, and that constitutes
reedom is a seven-letter word
repeatedly shouted racial insults
incitement to cause harm.”
that can be defined in various
at black police officers helping
her after an attempted smash-and
right does not include the incite-
ment of imminent violence or ad-
It can be a noun and is defined
as the power or right to act, speak,
She was sentenced to three years
The Constitution is very clear. The
vocacy of hatred that is based on race, ethnicity, gender or religion.
or think as one wants. We are
in jail, one suspended, after the
entitled to and have the right to
magistrate found that she was
freedom – the privilege, the pre-
an unreconstituted racist with no
Africans: we now have a leading
rogative, it is our due.
hope of redemption. This serves
case in the courts and if you are
as a warning to all South Africans
found guilty of hate speech, you
state of not being imprisoned or
who believe in freedom of speech.
could find yourself behind bars.
enslaved, its the synonyms are
There is a limit to the freedom we
many. Liberty, liberation, release,
fought for and it stops at race.
Freedom can also mean the
So be warned my fellow South
I hope those, particularly on social media platforms, who are
The reality here in South Africa
trying to hide behind apparent
is that our Constitution protects
anonymity realise that they too
freedom of speech but not if you
will eventually be accountable for
which is a state that surely can be
abuse that freedom. So what does
their tirades engendering race ha-
welcomed after imprisonment and
the clause say in our Constitution?
tred and end up facing the short
emancipation, deliverance, delivery, discharge, amnesty. It can also be linked to wildness,
oppression of any kind. To wildly
“1. Everyone has the right to free-
enjoy freedom without reckless-
dom of expression, which includes:
ness is what millions of South
a. freedom of the press and other
Africans did after democracy was ushered into South Africa in 1994. However, there’s a downside to this little seven-letter word when some abuse the very idea. Here it is linked to abandon where there
walk to prison.
media; b. freedom to receive or impart information or ideas; c. freedom of artistic creativity; and d. academic freedom and
Head of Editorial and Production Des Latham
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Writer: Amukelani Chauke
GCIS: A pioneering department that continues to evolve
he Government Communica-
adequate planning of information
tion and Information System
campaigns, and communications
(GCIS) has evolved significant-
has a low priority as reflected in its
of a new government communi-
ly over the years, having to adapt,
budgets and the status of commu-
cation and information system to
refocus and innovate to meet the
be centred around three pillars
communication needs of the state. A
In its report, which became known
improve their lives. The report favoured the creation
– Media Liaison, the Communica-
number of former senior managers
as "The Comtask 2000 Report", the
tion Service Agency and Provin-
were crucial in this process by using
group made 83 recommendations.
cial Liaison.
their skills to shape the de-
Merging the old and new
partment. PSM spoke to some of these pioneers about the
Abba, who is now the
journey GCIS has travelled
Head of Strategy and
and what it needs to do
Communications at the
to improve.
Banking Association of South Africa, said be-
GCIS’s first Deputy CEO Yacoob Abba Omar said
cause he was among the
the Comtask 2000 Report
first managers to join GCIS,
formed the foundation of
he had to sit on almost
everything that happened
every interview panel to
to make the agency the
appoint chief directors.
communications machin-
He added that a decision
ery it is today.
was taken to retain staff from the old SA Commu-
Commissioned by the
nications Service which
then Deputy President Thabo Mbeki in January 1996, a panel of experts
GCISʼs f irst Deputy CEO Yacoob Abba Omar.
transformed into GCIS. “Those that remained
known as the "Task Group"
from the old machinery
produced the Comtask re-
were actually not the
port after eight months of research
These focused on a communi-
and consultation with government
cations system that would ensure
had left. So these were more
and international institutions.
that information on government
professional; they were committed
policy and programmes would
to doing a good job and actu-
“Overall, Government lacks cen-
be accessible to the majority
ally were quite happy with with
tral coordination in messaging,
of South Africans in order to
the transition and were pleased
The Task Group found that,
ideologues. A lot of the ideologues
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
that 1994 had happened,” Abba
been a juniorisation of govern-
ference but will not be available
ment communications as a whole
to communicate with the media.
and that it is important for more
In a press conference, you do a
new organisation and had limited
emphasis to be placed on getting
briefing but you have to follow it
resources, it was constantly moti-
a permanent head of GCIS.
up with interviews. If the media did
He added that since GCIS was a
vating for more in terms of budget
not understand what you were
According to Abba, one of the
Importance of the Cabinet spokesperson
major projects for the GCIS was
Business Leadership SA Communi-
in getting a politician to be a
the development and launch of
cations Director Themba Maseko
spokesperson, I think there is still
the central government portal.
also highlighted the importance of
some scope to get a civil servant
communicators, saying he would
to communicate. Ensure mes-
like to see GCIS go back to the
sages are professional and do not
allocations and human resources.
“This was such a big thing when we launched We
talking about, you must still be available. So whilst there is merit
launched it when Thabo
appear to be party politi-
Mbeki was still the Deputy
cal,” he suggested.
President and I insisted
Maseko also highlighted
that he be there because
areas in which he believes
he was paying a lot of at-
GCIS can do better.
tention to the potential of
“I think the system has
the information economy
been weakened. The fact
and information commu-
that you don’t have a
nication technology,” he
permanent head for such a
long time, I think the voice
Looking to the future,
of government has declined
Omar said GCIS needs to
quite substantially, the
revisit the Comtask Report
public is not well-informed,”
and what it sought to
he said.
achieve. He added that
Maseko said more needs
there was a need for gov-
to be done to bolster its
ernment communicators
capacity to intervene where
to be taken more seriously. “There has been a
Former GCIS CEO and Cabinet spokesperson Themba Maseko.
tendency to ignore the
municators and the media appear to be strained.
advice that communicators
days when the CEO also served as
provide and I have often said that
a Cabinet spokesperson.
communicators must learn to
relations between com-
A former GCIS CEO and Cabinet
He said his recent interactions with colleagues in the media space have led him to believe
have a thick skin … they need to
spokesperson himself, Maseko
that relations between the media
be prepared to tell the truth to the
said it would be a good idea to
and government communicators
principals,” he said.
go back to the old system.
are not as healthy as they used
Abba added that there has
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
“A Minister can do a press con-
to be. This, he said, appears to
have changed from the time he
initiative was a very short-sighted
was at the GCIS.
move and that is why we are start-
programme was refined at GCIS
ing to do too much crisis man-
at a later stage, the concept of
the culture among communica-
agement because government is
Izimbizo came about during the
tors to be less arrogant and more
seen not to be listening to people,”
democratic transition and at a
open to communications and
he added.
time when the country was on
“I think we were able to transform
accessible to the media. The
Former Deputy CEO of Strategy
Trew explained that while the
a knife’s edge, particularly with
little interaction I have
the political violence in
with media people now,
their overall sense is that
He said following sev-
government communica-
eral attempts to diffuse
tors and Ministers are not
the violence, an Imbizo
as accessible. You have a
called by the Zulu King
generation of communica-
eventually calmed ten-
tors who project an image
of [being] very arrogant,”
“[Former President]
Maseko pointed out.
Thabo Mbeki had a great push towards unmedi-
Imbizo programme
ated communication in the form of Izimbizo. It was
Reflecting on what GCIS
partly through him and
has done well over the
us that it was developed.
years, the former CEO
But it took a long time – I
called for the Imbizo
think any big change
programme that was led
in government takes at
by the President to be
least two years and I
intensified. “The fact that people
Former Deputy CEO of Strategy and Content Management at GCIS Tony Trew.
think we probably almost gave up. Then there was
are generally not in-
one year when the com-
formed about government
munication strategy went
processes and decisions, I think
and Content Management at
to Cabinet and President Mbeki
there has been a rolling back or
GCIS Tony Trew understands all
said: ‘Where are the Izimbizo? Why
reversal of the achievements of
too well the importance of the
have they been left out?’ Then it
the past. From where I am sitting, it
Izimbizo programme.
was picked up again.”
is more government broadcasting
After years of refining the Izimbi-
sponding to what people need to
Important intervention in communications
know because it is more one-way
He described it as one of the
egation of Ministers and Premiers
most important interventions in
to listen to the 'general' concerns
of citizens, GCIS eventually
its messages and not so much re-
“The cancellation of the Izimbizo
zo programme, which would see then President Mbeki lead a del-
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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adopted the programme in 2005.
While Trew would not be drawn
and was appointed Deputy CEO
into giving his views on the current
of Strategy and Content Manage-
was the Masakhane Focus Week,
state of the GCIS's affairs, saying
ment in 2007.
an element of the Masakhane
he did not want to “rule from the
campaign (launched by Presi-
grave”, he said it would go a long
ment newspaper, Vuk’uzenzele,
dent Nelson Mandela in 1995),
way if the department was run un-
was a product of scientific
which was a week of interaction
der the guidance of the founding
communications research. She
between government and com-
document - the Comtask Report.
participated in the management
“Other antecedent of Imbizo
Tyawa pointed out that govern-
of a communication re-
Mandela's presidency, the
search project, headed
Maskhane Focus Week was transformed into the Imbizo process,” Trew said.
Impacting development
Image: Parliament of South Africa
munities. At the end of
by Trew to establish the communication and information preferences of communities across South Africa. The result of the
Trew, who joined GCIS in
“scientific research”
1998 as a Chief Director
resulted in government
of Policy and Research, is
launching a magazine
extremely modest when
called Vuk’uzenzele,
describing his work at GCIS
in 2005. The magazine
and said the only contribu-
later transformed into a
tion he was proud of was
newspaper. She recalled that
when communications had an impact on devel-
research was very
significant as it became an important interven-
“I just think we thought we were doing something that had the respect of
Former Deputy CEO of Strategy and Content Management, Baby Tyawa.
tion tool that helped to assess how government
government and the
informed the public on
public and the fact that
the programmes of gov-
development is right. To be doing
Ground-breaking research
communication in that framework
For Acting Secretary to Parliament
lives, as well as assessing people’s
is a rewarding thing,” he said.
Baby Tyawa, the communications
communication needs.
communication can contribute to
Trew and a team of researchers were also instrumental in getting the Media Diversity and Develop-
research carried out by GCIS was ground-breaking. Between 2002 and 2005, she was
ernment and how to access programmes that may improve their
“There was never communications research and I am not talking about public opinion, I am
ment Agency up and running in
a Chief Director responsible for
talking about communications
Policy and Research at the GCIS
research. GCIS was the only entity
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
doing it and we got departments to buy into that too. I’m very proud that,” she said.
because of the changes.
Internal communication
faced was integrating communicators from provincial offices. Several policies had to be introduced
Ilva Mackay Langa joined the
to avoid neglect and abuse of
GCIS was able to continuously
GCIS in 1999 as the Chief Director
state resources at regional offices
assess trends on the mood of the
of Corporate Services and said
where management could not
country and on the impact of
internal communication and staff
monitor affairs with an “eagle eye”.
induction were crucial in ensuring
“With a lot of those issues, it was
Tyawa said through this research,
She said over a couple of years,
that unforeseen issues related to
about very clear communication.
they were able to build
We brought in a whole lot of
data that revealed pat-
young people from regional
terns and out of those pat-
offices and that is where a
terns, “we then developed
lot of problems could have
strategies to intervene”.
emanated. People have
Currently an Acting Sec-
cars, phones, laptops and
retary to Parliament, Tyawa
they are not very close to
said she has used the
head office.
research tools after leav-
“So we had very strict com-
ing GCIS at the National
munication making sure that
Gambling Board to assess
people understood. There
the impact of gambling
were policy documents that
on the gambling popula-
will tell you how you are sup-
posed to look after things,
Upon joining Parliament,
this is what you are entitled
Tyawa used her experi-
to and this is how you have
ence from GCIS to intro-
got to look after things and if
duce research to assess the public’s awareness of how Parliament works. The
something happens, this will Former Deputy CEO of GCIS, Ilva Mac kay Langa.
data collection methodol-
said. Mackay Langa recalled
ogy is in its third phase and three reports have been
be the consequence,” she
that at the time of her governance were addressed early. “We had a very strong internal
appointment, the entire public service was going through an
communication system, which
era of transformation and her job
other department had been af-
was critical, especially when you
was about how to strengthen the
fected by the changes in political
are dealing with issues of transfor-
corporate service section.
leadership over the years. She said
mation,” she said.
Tyawa noted that GCIS like any
“There were aspects that we
Mackay Langa later became
developed when we worked in
managers who can restore sys-
Deputy CEO of GCIS and noted
the human resources section –
tems that may have taken a knock
that one of the challenges GCIS
performance management.
going forward, GCIS still has strong
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
There wasn’t really a performance
Joel [Netshitenzhe, GCIS’s CEO at
of her colleagues were finding
management and development
the time] and said ‘the President
it hard to get along as they had
system in government. This was
has got his letterheads, they are
been inherited from the old South
implemented through the De-
launching in Bloemfontein tomor-
African Communications Services.
partment of Public Service and
row’, and he said: ‘I hope you kept
Administration because it had a
one of those pieces of paper to
dent a few years later that made
government-wide performance
write yourself a letter of congratu-
her realise the country had come
and development management
a long way on the journey towards
system. This was one of the things
Of course, she had not. “The
However, she pointed to an inci-
unity and reconciliation.
that we implemented,”
“I will never forget walking
she said.
into the office when we had just lost the first World Cup
New Coat of Arms
bid. I walked into the area where the designers and
During Patti McDonald’s
other people were and one
time at GCIS she worked
of my Afrikaner designers
on several projects that
was just sobbing at her
reflected the transforma-
desk. I suddenly realised we
tion in South Africa.
had become a whole na-
She joined GCIS at the
tion,” McDonald added.
end of 1998, to head up
She said that the attitude,
the print department in
humanity and vision of a
the Communications
number of her colleagues
Service Agency.
helped make GCIS “hu-
One of her best memo-
man” back then.
ries was delivering the President’s letterheads that contained the new-
McDonald, who eventuFormer Chief Director of t he Communications Ser vice Agency at GCIS, Patti McDonald.
ally became Chief Director of the Communications
ly-designed Coat of Arms
Service Agency, worked on
ahead of Freedom Day
several significant projects
27 April 2000 to the then President
thing is I never did because you
during her time at GCIS, including
Thabo Mbeki.
couldn’t take the President’s
project managing the design of the new Presidential Medals.
“I was running up the stairs
letterhead, you know.' I often wish I
of the Union Buildings. We had
had kept it, just for my son[to show
printed the new Coat of Arms on
it to him one day]. I never did that
a racist automobile advert trig-
the President’s letterhead so it was
because that was the ethos,” she
gered her final project, where she
embossed, it was not printed, just
coordinated a dialogue between
an embossed beautiful Coat of Arms on this thick, beautiful paper. “As I was walking out, I called
McDonald recalled that joining
Before she left the department,
government and the advertising
GCIS in those years came with
sector on racism in this particular
challenges, including that some
environment in 2002.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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Writer: Noluthando Motswai
The power behind government communications
s Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Acting
Director-General Phumla Williams looks back on the past 20 years of the department, it is with a sense of pride particularly because of the department’s efforts to ensure that South Africans are informed. “As we celebrate 20 years of
GCIS I want us to celebrate government’s contribution in adhering to Section 195 of the Constitution by making information available to South Africa through the work of GCIS,” she told PSM. This section of the Constitution deals with the basic values and principles governing public administration.
Phumla Williams, GCIS Acting Director-General.
The section in full states: “Public administration must be governed by the democratic values and
ciples are entrenched in govern-
body as what it was envisaged in
principles enshrined in the Con-
ment, GCIS has made some in-
1998,” said Williams.
stitution, including the following
GCIS was launched in 1998 with
She pointed out that GCIS has a
a mandate to provide leadership
(a) A high standard of professional
presence in municipalities, prov-
in government communication
ethics must be promoted and
inces and in national government.
and ensuring that the public is
“We have tried with our limited
informed of government's imple-
maintained. (b) Efficient, economic and effec-
budget to make information avail-
tive use of resources must be
able to South Africans and that is
mentation of its mandate.
a cause for celebration. As we cel-
True to the mandate
Williams added that although
ebrate let us look at what needs
Williams said GCIS has been true
much work still needs to be done
to be done to strengthen this or-
to this mandate but also acknowl-
in ensuring these values and prin-
ganisation and make it a strategic
edged that it can do so on a
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
much larger scale. She added that GCIS has been able to excel, even with limited resources. “The fact that we are a fullyfledged organisation that is able
contributions to almost every Inter-
likes with a reach of almost four
Ministerial Committee.
million. Similarly, the social media
“Whenever there is a crisis, GCIS is called on and takes charge of communication activities,” Williams added.
sites of various GCIS platforms are continually growing.” “We also launched the SA Government App with the intention
to produce with little money is still
The department has also had
to make government information
a highlight. We still have high qual-
to come up with innovative solu-
and services easily available to
ity products. If we had more money
tions to overcome budgetary con-
citizens,” she said.
imagine what we could do.”
