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Jamsco Automotive Assemblies (PTY) LTD
Jamsco Automotive Assemblies (PTY) LTD

Jamsco was established in 2012 as an initiative by the Gauteng Growth and Development Agency to incorporate Black Entrepreneurs in the High Barrier to enter the automotive exclusive arena.
Jamsco’s first four years in production, from 2012 to 2016, were filled with practical application and preparation.Jamsco achieved zeroPPM while supplying a dash panel, steel stamped bracket both locally and in Argentina.
The opportunity for a black women-owned business to be part of a localisation vehicle manufacturing initiative came about as a result of an engineering change.
This remains one of Jamsco’s greatest achievements, as the quality requirements remain unattainable to emerging South African automotive entrants.
The following five years, between 2016 and 2021, was a dynamic journey filled with exponential growth, automotive industry knowledge, training, failures and many successful case studies.
Most noticeable, is the wave of unspoken power and support Jamsco experienced from the men who embraced transformation, protecting the customer and doing what is right, while providing quality assemblies safely.
Our customers’ integrity and support directly (and indirectly) contributes to our continued success and tenacity to allow for female footprints to be recognised in the unchartered waters of the Male-dominated automotive industry.
• 2021 Africa’s Business Heroes - pilot networking
• 2020 Graca Machel initiative WCW (Woman Creating Wealth)
• 2019 Nominated Africa’s Most Influential Women in Business and Government (Automotive)
• 2017/8 Nedbank / 702 finalist
• 2017 Gender Mainstreaming 3rd finalist Economic empowerment
• 2017 GMA 3rd finalist empowerment of women in the community
• 2016 Tier 1 supplier to an OEM
• 2012-2015 Tier 2 and 3 supplierto an OEM
Remaining sustainable in the automotive industry, and keeping up with technology and industry requirements, is a continuous challenge as diversification supports us in remaining relevant.
Our next step is to manufacture, train and supply automotive components using 3D printing. Additive manufacturing technology has already received funding and endorsement by some OriginalEquipment Manufacturers because of the benefits and future benefits.
Jamsco is committed to job creation with an emphasis on women and being strategically placed to be included in SouthAfrica’s 2035 Masterplan. •
Address: 16 Arkin Street, Germiston Director: Hayley Eagle Cell number: 0810116208 Email Address: hayleyeagle@ jamscoauto.co.za Website: jamscoauto.co.za

Jamsco was established in 2012 as an initiative by the Gauteng Growthand Development Agency toincorporate Black Entrepreneursin the High Barrier to enter theautomotive exclusive arena.