08 Environment Month
Each year, National Environment Month is celebrated in June, with the South African government and industry leaders raising awareness about significant environmental issues, and challenging all citizens to become active agents for change. In addition, World Environment Day — the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) biggest annual event — is celebrated on 5 June, and is geared towards facilitating positive environmental action. Important areas of concern are: the depletion of the ozone layer, toxic chemicals, desertification and global warming. The theme for World Environment Day 2021 is ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ and will see the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Ecosystem restoration can take many forms: Growing trees, greening cities, rewilding gardens, changing diets or cleaning up rivers and coasts.
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World Oceans Day
World Oceans Day is geared towards raising awareness about the role of our oceans and the importance of conserving and protecting our marine environment. The 8th of June is celebrated internationally as World Oceans Day. While the day has been unofficially celebrated since the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, in December 2008, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to officially recognise World Oceans Day annually. Our oceans are necessary for ensuring food security and the overall survival of all life on Earth. On this day we also celebrate the power the oceans have over our climate and biosphere. World Oceans Day encourages global consciousness surrounding the current challenges faced by the international community in connection with the oceans.
14 World Blood Donor Day
Countries across the globe celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) annually. This event aims to educate the public about the need for safe blood and blood products, and to thank voluntary blood donors for their life-saving contributions to public health systems. Blood donations are key to ensuring that healthcare systems garner a sufficient supply of blood for injured and near-death patients. For 2021, the World Blood Donor Day slogan is ‘Give blood and keep the world beating’. This message highlights the essential contribution blood donors make to keeping the world pulsating by saving lives and improving others’ health. It reinforces the global call for more people all over the world to donate blood regularly and contribute to better health.