Williams is also pleased with
“We feel we could do more with
“We have been running a num-
how government’s newspaper
more resources. Our advantage is
ber of campaigns, including those
Vuk’uzenzele newspaper, has
that we have young people in this
on gender-based violence and
evolved over the years.
organisation who are very passion-
employment, on social media plat-
“ Vuk’uzenzele has progressed
ate about the work that we do,”
forms. Although we’ve been allo-
from a monthly publication to
Williams added.
cated no new resources, we have
twice-a-month and also has a jobs
grown the social media function
section. We now print 1.7 million
considerably. Recent figures show
copies a month, translate selected
that the GovZa Twitter account has
pages and distribute countrywide.
Noting the important role of GCIS,
126 801 followers and more than
Through the funds generated from
she pointed out that the depart-
10 million impressions, while the
recruitment advertising we have
ment is represented on and makes
Facebook account has 275 592
managed to increase the print
Reflecting on the positives
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
run of specific editions of the newspaper,” explained Williams.
Management that excites
the department as Director for Finance.
On a personal level, Williams said
Williams said in her previous posi-
Time for review
one of the highlights of her role
tions she had to juggle adhering
After two decades, Williams be-
is working with people and being
to the demands for revenue while
lieves it is time for a review of GCIS.
able to collectively achieve some-
also ensuring that she is compli-
ant with all the relevant regulations
“When we conceptualised it we thought things would happen in a
“What makes my role exciting
certain way but there have been
is that I get to work with people.
“When you are in finance you are
a few lags. For example, GCIS is a
I put out an idea and people run
debating between compliance
system that should provide strate-
with it. What has defined my man-
and the organisation’s demands,”
gic leadership where communica-
agement is that I have never seen
she explained.
tors get a mandate from our or-
myself as a person with answers. I
Williams said one of the high-
ganisation. We were of the opinion
have always seen myself as part
lights of her time at GCIS was when
that communicators would be on
of a collective that brings in bril-
the department achieved its first
board. Currently this is not the situ-
liant ideas.”
clean audit in 2004.
and the budget is spent wisely.
ation when it comes to providing
“Everything that I have managed
“I remember when I joined GCIS
leadership in government commu-
to do in GCIS is because of the
we had the most terrible audit re-
nication,” she noted.
team that I have worked with this
port. We underspent and we also
“We have to go back to the
is how management should be. I
didn’t have systems in place. I took
drawing board. The problem is
don’t have all the answers,” she
a resolution that this thing of get-
that there is nothing forcing com-
ting a clean audit was not going to beat me.”
municators to follow the strategic leadership that comes from GCIS,”
GCIS a second home
Williams explained.
“My highlight was the day we got
Williams has been at GCIS for
a clean audit. I am not a person
She added that going forward
nearly all of its 20 years, having
who allows herself to say that she
GCIS wants to ensure the profes-
joined the department in June
is defeated,” she added.
sionalisation of government com-
1998. She described GCIS as her
second home.
Williams wished the organisation success in the future and said she
“It is important that there is more
“In terms of the culture of this
recognition for the profession. We
organisation I think we are a big
have developed a curriculum to
family. I have never had a situa-
“I like working for South Africa. I
standardise the professional skills
tion where I feel pressured by my
am continuing with what I have
of government communicators
supervisor,” she explained.
always been passionate about
that is currently with the National School of Government.”
was proud that she was able to serve the Information System.
Prior to her role as Acting Director-
which is changing the lives of
General, Williams was the Deputy-
South Africans. The fact that the
Williams also wants to see
Director General for Corporate
work that we do here changes
GCIS empowered to centrally run
Services and prior to that the
every day makes it more exciting,”
government campaigns.
Chief Financial Officer. She joined
she said.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Seriti is a broad-based, 84% black-owned and -controlled coal mining
Seriti has inherited a set of transformational
company with operations in the Free State and Mpumalanga provinces.
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is particularly noteworthy that in the area of
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female empowerment, the business averages
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25% female representation across operations and skill levels. Our transformation objective is
Seriti is co-owned by four anchor shareholders – Community Investment
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STAKEHOLDERS Our ambition is to empower and create
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Our employees are not ‘assets’; they are the heart of the business. One of
beyond compliance with the Mining Charter
our six guiding values is that the safety and health of our people should
and its objectives. Compliance with the latter
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We invest in the critical core skills and talents of all our people to ensure that
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EMPOWERING BLACK WOMEN Empowering black women is key to the Seriti
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To empower and create growth for all our
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Writers: More Matshediso and Noluthando Motswai
Leading from the front: DDGs ensuring excellence at GCIS
overnment Communi-
The functions of this branch
cation and Information
include conducting research to
very much like a family. It is a very
System (GCIS) is known
assess how government should in-
fair environment. It is not punish-
for being the pulse of government
form the public's communication
ing. I am lucky to be working with
communication, having excellent
needs monitoring media cover-
amazing professionals in the
stakeholder relations and uphold-
age of government programmes
branch and even beyond,” she
ing high standards when it comes
from a communication’s perspec-
to governance.
tive, as well as providing strategic
Carrim has had the privilege of
This is all because it is in the
much we fight internally, we are
guidance on the evaluation and
working in this environment for the
hands of experienced senior
analysis of print and electronic
past 10 years.
managers who have an intricate
media to contribute to profes-
understanding of the department
sional and timeous government
Director for Policy and Research,
and vast experience in their areas
having started off her career as
of work.
The branch is responsible for all content that GCIS produces,
Communicating government messages As a professional communica-
South Africa gained democracy,
for other departments and we
Tasneem Carrim is entrusted with
generate content for the public
the responsibility of ensuring that
through our news platforms us-
the department delivers on its twin
ing information from other gov-
mandate of providing information
ernment departments. We have
to the public in order to better
a role in directly communicating
their lives while at the same time
to the public,” Carrim explained. While overseeing the branch
government-wide communication
and all of its components and the
ad hoc requests it receives is a demanding role, Carrim
General for Content Processing
still has time to ap-
and Dissemination, a branch that
preciate the working
oversees three Chief Directorates
including Products and Platforms,
“What I love most
the Communications Service
about GCIS is that
Agency, and Policy and Research.
no matter how
Presidency in 1994.
to disseminate information and “We write content messages
She is the Acting Deputy Director-
a Communications Officer in the
including with the platforms it uses
tor who started her career when
coordinating and leading the
She joined GCIS as a Chief
Acting Deputy Director-General for Content Processing and Dissemination, Tasneem Carrim.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Acting Deputy Director-General Tasneem Carrim wit h t he team t hat makes up t he Content Processing and Dissemination branc h.
Carrim worked her way up to
She is proud of the work being
through which we keep the pubIic
Deputy Director, before joining lo-
done by GCIS employees despite
informed and government's news-
cal government as a Director and
the limited resources available
paper Vuk'uzenzele has continued
later the South African Revenue
to them.
to grow from strength to strength,
Service in a Chief Director position. She has an Honour’s degree in
“We have very few resources, we are being stretched all the time.
moving from a daily publication to twice-a-month." However, she said she would like
Industrial Sociology but decided to
So we must realise that compared
pursue a career in communication
to what the resources are, we are
to see the organisation achieve
doing an amazing job and the
more impact.
employees are the best resources,”
A decade of learning Spending a decade at GCIS
Carrim pointed out. She added that GCIS lost posts
“We do a lot of the right things but I am not sure if we are doing enough to achieve impact. I would
has taught her a few lessons on
and budget from its baseline to
rather see us do fewer things with
the governance side, such as
aid the creation of the Depart-
more impact,” Carrim explained.
the need to constantly develop
ment of Communications and has
struggled to recover since then.
“We must be managing people
"Despite these limitations, we
in such a way that it gives them an
have soldiered on. We have a
opportunity to grow,” she said.
growing presence on social media
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
She called for GCIS to be acknowledged for the important role it plays. “If we could get more recognition from the political principals,
including National Treasury and
These tools are available for com-
the Department of Public Service
municators to make use of,” said
and Administration, about the
monitoring processes. Semakane also provides guidance to the GCIS information
work that some of the people
technology department.
Across the system we have a low
Good governance is key
leadership in the application of
recognition of the status of com-
In another branch at GCIS, Keitu-
the Human Resource Manage-
munication, so GCIS is always the
metse Semakane is hard at work
ment Strategy.
last one to get resourced,”Carrim
ensuring policies are applied
pointed out.
consistently – a key factor that has
Acting DDG, he was the Chief
led to the department achieving
Director for Human Resources.
at GCIS do, it would be good ...
She added that a number of issues raised by the Comtask 2000 Report had not been addressed as yet. “Some progress has been made, such as the policy GCIS has devel-
His favourite role is providing
Prior to being appointed as the
five clean audits.
“In all the directorates that I over-
Semakane is the Acting Deputy Director-General of Corporate
Human Resources. This is an area
where I learnt to understand how
“It is important to apply poli-
people need to be managed in
oped to help standardise the de-
cies consistently because when
liverables of communicators and
you are consistent you will win
a scorecard that helps their supe-
the respect of everybody,” said
riors manage their performances
an organisation.” Training and development also falls within Semakane’s branch. “I have produced a lot of gradu-
The functions of his branch
ates due to our internal bursary
include providing strategic leader-
scheme. This shows that educa-
ship in financial administration
tion is very important. When you
and supply chain management.
improve your education and
He is also responsible for ensuring that the organisation has
knowledge, you become more effective,” he noted.
professional project management services along with providing strategic leadership planning Acting Deputy Director-General of Corporate Ser vices, Keitumetse Semakane.
see the one that I enjoy the most is
Semakane added that his second love is finance and supply chain because of his no-nonsense approach when it comes to spending government funds wisely. “I like good governance; hence we always get clean audits,” he said.
Good stories Semakane has been at the department for 23 years and has
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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nothing but good stories to tell of how the organisation has evolved. “When I joined this organisation it was called the South Africa Communication Services (SACS). I was
ployees of GCIS,” he recalled. In 2002 the department was expanded and he was appointed
which is headed by Acting Deputy Director-General Michael Currin. He started off his career with the
the Chief Director of Human Re-
department 27 years ago as a
Communication Officer.
“When I was the director for
In his current role, Currin is com-
one of the first black directors to
administration I found the depart-
mitted to ensuring that the organi-
work for GCIS,” he recalled.
ment in tatters in terms of audit
sation builds stakeholder relations
He was the Provincial Director in
findings. I looked at the outcome
with other government depart-
the Gauteng region from 1995
of the audit report and at each
ments and different community
to 1997.
and every finding. I read it line
organisations in the country as
by line, looking at where we went
well as the media.
Prior to joining GCIS, he was one of the first public relations officers
wrong and how we could improve.
in the North West Department of
This is how we were able to turn
rates which include Provincial and
things around,” said Semakane.
Local Liaison, Media Engagement
Semakane has a Master’s degree
He added that some of the big-
in Education and has also worked
gest challenges facing GCIS is
as a teacher and a radio DJ at
how to do more with less.
Motsweding FM.
His branch has four Chief Directo-
and two Cluster Communication Support components. The branch provides leadership
“People are overworked. When
and strategic advice to provincial
they do exit interviews they com-
and local government communi-
seasoned communicator who
plain about getting burnout due
cation systems.
just happens to head corporate
to the amount of work that we do
here,” said Semakane.
He describes himself as a
When the process started of con-
His message to GCIS staff on the
Its purpose is to strengthen the system of government communication and implement develop-
verting SACS to GCIS Semakane
milestone of celebrating its 20th
ment communication through,
was asked to head up administra-
anniversary is that they must con-
unmediated communication. It
tinue to be an example to other
does this through sound stakehold-
government departments.
er relations and partnerships to
“During that time the organisation experienced a large number
“Let’s continue to shine ensuring
ensure that the public is informed
of people resigning and most of
that we give people everything
about government policies and
them were senior managers. There
that they need. Informed leaders
programmes to improve their lives.
was no one to head administra-
take good decisions,” he added.
The programme also coordinates
tion and salaries had to be paid,
the roll-out of the Thusong Service
I was appointed to head the
Building stakeholder relations
administration sector. I am the one
The third branch at GCIS is
who converted people from being
Intergovernmental Coordination
tant to build a strong team and to
employees of SACS to being em-
and Stakeholder Management,
be informed of developments in
administration had to continue.
Centre programme as part of the government-wide access strategy. According to Currin, it is impor-
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
one's area of work.
ocratic, people-centred govern-
thought there were more things
ment communication service, we
that we could do to strengthen
You have to read the policies, and
cannot forget that. Sometimes we
the manner in which the media is
programmes and documents
have to celebrate our achieve-
engaged by government. We had
that are written about the work of
ments. If you do not celebrate your
also looked at the degree in which
government,” he said.
achievements you become disil-
the messaging of government can
lusioned,” he added.
be more coherent domestically
“The greatest thing is to read.
He said he is proud of what GCIS has achieved over the past 20 years.
Currin said that GCIS has to become the best communication
and internationally,” he said. Out of that review, GCIS ended up
“We have inherited the culture
force in the next decade and that
with three branches including the
of a progressive, democratic and
its staff have to be the reason why
Intergovernmental Coordination
professional government commu-
people have hope in South Africa.
and Stakeholder Management,
nication operation that has stood
Content Processing and Dissemina-
the test of time over 20 years. It is
Highlights at GCIS
a history that we must jealously
Currin has many memorable
guard and actively develop fur-
moments during his nearly three
ing Currin’s time at GCIS was the
ther,” said Currin.
decades at GCIS.
funeral of the former President
“We have a wonderful
He was involved in the creation
tion, and Corporate Services. Another significant event dur-
Nelson Mandela.
legacy built on a very strong
of the Multi-Purpose Community
journey towards a dem-
Centres, which are now called
the day of the funeral, the hearse
the Thusong Service Centres. It is
was driving from the airport to
here where local, provincial and
Qunu. I was standing on the side
national government as well as
of the road. It was a moment of
other sector service providers offer
reflection and I was filled with pro-
services and developmental infor-
found sadness. Not at a familiar
mational to local communities.
level, but because it was a flash-
Currin was also part of the government delegation that travelled
“My father had also passed away recently and I was very close
to assess the institutional arrange-
to my father. I suddenly felt like the
ments of GCIS.
country has lost its father and no one is going to hold its hand no
we had done very
more. It was such a strange mo-
well in the first
ment yet so symbolic,” he said.
decade as GCIS but we
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
back to 1994.
to various countries on a project
“We understood that
Acting Deputy Director-General of Intergovernmental Coordination and Stakeholder Management, Mic hael Currin.
“I had not slept for a week. On
Currin holds Master’s in Professional Youth Development and a Master’s degree in Education specialising in Youth Work Policy in South Africa.
TETA - GENERATING SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR South Africa has made commendable progress since 1994 in alleviating poverty and creating employment opportunities for its citizens. The country currently boasts the second largest economy in Africa and is regarded as one of the most politically stable on the continent. However, the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution poses numerous threats to the country’s capacity for improving the livelihood of its citizens and making wealth creation opportunities available to all. A major challenge to South Africa’s continued economic development is the current skills deficit which has negative consequences across all secors. The Transport Education and Training Authority (TETA) acknowledges the uphill battle to safeguard the transport sector against the negative effects of this challenge. TACKLING THE SKILLS DEFICIT IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR The National Development Plan identifies the transport
South African transport sector. The organisation is, however,
sector as one of the sectors that can play a key role in
aware that the role it plays within the sector is still unclear to
the realisation of the country’s development and growth
many in the industry. Moreover, TETA realises that its success
strategy. Yet the sector is experiencing a concerning skills
is driven by committed industry players who should be
demand and supply mismatch. As a result, the need for
recognised and rewarded for their contributions. Hence the
robust education and training interventions to tackle the
desire to host a dialogue which assesses wins and losses and
country’s skills deficit requires immediate attention.
crafts a roadmap towards a desirable future for the sector.
Like other sectors of the economy, transport is faced with rapid
The sector profile mandated to TETA with reference to
technological changes that may render some skills obsolete
skills development, covers aerospace, forwarding and
and result in a growing demand for new ones. A trend identified
clearing, freight handling, maritime, rail, road freight, taxi
in this sector is that employers are increasingly demanding
and road passenger subsectors. The maritime, aerospace
technologically based skills. This is not surprising because most
and road freight subsectors in particular are technologically
transport sector businesses compete on a global scale and need
driven and exposed to global competition. The need for
to remain current in the use of technological solutions to match
a technologically skilled workforce in these subsectors is
global standards. Consequently, TETA is gearing up towards
therefore becoming critical.
supporting programmes with a technological skills base – with the objective of making the industry workforce globally competitive.
STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION FOR SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS Over the years, TETA has fostered relationships with several
industry players who make it possible for the education and
training authority to make strides in achieving its mandate.
Over the past 18 years, amidst a multitude of challenges, TETA
Among others, TETA has enjoyed support from partnerships
has achieved notable milestones in its efforts to transform the
with labour unions, professional bodies, transport sector
employers, municipalities, non-government organisations
regard. The negative effects of a skills deficit on South Africa’s
(NGOs), research institutions, youth-led organisations, small
economy cannot be understated - neither can the power of
and medium enterprises (SMMEs), higher education institutions
various industry players in tackling this challenge be overrated.
(HEIs), government departments and public entities. In light of the current industry issues, particularly the skills deficit challenge, it is clear that TETA needs to be proactive in preparing the industry for the road ahead. The organisation is holding a summit in October 2018, which will bring all industry stakeholders together in one room to address the current skills deficit and future demand. TETA stakeholders are encouraged to be on the alert for more information in this
CONTACT DETAILS: Physical Address: 344 Pretoria Avenue, Randburg, Gauteng Postal Address: Private Bag X10016, Randburg, 2125 Telephone: (011) 577 7000/7040 Website: Fax: 086 76 505 14
TETA SKILLS SUMMIT 23-24 OCTOBER 2018 To partner in this initiative please forward your details to Emelia Mosima on
Writer: More Matshediso Photographer: Jairus Mmutle
Dr Ntombifut hi Nala is Director for Researc h and Knowledge Management at GCIS.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Dr Ntombifuthi Nala: Leap into the unknown leads to success
hen Dr Ntombifuthi Nala
something else,” she recalled.
joined Government
She excelled in her position;
Information System (GCIS) 14 years
Beyond the comfort zone
ago, she had no idea what she was
Although excited about the new
getting herself into.
opportunity Nala said she was also
Communication and
She was busy with her Doctorate studies in Water Quality Management at Technikon Witwatersrand
the public,” Nala explained. barely a year-and-a-half later she applied for a Deputy Director post in the unit and got the job. “At this level, I was exposed to
anxious about leaving her comfort
making presentations at high-level
meetings and was also trusted with
“I had many thoughts about it
giving advice where it was needed.
(now known as the University of Jo-
later. I was also thinking about all
This instilled confidence in me,” said
hannesburg) and all her previous
the complaints I had heard about
experience was in academia.
the low work ethic in the public
Part of her job while she worked
She was the project manager at
sector and how I would regret my
GCIS as it was being reviewed with
at the Water Research Institute
move. But I thought I should give
regard to the department’s role in
included writing articles and assist-
it a try because if all else failed I
the government-wide communica-
ing her supervisor by editing pro-
could always go back to academ-
tion system.
fessional journals. It was then she
ics,” she said.
decided to refocus her energies.
Clearly Nala did not fail and is
Nala was part of the delegation that travelled to various countries
“I told myself that I had been in
now the Director for Research and
to investigate and assess differ-
the academic field for almost my
Knowledge Management at GCIS.
ent communication systems in
entire life and it was about time
Looking back, she recalled the
that I tested other waters,” ex-
important work she initially under-
plained Nala.
took at GCIS.
She applied for a Deputy Director
She was part of the qualitative
countries such as the United States, Tunisia and Brazil. “The idea was to learn how similar departments like GCIS were run in
post at GCIS in 2004, went through
research team in the Research
those countries, in terms of coordi-
the interview process and was
Directorate. The other teams were
nating communication and being
offered a job two days later at As-
working on quantitative research
effective. Out of that process, some
sistant Director level.
and in-depth analysis of the data.
restructuring was done at GCIS to
“Our work used to inform policy
make it more effective,” Nala said.
“I didn’t even think twice about it. I said it’s fine, I will take it. I think
and strategy development at a
I was just excited by the sense of
very high level. We made submis-
Tough decisions
achievement that came with it
sions to Cabinet, and Cabinet re-
Nala’s achievements at work came
because although it was not the
lied on the arm of GCIS research to
at a price as she dropped out of
position that I wanted, I had per-
provide guidance and way forward
the Doctorate programme she
formed well enough to be offered
in order to speak to the needs of
had entered earlier as her
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
workload increased. Not one to leave things hanging,
“My study supervisor asked me to make a decision between
ate in Public Health in public institutions,” she said.
Nala decided to register at the
working and studying so I had to
University of South Africa for a Doc-
take a break from my studies in
to the support of my family. It was
torate in Public Health in 2006.
2008 and focus on my job,” she
not easy but I am glad to say that
I endured until the end. I would
“I was trying to align my qualifications with the priorities of gov-
In 2010 she returned to her
“I managed to pull through due
study the entire night and come
ernment. What I was doing at work
studies, determined to finish her
to work the next day like all other
was the same as what I did with
employees. I had to put all my
“I re-registered and from there
time into it because I wanted to
GCIS bursary and it was granted,”
on I did not have a life, even my
finish and I did in 2014,” she said.
she said.
kids knew that when mommy
my studies. I had applied for the
comes from work she goes
Climbing the ladder
her work meant she had to make
straight to the study room. I had
In 2015 there was a vacancy for
tough decisions.
to work hard to finish my Doctor-
a Director post in her directorate.
Once more, the demands of
Being the go-getter that she is, Nala applied for the position and was successful. She recalled the position took some adjustment. “Managing a team, I had to learn group dynamics. It was a bit frustrating in the beginning because you never know what will work for everyone. I had to find a balance. I had a very supportive supervisor and other Directors assisted me to develop character for this role. With time, things settled, I found my feet and the team started gelling,” Nala said. The projects done by her team are mainly aimed at improving the work of GCIS and ensuring that the department is relevant to stakeholders including Cabinet, the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Communications and members of the public.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
includes having an overall view of
used especially when develop-
campaigns that inform the public
government machinery and being
ing content for GCIS products for
about programmes that can
at the centre of everything.
members of the public and when
“We also assess communication
improve their lives and that alert
Employees at the department
them to opportunities that they
have an opportunity to be versa-
can take up,” she explained.
tile and knowledgeable about all
GCIS does media planning and scheduling. “Even today, we still need to fig-
of government, unlike when one
ure out how to work together with
the public regards as important
is in an isolated department that
the Media Buying and Content
at a point in time, the accuracy of
focuses on only one area. Nala
Development units. It will be an
the research of the unit is vital.
believes that this helps develop
ideal situation to sit and plan to-
gether and explore ideas to come
For GCIS to know what exactly
“The type of research we are doing is not academic. It needs
“The level of openness among
up with the holistic approach or
to be current, which is one of the
colleagues and managers is
strategy that takes into account
challenges that we always try
also encouraging, and the open
the insights from research, not just
to address. The challenge that
door approach is what I like most
as additional information,” she
we are continuously faced with
about the organisation. It is not
is doing research that is current
status orientated. This makes room
enough to inform decision-mak-
for the young employees in the
she has learned how to deal with
ing,” she said.
organisation to know that they
Nala explained that she ap-
can engage with officials who are
On a personal level, Nala said
“There have been times when I
proaches every work day with a
at different levels in GCIS without
had to take punches in terms of
flexible mindset, aiming to get
feeling intimidated,” she said.
my work. I was made to feel that
through her "to-do list" for each
“What I like about my job is the
my work was not worthwhile due
day, but is well aware that her
different research projects that
to some silly mistakes, but choos-
schedule is subject to change
we do. I don’t think anyone can
ing to look on the brighter side
due to requests that need to be
get experience like that from
of things helps me to not always
anywhere other than GCIS. The
focus on the negative. I always
variation keeps you on your toes.
try to make something out of the
sometimes I leave around 10pm
You get to explore new fields and
criticism and turn it into a positive
and there are times where we left
learn new things based on public
outcome,” she said.
around 4am the next morning
perception,” she added.
“I spend long hours in this office,
learnt to develop a thick skin
because we just wanted to finish a very flexible team and I know
Making the most of research
that I might be a bit of a perfec-
Nala’s job also comes with its
tionist,” she said.
unique challenges. Ensuring that
tasks and meet deadlines. I have
A bird’s eye view Nala added that one of the advantages of working at GCIS
“During my stay at GCIS I have when it comes to criticism and to translate it into a plan for a game changer,” she added. Nala believes GCIS is the best
research is used effectively is one
employer in government. She would
of them.
not choose any other environment
She constantly has to make sure that research findings are being
to learn in. “It is a really warm environment,” she added.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Writer: Noluthando Motswai
Staff reflect on
20 years at GCIS radio unit, photography and design Este Koor ts says she has witnessed and par ticipated in histor y while working for GCIS.
studio. This unit often receives requests from other government services to render its service. Koorts ensures that all requests that are submitted to her are implemented by the departments in her directorate. She began her journey with GCIS in 1986 when it was known as the Bureau for Information under the apartheid government. “I was doing media monitoring at the time. It was in the days of censorship in the media. We had to check the newspaper and indi-
cate which articles needed to be s Government Commu-
rations, state funerals, the creation
nication and Information
of the national flag and the coat of
The Bureau for Information
System (GCIS) celebrates
arms. I have watched government
evolved into the South African
its 20th anniversary, employees of
change before my eyes. It has been
Communication Services and later
the department have taken time
an interesting place to be with its
to GCIS, which was in 1998.
to reminisce about their journey at
culture of young people,” she said.
GCIS. Some have walked every step
Koorts is a traffic manager in the
it was full of middle-aged men in
of the road with GCIS from its launch
Chief Directorate Communications
grey shoes. Now there are young
on 18 May 1998.
Service Agency (CSA).
and vibrant black ladies with
responded to,” Koorts explained.
“When I joined this organisation
PSM spoke to Este Koorts, Geor-
She describes herself as the
strong personalities. This is what
gina Mokoena and Thomas Chau-
"bird's eye" of the unit, having to
GCIS looks like today. It is such a
Chau who told us how GCIS has
manage all requests for assistance
vibey place,” she added.
shaped their lives and careers.
and products which are channeled
Koorts said being part of GCIS meant that she witnessed and participated in history. “I have been involved in inaugu-
to her office. Koorts and her team also ren-
Koorts reflected that over the years she has formed meaning friendships and views her col-
der administrative support to the
leagues as family. She added that
Production Unit. CSA consists of the
there is an advantage working for
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
the GCIS because the department
is respected by government. “I think we lost some of that integrity and respect but we are getting out of that space and heading to
better times. Our vision and mission
is very important to me – I really want this organisation to be the best,” said Koorts. Looking to the future, Koorts said
receiving documents that are de-
Protecting staff and assets
livered to the building and checking if there are any problems in the
she wants GCIS to become the
One of the most familiar faces at
best-performing department in
the GCIS building in Hatfield is that
of Thomas Chau-Chau, who is a
1997, prior to which he was a
security officer.
construction worker building roads
“I would like to see the experts that work here be given the
His job is to supervise and moni-
building. He joined the department in
in Pretoria.
freedom to use their skills. We
tor the external security service,
“When I got the news that I got
have very talented people in this
monitor access at the reception
the job I was so excited that I did
organisation. I have a lot of respect
area and escort visitors.
not sleep. I could not believe that
for some of my colleagues,” she added. Koorts is optimistic about the future, adding that GCIS can only get better over the next 20 years.
“It feels great to do my job, especially receiving Ministers and handling VIP guests who enter our building,” he said. Chau-Chau is also tasked with
I was going to work for this department,” recalled Chau-Chau. He added that one of the most important lessons he has learnt over the years is what it means to be a public servant and serve the public. In 2001 Chau-Chau was asked to
Thomas Chau-Chau is one of t he most familiar faces at t he GCIS building in Hatf ield.
be part of the team doing stocktaking at GCIS's provincial offices. “This made me so proud because I felt like my efforts to protect the organisation’s assets were being recognised and appreciated,” he explained. Chau-Chau said one of the challenging times he faced at the department was when GCIS moved from its offices from the Midtown building in Pretoria Central to a new building in Hatfield, Pretoria. “This was both exciting and
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
challenging as I was part of the team that was implementing the
Georgina Mokoena is delighted to be celebrating 20 years wit h GCIS.
security system for a building that had never been used before,” he explained. Chau-Chau said he loved his job and was excited for whatever the future held for GCIS.
A love of communicating Georgina Mokoena joined GCIS in 1998 and is delighted to be celebrating 20 years with the department. Mokoena is the secretary for the Chief Director: Platform and Products. Her job entails checking the Chief Director's diary for meet-
“I wanted a new challenge. I was
“When we launched Vuk’uzenzele,
ings, preparing his packs and other
in the security department for a
I was involved in organising the
administrative duties.
long time and when I made the
event. I came up with the idea of
transition, I was happy and people
inviting the embassies and to this
were happy for me,” she said.
day the success of that event still
As part of her new role, she
blows my mind,” added Mokoena.
When Mokoena was initially appointed, she was a security officer at the reception area and while
Understanding the use of words
she enjoyed her work she wanted
was part of the team that started
to broaden her knowledge and
the government newspaper
and its impact are among some of
Vuk'uzenzele. She said being part
the lessons she has learnt during
of the organising team for the
her time at GCIS.
She registered for short courses in secretarial studies and was ap-
launch of the paper was a most
pointed as a secretary in 2002.
memorable time for her.
“I learnt a lot about writing in plain language and how to communicate with all government departments. Working for GCIS has made it easy for me to talk about any government programme and share this information with people on the street,” she said. Mokoena's advice to public servants is to serve and honour their
country and to remain humble and open-minded.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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2018/05/16 9:39:28 AM
Compiled by Noluthando Motswai and Chris Bathembu
Communicators hail GCIS’s work
ver the years, Govern-
that enlightens South African
ment Communication
society about the progress made
and Information System
in implementing all government
(GCIS) has played a pivotal role in
the government communication
Mahlaku added that GCIS also
space, providing training to commu-
provides a relevant platform for the
nicators while offering advice and
public to engage constructively
support to various departments on
with government departments
their campaigns.
regarding their mandates.
As GCIS celebrates its 20th an-
Bongiwe Gambu.
“The two-way nature of this en-
niversary, PSM spoke to several
gagement enhances the demo-
government communicators to give
cratic ideal that our government
them an opportunity to reflect on
continuously strives for, a govern-
porting government departments,
their experience of interacting with
ment in which the voice of ordinary
including the Presidency, in com-
the Communication System.
people plays a critical role,” he said.
municating the programme of
Her unit was in charge of sup-
Media Relations Manager at
“It can only be proper to wish
the South African Social Security
GCIS a happy 20th anniversary
Agency (SASSA) Tshediso Mahlaku
and wish for many more years
Gambu said her exposure to
believes GCIS has made it easier
of success in carrying forward
government departments along
for government departments and
your mandate. Your success as a
with the ability to access local and
agencies to reach out to the public
department is clearly visible in the
international media, while being
over the years through its ad-
levels of consciousness of govern-
able to dip into an extensive media
vanced and sophisticated commu-
ment displayed by ordinary South
database, are some of the advan-
nication technology.
Africans in their day-to-day discus-
tages of working for GCIS.
He described GCIS as the all-
sions. Well done,” said Mahlaku.
important voice of government
transversal projects.
“What I loved most about working at GCIS was the endless opportuni-
Supporting government departments
Tshediso Mahlaku.
action of government as well as
ties to influence public discourse and inform the nation on how to
Former GCIS Director for Media Li-
participate in democracy. It was
aison Bongiwe Gambu has worked
great to work in such a dynamic
at the System for six years and re-
organisation that exposed me to
members starting her days in Rapid
so many different opportunities. I
Response meetings where she and
also loved the people, the sense of
colleagues from other units would
comradeship and the relationships
identify issues in the media that
that outlived my time there,” she
needed further communication by
Gambu said the most meaningful
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
lesson she learnt at the depart-
nication arising, GCIS has an im-
ment was the power of the govern-
portant role to ensure government
ment communication system when
policies are communicated using
it was running efficiently.
these new tools that digital media
Moving forward, Gambu added that GCIS should adopt a better tal-
is bringing to the fore,” he noted. With regard to the work of his
ent retention strategy and improve
organisation, Tsedu said media
succession planning and imple-
coverage of South African science,
technology and innovation has
Her message to GCIS is: “May you grow and take your rightful place in
been lacking. Linda Page.
