PSM September 2019 Edition

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Travelling Abroad? Book with Woodford Car Hire and Pick-Up in London.

Dr Dineo Mpanya explains the benefits of nuclear medicine

Lifestyle • Exploring the delightful Drakensberg • South African products prove local is lekker



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Public Service Month Minister Mchunu empowering public servants to deliver

Contents: September 2019 FEATURE




Tourism a driver of economic growth South Africans have been urged to explore the country’s natural beauty and work as a collective to attract more tourists


Opinion Celebrating SA’s rich and diverse heritage


Celebrating our national parks National parks are not only spaces for conservation but are also creating jobs and stimulating economic growth in rural areas


Northern Cape putting its people first Northern Cape Premier Dr Zamani Saul wants dedicated, efficient public servants to ensure service delivery for those living in the province

Regulars 12

Conversations with leaders Public Service and Administration Minister Senzo Mchunu details plans to make the public service more effective


Profiles in leadership Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo reflects on how the judiciary has transformed and become more accessible since democracy


Women in the public sector Pumla Feni-Gela is Whipping Hout Bay Harbour into shape


Trailblazer Nuclear medicine specialist Dr Dineo Mpanya explains how nuclear medicine reveals the inner workings of the body


Focus on women Early diagnosis of cervical cancer saves lives


International relations Drought, trade top SADC summit agenda


Provincial focus Working towards prosperity to Limpopo


Local government Musina is a shining example for rural municipalities


Developmental desk Property rights for women in customary marriages



Management and professional development A coaching perspective to leadership development

Upcoming events A look at local and international events for your diary and information


In other news News you need to know when you are on the go



Public Sector Manager • September 2019


Channel Africa is South Africa’s international public broadcast radio station whose primary audience is the entire African continent. Our secondary audience is the rest of the world, where we harvest our news and information. As an International Public Broadcaster, our core values subscribe to the highest journalistic ethics which find expression in fairness, accuracy, and impartiality. Channel Africa is a platform through which Africa is engaged in debate with itself, and recognises South Africa as a role player in continental and international affairs.

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Gender-Based Violence and Femicide’s lifelong effects on children genderbased violence and femicide Gender-Based Violence and Femicide can have a severe impact on a child’s physical health, growth and development


Sex offenders to be held accountable Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Act are ensuring justice for victims of sexual offences


Partnering to improve air access The Cape Town Air Access initiative is promoting, developing and maintaining international air routes in and out of Cape Town


Africa unites to raise the bar for secondary education Secondary education is crucial to efforts to empower young people and set them on a path of success

Public Sector Manager THE MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC SECTOR DECISION-MAKERS Publishers: Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Enquiries: +27 012 473 0010 Switchboard: +27 012 473 0000 Tshedimosetso House: 1035 Francis Baard Street (corner Festival Street), Hatfield, Pretoria Private Bag X745, Pretoria, South Africa, 0001 Head of Editorial and Production

Zanele Mngadi

Managing Editor

Ongezwa Mogotsi

News Editor

Irene Naidoo


More Matshediso Silusapho Nyanda Jauhara Khan


Lifestyle 82

Financial fitness Ensuring holiday fun doesn’t turn into a financial trap


Nice-to-haves Local is lekker


Car reviews What buyers want in a new car


Travel Drakensberg – the thrill of the space


Grooming and style The finer print

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Public Sector Manager • September 2019

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We belong, we care, we serve P

ublic servants are the

public sector offers riches of a

when the challenges of the

hands and feet of gov-

better kind – the satisfaction

job cause us to stray off the

ernment; they are respon-

of knowing you are improving

path, we need only focus on

sible for ensuring that service

lives and the chance to leave a

the Batho Pele principles which

delivery happens.

legacy of ubuntu and morality.

advocate politeness, openness,

This Public Service Month I

Ubuntu comes naturally to

call on all public servants to

people who are committed

transparency and by which all

remember that while the private

to serving the people of

public servants must be guided.

sector is profit-driven and offers

South Africa, especially those

the potential for more financial

vulnerable because of poverty,

meaning ‘people first’. Those

benefits in some cases, the

age or ill health. However,

two words are powerful and


accessibility, accountability and

Batho Pele is a Sesotho phrase

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

if your actions are guided by them, you will be an ideal

local governments. They require people who

public servant, one who

remember that democracy is a

realises the importance of

government of the people, by

teamwork and respecting

the people and for the people.

your colleagues, of caring for

Since 1994, much has been

the public you serve and of

done to align the public service

wanting to serve them to the

with our hard-won democracy.

best of your abilities.

Prior to that, the public service

Public Service Month asks

was accountable only to

that we reflect on how well

a small minority whereas

we are upholding the Batho

today, it is fully representative,

Pele principles and how

development-oriented, enables

government is impacting the

public participation and

communities around us.

promotes transparency.

South Africa cannot be a

However, despite the strides

capable, developmental state

made, there are too many

without a committed, effective

citizens who still feel sidelined,

and empowered public service,

people who believe that the

which begs the question – are

only way to be heard is through

you a committed, effective

protest action that often results

and empowered government

in the destruction of essential

employee or do you need to

public infrastructure.

re-evaluate your position as a servant of the people? The bottom line is that

One of our biggest challenges

Minister in t he Presidency, Jac kson Mt hembu.

is to ask what else can be done to supplement our Integrated

government cannot afford any

Development Planning, ward

dead wood if it is to address

committees, izimbizo and other

the triple challenges of poverty,

mechanisms to give people a

proud in the knowledge that

unemployment and inequality.

voice in how their communities

we are servants of the people –

These challenges are daunting

are managed.

humanitarians, change agents,

and tackling them requires a

What can be done by your

responsiveness be improved? This September, let us feel

facilitators and enablers – and

public service able and willing

office, in your town or at your

that it is in our power to help

to find new ways of adding

front desk to better hear

transform South Africa into a

value and effecting change,

what is being said by the

country people are proud to

across national, provincial and

public? How can our levels of

call home.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



Heritage tourism

is South Africa’s ticket to thrive


rom the ancient Makhonjwa

different holidays, it is a sector

Mountains to the historic

that allows entrepreneurs to work

Robben Island and the

alongside established tourism

remote Kgalagadi, from adventure and culture to wildlife, beautiful

Phumla Williams, GCIS Acting Director-General.

entities. In addition, the tourism

beaches, majestic mountains

value chain is vast, spanning

and breathtaking scenery, South

the manufacturing, services,

Africa offers domestic and inter-

creative and cultural industries,

opportunities for entrepreneurs

national tourists an unforgettable

which provides huge scope for

in the sector’s value chain and


small, medium and micro-sized

as heritage tour operators, this

enterprises and entrepreneurs.

challenge could be just the

With a worldwide increase in the demand for cultural and

to 21 million by 2030. With the sector offering infinite

According to the World Travel

ticket to stimulate growth – both

heritage tourism, it is fitting that

and Tourism Council, South

for individuals and for the gross

September is both Tourism and

Africa has the largest travel

domestic product.

Heritage Month.

and tourism economy in Africa.

Government is already taking

Findings released in March 2019

steps to make South Africa more

meaningful experiences

showed that travel and tourism

attractive to overseas visitors.

and with its rich past, South

in South Africa contributed 1.5

These include the introduction

Africa can certainly deliver an

million jobs and R425.8 billion

of a world-class e-visa system

abundance of these. This desire

to the economy in 2018. This

and a reduction in the red tape

for authentic travel experiences

represents 8.6 percent of all

that tourists face. Recently, seven

opens doors of opportunities

economic activity in the country

additional countries received

for those in rural areas and

at the time.

visa-free statuses which should

Tourists are seeking more

townships. Travellers want to

While tourism is thriving in

immerse themselves into local

South Africa, it has potential for

culture and our rustic villages

further growth and increased

and vibey townships, which are

job creation.

see an increase in visitors from their shores. All indications are that the sector is ready for lift-off – you

rich in food, culture and colour,

President Cyril Ramaphosa

now need to get on board and

and have experiences to share

threw down the gauntlet in his

become tourism ambassadors,

and stories to tell.

State of the Nation Address in

even if all you can offer is

February 2019 – double the

courtesy, friendliness and smiles

number of international arrivals

as warm as the African sun.

With tourists themselves so diverse and all looking for


Public Sector Manager • September 2019


Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

Focus on producing capable, ethical public servants


overnment is intensifying

his department will go about

Public Administration Amendment

efforts to build a capa-

achieving this.

Act in all spheres of government.

ble public service that

“Corruption, both real and

Guided by its constitutional

will ensure quality service delivery

mandate, legislative framework,

perceived, will be defeated by

for all South Africans.

the National Development Plan

applying ethical standards that

With the country commemo-

and the State of the Nation Ad-

are expected of a good public

rating Public Service Month in

dress, the department will focus

service and making sure that the

September, Public Service and

on fighting corruption, implement-

public service is accountable,” he

Administration Minister Senzo

ing the eight Batho Pele principles


Mchunu spoke to PSM about how

and full implementation of the


To ensure that public servants

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

behave ethically and deliver

away from corruption and reports

administration, which include:

quality services, the department

wrongdoing at all times,” he

 High standard of professional

will revive training programmes to



ensure that it has skilled employees in the right positions. “Most of the training takes place

ethics must be promoted and

Plotting the way forward

 Efficient, economic and effective use of resources must be

at the National School of Govern-

The Minister also wants to see the

ment. We are invigorating those

Batho Pele principles being im-

training programmes and will

plemented fully and equally, at all


be evaluating them in terms of

levels of the state. The eight princi-

 Services must be provided

their fitness to stand the test of

ples are government’s guidelines

impartially, fairly, equitably and

the sixth administration in terms

to ensure that those who use the

without bias.

of professionalism, ethics and

public service are helped effi-

the consciousness that people

ciently, effectively and with dignity.

responded to, and the public

[public servants] are working for

“This is our first priority, making

must be encouraged to par-

[the] people and have to heed

sure they are implemented in

ticipate in policy-making.

the call when the public makes it,”

all spheres of government, both

Minister Mchunu said.

qualitatively and quantitatively,” the Minister said.

Skills development

Batho Pele, means people first,

promoted.  Public administration must be

 People’s needs must be

 Public administration must be accountable. The Minister said the intention is to move ahead will the full

Skills development will also be a

and the principles are aligned to

implementation of the PAMA, and

focus area as it is critical to the

the Constitution of the country

to apply all basic principles and

success of a developmental state.

and are designed to offer the

values governing public service

best service for clients of the state.

across all three spheres of govern-

“A developmental state requires a public service that is highly-

The Minister said his department

ment and in state-owned enterprises.

skilled. We are thus going to be

is committed to ensuring that the

focusing on skills so that if you are

Batho Pele principles - consulta-

appointed as a director, you are

tion, service standards, access,

able to deliver up to a director

courtesy, information, openness

Streamlining the public service

level and not be appointed as

and transparency, redress and

While possible public service re-

a director only to learn that your

value for money – are embodied

trenchments have been reported

skills are not to that level.

by public servants on a daily

in the media, the Minister said


that this would not be the case.

“We have to train and we have to make sure that those who are

He believes that the full imple-

His plan is to streamline the public

general managers up to direc-

mentation of the Public Adminis-

service by looking at govern-

tors-general are capable, both in

tration Amendment Act (PAMA)

ment’s structure, wage bill and the

terms of efficiency and effective-

will also help improve the public

total cost of running the state to



see how it can optimise its service

Training should produce an ethical public servant who shies

The PAMA promotes values and principles governing public

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

offering. “We must make sure the tools



we are using to run the pub-

members, a tool for SOEs and

ed. Other people are saying ‘No,

lic service give us the desired

another one for justice officers,”

it’s not that, the main problem is

results. For example, we have

he explained.

the wage bill’,” the Minister said.

the Bargaining Chamber and its

One of the ways to fix this, the

He explained that there are dif-

bargaining processes. Right now,

Minister said, is to look at how

ferent arguments about why the

there are challenges.

many civil servants there are in

public service is so costly to run

comparison to the number of

and these will all be looked at.

“One of those challenges is that we use different instruments to determine salary increases;

people they serve.

“Some people say in order to

“Even though you are not

deal with the wage bill you’ve

there is a tool for senior manage-

going to necessarily streamline

got to reduce employees. If you

ment services (SMS) members

it to the bone, the frameworks

check, you find that three quar-

and another tool for non-SMS

should reasonably be single as

ters of public servants are made

opposed to what’s happening

up of police, nurses and teach-

at the moment. The cost of running public administration is

ers,” said Minister Mchunu. He pointed out that most po-

creating concern.

lice stations, hospitals and clinics

“People are talking about

are short staffed, so the issue is

the public service being bloat-

not too many employees.

What is expected of public servants The Minister’s message to public servants is that they should put their best foot forward and show that they are not only skilled in terms of service delivery, but that their actions are beyond reproach. He said public servants must commit themselves to doing their work with a high level of professionalism, such as arriving at work on time and making sure that those who come to government offices, are made to feel respected. Minister Mchunu described an ideal public servant as “somebody who puts compliance issues very high on the agenda”. He added that public servants have to keep abreast with all government policies and decisions. In addition, the Minister wants to develop criteria Public Ser vice and Administration Minister Senzo Mc hunu.


that will measure the best performing state entities and establish an awards system to recognise the best performing public servants, SOEs, government entities and departments.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019


Writer: More Matshediso

Tourism a driver

of economic growth S

outh Africa has immense

services, tourism growth and the

potential to use travel and

development of the tourism sector,

tourism to heritage given that

tourism as drivers of eco-

and enhances cooperation and

September is also celebrated as

nomic growth, job creation and to

coordination between all spheres

Heritage Month in South Africa.

promote social development, says

of government in developing and

the Minister of Tourism Mmamoloko

managing tourism.


She said it is appropriate to link

Tourism vital for economic growth

This Tourism Month, Minister Kubayi-Ngubane encouraged

Minister Kubayi-Ngubane said tour-

country celebrates Tourism Month,

South Africans to explore the coun-

ism remains a key driver of South

which is marked annually in Sep-

try’s natural beauty and work as

Africa’s national economy and


a collective to maintain the status

contributes to job creation.

The Minister said this as the

She was recently appointed as the Minister of Tourism by President Cyril Ramaphosa when he an-

of South Africa as a destination of

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), in 2018

choice for rest and recreation.

the tourism sector in South Africa

“South Africa has multiple herit-

nounced his cabinet for the sixth

age sites including World Herit-

directly accounted for about 2.8


age Sites, such as Mapungubwe,

percent of real gross domestic

Cradle of Humankind and Robben

product (GDP), which amounts to

mandate to promote the prac-

Island, among others. These sites

R139 billion, and this is projected to

tice of responsible tourism for the

tell a story of the origins of human-

grow to R145.3 billion for 2019.

benefit of the country and for the

ity and that of humanity’s struggle

enjoyment of all its residents and

against oppression.

The Department of Tourism has a

foreign visitors.

The indirect contribution of the tourism sector to the country’s GDP in 2018 stood at 8.2 percent, which

“International and domestic tourists travel to these heritage sites

captures the strong economic links

provide for the effective domestic

to rediscover that they are human

to the demand and supply side

and international marketing of

beings and that the struggle for

that the sector has with other sec-

South Africa as a tourist destina-

freedom in any part of the world is

tors of the South African economy.

tion. The department promotes

their struggle as well,” the Minister

In addition, the tourism sector’s

quality tourism products and


It also has the responsibility to


direct employment accounted for

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

4.2 percent of total employment in

ism within townships. It aims to

sustainably revamping the prov-

the South African economy in 2018

show some of our country’s hidden

ince’s oldest township, and boost-

and this is projected to increase

gems that are often located in our

ing tourism.

to 709 000 jobs in 2019. Its indirect

townships,” she added. year, I visited some establishments

Attracting more international tourists

in Soweto, including Kwa Lichaba

When it comes to attracting more

al Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS)

and Ikhaya Le Langa in Langa

international tourists, the Minis-

which is a blueprint for the tourism

Township in Cape Town, which

ter said an opportunity exists to

sector to increase growth targets

serves as an intermediary for 40

increase South Africa’s market

contained in the country’s New

emerging local entrepreneurs,

penetration in large outbound

Growth Path framework. Through

including homestays; tour guides;

tourist markets. Special attention

the NTSS, the tourism sector is

and creative, visual and perfor-

will be paid to attracting visitors

committed to creating a total of

mance artists.”

from China, Nigeria and India.

contribution to total employment stood at 9.2 percent for 2018. “Our department has the Nation-

225 000 jobs by the year 2020,” the Minister explained.

