World Suicide Prevention Day:
Fighting the mental health impacts of the pandemic
he global pandemic has had far-reaching effects on how we live and do business, but one of its less recognised impacts has been on mental health. Isolation, the shift to online work, job losses, economic downturn and increased insecurity and uncertainty, have all taken their toll on South Africans, leaving many struggling to cope with feelings of depression and anxiety. And while the country battles both a healthcare and economic crisis, a mental health crisis could also be unfolding in the country. Covid-19 and its effect on mental health Growing levels of depression among South Africans has been a cause for concern for some
time. Friday 10 September is World Suicide Prevention Day and an opportunity to educate the South African public about the chronic under-reporting yet widespread occurrence of these deaths.
There are around 23 suicides every day in South Africa. But for each of those cases, there are at least 20 attempted suicides. According to statistics from the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), there are around 23 suicides every day in South Africa. But for each of those cases, there are at least 20 attempted suicides. While men are more likely to die by
40 | Public Sector Leaders | September 2021
suicide than women, very few age groups or socio-economic classes are left untouched by mental illness: around one in three South Africans will have a mental illness at some point in their lives. Before the pandemic, SADAG received around 600 calls to its helpline daily. This has more than doubled to about 1400. SADAG’s helplines receive calls from people across the country - from all races, gender, age, socio-economic backgrounds – which again shows that mental illness does not discriminate. Many callers are stressed about a combination of issues, including the spread of Covid-19, finances, relationship problems, job security, grief, gender-based violence and trauma, says