“However, there has been a slight
government communication and in
increase recently due to the part-
shaping the lives and experiences
nerships that GCIS is building with
ued support and I have constant
of ordinary South Africans through
different media houses to ensure
interaction with with colleagues
providing information on active
that organisations such as CSIR
through the various communica-
participation in our democracy.”
can showcase its capabilities and
tion platforms that they have cre-
expertise,” he added.
ated,” she said.
Providing leadership
“I would like to congratulate and
Group Manager: Marketing and
commend GCIS for the outstanding
provided guidance and advice on
Communication at the Council
role it has played since its incep-
strategic communication cam-
for Scientific and Industrial Re-
tion. Surely it would not have been
paigns, including the provision of
search (CSIR) Tendani Tsedu said
easy for us as communicators to
services such as media buying and
that for the past 20 years GCIS
communicate without the assis-
content production, and through
tance and guidance we receive
this she has gained knowledge
from GCIS.”
and a deeper understanding of
“We also appreciate the community radio platforms provided by
Page added that GCIS has
the government communications environment.
GCIS to ensure that we continue
She stressed the importance of
to educate and inform the public
GCIS in the government communi-
about our work, especially those
cation space because government
in rural areas. Keep it up. Continue
must have a collective voice.
informing and educating the nation,” he said. Tendani Tsedu.
“Government communications is key to nurturing social cohesion and fostering nation building,”
Guidance and advice
said Page.
has provided good leadership to
Head of Communications at the
government communication and
Department of Rural Development
your 20th anniversary. May GCIS
ensured that the public is informed
and Land Reform Linda Page, said
grow from strength to strength
of government's implementation of
her experience with GCIS has been
and continue to lead and serve
its mandate.
the country with distinction,” she
“With new methods of commu-
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
“GCIS provides me with contin-
“Congratulations on reaching
INTELLIGENT RESEARCH CENTRAL TO PUBLIC-SECTOR SUCCESS The South African economy has suffered numerous
the nation’s perception of performance is tracked twice
setbacks over the past few years and the nation has been
a year, with the requisite information used to consistently
driven by economic turmoil. This, in turn, has created a
inform government policy and communication strategies.
number of challenges for consumers, businesses and – most of all – for the public sector. Budget cuts, coupled
“With 23 years of experience in market research, we
with citizen demands, have created a tough working
are extremely proud to be tasked with such critical work,
environment and navigating what is really needed versus
which aligns well to our vision of amplifying the voices of
what is expected has become a much tougher task than
Africa’s consumers through credible and sound research,”
ever before. In fact, today, with the advent of technology
says CEO of Ask Afrika, Andrea Gevers. “We go above
and the ability for every citizen to become an expert in
and beyond to ask the right questions, challenge the
how municipalities should operate, there is no doubt that
status quo and uplift the voices of Africa’s people through
times are changing.
multi-layered, creatively applied research science – giving clients insight from their selected target audiences.”
Today, it is far more about truly understanding what the people of the country are expecting, if we hope
Today, research companies need to customise solutions
to meet the business needs of their clients, looking at co-
community outcomes. Therefore, research plays a
crafting such strategies. For example, Ask Afrika uses a
critical role in helping the public sector understand this
multi-disciplinary approach – with extensive experience in
“new-age” citizen and how to best map services to their
public-sector research including: reputation management,
needs, while maintaining a healthy business model.
database audits. In combining statistical intellect and psychological perceptiveness, a good research team should be
“To truly affect change, businesses have to really dig
able to unveil the answers to the most challenging
deeper, to understand clients and to ensure that they can
business questions – in the public sector, this is critical.
effectively change brand position and affiliation, based
Research plays a vital role in gaining a detailed view
on data of the highest integrity – backed by statistical and
of the mood of the nation and the public’s perception
psychological expertise,” concludes Gevers.
around government’s performance on priority areas. Collaborating with public sector enables the assessment of key nationally run campaigns including the State of the Nation (SONA) and the National Budget Address. Ask Afrika, the largest independent market research company in South Africa, has proudly collaborated with the Government Communication Information System (GCIS) for five years, conducting nationally representative quantitative tracker research that informs government policy and communication. Through this research, results have been presented to the relevant parties in various
For more information, contact Ask Afrika on 012 428 7400 and speak to:
government communication clusters and DG cluster
Mashudu Ndopu (Director: Sales and Marketing)
meetings to enable improved strategic decision-making or
– creating sustainable progress. In order to ensure change
Jacqui Kunene (Executive: Public Sector Sales)
can be implemented and sentiment better understood,
Ask Afrika GCIS full page.qxp_Layout 1 2018/05/10 13:21 Page 1
Writer: Chris Bathembu
Keeping the Eastern Cape informed
he Government Communica-
nicipality Presidential Intervention
ment communication agenda of
tion and Information System
Project in Mthatha,” said Pinyana.
a democratically-elected govern-
(GCIS) office in the Eastern
Other projects of the provincial
Cape is at the centre of efforts to
office include expanding the local
provide government content to
government communication sys-
Looking to the future, he high-
those in the province.
tem and pioneering the first ever
lighted the need for more capacity-
Presidential Siyahlola Monitoring
building in provinces and empow-
Visit in the province.
ering officials in that space in their
Headed by Director Ndlelantle Pinyana, the office is tasked with
ment where constitutionalism is the order of the day”, said Pinyana.
informing the public about govern-
Pinyana took up the position of
ment policies, plans, programmes
Provincial Director in 2009 and was
Reflecting on GCIS’ 20th anniversa-
and achievements and creating
immediately confronted by chal-
ry, Pinyana called for a continuation
informed stakeholders.
of the key values GCIS has nurtured
roles as they are at the coalface.
“This requires the development of
“The most vivid challenge was to
over the years. “Durability, reliability,
a broad stakeholder database that
transform the ineffective and ineffi-
reputation and trust remain key val-
reflects the provincial and local dy-
cient office at output level to a well-
ues that contribute to a successful
namics,” explained Pinyana.
oiled machine that now earns the
company. It takes 20
respect and admiration of all
years to build a repu-
ment information must reach is ex-
stakeholders it has and con-
tation and five min-
tensive. It includes MECs, chiefs of
tinues to interface with in the
utes to ruin it,” he
staff, heads of department, heads
province,” he noted.
The list of stakeholders that govern-
of communication, media liaison
ith these challenges now With
officers, municipal mayors, mu-
a thing of the past, Pinyana
nicipal managers, speakers, chief
said he and his team are fo-
whips, municipal heads of commu-
cused on equipping those
nication, community development
in need of information to
workers, communicators, legislature,
empower themselves.
media, civil society organisations,
Some of the high-
youth structures and heads of ter-
lights of the work
tiary institutions.
of his office are the
The GCIS provincial office also
“progressive com-
provides communication support
petitive spirit and
to key campaigns.
sharing of best prac-
“We provided communication support for the OR Tambo Cente-
Ndlelantle Pinyana is helping ensure t hat t he GCIS of f ice in t he Eastern Cape takes government content to t he people.
tices amongst provinces”.
nary and the University of Fort Hare
he provincial ofThe
Centenary celebrations as well as
fice also prides itself in
the King Sabata Dalindyebo Mu-
“driving the develop-
pointed out.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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Compiled by Jauhara Khan
New scheme set to widen market access for SMMEs
inclusive, equitable and fast growing, with the SMME
Small, medium and micro-enterprises (SMMEs) will
2030,” Minister Zulu said.
soon benefit from a programme that will offer business development services and improve access to markets.
sector contributing 90 percent of all new jobs by She added that government has identified small business development as a priority. “We will ensure that the programme deliberately
Recently, Small Business Development Minister Lindi-
targets enterprises in the townships and rural areas,
we Zulu and the European Union (EU) Commissioner
and those owned by women, youth and people with
for International Cooperation and Development
disabilities. We must not forget that the townships
Neven Mimica launched the Employment Promotion
were created as hostels to house people working in
through SMME Support Programme for South Africa
the Central Business Districts of cities and scant ef-
at Riversands Incubation Hub in Diepsloot.
fort was made to develop entrepreneurship in these
The programme will improve SMME access to finance and help ease the administrative and regulatory burdens they face.
areas,” Minister Zulu said. She said her department’s partnership with the EU must assist enterprises to occupy their rightful place
“Through this programme, we seek to contribute towards inclusive economic growth and employ-
in the mainstream economy. The Employment Promotion through SMME Support
ment creation through support for SMMEs. More
Programme seeks to ensure that private-sector role
importantly, it is aligned to our National Development
players, as well as state actors, work together in the
Plan, which articulates a vision of an economy that is
best interests of SMMEs and cooperatives.
Call for submissions on land expropriation without compensation The Joint Constitutional Review Com-
public interest without compensa-
The closing date for written submis-
tion, and propose the necessary
sions and requests for oral presenta-
constitutional amendments.
tion is 31 May 2018.
As part of its constitutional obliga-
Enquiries and written submissions
mittee has called for written public
tion to facilitate public participation,
can be addressed to:
submissions to make it possible for
the committee has invited written
Pat Jayiya
the state to expropriate land without
submissions from all stakeholders on
Committee Section
the necessity of and mechanisms for
PO Box 15,
expropriating land without compen-
Cape Town 8000
or email
The committee which has been set up to review Section 25 of the Constitution was instructed by the National
In addition to the written submis-
Hand-delivered submissions can
Assembly and the National Council
sion, the public is urged to indicate
be submitted at W/S 091, 3rd Floor,
of Provinces to make it possible for
their interest in making an oral pres-
90 Plein Street, Cape Town.
the state to expropriate land in the
entation to the committee.
For more information, members of the public can call 021 403 3661 or 081 441 0345 or send a fax to 086 465 0678. The committee has until 30 August 2018 to report back to Parliament.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Tourism Ministers commit to creating jobs
Hanekom said.
Tourism Minister Derek
like the T20 to formulate
Hanekom and his G20
policy and devise in-
counterparts have com-
novative strategies that
Road D670 rehabilitation project launched
mitted their countries to
create decent, meaning-
Gauteng MEC for Roads and Transport Ismail Vadi
create more jobs and
ful work for the people
launched a R90 million Road D670 rehabilitation
promote entrepreneur-
who need it most,” he
project between Bronkhorstspruit and Ekangala, east
ship in tourism, espe-
of Tshwane, in April.
cially for women and the youth.
“We need to work together through platforms
The T20 statement
The 19 km road project was funded by the de-
notes that tourism ac-
partment and completed eight months ahead of schedule.
The G20 forum aims to
counts for 10 percent of
strengthen cooperation
the world’s gross domes-
between advanced and
tic product.
emerging countries.
Tourism creates jobs
Road D670 is located north of Bronkhorstspruit towards the R513 intersection and forms part of the northern corridor.
The Tourism Ministers
within the sector and
The rehabilitated road will not only ensure con-
from the G20 countries
in many other linked
tinuous and effective operations of the coal power
form the T20 group,
sectors, and supports a
station but will also provide safer conditions for daily
which held its annual
higher share of employ-
commuters traveling to work, especially Ekangala
meeting in Buenos Aires
ment for women and the
residents working in Bronkhorstspruit, Cullinan, Ray-
in April.
youth, entrepreneurship
ton, Bapsfontein and Delmas.
Minister Hanekom was
and business opportuni-
MEC Vadi said the completion of the project
invited by José Gustavo
ties in rural areas, com-
ahead of schedule demonstrated the department’s
Santos, the Minister of
pared to many other
commitment to adhering to set timetables and al-
Tourism in Argentina,
sectors of the economy.
located budgets.
the host country for this
It also contributes to the
year's meeting.
preservation of natural
coal trucks running between various mines and
resources and cultural
power stations.
“The global focus on creating jobs in tourism
The road carries heavy traffic volumes, including
“The rehabilitated road will stimulate local economic participation and growth. Furthermore, it will
fits in perfectly with South
All member countries
Africa's strategy to tackle
committed to establish-
improve traffic capacity, particularly coal haulers
unemployment, poverty
ing tourism innovation
travelling from Ekangala towards the N4. This is part
and inequality through
centres, incentives and
of the Gauteng provincial government’s efforts to roll
inclusive tourism growth.
programmes to stimulate
out road infrastructure aimed at stimulating eco-
The digital revolution,
innovation and entrepre-
nomic growth,” said MEC Vadi.
and the sharing econ-
neurship, and to linking
omy that it supports, is
start-ups, main com-
velopment to local labour as well as empowerment
changing the nature of
panies, investors and
of BBBEE contractors, with the main contractor sub-
jobs in tourism,” Minister
contracting a percentage of work to local SMMEs.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
He added that the project also provided skills de-
Source: Statistics South Africa
SA economy on an upward trend the previous quarter. The increase in earnings was dominated by the trade industry which registered R11 billion. This was followed by the community services industry with R9 billion, the manufacturing industry with R8 billion, business services industry with R7 billion, transport industry with R6 billion and the construction industry with R4 billion. Earnings in the electricity industry decreased by R390 million and in the mining and quarrying
industry dipped by R60 million. igures from the Quarterly Em-
jobs and the community services
ployment Statistics (QES) sur-
industry was up by 21 000 jobs.
measured at R20 004 in the for-
vey show that South Africa’s
Average monthly earnings were
Moderate gains were reported in
mal non-agricultural sector of the
formal non-agricultural sector add-
the manufacturing industry with a
economy in November 2017. This
ed 81 000 jobs in the fourth quarter
slight increase of 3 000 jobs in the
was a 0.7 percent increase when
of 2017, bringing the total number
compared to August 2017, and
of persons employed in the formal
However, the construction and
non-agricultural sector to 9.8 million.
mining industries shed 19 000
According to the QES, formal sec-
and 7 000 jobs, respectively, while
tor jobs rose by 18 000 in the fourth
the transport industry reported a
quarter, compared with the same
moderate loss of 3 000 jobs.
period of 2016.
Gross earnings paid for the
an annual increase of 6.8 percent.
Working out percentage increase:
quarter ending December 2017
New number – old number
dustries continued to trend up in
increased by R45 billion. The total
then divide the difference
the quarter, adding 56 000 jobs.
amount of gross earnings
with the old number x 100
Growth in employment was also
measured for the quarter was
reported by the business services
R662 billion. This was a 7.28 per-
industry which added 23 000
cent increase from R618 billion in
Employment in the trade in-
45/618x100= 7.28 percent
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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©2015 TUMI, INC.
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Writer: President Cyril Ramaphosa
A beautiful tomorrow beckons for Africa
May is Africa Month which not only commemorates the founding of the African Union (AU) more than half a century ago but gives us a chance to reflect on our past, present and future.
frican unity should be
receptions on my recent visits to
Africa that was marred by fear,
close to the heart of every
Southern African Development
pain, loss and disappointment. It
South African because the
Community (SADC) countries, both
left many wounded and scarred
greater our level of regional and
as the new President of South Africa
for life. To this day our society is
continental integration, and the
and the SADC Chair. The countries
still hurting, damaged by our past,
more aware we are of what can be
visited are some of those that sup-
numbed by our present and hesi-
achieved collectively, the brighter
ported South Africa through the
tant about our future.
Africa’s future will be.
dark days of the liberation struggle.
Many of our brothers and sisters
Therefore, revitalising South Af-
Remember, the triumph over
rica’s international relations policy
apartheid was a joint effort. We
wipe our tears, ease our pain and
and regenerating important bilat-
were offered support, sanctuary
carry us through the difficult times.
eral, continental and international
and funding from our allies to allow
relationships is high on govern-
our struggle to continue despite
ment’s agenda.
immense odds.
I have enjoyed overwhelming
Apartheid was a period in South
from the continent were on hand to
Helping Africa fulfil its potential And just as these countries once
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
fought side-by-side with us to attain
is therefore welcomed as a new
equality for all South Africans, today
beginning that will catapult African
mitted to building a country in
we must be equally united in our
countries and companies to much
which a person’s prospects are
quest to help Africa fulfil its vast
higher levels of growth.
determined by their own initiative
Free trade has the potential to
In South Africa, we are com-
and hard work, and not by the
significantly foster the development
colour of their skin, place of birth,
and stability, economic growth,
of all countries on the continent, as
gender, language or income of
food security, infrastructure de-
well as big business, small compa-
their parents. We should honour
velopment and environmental
nies and micro-traders.