“Ahead of the budget vote this

She said Ikhaya Le Langa is one

“There are great prospects for

of the establishments that create

growing the number of internation-

opportunities for the locals, thereby

al tourists through those markets,”

Local and township tourism According to Minister KubayiNgubane, South Africans are showing enthusiasm for travelling. She said there was exceptional growth on the domestic tourism front from January to April this year when compared to the same

This is t he view tourists are treated to when flying over t he Clarence Drive outside Gordons Bay.

period last year. In effect, domestic holiday trips rose by almost 60 percent. The Minister said township tourism is becoming increasingly popular as visitors to the country look for a more authentic experience, away from game reserves, Table Mountain, and the usual breath-taking scenery. “This is why the department has a sustainable township upliftment initiative which aims to grow tour-

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



Bouke's Luc k Pot hholes in Mpumalanga.

she said, adding that President

South Africa is home to some of

Cyril Ramaphosa wants to see

the most sought-after tourist experi-

international arrivals doubled to 21

ences, and our natural beauty,

ing an air transport link between

million by 2030.

combined with cultural and historic

South Africa and India will receive

landmarks, provide an all-encom-

attention. “We will be engaging

said the department needs to work

passing experience for visitors,” she

with various airlines to explore this

towards ensuring that the growth


possibility,” she said.

To achieve this target, the Minister

rate of international arrivals in-

Chinese market,” she said.

Furthermore, the Minister said

The Minister also said establish-

Minister Kubayi-Ngubane said

creases to over four percent in the

work is underway to position South

Europe and America remain

short term and consistently grows

Africa as a China- and India-

important markets for the South

by over six percent until 2030.

friendly tourism destination through

African tourism sector and believes

“We are encouraged by the in-

relevant content-reviewed plat-

the new visa regime will encourage

crease in international arrivals over

forms and a comprehensive China

more visitors to the country.

the past two decades and believe

and India readiness programme,

our share of the global 1.4 billion

developed in close partnership

Motsoaledi announced in his

international tourist arrivals in 2018

with the private sector.

budget speech that visa-free status

leaves room for significant international market growth. “We will leverage on the fact that


“We plan to use technological

Minister of Home Affairs Dr Aaron

will be given to an additional seven

platforms such as WeChat and

countries – Qatar, United Arab Emir-

Alipay, for ease of access to the

ates, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia,

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Cuba, Ghana and Sao Tome. “We are doing our very best to ensure that we remove all obstacles for tourists to enjoy their

South Africa’s market activities

mentation of its flagship Women

internationally to increase the

in Tourism Programme which

number of international arrivals.

supports the development and

She also wants to intensify

journey to South Africa,” Minister

domestic tourism programmes to

Kubayi-Ngubane said.

get more South Africans to travel

“In this regard, we believe that

within their country.

empowerment of women in the tourism sector. “It is our belief that transformation efforts must be deliberate

the recent announcement of visa

“Transformation in the sector

waivers for more countries will lead

remains a big challenge and it

to a spike in international arrivals

is an area that will continue to

in South Africa. The country’s new

receive our attention. Transforma-

continue to collaborate with the

e-visa system, expected to launch

tion programmes will focus on five

Tourism Business Council of South

within this financial year, is another

priority areas, namely ownership,

Africa and other stakeholders to

plus for us,” she added.

management control, skills devel-

deliver on the 21 million target.

opment, enterprise and supplier

Priorities for the next five years At the top of her priorities for the next five years are plans to intensify

and they should be consciously driven,” said the Minister. She said the department will

The Minister said the depart-

development, as well as socio-

ment intends to work much

economic development.”

closer with the private sector to

The Minister said the department will also scale up the imple-

make South Africa an attractive destination.

Minister of Tourism Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane at t he launc h of tourism safety awareness campaign at Table Mountain in Cape Town. Bourke's Luc k Pot holes in Mpumalanga.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



Writer: *Vusumusi Mkhize

Celebrating SA’s rich and diverse heritage S

eptember is a month that

relegated to the periphery and

countries that were colonised

affords South Africans an

does not enjoy the parity of es-

have been relegated over cen-

opportunity to celebrate

teem along western knowledge

turies and do not enjoy parity of


esteem with the languages of

their rich and diverse cultural heritage. As citizens of this beautiful

This is why the United Na-

colonial countries.

tions has declared 2019 as the

Despite this reality, indigenous

country, we are richly endowed

International Year of Indigenous

languages have survived and

with 11 official languages.

Languages, which is important

continued to be spoken by

for us as South Africa too.

many communities in Africa

Our nation has a multitude of cultural traditions. Many of these

Throughout the world, lan-

have the potential to contribute

guages of trade, commerce,

to our social and economic

science and technology have

reading and writing has meant


been in the main those from na-

that there is a sizeable amount

and throughout the world. In South Africa the advent of

tions that have colonised others

of literature in indigenous lan-

medicine, architecture, sci-

such as English, French, Spanish


ence and technology, arts and

and German.

In the areas of agriculture,

culture, age old indigenous African knowledge has been


As a result, languages of thousands of communities in

A lot of the literature is derived from the oral tradition within African communities, where

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

stories are told by elders to the

guages still have low status and

of Sports, Arts and Culture has

youth and are passed from one

have restricted roles due to the

come up with the Indigenous

generation to the next.

colonial legacy and negative

Languages Publishing Pro-

perception of multilingualism,

gramme which is implemented

among other reasons.

as a priority by the South African

In line with this United Nations theme, South Africa hosts Heritage Month under the theme

Many aspiring and well-estab-

Book Development Council.

“Celebrating South Africa’s

lished writers, with the exception

literary classics in the year of

of Ngugi wa Thiong’o, lack the

development in the book sector,

indigenous languages”.

motivation to write and publish

by increasing the publishing

in indigenous African languag-

of indigenous languages and


providing ongoing production

Focus on books During this month the Depart-

It is aimed at growth and

Another reason why writing in

of South African authored books

ment of Sports, Arts and Culture,

African languages may not be

to assist small and independent

in partnership with the National

attractive is the absence of any

publishers to produce quality

Library of South Africa, will focus

meaningful recognition of most

indigenous language books.

on books that have been writ-

authors. This can be exacerbat-

Another initiative is the col-

ten and published in indig-

ed by the lack of opportunities

laboration between the De-

enous languages.

for publishing.

partment of Arts and Culture,

These books have been the

Many publishers argue that

National Library of South Africa

foundation of reading and writ-

publishing in African languages

and the Publishers Association

ing in indigenous languages in

can only be financially viable if

of South Africa, which resulted in

South Africa over many years.

there is market for those books,

the publication of a substantial

either in the form of a govern-

630-page volume entitled Writ-

one stage or the other been

ment guarantee or other tangi-

ing in Nine Tongues, A Cata-

prescribed as text books for

ble support.

logue of Literature and Readers

Most of these books have at

indigenous languages. An exhibition featuring South

Low-income levels in most of the regions where African

in Nine African Languages for South Africa. This catalogue showcases

Africa’s literary classics will be

languages are spoken means

displayed to help citizens ap-

that the market for books simply

over 4 000 titles, in nine African

preciate indigenous literature

cannot develop without govern-

languages namely isiNde-

and to encourage the youth to

ment support.

bele, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Sesotho Sa Lebowa/Sepedi,

develop a love for books written

major languages, such as

Indigenous Languages Publishing Programme

Kiswahili; Hausa; Yoruba; isiZulu

To address this challenge in

The department has recog-

and isiXhosa, most African lan-

our country, the Department

nised that a culture of reading

in our indigenous languages. With a few exceptions for

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Setswana, SiSwati, Tshivenda and Xitsonga. These books are written in different genres.



“All national, provincial and local libraries will be encouraged to put up exhibitions so that readers, especially the youth, are encouraged to take an interest in reading in indigenous languages.”

and writing needs to be estab-

the Mzansi Golden Economy

lished and that the book indus-


try needs to be both sustainable

indigenous languages. All national, provincial and local libraries will be encouraged

There is further support for

and support all South African

national writers’ organisations

to put up exhibitions so that


and a partnership through the

readers, especially the youth,

National Library with the Library

are encouraged to take an

and Information Association of

interest in reading in indigenous

South Africa.

languages. During these exhibi-

Publishing opportunities Through its close work with the

The department also supports

tions, writers of indigenous lan-

South African Book Develop-

activities of book clubs, through

guage books will be invited to

ment Council (SABDC), the

the Funda Mzantsi initiative with

address readers and share their

representative body of the book

the National Library.

perspective on reading and writ-

sector, the department has

It also supports discussions on

ing in indigenous languages. The exhibitions are geared to

initiated a variety of strategic in-

books including at book fairs

terventions to create publishing

and book festivals, namely the

stimulate writers and publishers

opportunities for aspiring writers,

Abantu Book Festival (Soweto),

to offer new literature in indig-

encourage a culture of reading

Open Book Fair (Cape Town),

enous languages.

and recognise excellence in

SA Children’s Book Fair (East


London) and Time of the Writer

lined up for this month will,

(Durban), among others.

among others, promote the

Some of these include the establishment of National Book

A pilot incubator to promote

We hope that the activities

culture of reading and writing

Week, which coincides every

reading and writing, and

amongst South Africans, while

year with International Literacy

reading programmes at nine

celebrating and recognising the

Day on 8 September and the

community arts centres is also

writers of our literary classics.

annual South African Literary


Awards. Support is provided for national literary events through


Heritage Month will focus the spotlight on literature written and published in South African

*Vusumusi Mkhize is the Director-General at the Department of Arts and Culture.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



A proper compass swing procedure is necessary to determine Its name may suggest that it’s concerned only with matters

how to measure and compensate for the magnetic field

higher than atmosphere-bound aviation, but the South

of the actual aircraft, which will cause a deviation to the

African National Space Agency (SANSA) performs key

compass reading once located in the cockpit, due to the

services for all aircraft and their operators.

proximity of steel or iron components and by the effects of current flowing in nearby electrical circuits.

The Space Agency has been selected by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as one of two regional

A properly conducted compass swing requires a calibrated

centres to provide space weather services, including solar

reference compass, and must be done in a magnetically

storm forecasts and warnings, to the global aviation sector.

clean environment – free of steel structures, underground

This means that every aircraft flying across the continent’s

cables, or equipment that produces magnetic fields – to

airspace will rely on SANSA for space weather information

assure it is free of interference. As a recent grounding of part

as part of its flight planning.

of a local airline’s fleet by the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) that stranded thousands of tourists over

“With aviation, we consider four key risk areas:

the holiday season recently showed, accurate compass

communication, navigation, avionics and radiation

swinging performed by qualified technicians is essential.

exposure,” says SANSA MD, Dr Lee-Anne McKinnell. “Highfrequency radio communication, as well as ground and airbased navigation systems, can be affected or knocked out entirely by space weather storms. Delicate electronics can also be damaged and radiation exposure poses a hazard for crew and passengers, particularly on long haul flights.” Space weather can also have a major knock-on effect on airlines and airports.

SANSA’s facility in Hermanus is the only SACAA accredited facility in South Africa that offers this type of service with the necessary expertise and facilities to perform training in the compass swing procedure on site. SANSA has been presenting training courses on the execution of compass swings to the South African Air Force for more than 20 years and recently hosted a five-day Compass Swing Training Course and a three-day Compass Swing Refresher Course.

Another key competency of SANSA is compass accuracy. Despite the rise of modern navigation systems such as GPS and radio aids, compasses are still an essential component

The course is presented by SANSA engineers and physicists who have many years of relevant magnetic navigation ground support experience.

of aircraft navigation equipment. Electrical systems may fail, but the Earth’s magnetic field never does. However, it is continuously changing and that requires constant monitoring to determine the degree of compass variation at any specific place.

For more information on these services and courses email:


Writer: More Matshediso

Increasing access to justice for all South Africans


outh Africa has established

nificance of the country’s justice

as the Labour Court and Labour

a number of institutions in


Appeal Court, whereas prior to

the past 25 years to make

“I am talking in a broad sense

the attainment of democracy,

justice across all levels more ac-

and not only about the courts.

there was a tribunal or Industrial

cessible to citizens.

These include institutions that

Court which was not a court of

This is according to Deputy

deal with disputes, crime and

law – it was an administrative

Chief Justice of the Republic of

other grievances,” the Deputy

judicial tribunal.

South Africa Raymond Zondo,

Chief Justice explained.

who has been serving in this posi-

“Presiding officers who sat in that court were not judges

Institutions of justice

although they were legally quali-

Since 1994, government has

fied lawyers and professors,” he

ated certain structures, bodies or

established a number of courts


institutions to enhance the sig-

that were not there before, such

tion since 2017. He said the Constitution cre-


“Before 1994, there were still

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

labour appeal courts, but they

that deal with corruption, such

the chair of the Convention for a

did not operate the same way

as the Special Investigating Unit

Democratic South Africa in 1991

as today. Today, we have three

and the Hawks, which seek to

and the country’s first non-white

judges who sit in one court to

deal with specific sorts of crimes,”

judge of the Supreme Court of

hear matters whereas before

he said.

South Africa. He was later ap-

1994, there was only one judge

Despite having all these institu-

pointed to the Appeal Court.

who sat with assessors during the

tions, there are still people who

cases, and heard appeals that

are not able to find justice in vari-

tion, Deputy Chief Justice Zondo

came from the then Industrial

ous respects, often because they

said there was just one female

Court. Today in labour courts,

do not have the money to pay for

judge before 1994 and she was a

we have judges who are at the

lawyers, which is where Legal Aid

white woman.

same level as those in the High

South Africa steps in.

Court,” he added. Post 1994, the scope of the Con-

“Legal Aid South Africa has offic-

In terms of gender representa-

“I cannot think of any black female judge who was appointed

es in various parts of the country

before 1994. But after 1994, our

stitutional Court has also been

and employs many lawyers who

Constitution made it imperative


are able to offer litigation services

that in appointing judges, the Ju-

to qualifying citizens without

dicial Service Commission would

tional matters only before 1994

charging them because they are

be required to make every effort

but it is now able to address a

paid by the state,” he explained.

to transform the judiciary in terms

“It used to deal with constitu-

lot of other issues as long as they

“All these institutions play a

of race and gender, and we

are sufficiently important and

vital role in promoting justice in

have come a long way towards

they raise important questions

our society and they must be

achieving that goal.”

of law,” said the Deputy Chief

supported so that they can carry


out their duties. All of them are

provided, out of 250 judges in

important for making the justice

superior courts, there are 69

the Competition Appeal Court as

system more accessible to the

African males, 46 African females,

well as the Competition Tribunal

public,” he added.

16 coloured males, 11 coloured

The country also established

and the Competition Commission. In addition to the courts, the

According to statistics he

females, 13 Indian males, 11 In-

Racial and gender representation

dian females, 55 white males and 29 white females.

country also has institutions

Deputy Chief Justice Zondo said

“If you look at the race part of

such as the Office of the Public

much has been done to promote

the transformation, we have 166

Protector which assists ordinary

transformation in terms of racial

non-white judges. This shows that

citizens who feel they have been

and gender representation in the

post-1994, we have more black

wronged by the state or have


judges than white judges in the

He said before 1994, and

other state-related complaints.

country. In terms of gender, we

except for then independent

have a total of 97 female judges

man Rights Commission (SAHRC)

Transkei and Bophuthatswana,

in the country today.

helps to protect and fight for the

there was no representation of

rights of citizens.

African judges besides Justice

progress in terms of racial and

Ismail Mohammed who became

gender representation, how-

In addition, the South Africa Hu-

“We also have other structures

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

“This shows that we have made



“If you look at the race part of the transformation, we have 166 non-white judges. This shows that post-1994, we have more black judges than white judges in the country.” ever, we still have to do more on

The Deputy Chief Justice

they learn a lot.

the gender part of it. We must

said once the commission has

continue to try to have more

finished its work, it will have to

society’s interest in court pro-

women appointed as judges,” he

make recommendations on what

ceedings and commissions. So I


needs to be done to put an end

think it is a good thing, generally

to corruption.

speaking,” he said.

“We are seeing an increase in

Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture

from society as possible because the issue of corruption is a huge

About the Deputy Chief Justice

Deputy Chief Justice Zondo is

problem for all of us, and we

Deputy Chief Justice Zondo was

currently heading the Commis-

should all make an input in terms

born in Ixobho in KwaZulu-Natal

sion of Inquiry into Allegations of

of what should be done to solve

and studied law at the University

State Capture.


of Zululand, University of Natal

Commenting on his role in the

“We hope to get as much input

(now University of KwaZulu-Natal)

The commission is unfolding in

commission, the Deputy Chief

full view of the public, with the

and later at the University of

Justice said he is focusing on do-

proceedings being televised.

