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25 Years on the Front Line of Local Democracy
25 Years on the Front Line of Local Democracy
November 22, 2021 marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and the national voice of South Africa’s 257 municipalities is as relevant today as when it was founded.
Since inception, SALGA has been playing an increasingly important role in the provision of leadership for the local government sector and its range of policy, legal and technical advisory and capacity building services to its member municipalities has benefitted communities and residents across the length and breadth of the nation.
Officially founded in November 1996, the organization was formed against the backdrop of the Organised Local Government Act, a product of the White Paper on Local Government - and in January 1997, the Minister of Constitutional Development recognised SALGA as the national organisation representing local government.
Twenty-five years later, SALGA’s impact in local government continues to be felt in six broad focus areas: lobby, advocate and represent, employer body, capacity building, support and advice, strategic profiling and knowledge and information sharing.

Financial stewardship excellence
SALGA is immensely proud to be recognized for financial management excellence by South Africa’s supreme audit institution, the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA).
The financial year 2019-20 saw the organization sustain a clean audit outcome for a consecutive eight-year period.
SALGA’s high level of commitment to financial stewardship of public resources and its adherence to best practice in its corporate and financial governance is the result of the integrity, commitment, and experience of its financial management staff and all SALGA employees.
SALGA’s clean bill of health from the AG also sets an inspiring example for municipalities to follow and the organisation will continue to provide its members with platforms for the exchange of experiences and best practices in local government financial management.

Equal Opportunity Employment
SALGA is intentional about bringing equality, diversity and inclusion to the workplace. Among SALGA’s strengths is its workforce and an organisational culture that is built on a diverse range of beliefs and values that foster a sense of belonging for its employees.
As of 2020, SALGA has a staff complement of 390. Broken down by gender, 250 (64.1%) are female and 215 (55.1%) are black African.
SALGA also believes that young people will ultimately shape the future of the nation. The average age profile of SALGA employees is 38 years, with the majority between 30-39 years.
This indicates that SALGA is not only committed to hiring a diverse workforce but also enabling them to reach their full potential.

SALGA is proud of its 25-year history and the organisation is looking forward to what it can accomplish in the years to come.
25 Years of Local Government