individuals. Bathu hopes to achieve this target by continuing to use an end to end value chain approach encompassing a business model that maintains its own vertical through
direct production, sales, distribution and logistics.
Bathu’s latest venture is truly pioneering. The brand has officially
During COVID-19, Bathu was highly committed to the
branched out, opening a one of
safety of customers and took extra measures geared
kind Sneaker Customisation Lab at
towards maintaining an exceptional customer experience.
their Pretoria store, on 5 December
In all our stores, we implemented sneeze screens and
2020. With 16 stores nationwide, the
stickers that assists with maintaining social distancing.
brand has become synonymous with everything cool and innovative,
so it’s no surprise that they’ll now
As it stands, Bathu shoes currently sells four distinct shoe
be dominating the South African
lines, namely the Mesh Edition, the Journey Edition
sneaker space, with their new exciting
(available in leather and suede), the Moja Edition,
project. The brand has introduced its
and the Moja X Edition. Shoes range from minimalist to
customisation offering to their already
vibrant, neon colour palettes.
electrifying cache, and not only will the fans be able to purchase their favourite
shoes, but they’ll also get to infuse
We worked on the proof of concept, research &
their own unique style and design
development, quality control and assurance of our
preferences into their sneakers.
business / products for 18 months prior launching. We have invested resources and time into the quality of our
One of the most attractive features of
product, and into brand positioning elements. Our sneakers
this project, is that Bathu enthusiasts
are of high quality and our price is benchmarked with
will no longer have to wait in anticipation
international footwear brands retailing on this continent.
for a store opening in order to access this particular offering. Instead, sneaker
heads now get the opportunity to do
On the back of announcing their release of brand new
it on a daily basis. At no additional
product ranges, Moja and Moja X, Bathu hosted an
cost till the end of 2020; with no fixed
exciting summer event at Altitude Beach, Fourways,
stencils or design patterns, customers
Sandton, in November this year. The star-studded occasion
will have the agency to pick and
was quickly dubbed as a ‘game changer’ campaign.
choose anything they want. All that
At the event, guests were introduced to ‘Expression is
is required is for fans to pop into the
Limitless’, a summer promo by the brand that took us
Pretoria store, purchase a pair of
beyond the standard Bathu setting. Shot in a summery
shoes, and consult with one of the
atmosphere, the campaign was endorsed by brand
in-house designers to customise their
ambassadors, Khanyi Mbau and award-winning house
shoe - to their hearts’ content. This
music duo Black Motion. The event also included a viewing
sneaker customisation lab is one of
of the ‘Expression is Limitless’ video advertisement, which
the first of its kind in South Africa,
featured brand ambassadors, new shoe ranges and
giving customers a key role in the
fantastic summer imagery. The Moja and Moja X range is
creative process, which is quite
available at all 16 Bathu stores nationwide and online.
the personal touch for any brand.
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