South Africa. He holds the follow-

ing the job he has been tasked

Similarly, a number of court cases

ing degrees:

with. “I am happy that I am able

have been televised in recent

to play a role in that regard,” he


added. The commission has been

B.Iuris from University of Zululand

The Deputy Chief Justice finds the phenomenon of televising

LLB from University of Natal

LLM (cum laude) in labour

tasked with uncovering corrup-

certain court proceedings to

law from University of South

tion and state capture.

be helpful in a number of ways,


He is concerned that corruption has reached unacceptable levels in the country and believes

one being that it is educative to

commercial law from Univer-


sity of South Africa

He said many people have no

that more needs to be done to

idea what happens in court, but

turn things around.

when proceedings are televised,


LLM with specialisation in

LLM (in patent law) from University of South Africa.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Deputy Chief Justice of t he Republic of Sout h Africa Raymond Zondo.

He started his career by serving

In 1997, he was appointed as

Judge President of the Labour

part of his articles of clerkship

an acting judge of the Labour

Appeal Court and Labour Court

under the late Victoria Mxenge in

Court. With effect from 1 Novem-

for a 10-year term.

the latter’s law firm in Durban.

ber 1997, he was appointed as a

In 1994, he was appointed as a member of the Ministerial Task

judge of the Labour Court. In 1999, he was appointed as a

He returned to the North Gauteng Division of the High Court and resumed his duties as a

Team that was given the job of

judge of the then Transvaal Pro-

producing a draft Labour Rela-

vincial Division of the High Court

tions Bill for post-apartheid South

(now the North Gauteng Division

pointed as an acting judge of


of the High Court) in Pretoria.

the Constitutional Court.

judge of that court in 2010. The following year, he was ap-

In 1996, he was appointed as

Later in the same year, he was

In 2012, he was appointed as a

the first chairperson of the gov-

appointed as Acting Judge Presi-

judge of the Constitutional Court.

erning body of the Commission

dent of the Labour Appeal Court

for the Conciliation, Mediation

and Labour Court.

and Arbitration (CCMA).

In 2000, he was appointed as

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

In 2017, he was appointed as Deputy Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa.



20 years of knowledge sharing on learning and development in the public sector

Announcing the

20TH PUBLIC SECTOR TRAINERS’ FORUM (PSTF) CONFERENCE 07 – 09 October 2019 Gallagher Convention Centre,Midrand, Gauteng Organised by the National School of Government and the PSTF Advisory Committee


In 2011, the South African government adopted the National Development Plan (NDP) – Vision 2030. Chapter 13 of the NDP calls for the building of a capable and developmental State. This vision calls for professional, disciplined, loyal, and committed public servants who possess the necessary skills and competencies to do their work. In order to achieve Vision 2030, the public sector must have a strong cadre of public sector trainers and facilitators who are themselves well capacitated to be able to empower other public servants with requisite skills, competences and attributes. This will afford attendees an opportunity to reflect critically on their roles in the context of building a capable and developmental State. Among others, the conference will deal with the policy environment, capacity development and career pathing, youth empowerment, facilitation of citizen-focused development programmes using existing models and methods, and financial and other resources needed for public sector trainers/facilitators to empower others.

Theme: “Enabling Vision 2030 through HRD: training and development for socio economic impact” The afore-mentioned theme will be supported by the following sub-themes: (a) Learning and development strategies to achieve the socio-economic impact, (b) Using the public sector space to develop new knowledge for the knowledge economy, (c) Learning and development practices to navigate the effects of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), (d) Building public sector learning organisations: skills for trainers to leverage technology, and (e) Revitalising the role of the State to produce technical skills and specialist professionals. The year 2019 marks the twentieth edition of a conference that the NSG and the PSTF Advisory Committee organises to ensure that HRD practitioners learn and share knowledge about their noble profession.

Participants’ Profile

This conference will be of immense value to: • Education, Training and Development/Human Resource Development (ETD/HRD) practitioners (trainers,organisational development specialists, skills development facilitators, training co-ordinators, and managers). • Members of organised labour. • SETA officials. • Academics and researchers in HRD/ETD, public sector leaders and administrators. • Students in the fields of HRD/ETD and Public Administration.

school of government Department: National School of Government REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA

The The Public Public Service Service Re-orientation Re-orientation The Public Service Re-orientation Programme Programme Programme Footsteps Footsteps towards towards a Capable aaCapable State State Footsteps towards Capable State The The public service service Reorientation Reorientation Programme Programme (ROP) (ROP) ROP resides in theinin suite the of Compulsory ofofCompulsory and Manand Thepublic public service Reorientation Programme (ROP)The The TheROP ROPresides resides thesuite suite Compulsory andManManemerges emerges from from the recognition the recognition that continuous that continuous learning learning datory datory programmes programmes approved approved by Cabinet by Cabinet under under the the emerges from the recognition that continuous learning datory programmes approved by Cabinet under the cultivates cultivates a potent a apotent and and agile public service. service. 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We look forward testament testament to the toto appropriateness the of itsofcurriculum and and totowelcoming you and you your team to our toto Reorientation our testament theappropriateness appropriateness ofitsitscurriculum curriculum andto welcoming welcoming youand andyour yourteam team ourReorientation Reorientation its ability itsitsability to locate to locate public public servants servants within within contempocontempoProgramme. Programme. ability to locate public servants within contempoProgramme. rary rary service delivery delivery scenarios. scenarios. In the InInmost the recent recent raryservice service delivery scenarios. themost most recent roll-out roll-out to 275 to 275 officials, officials, the ROP the ROP has been has been particularly particularly roll-out to 275 officials, the ROP has been particularly lauded lauded for itsfor rich itsitscontent rich on ethical ononethical dilemmas dilemmas and the and lauded for richcontent content ethical dilemmas andthe the accompanying accompanying solutions solutions thereof. thereof. accompanying solutions thereof. Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details Physical Physical Address: PhysicalAddress: Address: 7070Meintjies Street, ZK Building, 70 Meintjies Street, ZK Matthews Building, Meintjies Street, ZKMatthews Matthews Building, Sunnyside, Pretoria Sunnyside, Pretoria Sunnyside, Pretoria Postal Address: Postal Address: Postal Address: Private X759X759 Private Bag,Bag, Pretoria, 00010001 X759 Private Bag,Pretoria, Pretoria, 0001

school school of government ofofgovernment school government

Department: Department: Department: NationalNational School of School Government of Government National School of Government REPUBLIC REPUBLIC OF SOUTH OF SOUTH AFRICA AFRICA REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA

Switchboard: Switchboard: +27 +27 12 441 1212441 6000 Switchboard: +27 4416000 6000 General General facsimile: facsimile: +27 +27 12 441 6030 General facsimile: +271212441 4416030 6030 Contact Contact Centre: Centre: +27 +27 86 100 86 100 8326 Contact Centre: +27 86 1008326 8326 E-mail E-mail E-mail Website Website Address: Address: Website Address: @thensgZA @thensgZA @thensgZA The The National School School of Government ofofGovernment TheNational National School Government


Writer: Dale Hes

Celebrating our national parks

environment and surrounding communities benefit. “It’s always welcomed when the industry recognises SANParks, and in this instance being compared with the Top 50 in Africa is indeed a great achievement, especially given that six of the Top

A recent analysis of 157 game parks in Africa 50 are within the SANParks stable,” found that 14 of the continent’s Top 50 parks says SANParks chief communicaare based in South Africa. PSM speaks to tions officer Janine Raftopoulos. South African National Parks (SANParks) to The increasing discover more about its efforts to conserve importance of our country’s wilderness areas and maintain national parks the parks’ reputations as world-class tourism National parks have, in the past, been seen mainly as spaces for destinations.


conservation. But since the turn n June, tour company Safari-

we-Mfolozi Park, Addo Elephant

of democracy, these parks are analysed more

National Park, Augrabies Falls

increasingly being viewed as

than 2 300 visitor and industry

National Park, Mountain Zebra

opportunities to create jobs and

expert reviews to determine the

National Park and Karoo National

stimulate economic growth in

Top 50 parks in Africa. Of the 14


rural areas.

South African parks identified in

“We have seen a shift in the role

SANParks is responsible for

the list, six were national parks –

managing South Africa’s national

national parks are playing. They

the Kruger National Park, Hluhlu-

parks, ensuring that both the

are becoming areas that are im-

A display along t he Fossil Trail at t he Karoo National Park.


Public Sector Manager • September 2019

portant conduits for government

elsewhere. There are very few

and the spread of invasive plants

to deliver its mandate and ensure

other countries that can boast

are also having an impact on

that conservation is a viable con-

this variety,” says Raftopoulos.

the natural ecosystems in con-

tributor to social and economic

She adds that conservation of

development, of rural areas in

these precious assets is SAN-

particular,” Raftopoulos explains.

Parks’ primary mandate.

SANParks’ business operations

“The entity has been tasked

servation areas. “Temperature increases in the Kalahari and Richtersveld have been particularly dramatic and

are therefore based on three

with a very important role – to

the effects of prolonged heat

core pillars, namely conservation

conserve South Africa’s biodiver-

and increased evaporation are

responsible tourism and socio-

sity, its landscapes and associat-

already being observed in ani-

economic transformation.

ed heritage assets. This is no easy

mals and plants.

Apart from providing full-time

task given conservation and

“Damaging alien species are

jobs to people working in con-

heritage comes with the need to

present in all parks, but control

servation, tourism, hospitality,

make tough decisions, having to

programmes have been shown

media and administration, na-

take a strong stance guided by

to decrease negative impacts of

tional parks are also contributing

policies and our mandate.

these species and improve resil-

strongly towards Expanded Public Works Programmes (EPWP).

“One of the strategic goals is that of sustainable conserva-

ience to other drivers of change.” As part of its programmes,

tion asset, where we seek to

SANParks has been on a drive

lent EPWP jobs were created in

ensure that environmental as-

to increase the size of protected

the past financial year, for which

sets and natural resources are

areas and control the factors

SANParks was the implementing

well protected and continually

that can be controlled.

agency,” Raftopoulos points out.

enhanced through an adaptive

“Almost 6 500 fulltime equiva-

and effective park system.”

Protecting biodiversity

Effective conservation of na-

“These factors include removal of alien species and rehabilitation of degraded and eroded

South Africa is unique in its rich

tional parks in South Africa faces

areas, two programmes that are

diversity of landscapes and ma-

several barriers.

well-established in SANParks. It is

rine systems, which play host to

“Apart from the Kruger, our

likely that additional and more

a wide variety of habitats, plants

parks are also small in com-

dramatic management efforts

and wildlife.

parison to many of their global

will be required in the coming

“One can go from the rolling

counterparts. Replicating natural

decades to mitigate species loss

hills and shire-like feel of Golden

processes in small areas is much

under a changing climate.”

Gate and Mountain Zebra, to

more challenging than in large

dense thicket filled with elephants

areas. Another problem is that

in Addo, impressive cliffs and

very few river catchments are

wild sea at Table Mountain, open

conserved within national parks,

Effective programmes for conservation and people

semi-arid and desert plains and

so land practices upstream can

SANParks uses the Management

dunes in Namaqua, Richters-

affect water quality,” Raftopoulos

Effectiveness Tracking Tool as

veld and Kalahari to enchanted


adapted for South Africa

forests in Garden Route and

She adds that climate change

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

(METT-SA 3) to measure the ef-



fectiveness of protected area

modate around 250 tourists per

Legacy Fund which supports


night at full capacity. Meanwhile,

and invests in the projects that

in the Golden Gate Highlands

have a high positive impact on

23 national parks achieved a

National Park, an R83 million


score of 67 percent or better,

Dinosaur Interpretive Centre will

showing a significant improve-

add increased tourist appeal by

the one percent income from

ment in how protected areas are

illustrating the rich palaeonto-

bookings made on activities and

being managed.

logical heritage of the region.

accommodation in all national

In 2017/18, 16 of South Africa’s

SANParks has a vast number

“The fund is generated through

Raftopoulos says that SANParks

parks and five percent income

of programmes being im-

is acutely aware of the socio-

from rhino sales. At present, the

plemented in the spheres of

economic needs of rural com-

fund is used to provide facilities

conservation, tourism and socio-

munities in areas surrounding

which support education,” says

economic transformation. In ad-

national parks.


dition to several flagship projects

“SANParks collaborates with lo-

Since 2013, the fund has pro-

implemented over the past few

cal municipalities, provincial and

vided 14 science laboratories,

years, two major infrastructure

national government depart-

four computer labs, a mobile

investment projects are currently

ments to contribute towards the

library, an administration block, a

underway which will boost tour-

provision of much-needed facili-

kitchen facility and two play-

ism numbers.

ties and services in communities

grounds to schools bordering

bordering national parks.”

national parks in Mpumalanga,

Due to be opened this year, the R270 million Skukuza Safari Lodge will be able to accom-

A SANParks helicopter on duty at t he Kruger National Park.


Some of these efforts include the establishment of a Social

Limpopo, Northern Cape, Free State and the Western Cape.

SANParks seeks to raise awareness of t he impor tance of conser vation activities.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

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Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

Whipping Hout Bay Harbour into shape H

out Bay’s harbour master

This earned Feni-Gela enemies

Pumla Feni-Gela (43) had

and she was often threatened in

harbour’s slipway is properly man-

her job cut out for her

the early days.

aged and is accessible to all.

when she took over the reins in

cannot afford the bribes, the

She also had to personally turn down several bribes because she

The toll of poverty

was determined to run a clean,

Feni-Gela said another challenge

Harbour in Cape Town is a work-

professional harbour, with a zero-

is the poverty of residents living

ing harbour that caters mainly to

tolerance approach to crime and

around the harbour. “In Hout Bay,

the tuna and crayfish industry. In


there is a very real lack of skills

2016. The picturesque Hout Bay

addition, it has restaurants and a

development and a high rate of

Today, many of the unwanted

bustling market and hosts many

elements have been removed and

unemployment. It’s also a high

tourism activities.

instead of vessels being discrimi-

drug-usage area.”

However, when she arrived at

nated against because the crew

A multi-government approach is

the harbour, it was allegedly beset with corruption, with boat captains allegedly willing to pay bribes and being given preferential treatment and the old brigade telling FeniGela “this is how things work here”. The straight-talking Feni-Gela

Pumla Feni-Gela is t he harbour master of Hout Bay Harbour.

said she had to stand her ground against these bullies who were used to doing as they pleased. She said the habour was also frequented by thieves and vandals and prostitution was a huge problem. “We had to call in all the relevant state agencies and a joint operation was held to clean up the harbour.”


Public Sector Manager • September 2019

needed to address some of the

she saw people desperate for

the way we used to do things’,”

area’s challenges, which impact

fish heads, bones and intestines.

she said.

heavily on the harbour and hurt

“It was the first time I saw people

the area’s tourism potential, she

eat such things,” she said. “They

she faced, Feni-Gela refused to


queue, waiting for the boat crew

be shaken. After realising that she

to finish cleaning the fish, and

would not budge, the harbour

ditions have prompted Feni-Gela

then they ask for the unwanted

users began to comply with the

to engage with senior manage-


harbour’s regulatory policies, she

Hout Bay’s socio-economic con-

Despite the racism and sexism

told PSM.

ment at the Department of Envifind possible ways of alleviating

The right person for the job

insula University of Technology

the situation.

Feni-Gela is responsible for all the

(CPUT), where she obtained a Na-

boats and cargo – mainly fish –

tional Diploma in Public Manage-

in the area turn to crime and

that come into the harbour. She

ment, Feni-Gela said she entered

poaching out of desperation.

describes her job as “managing

the maritime industry because

“There are no resources and no

the harbour”. “I am the manager

she wanted career growth.


of everything that is happening in

She was working as a clerk at

Feni-Gela recalled that her of-

the harbour, from the vessels that

the then Department of Environ-

fice was once set alight after the

come into the harbour to the in-

mental Affairs and Forestry when

death of a poacher was blamed

frastructure and the tenants who

her boss, sensing her discon-

on her.

come to me with complaints.”

tent and realising her potential,

ronment, Forestry and Fisheries to

She said many of the people

She said in her day-to-day work,

The harbour is popular with

A graduate of the Cape Pen-

encouraged Feni-Gela to take

she often has confrontations with

tourists and this is another area of

advantage of a bursary that had

members of the community who

Feni-Gela’s responsibility.

been made available.