Madiba by putting behind us the
Of common interest are peace
change and management. These
The Tripartite Free Trade Area
era of discord, disunity and disil-
can be better addressed through
agreement, which brings together
meaningful intercontinental
SADC, COMESA and the East
partnerships that help realise our
African Community, will combine
learn about each other’s cultures
collective might.
the markets of 26 countries with a
to better understand them and to
The AU has adopted the theme:
population of nearly 625 million.
contribute to nation-building and
“Winning the Fight against Corrup-
It will open market access op-
lusionment. I encourage South Africans to
the healing of past wounds.
tion: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s
portunities for South African export
Transformation” for 2018.
products, and contribute to job
from whom it was taken is an im-
creation and the growth of South
portant step towards healing the
us and our still new government is
Africa’s industrial sector. At the
divisions of the past.
committed to freeing South Africa
same time we are aware of the
from corruption, which takes a
challenges to labour in these new
of broad consultation to see
huge toll on a country’s govern-
opportunities and these will be
how land expropriation without
ment, economy and citizens.
taken into account before any
compensation can proceed law-
final document is signed.
fully and without damaging the
This resonates strongly with all of
If the AU’s Agenda 2063 is to be a catalyst for the continent’s socio-
At some point we would like to
The return of land to the people
We must focus on a process
economy or food production.
economic transformation, it needs
see a single currency being intro-
the participation of governments
duced for AU countries instead
inside our borders and across the
that are committed to improving
of us relying on other people’s
continent, but there can be no
the lives of its people, rather than
doubt that Africa’s time is now. Af-
governments that jeopardise their
We have lots of work to do both
rica is the origin of humanity and
citizens’ future by allowing corrup-
Embracing differences
it is vital that people respect their
tion to take root.
Just as African governments seek
origins and that Africans, in particu-
closer alliances, so too must Afri-
lar, acknowledge their strengths.
Higher levels of growth
cans themselves be more willing
Also urgently required is both an
to accept each other and em-
collaboration and partnership to
improvement in inter-Africa trade
brace our different cultures, both
overcome the greatest of difficulties
as well as business relations. The
on the continent and at home. We
and I believe it is through the same
adoption by the AU of an agree-
all have a lot to contribute and
sense of unity that we will create
ment of free trade on the continent
can learn from one another.
the Africa of our dreams.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Throughout history, we have used
Compiled by Jauhara Khan
Manufacturing Indaba 19 – 20 June 2018
Key areas that the event will
includes the Department of
focus on include efficiencies in
Trade and Industry and the
The Manufacturing Indaba is
manufacturing, how this can
Manufacturing Circle as its
the leading manufacturing
help manufacturers grow and
strategic partners and will take
event in Sub-Saharan Africa. It
become more profitable and
place from 19 to 20 June 2018
aims to bring together busi-
access to new markets.
at the Sandton Convention
ness owners, industry leaders,
The event is designed spe-
government officials, capital
cifically for private and public
providers and professional
company representatives to
experts to explore opportuni-
hear from industry experts as
ties, grow their manufacturing
they unpack challenges and
operations and look at local
find solutions for growth across
and global manufacturing
the manufacturing sectors.
Centre in Johannesburg. For more information, go to
The annual two-day event
44th National Arts Festival 28 June – 8 July 2018
BRICS Summit 2018 25 – 27 July 2018
The National Arts Festival in Grahamstown is in its 44th
South Africa will look to strengthen its ties
year, making it the biggest annual celebration of the
with emerging economies when it hosts
arts in South Africa and on the African continent.
the 10th BRICS Summit in July.
The programme this year has grown to include
South Africa has been a member of
exciting new elements such as the Creative Digital
the emerging economies bloc, which in-
Arts Festival, the Festival of Film and Ideas, and the
cludes Brazil, Russia, India and China, since
new home for the Village Green. It will also feature
2010, and has assumed rotational chair-
its popular platforms, the Standard Bank Young Art-
ship of the summit for 2018. The country
ists segment and the Standard Bank Jazz Festival.
has committed to using its role as host of
Each year the festival comprises a main and a
the summit this year to plan towards the
fringe programme that includes drama, dance,
goals of the next decade of BRICS coop-
physical theatre, comedy, opera, music, jazz, visual
art exhibitions, film, student theatre, street theatre,
For 2018, South Africa has identified key
lectures, craft fair, workshops and a children’s arts
priorities that will focus on virtual vaccine
research platforms, a gender and women’s
Core sponsors include the Department of Arts
forum, peacekeeping working groups and
and Culture, the Eastern Cape Department of Sport,
strategies for improving economic partner-
Recreation, Arts and Culture and the Office of the
ships with other BRICS countries.
Premier, and Standard Bank of South Africa. The festival takes place from 28 June to 8 July 2018.
The summit will take place at the Sandton Convention Centre from 25 to
For more information go to
27 July 2018. For more information,
go to
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Convention Centre
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Pretoria/Tshwane | | +27 (012) 841 3884
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Writer: Des Latham
How to be an effective leader – It’s not about success alone
here are always acronyms in training and development and sometimes these really
do sound odd. One of the best, in leadership terms, is VUCA. That resonates in South Africa because it sounds like “vuka” or wake up. VUCA is an acronym that stands for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous which is an accurate description of the leadership environment in government. The volatility comes from political change, uncertainty because there
ship (CCL) has put together a
competencies of a boss or peer or
are always things that shake up the
database tracking the 16 key
by delivering a direct report using
future, complex because running
leadership skills and five others they
the CCL assessment template.
a country is difficult, and ambigu-
called “derailment factors”, in a
ity because goals are sometimes
paper published in 2018. It stands
ment sector leaders are unlike
based on citizens’ happiness and
to reason each of 16 skills are not
corporate leaders because working
not just a number.
equal, that there are more impor-
for the state means addressing is-
Before you reject this, let us quickly
tant and less important items on
sues such as gender, race, ethnicity
understand why VUCA is thought of
the list. Knowing the most impor-
and even culture ahead of simple
as an accurate representation of
tant ones can help create a more
budget planning. There are also
the challenges facing government
robust leadership strategy.
political pressures which corporate
leadership. We have to possess the
What they found was that govern-
leaders do not face.
skills to survive an uncertain world
Core skills
and yet be under observation by
The evaluation of these 16 core
leaders who are quick to gain
our citizens. These days the citizens
skills was conducted after analys-
knowledge or use limited resources
keep us under pressure by using
ing nearly 161 000 responses by
with creativity and who are willing
their smartphones. There is virtu-
16 431 government leaders. The
to change were high on the list of
ally no place to hide and therefore
data came from a range of indi-
successful managers.
when VUCA is involved, we have to
viduals operating in the US federal
register, where respondents were
ated by staff included interpersonal
asked to evaluate the leadership
skills, intelligence and commitment.
The Centre for Creative Leader-
The CCL assessment found that
The other combinations appreci-
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
The highest skills appreciated by government workers are an ability to lead, manage change
interact with both junior and
Leadership is about participa-
senior staff in a complex way.
tion and enabling others while
2. Doing whatever it takes.
building consensus and
and engage in what’s known as
The major skill is being able to
participative management. Being
persevere and focus in the face
able to lead a diverse group is the
of obstacles, while also taking
most important competency by a
charge and making decisions
Managing change is a real
human resources department, but
that sometimes mean standing
threat, but also an opportu-
it was rated second to last by co-
alone once you know that your
nity. Organisational change
workers in terms of effectiveness.
position is correct.
is far more difficult to achieve
Change management also
3. Being a quick study.
influencing others in decisionmaking. 8. Change management.
than personal change, mainly
languished on this list, finding a
The ideal leadership skill at
position in the bottom half of the
a time of change is being
core skills when it came to analys-
able to master new technical
ing effectiveness. The major lesson
knowledge quickly, while also
Knowing how to build and
here is that good senior managers
incorporating new business
maintain working relationships
with co-workers and external
and leaders learn from a variety of experiences over their career.
4. Decisiveness.
because you need to overcome resistance to change. 9. Building relationships.
parties is vital, while also nego-
The potential to lead effectively
How quickly you respond and
tiating and handling work prob-
increases exponentially when they
act is regarded as a vital skill
lems without alienating people.
are provided with opportunities to
while at other times you need to
reach outside their own functional
know when to slow down and
In our multicultural environment
areas and departments.
be more precise.
being able to understand and
So what are these main 16 skills?
5. Leading employees.
10. Compassion and sensitivity.
being genuinely interested in
As you will read, they make for inter-
A core leadership skill, is being
others is a core and valuable
esting analysis.
able to delegate to employees
The benchmarks used include
effectively, while also broaden-
11. Straightforwardness and com-
155 behavioural descriptors
ing employee opportunities
grouped in 21 overall scales. While
and acting with fairness toward
People respect others who are
we do not have enough space to
direct reports.
direct and honest, but also use
describe these, take some time to
6. Confronting problem
fact-based arguments and do
look over the list of 16 below.
not blame others for mistakes.
One of the most draining
Troubled situations develop.
1. Resourcefulness.
aspects of leadership is deal-
How well can you deal with
A good leader can think
ing with a problem employee.
challenges that crop up
strategically and make good
However, you have to do this
decisions under pressure as well as set up complex work systems.
fairly and with decisive acts. 7. Participative management.
12. Balance between personal life and work.
You need to engage in flexible
Another core skill is being able
We are not automatons. We
problem-solving behaviour and
to listen and communicate.
need to ensure there is a
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
balance between work and our
acteristics? The CCL research
personal lives. Being exclusively
found that there are five main
a “work” person is regarded as
“derailment” factors that could
We are goal-orientated in gov-
somewhat warped by human
cause some damage to govern-
ernment and finding it difficult
resource experts.
ment leaders and managers.
to follow up on promises and
They are:
completing a goal can dam-
13. Self-awareness. Self-awareness is not the same
age your career. So much of
as being self-obsessed. So often
what happens in government
you will find working with staff
The main mistake made by
is linked to performance and
difficult as your employee can-
leaders is being too closed off
service delivery.
not take a step away from them-
and unable to develop good
selves to assess their successes
working relationships with others.
and failures. Good leaders have
It is often said that the most suc-
We all like to think we’re ex-
an accurate picture of strengths
cessful people in both govern-
perts at something; however,
and weaknesses and are willing
ment and the corporate sector
in government leadership, we
to improve.
are those who have excellent
often need to manage issues
interpersonal relationships.
that are outside of our current
14. Putting people at ease. You have heard that interper-
2. Difficulty building and leading a
5. Too narrow a functional
function. Often we are called
sonal skills and being able to
on to deal with issues that are
display warmth and a good
Can you select and then
related to what we do, but
sense of humour are very im-
motivate an effective team?
not directly our function. Too
portant. It is said that those with
Too often subjective analysis
often the failure to do so has a
a diminished intellectual ability
leads to hiring and promotion
knock-on effect throughout an
have no sense of humour.
decision-making instead of
organisation. Leaders who suf-
15. Differences matter.
looking at managing a team
fer from this often are a major
This is so important as South
which includes various types of
problem inside an organisa-
Africa has so many different cul-
tion or government.
tures. We need to demonstrate
3. Difficulty changing or adapting.
So to sum up. An effective
respect for varying backgrounds
This includes actively opposing
leader in government needs to
and perspectives while valuing
change and resistance to de-
apply him/herself to the top 16
cultural differences.
veloping an ability to respond
skills and to approach each as
to mistakes. This area is possibly
honestly as possible, while avoid-
One of the most telling skills is
the most difficult for managers
ing the pitfalls of the five main
an ability to mentor other staff.
to cope with as government
mistakes that we make. Good
We need to develop and main-
features systems which are
tain a professional relationship
historic and hard to change.
with coaching, feedback and
Yet effective leaders always find
an open door policy to discuss
a way to cope in this situation
staff education needs. But what
so it’s no excuse for failing to
about weak leadership char-
16. Career management.
1. Problems with interpersonal
4. Failure to meet business
For more on creative leadership patterns, visit the CCL’s website at
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Two million children go to bed hungry...
One Red Bowl can change it all Help stop the injustice and reduce hunger, one child at a time, by giving a gift of great value – a JAM Red Bowl filled with 75% of a child’s daily nutritional needs. For only R50 a month (or R600 per year) you can sponsor the feeding of one or more children by donating online at OR SMS”JAM” to 42181 to donate R30 towards feeding a child.
SA calls in big shots to woo investors
overnment has launched
boost to our economy,” added the
Liberty Group and former CEO of
an ambitious new invest-
Standard Bank Jacko Maree.
ment drive that aims to bring
In preparation for the Investment
The President explained that the
US$ 100 billion in new investments into
Conference, President Ramaphosa
special envoys will travel to major
the country over the next five years.
appointed four special envoys on
financial centres in Asia, Middle
President Cyril Ramaphosa an-
investment, who are expected to
East, Europe and the Americas to
nounced the initiative, which will
spend the coming months engag-
meet with potential investors.
culminate in an Investment Confer-
ing both domestic and foreign
ence, on 16 April 2018.
experts on the opportunities that
will be to seek out investors in other
exist in this country.
parts of Africa, from Nairobi to La-
“The Investment Conference,
A major part of their responsibility
which will involve domestic and
“These are people with valuable
international investors in equal
experience in the world of business
“This is part of a broader push by
measure, is not intended merely as
and finance and extensive networks
government to advance economic
a forum to discuss the investment
across major markets,” noted the
integration in the Southern African
climate,” said the President.
region and across the continent,”
“Rather, we expect the Conference
They are former Minister of Finance
gos and from Dakar to Cairo.
he said.
to report on actual investment deals
Trevor Manuel, former Deputy Minis-
that have been concluded and
ter of Finance Mcebisi Jonas, Execu-
Trudi Makhaya as his economic
to provide a platform for would-be
tive Chairperson of Afropulse Group
investors to seek out opportunities
Phumzile Langeni, and Chairman of
He added part of Makhaya’s im-
Trevor Manuel.
Mcebisi Jonas.
The President also announced
in the South African market. We are determined that the conference produces results that can be quantified and quickly realised,” he said. The Investment Conference is expected to take place in August or September 2018. “We are aiming, through the Investment Conference, to generate at least US$ 100 billion in new investments over the next five years. Given the current rates of investment, this is an ambitious but realisable target that will provide a significant
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
mediate responsibilities would be the coordination of the work of the
time job seekers. “In addition, work is underway to
strengthened rand and improved growth estimates,” said the Presi-
special envoys and a series of in-
rationalise and streamline invest-
vestment roadshows in preparation
ment regulations and reduce the
for the Investment Conference.
cost of establishing and running
sessment by Goldman Sachs that
businesses. Through the more ef-
South Africa is at the top of the list
pect to take place will also be part
fective use of industrial incentives,
of potential candidates to be the
of a process towards the establish-
special economic zones and local
“next big emerging market story”
ment of a Presidential Council on
procurement requirements, we aim
of 2018. It notes that the growth
Investment,” he explained.
to increase investment in manufac-
cycle is picking up after an earlier
turing and related sectors,” he said.
downturn in investment growth. It
“The engagements that we ex-
The President added that government is making progress in
Government is also creating
dent. He welcomed the recent as-
says that improved confidence is
stabilising strategic state-owned
more opportunities for new market
likely to lead to a better outlook for
enterprises, improving the function-
entrants through its competition
growth and investment.
ing of key institutions like the South
policy, preferential procurement
African Revenue Service, finalising
measures and expanded support
Africa Economic Update released
a new Mining Charter through
to small and medium-sized busi-
this month by the World Bank. While
consultation with all stakehold-
the economy’s performance is im-
ers, processing legislation for the
“After several difficult years, South
“This was confirmed by the South
proving, it notes that higher growth
implementation of the national
Africa is emerging as an increas-
will require ambitious structural
minimum wage and the promotion
ingly attractive destination for
policies. It estimates that a suc-
of labour stability, and launching
investment. We are encouraged by
cessful conclusion of the Mining
the Youth Employment Service to
the growth in business confidence
Charter deliberations, for example,
increase the employability of first-
over the past few months, the
could increase investment in the sector by 25 percent,” added Presi-
Image supplied by Standard Bank
dent Ramaphosa. He explained that it was for these reasons that government was embarking on an ambitious investment drive alongside the implementation of necessary economic reforms. “South Africa has entered a new era of hope and confidence. The task we have now is to ensure that this becomes an era of investment, growth, job creation and meaningJac ko Maree.
Phumzile Langeni.
ful economic transformation,” said President Ramaphosa.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Hydrogen Fuel Cell System Brings Power to Rural School
Ministe HySA P mineral South A would reducin
The la showca Learner learn a opport develop benefits about t value o Kubayiby scien
Learner both in ensured the DST can help life easi to prot commu High Sc “The m project
The 2.5 kW HFCT system will enable the school to have access to low-cost, off-grid, primary clean energy for ICT and lighting needs.
