PSM November 2020

Page 60


*Writer: Matita Tshabalala

Managing resources during a pandemic


technology has

Embracing technology

to the new ways of doing

mechanical equipment

brought many

The importance of

business. The Achilles

powered by harnessing

divergent views from all

technology has been

heel for many organisa-

water and steam.

walks of life.

elevated by the Coronavi-

tions is, and has been,

he advent of

ing it difficult to “migrate”

with the advancement of

In 1870 the Second

rus (COVID-19) pandem-

a lack of resources to

Industrial Revolution was

that technology will

ic the world is currently

achieve set performance

defined by electricity, new

replace human beings,

grappling with. Those


capabilities in mass pro-

while others remain

who loathed technol-

adamant that we will

ogy have had to learn to

know it today does not re-

continue to be in charge

embrace it.

semble that of the 1970s,

Some are of the view

and never be threatened by technology.

Organisations have

The workplace as we

duction and the division of labour and new jobs. The year 1969 ushered

1980s and 1990s. It is a

in the Third Industrial

changed the way they

world filled with surprises,

Revolution. A new form

conduct their businesses.

fragmented and full of

of nuclear energy was

those that are neutral –

For some, transition has

paradoxes that requires

being explored; transis-

they see technology and

been smooth while oth-

not only the understand-

tors and microprocessors

human beings collabo-

ers have had to put some

ing of how it functions

gave rise to electronics,


extraordinary measures in

but also how all parts of

new materials were being

place to make the transi-

the system relate to one

created and space ex-

tion less impactful.


ploration and biotechnol-

Interestingly, there are

There is no denying that the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has transformed the workplace.

Some have succeeded while others are still find-

The First Industrial Revolution happened in 1784,

ogy were supported by telecommunications and computers. The following decade (1980-1990) brought about an exceptional cluster of technological advances which irreversibly transformed our life and the world of work. Today we are in the 4IR, which is defined by virtual reality systems. Work is increasingly driven


Public Sector Manager • November 2020

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