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Leaders in specialist inspections
STANLEY Inspection provides turnkey inspection and testing services nationally and internationally while enhancing productivity, improving project quality, and guaranteeing peace of mind.

Please give a brief summary of the company, its current products and/or services, and which markets it caters to. At our core, STANLEY Inspection South Africa exists because we provide solutions to what our industry needs. We strive to be the most innovative, creative and transformed company is South Africa. We specialise in Non-Destructive Testing and Heat Treatment services. We pride ourselves in cutting-edge technologies, exceptional customer service and worldwide expertise.
STANLEY Inspection South Africa provides turnkey solutions and testing services to our customers while enhancing productivity, improving project quality, and guaranteeing peace of mind.
STANLEY Inspection keeps quality high when time is of the essence.
Ambitions and motivations are complex; what has driven you in the past, and what drives you now that you have achieved success? Since childhood I enjoyed success, no matter how difficult it was to achieve.
This ambition developed and motivated me to start helping other people achieving great things as well.
Running a company in the present environment can be quite challenging yet you have met high criteria entry level for the Top Performing Companies publication. Tell us why you think you have achieved such positive results? Our success is in our results. We are only as good as our clients believe we are. If your clients are confident in your ability, you will be given the opportunity to succeed.
Define your management strategy and how it has assisted in achieving your goals. Appreciative. I believe in continually showing appreciation to my team. After all, they are at the forefront of the business and if they don’t feel recognised and appreciated, customers will notice it immediately.
Achieving your level of success has traditionally been considered a stressful journey – is that the case, and how do you manage it? We need to continuously strive to find a solution for our clients. If we don’t, our clients will surely look for someone who can. The key is in the perseverance, regardless of the trials and stress along the way.
What are your strategies to sustain your business during these trying times? Every business has trying times but only the successful ones endure. If you are working towards a goal and have the right culture, you and your employees can overcome any obstacles.

The overall global information and communication technologies (ICT) sector is set to reach approximately USD23.4-billion ( ± R338-billion) by 2021, resulting in a 2.9% compound average growth rate over the next three years.
Mark Walker, Associate Vice-President at the International Data Corporation (IDC) for sub-Saharan Africa, says: “If you consider the GDP growth rate for 2018, South Africa is looking at a growth rate of between 0.7% and 1.5%. So, many organisations are pricing this weak economy into their discussions, as it means that hardware and imported equipment will be more expensive. There are also murmurs around adding VAT to petrol and potential increases in taxes, so the technology sector could very well be an easy target from a tax point of view.”
South Africa has ranked 46th out of 79 countries in terms of progress and performance made in broadband, data centres and cloud services in 2018. Walker says South Africa compares favourably with developed economies, but is slower than some emerging countries like Uganda, Tanzania, Egypt and Ethiopia. “Compared with high-growth economies globally, South Africa would need to significantly increase investment in both technology itself and, importantly, training and skills, to utilise the technology investment to maximum effect.”
• Over 1 billion smartphone users will create content with AR by 2030
• 300 million monthly creators by 2030
• $1-billion direct revenue by 2020 (10 times more than in 2018)
• Penetration of smartphones (adults in developedcountries): 2018: 85% | 2023: 90%
• 1.5 billion units produced per year,up 19% compared to 2018
• Two-thirds of 18–24-year-olds feelthey use their phones too much
• More than 3% are truly addicted to their smartphones
• 580 million subscriptions and about 350 million subscribers.This should be a 20% increase year-on-year.
375m Video on demand
150m Music
35m Games
20m News
• 20% of adults in developed markets will have 10 subscriptions by 2020(compared to 5 subscriptions in 2018)