DST Minister Ms Kubayi-Ngubane addressing the audience at Poelano High School,Ventersdorp
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The Minister of Science and Technology, Ms Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, launched a Hydrogen Fuel Cell System at Poelano High School in Ventersdorp in the North West Province, to help solve the energy challenges. Hydrogen fuel cells produce electricity through a chemical reaction, using hydrogen as the basic fuel and platinum-based catalysts. In order for this process to take place, solar photovoltaic panels have been installed at the school to capture and convert energy from the sun into electricity that is needed to produce hydrogen through electrolysis. Since water is needed to produce the hydrogen for the fuel cells, and there are water shortages in Poelano High School, DST installed a borehole to ensure the successful implementation of the project. The school now has a reliable water supply as well as a reliable power supply. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology (HFCT) standby power solutions are efficient, safe and quiet, ensuring a non-intrusive standby and potentially primary power solution. The project also provides an opportunity to demonstrate to learners, teachers and the community that science can help solve socio-economic problems in rural areas. The project was implemented through the Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Programme, a DST initiative promoting the use of local platinum group metal (PGM) resources to create knowledge and skills, and enabling the development of high-value commercial activities in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. South Africa is endowed with about 75% of global PGM reserves, located in North West and Limpopo, and there are various initiatives aimed at beneficiating the resources.
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Minister Kubayi-Ngubane, who addressed the launch, said the HySA Programme had huge potential for local manufacturing and mineral beneficiation. The Minister said that the beneficiation of South Africa’s natural resources was one way in which the country would be able to expand its industrial base, creating jobs and reducing poverty and inequality. The launch at Poelano High School included an exhibition showcasing a wide variety of HFCT and solar energy products. Learners from schools in the Ventersdorp area were able to learn about these alternative energy technologies, and had the opportunity to interact with the scientists involved in their development. These learners are experiencing first-hand the benefits of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology (HFCT) and learning about the technology. They also received information about the value of studying science, and were encouraged by the Minister Kubayi-Ngubane to consider the many career opportunities offered by science.
The onsite installation of the fuel cell and hydrogen gas cylinders at Poelano High School, Ventersdorp.
Learners Tshegofatso Motaung and Mantshonyane Keleabetswe, both in Grade 12, said that they welcomed the technology, as it ensured that the school always had power. Mantshonyane thanked the DST for the project. “I have learned that science and technology can help bring innovation to communities and this project has made life easier for all of us,” she said. The Minister appealed to parents to protect the infrastructure that government had brought into the community for their children’s benefit. The Principal of Poelano High School, Gerald Mhlanga, echoed the Minister’s sentiments. “The most important thing for us is to make sure we maintain the project and benefit many generations to come,” he said.
Background of HySA Public Awareness, Demonstration and Education Platform (HySA PADEP)
Ms Takalani Nethavhanani from SAASTA explaining the fuel cell technology to learners during the exhibition session.
In HySA Public Awareness, Demonstration and Education Platform (HySA PADEP) is an initiative funded by the Department of Science and Technology. Its main objective is to create public awareness, visibility and acceptance amongst the public, industries, entrepreneurs and key decision makers in South Africa about the challenges, benefits and safety of using hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in the alternative energy industry. Given the relative newness of this technology, it is HySA PADEP’s intention to introduce this technology to the youth of South Africa to stimulate future careers in this field, showcase cutting-edge research and present new business opportunities that this technology offers to industries and entrepreneurs. For more details and contact information, visit: and or follow us on Facebook: and on Twitter: @HySA_Outreach.
Poelano High School learners explaining to the Minister how a fuel cell works.
DST Minister Ms Kubayi-Ngubane interacting with exhibiting companies at Poelano High School, Ventersdorp.
2018/04/26 9:39 AM
SA says YES to youth work experience
outh African youth are set to
for employment and provide them
the skills and capabilities of young
benefit from an initiative that
with the technical skills needed to
people,” said President Ramaphosa.
aims to create over one mil-
underpin the industrialisation of the
lion paid work opportunities over the next three years.
economy. “We see this initiative as one pillar
The initiative is a collaboration between government, labour and business.
The Youth Employment Service
of a broad and comprehensive na-
Research undertaken by stake-
(YES) that was recently launched
tional effort to create opportunities
holders indicates that one year of
by President Cyril Ramaphosa
for young people. Another central
work experience on a CV and a let-
intends to prepare young people
pillar must be the development of
ter of reference increases a young
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
person’s chance of finding employ-
year’s experience. Once I get ex-
small businesses, those which em-
ment threefold.
perience, I will be able to work and
ploy black youth, between the ages
support my daughter,” he said.
of 18 and 29, will be eligible for the
At the launch, President Ramaphosa was introduced to the
According to YES CEO Tashmia
Employment Tax Incentive which is
first 100 youth, who will be em-
Ismail-Saville, out of 15.5 million
ployed by ABSA, Investec, Netcare,
people in South Africa aged
Sasol and Unilever through the YES
between 18 and 34, 5.8 million are
a new Youth Employment Broad-
Based Black Economic Empower-
Akani Mbondzisa, 26, a benefi-
The YES programme particularly
equivalent to R1 000 per month. Businesses will also qualify for
ment initiative, which will be gazet-
ciary of the initiative from Somerset
aims to create opportunities for
in Mpumalanga, said he was par-
those who lack the necessary skills
ticularly excited as he wants a job
required for formal employment.
businesses that sign up to YES will
“YES aims to give that portion
be screened to ensure that their
to support his daughter. “I was unemployed for a year and
ted shortly. Prior to joining the programme,
of our youth, which are largely
proposed work experiences are
whenever I applied for a job they
overlooked by the country’s current
good quality and that the youth will
said they
employment models, a crucial first
gain the relevant skills they need.
wanted one
chance to gain a decent quality, paid work experience. Youth will not be excluded based on academic
Youth who wish to take part in the programme will sign a contract committing to it and must comply with various requirements.
ability or the skills they may or may not possess,” said Ismail-Saville.
YES youth must be: •
Between 18- and 34-years-old.
Unemployed for more than six months.
He called on small businesses to play their part as they have
Black people (African, Coloured or Indian). Should companies wish to claim
a huge employment base.
the Employment Tax Incentive, the
“Large businesses alone can-
youth must be between the ages of
not absorb sufficient youth. Over two-thirds of South Africa’s employ-
18 and 29. The salary is expected to be set at
ment base consists of medium
the national minimum wage of
companies and smaller, making it
R3 500 per month, which includes
critical that small businesses are
associated training and support.
involved,” said Ismail-Saville.
The average cost per annum is
As an additional incentive for
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
R55 000.
Writer: Dale Hes
National Minimum Wage Bill to be fine-tuned
he introduction of a National
workers receive a minimum pay-
Minimum Wage Bill has been
ment of R20 per hour from their
a key focus for President Cyril
employers. The minimum hourly
Ramaphosa, even before his inau-
wage for domestic and farm
workers would be R15 and
Government has a constitutional
R18 respectively, but the aim
obligation to respect, protect, pro-
is for these wages to be brought
mote and fulfil the rights of the Bill
up to 100 percent of the national
of Rights, which includes the right
minimum wage within two years of
to fair labour practices.
the Bill coming into effect.
While he was still Deputy President,
the Bill
wage agreements in February 2017
Where do we stand at present?
after extensive consultations with
More than 40 public submissions
ing after consideration of the
labour federations, business and
were made during public hearings
public inputs.
the community sector, under the
regarding the National Minimum
umbrella of the National Economic
Wage Bill, which has pushed back
take its time and rework the Bill for
Development and Labour Council
the original implementation date
submission again to the committee.
of 1 May.
This piece of legislation is critical in
Ramaphosa established minimum
“The national minimum wage,
“We know that these bills, like any
would be sent for redraft-
“The Department of Labour must
our country, not only in fighting in-
which is a floor below which no
matter that has to do with labour
equality, but also addressing abuse
worker may be paid, will significant-
relations in SA, deal with highly
of the vulnerable workers in some
ly improve the lives of millions of low
contested policy propositions. We
sectors,” she explained.
paid workers and begin to address
are aware of a number of impor-
the challenge of wage inequality.
tant issues that are being raised
ated on the Bill clause by clause
South Africa will join several coun-
which parliament will have to con-
and made changes according
tries around the world that have
sider as part of concluding the bill,”
to several concerns brought to its
implemented a national minimum
said Department of Labour Minister
wage as an instrument of eco-
Mildred Oliphant in a media
nomic and social development,”
briefing in March, adding that the
will change the course of vulner-
Ramaphosa pointed out after the
department would be ready to take
able workers in our country for a
signing of the agreements.
instruction from the Parliament.
long time, and it ought to be close
Cabinet approved the National
In April, Acting Chairperson of
The committee had deliber-
“This is a piece of legislation that
to perfection when it is tabled
Minimum Wage Bill in November
Parliament’s Portfolio Committee
before the National Assembly,” said
2017. The Bill proposes that most
on Labour Sharome van Schalkwyk
van Schalkywk.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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Writer: Phumla Williams
Winnie MadikizelaMandela: Community leader and activist
rior to our democratic break-
ment and oppression. Yet she never
through in 1994, life in South
wavered and stood strong as the
Africa was unbearable for the
public face of the struggle for
Nelson Mandela and they subse-
liberation and freedom.
quently married in June 1958. The
majority of the people. State- sponsored violence, torture and murder
As a woman and mother, she
nath Hospital in Johannesburg. While in Johannesburg, she met
couple suffered constant harass-
were common. Restrictive laws kept
must have faced untold pressures
ment by the apartheid state. When
the majority of the population under
but she stood defiant nonetheless.
Mandela was sentenced to life
subjugation. Being black in apartheid
She will forever be remembered
imprisonment in 1964, they already
South Africa was a crime, and being
as a firebrand leader, who despite
had two daughters, Zenani and
a woman simply added another layer
constant harassment by the op-
Zinzi. From 1964 she was left to
to the oppression.
pressive violent system of the time,
raise the girls on her own and cre-
remained unshaken until the end.
ate some semblance of normalcy
At the time, thoughts of freedom and democracy seemed a far
From an early age Mama Winnie
at home for the children.
off yet, there were patriots who
wanted to help others and this
faced this tyranny head on. Winnie
drove her to pursue a career as a
might have sought refuge in the
Madikizela-Mandela came to na-
social worker. She excelled in her
shadows away from the constant
tional prominence through sheer
studies and was offered a scholar-
spotlight of apartheid tyranny.
force of will. As the wife of arguably
ship to study in America which she
Instead, she took up the fight for
the most famous prisoner in the
never accepted, instead opting
freedom and democracy, and
world and an activist in her own
to take up a post as the first black
found strength in the belief that in
right, she faced constant harass-
medical social worker at Baragwa-
her own small way she could help
Faced with such harassment she
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
others. Words alone cannot do justice to the immense legacy and contribu-
orphans and juvenile delinquents
property, inheritance and justice.
and a day-care centre.
There has also been much better
Twice she took up the leadership
female representation in politics,
tion of Mama Winnie to our strug-
of the ANC Women’s League, first
the judiciary, corporate boards
gle for freedom and democracy.
in 1993 and then again in 1997.
and civil society in general. The
Her personal circumstances never
During this period she tirelessly
promotion of gender equality and
deterred her from her focus in the
advocated for the empowerment
women’s empowerment is central
fight for justice. For many years she
of women.
to our efforts to combat poverty
became a symbol of our resistance
Following the dawn of democra-
and stimulate sustainable devel-
and often fought a lonely struggle.
cy in 1994, she became a Member
opment. Government iintroduced
To her, constant harassment was
of Parliament and Deputy Minister
the Women Empowerment and
part and parcel of her struggle to
of Arts and Culture; thereafter, she
Gender Equality Bill to accelerate
bring about change for the better-
served as a Member of Parliament.
the empowerment of women and
ment of the people.
When she left Parliament she dedi-
attain 50/50 gender parity for the
cated her energy to working with
It was during these most dark days that she emerged as the
different communities, especially
Legislation, policies and laws on
"Mother of the Nation" due to her
people affected by HIV and AIDS,
their own are not enough. The em-
empathy for others and her devo-
and poverty.
powerment of women is everyone’s
tion to keeping the flame of free-
Her sad passing robbed our
business and needs the support
dom alive. Her passion for commu-
nation of a mother, grandmother
of government, business and civil
nity development and advocacy
and loving matriarch. However,
led to the establishment of a local
her legacy has to live on in us. The
gardening collective, sewing club,
struggle for the rights of women
less patriots like Mama Winnie to
soup kitchen and mobile health
in South Africa has come a long
continue the fight for equality and
unit while she lived under house
way since 1994. We have worked
women empowerment. Let us all
arrest in Brandfort. Mama Winnie's
to ensure that women enjoy the
work to remove the barriers which
love of the community also saw
same rights as their male counter-
prevent women from entering and
her establish an organisation for
parts in education, employment,
thriving in the labour market. Let
Our nation is crying out for self-
us work to ensure that women and children are safe in their homes, communities, schools and places of work. Together we can replenish the flame of freedom and justice which Mama Winnie lived and died for. Her long journey is now over, but ours is just beginning. We dare not fail and must remain resolute as we continue to move South Africa forward.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
In the centre of the picture is Minister Jeff Radebe and to his left is Professor Thoko Mayekiso, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Mpumalanga. The Minister and VC are flanked by other UMP, Department of Energy and industry executives.
To kick off the annual Energy Month activities of the
The Minister took the opportunity to highlight some of the
Department of Energy, Minister Jeff Radebe held a
persistent barriers affecting the realisation of the full potential
public lecture on energy efficiency at the University
benefits of energy conservation and savings. However, he
of Mpumalanga (UMP) on 4 May 2018. The event was
assured the guests attending the public lecture that it is the
attended by students and distinguished guests who
responsibility of his department, through implementation by
included, among others, the Vice-Chancellor of the
the relevant energy entities, to ensure that the people have
university, Professor Thoko Mayekiso.
access to reliable and sustainable energy.
The Department of Energy utilises the month of May
The Department of Energy has put a number of measures
(Energy Month) to create awareness of the need for
in place to promote energy efficiency. One of these
energy efficiency and the challenges associated with the
includes programmes to improve the efficiency of street-
irresponsible use of energy, as well as an understanding
lighting infrastructure, traffic lighting, and water pump and
that being energy efficient means being energy smart
waste treatment plants.
while still achieving the same output. Enhanced energy efficiency has a major role to play in meeting South Africa’s local and international commitments to the
Further to this, Minister Jeff Radebe mentioned that energy efficiency in everyday home appliances can
reduction of fossil fuel emissions.
save households significant amounts of money, as
These Energy Month activities aim to educate people about
home energy usage.
the basics of saving energy. Some of the simplest savings strategies include switching off lights in spaces that are not in use at a particular time and using energy-saving bulbs, as well as buying energy-smart home appliances. “We have already started with our ‘Standards and Labelling Campaign’, where we remind people to always check for appliances that save energy when buying. This will help them make informed choices and help the entire country save electricity,” said Minister Radebe.
these appliances account for up to 30 percent of
The department has introduced an intervention measure in the form of the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS). This programme will be implemented in conjunction with various stakeholders and seeks to improve the efficiency of everyday household appliances. On the issue of the cost of fuel, Minister Radebe recognised that the price of fuel has been on an upward trajectory since
April 2018 due to both local and international factors. The main contributing factors to the fuel price changes are the movement in the rand/US dollar exchange and the price of crude oil, which then impact the prices of finished products. “Unfortunately, there is no crude oil in South Africa and, therefore, both crude oil and the finished products are imported, because our demand outstrips the supply from local refineries,� said Minister Radebe. TRANSFORMATION IN THE INDUSTRY The Department of Energy, together with industry and respective associations, is also extensively engaged in unlocking impediments to find solutions to effect radical socio-economic transformation in the petroleum and liquid fuels sector. The Department will complete a retail audit which aims to verify and measure the extent of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) at the retail level in the industry, as informed by the Petroleum Products Act of 1977 (amended in 2005), the Liquid Fuels Charter, and
Second from left is Minister Radebe with the Vice-Chancellor of the
the Broad-Based Economic Empowerment Act of 2003
University of Mpumalanga to his left, together with other executives
(amended in 2013) and revised Codes of Good Practice.
from the UMP, Department of Energy and industry.
The Minister encouraged the private sector, which has larger procurement muscle, to embrace broad-based black economic empowerment by actively buying from black-owned companies and supporting SMMEs. The Minister emphasised that his department is committed to the goals set out in the National Development Plan (NDP), which seeks to eradicate poverty in South Africa by 2030. Despite the challenges, the department will continue to promote a climate that is conducive to reasonable profits and sustained investments in the liquid fuels industry. The department will also continue to set margins in a fair and transparent manner in order to encourage investment in the industry and to ensure that the liquid fuels products are sold to the end user at the cheapest possible price. Following a robust and informative question-and-answer session with the audience, which included UMP students, Minister Radebe expressed his appreciation at the level of engagement from the participants and committed the department to future discussions focusing on matters of
A member of the audience engaging the Minister and department
interest to the community.
during the question-and-answer session.
