10 minute read
A Leading Light in Education
Professor Thoko Mayekiso, VC, University of Mpumalanga
By Fiona Wakelin
Professor Thoko Mayekiso started her academic career as a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the then University of Transkei (now Walter Sisulu University). She rose through the ranks as an Associate Professor, Professor, Head of Department of Psychology and Vice Dean at the same University and then proceeded to the University of the Witwatersrand where she occupied the positions of Head of School, Chair of Psychology, Deputy Dean and Acting Executive Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.
At the Nelson Mandela University Professor Mayekiso was Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts and later, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Engagement. In November 2014, she assumed the position of Vice-Chancellor at the University of Mpumalanga. Together with training received in Clinical Psychology and exposure to empowerment programmes such as the HERS-SA Academy, and the Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM), the above four institutions have contributed in different ways to her leadership development - as has been the exposure to studying and working in Germany, where she obtained her PhD in Psychology (cum laude) at the Free University Berlin and working in the United Kingdom as a Clinical Psychologist.
“My field of study is Psychology and I am a registered Clinical Psychologist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. My research interests are in Child and Adolescent Psychology and in particular adolescent adjustment disorders including HIV and AIDs. In recent years, I have started conducting research on leadership and in particular women leadership in higher education”. The expression “rising through the ranks’’ appositely describes her academic and professional trajectories, and prepared her for the role of Vice-Chancellor.
“When I was 13 years old, my father made the following observation, ‘You are a girl of determination’. His words became indelibly etched in my heart and mind. I keep reminding myself in my leadership journey, that I am a woman of determination. This helps me navigate any leadership challenges that I am confronted with. I believe that determination is the driving force towards excellence and, in order to work consistently and tirelessly at something, one needs perseverance.
The experience, for example, of having to study Psychology in Germany, in German, and doing very well, having learnt the language in only six months, made me realise my excellent abilities as a person. These experiences increased my self-belief and self-esteem and I believe enabled me to unleash my potential and become the best I can be, thereby attain the highest position in University management and leadership. This contributed to the development of mental toughness and a ‘’never say die ‘’ attitude which came in handy to navigate difficult situations in the workplace,” - Prof Mayekiso.
The University
The University of Mpumalanga (UMP) enrolled the first cohort of students in 2014 and since then has experienced a rapid increase in enrolments: 169 students started in three programmes in 2014. Nine years later, in 2023, the University enrolled 8348 students in 65 programmes with 80% of the students coming from the Province of Mpumalanga. UMP is a 21st century institution and as a result there is an understanding and appreciation of the potential impact of technology on university operations.
From the outset, UMP acquired state of the art ICT infrastructure to enable access to the latest technology. Before COVID-19, the University used online teaching and learning as a form of blended learning. The University had acquired the Moodle Learning Platform for this purpose. “Our journey has been guided initially by Vision 2022 and recently by Vision 2030, which position UMP as ‘An African University leading in creating opportunities for sustainable development through innovation’. Therefore, the developments over the past nine years have been directed towards advancing this vision.

Curriculum Alignment With The National Economy
The curriculum offered at the University is aligned to the national economy. The Programme Qualification Mix takes into consideration the needs of the province and the country as a whole. Agriculture, Hospitality, Tourism, Nature Conservation and Environmental Sciences are among the courses and qualifications offered by UMP, and are in high demand in the province.
The programme offering is also informed by the national list of scarce and critical skills and the University offers a number of qualifications in ICT starting from Higher Certificate to Postgraduate Diplomas well as Doctoral programmes in Agriculture, Natural Sciences and Development Studies - which addresses the need to increase the production of Doctoral graduates and the number of academic staff members with Doctoral degrees as per the National Development Plan.
From the very beginning as Vice Chancellor at the University, Professor Mayekiso prioritised the establishment of international partnerships to facilitate both staff and students exchange which have provided staff and students with study abroad opportunities.
“We have created an environment conducive to teaching, learning, and research. The campus infrastructure provides a multifaceted environment which inspires both social and intellectual exchange in an atmosphere that is unconventional, original, and creative.”
What has been some of her highlights?
“I am privileged to be the first Vice-Chancellor of the University of Mpumalanga that will be recorded in the history of the institution as the Founding Vice-Chancellor. There will always be one Founding Vice-Chancellor and that is a humbling experience to be part of the pioneering journey, “luhambo lwemhlahlandlela”. The privilege of starting a new University has been a source of positive energy and motivation for me. I am grateful to the University Council for the confidence they bestowed upon me for this critical role.