Born in Indwe in the Eastern

“I seized the opportunity and

It is their extreme poverty that

Cape, Feni-Gela’s biggest chal-

studied Cargo Management at

makes them brazen enough to

lenge as harbour master was

CPUT for three years,” Feni-Gela

openly fish without a permit, she

dealing with the people who were



used to running roughshod over

poach sea-life in broad daylight.

When confronted, Feni-Gela said they will respond by saying:

the harbour rules. She said being black and

She subsequently moved from being an administrative clerk to a fishery control officer and

“I don’t know what my kids are

female also presented initial chal-

while working in that position, she

going to eat tonight”.

lenges. “These were two of the is-

completed a number of short

sues that I had to overcome,” she

maritime study courses.

She said those who are unable to fish gather at the harbour

said, explaining that if she called

when boats come back from sea

a meeting, many of the tenants

the job, Feni-Gela said she is

so that they can scavenge for fish

and owners wanted to hijack the

ready for a bigger challenge –


process. “They wanted to address

such as being the Harbour Master

me, they wanted to tell me ‘this is

of the Cape Town or Durban port.

It used to make her cry when

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Now, with nearly four years on



Writer: Allison Cooper

Property rights for women in customary marriages


Constitutional Court handed down judgment in the Ramuhovhi case. The application for confirmation, in terms of section 172(2)(a) of the Constitution, of the order

hile South Africa’s laws

made by the High Court of South

This means that husbands will

are progressive, their

no longer have exclusive propri-

Africa, Limpopo Local Division,

implementation often

etary rights over marital property

was brought by the applicants to

leaves gaps arising from the real

to the detriment of their wives.

declare that Section 7(1) of the

challenges that women face.

Children can also benefit, as they

RCMA was inconsistent with the

Cabinet’s recent approval of the

will be able to inherit from their

Constitution and invalid because

submission to Parliament of the Rec-

mother as well.

it discriminated unfairly against

ognition of Customary Marriages

women in polygamous custom-

of the ways in which this is being

Register marriages timeously


The RCMA became law on

on the basis of gender, race and

15 November 2000. It recognises

ethnic or social origin.

Amendment Bill of 2019 is just one

The Bill brings Section 7(1) and

ary marriages entered into before the commencement of the Act,

(2) of the Recognition of Custom-

all customary marriages that were

ary Marriages Act (RCMA) 1998

valid under customary law, includ-

tional invalidity was confirmed by

(Act 120 of 1998) in line with the

ing marriages that were regarded

the High Court of South Africa,

Constitutional Court’s judgment in

as invalid by the Black Administra-

Limpopo Local Division, and

2017, which declared the sections

tion Act.

suspended for 24 months to afford

The declaration of constitu-

constitutionally invalid as they

In terms of section 4(3)(a) of the

discriminated unfairly against

Act, customary marriages entered

rect the defect giving rise to the

women in customary marriages.

into before the commencement

constitutional invalidity.

Addressing a post-Cabinet me-

Parliament an opportunity to cor-

of the Act − which were not

dia briefing in Cape Town recently,

already registered in terms of any

The road ahead

the Minister in the Presidency,

other law − had to be registered

The Minister of Justice and Cor-

Jackson Mthembu, explained

within 12 months of the com-

rectional Services, Ronald Lamola,

that the Bill provides for equal

mencement of the Act. Section

will now table the Bill in Parlia-

treatment of women in pre-Act

4(3)(b) of the Act states that

ment. Then various law-making

monogamous and polygamous

marriages entered into after the

processes, including extensive

customary marriages.

commencement of the Act, must

public participation, will be un-

be registered within three months

dertaken by Parliament before it is

of the marriage.

brought into law.

“The amendments eliminate the gender-based discrimination in polygamous marriages entered

The period in which customary

Given that this legislation is a

into before the commencement

marriages could be registered, in

Section 76 Bill, which means that

of the RCMA of 1998. Spouses will

terms of both of these sections of

it will affect all provinces, it will also

now have joint and equal propri-

the Act, was then extended until 31

be considered by provincial legisla-

etary rights over marital property,”

December 2016.

tures and the National Council of

Mthembu said.


On 30 November 2017 the


Public Sector Manager • September 2019





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Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

Northern Cape sets course for progress A

n improvement in the

in their work. With September be-

not leave early, adding that the

quality of the services of-

ing Public Service Month, Dr Saul

Northern Cape’s residents have

fered by the public service

called on public servants to do

pinned their hopes on the provin-

in the Northern Cape would be a

their jobs with diligence, efficiency,

cial government being a catalyst

dream come true for Premier Dr

thoroughness and in a way that

for change. “People are expecting

Zamani Saul.

brings dignity to people.

us to do whatever is necessary to

The recently elected premier wants public servants to take pride


He said state employees must arrive at work punctually and

try and add value to their quality of life,” he said.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

To achieve this goal, Dr Saul has

identify the challenges residents

highest in the country.

set about putting the province’s

face, Dr Saul set up a desk in the

people at the centre of his govern-

reception area of the province’s

economic challenges that are

ment’s programmes.

only tertiary hospital, the Robert

confronting us and the state has

“Basically, those are the socio-

Mangaliso Sobukwe Hospital. This,

to play the catalyst role to ensure

Frills cut

he said, afforded him the chance

that we address those challenges,”

Dr Saul said the Northern Cape

to engage with patients directly

Dr Saul told PSM.

has the capacity to change its

and find out what their experienc-

high unemployment and poverty

es in the hospital had been like.

rate but to do so, politicians must

As a result of these interac-

He said putting the poor at the centre of his government’s administration will become the norm

forego the trappings of power

tions, Dr Saul said he instructed

and he hopes that as a result,

which cause a social distance be-

his health MEC, Galerekwe Mase

when his term of office ends, the

tween the people of the province

Manopole, to immediately fill

household poverty rate will have

and those they voted into power.

the vacancies in the provincial

dropped to under 30 percent

Consequently, he announced

Department of Health. The long

and unemployment to under 15

a raft of changes that show he

queues and administrative chal-


is serious about establishing a

lenges he encountered at the

capable state machinery in the

hospital also prompted him to

plans on taking full advantage

Northern Cape.

announce the implementation of

of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

a digital filing system for the prov-

to improve the public service of-

ince’s hospitals.

ferings of the Northern Cape. This

Since taking over the reins in May, Dr Saul stopped the purchase of new vehicles for MECs

When it comes to corruption, he

Dr Saul said his administration

would make it possible to deliver

and instead chose to buy ambu-

said perpetrators should be pros-

services in the small seaport vil-

lances for the province’s public

ecuted to the full extent of the law

lage of Port Nolloth with the same

hospitals. He barred the use of

while whistle-blowers should enjoy

speed as they do in Kimberley.

blue lights by members of his

full protection from the state.

cabinet and halted the hanging

“We need a modern province with a high degree of connectivity.

colleagues on the walls of govern-

A better standard of living

ment buildings.

On top of fixing the province’s

much easier so what we are say-

public service, Dr Saul wants to

ing is that we will use technology

official residence up for sale to

see the eradication of poverty and

to close the space,” he said.

raise money for educating the

unemployment in the Northern

province’s youth.

Cape. He said the province cur-

public service is able to deliver

rently has a 26 percent unemploy-

quality basic services, the North-

fully close the trust deficit that has

ment rate, of which 50 percent is

ern Cape will be able to attract

formed between the people, the

young people.

companies wishing to invest

of photographs of himself and his

In addition, he put the premier’s

He said the moves would hope-

public service and their political representatives. In another first and in an effort to

“I always raise the issue that

The use of technology to deliver services would make our lives

Dr Saul believes that once the

in the area’s natural resources.

54 percent of households in the

This would lead to the formation

province are poor households, the

of industries that need skilled

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



public schools and hospitals were turning away potential investors. As such, these are the things he wants to see improve immediately. The province has 150 operational mines but this number could grow by another 450 if the mining licences issued by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy are operationalised, Dr Saul said. He said if half of the licences were operationalised, over 70 000 jobs could be created

Premier of t he Nor t hern Cape Dr Zamani Saul.

in the Northern Cape alone.

workers and help combat the

of skilled workers. The reason for

current bleeding of skilled and

that is a reflection of the structure

experienced personnel to other

of our economy in the Northern


Cape. The biggest contributor

The Premier said he is concerned about the lack of skills among the

Dr Saul is very passionate about

to our GDP is agriculture and

education. He has a Doctorate in

mining. Agriculture and mining

Law, Constitutional Law and Juris-

youth of the province but said a skills plan is in place to ensure youngsters are more responsive to the needs of potential investors. The Northern Cape, Dr Saul said, has massive opportunities for unskilled and semi-skilled labour. He said though the province had recorded job losses in the skilled jobs category, there was growth

prudence, from the University of the Western Cape; and in January

“We need a modern province with a high degree of connectivity.”

this year started studying towards a Doctorate of Philosophy in MultiDisciplinary Studies. He recently led Kimberley-based senior government managers and volunteers on a door-to-door campaign to find unemployed matriculants. Of the 400 youngsters identified, 90 started their training

in the unskilled and semi-skilled labour sector. Dr Saul said a report had

Education and training are allimportant

need more semi-skilled and un-

at a technical and vocational

skilled workers.”

education and training college in July.

recently shown that there is an

The former Pixley ka Seme mu-

increase in employment in the

nicipal manager said to attract

Northern Cape for semi-skilled

potential investments, the state

planning on establishing a state-

and unskilled workers. “Over the

has to get the basics right. Dr Saul

owned construction company

past three years, we have lost

said that things such as potholes

which would train young people in

over 6 000 jobs in the category

and a need for additional good

artisan skills.


Dr Saul said his administration is

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

T H E T R I B U T E P U B L I CAT I O N C E L E B R AT I N G S U C C E S S I N S O U T H A F R I CA The year 2019 marks the countdown to the 25th anniversary of South Africa’s freedom and democracy. To pay tribute to this journey, we embark on one of our most prestigious projects:

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Writer: *Omega Shelembe

A coaching perspective to leadership development L

eadership, be it in a small or

ing with other people, and how

awareness necessary for personal

very large organisation, is the

their beliefs, habits and behaviours

and/or professional development

critical ingredient needed to

may support or hinder them from

of the coachee.

make things happen in organisa-

achieving their organisational



Unlike other learning modalities such as teaching, training,

To achieve organisational goals,

mentoring or consulting, wherein

a leader has to harness and

The need for coaching

expertise and/or experience forms

ensure maximum utilisation of all

There are as many definitions for

the basis for advice or guidance

the organisational resources at his

the concept of coaching as there

to the coachee, coaching is non-

or her disposal, including people,

are writers and organisations

directive. This is because it seeks

finances, technology and other

specialising on the subject and

to empower the coachee through

physical assets.


his or her journey to find solutions

This is a challenging task even for

However, what is common

for their personal or professional

the most gifted leaders, which is

among most definitions is that

why managers and leaders need

it involves a process of partner-

to be supported beyond their

ship between the coach and the

a conversation which allows the

technical capabilities in some kind

coachee. The former facilitates

coachee to narrate his or her story

of partnership that allows them

thinking and learning on the part

while the coach asks questions

to fully reflect on themselves and

of the latter, through questioning

which allow the narrator to reflect

their approaches when interact-

and listening to raise the self-

on their story and re-examine their


development. This is achieved largely through

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

thoughts, language, beliefs, as-

have observable work perfor-

our different organisations through

sumptions and habits in order to

mance benefits, it is important to

blending individual coaching with

learn and change.

emphasise that it should not be re-

team coaching both intra- and

duced to a corrective intervention


It goes without saying that the coaching process is meant to fa-

for poor performance. It should

In this way, we will develop a for-

cilitate a fundamental shift on the

rather be seen as a measure to

midable public sector leadership

part of the coachee, from the cur-

unleash individual potential to

equal to the challenge - based

rent reality or way of being towards

thrive in the workplace and any

on shared and common values of

his or her future goals.

other facets of personal life. This

service and professional integrity

means that coaching is neces-

and fully attuned to the dreams

various areas including, but not

sary and beneficial to all people

and aspirations of the citizenry we

limited to, health and wellbeing,

regardless of their current station


lifestyle and work performance.

in life.

Coaching may be applied in

Over the years, the debate on

At the best of times, the public

Having experienced and completed a coaching process as

coaching has focused less on

service carries with it an enormous

coachees, public sector manag-

whether coaching works, to really

responsibility which requires public

ers will testify to the benefits of

assessing value for money by try-

sector managers to be both ef-

a coaching relationship with a pro-

ing to understand how it works.

fective in the execution of their

fessional coach. They will find the

functions and creative in finding

experience to be truly empowering

Tangible benefits

solutions for present and future

and thus broaden their outlook

Surveys upon surveys have been

challenges facing government.

to business and interpersonal

undertaken to unpack the latter

challenges in the workplace and

question – and they seem to pro-

Critical thinking

vide evidence of tangible benefits

The present challenges are quite

both in terms of organisational

big and require equally big, if not

its benefits, public sector man-

outcomes (quality of product or

bigger, ideas to help navigate

agers can adopt and embody

service, bottom line, job satisfac-

the path to a better future for

the coaching approach for the

tion and staff retention etc.) and

all. Thus, coaching presents an

conversations they enter into and

personal outcomes (interpersonal

ideal opportunity for public sector

harness the individual or collective

relationships, personal goals, hab-

decision-makers to engage in criti-

wisdom from whomever is involved

its and behaviours, total quality life

cal thinking to generate knowl-

in the conversation. In this way,


edge and continuously reflect on

coaching becomes a standard

our values and decisions. As the

way of being.

This seems to suggest some kind of convergence between organi-

saying goes: ‘The quality of our

sational and personal interests,

decisions reflects the quality of our

which makes the case for employ-


ers to avail coaching services to

This critical thinking needs to

their employees and for employ-

happen within ourselves as indi-

ees to take up such opportunities.

vidual managers and between

Although coaching is said to

ourselves both within and between

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

beyond. Once exposed to coaching and

*Omega Shelembe is the Deputy Director-General: SOC Oversight and ICT Enterprise Development at the Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services.


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Writer: Silusapho Nyanda

Nuclear medicine reveals the inner workings of the body 46

Public Sector Manager • September 2019


uclear medicine has the

“We are able to help diagnose

spread through the body, said Dr

potential to improve the

and evaluate medical condi-


diagnosis and treatment

tions,” she explained.

of a range of diseases. Dr Dineo Mpanya, a nuclear

“For instance, if someone

While an ultrasound of, for example, the kidneys will tell

complains of chest pains and

doctors the size, location, and

medicine specialist at the Char-

the treating doctor is concerned

shape of the kidneys and detect

lotte Maxeke Johannesburg Aca-

that there might be a blood clot

cysts, tumours or infection within

demic Hospital who specialises

in one of the blood vessels in

or around the kidneys, nuclear

in medical imaging, explained

the heart and lungs, that person

medicine is able to give an even

that this medical specialty makes

will be referred to us for a lung

more detailed picture. It can as-

it possible to diagnose illnesses

(ventilation-perfusion) scan or a

sess the blood flow to the kidney

that may not be picked up by

heart scan, which assesses blood

and even determine how long

normal X-ray or CT scans.

flow in the vessels surrounding

urine takes to flow from one point

the heart.

to the next, she explained.

By providing unique information about the human body and its

Dr Mpanya said though nuclear

doctors diagnose diseases earlier

How nuclear scans work

to make treatment more effective.

Dr Mpanya explained that they

function, nuclear medicine helps

medicine is a great medical advancement, it has its risks. “Nuclear medicine uses

use a positron emission tomogra-

gamma rays which are danger-

amounts of radioactive substanc-

phy (PET) scan to take pictures of

ous in the sense that, although

es to image the body and treat

the inside of patients with cancer.

you cannot see them, they have

disease. Patients consume or are

A PET scanner is used to check

the potential to damage DNA,”

injected with a radiopharmaceu-

how far the cancer has spread.

she said, explaining that the risks

tical (tracer) which emits gamma

Patients are given an injection

are negated by using extremely

radiation. The tracer enters the

with a small amount of radiation.

small amounts of the radiotracer

organ being examined and gives

Similar to microwaves and radio

to keep the patient’s radiation

off energy in the form of gamma

waves, radiation is “moving” en-

exposure to a minimum.

rays which are detected by a

ergy although, it cannot be seen

gamma camera. The gamma

or touched. Pictures of the body

camera then sends a signal to

are then taken from the head to

Why nuclear medicine?

a computer, eventually creating

the legs.