CONTACT DETAILS: Telephone: +27 12 406 8000 Website:
Writer: Dale Hes
Farewell to the
mother of the nation
On 14 April, the mother of the nation was laid to rest at an official state funeral at Orlando Stadium. The admiration of the iconic and courageous Winnie Madikizela-Mandela was clearly reflected in the words, songs and tears of the thousands who attended. President Cyril Ramaphosa joined family members and government leadership in paying powerful tributes to this one-of-kind woman. President Cyril Ramaphosa
Madikizela-Mandela, focusing on
illness. Yet‚ like many of the great
“Just as we are burdened by the
a life of service to all those around
leaders of her generation‚ she
sorrow of her death‚ so too are we
understood that the suffering she
comforted by the richness and profound meaning of her life.” President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered a touching eulogy to
“She trained and worked as one
encountered did not happen on
who provides support and care
the edges of society. Such suffer-
and comfort to those most deeply
ing defined society.”
affected by poverty‚ hunger and
Ramaphosa said that she had
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
been fearless in her conviction to
around when my mother took on
for themselves. It lives on in your
fight for the oppressed.
the Apartheid State‚ to those who
stories. When we tell the story
“She saw for herself the deliber-
hail from the African Diaspora‚ we
of her, I hope it is to remind our
ate intent of the apartheid rulers
have been reminded of how she
children that to be a hero, you
to impoverish the people of this
touched so many‚ in ways that
only need to be yourself. She was,
country. Her conscience‚ her con-
are so deeply personal,” she said.
above all, remarkable herself,” he
victions‚ left her with no choice
Mandela-Dlamini said that, even
but to resist. She felt compelled to
with the weight of a nation on her
Mandela recalled how Madiki-
join a struggle that was as noble
shoulders, her mother never forgot
zela-Mandela had always taught
in its purpose as it was perilous in
her family and her community.
her family to stand tall.
its execution. She felt compelled
“When we were with her‚ she did
“I grew up watching her un-
to pick up the spear where it
not even have to say anything:
flinching courage in the face of
had fallen. It was a spear that‚
her love for us was written on her
confrontation. She did not give
throughout the darkest moments
face. But because she had such
up, she did not cower away; she
of our struggle‚ she wielded with
a big heart‚ my mother could also
stood tall, she taught me and all
great courage‚ unequivocal com-
love the community where she
her children to stand tall. We are
mitment and incredible skill.”
lived‚ no matter where that was.
all blessed to have had her wis-
So that when she was banished
dom and counsel – the void she
Zenani Mandela-Dlamini
to Brandfort‚ she immersed herself
leaves is gaping,” he added.
“She dared to take on one of the
in the affairs of this little commu-
most powerful and evil regimes
nity and improved the lives of the
Bathabile Dlamini
of the past century and she
people‚ who‚ in turn‚ received her
“She spoke the truth and re-
with so much love,” she added.
mained the moral compass of our movement and our country.”
Speaking on behalf of the family, the daughter of Madikizela-Man-
Zondwa Mandela
dela and former President Nelson
“She was one of us, she was one
Women’s League. Dlamini said
Mandela, Zenani Mandela-Dlami-
of you. She was one of the people.
that Madikizela-Mandela was
ni, said that her mother had been
She was just a woman who dared
one of the greatest heroines the
a role model to all who witnessed
to survive.”
world has ever seen.
her actions.
Delivering the grandchildren’s
Speaking on behalf of the ANC
“Mam’ Winnie was one of the
message, Zondwa Mandela
greatest liberators and hero-
close to her‚ we have always
reminded every South African that
ines the world over and she will
appreciated just how much she
his grandmother had become
always be. South Africa will never
meant to the world. But even we
the force she was simply by being
have another Mother of the Na-
were unprepared for the scale
tion. South Africa will never have
“For those of us who’ve been
of the outpouring of love and
“The story of Winnie Madikizela-
a woman who sacrificed all she
personal testimonies from so
Mandela lives on in all the
had – her beautiful daughters;
many. From the rising generation‚
women who wake up every day
her family; her heart; her eve-
which is too young to have been
carving out a life and a livelihood
rything to ensure that South
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Africa becomes a better country
President Geingob said that
forefront of people’s thoughts.”
and a better world,” she said.
Madikizela-Mandela remained firmly grounded despite her promi-
personal friend of Madikizela-Man-
Gauteng Premier David Makhura
dela, spoke about the unforget-
“We miss her warm embrace‚ her
peers was that Comrade Winnie
release after 27 years of imprisonment.
“What distinguished her from her
Campbell, who became a close
table images of Nelson Mandela’s
wise counsel‚ her loyal protection
never elevated herself above the
and compassion. We are weeping
people. In her own words, 'I am the
but we are not broken.”
product of the masses of my coun-
image of Winnie and Madiba
try, and a product of my enemy'.
hand-in-hand on that day? Every
Madikizela-Mandela’s actions will
She remained rooted to the people
decent person in the world cel-
echo on.
of South Africa, even when she
ebrated what was a new day for
Premier Makhura said that
“She personified the true mean-
“Who does not remember the
South Africa and a pivotal moment
ing of the phrase ‘speaking truth
in world history. That victory against
to power’. She was never silent in
Apartheid was a new equality.
times of challenge and contro-
Would it have been possible with-
versy. Mama Winnie was the most
out Winnie? I think not,” she said.
authentic voice in the people’s war
Campbell said that Madikizela-
against apartheid tyranny. Human
Mandela had taught all women
mortality is too weak to put her
to push the limits of what was
down because a powerful and
defiant voice still echoes today.
“She taught us not to be limited
Mama Winnie did not die but has
in our thoughts, reminding us to al-
multiplied,” he said.
ways stay true to who we are. Win-
Makhura urged all South Africans to follow Winnie’s example. “Can we all multiply in our hearts
assumed higher responsibilities,”
nie helped us overcome our fears,
he said.
and gave us courage to dig deep,
President Geingob further invited
discover things about ourselves
and in our practical actions as
Madikizela-Mandela’s family to
and always strive for freedom,” she
we continue to strive for a deeper
come to Namibia to accept “the
meaning of freedom and democ-
country’s highest civilian honour”.
As her coffin was carried out of
racy in our country,” he added.
Namibian President Hage Geingob
In the capital city of Windhoek,
the jam-packed Orlando Stadium
discussions are currently underway
to the chants of tens of thousands
to name a street after Madikizela-
of people, no-one could possibly
deny that Winnie Madikizela-
“A woman who did not choose to
Mandela was boundlessly loved,
be larger than life, but through her
Naomi Campbell
respected and admired. Rest in
selfless actions, became a towering
“She was always striving for equal-
peace, Mama Winnie, South Africa
figure in the liberation struggle.”
ity and to keep South Africa at the
will miss you.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
EAD 34416/REV
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Alexander Forbes listed the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on 24 July 2014. Alexander Forbes listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange on 24 July 2014. Alexander Forbes listed the Stock 24 to grow create, grow and protect ourJohannesburg clients’ wealth and Exchange assets. Weon thank you2014. for your to create, and protect ouron clients’ wealth and assets. We thank you forJuly your a to grow and protect our clients’ and assets. 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We thank you for your Wecreate, are confident this will accelerate thewealth growth of business our business while providing We are confident this will accelerate the growth of our while providing supp support and remain committed to securing financial well-being. support and remain committed to securing your your financial well-being. support and remain committed to securing your financial well-being. support and remain committed to securing your financial well-being. er Forbeson listed on the Johannesburg Alexander Stock Forbes Exchange listed onJohannesburg on 24 the July Johannesburg 2014. Stock Exchange on 24 July 2014. s listed the Johannesburg Alexander Stock Forbes Exchange listed on on 24 the July 2014. Stock Exchange on 24 July 2014. for n support and remain committed to securing your financial well-being. support and remain committed to securing your financial well-being. for new investors to support us. The listing will serve to strengthen our pledge for new investors to support us. The listing will serve to strengthen our pledge orbes listed on the Johannesburg Alexander StockForbes Exchange listed onon 24the July Johannesburg 2014. Stock Exchange Alexander on 24 Forbes July listed 2014. on the Johannesburg Alexander StockForbes Exchange listed onon 24the July Johannesburg 2014. Stock Exchange on 24 July 2014. confident will accelerate the We growth are confident of our business this will while accelerate providing the growth of our business while providing t this willtothis accelerate the We growth are confident of our business this will while accelerate providing the growth of our business while providing to cr toaccelerate create, and protect ourbusiness clients’ wealth and assets. We thank you forare your create, growgrow and our clients’ wealth andproviding assets. 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ini- u
The legacy of Dr Zola Skweyiya
outh Africa is mourning the
attain our democracy and secure
better quality of life for our people,
passing of another gallant
a better-quality life for our people.
especially those that continue to
human rights fighter and serv-
What a privilege to have known
be marginalised especially the
ant of the people of the country: Dr
him as a friend, comrade and
women, children, youth and people
Zola Sydney Themba Skweyiya.
colleague; to have learnt from
with disabilities. Through comrade
There is no doubt that the life of
him and to have sponged off his
Zola’s leadership, the Department
Comrade Zola is one of struggle,
wisdom which he acquired over
of Public Services and Administra-
compassion and human conquest
the years.
tion was established uniting 14
over adversity. Leaving his birth-
public services at various stages
place of Simonstown, not out of
Lessons to learn
of development and the ethos
choice but due to evictions, he was
Reflecting on his life, I came
of Batho Pele, putting our people
to find a childhood home in what
across four profound "dangers" he
first in the delivery of services was
we now know as Nelson Mandela
highlighted during the Launch for
established. It was through his lead-
Bay. His quest and pursuit for edu-
A Safe South Africa Convention
ership that social grant recipients
cation was to find him at that great fountain of knowledge of Lovedale, wherein he was to interact with many of our leaders including Oom Govan Mbeki. His life is also one which is interwoven with our story of the struggle and is interspersed with the portraits of many of our struggle heroes and heroines including
moved from four million to just over
“I believe that in this generation those with the courage to enter the conflict will find themselves with companions.”
Chris Hani who he served with in
12 million, providing a lasting blow in our fight against hunger and poverty. The second danger is that of expediency; of those who say that hopes and beliefs must be sacrificed before immediate necessities. “Of course if we must act effectively we must deal with the world as it is. We must get things
the Luthuli Detachment, Florence
back in August 2008. Lessons which
done. However, it is the belief that
Mposho who he worked with in
remain valuable for our journey
idealism, high aspiration and deep
the promotion of children’s rights,
ahead and towards economic
convictions are incompatible with
Gertrude Shope who he worked
emancipation for our people. He
the most practical and efficient of
with in Zambia, OR Tambo who he
warned that: “We as South Afri-
programmes – that there is no ba-
served under in various capaci-
cans need to safeguard against
sic consistency between ideals and
ties including in the Legal Depart-
the dangers of futility, expediency,
realistic possibilities – no separation
ment and Nelson Mandela who he
timidity and comfort.”
between the deepest desires of
courageously served under in the
The movement which we serve re-
heart and of mind and the rational
CODESA negotiations and in his
mains the leader of society. If mar-
application of human effort to hu-
Cabinet, to name but a few.
shalled well, in unity, we can make
man problems. Poverty is in itself a
the requisite step change to bring
form of oppression and we are all
about economic freedom and a
too aware of the extent of poverty
What a giant. What a great man who selflessly sacrificed for us to
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
in our society,” he said.
Improving lives Indeed, many of us who have the privilege to serve our people often fall into the expediency mode and see the trees while forgetting the forest. The task that therefore lies ahead of us is one in which we must continue to improve the living conditions of poor, vulnerable and
the easy and familiar path of
once took a step backwards,
underprivileged South Africans.
personal ambition and financial
so strong was their belief in the
Comrade Zola further warned us
success so grandly spread before
unstoppable destiny of a free and
of a third danger, that of timidity.
those who have the privilege of
democratic country.
He said: “Few men and women are
an education – to hide behind our
willing to brave the disapproval of
high walls and security estates.”
of us that millions of fellow South
their fellows, the censure of their
Comrade Zola was steadfast in
Africans still remain marginalised,
colleagues, and the wrath of their
his belief that deployed cadres
poor and bereft of hope for a bet-
society. It is as Aristotle put it '[it
have a responsibility to ensure
ter future. This simply cannot be,
is not] the finest or the strongest
the the dignity of our people. As a
certainly not in a country with our
men who are crowned, but those
government, we are proud that his
resources and economic, intellec-
who enter the lists.’ How often have
legacy continues today.
tual and social capital.
we sat on the fence and cowered
It remains an indictment on all
Our nation is undoubtedly
that in this generation those with
A humble and dedicated leader
the courage to enter the conflict
Throughout his long years in pub-
erase his legacy; he lives in the
will find themselves with compan-
lic service and the countless years
hearts and minds of millions of our
ions in every corner of the world.”
that he spent fighting to bring
people especially those who are
at the face of adversity? I believe
poorer for Comrade Zola's passing, but not even death can
about democracy and freedom,
public servants and social grant
comrade Zola applied himself
he always remained a humble
especially when it came to his
and dedicated leader. By any
work in the constitutional Com-
measure his legacy is immense
Qhawe lama Qhawe, may your
mittee which was established to
and will never falter.
soul rest in peace, confident in
It was with this outlook that
develop a position for our move-
What he and others of his gen-
ment towards the Constitutional
eration achieved is truly inspiring.
negotiations at CODESA.
Isolated, constantly harassed or
The fourth danger is one of
forced into exile, patriots like Dr
comfort, especially for those of us
Zola Skweyiya lived knowing that
who are more fortunate. He said:
they might never see or taste the
"There is the temptation to follow
fruits of freedom. But they never
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Hamba Kahle Comrade Zola,
the knowledge that your legacy continues.
*Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Minister in The Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Compiled by: Jauhara Khan
Trudi Makhaya Economic adviser to President Cyril Ramaphosa Economist Trudi Makhaya has been appointed as President Cyril Ramaphosa’s economic adviser. Prior to her appointment, Makhaya was a member of the Premier’s Economic Advisory Panel, which oversees all economic and infrastructure plans in Gauteng. Makhaya possesses an MCom in Economics, an Honour’s degree in Economics and a BCom in Law and Economics from the University of Witwatersrand. She also holds an MBA and an MSc in Development Economics, which she achieved as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University. Makhaya is the CEO of Makhaya Advisory and a former Deputy Commissioner at the Competition Commission of South Africa. As the President’s advisor, some of Makhaya’s duties include coordinating the work of the recently appointed investment envoys, which will be working to attract new foreign direct investment to South Africa over the next five years.
Advocate Seeng Letele Chief Ombud, Community Schemes Ombud Service Advocate Seeng Letele has been appointed the Chief Ombud of the Community Schemes Ombud Service (CSOS). She holds BA (Law), LLB, LLM and MBA degrees. Letele is an accredited commercial mediator who has a special interest in international law and human rights and has extensive experience in mediation and conflict resolution. She has previously worked as the Head of Public Law and a lecturer in Labour and Administrative Law at the National University of Lesotho, and has served as Acting Judge in labour courts in South Africa and Lesotho. Letele was the Human Resources Manager at the National Union of Mineworkers; legal advisor to the Development Bank of South Africa; Acting CEO of the Social Housing Regulatory Authority and Chief Director of Legal Services at the Department of Human Settlements. She has also worked as a mediator and arbitrator in her private capacity at various organisations and bargaining councils. Letele served as a judge at the 5th and 6th International Chamber of Commerce’s Commercial Mediation Competition in Paris. As Chief Ombud of the CSOS, her focus will be on making the service known, accessible and efficient.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Source: Ombudsman for Banking Services
Get on top of dubious debit orders is determined that the debit order was unauthorised, it is reversed. Ideally the dispute must be logged with the bank within 40 days of the transaction. “However, you cannot put a stop to debit orders because your budget is suddenly under pressure. You have to give your bank reasonable warning to change the debit order. If your bank objects, you
may have recourse with the OBS. nauthorised debit orders
“If you suspect any unlawful trans-
It will conduct a full investigation
can cost you a lot of money
actions you should contact your
of both parties and determine an
so it is important to be aware
bank immediately. The bank will be
outcome,” it added.
of where the money in your bank
able to lodge a query by tracking
account goes.
the reference number recorded
According to the Ombudsman for
The services provided by the OBS are free of charge.
next to the transaction. All legal en-
Banking Services (OBS), unauthor-
tities must comply with the rules set
How to complain
ised debit orders are becoming an
out by the Payments Association
■ Lodge a formal, written com-
area of concern.
of South Africa, the organisation
plaint directly with your bank’s
that determines the guidelines for
dispute resolution depart-
ing volume of complaints related
service providers to collect monies
to unauthorised debit orders. What
via debit order,” said the OBS.
