Help SA find
prosperity in unity improve the capability of the State. The South African economy shed 2.2 million jobs in the second quarter of 2020, posing one of South Africa’s greatest challenges.
New jobs Unemployment not only affects an individual’s well-being and that of his/her family, it also means fewer people are able to contribute to the productive output of the economy and more people rely on the State
to support them. In addihe Coronavirus
ness and community
industrial growth through
tion, a shrinking tax base
pandemic dealt
organisations to create a
the development of
for government results in
South Africa’s al-
comprehensive, inclusive
small businesses and
less money in the State
ready tenuous economy
Economic Reconstruction
the strengthening of
a harsh blow and the
and Recovery Plan.
medium and large
task of improving our
In a nutshell, the plan
That is why government
businesses; and acceler-
is determined to cre-
financial well-being is a
aims to create jobs
ate economic reforms
ate 800 000 new jobs in
mammoth one. Rising to
through infrastructure
to unlock investment. It
the short-term, through
the challenge, govern-
development and
also aims to expand the
a major infrastructure
ment has drawn on the
large-scale employment
country’s energy gen-
programme and mass
inputs of labour, busi-
programmes; stimulate
eration capacity and
employment stimulus,
Public Sector Manager • November 2020