8 minute read
Zizi Institute is a specialist financial education company. We deliver Consumer Financial Education on behalf of financial services companies. We consider ourselves as a bridge between organisations that fund skills development and the beneficiaries. We offer these services across South Africa.

Transformation in the sector largely depends on the services that are provided by state agencies. Many times these end up being ineffective.
“This has opened a lot of room for corrupt activities to take place. Regulation has also been used as a barrier to entry”, says Gcume.
“ It is very costly to run a business in this sector due to all the unnecessary red tape. Regulations are not made to accommodate smaller businesses to gradually grow while being active in the market. This limits the amount of black-owned businesses that can thrive in the skills development space, all to the benefit of larger organisations.”
Zizi Institute is committed to keeping their personnel engaged, allowing them to use their creativity in managing the programmes on offer.
“Our programmes are delivered as projects and therefore always present challenges that need creative solutions. We allow our team to be fully responsible and accountable for their tasks”, Gcume explains.
“This allows them to celebrate their successes and learn from the challenges they encounter. We always try to create a conducive environment for personal growth, and this has yielded positive results for us.”
The Institute veers away from hiring staff based on high levels of experience. Emphasis is put on maintaining alignment to the company’s value system.
“We help them develop the necessary skills on the job. This is not always easy, but it has allowed us to develop a team that works well together and that maintains the values of the organisation”, says Gcume.
Zizi Institute believes in fostering a “transformed team”. Five of the six full-time staff members are females who assume senior roles in the organisation. “Our focus at this point is allowing them to develop the requisite skills in their respective roles to fully take accountability for their roles as the company continues to grow”, Gcume explains.
“Everyone we encounter through our many programmes must leave in a better position than when they came to us. This includes our staff.”
When it comes to the new generation of black leaders, the Institute understands that we are living in a time when most people are forced to juggle many personal challenges along with the roles they play in the workplace.
“It takes a compassionate leader to understand and accommodate these ones, ensuring that the work environment is a conducive place for productivity”, says Gcume.
“They also need emotional intelligence to receive and accept negative feedback from those they lead. As they apply such, they will not only benefit their followers but also, they will grow in their leadership capabilities. They need to set clear objectives for the team to rally behind and guide them in achieving them, while allowing for individuals to innovate.”
These qualities, mentioned above, are embedded in Zizi Institute’s value system and all team members have an opportunity to become leaders as such. As they excel in applying these values in their roles, they are easily identified and developed as potential leaders.
Given the red tape that exists in our industry, Sazi Gcume strongly believes that it would have been impossible for the Institute to be where it is today without B-BBEE, as it has allowed for Zizi Institute to be considered for contracts that at the time of application may have seemed above its scope.
“We used such opportunities to showcase our capabilities and build from there. We managed to compete businesses and succeed, something that may have been impossible without B-BBEE. The very core of what we do is based on the B-BBEE codes. This ensures constant opportunities for the industry”, explains Gcume.
“Understanding of the industry you operate in can never be overstated. When you do, you can always identify a niche that is best suited for your business goals and aspirations. This also allows you to understand how to position yourself for such opportunities”, he continues.
“The second is improving the ease of doing business with you. Work on meeting all the necessary compliance requirements for your type of business. Use any failures and success to improve your business model so that you do not stumble over the same milestone again.”
Prior to starting his own business, Gcume worked as a programme director of an organisation that encouraged university students to assist communities through businesses that were based on economic, environmental and social responsibility. “These three ensure that there is sustainability within the organisation. This experience helped me build a business that centred around sustainability. In whatever shape or form, we prioritise sustainability in everything we do”, he expresses.
The road at Zizi Institute has not been one clear of obstacles. Ageism, race and gender issues have posed many challenges for the Institute’s transformation agenda.
“I have seen how much harder I need to work just to be afforded the basic attention that somebody who is older or of a different colour than me gets”, Gcume admits.
“I have seen how my female colleagues struggle with being afforded the respect they deserve based on their gender. However, rather than expecting the world to be fair, we have rather focused on empowering ourselves to deal with such challenges. We have relatively succeeded in some instances”, he continues.
It is also a no brainer that if resources are in the hands of a few there will be constant problems. The sustainability of any society is highly dependent on its ability to care for its survival needs.
“If the majority of South Africans is dependent on grants, the imbalance will result in many of the unrests as seen in KZN and Gauteng during the month of July. It is a survival imperative, and not a luxury we can’t afford”, says Gcume.
Sazi Gcume finds inspiration in daily interactions with people. “I always try to learn from their unique stories. I focus on the positives I can emulate while appreciating that we all have our limitations”, he enthuses.
“This has helped me in keeping the right perspective of any individual so that their shortcomings do not take away from the good that they do.”
Gcume believes that we always learn and become wiser in hindsight. However, he appreciates that every experience shapes the choices he makes in life and the person that he becomes. “I value and cherish all such experiences as they have made me who I am. However, if anything, I would say PATIENCE. Appreciating that doing the right things takes time. Do not feel discouraged by the perceived delays due to challenges you face. Just never get tired of doing the right thing. Even when scorned by others.”
In the future, Zizi Institute will keep a growth focus on reach as it is important that the organisation reach more people through its projects, and thereby contribute positively to transformation efforts.
`’We are currently developing a technical college division to develop artisan skills within previously disadvantaged communities”, says Gcume. “ This is with a view to professionalise the building industry and assisting previously disadvantaged South Africans to improve their employability or to start entrepreneurial ventures.” The main target over the next 10 years is to incorporate technology more in every aspect of our business. Despite best efforts, South Africa has not fully adopted technology in the education and skills space, especially when targeting rural communities. This is mainly due to not having appropriate infrastructure in such communities.
“It is our hope that with the need raised by the COViD19 pandemic restrictions, more investment will be made in such infrastructure thereby allowing us to introduce the necessary technologies in line with global standards’ ‘, Gcume concludes.

Name: Sazi Gcume
Occupation and position: Financial Education Special and Founder
First job: Financial Education Specialist
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