Dr Mpanya is currently doing

images and videos showing how

Once the scans are complete,

her PhD at the University of

an organ functions.

nuclear medicine specialists

Witwatersrand focusing on using

compile a report, informing treat-

machine learning algorithms to

imaging technique, they can see

ing doctors about the extent of

predict survival and rehospitalisa-

and determine the extent of dis-

the disease so that the doctors

tion in patients with heart failure.

ease in the heart, lungs, kidneys,

know what to treat.

Nuclear medicine uses small

Dr Mpanya said with this type of

She said her interest in nuclear

bones or any organ in the body,

Nuclear medicine is effective in

medicine was sparked by a talk

with the exception of the repro-

the fight against cancer because

by a specialist in the field while

ductive organs.

it shows how far the disease has

she was doing her undergradu-

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



ate studies at the University of

cialist in nuclear medicine and

Cape Town.

molecular imaging, although

On the academic side, she has a Fellowship in Nuclear

The student was so impressed

Medicine, which she obtained

with what Dr Tessa Kotze had to say and the presentation that she did, that within a short time she had decided nuclear medicine would become her specialty. “She was showing all these wonderful images. I was seeing red and orange and I was like ‘What is this?’,” said Dr Mpanya of her reaction to seeing scans of a heart that showed its health and functioning. After graduating, Dr Mpanya did an internship at the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital in 2009 and

in 2017, the same year that she obtained her Master of Medicine

“By providing unique information about the human body and its function, nuclear medicine helps doctors diagnose diseases earlier.”

(cum laude) from the University of the Witwatersrand.

The future of medicine Dr Mpanya believes that there needs to be greater awareness among her colleagues of the importance of nuclear medicine. She said doctors need to learn more about it during the early stages of their studies to encourage more specialty in the field. She said if more doctors were aware of the benefits of nuclear

2010. She then left for Durban

medicine, then more people

where she worked as a medical

would be referred for scans that

officer in the Wentworth District

she is currently on special leave

are sensitive, detecting disease

Hospital in 2011 and later moved

so that she can focus on her

early and resulting in more effec-

to the Inanda Community Health


tive treatment.

Centre the following year. However, she soon decided to return to Johannesburg because she loved the “energy and drive

About Dr Mpanya

of the city”. In 2013, she joined

Dr Mpanya represented Durban in the 1999/2000 United Nations

the Charlotte Maxeke hospital as

Debate for South Africa High Schools.

a medical officer in the Department of Nuclear Medicine. In the

She is a budding fashion designer and an avid runner who has participated in the Soweto Marathon.

same year, she became a reg-

Dr Mpanya is a member of the Colleges of Medicine of South

istrar in the same department.

Africa, the South African Heart Association, the Society of Nuclear

She held this position until she

Medicine and Molecular Imaging, the South African Society of

became a data manager in the

Nuclear Medicine and a member of the South African Medical

Division of Cardiology in 2018.


The 35-year-old is now a spe-


Public Sector Manager • September 2019


Writers: Dale Hes and Silusapho Nyanda

Early diagnosis

of cervical cancer saves lives


ll sexually active women

could progress to cancer.

abnormal cells are found, more

and those over 21

According to the KwaZulu-

should have a Pap

Natal Department of Health,

mended, even after the age of

smear done at least once every

cervical cancer does not sud-

65. However, women who have

three years to screen for cervical

denly develop. There is a grad-

had a hysterectomy do not have

cancer, says Gynaecological On-

ual change in the cells from

to have Pap smears anymore.

cologist Dr Nolisa Giyose.

normal to abnormal before they

Cervical cancer is the second

become pre-cancerous and

you should have a Pap smear

most common cancer in South

then cancerous. A Pap smear is

within one year of that diagnosis

African women.

used to detect these changes

and if your pap smear is normal

so that treatment can start early

then you should have a pap

less test done by a doctor or

and cervical cancer can be

smear after every three years.

gynaecologist to detect early


A Pap smear is a quick, pain-

changes in cells in the cervix –

Women should have one Pap

frequent smears may be recom-

“If you are HIV positive then

"If the Pap smear shows abnormal cells then you should have

the lower part of the uterus that

smear done every three years,

more frequent pap smears,” Dr

opens into the vagina – which

from the age of 21 to 65. If

Giyose said.


Public Sector Manager • September 2019

a test for human papillomavirus (HPV), a common sexually transmitted infection. Almost all

are bleeding during or after sex, irregular discharge, abnormal and extremely painful periods,”

cervical cancers and some

she said, cautioning that in some

cancers of the vagina and

women there are no symptoms at

vulva are caused by HPV.

all, which is why regular screen-

If a Pap smear is positive and the woman is not treated, she is

ing is vital. Dlamini was diagnosed with cervical cancer in April 2018 after

Healthy cervix

going to her clinic due to pain in her lower abdomen and pelvis. She said her Pap smear results came back a month later and

What happens during the Pap smear procedure

she was referred to her local hospital, which in turn referred her to the Nelson Mandela Academic

A Pap smear is performed in

Cervical cancer

the doctor’s office and only takes a few minutes. You lie

Hospital in Mthatha where she was told she had cervical cancer. “The doctors told me that due

down on your back on an exam

to the severity of the cancer, it

table, with your knees bent, while

at high risk of developing cervi-

was best to remove my entire

the doctor gently inserts an in-

cal cancer over a five- to 30-year

womb to stop it from spreading

strument, called a speculum, into

period. However, if abnormali-


your vagina. The speculum holds

ties are detected and treated,

the walls of your vagina apart so

progression to invasive cervical

removed and Dlamini is now hav-

that your doctor can easily see

cancer can be prevented.

ing further treatment.

the cervix. Samples are taken of

With September being Cervical

Her womb has since been

“Women who suspect that

your cervical cells, using a soft

Cancer Awareness Month, PSM

something is wrong must seek

brush or flat scraping device

spoke to *Zibulani Dlamini, who is

medical help immediately,”

called a spatula, and sent to a

currently undergoing treatment

cautioned Dlamini.

laboratory for testing.

for cervical cancer.

* Not her real name.

While a Pap smear is not sore,

She stressed the importance

it can be slightly uncomfortable.

of going for regular Pap smears,

After the test, you can carry on

saying if she had been better

with your normal daily activities.

informed she would have tested

A Pap smear is usually done

earlier. “When you have regular pain

during a routine pelvic exam. In women older than 30, a Pap

in your lower abdomen, you

smear can be combined with

should get tested. Other signs

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Cervical cancer patients and women who want more information on the disease can contact the Cancer Association of South Africa on 0800 22 66 22.



Writer: Allison Cooper

GBVF’s lifelong effects on children Gender-Based Violence and femicide can have a severe impact on a child’s physical health, growth and development.


hildren growing up in a

cal problems that could lead to

directly abused or not,” said Dr

household with Gender-

suicide, there are also social issues,


Based Violence and

stigma and rejection,” she added.

Femicide (GBVF) often feel hope-

“It is a well-documented reality that men, in general, have

Long-lasting effects

power and control over women

The impact of GBVF on children

and children, and often through

Ngubeni, an occupational medi-

differs due to various factors, such

violence. GBVF deprives children of

cal doctor at the Gauteng Depart-

as the nature, frequency and se-

an environment that enables them

ment of Health, who emphasised

verity of the abuse. Other stressors

to fully develop their potential. They

that all forms of GBVF are a viola-

in the family, such as a parent with

can become desensitised to suffer-

tion of children’s rights.

mental health or substance abuse

ing and may learn to see the use

problems can make the impact

of violence as a means to achieve


their own aims,” she added.

less. This is according to Dr Dudu

“GBVF is a sad reality worldwide and is shockingly prevalent in South Africa,” said Dr Ngubeni. “Imagine what rape and physical

GBV can be verbal, physical,

Younger children witnessing or

sexual or psychological. “Children

experiencing GBVF could display

assault does to children. In addi-

are at an increased risk of emo-

anxiety or increased fear; depres-

tion to physical injuries and long-

tional and behavioural problems,

sion; loss of interest in school,

lasting emotional and psychologi-

regardless of whether they were

friends or other things they en-


Public Sector Manager • September 2019

joyed in the past; sleep problems, including nightmares or bedwetting; increased aggression; anger or changes in appetite. Older children react differently. Boys could express their distress outwardly, by becoming aggressive; using violence to solve problems; or using alcohol or drugs, to block out disturbing experiences and memories. Girls are more likely to keep their distress inside. They may become withdrawn, anxious or depressed; have an eating disorder or harm themselves by cutting or using

petrator of GBVF or a substance

children repeat the same pattern.

alcohol or drugs.

user,” she said.

Many try not to make the same

In most cases, the impact of

The SBCWC handles new cases

mistakes as their parents.

GBVF on children lasts for a long

of GBVF daily. “Most children are

time after the abuse itself. As

affected either directly or indirectly

posed to GBVF should be evaluat-

adults, these children are more

by GBVF, which places them at

ed by a trained mental health pro-

likely to become involved in a

severe risk. The centre has also ob-

fessional, who will recommend the

violent and abusive relationships

served an increase in the number

necessary treatment for emotional


of people in need of services and

and behavioural problems. Treat-

GBVF is a common factor,” said

ment can include therapy and, in


some cases, medication may be

“Studies have shown that children who experience GBVF could grow up believing in power

In one case, a child was suicidal

inequalities in interpersonal rela-

due to a lack of parental support,

tionships and society. They then

love and attention. “The parents

reproduce a structure that enables

were constantly having physical

GBVF,” Dr Ngubeni explained.

and verbal fights, in front of the child. As a result, the child lost the

Children might become perpetrators of GBVF

motivation for school and future goals,” said Mbambo. Children tend to copy behaviour.

Children and adolescents ex-

helpful. The non-abusive parent or caregiver also needs support. For more information about getting help for children who are affected by GBVF, contact the GBV Command Centre’s tollfree helpline at 0800 428 428 or request a social worker to contact you by dialling *120*7867# from your cellphone.

Siliziwe Mbambo, a child protec-

Boys learn from their fathers to

tion social worker from the Saartjie

be violent to women. Girls learn

Baartman Centre for Women and

from their mothers that violence is

150 150 or the SBCWC at

Children (SBCWC), agrees. “In later

normal and something they have

021 633 5287.

life, the child might become a per-

to put up with. However, not all

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

You can also contact the Stop Gender Violence Helpline at 0800



go beyond merely seeking to trim the edges off our carbon footprint, and to create a completely different mindset about life on Earth. For some, the word “biotechnology” invokes fearful images of genetically engineered animals and crops that will harm us in ways yet to be discovered, powerful gene drives, and undetectable gene edits, used by the huge and supposedly uncaring multinationals to the detriment of ordinary people. In reality, there is a rapid move to the opposite end of the spectrum. Biotechnology is about small companies focusing on niche technologies that adapt better to precise requirements. Biotechnology is used in medicine, for vaccine and diagnostic production, among other things, in a precision approach tailored to

The world is grappling with climate change and global

the variability of humans.

warming; fiddling with ways to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the impact of the powerful forces of industrial

Biotechnology is about converting unusable or

output and wealth creation. And all the while, Rome burns.

waste biomass into useful products, including biofuel, bioplastics and purpose-designed biomaterials,

Climate change is already starting to affect the world.

enzymes, paints, specialised chemicals and fertilizers. It

Not only are average temperatures increasing, but sea

is used to produce pest-resistant and drought-tolerant

levels are rising and extreme weather conditions are

domesticated crops and animals, using traits that can

becoming more frequent. June 2019 was the hottest June

be developed by local universities and entrepreneurs

ever recorded on Earth. Paris has recorded its highest ever

into varieties that have a higher yield. Quite remarkably,

temperature this year.

biotechnology can also be used to extract certain metals from their crushed stone ores, while harnessing

A recent report from Australian think-tank Breakthrough

carbon in a much more reusable cycle.

made it clear, yet again, that climate change is a genuine threat to future human existence on the planet.

Not all biotech applications are part of a bio-friendly

The conservative 2°C global warming scenario (which is

paradise – biotechnology still needs to be managed.

likely to be exceeded with world politics in their current

But the bio-economy (overlapping with the bio-based

state) sees Pretoria and Johannesburg heating up by four

economy, the green economy and the circular economy)

to six degrees celsius, among other catastrophic impacts.

needs to become the new worldview for humankind.

And this scenario is based on scientific conservatism which may hugely underestimate the unfolding reality. This opinion piece is, however, not about climate change or its dire implications. It is intended, rather, to explain why South Africans, and indeed all other nations on the planet, need to get serious about the bio-economy. The bio-economy is about harnessing living things to produce useful outcomes, including products, services, methodologies, livelihoods and sustainable world-views. It is about a much more environmentally friendly way of production than standard industrial processes, for example, with their high pressures, high temperatures and high-energy inputs. It’s a way of starting the fight to



Cape Town was bought by Roche Pharmaceuticals for R4 billion a few years back. We have a range of indigenous knowledge-based products that are becoming available in shops around the country. We have a homegrown malaria candidate drug that demonstrates great promise


in clinical trials, and a variety of diagnostics, devices and software that are assisting with infectious diseases and maternal and child health. We have partnerships with industry that are producing higher yielding wheat, maize and soya varieties, and keeping our forestry industry at the forefront of biomass production. Most of the maize, soya and cotton in South Africa are genetically modified,

We have to change the very patterns of our daily

allowing primary production to match South Africa’s needs

existence, and ensure carbon capture for all energy

without increasing agricultural land space.

use – personal or business-related. This is, in the opinion of the Global Bioeconomy Summit’s International Advisory

We should not be naïve. The world that our children will

Council, a last chance for humanity.

inherit will not be one in which sleek cows walk happily through sun-graced pastures with human herders and

The South African government has taken several

vast tracts of pristine nature in the background. Humans

steps to promote the bio-economy. The BIO Africa

have already destroyed so much of the planet with our

Convention is one of these. South Africa is also one of

burgeoning population and ever-increasing impact on

only a handful of countries across the world that has a

the environment that I am of the view that – with early

Bio-economy Strategy.

stage climate change already starting to buffet the planet – there is no way back. We will have to move

Since 2003, the Department of Science and Innovation

forward and use the technologies and the skills we have

has been investing more than R200 million per year

amassed to create a new future. But this future is about

in bio-innovation, setting up technology platforms,

life. It is about understanding the incredible diversity

creating financial instruments to support technology

evolution has bequeathed us, and working with this

innovations, establishing facilities and centres that

knowledge to find a gentler way of continued existence.

have been churning out new knowledge and skills, supporting bio-entrepreneurs, making the national system of innovation more enabling of biotechnology, and encouraging the private sector to come to the party. And yet we are merely scratching the surface. The demand for both financial resources and biotech

Ben Durham is the Chief Director: Bioinnovation at the Department of Science and Innovation, and a key implementer of the South African Bio-economy Strategy. He also serves on the International Advisory Council of the Global Bioeconomy Summit.

solutions hugely outstrips what we have available. We need far more commitment to the bio-economy – not just from government, but also from the private sector. A bio-economy is also not just a national effort. One country alone is not going to save the planet. We need international partnerships to ensure that the best technologies are used across the globe to have the


greatest possible impact. We need to put the best minds

Switchboard: +27 12 843 6300

together to forge a future in which our children can survive.

Address: DST Building (Building No. 53) (CSIR South Gate Entrance)

We have had some great bio-economy experiences in South Africa. For example, a biotech enzyme startup in

Meiring Naudé Road, Brummeria Postal Address: Private Bag X894, Pretoria


Writer: Allison Cooper

Sex offenders to be held accountable


mendments to the

saying that it was only after Cabi-

which amends the Criminal Pro-

Criminal Procedure Act

net approved the introduction of

cedure Act.

in 2018 has ensured that

the Criminal Procedure Amend-

The proposed Amendment

sex offenders can be brought to

ment Bill, 2018, aimed at amend-

Bill not only enables charges to

book by adults who were sexually

ing the Criminal Procedure Act to

be filed against offenders after

abused as children, as the time

see sexual offences prosecuted

20 years, it also extends the list

restriction of 20 years that was in

retrospectively, that she decided

of sexual offences in respect of

place for prosecuting offenders

to take action as the statute of


has been removed.

limitations had been amended.