“The office is seeing an increas-
■ Ask for a complaint reference
is really disturbing is the loss of
DebiCheck is a new system that
number from your bank.
income to banking customers
will be implemented in all the major
■ Allow the bank 20 working
and the emotional turmoil that it
banks which will process all debit
days in which to respond to
causes,” said the OBS.
orders. The agreement will be con-
your complaint.
It advised people to start check-
firmed when a person signs a new
■ Obtain a written response from your bank.
ing their bank statements and
contract and verifies their consent.
make sure they understand all the
It is thought that this will minimise
The public can contact the office
the margin for error and help deal
of the OBS on 011 712 1800 for
with unauthorised debit orders.
assistance if they experience any
“Make sure you authorised all the debit transactions that reflect as minus numbers,” stressed the OBS. It pointed out that an unauthorised debit order constituted fraud.
“Collectively banks in South Africa
banking problems or would like
process millions of disputes per
to lodge a complaint against
month,” said the OBS.
their bank.
When a dispute is raised and it
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Strong bones may decrease osteoporosis
ooking after your bones during
lems. It is much more common in
your youth can help prevent sick-
women, especially in menopause.
nesses as you age. It is important
About one third of women over the
exercises are some of the factors.
to go for a check-up for osteoporosis
age of 65 will suffer a fracture of a
to determine if your bones are healthy
vertebra. Another common site of
How can osteoporosis be prevented?
and strong.
fractures in elderly women is the hip
Start by maintaining
bone health in your
Osteoporosis is a disease that oc-
youth. These same
curs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both.
How does this condition come about? The bones in our body are not solid
Risk factors
bones will then be
Genetic factors.
able to better resist
A family history of osteoporosis or
osteoporosis in middle
a fracture due to osteoporosis.
and old age. Exercise
As women get older, the level of
regularly - walk or jog
and unchanging. Every day there
hormones, especially oestrogen,
for an hour three times
is a process of breakdown and
drops. This causes a decrease in
a week. Avoid or reduce
rebuilding going on; the bones are
the absorption of calcium and a
alcohol, smoking and tea
being constantly remoulded.
tendency to osteoporosis.
and coffee intake.
Usually the two processes are in maintain a certain thickness and
Medical and surgical problems
Diet and supplements
strength. However, as we get older,
Certain drugs cause loss of bone
Increase your calcium intake by
an imbalance develops and there
mineral. These include cortisone and
drinking milk and eating yoghurt
is more breakdown of bone than
anti-epileptic medication. Having a
and cheese. Calcium can also
repair. The bones therefore become
hysterectomy before menopause,
be taken in the form of a supple-
especially if the ovaries are also
ment, particularly for women who
removed, increases the risk of osteo-
cannot tolerate dairy products.
a state of balance and the bones
The body needs calcium for the normal function of all the cells. The
porosis, as do overactive thyroid or
bones form a sort of calcium bank
parathyroid glands.
for the body. If there is a shortage,
Prevention is better than cure
then calcium will be drawn out of
the bones and the bones will remain
Lifestyle plays a very definite role in
to the well-being and lives of mil-
lacking in calcium.
the development of osteoporosis.
lions of women. It is much easier to
Osteoporosis poses a real threat
It can increase the likelihood or
prevent it than to treat it. Lifestyle
Why is this important?
aggravate osteoporosis. Smoking,
changes play as important
The importance of osteoporosis
alcohol intake, drinking a lot of
a role in your bone health as
check-ups lies in the fact that the
tea or coffee, insufficient intake of
all the medicines that are or can be
condition may cause serious prob-
calcium and lack of weight-bearing
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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Writer: Nicholas Francis
All covered up Winter is around the corner and to
survive the cold you need to have the correct gear in your wardrobe. From jerseys and coats to jackets,
you need to have an array of options to not only keep warm but also look good.
3 4
Daniel Hector texture sweater, R575.
The North Face Nuptse vest, R1 600.
Oak Ridge bomber jacket, R249.99.
Trenery wool blend overcoat, R3 327.93.
David Jones chunky knit button down cardigan, R705.13.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
1. 2. 3.
c(inch) Sports Luxe cardigan, R329. u ot
et R950.
Trenery leather biker jacket, R5648,11.
Amara Reya poncho with button detail, R399.
David Jones belted wrap coat, R857.45.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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Writer: Nicholas Francis xxxx
Less is definitely more T
1 yellow onion, thinly sliced Salt and freshly ground pepper 700 g cauliflower, cored, separated into florets and cut into slices a quarter of an inch thick 5 cups of water Directions
hey say less is more and we to-
low pan on medium heat. Turn the
Warm three tablespoons of olive oil
tally agree. Using just a hand-
chops occasionally until cooked
in a pot over medium heat. Throw
ful of ingredients, you can
to your desire. Add in carrots and
in the onion and sauté until tender.
whip up these delicious meals. They
garlic cloves and turn the carrots
Add the cauliflower and a pinch of
are packed with flavour and require
salt followed by one cup of water.
minimal preparation.
Lamb chops with rainbow carrots Ingredients
6 lamb chops
Peel strips of zest from one or-
Simmer until the cauliflower is
ange. Sprinkle them into the pan
tender and then add another four
with thyme and toss it all together
cups of water. Raise the heat to
for just 30 seconds to get the fla-
high and bring to the boil. Reduce
vours going.
the heat to maintain a low simmer
Remove the chops from pan and
and continue to cook for another
200 g rainbow carrots
squeeze the juice from the oranges
8 cloves of garlic
into the pan. Let the juice reduce
3 oranges
until sticky. Add the chops, toss
sor or blender until smooth. Pour
½ a bunch of fresh thyme
together and serve.
the blended cauliflower back into
Creamy cauliflower soup
the pot and heat through over low
Salt and black pepper to season Directions Season lamb chops with salt and black pepper and place in a shal-
20 minutes. Let it cool slightly. Purée the soup in a food proces-
heat. If necessary, thin the soup with water and season with salt.
Ladle into serving bowls, drizzle
3 tbs olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
with the olive oil and season with
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Pasta salad Ingredients
1 packet penne or pasta of your choice 3 handfuls of fresh arugula
¾ cup of basil pesto
In a greased dish, place biscuits
1 ball diced mozzarella cheese
in rows, covering the bottom of the
1 red pepper
dish. In a separate bowl, add the cara-
mel, cream and ¾ of the grated
In a large pot, cook the pasta in
salted water until al dente. Drain
Whisk together by hand or an
1 tablespoon castor sugar ⅔ 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Berries Directions
the pasta and place aside. Place a
electric mixer until smooth and stiff
Combine the chocolate and
pan on high heat. Half the pepper,
peaks form; do not over-whip.
cream in a saucepan and cook over medium heat until smooth,
clean out the seeds and place in
Spread a generous amount of
the pan to sear. Once the pepper
the mixture over the biscuits and
stirring continuously. Remove from
is seared, remove from the stove,
spread evenly.
the stove and transfer into a large
allow to cool and dice. In a large salad bowl mix the
Add another layer of biscuits, followed by caramel mixture. Con-
bowl. In a small bowl, beat remaining
arugula, mozzarella, pepper, basil
tinue this process until the dish is
cream until it begins to thicken.
pesto and pasta together. Serve as
full. Sprinkle the remaining choco-
Add the sugar and vanilla essence
late over the top and place in the
and beat until light soft peaks form.
Peppermint tart
fridge for an hour to set.
Fold ¼ of the whipped cream into
White chocolate mousse
chocolate mixture, then fold in the
frigerate while covered for at least
1 slab of mint chocolate (grated)
1 slab of white baking chocolate
two hours. Top with berries of your
1 can caramel treat
500ml fresh cream
choice before serving.
1 packet tennis biscuits 500 ml fresh cream
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
rest. Spoon into dessert dishes. Re-
Writer: Gilda Narsimdas
The ultimate
With the dry winter weather on its way, PSM takes a look tt e
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1 If you love a quality nude nail colour, we suggest this one from Morgan Taylor. It’s a salon quality colour with an equally cute name –
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oi tu i ed
it lon -l
colours from the Beautiful Colour Moisturising lipstick range from Elizabeth Arden, Red Square, R320. 3 Put the moisture into your locks with this Kardashian
Beauty black seed dry oil, Foschini, R353. ou i
it t i
t io i n one dee nou -
ishing mask. Its indulgent and soothing mixture is perfect
for a DIY facial, The Body Shop, R310.
5 Treat yourself a little with this exotic, vibrant mix of tart blackberries and fresh bay leaves with the Blackberry & Bay Cologne from Jo Malone, R2 700 for 30ml. 6 Protect and tint your lashes with this volumising it ult -bl
bon i
dramatic look, Yardley, Red Square, R149.
7 3
7 Kerastase has selected the most luxurious oils at their highest concentration for this shampoo, Kerastase Bain Elixir Ultime,, R300 for 250ml.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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Writer: Simcha van Bel
Finding calm in the Kgalagadi area which borders Namibia and
returning to light the fire. We slept
spreads between Botswana and
very little as we were roused every
South Africa. It’s a dry and sandy
so often by the lions roaring some
landscape and lives up to its name:
distance away. Dawn approached
“place of thirst” (Kgalagadi).
and as we packed the car, the kids watched the birds hop around and
Sand angels and squirrels It was a long drive and when the
peck at the braai grid in the hope of savouring some leftover flavours from the night before.
cars stopped, the energy-charged
In the car, the kids competed to
kids jumped out to lie down, mak-
see who could find the most wild-
ing sand angels with their arms
life. We ticked off giraffes, gemsbok,
and legs. Not long after, they were
jackals and birds as we drove
in the bushes walking among
along the dirt road to the inner
Cape ground squirrels. Every now
part of the national park – Mata
and then they would squeal with
Mata. Halfway through our journey,
excitement as one popped its
we were forced to a sudden stop
head out of its home in the sand
as we spotted a hyena and her
n the words of Ferris Bueller, “Life
to say "hello". From the top of the
cub feasting on the remains of
moves pretty fast. If you don’t
hill, we watched the sunset and
what we assumed was a lion kill. A
stop and look around once in
did cartwheels in the dusk before
shout from one of the kids alerted
a while, you could miss it”. We decided to ditch work and school to heed the call of nature. We packed the camping gear, attached the trailer and filled two cars. Among the passengers were four excited kids below the age of six. Some may call it brave, others may call it crazy but we set off for a visit to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. This is a large wildlife conservation
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
What you need to know Transport: It is best to have a 4x4 or a 4x2 vehicle when t
ound t e
l -
gadi as many roads can be di fi ult to n
it out
high clearance vehicle. Accommodation: Available South Africa
through SANParks (www. n
e ulti
te e -
perience is camping, which can be as luxurious as you choose
us to the fact that the hyena had
The water ran brown as we washed
company. It was sneaky jackal
the Kalahari sand off their bodies.
in the Kgalagadi is booked at
wanting to share the hyena’s feast.
The second night we slept with the
least a year in advance so it is
We watched as the kids told stories
humming sounds of a lioness as
best to plan ahead.
about what they thought might un-
she roared, near us, over the hill. A
The best time to go: It is a very
fold – an indication that they were
little while later there was a noise
hot and dry area, so travel is
learning about cause and effect
and we all pulled down the zips of
much more comfortable just
and the laws of nature. Perhaps the
our tents to explore in anticipation.
after the rains between March
kill had taken place here and the
There she was – walking just a few
and May. This is also when you
hyena and jackal stumbled upon it
metres away from us, behind the
have better wildlife sightings.
or maybe the hyena and the jackal
fence along the plain. We watched
were friends. The children’s imagina-
the lioness as she moved in the
tions danced with ideas and spar-
direction of her cubs. She was hunt-
kled with creativity. Despite their
ing and the next day we discov-
resistance, we finally drove away
ered the nearby lion den with a
from this wildlife documentary that
number of cubs.
played out before our eyes.
to make it. All accommodation
Our early morning drive took us along the path of a family of ado-
Lioness on the prowl
lescent cheetahs. We travelled with
We arrived at Mata-Mata Rest
them for several hundred metres
Camp and established camp
as they strolled along to some un-
along the fence that divides the
known destination. We exchanged
campsite from a large open plain.
glances and time almost came to
A yellow mongoose stood on its
a standstill as we shared this mo-
hind legs and watched us with
ment. They were eventually out of
interest. As darkness approached,
sight and it seemed like a dream.
we lit the fire and the kids packed
Cuddling in the car, with blankets
drinks, the kids were calm and cap-
away their marble games and cars.
and enjoying rusks dipped in warm
tivated by the show.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
Writer: Ashref Ismail
transmission. The established 2.0l turbocharged ‘four-pot’ engine remains intact on NX300 variations, serving up 175kW with 350Nm on tap between 1 650 and 4 000rpm. The engine utilises a combination of port and direct injection, known as D-4ST, along with Variable Valve Timing Intelligent Wide to optimise combustion in the pursuit of both power and efficiency. The twin-scroll turbocharger delivers a wide-spread of torque assisting with effortless acceleration. Lexus has refined the suspension of the NX SUV range to further improve stability, body control and
Lexus makes a statement
ride comfort. Refinements include a new calibration for the rear stabiliser bar and stabiliser bar bushing, as well as new front dampers with reduced friction. The Adaptive Variable Suspension (AVS) on F Sport models has been upgraded to the latest iteration, as
debuted on the LC premium sports he Lexus NX was Lexus’ first
freshened up the exterior appear-
foray into the compact pre-
ance without altering its sporty and
mium SUV market. Featuring
dynamic demeanour.
coupé. Both traditional spring and damper (on E and EX) and Adap-
an angular design language, with
All models receive front styling
tive variable suspension systems
strong body lines and prominent
refinements with new headlamps,
are designed and calibrated to
contouring – the NX certainly makes
a bold new front grille utilising a
maximise dynamic performance
a statement. Underpinned by the
chrome frame, altered side grille,
and cabin space, including sepa-
iconic Lexus spindle grille, the NX is
bumper and lower bumper ele-
rate spring and damper units at
a prominent member in the Lexus
the rear, for a lower centre of gravity
family. The NX300 F Sport, like its siblings,
and minimal intrusion into the rear
Power and efficiency
cargo area.
builds on the original model’s
The EX and F Sport derivatives
strong design language. The
retain the all-wheel drive configu-
suspension calibration and alloy
cosmetic enhancements have
ration and six-speed automatic
wheel design. Rear stabiliser-bar
F Sport models have a unique
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
stiffness on the refreshed NX has been increased to suppress roll angle and hence optimise vehicle turning posture.
Sporty appearance In F Sport guise the NX packs an even greater visual punch. The spindle-grille ‘frame’ is finished off in a striking ‘black chrome’ effect which ties in with the dark ‘F-mesh’ grille. The brushed-aluminium-effect
dynamic handling.
In addition, the button design has been modernised and the
lower apron runs the full length
The Custom mode allows driv-
of the front and creates a sporty
ers to personalise the powertrain,
analogue clock redesigned with
appearance and ties all the frontal
electric power steering, AVS and air
increased contrast between the
design elements together. Graphite-
conditioning settings. A key feature
hands and background for ease of
coloured vent trim on the edges of
is the new 10.3-inch display audio
viewing. The clock is now linked to
the bumper accentuate the power-
screen with enhanced graphics
the GPS function so the time is set
ful stance and F Sport identity.
and clarity–employed on EX and F
In terms of function, the Drive
Sport models equipped with satel-
Mode Select feature on F Sport
lite navigation. The NX interior over-
been grouped according to opera-
models comprise Eco, Normal,
haul saw special attention paid to
tions, while the overall panel layout
Sport, Sport + and newly-added
the centre cluster, with the climate
has been made cleaner by revising
Custom modes. Sport + works
control panel refreshed and the
the size of the switches. Metal tog-
alongside the AVS to increase
number of switches reduced for
gle switches have been adopted
dampening and allow for more
ease of operation.
directly below the LCD tempera-
Air-conditioning switches have
ture/air volume and direction displays for improved operability and enhanced aesthetics. The usual comprehensive active safety systems are on-board and include ABS, Electronic Brakeforce Distribution, Brake Assist, Traction Control, Enhanced VSC, Hill-start Assist and Trailer Sway Control. The F Sport model also includes Blind Spot Monitor and Rear Cross Traffic Alert.
Public Sector Manager • May 2018
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