6 minute read
Promoting The Empowerment of People and Business in SA
Interview with Deirdre Mitchell, Managing Director at Honeycomb BEE Ratings
Honeycomb BEE Ratings is an independent, nationally based SANAS Accredited verification agency that conducts professional and impartial verifications of all enterprises, across all sectors, countrywide. The agency believes in the universal values of honesty, integrity, non-discrimination and reliability for each and every decision taken by Honeycomb relative to every BEE verification process and retain authority over all such decisions.
With a commitment to fostering longterm relationships with all stakeholders, the agency aims to become and remain the leading B-BBEE ratings agency in South Africa.
What Does Winning Your Sector in The Top 500 Best Managed Companies In South Africa Mean to Honeycomb BEE Ratings?
Honeycomb prides itself on building relationships with its clients but if we cannot get this right within our organisation, it won’t flow to our clients. It is an ethos we have built and being Best Managed means our clients and staff agree with us in this regard. We stand by our clients and staff and together we make Honeycomb BEE Ratings who it is today.
Your Sector Is So Important To The Development Within South Africa. Can You Tell Us About Some of Your Clients?
We pride ourselves on verifying about 70% of the Top companies in South Africa. We have also become very prominent in the Mining Sector with companies like Anglo Platinum, De Beers, Northam Platinum, Harmony Gold and ASSMANG to name a few. The growth in the Mining Sector has resulted in these companies working towards transformation within their respective companies.
A huge part of the transformation is Skills Development which is playing a massive part in transforming and developing our country. It is the best part of what we do, to see this growth year on year, the development and investment back into the communities is uplifting and rewarding.
You Have An Incredibly Successful Pro Cycling Team That Has Taken South Africa By Storm! You Have Won Races From Road, Gravel and Mountain Bike Like Cape Town Cycle Tour and SANI2C- How Did It Start and Tell Us About The Team?

To run a successful team, there are many facets that need to work together, needed to create an environment where an individual can feel confident to achieve at their ultimate best.
Our cycling team is made up of top riders and management, but more importantly of people who respect each other, their fellow riders and accordingly achieve. Honeycomb is proud of our Pro Cycling team not just because of the phenomenal results, but because of what they symbolise, there is strength in unity.
Staff and Teamwork Mean So Much to You. What Advice Can You Give Companies Out There On How To Retain Staff?
Honeycomb’s ethos is built on teamwork. We trust each other within the company and know that we are only as strong as our weakest link. This ethos led to the formation of a Pro Cycling team, who would not achieve results were it not for the support of the team behind each and every winner. I have built Honeycomb on this principle. This proves that no-one is on their own, they have the support of the team, together we know more than one person alone and therefore together we can handle audits and challenges efficiently and effectively. When we started with Honeycomb, my biggest experience was that as a mother.
I then treated my small team the same as I would my children. I care, listen and show an interest. I reprimand them when they are in the wrong, compliment when they achieve and more importantly reassure them all the way. This has led to a team of staff who are family, who work together like “well oiled machines” but more importantly who care about each other and the welfare of the business. This means they need to care about their clients as this creates sustainability.
“Business Woman” Is Such a Powerful Term. Can You Give Us Something You Learnt that Kept You Motivated to This Point, and What Still Keeps You Motivated?
My biggest lesson is that I never know enough. I need to keep learning and when I think I know it all, (I'm talking about B-BBEE) I stop and remind myself I need to keep reading and learning. I need to keep moving and evolving, both personally and in the business. The last 2 years everyone stood still waiting for something to happen or for us to go back to where we were. The reality is that we are now in the “new norm”.
Honeycomb pioneered the electronic verification process and we run one of the most efficient processes, as we kept moving, we did not stop and wait. I took the time to qualify our whole team of analysts by putting them through the B-BBEE MDP at Wits last year. Each and everyone passed with exceptional results and we are now the only agency in South Africa presenting a FULL team of analysts with MDP’s. Our process is effective and simple

We have just recently purchased another agency in Cape Town and will proudly have a strong presence in Cape Town with Honeycomb BEE Ratings cape Town. We now have a nationwide footprint and this is with offices housing qualified analysts, not an analyst working from home within a designated area.
BEE Ratings
On-Site Document Verification
A Broad-Based rating is an in-depth process and an On-site Verification of the evidence submitted for each one of the elements is required. The end result of this process is a Rating certificate issued by Honeycomb that may then be used by the measured entity when tendering for government business or for other procurement purposes.
Pre-Rating Assessment
A pre-rating assessment is conducted on all of the evidence collated by the client, and is verified by Honeycomb through an on-site visit. The result of this exercise is a B-BBEE scorecard, indicating the points received for each element as well as the B-BBEE contribution status. This exercise is useful for companies to determine their readiness for an on-site B-BBEE verification.
Collation of Documents and Information
The collation of evidence that supports your B-BBEE score is essential, since the rating process is based on the evidence submitted. Our collation service team will assist in collating the proper evidence that is required for your B-BBEE rating. Please note, Honeycomb is unable to consult and perform the Verification.