The amendments to the Bill will

After hearing this news, which is

The sisters want an open trial

a welcome relief for many victims

to expose the perpetrators’ lack

many others who suffered sexual

of sexual abuse and Gender-

of remorse and give strength to

abuse as children, as while they

Based Violence (GBV), sisters

those in similar situations who are

may have been too scared to say

Lisa van der Merwe (56) and

scared to speak out.

anything when they were young-

make a world of difference for

Claudine Shiels (60) laid charges

er, they can now seek justice.

abusers. The sisters were allegedly

Constitutional Court sets wheels in motion

lowing the South Gauteng High

sexually abused by two relatives

In May 2018, Cabinet approved

Court’s judgement in the Leven-

from 1974 to 1979.

the introduction of the Criminal

stein court case, in which eight

Procedure Amendment Bill, 2018,

women wanted to lay criminal

against their alleged childhood

Van der Merwe was reported as


The changes came about fol-

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

charges against stockbroker Sid-

amendments to Section 18 of the

minimum sentence of life impris-

ney Frankel, who they accused of

Criminal Procedure Act, 1977, and

onment for crimes related to

being a paedophile. Frankel has

Section 12 of the Prescription Act,

aggravated murder, aggravated

since passed away.

1969. “The bill is in the process of

rape and aggravated compelled

being finalised,” he added.


In a unanimous judgment, the

Aggravated rape refers to

Constitutional Court said the law was “…inconsistent with the Con-

particularly brutal rapes where,

stitution and invalid to the extent

for example, the victim is raped

that it bars, in all circumstances, the right to institute a criminal prosecution for all sexual offences, other than rape or compelled rape; trafficking persons for sexual purposes and using a child or person who is mentally disabled for pornographic purposes; after the lapse of a period of 20 years from the time when the offence was committed.” The Constitutional Court gave Parliament two years to “cure the constitutional defect” and signalled that inaction would result in an automatic implementation of its ruling. The amendments also enable the National Prosecuting Authority wider discretion to institute prosecutions in sexual offences,

“The proposed Amendment Bill not only enables charges to be filed against offenders after 20 years, it also extends the list of sexual offences in respect of prosecution.”

more than once; while compelled rape means forcing someone else to rape a victim. First-time rape offenders (without aggravating factors) will receive a minimum sentence of 10 years, second offenders will receive a minimum of 15 years and third offenders a minimum of 25 years. The Criminal Law Sexual Offences and Related Matters Amendment Act further protects victims of GBV, outlining a variety of crimes related to sexual abuse. According to the latest annual crime statistics released in September 2018, 50 108 sexual offences were recorded by the police in 2017/18, which was

in accordance with Chapter 2 of

up from 49 660 in 2016/17. The

the Constitution.

majority of the sexual offences recorded were rapes, followed by

Justice and Correctional Services spokesperson Chrispin Phiri

Minimum sentences

said in a media report in August

The Criminal Law Amendment

that the Criminal Procedure

Act 105 of 1997 compels courts

Merwe and Claudine Shiels’ al-

Amendment Bill was withdrawn

to impose minimum sentences

leged abusers came before the

from Parliament on 24 January

for certain crimes, unless compel-

court in August is was postponed

2019, to enable the department

ling circumstances justify a lesser

because one of the accused

to prepare a single Amend-


was in hospital and could not

ment Bill dealing with proposed

The Act sets the prescribed

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

sexual assaults. When the case against Van der

appear in court.



Source: SAnews

Drought, trade top SADC summit agenda D

eclining food produc-

The meeting, which was also

the development of a diversified,

tion and slow growth in

attended by President Cyril

innovative and globally competi-

intra-Africa trade levels

Ramaphosa, urged member

tive industrial base.

were flagged as areas of con-

States to implement comprehen-

cern at the 39th Southern African

sive multi-year response plans

concern the slow growth in

Development Community (SADC)

to tackle the recurrent droughts

intra-SADC trade levels, and that

Ordinary Summit of Heads of

and food insecurity to boost

the region continues to export

State and Government.

agricultural production.

unprocessed raw material to the

The summit, which took place

“The summit noted with great

The summit noted progress

rest of the world, thereby forfeit-

in Tanzania in August, noted the

in the implementation of the

ing the potential benefits of the

overall decline in food produc-

SADC Industrialisation Strategy

resource endowments,” a com-

tion in the region for the 2018/19

and approved the Protocol on

munique issued at the end of the

crop season.

Industry, which aims to promote

summit read.

The 39t h Ordinar y Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government took place at t he Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre in Tanzania.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Leaders of SADC countries at t he 39t h Ordinar y Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government.

To this effect, the summit

sentenced offenders to serve

for the immediate lifting of sanc-

agreed to accelerate the imple-

their sentences in their home

tions to facilitate socio-economic

mentation of the industrialisation


recovery in the country.”


On developments in individual

The summit declared 25 Octo-

countries, the summit also noted

ber as the date on which SADC

approve Kiswahili as the fourth

that Burundi met some of the

member States can collectively

SADC Official Working Language.

eligibility criteria for admission of

voice their disapproval of the

This is in recognition of its con-

new members into SADC.

sanctions through various activi-

A decision was also made to

tribution and Mwalimu Julius

The East African country will

Kambarage Nyerere’s role during

submit a progress report based

the liberation struggle.

on which a verification mission

The current official languages are English, Portuguese and French. Meanwhile, the summit also approved the Protocol on Inter-State Transfer of Sentenced Offenders, which allows for the transfer of

will be undertaken. The summit noted the adverse

ties and platforms until the sanctions are lifted. It called for the unconditional implementation of all UN resolutions and AU decisions

impact of sanctions on Zimba-

on Western Sahara, which will

bwe’s economy and the region

lead to a positive, peaceful and

at large.

permanent solution that meets

“[The summit] expressed solidarity with Zimbabwe, and called

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

the aspirations of the people of Western Sahara.


Mr. Pule Patrick Mashele, principal of Letaba TVET College

LETABA TVET COLLEGE The Department of Higher Education and Training appointed Mr. Pule Patrick Mashele as the Principal of Letaba TVET College in August 2015. The college has, for the first time since being audited by the Auditor General of South Africa, achieved an unqualified audit outcome in 2018 under his leadership. Mr. Mashele possesses a Master in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science degree, among others, and is a teacher by profession. Having gone through the ranks in education – from being a teacher in high school to a Principal of three different secondary schools – he also served in different positions in both Provincial and National Government. Before Mr. Mashele took office, the College had received a disclaimer audit opinion for the past two consecutive years. It was also dealing with low certification rates, ill-discipline among employees and students, financial distress, poor working relationships between organised labour, council, management and staff; fraud and corruption, and students unrest. Through concerted efforts, determination and commitment, the college has made strides in terms of resolving the audit


findings, as well as improving certification

Letaba TVET College is now regarded as one of the best colleges

rates, instilling discipline among employees and

in the country, after previously being rated as one of the poorest

students, building sound relationships with both

performing colleges. The College is also the only TVET college in

internal and external stakeholders, putting in

Limpopo province with an unqualified audit opinion. One of the

place internal controls to prevent and eliminate

basic principles Mr. Mashele has implemented during his tenure,

corrupt and fraudulent activities and promoting

was no deviation from policies and procedures. This ensured that

open, transparent and fair processes in terms of

systems were put in place, which has led the college to move from

the appointment of staff and service providers.

a disclaimer audit to an unqualified audit outcome. Mr. Mashele emphasises and lives up to his motto of: “Teaching and learning first at all times”. This approach has led to the college

The principal instilled the culture of

obtaining the highest certification rate since the merger in 2011. Mr.

compliance, time management,

Mashele has ensured that he supports students and staff holistically.

team work and commitment.

During the past three years that the college participated in the

Through continuous engagements

National Department of Higher Education and Training College

he made sure that all staff are aware and abide by the code of conduct at all times. The College lives up to its values of :

Championships, it has produced top achievements in the top 10 category for gold among the 50 TVET colleges. However, this does not mean that it was a walk in the park as the principal found student unrests which led to damages to the college properties. Today, looking back, the college can proudly say that it has managed to limit the extent of student unrests to zero. This was achieved through the systems that were put in place to guide and lead the students in the proper direction while at the same time resolving matters amicably.



At all times the principal encourages hard work and rewards good performance. Despite his successes, Mr. Mashele remains humble and his motto to the staff remains unchanged: “Teaching and learning remain our number one priority”.



We pride ourselves by the strong leadership that we have built and proper systems that we have put in place.




TRANSPARENCY Postal Address: Private bag X4017, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel: (015) 3075440 • Fax: (015) 3072204 • Email: Website:


Writer: Dale Hes

Limpopo, a new era of prosperity

Limpopo's capital of Polokwane is home to approximately 190 000 people.


n the far north of South Africa,

rate, the province is also one of

– the lowest in the country. More

the province of Limpopo is in

the poorest in South Africa, with

than 200 000 people of working

the midst of promising trans-

the majority of the population

age make a living as subsistence

formation. It boasts the country’s

living in rural villages. The agricul-

farmers, providing for their families

lowest unemployment rate and a

ture, mining, tourism and game

with crops and livestock.

number of large industrial projects.

ranching industries are the main

The provincial government is on

The province has been on a

contributors to the economy, and

drive to industrialise areas of the

a mission to usher in a new era of

Premier Stanley Mathabatha is

region in order to create a larger

prosperity for the people.

at the helm of further diversifying

number of formal jobs. In his lat-

and expanding economic growth

est State of the Province Address

in the region.

in June, Premier Mathabatha

Dominated by rural areas and game reserves, Limpopo is a typical example of a developing

According to Statistics South Af-

highlighted the development of

province. Although it has South

rica, Limpopo’s official unemploy-

several Special Economic Zones

Africa’s lowest unemployment

ment rate stands at 18.5 percent

(SEZs) in the province. In 2017,


Public Sector Manager • September 2019

former Minister of Trade and

The implementation of the

while seven percent will go to

Industry Rob Davies officially des-

project will also be accompa-

businesses owned by people liv-

ignated the Musina-Makhado SEZ

nied by the Musina-Makhado SEZ

ing with disabilities.”

an area rich in mineral deposits.

Skills Development Plan, which

Premier Mathabatha said this

To further develop the youth of

was approved in order to allow

the province, the Limpopo Skills

flagship project has so far at-

young people to take advantage

Academy has been established

tracted R150 billion worth of com-

of created job opportunities. The

through the Limpopo Develop-

mitted investments in mining and

Premier said the province has put

ment Agency, as well as a Youth

energy projects, which has forced

young people and women at the

Digital Skills Database that will

job creation targets to revise

heart of state procurement and

foster the development of digital


economic development.

skills among young people.

“Our focus is to ensure that a

“We have taken a deliberate

significant number of the project-

decision to place our young

ed jobs should be taken up by

people at the centre of our eco-

Capitalising on the mining sector

the people of Limpopo, particu-

nomic development programme.

With rich platinum, iron ore, cop-

larly our young people. It is also

We have thus taken a decision

per, coal and nickel deposits, min-

worth mentioning that due to the

that 20 percent of state procure-

ing currently contributes around

increasing investor appetite in this

ment should go to youth-owned

25 percent of Limpopo’s gross

project; our initial target of creat-

enterprises. In the same vein, 20

domestic product.

ing 21 000 jobs is set to be revised

percent of state procurement will

The province currently has 147

upwards,” he said.

benefit women-owned enterprises

operational mining projects, with

Limpopo Premier Stanley Mat habat ha giving presents to a learner at t he Nor t hern Academy Independent Sc hool.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



several more ready to become

cial challenges and was unable

operational soon.

to deliver services as expected

municipality or municipal entity

by the people. Many provincial

in this province managed to

in the pipeline in the Capricorn

departments were under na-

receive a clean audit is a matter

and Sekhukhune Districts. These

tional government administration

of great concern. Even more

projects are expected to attract

in terms of Section 100 of the

worrying is that the number of

investments worth R2.5 billion


adverse and disclaimer audit

“A further eight projects are

and create around 3000 jobs. It

“At that time, the province had

“The fact that not even a single

opinions have increased. We

is in this context that we will be

R1.7 billion in overdraft and R2.7

simply can no longer proceed in

working with the mining houses

billion of unauthorised expendi-

this fashion.”

to ensure that the province

ture. Today, we can confidently

maximises all possible returns

say that Limpopo is back on

swift action by municipal leader-

from the mining activities taking

a sound financial footing. We

ship, as well as poor implementa-

place in Limpopo,” added Premier

are no longer in the red. We are

tion of audit remedial plans, as


delivering services to the people,”

areas that need to be improved

he pointed out.

in the new administration.

The Premier identified a lack of

Overcoming financial disarray

However, the Premier voiced

“Going forward, more attention

concerns that no municipalities

will be given to strengthening the

When the Premier’s administra-

in the province had received

capacity of municipalities to fulfill

tion took over the leadership in

clean audits in the past financial

their constitutional mandate,” the

2014, the province faced finan-


Premier said.

Limpopo is home to some of Sout h Africa's best wildlife reser ves, suc h as t he Waterberg Game Park.


Public Sector Manager • September 2019


Writer: Dale Hes

The solar-powered Gwakwani Baker y produces 160 loaves of fresh bread per day.

Musina a shining

example for rural municipalities


unicipalities in most rural

ity is showing that, even in one of

areas face immense

South Africa’s poorest and least

“There is no backlog of elec-

challenges in terms of

developed provinces, solutions

tricity supply in the urban areas

infrastructure development, ser-

can be found to some very com-

of Musina. We are working with

vice delivery and job creation. In

plex problems.

Eskom to address the backlog

many respects, the Musina Local

the Municipality Address in June.

in rural areas, especially where

an example of how to improve

Delivering services to the people

these municipalities and create

With many untarred roads and

urban areas of Musina have

opportunities for residents.

undeveloped infrastructure, ser-

access to water on a daily basis.

vice delivery has historically been

The majority of our villages have

proximately 69 000 households,

a challenge outside the urban

street taps, but some villagers still

the Musina Local Municipal-

hub of Musina. Over the past

complain of serious water short-

ity encompasses the town of

decade, the administration has

ages,” she said.

Musina and a number of rural

worked hard to address service

villages. Led by Executive Mayor

delivery backlogs, as highlighted

by drought conditions, should

Mihloti Muhlope, the municipal-

by Mayor Muhlope in her State of

be addressed by the imminent

Municipality in Limpopo is setting

Comprising 12 wards and ap-


we have extensions and new settlements. All areas in the

Water shortages, amplified

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

completion of the multi-million Luphephe Nwanedi Regional

50 000 community members. “The centre is closing the ser-

here in Musina,” Mayor Muhlope pointed out. The college campus is almost

Water Scheme, which will supply

vice delivery gap as rural people

water to 12 villages in the munici-

do not have to travel for long

ready to welcome its first intake of


distances to access services in


“We are engaging with

Town,” said Mayor Muhlope.

Fund has produced 17 graduates

Vhembe District Municipality to address all water-related challenges in Musina Municipality,” said Mayor Muhlope.

Meanwhile, the Mayoral Bursary

Education and skills development on the rise

over the past six years, funding the studies of indigent learners. In the past financial year, two learn-

Musina is celebrating the

ers graduated from university,

good progress in providing

milestone of establishing its first

with the first gaining a BA degree

free services to more than 3

institution of higher learning, with

in Local Government and being

000 indigent families, providing

the launch of the Vhembe Tech-

offered an employment contract

them with 6 000 litres of water, 55

nical and Vocational Education

with the municipality.

kilowatts of electricity and free

and Training College's Musina

sewerage and refuse removal


The municipality has made

services every month.

“This comes at the right time

The second graduate completed a BSc Degree in Life Science with distinction, and is going on

when Musina is preparing to

to pursue his honours degree.

song Service Centre in Ward 8 of

become a city in the near future.

From 1 July this year, the munici-

the municipality has been rated

Through this college, our people

pality increased its budget for the

as one of the best-performing

will be able to acquire skills that

fund from R1.5 million to R1.8

walk-in centres in Limpopo. In the

will help us to sustain the Special


past financial year, the centre

Economic Zone which is in the

An innovative solar-powered

successfully serviced more than

early stages of implementation

community bakery, cold storage

Meanwhile, the Madimbo Thu-

facility and education centre has also improved the lives of people in the deep rural village of Gwakwani. “The biggest challenge which faced the people of Gwakwani was the lack of any form of steady income because the majority of the community members depended on social grants,” explained Mayor Muhlope. Currently, five community memMusina Mayor Mihloti Muhlope addressing learners at t he Sc huitdrif t Farm Sc hool.

bers are part of the project and they produce 160 sold loaves of bread per day.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019




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Writer: Dale Hes

Partnering to improve air access

Making South Africa more accessible to international visitors and open to successful trade with other countries is crucial for the economic growth of the country.


outh Africa’s international airports open up our country to tourists, busi-

tion and job creation.

percent since 2012/13, Cape Town

In the 2018/19 financial year, the

International Airport has almost

country’s two main international

doubled its arrivals over the same

nesspeople and large corporates

airports in Johannesburg and

period. This is in no small part

from around the world. Developing

Cape Town recorded more than

due to Cape Town Air Access, a

greater air access has been identi-

5.5 million international arrivals.

pioneering joint initiative between

fied as a key enabler for economic

While the OR Tambo International

local and provincial government,

growth, unlocking industry sectors

Airport has increased international

South African Tourism and the

that will lead to business incuba-

arrivals by a commendable 10

private sector.