“Starting a new University can be described as an exciting challenge. In my inauguration address in 2015, I made the following statement which continues to guide our development as the University, “Pioneers have to build a firm foundation, mindful that what they are creating should be durable, marketable, sustainable and enduring. Generations yet unborn, must find a thriving University, one they will be proud to join, because we who pioneered it, laid a firm foundation, and got into this immense project with body, mind and soul”.
UMP will be celebrating its 10th year anniversary on 03 November, since its establishment in August 2013. The University was officially launched on 31 October 2013. One of the highlights was the appointment of Deputy Chief Justice Mandisa Maya as the Chancellor of the University of Mpumalanga in 2021.“The new programmes, for example in hospitality, tourism, agriculture as well as nature conservation, spoke to the needs germane to the region. Investment in training competent Foundation Phase Educators and giving the isiNdebele and siSwati languages a prominent profile are some of the unique contributions UMP is making in the region.
The deliberate pursuit of being an African university saw us seeking collaboration with other institutions of higher learning on the continent. The country has benefitted from having a gateway to Mozambique and Eswatini in an academic sense. The reciprocity –continentally speaking, is standing us in good stead - and expanding the footprint of higher education, where it previously had no presence. Some of our students have qualified and have jobs because of UMP.
Some students have been accorded a second chance due to the reasonable fees UMP charges the students. Access for success is huge in our realm and our pass rate is 85%. The University is creating employment opportunities in the Province and is contributing to the economy of Mbombela, in particular.

“We have NRF-rated researchers who serve as mentors and coaches to emerging academics. We pull a golden thread between teaching and learning, research and engagement, and provide development opportunities in all the three core missions of the institution.
“The state-of-the art facilities provide a conducive environment for teaching, learning, and research. We have enabling policies and make funding available so that our staff can pursue higher degrees and attend conferences nationally and internationally. We provide a collegial context and have earmarked dates on the University calendar where we have awards ceremonies – recognising excellence among staff and students but also empowering others to follow in the illustrious example set by others.”
Leadership Style
Prof Mayekiso believes in situational leadership which means the leadership style she adopts is informed by each situation: “I lead from the front, from the middle and from behind as each situation presents itself. At the same time, I draw on the insights on human behaviour gained from my discipline, Psychology, to inform my leadership style.
I also believe in leading by example. The same demands that I make on myself – discipline, dedication, meeting deadlines and ensuring that we always work at peak performance, are demanding that I make on my colleagues as well. I practice principled leadership which is leadership that is informed by one’s values and ethics. A principle is a general belief that one has about the way one should behave. It is a set of rules of personal conduct. The principles that have informed my leadership journey are the following: The principle of listening; the principle of engagement; the principle of communicating effectively; the principle of promotion of teamwork; the principle of appreciating connectedness; the principle of trustworthiness; the principle of self-acceptance; the principle of caring deeply for all staff; leading with integrity and practising fairness.”
We asked Prof Mayekiso what excites her about what she does:
“When I reflect on my experiences over the past nine years, I am amazed at the people I have met, the places I visited and the opportunities afforded to me. I have known and worked with gifted and talented people and have been able to share in their achievements and celebrate them.
“The greatest privilege comes from working with students, being able to help them succeed, to share in their successes and to work to ensure that they have a learning experience that sustains them for the rest of their lives. It is a privilege to be in a position to influence future generations. It is important to realise that it is not about you as a person, but about the contribution you are making to the lives of others. Mentoring and coaching younger generations of students and emerging academics is something I find extremely rewarding. To closely watch a student grow from a timid individual, to a confident and self-assured person in a short two year period has made me value the career that I have entered.
“There are so many exciting opportunities on the horizon. Holistic development of students, research excellence, academics who relentlessly pursue knowledge, and getting indigenous knowledge systems to have equally weighty equity like Western epistemologies while solving uniquely African challenges keep one motivated. The journey is long, and creating opportunities is an endless exercise – setting a firm foundation on which future generations can build should be taken with both hands.”
A message to you, our readers:
“The challenges of life never stop. Humans draw inspiration from other humans, especially those who excel and distinguish themselves from others. Those of us who are privileged to lead should realise that when we excel and go the extra mile in what we do, we will inspire others.”