Inspiration behind Cape Town Air Access In 2012, South African Airways stopped all international flights from and to Cape Town, which had a significant impact on the tourism economy of the province. Cape Town Air Access project manager David King says that this meant that a new, coordinated professional approach was needed to stimulate international arrivals and departures. The highly successful Cape Town Air Access initiative is ensuring t hat Sout h Africa is better connected to international markets.


“As a destination, we needed to engage with the international air-

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

line community to convince them Cape Town Air Access focuses on making t he Western Cape accessible to more airlines from around t he world.

to fly to Cape Town and show them that it could be a profitable route,” King explains. He says that creating a strong air network for Cape Town was a major priority for a number of reasons. “For a local economy, a good and varied air network is essential for positioning yourself as a global destination, as it attracts foreign investments and improves trade, tourism and conferencing. It also contributes towards direct and indirect job creation.”

Lift-off for a groundbreaking project

ity to Cape Town and the Western

development. Plans were also


undertaken to include the private

The primary mandate of the pro-

sector, as connectivity serves their

In July 2015, the City of Cape

ject team is to promote, develop

interests as well. Our private sector

Town, the Western Cape Govern-

and maintain international air

partners have been great support-

ment, the Airports Company of

routes in and out of Cape Town.

ers of the project,” King explains.

South Africa, Cape Town Tourism

“We do this through three meth-

and tourism and economic de-

ods – route retention (ensuring the

Remarkable success

velopment agency Wesgro joined

success of existing routes), route

Through the collaborative efforts

forces to develop the Cape Town

expansion (increasing capacity

of all stakeholders, the project has

Air Access project. Cape Town Air

of existing routes) and new route

proved to be immensely success-

Access is housed within Wesgro as

establishment,” says King.

ful in reaching its goals.

The project has required exten-

In just four years, Cape Town

aged through a steering commit-

sive collaboration and discussion

Air Access has opened 15 new

tee comprising representatives

with airline companies, tourism

routes and expanded 20 existing

from all the project partners. King

agencies and governments

routes, doubling international seat

says that the project is a pio-

around the world. Private sector

capacity by adding 1.5 million

neering one in the global airline

partners such as Naspers, Tsogo

seats. This has contributed an es-


Sun and Investec have also been

timated R6 billion in direct tourism

supporting the project.

spend. King says that one of the

a strategic project and is man-

“This is the first of its kind in air route development globally

“The project team actively en-

most important aspects has been

and is unique in that it includes

gages the airline community and

having one single point of contact

involvement from three spheres

maintains strong relationships with

– through the steering commit-

of government, all sharing in the

airline partners by serving as a

tee – that allows for more efficient

same goal to improve connectiv-

reliable point of contact for route


Public Sector Manager • September 2019



“Through the project, everyone has been able to see the value

will be breaking new ground

States is the third-largest source

again, when a new direct, non-

market for the Western Cape, and

of collaboration and how having a single point of contact makes the route development process easier, especially in approaching and working with airlines. Having one point of contact increases efficiency and allows for faster decision-making.” Due to the resounding success of the project, there has been intense interest from a number of other airports looking to replicate the model. “Not only is there interest in replicating the Cape Town Air Access model within other regions in South Africa, but also in Africa

tourist arrivals from the country

“Not only is there interest in replicating the Cape Town Air Access model within other regions in South Africa, but also in Africa and globally.”

increased by 19 percent between 2017 and 2018. This month, Cape Town Air Access will also be travelling to Adelaide, Australia, to meet with key decision-makers at World Routes 2019 – a global conference which every major airline, airport and aviation stakeholder attends annually.

Connecting to the rest of Africa and the world With approximately half of the world’s fastest-growing economies located on the African continent, facilitating and expanding flights

and globally. We currently offer our

to the rest of Africa remains a key

services to the Nelson Mandela

priority for Cape Town Air Access.

Bay Chamber and Kruger Mpu-

stop route with United Airlines

malanga Airport on a consultancy

will open between New York

basis,” says King.

and Cape Town. After the United

Airlines have brought their opera-

Kingdom and Germany, the United

tions to Cape Town, adding

In December 2019, the project

Since 2015, four new African

400 000 new seats to the air network from destinations such as Addis Ababa, Harare, Kigali, Livingstone, Luanda, Maun, Nairobi, Victoria Falls and Gaborone. King says that one of the main priorities going forward will be to improve connectivity in West Africa in particular, and to unlock new international markets. “We are focusing on growing the current route network to include direct access to major unreserved Cape Town International Airpor t has doubled its international tourist arrivals since 2013.


markets for Cape Town, like Australia and South America,” he adds.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019


Writer: More Matshediso

Africa unites to raise the bar for secondary education


econdary education em-

Development of Education in Af-

tion in Africa: Preparing Youth for

powers young people at

rica (ADEA) Dialogue Forum on

the Future of Work.

a time in their lives when

Secondary Education in Africa.

they are the most hopeful, experi-

The forum is also attended

ADEA is a high-level an-

by academics, policy-makers,

mental and flexible. This life stage

nual policy dialogue forum that

high-level representatives from

should be embraced to empow-

brings together ministers respon-

development co-operation

er young people to take charge

sible for education, youth and

partners, the private sector, civil

of their lives and the future.

labour from across the African

society, teacher and parent as-

This is according to Presi-

continent to review and discuss

sociations, youth organisations

dent Cyril Ramaphosa, who

the findings and recommenda-

and the media.

addressed delegates at the

tions of the Mastercard Founda-

inaugural Association for the

tion report, Secondary Educa-


President Ramaphosa said Africa’s demographic dividend

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

“Secondary education occupies a crucial role in our effort to set the people of our continent on a path to sustainable and inclusive development that will benefit all of humanity.” can only be earned through

to work and grow their econo-

are finding it difficult to secure

investment in the continent’s

mies while contributing to taxes


highest-yielding resource – its

to subsidise social programmes


for the elderly. We in Africa can

President said, the mismatch

use this demographic dividend

between the skills people learn

of young people under 25 years.

if we develop education sys-

and the needs of the market

They constitute about a fifth of

tems that are capable, acces-

also contribute to youth unem-

all people under 25 years in the

sible and focused,” President


world. Furthermore, research

Ramaphosa added.

“Africa has a large proportion

Among other things, the

million labour force in Sub-Saha-

of most African countries are

The future of education in Africa

ran Africa is under 25 years. This

unable to absorb a significant

President Ramaphosa is also

is a great advantage for Africa,

proportion of these young peo-

concerned that with the advent

considering that most devel-

ple, mainly because the educa-

of the Fourth Industrial Revolu-

oped countries are ageing,” the

tion system is not aligned to the

tion (4IR), there is a danger that

President said.

needs of the economy, he said.

this mismatch will grow.

shows that 37 percent of the 600

It is anticipated that over

Unfortunately, the economies

“The unemployment rate

“Due to the skills deficit, our

the next few decades, young

among young people is around

countries are ill-prepared for

Africans will play a critical role in

twice that of older adults. Signifi-

technological change. We

the social and economic devel-

cantly, most unemployed young

therefore need to change the

opment of the continent.

people across Africa are those

direction of secondary school

who have completed secondary

education if we are to develop

Investing in youth

or tertiary education. Unemploy-

relevant skills for the new type of

Africa is currently the youngest

ment is lower among those who

economy. The 4IR is also dis-

continent in the world in terms

have little to no education,” said

rupting the labour market. The

of population age and par-

the President.

impetus for economic activity is

ticipants at the forum believe

He said this is because agricul-

shifting from very large enter-

that the continent’s efforts to

ture is the largest employer and

prises to smaller individual-led

educate its youth will have vast

for now, it is labour intensive and

companies,” he said.

implications for its economic

requires workers who in most

This means that an entrepre-

development, stability and pros-

cases are without education.

neur developing their product in


Hence, those who completed

a garage is now likely to create

secondary or tertiary education

more value chain jobs than a

“Countries need young people

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



big manufacturing company. President Ramaphosa said the manufacturing sector, while still a significant driver of growth, is

However, Basic Education Min-

young people have no access

ister Angie Motshekga said large

to any education at all,” said

disparities still remain.

Minister Motshekga.

“Children from the poorest

She said there is widespread

not generating as many jobs as

households are four times more

consensus that the first hurdle is

in previous decades.

likely to be out of school than

to offer free primary and sec-

those of the richest households.

ondary schooling.

“We see more jobless growth because of the use of technol-

Disparities between rural and

ogy to replace workers. These

urban areas also remain high.

changes have an impact on the

Nearly half of all children in

Investing in secondary schooling

nature of the skills required,” said

sub-Saharan Africa are living in

Fortunately, a few countries,

the President.

extreme poverty, according to

including South Africa, have

a joint Unicef-World Bank report

managed to remove tuition fees

tional cognitive skills in science,

released in 2015,” said Minister

in some primary and secondary

technology, engineering and


schools in recent years.

“Young people need founda-

mathematics – the so-called

She said around 89 million

The Minister encouraged gov-

STEM skills – to be absorbed

youth aged between 12 and 24

ernments to invest in second-

into the economy. As agreed in

years are out of school in sub-

ary schooling by training more

Agenda 2063, of those who en-

Saharan Africa alone.

teachers and designing agile

ter tertiary education institutions,

The Minister was also con-

70 percent ideally should gradu-

cerned by high rates of youth

ate in STEM subjects. Digital skills,

unemployment in South Africa.

“Our first priority is to improve

such as coding, are essential to

According to Statistics South

the foundational skills of literacy

integration in the world of work,”

Africa, 32.4 percent of 10.3 mil-

and numeracy. At the heart of

he added.

lion persons aged 15 to 24 years

this is to equip our teachers with

(approximately 3.3 million) were

the relevant high-order skills in

accompanied by soft skills

not in employment, education

the areas of literacy and nu-

such as emotional intelligence,

or training in the first quarter of

meracy pedagogy,” the Minister

interpersonal skills and excellent



He said such skills should be

communication skills.

Progress in SubSaharan Africa Sub-Saharan Africa has made the greatest progress in primary

curriculums that respond to the needs of the future.

Currently, just over nine million

This implies that close to one in three young South Africans

children in South Africa receive

between the ages of 15 and 24

free basic education, with par-

years were disengaged from the

ents not paying fees at about

labour market.

80 percent of government

“In essence, we have two inter-

schools. This pro-poor policy was

school enrolment among all

linked crises in basic education

developing regions, from 52

– one is that those at schools

percent in 1990 to 78 percent in

have poor educational out-

learners receive a nutritious


comes, and the critical mass of

meal every school day as


introduced in 2007. Equally, some nine million

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

part of government’s efforts to

school completion increased

six years provide every school

mitigate against poverty and

from about 85 percent in 2002

child in the country with digital


to about 95 percent in 2017.

workbooks and textbooks on a

As a result of this substantial

“We are paying attention to

tablet device.

investment, approximately 99

the secondary school comple-

percent of seven to 15 year

tion rate. It has marginally in-

digital divide by ensuring that

olds are attending educational

creased from about 40 percent

within six years, all schools and

institutions, up from about 96

to just over 50 percent in recent

education offices have access

percent in 2002.

years,” the Minister said.

to the internet and free data,”

“Amongst 16 to 18 year olds,

Minister Motshekga said the

“We aim to eliminate the

she said.

the participation rate is about

department has begun the pro-

86 percent, indicating that it

cess of transforming the school

an opportunity to reflect on,

is within this age range that

curriculum by introducing new

design and implement innova-

school dropout begins to occur

and exciting subjects such as

tive models required in second-

but numbers have been stabilis-

aviation studies, maritime, cod-

ary education in Africa to better

ing in recent years,” she said.

ing and robotics. 
She also said

equip teachers and prepare

government will over the next

students for the future of work.

The Minister said primary

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

All participants were afforded



Writer: Jauhara Khan

Manufacturing Indaba Eastern Cape 4–5 October 2019 The annual Manufacturing Indaba Eastern Cape roadshow brings together provincial manufacturers and businesses to find out more about growth opportunities, the latest manufacturing incentives and trends, and provides a platform for networking and collaboration. The Eastern Cape economy shows great potential for the growth of existing industries and the establishment and growth of export-oriented industries. The conference programme will include plenary and debate sessions to unpack and encourage active participation at the event. The exhibition provides an opportunity for manufacturers to showcase their expertise, network with industry peers and meet business suppliers. Topics that will be discussed at the event include the challenges and opportunities facing the South African manufacturing sector in the next five years; access to finance; and strategies for growth and competitive advantage. The indaba will take place at the Boardwalk Conference Centre, Hotel and Spa in Port Elizabeth from 4–5 October 2019. For more information, go to visit

Finance Indaba 16–17 October 2019

African Agri Investment Indaba 19–20 November 2019

Finance Indaba is the

(AAII) focuses on agri-food investment

biggest finance con-

in Africa. Over 700 key stakeholders

ference and expo in

including governments, banks, financi-

Africa. With more than

ers, investors, project owners, project

4 500 finance profes-

developers, commercial farmers and

sionals attending

the agro and food processing industry

annually, 75 exhibitors

will come together to discuss trends

and more than 120

that will influence food and agribusi-

expert sessions, it is

ness economics in Africa over the next

the leading annual expo and conference for South Africa’s


finance professionals. Experienced chief financial officers, finance profession-

The African Agri Investment Indaba

Organised by the African Agri Council in partnership with African governments

als and international speakers will share expert knowledge

and government agencies, delegates

with delegates. The event will also present opportunities for

at the AAII will include decision-makers

delegates to network with peers from different industries and

from across the agri value chain.

broaden their knowledge through 120 learning sessions. The Finance Indaba will take place at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg from 16–17 October 2019. For more information, go to


The event will take place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre in Cape Town from 19–20 November 2019. For more information, go to

Public Sector Manager • September 2019


Source: SAnews

rehabilitating offenders. The rules are a set of universally acknowledged minimum standards for the treatment of prisoners, to which member states of the United Nations committed themselves in December 2018. Following last year’s launch, government appointed a task team to align the rules with government policy and legislation. “We did an audit as a team from

Courts to get a facelift Public Works and Infrastructure

suitable to be used as courts.

the Criminal Justice System. The

“The justice system is highly

results are in this document, [with]

Minister Patricia de Lille says gov-

compromised by the poor

the implementation framework.

ernment has set aside more than

maintenance of buildings. Power

There were a few gaps that we

R260 million for the repairs and

outages affect court cases. It is

picked up that needed some

maintenance of court buildings

time that we buy and own these

closure. We discussed with the

across the country.

buildings,” the Chief Justice said.

team and we communicated

“The justice system must be able to operate effectively in decent courts,” she stressed. The total budget for repairs and

on how to improve,” said Vuyi

Inmate rights in the spotlight

Mlomo-Ndlovu, the acting Chief

The Department of Correctional

refurbishment for justice totals

Services (DCS) will begin training

R260 million, of which R229 million

staff on the effective treatment

has been allocated to repair and

of offenders incarcerated in its

refurbish 105 courts.

various facilities.

She said the Department of

This comes after the department

Justice has also allocated an

handed over the Nelson Mandela

additional R531 million for repairs

Rules training manual to regions

and refurbishments from its own

during a brief ceremony at the


Kgosi Mampuru II Correctional

The Chief Justice welcomed the commitment from Public Works

Centre in Tshwane. The rules are aimed at

and Infrastructure to look after

promoting humane conditions of

the buildings, saying the state

incarceration, raising awareness

of court buildings affected the

about inmates being part of

administration of justice. He said

society, and valuing the work

some of the buildings are not

done by correctional officials in


Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Deputy Commissioner for Remand Operations Management.

The Minister said the plant’s

possible by the government’s

location in Port Elizabeth

decision to designate power

emphasises the role that

cables as a product that all

the detention of inmates; health

manufacturing continues to play

government agencies must buy

services provision; disciplinary

in the country and the Eastern

locally. To date, there has been

measures and management of

Cape economy.

one company producing high-

The rules cover, among others,


High-voltage plant to grow E Cape's economy A R135 million high-voltage

The plant is located in a new

voltage cables locally and the

part of the factory complex.

opening of the new plant will

This expansion will provide an

introduce competition to the

opportunity to create additional

market. It provides the industrial


capacity as we ready for the

Prior to the launch, there had

African Continental Free Trade

power cable investment in Port

only been two high-voltage power

Elizabeth is set to help expand

plants on the continent, with one

the economy of the Eastern

located in Egypt and the other in

investment impacted positively

Cape, while also bumping up the


on the six key priorities that

number of the continent's highvoltage plants to three.

The investment will create 58

Area,” said the Minister. He noted that Aberdare’s

have been identified for the

jobs in addition to the 429 jobs

new department that is being

that it has created in its Port

created through the merger

Ebrahim Patel recently launched

Elizabeth operations to date, at

of the Departments of Trade

the Aberdare High Voltage Cables

both plant and commercial levels.

and Industry and Economic

Trade and Industry Minister


“The Investment was made

Public Sector Manager • September 2019




Source: South African Savings Institute

Ensuring holiday fun

doesn’t turn into a financial trap


he end of the year is just

“Last year the lending platform

our family into a financially stress-

around the corner, and with

Wonga asked 7 000 South Afri-

ful situation after the holidays.”

it South Africa’s gloriously

cans how they planned to spend

Here are some tips on how to

sunny end-of-year holiday season.

their hard-earned salaries over

ensure that our holidays don’t

Although Savings Month, which

the holidays. It was found that in

become a financial trap:

was in July, is now behind us,

total, respondents expected to

Cost out your holiday

there is no reason to forget about

spend almost R6 000 each on

How much will your holiday cost

your savings plan. In fact, with the

various holiday activities includ-

you? You need to draw up a

holiday season fast approaching,

ing food and drink, presents and

specific budget for the holiday,

your savings plan is even more

some travel. This is more than a

which includes everything from

important now. The South African

third of the average South Afri-

transport and accommodation

Savings Institute (SASI) has some

can’s ‘take home pay’ according

to petrol, meals out and fun ex-

helpful tips to get you holiday-

to Bankserv Africa’s latest index,”

tras, like water-worlds and holiday

ready so that all you have left

he said.

spending. Importantly, tailor your

over from your holiday are great

Mwandiambira said that these

memories, rather than a moun-

spending trends are extremely

tain of debt.


SASI CEO Gerald Mwandiam-

holiday to what you can afford. There are some affordable accommodation options instead of

“Although we all want and de-

expensive hotels which tend to

bira noted that South Africans

serve to have some holiday fun

hike their prices up over the holi-

have been splurging on the

after a busy year, we don’t want

day season. Airbnb stays and

holiday (and festive) season.

to end up putting ourselves and

self-catering options could be a much cheaper option. Remember that holiday expenses are over and above your monthly budget and you still have your monthly expenses to cover! Holiday at home If you’re only planning a December holiday now in September, you need to be honest with your-


Public Sector Manager • September 2019

self. If you don’t already have

trip. You can end up spending

ning at home meals and being

holiday savings set aside, will

way over your intended limit

rigorous about what is being

you be putting the entire family

on extras such as ice-creams,

bought and consumed.

holiday onto a credit card that

slipslops, funky roadside hats or

will need to be paid off over the


coming months?

You can save money by avoiding ‘impulse’ buys and

Decide on a cash amount

expensive ready-cooked meals.

(you should have budgeted a

The holiday season is just a few

year would be to stay at home

daily spend) and withdraw this

short months away, so give your-

and begin planning today for

money from the ATM. Leave

self encouragement when you

next year’s holiday. Plan day

your debit cards at your accom-

stick to the shopping plan.

The best plan of action for this

outings, or hikes and picnics for

Little presents

this holiday season. If you have

It’s the thought that counts. If

young children, take them to

it’s a ‘must’ to buy your family

open air play areas. Local can

and loved ones presents over

still be fun if it is planned and

the festive season, challenge

made to feel special.

yourself to buy things that have

Save now, play later

meaning because after all, it’s

The earlier you start saving,

the thought that counts. Set a

the better. Ideally you should

budget for how much you’re

have started saving a year

going to spend per person and

in advance. Open a savings

stick to it. Don’t wait for the last

account especially for your holi-

minute to start shopping for pre-

day and start putting money

modation on your days out and

sents, keep an eye out for sales

away each month.

take the cash in an envelope

from now.

This encourages you to be

or body-purse for safe keeping.

Mwandiambira said having a

realistic about what you really

This way you can only use the

financial holiday plan (which

can afford on a holiday and will

money that you’ve budgeted

should function alongside your

bring about a sense of achieve-


overall monthly budget) and

ment as you see your holiday

Make a shopping list

keeping to it, can give you a

savings grow. Don’t forget that

You want to save every bit of

huge sense of achievement.

it’s ‘debt first and holiday sec-

money in the lead up to your

“What this will mean is that

ond’! Clear your debt before

holiday. A good idea is to create

not only will you be financially

contemplating holiday savings.

a standard grocery shopping

secure after the holiday, with no

Cash is king on holiday

list and plan shopping days if

regret or holiday debt, but you’ll

you don’t do this already. This

realise that successful saving is

credit cards almost exclusively.

will ensure that you don’t over-

within your grasp. I think that this

On holiday this can be a dan-

spend on the daily or weekly

sense of accomplishment is very

ger if you’re going out on a day

groceries. It might entail plan-

powerful,” he added.

Some of us use debit and

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



Writer: Gilda Narsimdas

Local is lekker I

t’s Heritage Month and there is no better way to celebrate than by supporting proudly South African products. We’ve rounded up some of the best locally-produced goodies available in stores and online, from


beautiful homeware to edibles. Happy shopping!




1. Show off your love for your continent with this Africa cheese board by custom-made specialists Laid Back Company, available at, R739. 2. Introduce some heat into your culinary repertoire with the delicious Banhoek Chilli Oil range, which is produced in the Western Cape. Available at most retailers, delis nationwide, and online at, R119. 3. Celebrate the true South African culinary experience with Braai, Reuben on Fire, a book in which chef Rueben Riffel takes us on a personal journey of cooking on fire, R400. You can also opt for Mogau Seshoene’s The Lazy Makoti’s Guide to the Kitchen, which outlines simple ways to prepare delicious food, Woolworths, R340. 4. How beautiful is this hummingbird tablet and recipe book holder by Carrol Boyes? Carrol Boyes has long been a coveted, South African icon, available in stores, R1 099. 5. Bring the spa to your home with anything from the Africology range. We especially love its Natural Spring Water Mist,, R195. 6. Made of sustainable plywood, this rhino wine holder by Native Decor is one of its most-loved products and a gentle reminder of the rhino’s threatened existence,, R389. 7. Raise a glass to locally-produced gin, specifically the variety from Six Dogs Distillery, which is produced in the Karoo. Try the distinctly striking Six Dogs Blue Gin, which gets its colour from blue tea plants, various retailers, R569 for 750ml.





Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Design Jewellers Morningside, Sandton (011) 523 600 | Lynnwood, Pretoria (012) 368 1490 | |


Writer: Ashref Ismail

Hyundaiʼs compact SUV, t he Creta, is a popular c hoice among Sout h Africans.

What buyers

Depending on which article one reads, most choices are based on: value for money, perceived

want in a new car U

quality, style, performance, brand cache, space/comfort, safety features, security, resale value and after sales support. To be entirely objective, it would be

nless you’re a self-con-

to make your head spin. A car is

advisable to score each item out

fessed, dyed-in-the-wool

probably the second biggest pur-

of five and the vehicle with the

petrol-head, buying a new

chase a person will make in their

highest scores should make up

car can be quite an exasperating

lifetime, so serious thought needs

your shortlist.

experience. With the huge selec-

to be applied before signing on

tion available; conflicting advice

the dotted line.

from friends, colleagues and

So, in no order of importance, let us discuss each item in some

Research on buying considera-


family members; pressure from

tions tend to be inconclusive on

sales people and, of course, one’s

what needs South Africans priori-

even though a car is a necessity,

own needs and wants; it’s enough

tise when making a final choice.

for many drivers owning a car is


South Africans are car crazy and

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

also a status symbol. This makes

Given our poor economy, many

service and support. The worst

buyers very brand conscious, with

buyers are delaying making new

horror stories come from buyers

the right badge on a car mak-

purchases or buying down, which

who, after taking delivery of their

ing all the right statements. Often,

means value for money is now

car, experience difficulties and

brand loyalty comes at a price, so

more critical than ever. Bigger

battle to have them resolved.

you can afford it, go ahead and

discounts, more features, greater

Are there enough dealers across


service and maintenance plans,

the country? What is the avail-

roadside assistance, and innova-

ability of parts and the price of a

ceived quality is characterised

tive financial schemes are what

“basket of service parts”? What

by families who own single brand

buyers are looking for. Besides the

is the normal waiting period for

vehicles and it runs down and

actual purchase price, buyers

accident-damaged replacement

through the family. Think Toyota,

also need to be aware of the

parts? Go online to read owners’

which has an enviable reputation

operational costs of a vehicle in

experiences with various brands

for reliability and durability. This

respect of insurance, wear and

and then consider the after-care

“hereditary” loyalty is extremely

tear, depreciation and finally, re-

service and support you will get

robust and difficult to shake result-

sale values. Critical to the running

with the purchase you are con-

ing in repeat buyers. The advan-

costs of a vehicle is its fuel econo-


tage of making such a decision is

my, hence the buying down trend,

that everyone in the family

where buyers are buying smaller

record, safety should appear

is a brand ambassador, who is

engine vehicles without sacrific-

on the top of the list. Do your

fully familiar with the car and

ing any luxury features.

research and find out what star

Brand loyalty coupled to per-

can speak with authority on its positive qualities.

With our country’s high accident

Closely linked to the value for

rating was awarded to the car of

money aspect is the after-care

your choice. If you have little kids,

Sout h Africaʼs biggest selling vehicle, t he Toyota Hilux Legend 50, is also celebrating 50 years in production.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



The Polo is a favourite in Sout h Africa and has a model for ever y taste and budget.

does it have Isofix seat anchors and what other additional

making a purchase.

Ecosport or the top-dog Ford

When it comes to buying a car

Ranger Raptor.

active and passive drive-assist

to drive your family around in,

features does the car have? It’s

comfort and storage space are

really no bad new cars any

not only important to know how

some of the most important fac-

more. The bad chancers and

well a car can avoid a crash, but

tors to consider. You need a car

fly-by-night operators have all

especially for its occupants, how

with enough room for the whole

but disappeared. Even the dodgy

well it will survive a crash.

All said and done, there are

family as well as everyone’s gear.

Chinese brands have left and

Car theft and theft from cars

You also want to make sure that

the likes of Haval and GWM have

are on the increase. Many peo-

your daily rides - and any longer

now upped their game to com-

ple make vehicle buying choices

trips you take - are as comfort-

pete with the truly established

based on the popularity of a

able as possible.

marques. Now pay special at-

certain brand. It goes without

tention to after sales service and

Finally, let us not forget perfor-

cost of servicing and repairs.

saying that top selling models

mance. No matter how tough

are also on the most wanted list

the times, South Africans are

of the criminals, who will resort

spoilt for choice and have

research an compare before

to hijacking to separate you

enjoyed driving cars that boast

making and intelligent choice

from your car. Think very carefully

great performance, whether it

that covers your practical needs

about security features when

be a 1.0 litre, three-cylinder Ford

and emotional wants.


So, do your homework, consult,

Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Two million children go to bed hungry...

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Writer: Duane Stacey


– the thrill of the space


pace. Great, big expanses

Creighton, a little dot on the Kwa-

of it, as far as the eye can

Zulu-Natal map, is one such mid-

I wander up and down the

see. I didn’t know how

dle-of-nowhere place, with plenty

platform, taking pictures of the

much my soul thirsted for it. But

of space. My journey begins here,

gleaming red carriages and

the southern Drakensberg and

on the sun-drenched platform of

the engine – GMAM no. 4707, or

surrounds will show you that, if you

a middle-of-nowhere train station,

‘Lindie’ as she is nicknamed by

allow it to, and so much more.

where an excited crowd has

her driver. Suddenly she belches

Space is a funny thing – swathes

as the day warms up.

gathered. Having been warned

a cloud of inky smoke, surging to

of land on which we might, in

that winter – and even spring – in

life. I clamber aboard and begin

modernity, make the mistake of

the high-lying parts of KwaZulu-

exploring the coaches – the

saying there is ‘nothing’. You know,

Natal where we’re headed, can

dining coach, with its carpeted

those places in the middle of

be worlds apart from the balmy,

floors and wooden beams across


tropical temperatures of Durban,

the ceilings, and the lounge

With a population of just 899,

I’m wrapped up in all my layers,

coach, furnished with plush

according to the 2011 Census,

which are disappearing rapidly

armchairs and sofas upholstered


Public Sector Manager • September 2019

Unspoilt beauty The landscape offers a raw, unspoilt beauty, soothing away my stresses as the train gently plunges forward along the tracks. It’s a landscape dotted with colourful huts here, and cows there, grazing placidly along the tracks. The main attraction, though, is the aloes. In June and July every year, they burst into fiery bloom, in stripes and florals. I’m headed

exposed to the fresh air and the

adorning the hillsides with a

for the very front, where a door-

expansive scenery that we’re now

crown of striking colour. During

way opens out onto a platform,

travelling through.

these months, the steam train op-

Public Sector Manager • September 2019



several hills that allow flying into various wind directions erates on weekends, repeating

endeavour. You can remind your

and spectacular views. Simply

this three-hour journey between

mind repeatedly of the science,

standing atop the mountain is

Creighton and Riverside for

but when you’re being tugged

breathtaking enough, with vistas

the thousands of visitors who

up off the ground, higher and

that stretch as far as the eye

descend upon the little town for

higher, and drifting along, in a

can see.

this annual spectacle.

heavy basket full of people, with

With the wind against my skin

As wonderful as camping can

a few ropes tethering you to a

be, adrenaline-fueled days call

and soot in my face, hair, all over

ball of hot air, your imagina-

for a cushy and comfortable

my clothes, even, yes, landing

tion can do some drifting itself.

night’s sleep and that’s just what

in my drink, I am awed by the

But I soon relax and take in the

you can expect at the Premier

novelty of travelling by steam,

moment, the feeling of absolute

Resort Sani Pass.

delighted by every sound, sight

freedom, the farmlands, forests

and sensation.

and distant horizons.

With its Ezemvelo Nature Reserve surrounds, the Resort is all mountain views, leisurely activi-

But this is not the only angle from which to enjoy these views.

A taste for adventure

ties and spacious

On the weekend of the annual

If that’s not adventurous enough


Creighton Aloe Festival, Hot Air

for your taste, it’s not even 50km

Ballooning SA comes to town,

to Bulwer where you’ll find Wild

and outdoor swimming, spa

and you can embark on an

Sky Paragliding at the foot of

days, tennis or volleyball – the

airborne voyage in one of their

Bulwer mountain. If you’ve ever

choice is yours. Surrounded

magnificent, multi-coloured bal-

had the urge to trot off a high

by mountains, this southern

loons and see it all from above.

cliff and fly with the birds, this is

Drakensberg resort is the home-

This is the stuff of bucket-lists,

the place to try paragliding.

base for 4x4 excursions up the

The Bulwer or Amahwaqa

famous Sani Pass, which climbs

and butterflies in tummies. If you’re afraid of heights, and I

mountain is an excellent flying

have a healthy respect for them,

site. It has friendly grassy slopes

this does feel like a very brave

for beginners, reliable breezes,


Hiking and biking trails, indoor

precariously into Lesotho.

*Additional reporting by Nicci Collier.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019


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Writer: Nicholas Francis

Th e finer print S


pring is here in all its beauty and

colour. This season we are all about bold animal print and florals. Here


are some must-haves to update your wardrobe with the latest trends.






1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Witchery animal print dress, R1 299. Truworths black floral flare dress, R899. Kelso animal print high neck top, R160. Sissy Boy Rutti midi skirt, R799. MRP chunky Sneaker, R249.99. MRP animal pattern tote bag, R169.99.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019






1. Woolworths banana print cotton-rich socks, R59.95. 2. Jack & Jones spring woven belt R249. 3. Port multi-print short sleeve shirt, R420. 4. Limits Unknown navy tribal pants, R460. 5. MRP printed chino shorts, R120.

Public Sector Manager • September 2019


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